A blizard is different from a snowstorm because blizzards have really strong wins that blow at over 35 miles per our. Blizzards don’t always produce a lot of snow, but blowing snow make it very hard to see. Blizzards can last for three hour or more. Severe blizzards have three qualities: winds over 45 Miles per hour pour visibility, and tempatures that are 10 degree or below.


On a stormy journey in the North Pacific ocean, thousands of rubber ducks and other bathtub toys were lost when a container was sweeped off a ship. Free to rid the ocean waves since January 1992, many of those ducks have found their way to Alaskas shores others still remain at see. Scientists continue too search for lost ducks as a weigh to study ocean currents. Lucky finder's of one of the ducks may claim a $100 reward!


In January 1929, Dorothy Eustis established The Seeing Eye, the first American training school for dogs' and there blind owner's. An experienced breeder, Eustis had already trained german shepherds to serve army and police units across Europe. Soon Dorothy started a school in Germany that trained dogs to assist blind veterans she new they could be used to aid others too. The schools first canine helper was appropriately name buddy!


Is NASCAR the fastest sport in the world. Some people have a diffrent idea they say the fastest sport is jai alai. Pronounced HI-lie, the game was first played in parts of spain and France. Jai alai players use a basketlike racket to fling a ball off three walls of a jai alai court. When its in play, the jai alai ball sometimes flys thru the air at 150 mile per hour. Jai alai was first play in the United States in the early 1900's.
