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Curriculum Overview Autumn 2012 Science History Geography RE ICT DT Art Music PE PSHE Topic (App. Syll.) (M Express) (Val Sabin) (I am…) 1 Living Things – Changes in Family Barnaby Bear (HAS)- Harvest/ Unit 1a Playgrounds Topic linked Exploring Sounds – Multi Skills What I am good at TOYS Mini beasts Life (TOYS) around the World food- thanking God Use a mouse to move & skills – C&T, Listening Christmas for nature place items on screen Making choices, justifying preferences. Pushes & Pulls unit Simple Paint tools P&L, Texture, Doing one’s best. What makes me/ Print SF&S Gymnastics others happy/ sad (ongoing) Add clip art or motifs Exploring Duration How behaviour affects us (ongoing) Light Good and bad touches (ongoing) Christmas Unit 1b Design of toys Forms of teasing and bullying Use a mouse to select & in the past (ongoing) move items Develop key board skills Select & listen (CD Rom, Clicker) Light & Dark* Homes – how have Local Area – Use (HAS) Belonging Unit 1d – Moving Collage, textiles, Exploring Dance Care of the environment within locality PLANTS Growing plants – they changed? and safety Easter Dev hand/eye co-ord MY pictures colour/ tone, instruments and of school unit 1b WORLD, click to select & sketching symbols Multi skills move items Obs work – Use mark making tools fruit/veg/plants Unit 1e Create & use Tones Exploring Pitch pictograms 2 SIMPLE
SENSES Time line of our Local Area (cont) (HAS) Books and Using digital cameras, digi Fruit & Veg Exploring pulse & Dance(units 3 & 4) Hygiene, germs etc OUR (Light & Dark*) lives Stories blue Skills Rhythm Safety in/ near water Unit 1c – use mouse to Timelines- things that have happened SELVES Ourselves Visit LOOKOUT Places we’ve been navigate & make choices Self portraits Games units 3 & 4 since we were born, changing needs Sound & hearing – DISCOVERY Unit 1f Exploring timbre, since babyhood unit 1f CENTRE Correctly sequence tempo & dynamics instructions and direct someone else FLOOR TURTLE 2 Locations linked to (HAS)- Signs and Unit 2a Use backspace, Skills – topic linked Exploring Duration (SSW) Setting simple goals for FAMOUS Famous People inc Famous People Symbols in spaces, shift key Games improving Using Electicity-2f Florence Nightingale Christianity, (also WORDART return & enter Vehicles 2a Consideration of the beliefs of others PEOPLE Thomas Edison Judaism, Islam) key, delete , insert A famous Artist Exploring Pulse and Celebrating achievement AND Forces & Movement Unit 2b – Creating pictures Look at Portraits by Rhythm Gym Birth and birthdays – 2e Events – GF London Christmas PAINT famous artists EVENTS Etc Use tools, colour and save Remembrance Grouping & Homes in Local (HAS) Special Unit 1f – Sequence Winding Up- Skills Topic Linked Exploring Pitch How others see me CHANGES changing Materials Area – Places- Why do instructions, direct others mechanisms/ Texture Feelings -2d Changes over time – School/Church Christians go to using recorded sequence of structures Science link 2A -Medicines: safety Homes. Visit Church? instructions Dangers of smoking Chiltern OA Unit 2d – FLOOR TURTLE Our changing needs Health & growth museum Easter Dance Keeping healthy; diet; people who help HOMES IN 2a Exploring us keep healthy LOCAL Instruments & What to do in an emergency symbols AREA Games
Living Things in our Seaside holidays An Island Home (HAS) Important Unit 2c – Navigate CD Textiles 2d Exploring Timbre, Athletics End of year book SEA Environment unit 2b religious leaders Roms & websites Skills Tempo & Dynamics Discuss and vote on a topical issue. Unit 2e – Build a Binary Mother Nature- What harms our environment; SIDE Variation 2c Visit FRINTON Sea side Easy and difficult Tree and Pictogram natural form Gym belonging to a community Visit BOXMOOR questions Use SEARCH ENGINE TRUST Puppets Exploring Sounds Dance 2b 3 Magnets & springs (SSW) The Romans Roman Settlements (HAS) Christianity Unit 2c – Use CD s & Listen with attn. to Games –invasion (SSW) Appreciation of other cultures, in Britain and Islam Websites Mosaics detail different viewpoints Uses of Materials- Stories of authority Unit 3c – make a data base (QCA3D) – Islamic patterns Develop aural sorting, properties, Ways of describing 2 SIMPLE Frames Christmas card memory Gym Understanding consequences of anti- use of, natural/ God (Roman Explore rhythmic social behaviour manufactured/ writing patterns shaped, changing, Christmas- Angels tablet) Learn to play and Dance Taking responsibility for self and mixing, heating/ read recorder music others cooling, dissolving, Textiles - magnetism weaving Teeth & eating (SSW) Anglo Settlements (HAS) Jesus’ life Unit 3e – E-mail, read, reply Sandwich Skills- Illuminated Recorder (cont) Gym – stretching, (SSW) Dangers of alcohol Saxons and stories and send e-mail with snacks letters (pastels) Compose and make curling Dental Health attachment Natural dyes- music Symmetry Safety of household products Temptation Unit 3a – Combining text & (QCA 3A) painting collaboratively Pathways Health and safety- using equipment Light & Shadows Lent graphics Packaging- Anglo Saxon brooch Songs for special Travelling – change of safely structures Easter Card occasions direction, Dance Caring for our hair Table Tennis Rocks & Soils (SSW) Vikings Erosion (HAS) Islam- Five Unit 3d – exploring Moving Clay As above ( cont) Swimming (SSW) Different sorts of families- what Pillars simulations, Monsters Soil Pics (Texture) do parents do? Solids liquids & What rules do Unit 3b – manipulating (Viking link) Athletics Learning from experience gases Weather around the muslims follow? sound DANCE E JAY Viking Boats Recognising worth, self- respect World Games –unit 4 – Achievements Special places- visit striking games – a mosque, visit a (cricket, rounders) church 4 Circuits & (SSW) Victorians Contrasting Locality (HAS) Christianity Unit 3a Combining text & Either (SSW) Victorian Listen with attn. to Games (SSW) Other people’s viewpoints Conductors Queen Victoria, lives ( Village in India) and Sikhism graphics Alarms or portraits and photos- detail Hockey Encouraging and supporting others and experiences of Belonging Unit 4a – Writing for diff Lighting it up Turner and Develop aural Learning from mistakes Friction children in Victorian Baptism aud (Newspapers) 2 Constable (transport memory Dance Making choices times- working Initiation ceremonies PUBLISH William Morris Explore rhythmic Gym children, rich Christmas Journey Christmas ornament- patterns children, Victorian Christmas (Group)Learn to governesses card play and read recorder music Changes in local Changes in Land use (HAS) Food in Unit 4b – Use repeated Clay cottages Habitats area in Victorian in locality during Christian festivals patterns (William Morris, Food Recorder (cont) Swimming Living Plants- Times (Census) Victorian Times and ceremonies Seurat) Compose and make leaves, roots, light, Unit 4e – FLOOR music water, temperature, Food in Sikh TURTLE, LOGO Textiles collaboratively Dance energy from sun ceremonies Songs for special occasions Table Tennis The last supper
Keeping Warm
Children in WW2 Improving the (HAS) Christianity Unit 4d- Collecting and Structures - As above Family Trees – exploring our families Habitats environment and Sikhism presenting information: Gas masks, Evacuees, Books, Guru Granth questionnaires and pie boxes, air- Blitz pics Sahib charts raid shelters Posters Games – Rounders The Bible Unit 4c – Branching Tennis databases Athletics Moving & growing Food – WW2 recipes