Age of Exploration: the Quest for Colonies

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Age of Exploration: the Quest for Colonies

Age of Exploration: The Quest for Colonies Subject Area: Grade Level: Estimated Time Span: Social Studies 7th 2 School Weeks South Carolina Standards:

7-1.1 - Use maps to identify the colonial expansion of European powers through 1770.

7-1.3 - Compare how European nations exercised political and economic influence differently in the Americas.

7-1.4 - Summarize the characteristics of European colonial power and explain its effects on African nations.

Essential Questions (Objectives):

Why did Europeans start exploring unknown oceans and seas?

What were the differences among the three types of colonies created by Europeans?

How did Spain, France, and England treat the Native Americans differently?

How did the Atlantic Slave Trade start?

Resources: Assessments:

Microsoft Word Process (100 total points) Microsoft PowerPoint 6 Colony Pieces – 15 points each = 90 Microsoft Publisher total Microsoft MovieMaker 1 Colony Folder – 10 points = 10 total Microsoft PhotoStory PhotoShop software application Microphones / Headphone Products (100 total points) Internet Access Colony Presentation – 50 points Colony Commercial – 50 points Lesson 1 Lesson Topic: The Reasons for Exploration Lesson 7-1.1 - Use maps to identify the colonial expansion of European Standard: powers through 1770. Lesson Why did Europeans start exploring unknown oceans and seas? Objective: Content Trade led Europeans to use water routes after land trading routes Overview: were closed and/or taxed Digital Skills: Student Activities: Students (in partners) will select a nation of origin at random and locate areas in the Americas where their nation built colonies

Word Processing Students will choose a location in the Americas to build Graphic Design a fictitious colony Digital Editing Students will devise a letter of intent giving their rationale for building their prospective colony

Students will create a map showing the best route from country to colony based on wind and ocean currents Materials Needed: Expected Outcomes: Microsoft Word Colony Letter of Intent Paint or other PhotoShop software Country to Colony Map Evaluation: Colony Letter of Intent

CATEGORY 5 3 1 0 Sources Students locate at Students locate at Students locate at Students cannot least 3 reliable least 2 reliable least 2 reliable locate any sources of sources of sources of information reliable sources information information of information Ideas/Research Students identify at Students identify at Students identify at Students have no least 3 rational least 2 rational least 1 rational reason rational reasons reasons for reasons for for creating their for building their creating their creating their colony colony colony colony Plan for Students have Students have Students have Student failed to Organizing organized their organized their organized their organize their Information information into a information into a information into their information into a letter of intent and letter of intent and letter of intent with no letter of intent evidence of evidence of evidence of research research is research is excellent acceptable Country to Colony Map

CATEGORY 5 3 1 0 Map Legend is easy-to-find and Legend contains a Legend contains an almost Legend is absent or lacks Legend/Key contains a complete set of complete set of symbols, complete set of symbols, several symbols. symbols, including a including a compass rose. including a compass rose. compass rose. Accuracy of At least 90% of the items 80-89% of the items are 79-70% of the items are Less than 70% of the items Labels are labeled and located labeled and located labeled and located correctly. are labeled and located correctly. correctly. correctly. Neatness 90-100% of the 89-80% of the 79-70% of the labels/features Less than 70% of the labels/features can be read labels/features can be read can be read easily. labels/features can be read easily. easily. easily.

Lesson 2 Lesson Topic: Building Colonies Lesson 7-1.3 - Compare how European nations exercised political and Standard: economic influence differently in the Americas. Lesson What were the differences among the three types of colonies created Objective: by Europeans? Trading Post Colonies – Outposts set up for the purpose of trade, not settlement Content Settler Colonies – Residential settlements still governed by the home Overview: country

Plantation Colonies – Large estates where products are grown to make a profit Digital Skills: Student Activities: Students will develop a graphic organizer or foldable comparing and contrasting the pros and cons among the three types of colonies

Word Processing Students will apply for a “permit” to build their chosen type of colony

Materials Needed: Expected Outcomes: Graphic Organizer of Colony Types Microsoft Word Colony Permit Evaluation: Graphic Organizer of Colony Types

CATEGORY 5 3 1 0 Pros Pros are accurately and Pros are accurately and Pros are not accurately or Pros are not accurately or clearly defined. More than two clearly defined. An example clearly defined. An example clearly defined. An example examples are provided. is provided. is provided. is not provided.

Cons Cons are accurately and Cons are accurately and Cons are not accurately or Cons are not accurately or clearly defined. More than two clearly defined. An example clearly defined. An example clearly defined. An example examples are provided. is provided. is provided. is not provided.

Spelling There are no spelling errors. There are 1-2 spelling There are 3 spelling errors. There are more than 3 errors. spelling errors. Colony Permit CATEGORY 5 3 1 0 Reasoning Applicants successfully uses The writer successfully uses The writer successfully The writer uses no at least reasons/appeals two reasons/appeals uses one reason/appeal reasons/appeals

Support for Topic Relevant and quality details Supporting details and Supporting details and N supporting details or and information given information are relevant information given but lack information given relevance Grammar & Spelling Applicant makes no errors in Applicant makes 1-2 errors Applicant makes 3-4 errors Applicant makes more than 4 grammar or spelling that in grammar or spelling that in grammar or spelling that errors in grammar or spelling distract the reader from the distract the reader from the distract the reader from the that distracts the reader from content. content. content. the content.

Lesson 3 Lesson Topic: Europeans and Native Americans Lesson 7-1.3 - Compare how European nations exercised political and Standard: economic influence differently in the Americas. Lesson How did Spain, France, and England treat the Native Americans Objective: differently? Spain – treated Native Americans very poorly and used them as slave laborers Content France – Treated the Natives well, they traded with them, lived Overview: among them, and learned their language and culture

England – Treated Natives with indifference, pushed Natives off their land and forced them to relocate Digital Skills: Student Activities:

Word Processing Students will create a poster to “post” around Graphic Design their colony to tell the Natives of their Digital Editing intentions

Materials Needed: Expected Outcomes: Microsoft Word Native American Intentions Poster Microsoft Publisher Paint or other PhotoShop software Evaluation: Native American Intentions Poster CATEGORY 5 3 1 0 Content Accuracy At least 4-5 accurate facts are 3-2 accurate facts are 1 accurate fact is No accurate facts are displayed on the poster. displayed on the poster. displayed on the poster. displayed on the poster. Relevance of Graphics All graphics are related to the All graphics are related to the All graphics relate to the Graphics do not relate to the topic and make it easier to topic and most make it easier topic. Most borrowed topic OR several borrowed understand. All borrowed to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source graphics do not have a graphics have a source graphics have a source citation. source citation. citation. citation. Attractiveness The poster is exceptionally The poster is attractive in The poster is acceptably The poster is distractingly attractive in terms of design, terms of design, layout and attractive though it may messy or very poorly layout, and neatness. neatness. be a bit messy. designed. It is not attractive.

Lesson 4 Lesson Topic: The Search for Labor Sources Lesson 7-1.4 - Summarize the characteristics of European colonial power and Standard: explain its effects on African nations. Lesson How did the Atlantic Slave Trade start? Objective: 1st – Europeans relied on Native American labor, but too many died from European diseases Content 2nd – Europeans turned to Indentured Servants, but not nearly enough Overview: were available

3rd – Europeans joined the already existent African slave trade and began sending slaves to the Americas Digital Skills: Student Activities: Word Processing Students will develop a colony brochure, Graphic Design flyer, newsletter, or bulletin to advertise their Digital Editing colony and to post help wanted ads for the three various labor sources Materials Needed: Expected Outcomes: Microsoft Word Colony Brochure Microsoft Publisher Paint or other PhotoShop software Evaluation: Colony Brochure CATEGORY 5 3 1 0 Graphic Organization The brochure has The brochure has attractive The brochure has well- The brochure's formatting and exceptionally attractive formatting and well- organized information. organization of material are formatting and well-organized organized information. confusing to the reader. information. Writing Organization Each section in the brochure Almost all sections of the Most sections of the Less than half of the sections has a clear beginning, middle, brochure have a clear brochure have a clear of the brochure have a clear and end. beginning, middle and end. beginning, middle and beginning, middle and end. end. Content Accuracy All facts in the brochure are 99-90% of the facts in the 89-80% of the facts in Fewer than 80% of the facts in accurate. brochure are accurate. the brochure are the brochure are accurate. accurate.

Culminating Assessments Assessment #1 Develop a PowerPoint to sell your colony idea to potential investors (classmates)

CATEGORY 10 6 2 0 Presentation Well-rehearsed with smooth Rehearsed with fairly Delivery not smooth, but Delivery not smooth and delivery that holds audience smooth delivery that able to maintain interest audience attention often attention. holds audience of the audience most of lost. attention most of the the time. time. Attractiveness Makes excellent use of font, Makes good use of font, Makes use of font, Use of font, color, color, graphics, effects, etc. color, graphics, effects, color, graphics, effects, graphics, effects etc. but to enhance the etc. to enhance to etc. but occasionally these often distract from presentation. presentation. these detract from the the presentaion content. presentation content. Mechanics No misspellings or Three or fewer Four misspellings More than 4 errors in grammatical errors. misspellings and/or and/or grammatical spelling or grammar. mechanical errors. errors. Content Covers topic in-depth with Includes essential Includes essential Content is minimal OR details and examples. knowledge about the information about the there are several factual Subject knowledge is topic. Subject topic but there are 1-2 errors. excellent. knowledge appears to factual errors. be good. Organization Content is well organized Uses headings or Content is logically There was no clear or using headings or bulleted bulleted lists to organized for the most logical organizational lists to group related organize, but the overall part. structure, just lots of material. organization of topics facts. appears flawed.

Assessment #2 Create a PhotoStory or MovieMaker “commercial” to sell your colony to potential settlers

CATEGORY 10 6 2 0 Awareness of Strong awareness of Some awareness of Some awareness of Little to no awareness of Audience audience in the design. audience in the design. audience in the design. the needs and interests Vocabulary, audio and Vocabulary, audio and Vocabulary, audio and of the target audience. graphics chosen fit the target graphics chosen graphics chosen do not audience. attempts to fit the target fit the target audience. audience. Length Length of commercial was at Length of presentation Length of presentation Presentation was less least 1 minute was at least 45 seconds was at least 30 seconds than 30 seconds

Images Images create a distinct tone Images create a distinct Image choice is logical. Little or no attempt to and communicate an tone. Lacking clarity in Tone and message use logical images to intended message intended message unclear create a message Attention to Detail The story is told with exactly The story composition is The story seems to The story needs the right amount of detail typically good, though it need more editing. It is extensive editing. It is too throughout. It does not seem seems to drag noticeably too long or long or too short to be too short nor does it seem somewhat OR need too short in more than interesting. too long. slightly more detail in one section. one or two sections. Purpose Establishes a purpose early Establishes a purpose There are a few lapses It is difficult to figure out on and maintains a clear early on and maintains in focus, but the the purpose of the focus throughout. focus for most of the purpose is fairly clear. presentation. presentation.

Lesson 1 Lesson Topic: Lesson Standard: Lesson Objective:

Content Overview:

Digital Skills: Student Activities:

Materials Needed: Expected Outcomes:




GO –


Poster –

Brochure –

3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18

15 each… 10 for folder

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