Meeting of the Poodle Club of Massachusetts June 14, 2009

Meeting was called to order at Mary Lebet’s home at 1:15 PM

Present: Maryanne King, Helen Sokopp, Eve Batlzell, Susan Giordano, Mary Lebet, Jean Chintalan, Andy Kress

Reports of Show Committees

Check trophies count with eye to reducing cost. Some concern that we were offering too many trophies, needlessly elevating fixed costs. BOD divided on this point. Agreed that for Class trophies in 2010 - competition would be required.

Tent expenses have gone up and will probably continue in future. Without checking, the costs presented by Ladies seems to be not too far from what we paid when on our own. Area available for exhibitors under tent was greatly reduced this year because of rings, trophy and raffle tables placed under tent. English Setter club president complained to Mary that the Poodle people were filling their space (shared under the same tent as PCM).. Is it time to rethink having our own specialty – not shared on ladies grounds?

Entry was one half of 2009 > discussion of cause for drop off in entries.

Are entry fees too high? Were first entry for Breed, puppies and BBE too high? Obedience first entry too high, and second entry too low?

Maryanne said obedience clubs are going away from reduced second entry, perhaps we can compromise on the mix. In any case, there were very few second entries.

Review pricing

Was our entry low because the Breed Judge judged Ladies in December?

Was our problem more systemic – judging panels vs handler location. In other words, how far did the pros have to travel to find the weekend panel that was best overall for them? If there is a good one near them – or not ours, they won’t travel to PCM.

Discussed Leslie Newing’s complaint about her dog being attacked at PCM last year and her vow to never show at PCM again. Discussed club’s “Dogs must be kept on lead at all times” warning in the premium list and entry confirmation. Is this adequate? Consensus was yes. In addition, we placed signs under the tent.

Catalog - Show advertising income up compared to last year, but we did not get much commercial advertising. Catalogs – ordered 50 – 12 to Pauline Simmons as Show Secretary, sold 28 had 10 left over but distribution fell down by end of day – (comment from me here – no one was in charge of selling catalogs – Carole Robish had the box at ringside but several people – me included - had to ask around and no one seemed to know where the catalogs were being sold)

Food Excellent as usual. Jim’s helpers were very good. Club offered to reimburse Jim for the after show hot dog/watermelon party but he declined. Board recognized that the party – which was Jim’s idea make the Specialty special.

Hospitality – Susan Giordano recommended for more proactive support for ring hospitality and during lunch breaks. For instance, to provide coolers at ringside with drinks, ice, etc like Hospitality provides at PCA. At the very least, someone should check in at the judges tables (breed and performance) on a regular basis and provide whatever is required to make the judges comfortable.

Recommendations for 2010: have booths (pop up tents outside the main tent) for educational functions – about poodles or showing in general. Recommendation to place the raffle table and trophy tables outside the main tent, under pop-ups, to maximize grooming space under the main tent.

Audit looks good. Jean said Susan Cornwall did a nice job. Gold star! BOD unanimous vote to accept the audit.

Poodle Rescue update: Update – Kay Barry Bequest. Jamie’s next bills will arrive at the end of June. They are submitted biannually. Discussed further action on various Poodle Rescue bequests - Poodle Rescue of Connecticut leaving Flora’s Pet Project – supposedly will be getting back the bulk of our earlier bequest. Susan G will contact Daryl Masone to monitor the status on this point. (did we bring up the newly formed Poodle Rescue of Maine? – I can’t remember if they contacted me before or after the Board Meeting)

Judy Schwerdt reported that the WC/WCX will be held 9/12/09 at Betsey Kilmartin’s home in Glouster, RI with the same Judges as 2008.

Match – Mary reports no success in getting Chairman. Susan suggested Danielle Rouleaux. Mary will contact. Eve will check on possible site in Derry, NH. Maryanne will consider being Co-Chair

Membership Committee – no new memberships to act upon or members who have finished provisional status

Health Clinic – email from Dr. Marrion, canine opthamologist at Essex County? offering to have an eye clinic at Bulger Animal Hospital. She would not need a minimum if it is held there as it is her office building. Will ask her if the practice would be willing to offer other tests – hips, SA, VWB Educational Events: Eve has a vet in NH who offered to do a lecture on Behavior - Andy will ask Dr. Migday if she can suggest a date when she would be available to do a reproduction lecture - PCA Judges ballot – Board completed by voting on the PCA secretary’s list of nominated Judges

Winter Specialty at Ladies in Providence – need to get some different trophies. Everyone is sick of the wine glass charms.

No Board meeting in July or August

Next Board meeting September 9, 2009 at Susan Giordano’s home

Members Match will be October 4 at Mary’s home

Meeting adjourned at 3:45PM