The Meeting Was Called to Order by Sue Wings, Principal, at 7:04 Pm

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The Meeting Was Called to Order by Sue Wings, Principal, at 7:04 Pm

Park View P. T.O.

Minutes for October 2, 2012

Board Members Present: Sue Wings (substituting for President Denise Lee), Katia Aghdassi, Magda Fong, Kimmy Yaras, Matthew Finnigan, Michelle Kaufman

Members Present: Sue Wings, Dave Pump, , Katia Aghdassi, Lisa Applequist, Magda Fong, Michelle Kaufman, Matt Finnigan, Diana Johnston, Ginny Lo Wong, Philip Wong, Michelle Mazzenga, Kerry Eischen, Alisa Vulic, Laura Dounis, Erica Berger, Carla Alongi, Kimmy Yaras

The meeting was called to order by Sue Wings, Principal, at 7:04 pm

Board Reports President’s Report: Sue Wings  Review and approval by the Board of the September 4, 2012 meeting minutes Katia Aghdassi motions to approve, and Kimmy Yaras 2nd’s. 1st Vice President: Magda Fong  Bake Sale brought in $1803. Winners get an Ice Cream Party. Grades K-2 Frake’s class had most participation, Grades 3-5 Oles’ class had most participation, Grades 6-8 Levin’s class had the most participation. 2nd Vice President: Kimmy Yaras  Fall Tupperware fundraiser discussed and options of ending it and trying something else. Current Tupperware will be extended for another week. Free Ice Cream to the classroom that sells the most. $30 iTunes card to individual who sells the most. Treasurer: Matthew Finnigan  Total cash on hand for was $44,509.49. $11,438.74 in the checking account. Corresponding Secretary: Katia Aghdassi  Proclamations are due October 19, 2012 at noon.

Advisory Reports: Dave Pump, Assistant Principal  Great turnout at curriculum night. Classrooms were practically full.  Athletics are in full blown activity. Cross country, Boys soccer, and Girls volleyball.  AlertNow System being sent out by email, and working on getting alerts via cell phones/texts. There are a variety of contact options. If buses are running late, families will be notified.  4th grade instrument trials went great.  October 31, 2012 at 2p.m. Halloween parade. Morning K can come back and an adult should walk with their child. District 69 cancelled their Halloween festivities, and Park View doesn’t have any intent on doing so.

1  Survey for calendar start/end dates was sent out. Park programs would be most affected, and high schools would be accommodating.

Teacher Representative:  Present today was Erica Berger 3rd grade. Discussed Versatiles, and that the special request will help lengthen the life of the comprehension kits which is usually 7-9 years depending on condition.

Committee Chairperson or Representative Reports

Market Day: Michelle Mazzenga  Volunteers needed desperately and should show up at 2:30 on pick up day. Girl Scouts Representative: Peggy Leib not present Fun Fair: Diana Johnston/Anna Deano  Fun fair was great. Unofficial $5052 compared to last year’s $3024.25.  People liked it indoors. Only downside was the cleanup and the gym floors got trashed, so a discussion of laying down a tarp of some sort for next year was brought up.  McGowan said that next year’s should be catered.  Left over silent auction will be listed in proclamations….and will be offered on a first bid first serve basis. Membership: Kimmy Yaras  189 Families, and 43 teachers joined the PTO  Directory of students in alphabetical order per grade will be offered, and families could choose what will be permissible in terms of information. Supplies: Lisa Applequist  School supplies contract has been signed for next year. 10% will go back to the school.

Special Requests:  3rd grade is requesting $787.60 for listening Centers to use with their Daily 5 rotation. We’ve supplied other grade levels with these kits in the past. This will address all the students in 3rd grade during reading class. \

 Michelle Brodsky (Orchestra) is requesting $2400 for two ½ size String Bass which will be used by all orchestra bass players. They’re currently one short for the students to use at each level.

Ad Hoc Committee  Nothing to follow up on.

2 Special Committees: Open committees for 2012-2013 school year:

 Need someone who would be interested in greeting new students and placing them into their zones. If interested contact Denis Lee.

Vote on Special Requests

 Kerry Eischen made a motion to approve $787.60 for listening centers to use with their Daily 5 rotation. Diana Johnston 2nd the motion. Motion approved.  Magda Fong made a motion to approve the special request for $2400 for Orchestra, and Michelle Kaufman 2nd it. Motion approved.

Audience to Visitors: David Pump said thank you to Kerry Eischen for helping out with picture day.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm by Sue Wings. Next PTO meeting is November 6, 2012

Respectfully submitted, Michelle Kaufman, Recording Secretary


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