Young People’s Participation in Health Services – Case Study

EEFO Programme - Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

The EEFO programme aims to reduce inequalities for the young people of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. The overall vision of the programme is to change the culture of service delivery, empowering young people to develop a sense of trust and ownership leading to responsible, appropriate decision making.

EEFO is aimed at young people aged 13 to 19 living in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and addresses the barriers identified by national and local research which prohibit young people from accessing the services they need.

EEFO is responsible for implementing the EEFO Quality Standards which demonstrate organisations are providing a young person friendly service. EEFO has put its website ( at the centre of efforts to improve information for young people in the county.

There are two main objectives for the website, to signpost young people to quality services in Cornwall and to provide information on issues young people face during everyday life.

Once a service has met the EEFO quality standards it will have its details entered on the EEFO website. This information is regularly utilised by professionals as a signposting tool.

Project background

The EEFO project was initiated to provide better local services for young people by increasing the available gateways to information and advice, by working in partnership and by ensuring young people were involved in the delivery of services to address poor access issues. The aim was to offer a holistic approach and to acknowledge that young people should be able to get the most out of their lives by improving their health, giving them opportunities to achieve their full potential and make informed choices about their own future. The focus of the programme would therefore be on all services that offer provision to young people.

Consultation with young people has been used by EEFO as a basis for making access to services a far easier and more ‘young person friendly’ experience. The EEFO Programme involves the active participation of young people both in the development of the quality standards and in the evaluation of the performance of EEFO Approved services.

In summer 2007, the EEFO programme trained a group of young people aged 13 to 19 to evaluate a sample of services offering Sexual Health provision and who have met the EEFO Quality Standards. EEFO is a brand name which, along with the logo and the quality standards, was designed in consultation with a group of young people. There is an option for young people to feedback directly on the website about all EEFO Approved services thus encouraging interaction. There is also an option to comment on all articles published on the website.

In 2009 EEFO held a consultation workshop with young people to redesign the existing EEFO poster and at the time of writing is establishing new opportunities for participation in the EEFO Programme, such as a Focus Group who will meet regularly to provide feedback on all aspects of development work. Young people are also being trained to support verification visits and a round of mystery shopping taking place in 2010.


The EEFO logo is synonymous with young person friendly services and is recognised across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Since re-launching its website in February 2007 EEFO has received increased correspondence from young people of between 2,000 and 3,000 unique visitors per month access the EEFO website. There are currently 167 services who have met the EEFO Quality Standards at Level 1, 20 services EEFO Approved at Level 2 and 11 services which have reached Level 3 therefore ensuring their provision is young person friendly in every aspect of service delivery. Young people have more confidence to access the services that they want when they want to because they are assured of their quality and know they are ‘young person friendly’.

Partnership working

EEFO is a part of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Primary Care Trust and is working in partnership with a wide variety of other agencies and works closely with Cornwall Children's Trust (Support and Commissioning Team), Youth Cornwall, Reducing Teenage Pregnancy and Sexual Health Local Area Agreement Group.

EEFO is aligned with the Department of Health’s ‘You’re Welcome – Making Health Services Young Person Friendly’ quality criteria and strategic implementation links are in place locally.

The EEFO Programme has now been mainstreamed and it is intended that being an ‘EEFO Approved Service’ will be incorporated into the commissioning process for Children’s Services. Meeting the EEFO Quality Standards has been written into both the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Children and Young People’s Plans and it is also contained in the area’s Sexual Health Strategy.

Project contact details:

Website - Email - [email protected] Further reading

A further detailed case study on the EEFO programme can be found at

You’re Welcome

Further information on the Department of Health ‘You’re Welcome: Quality criteria for making health services young people friendly’ is available at