Registrar Clearance for New Course Number
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Supporting Documentation for CMGT Proposal
Registrar Clearance for new course number From: Hodges, Faye Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 2:22 PM To: Hollar, Donna A Subject: RE: Revision to newly cleared course number
Hi Donna, your revision has been approved.
Faye Hodges Student Services Assistant Office of the Registrar [email protected] 328-6748
-----Original Message----- From: Hollar, Donna A Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 2:07 PM To: Hodges, Faye Cc: Hollar, Donna A; Williams, Sue F; Taylor, Amy Subject: RE: Revision to newly cleared course number
After further discussion, our CMGT faculty members recommended the new course identified below be given a different title. Can you please assist us with this change?
CMGT 2200. Societal Role of Construction Introduction to the Construction Industry (3)
With the 25 character limit for course titles - please modify the abbreviation to:
CMGT 2200. Intro to Construction
Thank you for your help! I apologize that we had not finalized the name before my initial request.
Donna A. Hollar, PE Construction Management Dept. East Carolina University 118 Rawl Building Greenville, NC 27858-4353 [email protected] 252-328-6968 Office 252-737-1523 Fax
0d070004b9d8ffa55c69cdcf2e4b6b69.doc Page 1 of 5 10/3/06 From: Hodges, Faye Sent: Fri 9/29/2006 10:51 AM To: Hollar, Donna A Subject: RE: Clearance for new course number
Request for new course number CMGT 2200 has been approved by the Office of the Registrar.
Faye Hodges Student Services Assistant Office of the Registrar [email protected] 328-6748
-----Original Message----- From: Hollar, Donna A Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 10:39 AM To: Hodges, Faye Cc: Hollar, Donna A; Williams, Sue F Subject: Clearance for new course number Importance: High
Mrs. Hodges,
The curriculum committee of the CMGT department requests the Registrar's consideration of the following new course.
CMGT 2200. Societal Role of Construction (3)
With the 25 character limit for course titles - please abbreviate in the Registrar system as
CMGT 2200. Societal Role of Const
Thank you for your assistance with this matter.
Donna Hollar [email protected] 252-328-6968
0d070004b9d8ffa55c69cdcf2e4b6b69.doc Page 2 of 5 10/3/06 Notification to MKTG Department From: Anselmi, Kenneth Sent: Fri 9/29/2006 4:19 PM To: Hollar, Donna A Cc: Reaves, Rita; Kruger, Douglas W; Eakins, Stan; Williams, Sue F Subject: RE: Deletion of MKTG 3832 from CMGT Required Curriculum
Thank you for your notification of planned curriculum revision. We will account for its impact (although minor) in our schedule planning.
Ken From: Hollar, Donna A Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 3:41 PM To: Anselmi, Kenneth Cc: Hollar, Donna A; Reaves, Rita; Kruger, Douglas W; Eakins, Stan; Williams, Sue F Subject: Deletion of MKTG 3832 from CMGT Required Curriculum Importance: High
Dr. Anselmi,
Please allow this email to serve as notification of a potential impact to your department resulting from our planned curriculum revisions.
The Department of Construction Management is revising our curriculum and will be removing MKTG 3832 as a required cognate. Although this deletion would appear to reduce the demand for MKTG 3832 by construction management majors, we feel any reduction would be quite small.
During 2005-2006, 74 of our 103 (approximately 72%) graduating majors received the BUSA minor. By removing MKTG 3832 as a required cognate, we realize our students will have to pick up MKTG 3832 as a free elective in order to fulfill the BUSA Minor requirements. We anticipate that construction management students will continue to pursue the BUSA Minor in similar numbers. Therefore I would expect the demand for MKTG 3832 by CMGT majors to remain steady. You may anticipate our annual demand to be approximately 70-80 seats.
The Construction Management department appreciates the relationships developed with the College of Business and hopes those relationships continues. Thank you for your department's service to CMGT students, both in the past and in the future.
Please reply to this email as verification of receipt of notification of this action. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you.
Donna Hollar Chairperson, CMGT Curriculum Committee [email protected] 328-6968 Rawl 118
CMGT Admission and Continuation Policy (rev5)
0d070004b9d8ffa55c69cdcf2e4b6b69.doc Page 3 of 5 10/3/06 Academic Program Admission and Continuation Policy For Construction Management
Admission to the university does not guarantee admission to the construction management degree program. Students desiring to major in construction management are encouraged to apply for admission to the program as soon as they have met the admission requirements noted below. Most courses in construction management have a limited occupancy and require program admission. As a result, the department will not guarantee seat availability. For detailed information about degree progression students should contact the College of Technology and Computer Science Advising Center.
I. General Admissions Policy All students admitted to the construction management degree program will begin at the Lower Division. Upon completion of all Lower Division requirements, students may apply for Upper Division admission. A. Construction Management Lower Division consists of the following: 1. Maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher during all terms of enrollment 2. Completion of 30 semester hours with an overall grade point average of 2.3 3. Completion of MATH 1065 and PHYS 1250,1251 (or equivalent) 4. Completion of CMGT 2210 and 2660 with a grade of “C” or better 5. Completion of CMGT 2200 and CMGT 2800 B. Upper Division Admission requires: 1. Satisfactory completion of all lower division requirements 2. Application approved by a faculty review committee
II. Retention and Continuation Policy A. Only students holding a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher will be allowed to enroll in any CMGT courses. B. Probationary Status. Any student falling below a 2.0 cumulative GPA, will be immediately placed on departmental probationary status and notified of this action. 1. The probationary period is defined as one academic term (excluding summer sessions) during which time the student is encouraged to raise their cumulative grade point average to at least 2.0 in order to remain in the construction management degree program. 2. Probationary students who successfully earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher at the end of the probationary period will be returned to their previous status: Lower Division or Upper Division. 3. Probationary students who have not earned a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher at the end of the probationary period will be returned to the General College. Reentry into the construction management degree program will be governed by the requirements for ECU transfer students. (Refer to III.D. below) C. Students required to repeat any CMGT course due to insufficient performance will not be permitted to register for that course in the semester or summer school immediately following unless a seat is available on the last day of regular registration (add only day). D. Students found in violation will be immediately administratively dropped from CMGT courses.
0d070004b9d8ffa55c69cdcf2e4b6b69.doc Page 4 of 5 10/3/06 III. Additional Requirements based on Entry Status In conjunction with the general admission policy, additional requirements based on entry status will apply. The entry status of an incoming student is defined below. A. Freshmen. (Newly admitted students with 6 or fewer transferred s.h. credits.) Entering freshmen declaring Construction Management as a major are accepted directly into the lower division . B. Transfer students. (Newly admitted students with more than 6 s.h. credits from another institution.) Entering students declaring Construction Management as a major are accepted directly into the lower division. C. Technical degree transfer students. (Students with an earned associate of applied science degree (AAS) in an approved technical field.) Students may be admitted directly to the upper division upon completion of MATH 1065 and PHYS 1250, 1251 (or equivalent). D. ECU transfer students. (Students changing from another ECU major or from the General College.) Term of entry into the program is limited to summer sessions or fall semesters. Change of major must be initiated in January. Admittance consideration will begin the first week of February for the following summer sessions and fall semester. Students must complete MATH 1065, MIS 2223 or ITEC 2000, and PHYS 1250, 1251 and have at minimum overall grade point average of 2.3 before a change of major to construction management is allowed. Students will remain in the General College until successful lower division admission has been granted. E. Second degree students. (Students with an earned bachelor level degree in another major discipline.) Limited to five students annually. Term of entry into the program is limited to the first summer session of each academic year. A letter requesting program admittance and resume must be received by the construction management department in January to be considered for program admission. The program requires a one year commitment (first and second summer sessions, fall semester, and spring semester). Candidate selection will begin during the first week of February each year.
IV. Exceptions to the Construction Management departmental admission and continuation policy require documented justification and approval by the department chairperson.
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