State Board of Building Regulations and Standards
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September 7, 2011 @ Sturbridge Public Safety Building Sturbridge, MA
Donald R. Torrico - Building Officials of Western Massachusetts Member, Lee Chairman Jeff Richards - Massachusetts Building Commissioner’s Association, Weymouth Vice Chairman John Spaulding - Southeastern Building Official’s Association, Wilmington Chris Clemente - Member At Large, Andover Bonnie Weeks - Member At Large, Amherst Andrew Bobola - Member At Large, Mattapoisett Roger Fuller - Massachusetts Municipal Association Representative Peter McLaughlin - Member from Academia Bill Horrocks - BBRS Representative
The purpose of the meeting was to review applications for certification, applications for continuing education credit, and general business matters.
Meeting Minutes August 3, 2011 A JR BW
Application for Certification:
Larivee, Justin Town of I of B Certification A CC JR Ludlow Local Certification 4/1/2008 Quals approved 10/16/2007 11-09-1738 Noonan, R. No Affiliation Local Certification A CC BW Christopher I of B Certification Quals approved 7/20/2010 11-09-1739
New Employee Report Forms:
Herget, City of Acknowledge NERF Local Inspector ACK CC BW Bentley Fitchburg Appointed 12/31/2010 I of B Certification 1/8/2007 98 CEU’s (2011) NAME CITY / ACTION TO BE TAKEN Approve M S/M TOWN / Deny McDonough, Town of Acknowledge NERF Building Commissioner “ “ “ William Rehoboth Appointed 6/13/2011 I of B Certification 5/2010 76.5 CEU’s (2011)
Mendonca, Town of Acknowledge NERF Building Commissioner “ “ “ Joseph Cheshire Appointed 7/1/2011 I of B Certification 8/2006 99.5 CEU’s (2011)
Robidoux, City of Lowell Acknowledge NERF Local Inspector “ “ “ Mark Appointed 5/3/2010 Local Certification 2/5/2008 52 CEU’s (2011)
Travers, Town of Acknowledge NERF Building Commissioner “ “ “ Richard Rutland Appointed 6/27/2011 Local Certification 3/2007 Quals Approved 3/2006 39.5 CEU’s (2011)
Vandewalle, Town of Acknowledge NERF Local Inspector “ “ “ Scott Middleton Appointed 10/26/2010 Local Certification 10/2010 34 CEU’s (2011)
Watson, Town of Acknowledge NERF Local Inspector “ “ “ Ernest Rehoboth Appointed 7/1/2011 Local Certification 11/1992 70.5 CEU’s
Examination Approvals:
Banda, Jr., No Affiliation Qualifications Local and/or I of B A AB RF James Bowie, Mark No Affiliation Qualifications Local and/or I of B DENY CC JR Lack of 5 years construction experience Bill Horrocks abstain Cabot, Donna No Affiliation Qualifications Local and/or I of B A CC AB
Cestaro Sr., No Affiliation Qualifications Local and/or I of B A AB BW Gerald Johnson, No Affiliation Qualifications Local and/or I of B T AB JR Stephen More information of supervisory experience Bill Horrocks and Bonnie Weeks opposed McMahon, No Affiliation Qualifications Local and/or I of B T BH AB Christina Clarify current job description Construction Base or Office Design Base?
0b3e8b8ba78a8eba10ae2753c8ec00e8.doc ~ 2 ~ NAME CITY / ACTION TO BE TAKEN Approve M S/M TOWN / Deny Tabled 8/3/2011 Clarify ‘supervision’ skills with the architectural firm
Peterson, No Affiliation Qualifications Local and/or I of B DENY CC AS George Questioning his affiliation with the town of Huntington
Vella, Michael No Affiliation Qualifications Local and/or I of B DENY AS RF Does not have the “… general knowledge of the quality and strength of building materials…”
Extension Requests:
Blanchette, City of Extension I of B A CC JR Peter Lawrence Appt 1/6/2010 6 MOS 6 mos 7/31/2010 18 mos 7/31/2011 1/31/2012 Local Certification 4/1/2008 Pass L/M 3/27/11 Failed Tech 3/27/11
Ricker, George Town of Barre Extension I of B DENY JR BW Appt 8/8/2008 Based on R7 6 mos 2/28/2009 18 mos 2/28/2010 No one can receive more Ext through 8/31/2010 than three Ext through 2/28/2011 extensions Ext through 8/31/2011 Failed L/M 8/20/11, 4/2/11, 2/19/11 Failed Tech 7/23/11, 11/19/10, 10/15/10
Nuzzo, Edward City of Extension I of B SCHEDULE A CC PM Somerville Appt 1/4/2010 HEARING 6 mos 7/31/2010 Scheduled for 18 mos 7/31/2011 10/5/2011 Quals approved 4/7/2010 Scheduled 11/28/10 for test 12/1/10 Waiting for test results Scheduled exam 11/2010 – did not provide exam results Pooler, Kevin No Affiliation CEU Extension (8/3/2011) BW CC Local Certification 99-07-1102 REVISIT 2002 = 60.5 January 2012 2005 = 53 2008 = 50 2011 = 3
0b3e8b8ba78a8eba10ae2753c8ec00e8.doc ~ 3 ~ NAME CITY / ACTION TO BE TAKEN Approve M S/M TOWN / Deny Has been out on medical, will do on-line training.
Willis, Eugene Non-Affiliated Qualifications denied 5/10/2011 A BH CC BOCC 04-2011 Request to be re-scheduled for 11-09-1740 September
On September 7, 2011, a hearing for Eugene Willis, No Affiliation, was held in Sturbridge before members of the State Building Official Certification Committee to appeal the decision deny Mr. Willis’ Application for Certification for Local Inspector.
Synopsis of Testimony
The vice chairman of the Committee called the hearing to order. The facts of the case were read into the record. Mr. Eugene Willis was present to offer testimony.
Mr. Willis began the exam process for local certification April, 1995, prior to the regulation change where approval is required prior to taking the exams. All three required exams were completed by August 1996. Mr. Willis was aware that the Application for Certification was submitted after the completion of the required exams and was not aware of a time frame to send in the application. Since completing the exams for local inspector Mr. Willis received his Bachelor of Science in Engineering and Masters in Environmental Engineering. Mr. Willis has maintained his PE License through continuing education and will maintain his building official certification.
Following testimony, on a motion by Bill Horrocks and seconded by Chris Clemente it was voted to approve Mr. Willis’ Application for Certification for Local Inspector and to approve his qualifications to proceed with the exams for Inspector of Buildings / Building Commissioner. The approval to proceed with the exams is pending receipt of the completed Examination Approval Form.
0b3e8b8ba78a8eba10ae2753c8ec00e8.doc ~ 4 ~ Name Date Course Description CEU’s Cat. Course Number Approved Motion By: JR Second Motion By: BW (*) Courses previously approved
District 13 7/26/2011 ATC 45 3.0 1 D13-0711
Bill Walsh 8/3/2011 Basic Sheet Metal 5.0 1 C-2108* 8/17/2011
Don Robbins 2011 Working for FEMA 10.0 1 NO # CET 9/20/2011 Verify Deep Energy Envelope Measures in Resd Bldgs 7.0 1 C-2117 ICC 11/2011 2011 Annual ICC Conference / Phoenix 10.0 1 IC-135 David Byrne 10/2010 NASEO – National Assoc of State Energy Official 10.0 1 C-2118 Ranjit Charlotte, NC Singanayagam
Additional Business: 1. Review responses received from letters sent regarding retirement and recommendations for revocation for lack of CEU’s.
R7.2.4 Retired Persons. Any person who has been duly certified in accordance with R7 and who retires from service in good standing, may petition the committee to receive “retired status” certification. Upon approval said certification shall be denoted “retired” and shall not be deemed revoked. Revocation shall only be invoked for cause. Any person who has been approved for “retired status” certification and who wishes to reactivate said certification shall comply with the examination schedule as defined in R7 for the level of certification sought. Kenneth Beaudoin David Holden John McNally Michal O’Hern William Palmer Marion Pietraszkiewicz Stanley Szewczyk
R7.4.1.5 Grounds for discipline. The following shall be grounds for discipline of a certification holder: 5. The holder has failed to maintain continuing education requirements as specified in R7; Kerry Anderson Lewis Colten Brian Gore Bill Mclearn Patricia Page Maurice Pilette Paul Poirier Thomas Russo II Michael Santa Robert Shaw
0b3e8b8ba78a8eba10ae2753c8ec00e8.doc ~ 5 ~ Name Date Course Description CEU’s Cat. Course Number
Clarifications regarding :
Effective March 1, 2006, must receive prior approval prior to taking exams Clean slate as of January 1, 2008; previous history will be looked at for anyone who has already received an extension prior to 1/2008 Extensions granted from ending date of last extension or when should have been certified Table resumes or outlines until following month after more information has been required; if info not received qualifications will be voted on again with info on hand Questions regarding application for certification “approved pending receipt of information requested” Acknowledge New Employee Report Forms if qualifications have not been previously reviewed and approved. If appointee meets the minimum qualifications proceed as normal. If the Committee deems the person does not meet the minimum qualifications TABLE for one month. Present qualifications to the Full Board for their determination if the appointee meets minimum qualifications. Hearings – Vote to CONTINUE; extended for a cause Can NERF be denied when Inspector of Buildings has been appointed without the Local certification? YES Effective February 6, 2011 no more than three extensions will be granted.
Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday October 5, 2011 – Taunton District Office
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