World Geography Syllabus Mr. Boothby 2017 During this semester you will be learning about the constantly changing world in which you live. We will use maps, charts, texts, lectures and videos to assist your learning. Share this syllabus with your parents and sign below. BE SURE TO CHECK ON-LINE DAILY. ESPECIALLY IF ABSENT @ Classroom Expectations: IF YOU’RE ABSENT OR FOR HELP USE THIS LINK! 1. RESPECT! 2. No electronic devices. END OF STORY! All electronic devices are a distraction, disrespectful, and a hindrance to the learning atmosphere of class. As per the student handbook cell-phones will be confiscated and turned into the front office if they are in sight during class. 3. Be seated with your pencil, worksheet, notebook and text out prior to the tardy bell.* 4. Always respect other students and the instructor by raising your hand if you have a question. 5. Be prepared to learn something new each day. If you are absent use the class website link above! 6. ALWAYS bring your NOTEBOOK, paper, and a pencil or pen to class. 7. No food or pop are allowed in class EVER (Water and sugar free flavored waters are ok)! Grades: The on-line website has many helpful resources. Your final grades will be based on the following areas. Visit it for review, make-up work, and additional 1. Daily Work = 35% 2. Tests and Quizzes = 40% videos. Everything we do is available on-line! 3. Participation = 25% If absent: PLEASE USE IT! See your student handbook for specific breakdowns. Attendance/Behavior/Late Work/Tardy Policy: Regular and punctual attendance at school is vitally important for student’s success and preparation for real life requirements. Lack of attendance and participation may be reflected in course grades or credit (WAC 184.235)! In accordance with departmental policy the lowest passing grade is a D. Students are expected to come to class prepared and random notebook checks will be held. Cell phones may only be used for a family emergency and the instructor must be contacted beforehand by a parent or guardian. Interrupting without raising your hand (talking out of turn), sleeping during class, talking with classmates during instruction, and other behaviors deemed inappropriate will result in disciplinary action(s). Arguing or speaking inappropriately to the instructor will result in an automatic removal from class and at least one after-school detention depending on the severity of the infraction. According to student handbook and department policy 4 tardies and hall-passes are allowed before a make-up for time missed is served. On the 5th occurrence for each a lunch time make-up will be issued that correlates to class time missed. If you miss an assignment deadline or think your assignment may be delayed, you must meet with the instructor within 24 hours of the missed deadline to discuss the reason(s) why your work is late and to receive an extension. *** After-school detention not served with Mr. Boothby will result in a final grade of NC (No Credit) until the detention is served. Please feel free to inquire about your son/daughters grade at anytime by e-mailing me at [email protected] Thanks, Mr. Boothby Please sign (and date) below after you have read this syllabus with your son/daughter

Students name (Please print neatly) ______Signature ______Date____

Parent or Guardian ______Signature ______Date____