Mr. Suzelis Lesson Plans for the Week of January 7, 2013
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Mr. Suzelis’ Lesson Plans for the Week of January 7, 2013 Class/Peri th th th Choir 8th grade – od Choir 5 Grade - Choir 6 Grade - Choir 7 Grade – 1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period Time 7:29-8:22, room 501 8:24-9:07; room 501 9:09-9:52; room 501 9:54-10:37; room 501 Attendance (w/Band); Muscle Attendance (w/Band); Muscle Attendance (w/Band); Muscle Attendance (w/Band); Muscle
3 Movers #2, Vocal warm-ups, Movers #2, Vocal warm-ups, Movers #2, Vocal warm-ups. Movers #2, Vocal warm-ups. 1
0 Finish collecting music. The Finish collecting music. The Sing The Lonely Sea-672, Sing The Lonely Sea-672, 2 _
/ Sight Singer p.19 #5. Sing Sight Singer p.19 #5. Sing Something Told the Wild Something Told the Wild _
7 Cripple Creek- 2 part; Why We Cripple Creek- 2 part; Why We Geese-640, The Greenland Geese-640, The Greenland _ / Sing; Alleluia-Jubilate!; Star Sing; Alleluia-Jubilate!; Star Whalers-419, 3 Russian Folk Whalers-419, 3 Russian Folk _ 1
_ Spangled Banner; The Power Spangled Banner; The Power Songs-448, Follow the Sun- Songs-448, Follow the Sun-
of Music; Peace Drum Song of Music; Peace Drum Song 265, Come In From the Firefly 265, Come In From the Firefly Y
A (instruments?) (instruments?) Darkness-665, She’ll Be Darkness-665, She’ll Be D
N Coming ‘Round the Mountain- Coming ‘Round the Mountain-
O 643 643 M
Attendance; Muscle Movers #3, Attendance; Muscle Movers Attendance; Muscle Movers #3,Attendance; Muscle Movers #3, Vocal warm-ups, The Sight #3, Vocal warm-ups, The Sight Vocal warm-ups, The Sight Vocal warm-ups, The Sight Singer. Sing Cripple Creek- 2 Singer. Sing Cripple Creek- 2 Singer. Sing The Lonely Sea- Singer. Sing The Lonely Sea- _
8 part; Why We Sing; Alleluia- part; Why We Sing; Alleluia- 672, Something Told the Wild 672, Something Told the Wild _ / Jubilate!; Star Spangled Jubilate!; Star Spangled Geese-640, The Greenland Geese-640, The Greenland 1 _ Banner; The Power of Music; Banner; The Power of Music; Whalers-419, 3 Russian Folk Whalers-419, 3 Russian Folk Y
A Peace Drum Song Peace Drum Song Songs-448, Follow the Sun- Songs-448, Follow the Sun-
D (instruments?) (instruments?) 265, Come In From the Firefly 265, Come In From the Firefly S
E Darkness-665, She’ll Be Darkness-665, She’ll Be U
T Coming ‘Round the Mountain- Coming ‘Round the Mountain- 643 643
Pass out concert date-change Pass out concert date-change Pass out concert date-change Pass out concert date-change letter! Attendance (w/Band); letter! Attendance (w/Band); letter! Attendance (w/Band); letter! Attendance (w/Band); _
9 Muscle Movers #4, Vocal warm- Muscle Movers #4, Vocal Muscle Movers #4, Vocal Muscle Movers #1, Vocal _ / ups, Incentive Music Boosters warm-ups. The Sight Singer warm-ups, S&E tentative warm-ups, S&E tentative _
1 Party today! Finish collecting p.19 #5. Sing Cripple Creek- 2 schedule. Sing The Lonely schedule. Sing The Lonely Sea- _
Y music. The Sight Singer p.19 part; Why We Sing; Alleluia- Sea-672, Something Told the 672, Something Told the Wild A #5. Sing Cripple Creek- 2 part; Jubilate!; Star Spangled Wild Geese-640, The Geese-640, The Greenland D
S Why We Sing; Alleluia- Banner; The Power of Music; Greenland Whalers-419, 3 Whalers-419, 3 Russian Folk E
N Jubilate!; Star Spangled Peace Drum Song Russian Folk Songs-448, Songs-448, Follow the Sun-
D Banner; The Power of Music; (instruments?) Follow the Sun-265, Come In 265, Come In From the Firefly E
W Peace Drum Song From the Firefly Darkness- Darkness-665, She’ll Be (instruments?) 665, She’ll Be Coming ‘Round Coming ‘Round the Mountain- the Mountain-643 643 Attendance; Muscle Movers = Attendance; Muscle Movers = Attendance; Muscle Movers = Attendance; Muscle Movers = Face In The Crowd, Vocal Face In The Crowd, Vocal Face In The Crowd, Vocal Face In The Crowd, Vocal _
0 warm-ups, The Sight Singer. warm-ups, The Sight Singer. warm-ups, The Sight Singer. warm-ups, The Sight Singer. 1 _
/ Sing Cripple Creek- 2 part; Why Sing Cripple Creek- 2 part; Sing The Lonely Sea-672, Sing The Lonely Sea-672, _
1 We Sing; Alleluia-Jubilate!; Why We Sing; Alleluia- Something Told the Wild Something Told the Wild _ _
Star Spangled Banner; The Jubilate!; Star Spangled Geese-640, The Greenland Geese-640, The Greenland
Y Power of Music; Peace Drum Banner; The Power of Music; Whalers-419, 3 Russian Folk Whalers-419, 3 Russian Folk A
D Song (instruments?) Peace Drum Song Songs-448, Follow the Sun- Songs-448, Follow the Sun- S (instruments?) 265, Come In From the Firefly 265, Come In From the Firefly R
U Darkness-665, She’ll Be Darkness-665, She’ll Be H
T Coming ‘Round the Mountain- Coming ‘Round the Mountain- 643 643 Attendance; Muscle Movers #1, Attendance; Muscle Movers Attendance; Muscle Movers #1,Attendance; Muscle Movers #1, Vocal warm-ups, The Sight #1, Vocal warm-ups, The Sight Vocal warm-ups, The Sight Vocal warm-ups, The Sight Singer. Sing Cripple Creek- 2 Singer. Sing Cripple Creek- 2 Singer. Sing The Lonely Sea- Singer. Sing The Lonely Sea- _
1 part; Why We Sing; Alleluia- part; Why We Sing; Alleluia- 672, Something Told the Wild 672, Something Told the Wild 1 _
/ Jubilate!; Star Spangled Jubilate!; Star Spangled Geese-640, The Greenland Geese-640, The Greenland _
1 Banner; The Power of Music; Banner; The Power of Music; Whalers-419, 3 Russian Folk Whalers-419, 3 Russian Folk _ Peace Drum Song Peace Drum Song Songs-448, Follow the Sun- Songs-448, Follow the Sun- Y
A (instruments?) (instruments?) 265, Come In From the Firefly 265, Come In From the Firefly D I Darkness-665, She’ll Be Darkness-665, She’ll Be R
F Coming ‘Round the Mountain- Coming ‘Round the Mountain- 643 643 th Planning/Lunch 6 Grade General music 7th Grade General music 8th Grade General Music th After School 5th Period 6 period 7th Period 8th Period
10:39-12:09 12:11-12:54; Room 501 12:56-1:39; Room 501 1:41-2:25; Room 501 2:30-3:15 Play trashball activity to review Finish reading p. 14-15. Try Review P.8 #2 for playing test for quiz on note parts; take quiz. conducting patterns in duple & on variations of the exercise. triple meters.) Work on meter Continue practicing page 9, #4, After having volunteers read (defining duple meter, triple 5, & 6, choosing one for the words to rhythms, listen to Slow meter, measure, bar lines, next playing test. Planning & Down, p. 11. Play rhythms on duple meter & triple meter Review notes on the first string hand chimes to reinforce note conducting patterns) and for quiz; have students take quiz Lunch values on chart in back of room dynamics (p-piano, f-forte). while some are playing one of (1 whole note, 2 half notes, 4 Use pat-clap & pat-clap-snap as the examples on page 9. quarter notes, eight eighth noteswell as tennis balls and different sound shapes to reinforce. Chart dynamic marks Planning & Finish chart of dynamic marks; Review for test on definitions 8- Introduce notes on the 2nd drill and practice for 19; administer test. string: B, C, D, working on page Lunch quiz/worksheet, and include Begin work on C-scale on piano 10. Notice how String crescendo & decrescendo. (identify “D”, find C & E, play C- Combination study is set up Utilize dynamics in the poem D-E-F, then C-scale) Playing (both open notes, both 1st fret “Slow Down”. Review test on C-scale on piano. Look notes, both 3rd fret notes.) information on dynamic marks. at 1st two lines of Bottletop Song Introduce the E5 power chord, Show how they may be to play on piano. working examples #1, 2 & 3. evaluated on information Review p.10. Continue with playing p.9 #4, 5, or 6.
Planning & Quiz/worksheet on dynamic Make-up playing test on C-scaleFinish playing their choice of #4, marks. on piano. 5, or 6 on p. 9 for grade. Lunch Look at 1st two lines of Bottletop Continue with 2nd string notes, Read p.12 on Pitch and Song to play on piano. and Jingle Bells, asking which Duration. Work on letter-name Work on 3rd phrase of Bottletop note is not used (B). decipher page. Song. Review E5 power chord.
Planning & Reinforce pitches on p.12 & 13 Work on 3rd phrase of Bottletop Review E5 power chord. Review by having students play Song. Learn 2nd phrase. p.8- p.11, ending with Aura Lee. Lunch handchimes to show Review texture, unison, If time, introduce The Boogie lower/longer and higher shorter monophonic, polyphonic, Shuffle, bottom of p. 11. or smaller. Identify pitches in homophonic, reading p.19. Viva La Musica. Listen to Viva Play one of the three sections of La Musica for sound of Bottletop Song on piano for a harpsichord. grade. Define form. Use examples of objects in the room to illustrate AB, ABA, ABC, etc. and Mary Had A Little Lamb Planning & Quiz/worksheet on dynamic Read, then listen to Foul Shout Review E5 power chord. Review marks. for vocal tone color, p.20. p.8- p.11, ending with The Lunch Continue with p.21 poems. Boogie Shuffle, bottom of p. 11 Read p.12 on Pitch and Discuss voice register, p24-25. Duration. Work on letter-name Discuss the world location of decipher page. names mentioned in Geographical Fugue