The Withrow Institute for Healing Arts

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The Withrow Institute for Healing Arts

Balanced Healing Acupuncture and Wellness Camilla Schwarz, RN, M.Ac., L.Ac. Tiana Guinard, M.Ac., L.Ac.

115 Annapolis St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-268-6733

Patient Registration Form (Please print clearly)



Home Phone #______Work Phone #______

Age______Date of Birth______Cell Phone #______




How often do you check your email (circle one):

weekly every other day daily more than once a day

Do you live alone ?______

If not, with whom?

Name of Em. Contact______Phone #______

Have you been treated with Acupuncture or Chinese Medicine before?______

If yes, when and for what reason?


Is there someone we may thank for referring you to our practice?

______COMPREHENSIVE ACUPUNCTURE EXAMINATION NOTE: This is a confidential record of your medical history and will be kept in this office. Information contained here will not be released to any person without your authorization.

NAME______Date______Birth Date______Height______Weight______Major Complaint(s)______Other Complaints______Date of onset (when you first noticed your problem)______Pain is:  Minimal  Slight  Moderate  Severe How long have you had this condition?______Have you had this in the past?  Yes  No When?______What makes it better______What makes it worse? ______Is your condition:  Getting worse  Constant  Comes and Goes Medications/Drugs/Herbs you are currently taking:______List Surgeries/Operations you have had and dates:______Date of your last physical examination______By whom?______

MEDICAL HISTORY: (Do you have or have you ever had):  Arthritis  Asthma  Anemia  Heart trouble  Cancer  Diabetes  Epilepsy  Stroke  Kidney or bladder trouble  Gallstones  Ulcers  High blood pressure  Chronic Fatigue  Hepatitis  Jaundice  Sudden weight loss  Sudden weight gain Other:______FAMILY HISTORY: (Has any member of your family had any of the above?)  Yes  No If yes, which member and what did they have?______

ENERGY LEVEL:  High (Time of day)______ Low (Time of day)______STRESS:  None  Moderate  Severe What causes it?______SWEATING:  Night Sweats  Rarely sweat  Excess sweating______CIRCULATION: Feelings of  Hot  Cold What area?______ Bleed easily  Cold limbs Other:______SKIN:  Dry  Itchy  Moist/clammy  Burning  Changing moles or lumps (cysts/tumors)  Boils  Frequent skin rashes  Acne  Hair loss/thinning  Dry scalp  Skin puffy/wrinkled  Bruises easily (black and blue spots)  Hives Other:______SCARS: (List ALL scars from accidents or surgeries)______SLEEP PROBLEMS:  Trouble falling asleep  Trouble staying asleep  Restful  Excess dreaming HEAD:  Headaches (what area?)______ Dizziness  Memory loss  Loss of balance Other:______EYES:  Eye pain  Dry eyes  Blurred vision  Darkness under eyes Other:______EARS:  Poor hearing  Earaches  Ear discharge/infections  Ringing/buzzing in ears Other:______NOSE:  Frequent nose bleeds  Sinus trouble  Frequent colds Other:______THROAT:  Sore throat  Hoarseness  Difficulty swallowing  Jaw problems  Teeth/gum problems  Swollen tongue Other:______CHEST:  Hard to breathe  Wheezing  Shortness of breath  Mucus rattles when breathing  Trouble breathing at night  Pain/pressure in chest  Palpatations  Persistent cough  Coughing blood  Coughing phlegm Sputum color______Consistency______Other:______BLOOD PRESSURE:  High  Low  Do not know BOWELS:  Diarrhea  Constipation  Bloody stools  Black stools  Mucus in stools  Hemorrhoids  Lower bowel gas  Stools have foul odor  Colon problems  Number of bowel movements a day _____ Other:______URINE: Color______Amount______ Frequent urination  Daytime  At night  Strong smelling urine  Hard to urinate  Pain or burning on urinating  Blood in urine  Frequent infections  Water retention Other:______MUSCULOSKELETAL: Pain in:  Neck  Shoulder  Between shoulders  Arms/hands  Hip  Knee  Fingers  Big toe  Upper back  Mid back  Lower back  Bones sore/painful  Loss of grip  Swollen knees/elbows  Leg cramps at night  Weakness in legs  Weak ankles  Stiff all over  Tingling in feet  Muscle spasm/cramps  Loss of feeling in hands/feet  Painful joints  Bursitis Other:______NEUROLOGICAL:  Nervousness  Depressed  Easily angered  Easily irritated  Frequent crying  Worry/Anxiety  Mood swings  Memory confusion  Poor concentration  Suicidal  Tremors  Numbness/tingling in limbs  Poor coordination  Muscle weakness  Feel weak and shaky  Seizures  Neuralgia (nerve pain)  Shingles Other:______FEMALES: Pregnant?  yes  no Last monthly period______Last PAP test______Form of birth control:  None  Pill Other______Age started menstrual cycle______Age stopped______ Menstrual Pain  Low backache  Irregular  Clotting  Heavy bleeding  Light scanty bleeding  Color______ Water retention  Mood changes  Miss periods  Low or no sex drive  Painful breasts  Hot flashes  Food cravings Other:______Discharges:  Yellow  Thick  White  Odor  Itching  Liquid Other:______No. Pregnancies______No. Deliveries______No. Miscarriages______No. Abortions______No. Cesareans______Operations:  Cervix  Uterus  Ovaries Other:______MALES:  Low sex drive  Lack of sexual drive  Impotence  Ejaculation causes pain  Discharges  Pain or burning while urinating  Premature ejaculation  Prostate trouble Other:______APPETITE:  Excessive appetite  Poor appetite  Appetite keeps changing  Feel tired or weak if a meal is missed  Excessive thirst  Never thirsty Other:______Specific food cravings?  Yes  No If yes, what?______Other:______DIGESTION:  Stomach gas  Lower bowel gas  Heartburn  Burning/belching  Stomach pain  Stomach cramps  Nausea  Vomiting  Bad Breath  Sores in mouth  Weight gain  Weight loss  Bitter/sour taste in mouth  Abdominal bloating How long after eating?______Food allergies?  yes no If yes, to what?______

NUTRITION: List some of your favorite foods______

DO YOU:  Skip breakfast  Eat a snack  Eat a hearty breakfast How many meals a day do you eat?______When is your biggest meal?______Do you eat when you are worried or rushed?  yes  no How often?______Do you plan your meals according to the “Four basic food groups”?  yes  no How many glassed of water do you drink a day?______ Filtered  Bottled Do you use: Alcohol  yes  no Amount per week______Type______Tobacco  yes  no Packs per day______How many years______

DO YOU: Eat raw fruits or vegetables at least twice a day?  yes  no Eat green or yellow vegetables at least twice a day?  yes  no Eat frequently between meals?  yes  no Chew your food thoroughly before swallowing it?  yes  no Drink juice, milk or other drinks instead of water when thirsty?  yes  no Always add salt at the table?  yes  no Eat meat or dairy products 2 or more times a day?  yes  no Eat the same foods almost every day?  yes  no Eat when you are not hungry?  yes  no Eat until you are full?  yes  no Occasionally go on a “crash” diet?  yes  no

Patient’s Signature______

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