Please Fill in for All Ireland Transition Year Drama Festival
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ENTRY FORM Signature 7. In keeping with the philosophy of Transition Please tick which venue you would prefer for : Year and Secondary School programming preliminary rounds and semi-finals. Date: these festivals are a learning-led rather than Riverside Park Hotel, Killarney Road, exam-driven venture. Macroom, Co Cork Mullingar Arts Centre, Mullingar, Co th 8. To give young people the opportunity to Closing Date: Tuesday 21 November 2017 Westmeath perform and to entertain a live audience. Mission Statement Contact Name: 1. To provide a venue of excellence for Name of Transition Year and Secondary School School: students in which they direct and perform. Address 2. To help develop and encourage their appreciation for the performing arts while they discover their own individual creative gifts Phone and strengths. Fax Email: 3. To enable students to learn through Please fill in for All Ireland Transition networking with other schools, to be Year Drama Festival: adventurous in all aspects and disciplines of Play/Play(s drama and stage performance, i.e. organising, ): acting, lighting, set design, costuming, make- up and most of all, teamwork. No of Performers 4. To dispel fears and insecurities that young Technical people may face in the future, e.g. Leaving requiremen Cert orals, interviews, etc. ts: 5. The competition framework offers teachers a valuable “carrot” with which to promote the Please fill in for All Ireland Light pursuit of excellence in their students. With Entertainment Festival: given texts and fixed timetables, the onus can Title: be placed firmly on students’ shoulders to interact meaningfully with the project at hand.
Approx no 6. Drama and stage performance are mediums of through which students of any academic performers calibre can gain the confidence to express Entry fees (Please tick selected themselves. Skills such as inter- and intra- entry/entries) personal communication, teamwork, and Drama (€50 per play enclosed) artistic integrity can all be introduced through Light Entertainment (€50 enclosed) the medium of drama and musical performance.
ALL IRELAND TRANSITION YEAR DRAMA 6. Musicians or accompanists that are teachers FESTIVAL 2018 AND ALL IRELAND may not appear on stage. SECOND LEVEL SCHOOLS 15 7. A brief synopsis of the 15-minute programme MINUTE LIGHT ENTERTAINMENT should be presented to the adjudicator prior to 2018 the performance. 8. A minimum of 10 entries is required for the COMPETITION RULES - DRAMA 1. The competition is open to all Transition Year festival to proceed. Once again Briery Gap is delighted to invite students in the South and year 11 in Post 9. The decision of the adjudicators will be final. your school to participate in the 18th All Primary Schools in the North of Ireland. 10. Grand Finals in The Riverside Park Hotel, 2. All participants must be full time transition year Ireland Transition Year Drama Festival 2018 Killarney Road, Macroom on Friday 23rd or year 11 students of the current year in the February 2018. and the 8th All Ireland 15 Minute Light school, which they represent. Entertainment Festival 2018 for all second 3. Each school may have more than one entry. COMPETITION RULES – BOTH 4. Maximum time per production – 25 minutes (an 1. The decision of the adjudicators will be final level students. extract from a play is acceptable provided it is 2. The preliminary rounds will be held at: The within the time limit). Copy of play to be The preliminary rounds for both Festivals will submitted in advance of competition. Maximum Riverside Park Hotel, Killarney Road, take place in Mullingar (from 23rd January of 10 minutes set up time allowed. (Marks will Macroom and Mullingar Arts Centre. Please be deducted for productions exceeding the time indicate your preference by ticking the 2018) and Riverside Park Hotel, Killarney limit). Hand props only are allowed appropriate location in the entry form th Road, Macroom (from 30 January 2018). 5. The preliminary rounds and semi-finals will take attached. The Grand Finals will be held in The Riverside place during the day at preferred venue. 3. A representative from the school Park Hotel, Macroom on Friday 23rd February 6. A student can perform in one play only. must be present for presentation 7. Each entry must be accompanied by €50 per and Saturday 24th March 2018. of prizes. play. 4. Competition dates are as follows: 8. Entries are accepted on a first-come-first serve From Tuesday 23rd January 2018 A representative from the school must be basis. present for presentation of the prizes. Mullingar Arts Centre 9. A minimum of 10 entries is required for the From Wednesday 30th January 2018 The Festival to proceed. Riverside Park Hotel, Killarney Road, Entry Forms are available on line at 10. The decision of the adjudicators will be final. Macroom, Co Cork For further information, 11. Grand Finals will take place at The Riverside Park Hotel, Killarney Road, Dates are subject to change depending on number phone 087 2755080. Macroom, Co Cork on Saturday 24th of entries in each venue. February 2018 Grand Finals – The Riverside Park Hotel, Killarney I would like to take this opportunity to wish COMPETITION RULES – LIGHT ENTERTAINMENT Road, Macroom, Co Cork you every success in this present academic Light Entertainment Friday 23th February 1. All performers must be Second Level students 2018 year and look forward to meeting you at the of the School they represent. Drama Saturday 24th February 2018. Festivals. 2. Performances time is limited to 15 minutes only. PRIZES Yours sincerely 3. Hand props where necessary can be used. Drama 4. Programme may include singing, dance, First Best Overall €500 Trophy Ann Dunne instrumental, choral, comedy and mime etc. Second Prize €300 Trophy Manager 5. An extract from a musical is allowed. Third Prize €200 Trophy Best Performance Trophy Best Producer/Director Trophy Best Supporting Role Trophy Best Play in Irish Language Trophy Best Set/Lighting Trophy Best Original Script Trophy Best Costumes Trophy Best Non-Previous Prize Winner Trophy Prizes - Light Entertainment First Best Overall €500 Trophy Second Prize €300 Trophy Third Prize €200 Trophy Best Individual Performance Trophy Best Choral Performance Trophy Best Original Act Trophy Best Comedy Trophy Best Choreography Trophy Best Director Trophy Suggestions (A) A variety of one-act plays can be found in most libraries. B) To involve a number of students, perhaps a committee for each of the following may be helpful: Research, Production, Sets, Casting, and Costumes etc. Entry forms accepted only on hardcopy together with entry fee to: Briery Gap Cultural Centre Macroom Co Cork Closing Date: Tuesday 21th November 2017