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1500 10 Jun 06
From: Lance Corporal Jonathan C. Hart, xxxxxxxxx/xxxx, USMC To: Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruiting Command ON-E, 3280 Russell Road, Quantico, VA 22134-5103 Via: Chain of Command (i.e. Company, Battalion, etc. with a Commanding General’s endorsement) (1) Commanding Officer, Company... (2) Commanding Officer, Battalion... (3) Commanding General...
Ref: (a) MCO 1560.15L (b) MARADMIN 152/06 (c) Appropriate SRB MARADMIN and or SRB Order
Encl: (1) Interview Board Report (2) Handwritten Essay (3) Service Agreement (4) Statement of Understanding Regarding Dental Requirements Prior to Attending OCS (5) Reports of Medical Examination (6) Certified Copy of NAVMC 118 (3) (7) Certified Copy of NAVMC 118 (11) (If Applicable) (8) Certified Copy of NAVMC 118 (12) (If Applicable) (9) Unit Punishment Book (If Applicable) (10) Certified Copy of Birth Certificate/Evidence of U.S. Citizenship (11) Certified Copy of MCTFS Education Record (TEDU) (12) Certified Copy of MCTFS Awards Page (AWDS) (13) Certified Copy of Record of Service (14) Certified Copy of Basic Individual Record (BIR) Page and Basic Training Record (BTR) Page (15) Certified Copy of MCTFS Test Page (TEST) (16) Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript (SMART) (17) Education Officer’s Academic Evaluation Sheet (18) Letters of Recommendation (19) Certified Copies of All Educational Transcripts (20) Commanding Officer’s Financial Worksheet (21) Promotion Photograph (If not submitted via CIVIC) (22) Additional Enclosures as Applicable (Such as tattoo photos, photos in PT Gear, etc.) (23) Data Sheet Subj: APPLICATION FOR CONSIDERATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 MARINE ENLISTED COMMISSIONING EDUCATION PROGRAM (MECEP)
1. Per References (a) and (b), I am eligible for and request consideration for the Marine Corps Enlisted Commissioning Education Program. Enclosures (1) through (23) are provided as required. (If a waiver is necessary insert a statement requesting a waiver).
2. "I have read reference (c) and all applicable 7220 Selective Reenlistment Bonus Program (SRB) publications and understand the Marine Corps’ SRB Program eligibility requirements and recoupment policy."
3. I understand that selection for MECEP is contingent upon the Commandant of the Marine Corps’ (MMEA) approval of my reenlistment request.
4. I agree to reenlist to have 6 years of obligated service in the regular Marine Corps prior to detaching from my Parent Command, if selected. While enrolled in MECEP, I further agree to extend at least 23 months upon successful completion of my second year of college in order to maintain a 4 year obligation while participating in the MECEP.
5. (Unit’s Point of Contact, Defense System Network and commercial telephone numbers, electronic mail address, and applicant’s home and work telephone numbers)
J. C. HART 2
1560 20 Jun 06
From: Senior Member, MECEP Local Interview Board To: Commanding Officer...
Ref: (a) MCO 1560.15L
1. The applicant has been interviewed for MECEP as required by the reference. The evaluation contained in this report is based on the guidance contained in paragraph 3b, enclosure (2) of the reference.
2. The applicant is believed to be highly motivated toward MECEP and a career in the Marine Corps as a commissioned officer. Lance Corporal Hart was professional, eloquent, and displayed excellent military bearing during the board.
3. The applicant has been counseled and fully understands all items in paragraph 2 of the “Guide for Interview Boards” contained in the reference.
4. The applicant has my highest recommendation for consideration.
A. I will accept a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. B. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to seek admission to an NROTC affiliated college or university and provide the letter of acceptance to the CG, MCRC ON-E by 1 April 2007 of the fiscal year selected to attend college. C. I acknowledge that I will fund my own education costs to include tuition, books, and other miscellaneous expenses through use of my Montgomery G. I. Bill, student loans, or grants. D. I acknowledge that I must reenlist or extend to meet the obligated service requirement established in MARADMIN 152/06. E. If an AR Marine, I understand that upon selection for MECEP and approval by MMEA, I must augment into the regular Marine Corps to meet the obligated service requirement established in applying prior to detaching from my parent command. F. I acknowledge that upon selection for MECEP I will be required to attend MECEP Preparatory School unless waived by HD, MCRC ON-E or the selection board. G. I acknowledge that graduate degrees are not authorized and that I will complete my Bachelor Degree requirements in 4 years, unless waived by the HD, MCRC ON-E. H. I acknowledge that I will attend college as a full time student to include summer semesters at the NROTC affiliated college to which I am accepted to attend, with the exception of one freshman summer semester when I will attend OCS. I. I acknowledge that while a MECEP student, I will be assigned to a NROTC unit and will participate in NROTC unit activities and events and must meet all requirements established in MCO 1560.15L, MARADMIN 152/06, and Chief of Naval Education and Training Instruction 1533.15D. J. I acknowledge that I must attend and successfully complete the 6 week commissioning program at OCS, Quantico, Virginia during my freshman summer. I must have a PFT score of 225 resident in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) 3270 upon reporting to OCS. K. I acknowledge that upon reporting to OCS for the 6 week commissioning program, I will be required to participate in training for a minimum period of 4 weeks, unless sooner disenrolled for cause, before any voluntary request for disenrollment will be considered.
ENCLOSURE (3) L. I acknowledge that orthodontic appliances are not authorized to be worn while at OCS and that all dental defects must be corrected prior to reporting to OCS. M. I acknowledge that I must comply with Marine Corps physical fitness and body composition standards as established by reference (q), while a MECEP student. N. I acknowledge that upon successful completion of MECEP Preparatory School, 6 week commissioning program, and Bachelor Degree requirements, I will be commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps. O. I agree to do the following subsequent to being commissioned: (1) Satisfactorily complete The Basic School (2) Satisfactorily complete an MOS producing school P. I agree not to resign my commission in the U.S. Marine Corps prior to the fourth anniversary of the date of receipt of original commission. Q. I understand that I must fulfill any Marine Corps contractual obligation if disenrolled from MECEP and will not be released from my contractual obligation to participate in officer programs in other branches of the service. R. I understand that I must maintain secret clearance eligibility. I further understand that if I am denied a security clearance, I may be separated from the Marine Corps under MCO P1900.16F, SECNAVINST 1920.6B, or other applicable regulations. S. I further understand that failure to complete or abide by any of the provisions of this service agreement may result in being discharged or reverted back to the enlisted rank that I held upon entry into the MECEP.
______Applicant’s Signature Date Witnessing Officer’s Signature Date
"I have been advised by my Commanding Officer that it is my personal responsibility to ensure that all dental defects are corrected and orthodontic appliances are removed prior to reporting to training. Failure to obtain a dental examination from a qualified dentist and correction of any deficiencies to include Caries (Cavities), partial plates, caps, root canals, and extractions may be grounds for my disenrollment prior to the commencement of training at Officer Candidates School, Quantico, Virginia."
______Applicant’s Signature Date Witnessing Officer’s Signature Date
1) Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial: Hart, Jonathan C.
2) SSN/Primary MOS: xxxxxxxxx/xxxx
3) DOB: xxxxxxxx
4) Rank: Lance Corporal
5) Date of Rank: xxxxxxxx
6) Security Investigation Code: x
7) Race/Ethnic Code: x/x
8) Legal Residence: Pennsylvania
9) Military Address:
10) DSN ______COM ______E-Mail Address ______
11) PFT 300 Pullups/Flexed Arm Hang 20, Crunches 100, Run 18:00