Position: President Elect Fall Semester
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Position: President Elect – Fall Semester
Task Description Purpose Important Contacts/Resources 1 Shadow President Be available to assist the To learn and prepare for President – [email protected] President in anyway stepping into the role of possible – President’s Chapter President. “Right Hand Man”. The semester of President Elect is mainly to learn what you will be responsible for in the following semester when you become President. Additionally, the President Elect shoulders some of the duties and shares responsibilities with the President such as weekly announcements, introducing professionals, coordinating events, running chapter operations, etc. 2 Point of Contact for There are several To ensure proper BAP National Website – Competition competition committees planning and execution https://www.bap.org/competitions Committees each academic year. In of competition. The Beta the Fall each Eta Chapter has a To Plan Events: competition committee prestigious reputation is in charge of producing and we MUST retain our Student Life and Leadership (for approval of event a two-page abstract to status as an award and securing venue) TAKES FOREVER TO RESPOND- submit for competition. winning GOLD chapter. [email protected] There are THREE Best Practice competitions The President Elect has sponsored by Deloitte the necessary contacts SDSU Catering (for any food involved) - Position: President Elect – Fall Semester
and ONE VIDEO to help provide the [email protected] competition sponsored committee with needed by KPMG called the Gold information concerning Environmental Health and Safety (if any food Challenge Video. Others the process of booking a involved) - [email protected] include Ethics, Project venue. It is advised to Run With It, and set early and strict SDSU Catering (for Catering Waiver Form which is Inclusive Leadership. deadlines to ensure needed if you want ANY food that is not SDSU prompt completion each catered....Dominos for example) - Best Practices - If chosen abstract before national http://sdsucatering.com/PoliciesForms.aspx as a winning abstract in deadlines. the Fall, we will be awarded a budget to put Each year, the topics for on whatever event was Deloitte’s Best Practices pitched in the abstract competitions change during the Spring and the President Elect semester. The President should monitor what SDSU Student Life and Leadership (to submit event Elect should make topics are available. The proposals over the EAS) - themselves available for President Elect must http://studentaffairs.sdsu.edu/SLL/studentorgs/eve any concern for any submit each abstract by nt-planning.html committee whether it is the associated due date. advice, knowledge, The Best Practice assistance, using the competitions include a position to secure live presentation at the needed resources for Western Regional the event (venue, Meeting and if chosen as materials, guests, etc.), a 1st place chapter, and offering any help another presentation at they can. The abstracts the National Annual BAP chosen in the Fall will meeting. The President continue to be a point of Elect must select a focus in the Spring so strong presenting team the Fall President Elect to go and represent the must make sure Beta Eta Chapter at the everything gets pulled Regional and National Position: President Elect – Fall Semester
off smoothly. Meetings. Competitions are as follows: To ensure that Best Practices – operations run smoothly There are 3 and planning events are topics to draft timely and early. We an abstract don’t want about and Beta administrative hold ups Eta Chapter when trying to secure competes in all 3 venues for projects and (hosted by competitions. Deloitte) Gold Challenge – A video in which footage is gathered in the Fall and Spring and the video is submitted in the Spring. This video exemplifies why Beta Eta is a GOLD chapter and it is imperative that we keep this recognition alive (hosted by KPMG) Inclusive Leadership – This competition is about how Position: President Elect – Fall Semester
teams can successfully function together as a unit and highlights diversity (hosted by EY) Ethics – This competition focuses on ethics and the difficult situations professionals find themselves in everyday (hosted by Grant Thorton) All detailed information about each competition can be found on the Beta Alpha Psi national website https://www.bap.org/co mpetitions
Part of getting any event approved is the required process of getting the event approved through SLL’s Event Approval System (EAS). The President Elect must Position: President Elect – Fall Semester
contact SLL and ensure that our chapter is an “actively recognized” student organization. This status will allow us to submit proposals with details for events that we plan to have on or off campus. THIS IS AN SDSU REQUIREMENT. 3 Fill in for President In the event that the This ensures there is President is ill, out of always a body in the town, or for whatever leadership position for reason unable to the Chapter in the event perform his/her duties, the President cannot it is the President Elect’s perform his/her duties. responsibility to fill in and continue to direct the chapter towards achieving overall success 4 Plan Ice Breaker The Ice Breaker is the The purpose of the Ice To Plan Events: first mandatory social of Breaker is to help the semester. The members get to know Student Life and Leadership (for approval of event President Elect is in one another. Also, the and securing venue) - [email protected] charge of EVERYTHING Ice Breaker is where including choosing and members who made SDSU Catering (for any food involved) - securing a date and Active, and Outstanding, [email protected] venue for the event. status are initiated. Additionally, the Environmental Health and Safety (if any food President Elect must The biggest purpose of involved) - [email protected] come up with some sort the Ice Breaker is to of social activity/game form Committees to SDSU Catering (for Catering Waiver Form which is to facilitate members help the smooth needed if you want ANY food that is not SDSU interacting with each operations of the Beta catered....Dominos for example) - Position: President Elect – Fall Semester
other to help them get Eta Chapter. http://sdsucatering.com/PoliciesForms.aspx to know one another. Committees include The Ice Breaker also Professional Activities, serves the purpose of Community Service, SDSU Student Life and Leadership (to submit event recognizing members Multiple Competition proposals over the EAS) - who made Active status Committees, and the http://studentaffairs.sdsu.edu/SLL/studentorgs/eve for the prior semester as Spring Awards Banquet nt-planning.html well as segment the Committee (Spring) and chapter into the various Internal Audit committees for the year. Committee (Spring). When breaking out to form committees, ensure that you have an even disbursement of members in each committee so as to not overload one committee in particular. If anything, put more members in the competition committees for added resources. The President Elect must also ensure that there is food and drinks at the Ice Breaker.
Must add Audit Committee and SAB committee Position: President Elect – Fall Semester
5 The Spring Awards Banquet is the largest event The Spring Awards Dr. Janie Chang – [email protected] Plan for that BAP puts on during the academic school Banquet recognizes year. Technically it is an event hosted by the Scholarship recipients, To Plan Events: Spring Charles W. Lamden School of Accountancy and it honors faculty and is held in early May every year. It is comparable students, allows Student Life and Leadership (for approval of event Awards to planning a wedding so planning must start students to network and securing venue) - [email protected] EARLY. Additionally, it is best to have the with many Banque Department head, Dr. Janie Chang, involved as professionals, and is a SDSU Catering (for any food involved) - much as possible for guidance, suggestions, and celebration of the hard [email protected] assistance. It is Imperative to have a strong VP of work that SDSU t Planning to help plan the Spring Awards Banquet. Accounting students Environmental Health and Safety (if any food The Fall President Elect begins planning for it in have done over the involved) - [email protected] the Fall and hosts it as President in the Spring. academic year. The President Elect chooses the venue and the SDSU Catering (for Catering Waiver Form which is overall layout/schedule of the night. needed if you want ANY food that is not SDSU catered....Dominos for example) - http://sdsucatering.com/PoliciesForms.aspx
SDSU Student Life and Leadership (to submit event proposals over the EAS) - http://studentaffairs.sdsu.edu/SLL/studentorgs/event- planning.html
6 Pick up Mail Each week, the President Elect collects the mail in To ensure timely and the BAP folder in the Accounting Office Mailroom efficient response to in SSE. It is best to do this on a routine basis once communication via the a week as to not miss any time sensitive material mail. that may come to BAP. Also, by doing this once a week, any important matters can be addressed at the weekly Executive meeting. Position: President Elect – Fall Semester
7 ABSC Once a week, typically Monday or Tuesday, the To stay involved and “in Representative Associated Business Students Council (ABSC) the know’ with what is meets to discuss matters relevant to each student going on at SDSU in business organization. This is a great resource to regard to the School of other student organizations for when BAP hosts Business. an event and wants to invite other business students. The ABSC meetings are important as information will be divulged in regard to allotted funds for student organizations, current problems SDSU is facing, and opportunities for collaboration amongst student business organizations. 8 Prelist Cash In the event a check is received in the mail, the To ensure adequate Receipts President Elect must list the payment received in internal controls. the Cash Prelist on the BAP Google Drive before giving the check to the Treasurer. This ensures adequate segregation of duties between recording and custody of cash receipts. The Cash Prelist can be found on the Google Drive. Click the folder named “SAVANA”. You will find the Cash Receipt Prelist spreadsheet located in this folder. 9 BAP Executive Meeting Once a week with each For chapter operations Executive member and to bring up issues or concerns. 10 BAP Professional Once a week with the For members to have Meeting chapter and an opportunity to professionals. (The VP of network with Professional professionals. Development plans and executes the meetings) Nominations and Elections are held during One Thursday Professional Meetings. Position: President Elect – Fall Semester
One Saturday
Gmail for President Elect [email protected] Password – savana33