Practice Questions – Chapter 4 Ecosystems Components, Energy Flow and Matter

1. Define “ecology”. List and describe the FIVE levels of organization. 2. List THREE examples of (a) biotic and (b) abiotic components of an ecosystem. 3. Identify TWO PHYSICAL and TWO CHEMICAL factors that generally markedly influence ecosystem health and function. 4. Distinguish between lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and ecosphere. Briefly describe how the sun, gravity and nutrient cycles sustain life on earth. Compare the flow of energy and the flow of matter through the biosphere. 5. Describe the unique characteristics of an “ecotone”. Provide TWO examples. 6. Describe the “Law of Tolerance”. 7. What does the “Limiting Factor Principle” state. How do they differ between a terrestrial and an aquatic system?. 8. Define the following types of “biodiversity”; (a) genetic (b) species and (c) ecological. 9. What are TWO (a) instrumental and TWO (b) intrinsic values of biodiversity. 10. What is the fundamental difference between “food chains” and “food webs”? What is specifically indicated by the arrows? 11. Approximately, what percent of the kilocalories found in the “preceding or lower” trophic level actually become incorporated into the tissues of organisms in the trophic level directly above it? 12. If there are 1,000,000 in the producer level of an energy pyramid. Draw an energy pyramid, showing how many kilocalories will be incorporated into the bodies of the (a) primary consumers (b) secondary consumers (c) tertiary consumers. 13. Define Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) Vs Net Primary Productivity (NPP). Why is GPP always more than the NPP in a given ecosystem? Which of the two represents the number of kilocalories that are available for use by consumers? 14. Identify the FOUR top biomes / aquatic life zones on the estimated annual average NPP per unit area. Discuss TWO significant reasons why each of them is so productive? 15. What is meant by “ecological or ecosystem services”. List SEVEN examples.

Vocabulary Words

Climate Range of Tolerance Law of Tolerance Optimum Range Dissolved Oxygen Levels Producers Consumers Scavengers Detrivores Decomposers Biomass Global Warming Practice Questions – Chapter 5 Evolution and Biodiversity

1. What is an “ecological niche”? Contrast “niche” with “habitat”. 2. Contrast “realized niche “ with “fundamental niche”. Which one is essentially larger. 3. What are THREE major limitations to adaptation. 4. Contrast “background extinctions” with “mass extinctions. 5. How do “speciation” and “extinction” influence Biodiversity.

Vocabulary Words

Domesticated species Generalist species Specialist species Genome Mass Depletion Mass extinction Mutagen