Families: Unit 2 Test

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Families: Unit 2 Test

Name______Families: Unit 2 Test (Chapters 3, 4 & 5)

Multiple Choice (K/U) Fill in the Blanks (K/U) Define/Significance(C) Application Thinking/Inquiry /28 /10 /6 (level) (level)

(K/U) Multiple Choice – for each of the following questions, circle the most appropriate answer. If you are unsure speculate what you think it might be.

1. In pre-industrial societies, childhood ended around the child’s A. Eighth birthday. B. Thirteenth birthday. C. First communion. D. Becoming a brother or sister.

2. After the age of “infancy” in pre-industrial society, children were called A. Toddlers B. Youth C. Teens D. Adults

3. During the pre-industrial age, children’s mortality rates were near A. 100 percent. B. 75 percent. C. 50 percent. D. 25 percent.

4. G. Stanley Hall introduced the term adolescence to describe children who had A. Left home but still depended upon their parents for sustenance. B. Reached puberty but had not entered the work force. C. Had reached puberty, stayed at home, and had entered the work force. D. Married but due to financial pressure remained in the parent’s home.

5. In the ______century, child labour was abolished (the term is used loosely here as child labour still occurs today) and schooling was introduced to occupy children. A. Nineteenth B. Twentieth C. Eighteenth D. Twenty-first

6. According Dr. Mead, one thing a society provides to help adolescents enter adulthood, is A. An opportunity to find work. B. Somewhere to live outside of their parent’s home. Name______C. Mentors in the system to offer them sound advice. D. A set of consistent beliefs about the behaviour of adults.

7. Conflict theorists argue that Western cultures are A. Exploiting youth. B. Preparing adolescents for the wrong adulthood. C. Asking too much from the adolescents in society. D. Keeping adolescents in school far too long.

8. The Permakid trend refers to the fact that A. Many young adults still feel childlike. B. Western males are now marrying much later than in the 20th century. C. Many young adults are still living at home. D. Many young adults live with several other adults around their own age.

9. A factor causing adolescents to leave home earlier is A. Conflict. B. Responsibility. C. Nesting. D. Gender differences.

10. Education became available to most children in the A. Middle ages. B. Late nineteenth century. C. Early twenty-first century. D. Period following the great world explorations.

11. Credentialism puts more value on education as job training than on A. Human relationships and their purpose. B. Getting more students into university. C. Education’s intrinsic interest. D. Passing and graduating.

12. One consequence of the phenomenon known as “education inflation” is A. A greater number of students leaving school earlier. B. More students attending high school longer to prepare for university. C. An inflated view of education. D. Erosion of the faith in education held by today’s youth.

13. A large majority of men and women state that friendships A. Easily replace parents for moral support. B. Enhance their self–esteem. C. Provide the key link to career success. D. Grow stronger as they grow older.

14. Adulthood begin A. At the “age of majority” B. When a person finishes high school Name______C. At no particular age in our society D. When an individual moves away from his or her parents

15. In pre-industrial society A. Adolescence was a distinct stage of the life cycle B. Children began to work at the age of 12 years C. Working-class youth left their families to live in other households as servants, labourers, or apprentices D. Working-class youth went to school until the age of 16

16. Industrialization led to A. Youth living at home longer B. Middle-class children attending school in higher numbers C. Young men and women enjoying more freedom D. Youth working in factories E. All of the above

17. In Western society, the age at which young people are leaving home is A. Increasing B. Decreasing C. Remaining the same D. Earlier for men than it is for women

18. Rites of passage A. Are recognizable stages of life that are distinguished by societal rituals B. Are similar in all society around the world C. Happen between the ages of 12 and 15 years of age D. Are large celebrations

19. According to Erik Erikson, during the early adult stage of the life cycle, the dilemma faced is A. Identity versus role confusion B. Intimacy versus isolation C. Generativity versus stagnation D. Intimacy versus infidelity

20. A duty-based moral code A. Is more common in Western cultures B. Is based on duty and obligation C. Puts the individual first while the family is less important D. Is not influenced by the society in which one lives

21. The term adolescence was coined to A. Identify children who had reached puberty but were too young to work B. Identify children who were out of control C. Identify children who had too much time on their hands D. Identify children who were from poor families Name______

22. Developmental theories are also known as A. Conflict theories B. Growing theories C. Transition theories D. Life course theories

23. Erik Erikson, Jane Loevinger and Jeffery Arnett suggest A. That maturation occurs as individuals progress from one stage to another B. Maturation constantly occurs with no distinct stages, we respond to our environment C. There are stages but it doesn’t mean we improve as we age but just simply change and become different D. We all just age.

24. Daniel Levinson suggests A. That maturation occurs as individuals progress from one stage to another B. Maturation constantly occurs with no distinct stages, we respond to our environment C. There are stages but it doesn’t mean we improve as we age but just simply change and become different D. We all just age.

25. Klaus Riegal and Leonard Pearlin suggest A. That maturation occurs as individuals progress from one stage to another B. Maturation constantly occurs with no distinct stages, we respond to our environment C. There are stages but it doesn’t mean we improve as we age but just simply change and become different D. We all just age.

26. Transition from one stage to another in the course of a life is influenced by several “clocks” A. Biological, social, psychological and chronological clocks B. Biological, social, psychological and emotional clocks C. Biological, social, emotional and intellectual clocks D. Physiological, intellectual, emotional, and biological clocks

27. Developmental theories explain A. The psychological development of individuals within the social context of family, community and society B. The emotional development of individuals within the social context of family, community and society C. The intellectual development of individuals within the social context of family, community and society D. The biological development of individuals within the social context of family, community and society Name______

28. As individuals progress through life, they face role expectations that challenge them to develop. These are called A. Developmental issues B. Growing pains C. Developmental tasks D. A part of life

(Knowledge/Understanding) Fill in the blanks using the words from the word bank.

29. Young ______continue to leave home earlier than young ______.

30. Young ______attempt suicide more often the young ______but young ______commit suicide more often.

31. There is an ______in mental health issues among ______but the stigma still remains.

32. ______is a national disaster according to Toronto Disaster Relief Committee. (2001)

33. Adulthood begins when adolescence ends; a passage that is not clearly defined in ______society. However, in Canada, you achieve the ______by law at the age of eighteen.

Age of majority women depression homelessness Western males suicide poor Eastern females help support Europe biological increase shelter Men youth decrease Canadian Name______

(Communication) Choose 3 of the following 5 terms or people, define and explain their significance and the answer sheet provided.

- Rites of passage - Social, biological, psychological and chronological clocks - Family Life Cycle - Autonomous self - Jeffery Arnett

(Application) Please answer the 1 of the 2 questions on the answer sheet provided. Double space your answers. All answers should be in full sentences. Respond to the questions using knowledge you have gained thus far from your textbook and notes.

Choose either homelessness or suicide and write a magazine-style article that addresses the extent of the issue, its causes, how society should address it and draw a connection to youth. Remain unbiased in your response and state the facts and possible solutions to the topic. Be detailed in your response to make it realistic; create your own names, places, dates…etc. (Level)

(Thinking/Inquiry) Respond to the following in a well-developed paragraph. Your paragraph should have a thesis statement and contain supporting details and it should be linked to 1 of the Seven Developmental Theories.

“Youth are unable to communicate their thoughts and emotions due to the impact of technology. It brings on isolation and lack of contact (psychically) with others around them, which can lead to mental health problems in the future.” –Anonymous

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