Human Resource Management s1

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Human Resource Management s1

MGMT 470-V84 and 470-097 Online Class Human Resource Management Fall 2015

Professor Office Hours Dr. Marcia Simmering Dickerson, Ph.D. Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:30 – 9:30 Office: 337 COBB a.m. and 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. Telephone: 318-257-3445 Tuesday: 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. E-mail: [email protected] Required Textbook Denisi, A.S., & Griffin, R.W. 2016. HR (3nd ed.). South-Western Cengage Learning. You will not need the web access code, although you may benefit from using Cengage Now for studying. Graded Activities Grade Distribution Three exams @ 75 points ea. 225 243 - 270 = A 9 assignments @ 5 points ea. 45 216 - 242 = B TOTAL POINTS 189 - 215 = C 270 162 - 188 = D 161 and below = F Student Learning Outcomes At the conclusion of this class, students should expect to successfully exhibit these learning outcomes: 1. Demonstrate and understanding of the role of Human Resource Management (HRM) in business, aligning HRM systems with the strategic business objectives of a firm, and in the global environment 2. Demonstrate knowledge of relevant legal and ethical issues in HRM, including equal employment opportunity, compensation and benefits laws, and labor relations 3. Conduct a job analysis by compiling information from outside sources and job incumbents, compiling information into a job description 4. Synthesize information regarding the effectiveness of human resource planning, recruitment, and staffing efforts, demonstrating an ability to make appropriate decisions 5. Evaluate training options in terms of needs assessment, delivery methods, and evaluation of training effectiveness 6. Understand the role of performance appraisal and feedback, particularly in relation to reduction in staff 7. Demonstrate knowledge of compensation and benefits concepts, particularly in relation to motivating and retaining employees and compliance with the law 8. Demonstrate knowledge of relevant safety, health, well-being, and security issues facing employees in organization and actions to improve these through HRM Lectures Powerpoint slides and lectures covering Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 will be posted throughout the quarter. Note that we take some of these out of order and we do not cover chapter 8. Each lecture overlaps with material in the textbook approximately 80-90%. That is, roughly 10-20% of material in the lecture is provided by the professor and is not in the textbook. While you can learn most of the material in the class through the textbook, watching and listening to the lectures will give you valuable examples and explanations that aid learning.

Lectures are available through links posted on Moodle. The link will take you to Mediasite, where you will need to authenticate to the system using your University ID and password (This is the same one that you use to access the University webmail system). If you do not have this information, click here to learn more: option=com_content&task=view&id=147&Itemid=64. If you have problems with Mediasite, click here to learn more: Also, if you continue to have software issues and are having trouble viewing the Mediasite content, please contact the University Help Desk at 318-257-5300 or send an email to [email protected].

If you have problems seeing or hearing the lecture, please contact me in case one needs to be re- recorded.

Technology This course is completely online (with the exceptions of exams, for students who choose to taken them on campus), so having access to reliable technology is important. Because unexpected things such as power outages and a frozen computer can disrupt Internet access, it is critical that you have multiple options for watching lectures and submitting your work online. Note that Internet or computer failures are NOT university excuses for submitting your work on time. Be sure to have backup locations ready.

If you are not testing on campus, you will need to use the ProctorU service (described below in the Exams section of this syllabus). To use ProctorU, you will need a high speed internet connection that meets the minimum download and upload speed requirements (see for more detail). Tethering your mobile device as a wireless hotspot is not supported due to inconsistent bandwidth. Further, you will need a reliable webcam to use ProctorU.

Attendance, Participation, and Class Schedule Because this class is completely online, attendance and participation are not measured or used for grades. However, I can view who has watched lectures on Mediasite and I keep track of assignments submitted through Moodle.

The class content is completely online, but you should still follow the schedule in this syllabus. If you wait to watch lectures the day before the exam, you will not be properly prepared. Therefore, you should treat this course as you would an in-class one, and schedule time to watch the lectures, complete the assignments, and study. Exams There will be three exams that contain both multiple choice and short answer questions. Exam questions are based on content from both the lectures and textbook. Exams are to be taken within the scheduled time period (usually 4 days). Exams may not be taken outside of the scheduled window unless extreme circumstances (e.g., hospitalization) arise.

Students have two options for taking exams: (1) take the exam during one scheduled period on Tech’s campus, or (2) use the ProctorU testing service, which is described below. Exceptions apply to students who have appropriate paperwork from the Office of Disability Services. Students who take their tests on campus must take the test at the scheduled time, with no exceptions. Students must inform me 24 hours in advance of the on-campus test if they will be testing on campus, otherwise, the student will be obligated to take the test with ProctorU.

The College of Business now requires that all students taking online classes who do not test on campus use ProctorU for their testing. Information about ProctorU can be found here: Students will be responsible for scheduling their exams through this service and will be responsible for paying the fee for this service. Students can schedule an exam at any time, 24 hours a day, on any day, within the exam window provided by the instructor. Tests are proctored by an actual person via webcam, so a reliable webcam is a requirement of this course. The exam fees depend on the length of test and how far in advance it is scheduled. A two-hour exam (required for this class) costs the student a minimum of $25.00 if they schedule at least 72 hours in advance. For HIIM students, this fee is required, as it is not included in your regular program fees. ProctorU voucher cards can be purchased in the University bookstore or that payment may be made directly to ProctorU through their website.

Assignments There will be one assignment due in this class each week, due on a Monday by midnight central time on the date listed on the course schedule. The assignment is either from the textbook or is posted online. These assignments are intended to help you better learn and apply information on each topic. Assignments should be approximately on half to one full page, double-spaced. Be sure to write your name on your submitted assignment.

Assignments may be turned in early. Late assignments will be accepted with a 1 point penalty for every 24 hours the assignment is overdue. Completed assignments should be submitted through Moodle as a assignment. All assignments will be graded on the website using Grademark; you can see your evaluation of your assignments there. Contact me if you have questions about accessing

Getting Help Students wanting help with course material, assignments, or papers can contact me in person, by telephone, or by e-mail. I am happy to work with you better understand all part of this course. However, although the content in the class is available 24/7, I am not. My office hours are listed above. However, if I have a student or faculty member in my office, I may be unavailable to answer the telephone or respond to e-mails. I aim to respond to phone calls and e-mails within 24 hours on business days. I may, on occasion, answer emails after hours or on the weekends, but you should not anticipate this. Also recognize that I have other university commitments, such as meetings and other classes that may keep me out of the office for long stretches of time.

Special Needs and Disabilities If you have special needs due to a physical, emotional, sensory, learning, or other disability, please contact me immediately. I will accommodate students’ special needs to the best of my abilities, but please notify me in advance. Qualified students needing testing or classroom accommodations based on a disability are encouraged to make their requests to me at the beginning of the quarter either during office hours or by appointment. Note: Prior to receiving disability accommodations, verification of eligibility from the Testing and Disability Services Office is needed. Disability information is confidential. Information for Testing and Disability Services may be obtained in Wyly Tower 318 or

Academic Honor Code I expect that you will never knowingly violate Tech’s policy on academic honesty. Students who engage in academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties. Because academic dishonesty harms the individual, the student body, and the integrity of the university, this policy will be strictly enforced. Please refer to Louisiana Tech University’s honor code printed in the catalog.

Emergency Notification System (ENS) Emergency Notification System: All Louisiana Tech students are strongly encouraged to enroll and update their contact information in the Emergency Notification System. It takes just a few seconds to ensure you’re able to receive important text and voice alerts in the event of a campus emergency. For more information on the Emergency Notification System, please visit

Disaster Plan Each course on campus must have a plan for continuing class in case of emergency or natural disaster. As our class is completely online, we should be able to continue without major interruption if an emergency occurs. Refer to the Moodle website for this class if an emergency event does occur.

Title IX Information In accordance with Title IX and other applicable law, Louisiana Tech University is committed to providing a learning, working, and living environment that promotes integrity, civility, and mutual respect in an environment free of discrimination on the basis of sex and sexual misconduct which includes sex discrimination, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and retaliation. Louisiana Tech University prohibits sex discrimination and sexual misconduct. This policy applies to all persons without regard to sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression. To report concerns regarding Title IX, contact University Police (257-4018) 24 hours a day. Or, contact College of Business Responsible Employees Dr. Rebecca Bennett (COBB 324, 318-257- 3293, [email protected]) or Dr. Laura Flurry (COBB 341, 257-3768, [email protected]). Finally, you may also contact Title IX coordinator Carrie Flournoy at 318-257-3785. Fall 2015 Schedule WEEK TOPICS REQUIRED ASSIGNMENT AND READING PAPER DUE DATES Sept. 10-11  Introduction  Syllabus

Sept. 14-18  The Nature of HRM  Chapter 1  Assignment #1 (Sept. 14)  The Legal Environment  Chapter 2 Sept. 21-25  The Global Environment  Chapter 3  Assignment #2 (Sept. 21)  The Competitive Environment Sept. 28 – Oct.  Information for Making  Chapter 4  Assignment #3 (Sept. 28) 2 HR Decisions  Chapter 5 Students using ProctorU must take Exam 1 between Oct. 1 - 6. The on-campus exam date and time will be announced on Moodle. Oct. 5 - 10  Motivation at Work  Chapter 13  Assignment #4 (Oct. 5)

Oct. 12 -16  HR Decision Making in  Chapter 6  Assignment #5 (Oct. 12) Organizations  Chapter 7  Recruiting Employees Oct. 19 - 23  Selecting Employees  Chapter 7  Assignment #6 (Oct. 19)  Training Employees Students using ProctorU must take Exam 2 between Oct. 22 – 27. The on-campus exam date and time will be announced on Moodle. Oct. 26 - 30  Compensation  Chapter 9  Assignment #7 (Oct. 26)  Benefits Nov. 2 – 6  Performance Appraisal  Chapter 10  Assignment #8 (Nov. 2)  Managing Labor  Chapter 11 Relations Nov. 9 - 13  Safety, Health, Well-  Chapter 12  Assignment #9 (Nov. 9) being, and Security  Chapter 14  Managing and Enhancing Performance **GRADUATING SENIORS USING PROCTORU MUST TAKE EXAM 3 BETWEEN Nov. 11-15** Students not graduating using ProctorU must take Exam 3 between Nov. 11-17. The on-campus exam date and time will be announced on Moodle.

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