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Instructions for Animal Unit Verification Report Form 3400-181
A Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit is required for all livestock/poultry operations that will contain 1,000 or more animal units (AU). Use the attached Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet(s) to verify the number of animal units currently associated with your operation and any animal units expected to be added as part of a proposed expansion(s) within the next five years. You must identify the “main” site and any other site(s) which are owned or operated by your farm for the purpose of housing animals associated with your operation. Include all sites where animals are held in confinement or feeding facilities for more than 45 days in a 12 month period. This information will be used by the Department to determine if your operation needs to apply for a Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit.
If you currently do not meet or exceed 1,000 animal units threshold and do not expect to exceed this threshold as part of any upcoming expansions, a WPDES permit is not required. However, you must complete this Animal Unit Verification Report, and return it to your DNR Regional Agricultural Specialist.
If you do expect your operation to reach or exceed 1,000 animal units, a WPDES permit is required and you must complete and submit the preliminary application consisting of Form 3400-025, Form 3400-025A and site maps at least 12 months prior to reaching the 1,000 animal unit threshold. In addition, you will need to submit other WPDES application materials as part of the final application at least 6 months prior to reaching the 1,000 animal unit threshold. Please refer to the instructions for How to apply for a WPDES Permit.
Form 3400-181 1. Enter the legal name of the “main” site and contact information.
2. Enter the name, physical location address and the county for all of your other site(s) which are owned or operated by your farm for the purpose of housing animals associated with your operation. Include all sites where animals are held in confinement or feeding facilities for more than 45 days in a 12 month period. If you have more than ten operations you will need to attach additional sheets.
3. After you have completed calculating the animal units for all sites(s), enter the sum of the current and projected animal units for all sites.
Signature: This form must be signed and dated by the owner if it’s a family farm, by a partner if it’s a partnership or by a corporate officer if the operation is incorporated. It is not acceptable for the operation manager to sign the form if he is only an employee of the operation and does not participate in ownership.
Animal Unit (AU) Calculation Worksheet(s) The AU Calculation Worksheet(s) must be filled out separately for the “main” site and any other site(s) which are owned or operated by your farm for the purpose of housing animals associated with your operation. When filling out the AU Calculation Worksheet(s) for a particular site, include all animals held in confinement or feeding facilities for more than 45 days in a 12 month period. Use the Current Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet to calculate the number of AU currently on your operation and use the Projected Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet to calculate the AU after any proposed expansions. The Projected Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet must be filled out for each proposed increases in animal numbers at a site within the next five years. Please fill in the name of the site in the space provided at the top of both worksheet(s). Check the box at the bottom of the Current Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet, if there are no proposed increases in animal numbers at this site within the next five years. If you plan to expand your operation, please identify the month and year you plan to implement the expansion at the bottom of the Projected Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet.
Completing using Microsoft Excel or Word: 1. To begin calculations using Microsoft Excel or Word, double-click on the calculation worksheet(s) provided. If completing this form by hand see directions below.
2. Identify the name of the site for which you are calculating the AU at the top of both Current and Projected Animal Units Calculation Worksheet(s) (Form 3400-025A), if applicable. These AU calculation worksheet(s) must be filled out separately for the main site and any other site(s) which are owned or operated by your farm for the purpose of housing animals associated with your operation. 3. Calculate the animal units using both the Mixed (State) and Non-mixed (Federal) methods. The highest calculated total of the two methods determines the size of the animal feeding operation. For existing operations, enter the current number of each animal type at a site in the Current Number columns under both the Mixed and Non-mixed Animal Units headings of the Current Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet. To determine the current number of each animal type, include all animals held in confinement or feeding facilities for more than 45 days in a 12 month period. For new sites where there currently are not any animals present, enter zero for Total Mixed and Non-Mixed Animal Units on the Current Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet.
4. If you plan to expand your operation, enter your proposed animal numbers in the Projected Number columns under both the Mixed and Non-mixed Animal Units headings of the Projected Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet (Form 3400-025A). The Projected Animal Units Calculation Worksheet must be filled out each time you plan to expand a particular site within the next 5 years. Please identify the month and year you plan to implement the expansion at the bottom of the worksheet.
5. Once current and proposed animal numbers are determined, multiply the number of animals entered in columns c and f of the current and/or projected AU calculation worksheets under both the Mixed and Non-mixed headers by the appropriate equivalency factor in columns b and e to determine the equivalent number of AU for each animal type (columns d and g).
6. The worksheet will automatically calculate the number of Mixed and Non-Mixed Animal Units on the operation. If either “Total Animal Units” is 1000 or more, you are required to obtain a WPDES permit.
7. To quit editing click anywhere outside of the table within the document.
Completing by Hand: 1. Print out both the Current and Projected Animal Units Calculation Worksheet(s), if applicable.
2. Identify the name of the site for which you are calculating the animal units at the top of both Current and Projected Animal Units Calculation Worksheet(s) (Form 3400-025A), if applicable. These calculation worksheet(s) must be filled out separately for the main site and any other site(s) which are owned or operated by your farm for the purpose of housing animals associated with your operation.
3. Calculate the animal units using both the Mixed (State) and Non-mixed (Federal) methods. The highest calculated total of the two methods determines the size of the animal feeding operation. For existing operations, enter the current number of each animal type on your operation in the Current Number columns under both the Mixed and Non-mixed Animal Units headings of the Current Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet. To determine the current number of each animal type, include all animals held in confinement or feeding facilities for more than 45 days in a 12 month period. For new sites where there currently are not any animals present, enter zero for Total Mixed and Non-Mixed Animal Units on the Current Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet. Check the box at the bottom of the worksheet, if there are no proposed expansions for the site.
4. If you plan to expand your operation, enter your proposed animal numbers in the Projected Number columns under both the Mixed and Non-mixed Animal Units headings of the Projected Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet (Form 3400-025A). The Projected Animal Units Calculation Worksheet must be filled out each time you plan to expand a particular site within the next 5 years. Please identify the month and year you plan to implement the expansion at the bottom of the worksheet.
5. Once current and proposed animal numbers are determined, multiply the number of animals entered in columns c and f of the current and/or projected AU calculation worksheets under both the Mixed and Non-mixed headers by the appropriate equivalency factor in columns b and e to determine the equivalent number of animal units for each animal type (columns d and g).
6. Add all values in column d together under the Mixed Animal Units header to obtain the Total Mixed Animal Units. Do not add the values in column g, under the Non-mixed Animal Units header. Instead, select the highest value in column g and enter that value in the Total Non-Mixed Animal Units.
7. If the value for the sum of all site’s “Total Animal Units” under either the Total Mixed or Non-Mixed Animal Units headers is 1000 animal units or more, you are required to obtain a WPDES permit State of Wisconsin Animal Unit Verification Report Department of Natural Resources Form 3400-181 Rev. 04/12 Page 1 Notice: Complete and submit this form to the DNR to document whether or not you are required to obtain a WPDES permit under Ch. NR 243, Wis. Adm. Code. This form is not an application for a WPDES permit. Personally identifiable information collected will be used for program administration. The Department may also provide this information to requesters under Wisconsin’s public records law [ss. 19.31-19.39, Wis. Stats.].
Name of Owner or Operator Phone Number
Mailing Address - Street, Route or Box City/Town, State, Zip Code
Name of Farm/Operation Physical Location Address County a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.
3.ANIMAL UNITS Total Current Animal Units (summed over all operations) = Total Projected Animal Units (summed over all operations) = I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete and accurate. This application must be signed by an individual who is either an owner of the operation identified above or a corporate officer if the operation is incorporated. Printed or Typed Name of Official Representative Title
Signature of Official Representative Date Application Signed State of Wisconsin Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet Department of Natural Resources Form 3400-025A (R 3/2012) PO Box 7185, Madison, WI 53707-7185 The Current Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet must be filled out separately for the "main" site and each site which are owned or operated by your farm for the purposes of housing animals associated with your operation. The site name, for which you are filling this worksheet out, must be provided below. Current Animal Unit Calculation Numbers Name of Site:
I. Mixed Animal Units II. Non-mixed Animal Units Animal Type b. Equiv. c. Current d. No. of f. Current g. No. of e. Equiv. factor factor Number AUs Number Aus
Example - Broilers (non-liquid manure): 0.005 x 150,000 = 750 0.008 x 150,000 = 1200
= Fed.numbers in this column comply with 40 CFR s. 122.23 Dairy/Beef Calves (under 400 lbs) 0.20 x = = Milking & Dry Cows 1.40 x 1.43 x = Heifers (800 lbs to 1200 lbs) 1.10 x
Heifers (400 lbs to 800 lbs) 0.60 x = 1.00 x =
Steers or Cows (400 lbs to market) 1.00 x =
Bulls (each) 1.40 x = 1.00 x = = Veal Calves 0.50 x = 1.00 x = P igs (up to 55 lbs) 0.10 x = 0.10 x
P igs (55 lbs to market) 0.40 x =
Sows (each) 0.40 x =
Boars (each) 0.50 x = 0.40 x =
Layers (each) -non-liquid manure system 0.01 x = 0.0123 x = Broilers/Pullets (each) -non-liquid manure system 0.005 x = 0.008 x =
P er Bird -liquid manure system 0.033 x = 0.0333 x = = = Ducks (each) -liquid manure system 0.2 x 0.2 x = = Ducks (each) -non-liquid manure system 0.01 x 0.0333 x = = Turkeys (each) 0.018 x 0.018 x = = Sheep (each) 0.1 x 0.1 x = = Horses (each) 2 x 2 x Total Mixed Animal Units = Total Non-Mixed Animal Units = (add all rows above) (Enter the single highest number from Total Anim al Units: any row above; DO NOT add the totals)
Check here if there are no proposed increases in animal numbers at this site within the next five years State of Wisconsin Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet Department of Natural Resources Form 3400-025A (R 3/2012) PO Box 7185, Madison, WI 53707-7185 The Projected Animal Unit Calculation Worksheet must be filled out separately for the "main" site and each site which are owned or operated by your farm for the purposes of housing animals associated with your operation. The site name, for which you are filling this worksheet out, must be provided below. Projected Animal Unit Calculation Numbers
Name of Site:
I. Mixed Animal Units II. Non-mixed Animal Units Animal Type c. b. Equiv. d. No. of f. Projected g. No. of Projected e. Equiv. factor factor AUs Number Aus Number Example - Broilers (non-liquid manure): 0.005 x 150,000 = 750 0.008 x 150,000 = 1200
= Fed.numbers in this column comply with 40 CFR s. 122.23 Dairy/Beef Calves (under 400 lbs) 0.20 x = = Milking & Dry Cows 1.40 x 1.43 x = Heifers (800 lbs to 1200 lbs) 1.10 x
Heifers (400 lbs to 800 lbs) 0.60 x = 1.00 x =
Steers or Cows (400 lbs to market) 1.00 x =
Bulls (each) 1.40 x = 1.00 x = = Veal Calves 0.50 x = 1.00 x = P igs (up to 55 lbs) 0.10 x = 0.10 x
P igs (55 lbs to market) 0.40 x =
Sows (each) 0.40 x =
Boars (each) 0.50 x = 0.40 x =
Layers (each) -non-liquid manure system 0.01 x = 0.0123 x = Broilers/Pullets (each) -non-liquid manure system 0.005 x = 0.008 x =
P er Bird -liquid manure system 0.033 x = 0.0333 x = = = Ducks (each) -liquid manure system 0.2 x 0.2 x = = Ducks (each) -non-liquid manure system 0.01 x 0.0333 x = = Turkeys (each) 0.018 x 0.018 x = = Sheep (each) 0.1 x 0.1 x = = Horses (each) 2 x 2 x Total Mixed Animal Units = Total Non-Mixed Animal Units = (add all rows above) (Enter the single highest number from Total Anim al Units: any row above; DO NOT add the totals)
Date of Proposed Expansion (MM/YY):