Vice-Chairman Perea Led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance
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Board of Supervisors Agenda
ChairmanVice ChairmanBob WaterstonHenry PereaPhil LarsonSusan B. AndersonJudy Case5th District3rd District1st District2nd District4th DistrictBart BohnDennis A. MarshallBernice E. SeidelCounty Admin. OfficerCounty CounselClerk Room 301, Hall of Records 2281 Tulare Street Fresno, California 93721-2198 Telephone: (559) 488-3529 Toll Free: 1-800-742-1011
DECEMBER 18, 2007
9:00 AM
1. Morning Consent Agenda - Item Numbers 25 – 71
Morning - These matters are routine in nature and are usually approved by a single vote. Prior to action by the Board, the public will be given the opportunity to remove any item from the Consent Calendar - Items removed from the Consent Calendar may be heard immediately following approval of Consent Calendar or set aside until the department can be notified and its representative is in the board room APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEM NOS. 43 AND 65; ITEM NO. 38 WAS DELETED FROM THE AGENDA
Motion by: Larson Second by: Anderson Ayes: Larson, Anderson, Case, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0
Chairman Waterston 2. Present update of the 2007 Strategic Initiatives and provide staff direction RECEIVED
ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES - December 18, 2007
Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Disabled Employer Internet Page 2
Supervisor Anderson 3. Adopt Resolution recognizing and expressing appreciation to the Fresno Arts Council, the artists at the Spectrum Gallery and Fresno City College for artwork at the Heritage Centre APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED
RESO 07-653
Motion by: Anderson Second by: Larson Ayes: Anderson, Larson, Case, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0
Supervisor Case 4. Presentation by Dr. Frank Gornick, Chancellor for West Hills Community College of the West Hills 75th Anniversary Yearbook and thank the Board for continued support of the college RECEIVED
Supervisor Perea 5. Proclaim December 26 to January 1, 2008, as Hmong International New Year Celebration Week in the Fresno County APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED
RESO 07-654
Motion by: Anderson Second by: Larson Ayes: Anderson, Larson, Case, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0 6. Discuss and approve new direction for budget process for FY 2008-09 by establishing an Executive Budget Committee comprised of incoming Chairman, Vice-Chairman, CAO and Budget Director; and charge Executive Budget Committee with reviewing departmental budgets and presenting Board with a recommended budget APPROVED NEW DIRECTION FOR BUDGET PROCESS FOR FY 2008-09 BY ESTABLISHING AN EXECUTIVE BUDGET COMMITTEE COMPRISED OF INCOMING CHAIRMAN, VICE-CHAIRMAN, COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, BUDGET DIRECTOR, AUDITOR-CONTROLLER/TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR AND DEPARTMENT HEAD COUNCIL PRESIDENT JOHN NAVARRETTE; EXECUTIVE BUDGET COMMITTEE WILL REVIEW DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS AND PRESENT AN UPDATE TO THE BOARD ON A WEEKLY BASIS
Motion by: Perea Second by: Case Ayes: Perea, Case, Anderson, Larson, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0
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County Clerk/Registrar of Voters 7. Receive and provide direction regarding analysis of eligible County Manager/Unrepresented Overtime/Exempt employees to serve as precinct officers in countywide elections and identify funding source for $76,050 to County Clerk Org. 28500100 in lieu of implementing Mandatory Manager/Unrepresented Overtime/Exempt Employees Precinct Officer program RECEIVED ANALYSIS OF ELIGIBLE COUNTY MANAGER/UNREPRESENTED OVERTIME/EXEMPT EMPLOYEES TO SERVE AS PRECINCT OFFICERS IN COUNTYWIDE ELECTIONS AND DIRECTED STAFF TO USE THE SAVINGS GENERATED FROM THE HEALTH INSURANCE SAVINGS RATES TO FUND THE $76,050
Motion by: Waterston Second by: Larson Ayes: Waterston, Larson, Anderson, Noes: None Case, Perea Abstentions: None Absentees: 0
County Counsel 8. Conduct the first hearing to consider amending the County of Fresno Master Schedule of Fees, Charges and Recovered Costs Ordinance by amending section 600 - County Counsel, subsection 601 - Legal Services; waive reading of ordinance in its entirety; and set second hearing for January 8, 2008 APPROVED RECOMMENDED
Motion by: Waterston Second by: Larson Ayes: Waterston, Larson, Anderson, Noes: None Case, Perea Abstentions: None Absentees: 0
Administrative Office 9. Receive report and provide direction to staff on the following seven workforce management options and approve recommended option #7: 1) Focus on budget preparation for FY 2008-09; 2) Impose hiring controls - Freeze hiring across all departments and programs; 3) Impose hiring controls - Selectively control hiring based on exemptions; 4) Eliminate positions - Based on 50 percent of current vacancies; 5) Eliminate positions - Based on 33 percent of current vacancies; 6) Eliminate positions - For a reduction of 300 positions, and 7) Eliminate Positions - For a reduction of 200 positions RECEIVED REPORT; APPROVED RECOMMENDED ACTION NO. 7 OF AGENDA ITEM (ELIMINATE POSITIONS - FOR A REDUCTION OF 200 POSITIONS); DIRECTED STAFF TO RETURN TO THE BOARD IN JANUARY WITH A RECOMMENDATION OF WHICH 200 POSITIONS WILL BE ELIMINATED IN THE COUNTY
Motion by: Case Second by: Larson Ayes: Case, Larson, Perea, Waterston Noes: Anderson Abstentions: None Absentees: 0
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10. Receive report/provide direction on adoption of the following financial direction recommendations: 1) Limit appropriations to projected revenues;2) Use fund balance for department incentives; 3) Implement 15 year plan to increase General Reserve to 3 percent of General Fund (GF); 4) Seek full recovery of fees for service; 5) Seek grants that provide full recovery of administrative costs; 6) Define debt limit as percentage of GF; 7) Add new positions only during budget adoption process; 8) Forecast revenues and expenditures one year beyond budget year; 9) Limit salary/benefit increases to funding levels adopted in budget; 10) Constrain salary growth until employer contributions to retirement stabilizes at or below $100M per year THE BOARD, BY CONSENSUS, DIRECTED STAFF TO RETURN THE AGENDA ITEM TO THE BOARD IN JANUARY FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION
11. Approve conversion of the Facility Services Org. 0135 and Security Org. 01300700 from General Fund to Internal Service Fund organizations effective July 1, 2008 APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED
Motion by: Anderson Second by: Case Ayes: Anderson, Case, Larson, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0 12. Receive verbal presentation from State lobbyists, Shaw/Yoder, Inc. Corbett and Associates and Peterson Consulting, Inc.; adopt recommended changes to the Fresno County FY 2007-08 State Legislative Platform and the FY 2007-08 Federal Legislative Platform; direct staff to pursue action items; and direct the County Administrative Officer to support or oppose legislation in accordance with the platforms
13. Board of Supervisors' Committee Reports - Receive and provide direction (this item reserved for committee reports by members of the Board of Supervisors) HELD
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14. Board Appointments - (List attached in packet and available at Clerk to Board's Office) ADULT DETENTION FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTED MORGAN R. TWEEDY TO REPLACE AMY BACHARACH (TERM ENDING 01/05/09)
Motion by: Anderson Second by: Larson Ayes: Anderson, Larson, Case, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0 15. Accept Petition for Waiver of Absences for Dr. Marcia Sablan to allow her to retain her position on the First Five Fresno County Commission APPROVED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THERE WILL NOT BE A SECOND PETITION FOR WAIVER OF ABSENCES GRANTED
Motion by: Larson Second by: Perea Ayes: Larson, Perea, Anderson, Case Noes: Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0 16. Closed Session a. Conference with Labor Negotiator (GC 54957.6): Agency Negotiator: Ralph Jimenez; Employee Organization: All Bargaining Units and Management and Unrepresented Employees - Hours, Wages and Terms and Conditions of Employment HELD; NO REPORTABLE ACTION b. Significant Exposure to Litigation, Government Code Section 54956.9(b), Rojas v. County of Fresno THE BOARD UNANIMOUSLY, WITH DISTRICT FOUR ABSENT, APPROVED SETTLEMENT OF PERSONAL INJURIES IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,000 c. Pending Litigation, Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Workers' Compensation Board Case No. FRE 0232280 Cullen v. County of Fresno THE BOARD UNANIMOUSLY AGREED TO SETTLEMENT d. Public Employee Performance Evaluation, Government Code section 54957 - Title: County Administrative Officer HELD; NO REPORTABLE ACTION
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2:00 P.M. 17. Afternoon Consent Agenda - Item Numbers 72 – 83 - These matters are routine in nature and are usually approved by a single vote. Prior to action by the Board, the public will be given the opportunity to remove any item from the Consent Calendar - Items removed from the Consent Calendar may be heard immediately following approval of Consent Calendar or set aside until the department can be notified and its representative is in the board room
Motion by: Anderson Second by: Larson Ayes: Anderson, Larson, Case, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0
Administrative Office 18. Conduct public hearing to consider vacation of public right-of-way of Lone Oak Bridge and portion of Lone Oak Road; make findings that street, highway or public service easements are unnecessary for present or prospective public use pursuant to Chapter 3 of Part 3 of Division 9 of Streets and Highways Code; and adopt Resolution of Vacation CONDUCTED PUBLIC HEARING; NO PUBLIC TESTIMONY; CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING; UPON MAKING FINDINGS PER RECOMMENDED ACTION 2 OF AGENDA ITEM, THE BOARD ADOPTED RESOLUTION OF VACATION V07-04
RESO 07-657
Motion by: Larson Second by: Anderson Ayes: Larson, Anderson, Case, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0 19. Conduct public protest hearing to consider levying assessment for Maintenance of E. Cortland Avenue benefiting six parcels within Tract Map No. 5334 and the formation of Zone "CV" of County Service Area No. 35 CONDUCTED PROTEST HEARING; NO PUBLIC TESTIMONY; CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING; TABULATED BALLOTS; CONFIRMED THAT THERE WAS NO MAJORITY PROTEST; APPROVED RECOMMENDED ACTION ITEM NO. 1B AND 2 OF AGENDA ITEM
RESO 07-658
Motion by: Larson Second by: Waterston Ayes: Larson, Waterston, Anderson, Noes: None Case, Perea Abstentions: None Absentees: 0
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20. Approve five-year Underground Utility District Program, including "back-up" projects funded by resources provided by privately owned electrical utility firms operating under California Public Utilities Commission Rule 20.A and from other utility firms operating under California Public Utilities Commission Rules 32 and 40 APPROVED UPON THE ADDITION OF TWO PROJECTS REQUESTED BY CITY OF FRESNO AND CITY OF KERMAN
Motion by: Larson Second by: Case Ayes: Larson, Case, Anderson, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0 21. Adopt resolution authorizing partial cancellation of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract No. 2717, based on five findings required by Land Conservation Act of 1965; and authorize Chairman to sign Certificate of Tentative Cancellation and approve recordation of Certificate of Cancellation at such time as all conditions included in Certificate of Tentative Cancellation have been satisfied APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED
RESO 07-659
Motion by: Anderson Second by: Larson Ayes: Anderson, Larson, Case, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0 22. Adopt resolution authorizing simultaneous rescission of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract No. 7983 and entry into new Agricultural Land Conservation Contract No. 8236 pursuant to Government Code Section 51257 of Land Conservation Act of 1965; and authorize recording of Agricultural Land Conservation Contract No. 8236 following signature by Chairman APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED
RESO 07-660
Motion by: Larson Second by: Anderson Ayes: Larson, Anderson, Case, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0 23. Review and accept annual report of Transportation Mitigation Fee Activity for FY 2006-2007 and make required findings ACCEPTED
Motion by: Waterston Second by: Anderson Ayes: Waterston, Anderson, Case, Noes: None Larson, Perea Abstentions: None Absentees: 0
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24. Public Presentations (This portion of the meeting reserved for persons desiring to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda - Pursuant to Administrative Policy No. 29, presentations are limited to 5 minutes per person and no more than 15 minutes per topic) HELD; RECEIVED AND REFERRED TO STAFF FOR REVIEW AND RESPONSE
ADDENDUM Supervisor Case Receive status of Facade and Commercial Enhancement Program
Motion by: Case Second by: Anderson Ayes: Case, Anderson, Larson, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0
NEXT MEETINGS: January 8, 2008 - 9:00 AM - Election of Officers January 15, 2008 - 9:00 AM
Morning Consent Agenda
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MORNING CONSENT AGENDA – Item Numbers 25 – 71 (Any Board Member may pull any consent item for discussions on separate vote)
Motion by: Larson Second by: Anderson Ayes: Larson, Anderson, Case, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0
Supervisor Case 25. Adjournment in memory of Mr. Pete Gomez a long-time resident of Malaga. Mr. Gomez was very active in the community and was one of the founding directors of the Malaga Water District Board were he served as a member for over 29 years. During the 1970's Mr. Gomez served on the Selective Service Draft Board appointed by Governor Ronald Reagan. A member of many civic organizations Mr. Gomez will be remembered for his devotion to his family, friends and his community 26. Adjournment in memory of Mr. George Hagopian. Mr. Hagopian a long time resident of Reedley attended local schools and worked in the family business, keeping the Santa Fe Market open 48 years. A member of many civic organizations Mr. Hagopian will be remembered as a kind man with a great love and devotion to his family, his church and his community.
Assessor-Recorder 27. Adopt Resolution authorizing the Assessor-Recorder to assess a statutory fee of $1 for recording the first page of every instrument, paper, or notice permitted by law to be used solely for the implementation and ongoing operation of a Social Security Truncation Program RESO 07-641
28. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute a cooperative Agreement with the County of Merced for coordination of Assessor services due to the January 1, 2008, county boundary line change AGT 07-517
Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector 29. Approve reimbursement of cash shortage in the amount of $155 which occurred at the Environmental Protection Division of the Department of Agriculture 30. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute Agreement with Fresno County Office of Education for a program of non-paid, on-the-job training AGT 07-518
31. Delegate investment authority to the Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector for the 2008 calendar year; and accept and approve the County of Fresno Treasury Investment Pool Investment Policy
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32. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute boundary change agreement for auditor-controller and treasurer-tax collector services with the County of Merced Auditor-Controller and the County of Merced Treasurer-Tax Collector AGT 07-519
District Attorney 33. Receive and file annual report of the Real Estate Fraud Prosecution program pursuant to California Government Code section 27388
Sheriff 34. Adopt Resolution accepting and expressing gratitude for the donation of a K-9 from a private citizen of Merced County to the County of Fresno Sheriff's Department APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED
RESO 07-642 35. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute agreement for Sheriff services with the County of Merced for a minor county boundary line change between Fresno and Merced Counties effective upon execution through January 31, 2008 AGT 07-520
36. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute agreement with the City of San Joaquin to permit inmate crews to perform basic maintenance and repair on the city facilities and grounds AGT 07-521
Administrative Office 37. Approve Salary Range Adjustment for unrepresented employees of 3.5 percent; Adjust ranges of unrepresented confidential classifications consistent with the equivalent represented classifications; direct the County Administrative Officer to invoke Salary Resolution Section 415.3.7 for Senior Management Compensation Plan Salary Adjustments; and related Salary Resolution Amendments effective December 17, 2007 SAL RESO 07-033
38. Amend the Board of Supervisors 2008 meeting schedule to move the February 5, 2008, meeting to February 12, 2008, and a meeting on November 18, 2008, and move the December 2, 2008, Board meeting to December 9, 2008
39. Adopt Resolution increasing the appropriations and estimated revenues of the FY 2007-08 Fleet Services Equipment Org. 8911 in the amount of $948,616 to complete the construction of the County microwave system (4/5 vote) RESO 07-643
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40. Approve and authorize Chairman to accept FY 2007-08 Planning Grant California Department of Social Services for Kinship Support Services Program; adopt Resolution increasing FY 2007-08 appropriations and estimated revenues for Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Org. 56417645, in the amount of $25,000 to develop a Kinship Supportive Services Plan (4/5 vote); authorize DCFS Director to issue $30 stipends for focus group process and presentations ($4,500); and authorize Director of DCFS to issue $30 stipends for Independent Living Youth to participate in County Kinship Supportive Services Program Planning Committee RESO 07-644
41. Approve retroactively the submission of Application to California Department of Public Health for the Local Public Health and Built Environment Project ($4,999) 42. Approve and authorize the Chief Information Officer to continue leasing information technology equipment under the existing Term Lease Master Agreement with IBM Credit Corporation through June 30, 2008 43. Approve submission of the Center for Agriculture and Food Safety as a 2009 Fresno County federal appropriation earmark request in place of a public trail project APPROVED SUBMISSION OF THE CENTER FOR AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SAFETY AS A 2009 FRESNO COUNTY FEDERAL APPROPRIATION EARMARK REQUEST AND CONFIRMED THAT THE TRAIL PROJECT REMAINS ON THE LIST
Motion by: Anderson Second by: Larson Ayes: Anderson, Larson, Case, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0 44. Adopt Resolution revising the fee schedule of charges for structural pest control businesses based on recent legislative registration requirement and cost recovery allowance RESO 07-645
45. Adopt Resolution accepting and expressing gratitude for a donation for deposit to the Children's Direct Donation Trust Fund made by Focus Forward to be used to fund incentives for dependent youth participating in the Juvenile Drug Court ($2,508) RESO 07-646
46. Adopt Resolution accepting and expressing gratitude for a donation of laboratory supplies to the Department of Community Health from the Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District ($10,200) RESO 07-647
47. Receive report from Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association regarding the Economic Impacts on California and Counties of the State Association of County Retirement Systems Members' Benefit Payments
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48. Appoint land owner district candidates who ran unopposed in lieu of holding an election
Agreements - Approve and Authorize Chairman to Execute 49. Amendment for Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Survey and Treatment Program Agreement with California Department of Food and Agriculture ($261,440); and adopt resolution increasing FY 2007-08 appropriations and estimated revenue for Department of Agriculture, Org. 4010, in the amount of $210,130 (4/5 vote) AGT 07-522, RESO 07-648
50. Retroactive agreement with California Department of Food and Agriculture for the Insect Detection and Scientific Evaluation Trapping Program ($259,495) AGT 07-523
51. Cooperative Agreement with the County of Merced to coordinate the transition of mental health and alcohol and drug treatment services to residents impacted by the boundary line change ($0) AGT 07-524
52. Cooperative Agreement with Merced County Human Services Agency to coordinate the transfer of public assistance and child welfare services ($0) AGT 07-525
53. Agreement with Merced County for maintenance of certain roads AGT 07-526
54. Retroactive renewal Agreements with City of Coalinga ($195,000) and City of Sanger ($90,000) for paramedic ambulance services; and adopt resolution increasing the adopted FY 2007-08 Department of Community Health, Org. 56208550 appropriations and estimated revenue in the amount of $22,023 for the purchase of Datatech911 Software Solutions, Inc., First Responder Notification System (4/5 vote) AGT 07-527, AGT 07-528, RESO 07-649
55. "AGREEMENT TO DEFEND PUBLIC OFFICERS OR EMPLOYEES" for Thomas K. Cozby, Process Server, Fresno County Sheriff's Department, Norma J. Valverde, Office Assistant III, Sheriff's Department, and Richard Pierce, Retired Sheriff, as named in Fresno County Claim No. 7776 filed by Claimant Sonny Ray Hardaway AGT 07-529 THROUGH AGT 07-531
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56. "AGREEMENT TO DEFEND PUBLIC OFFICERS OR EMPLOYEES" for Stewart Asselin, Deputy Sheriff IV, George Bertsch, Sheriff's Sergeant, Richard Gallegos, Sheriff's Sergeant, Richard Ko, Sheriff’s Lieutenant, Kevin Wiens, Deputy Sheriff IV, and Richard Pierce, Retired Sheriff, as named in Fresno County Claim No. 8132 filed by Claimant Martin Coldwell AGT 07-532 THROUGH AGT 07-537
57. Agreement with the Fresno Unified School District to assist in defraying the costs of eight Deputy Probation Officers providing services on various high school campuses ($150,000) AGT 07-538
58. Agreement with Fresno County Superintendent of Schools and California State University, Fresno, for 15 years with annual renewals for five years, to broadcast programming over the Comcast Cable network AGT 07-539, AGT 07-540
59. Agreement with American Building Maintenance for janitorial services at the Crocker Building with up to two annual renewals ($47,856) AGT 07-541
60. Agreement with SimplexGrinnell to provide electronic security maintenance and repair services for the Probation Department with two one-year automatic renewals for a total of five years ($342,000) AGT 07-542
61. Cooperative Agreement with County of Merced to coordinate the transfer of public health services for residents affected by the boundary change AGT 07-543
62. Retroactive revenue Agreement with Kaiser Permanente Northern California Region for the Healthy Eating Active Living Local Partnership Program ($75,000) AGT 07-544
63. Retroactive revenue agreement with California Integrated Waste Management Board for FY 2007-08 Local Enforcement Agency Grant Funding ($28,502); approve and authorize Clerk to execute Budget Transfer No. 16 for Department of Community Health for the purchase of a vehicle ($20,000); and adopt resolution increasing Fleet Services FY 2007-08 Internal Service Fund Org. 8911 appropriations and estimated revenue ($20,000) (4/5 vote) AGT 07-545, RESO 07-650
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64. Certificate for FY 2007-08 Description of Proposed Expenditures of California Healthcare for Indigents Program Funds for submission to California Department of Public Health; and adopt Resolution increasing California Healthcare for Indigents FY 2007-08 Org. 52420200 appropriations and estimated revenue in the amount of $23,242 (4/5 vote) RESO 07-651
Motion by: Anderson Second by: Larson Ayes: Anderson, Larson, Case, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0 66. Retroactive Agreement Funding Application; and accept funds from the State for FY 2007-08 to administer adult Adolescent Family Life Program ($1,133,499) AGT 07-546
67. Agreement with Central Valley YMCA to maintain, operate and staff a licensed Child Care Center ($412,500) AGT 07-547
68. Amendments to Agreements with City of Fresno ($154,551) and with KWPH Enterprises, dba, American Ambulance, ($137,500) for dispatching of Fresno City Fire Department by the Fresno County Emergency Medical Services Communications Center AGT 07-548, AGT 07-549
69. Amendment to Agreement with Turning Point of Central California, Inc., to provide outreach services to homeless severely mentally ill adults ($245,750) AGT 07-550
70. Retroactive amendments to agreements with Westcare California, Inc., ($463,223), Turning Point of Central California, Inc., ($39,432), Aegis Medical Systems, Inc., ($28,824), and Bay Area Addiction Research & Treatment, Inc. ($41,530) AGT 07-551 THROUGH AGT 07-554
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71. Lease with Kletter Family Trust for office space located at 1209 E Street, Fresno, including tenant improvements, to be used by the Department of Employment & Temporary Assistance ($1,994,589); approve and authorize Clerk to execute Budget Transfer No. 17 for FY 2007-08 Department of Employment & Temporary Assistance, Orgs. 56108550 and 56107001 to upgrade the County telephone system to accommodate new location ($99,050); and adopt Resolution increasing FY 2007-08 appropriations and estimated revenues for the Information Technology Services Department, Org. 8931 in the amount of $99,050 (4/5 vote) AGT 07-555, RESO 07-652
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Afternoon Consent Agenda AFTERNOON CONSENT AGENDA – Item Numbers 72 – 83 (Any Board Member may pull any consent item for discussions on separate vote)
Motion by: Anderson Second by: Larson Ayes: Anderson, Larson, Case, Perea, Noes: None Waterston Abstentions: None Absentees: 0
Administrative Office 72. Adopt proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for Initial Study Application No. 5240 for Kings River Bridge Project on Goodfellow Avenue in unincorporated area of Fresno County; and authorize Department of Public Works and Planning to proceed with final design and right-of-way acquisition for Kings River Bridge Project on Goodfellow Avenue 73. Adopt proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for Initial Study Application No. 4980 for Outside Main Canal Bridge Replacement Project on Bass Avenue in unincorporated area of Fresno County; and authorize Department of Public Works and Planning to proceed with final design and right- of-way acquisition for Outside Main Canal Bridge Replacement Project on Bass Avenue 74. Accept report from Assessment Engineer supporting preliminary assessment for preliminary improvements prerequisite for domestic water supply system benefiting approximately 432 parcels in proposed Assessment District No. 283; and adopt resolution to approve Assessment Engineer's Report, set time and place for public meeting, and set time and place for public protest hearing regarding Preliminary Assessment RESO 07-655
75. Accept Director's Deed from State of California Department of Transportation for parcel near Weldon Avenue, adjacent to Freeway 168, for use as pedestrian walkway between Weldon and Cambridge Avenues 76. Approve amended bylaws for Citizens Advisory Council serving Community Service Area No. 35, Zone B 77. Adopt a budget resolution increasing FY 2007-08 appropriations by $9,000 in American Avenue Disposal Site Enterprise Fund 0700, Subclass 15000, Organization 9026, Account 8300, and Program 90272 from Disposal Site Reserves (4/5 vote) RESO 07-656
Sitting as Board of Directors of Waterworks District No. 40 78. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute agreement with Fronk Mountain Drilling Co. in amount of $13,982.50 for drilling test well AGT 07-556
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Agreements - Approve and Authorize Chairman to Execute 79. Agreement with Huntington Construction to provide Snow Removal Services for Bretz Road, from Highway 168 to Black Oak Lane, County Service Area No. 35, Zone O and County Service Area, Zone AG at maximum limit of $91,667 in first year, and if automatically renewed for second and third year, maximum limit will be $183,334 and $275,000 respectively AGT 07-557
80. Agreements with Kleinfelder, LSA Associates, Inc., URS Corporation Americas, Wildlife Control Technology, Inc., and Willdan to assist County in complying with State and Federal environmental laws, regulations and guidelines at a maximum amount of $249,000 each, including $9,000 as extra services AGT 07-558 THROUGH AGT 07-562
81. Consultant Agreements with Darden Architects, Inc., Jay Farbstein and Associates, Triad Architecture & Planning Associates, Omni-Means, Enovity, Inc., O'Connor Construction Management, Inc., Electrical Power Systems, Inc., EYP Mission Critical Facilities, Inc., Gurcinas & Associates, Inc., Hazard Management Services, Inc., Harold & Davis Architecture, Parrish Hansen, Inc., and Wood - Wiley & Jebian, to assist Department of Public Works and Planning in developing various Capital and Road Improvement Projects (maximum amount of $450,000) AGT 07-563 THROUGH AGT 07-576
82. Agreements with following Acquisition and Relocation Services Consultants to assist Department of Public Works and Planning in developing various Capital and Road Improvement Projects: Overland, Pacific & Cutler, Inc., Sacramento; paragon Partners, Ltd., Huntington Beach; and Universal Field Services, Inc., Sacramento (maximum amount of $450,000) AGT 07-577 THROUGH AGT 07-579
83. Agreement with Tranquillity Irrigation District for Tranquillity Water Distribution System Valve Replacement Community Development Block Grant Project ($10,000) for Interstate-5 Business Development Corridor AGT 07-580
ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES - December 18, 2007