• Multiple Choice Questions on Robert Gagne: 1) How many conditions of learning did Gagne theorize? a) 5 b) 9 c) 2 d) 7

2) How many conditions of learning did Sara not receive? a) 2 b) 9 c) 5 d) 4

3) Which of these is not a condition of learning? a) Gain Attention b) Elicit Performance c) Cooperative Learning d) Enhance Retention and Transfer

4) According to Gagne, the condition of learning most critical for Sara to receive is? a) Present information b) Provide Feedback c) Assess Performance d) Gain Attention

5) Which strategy(s) would help Sara succeed? a) cooperative learning b) using manipulatives c) building rapport d) all of the above

6) Which of the following is not one of Gagne’s learning outcomes? a) Intellectual Skills b) Mathematical Skill c) Cognitive Strategies d) Motor Skills 7) How are Gagne’s nine conditions of learning arranged? a) random b) sequential c) cyclical d) all of the above

8) Gagne’s degree was in...? a) Military studies b) Psychology c) Sociology d) Home Economics

9) How did Gagne begin to develop his conditions of learning? a) Through interpretative dance b) Military research c) Cognitive observations d) Working on his Masters

10) According to Gagne, Sara lacks motivation in…? a) internal b) external c) both internal and external d) none of the above

11) After this presentation, you are thinking…? a) Thank God it’s over b) I am now prepared to use Gagne in the final exam and in my classroom! c) This presentation has touched my life FOREVER! I will be forever happy! d) This was a waste of my time! I should be working on my lit-folio!

1b, 2d, 3c, 4d, 5d, 6b, 7b, 8b, 9b, 10b, 11c 1) Gagne’s learning outcomes are: a) Verbal, Intellectual, Cognitive, Attitudes, Motor b) Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Synthesis, Evaluation c) Who, What, When, Where, Why

2) Gagne’s Conditions of Learning: a) Identify several categories of learning b) Describe different internal and external conditions for learning c) Organizes intellectual skills into a hierarchy d) Describes a sequence of instructional events that serve as a basis for designing instruction e) all of the above f) none of the above

3) Which cognitive process corresponds with “Gaining the Learner’s Attention?” a) Responding b) Expectancy c) Reinforcement d) Reception

4) Which of the following is not one of Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction? a) Inform the learner of the objectives b) Stimulate Recall of Prior Learning c) Motor Skills d) Provide Feedback

5) The Main Principles of Gagne’s theory are: (circle all that apply) a) different instruction is required for different learning outcomes b) events of learning operate on the learner in ways that constitute the conditions of learning c) the specific operations that constitute instructional events are different for each different type of learning outcome. d) Learning hierarchies define what intellectual skills are to be learned and a sequence of instruction

6) Learning how to do a triple summersault dive off a high board is an example of which learning outcome: a) Verbal Information b) Cognitive Strategy c) Motor Skills d) Attitudes

7) According to Gagne’s theory, what is the first event of instruction teachers should use a) Stimulate prior learning b) Enhance retention c) Present the stimulus d) Gain attention

8) Listing the seven major symptoms of cancer is an example of which learning outcome? a) Intellectual Skills b) Cognitive Strategies c) Verbal Information d) Attitudes

9) To learn attitudes the learner must be exposed to: (circle the options that apply) a) multimedia presentations b) a credible role model c) persuasive arguments d) expectancy of success related to the desired attitude

10) When teaching cognitive strategies, it makes sense to a) demonstrate the strategy b) allow time to practice c) provide feedback d) all of the above e) none of the above

1A 2E 3D 4C 5 ABCD 6C 7D 8C 9BCD 10D 1. According to Gagne, the first learning event is: a. Informing learners of the objective b. Gaining attention c. Providing feedback d. Presenting the stimulus

2. Which of the following is not part of Gagne’s hierarchy of intellectual skills: a. Stimulus recognition b. Response generation c. Concept formation d. Writing process

3. Gagne’s hierarchy of intellectual skills is similar to which other theorist: a. Bloom b. Piaget c. Vygotsky d. Skinner

4. Gagne’s learning theory is called: a. Internal and External Conditions b. Conditions of Learning c. Conditions of Skills d. Levels of Learning

5. There are _____ instructional events in Gagne learning theory. a. 10 b. 7 c. 9

6. When Sara arrives late to class, Ms. Mercer should: a. prepare a task card for here with the assignment b. tell her not to worry, she’ll catch on eventually c. have her stay in at recess

7. When Sara writes “boring” in her journal Ms. Mercer should: a. Put her at a desk in another area of the classroom to work on her own b. Give her a more creative and challenging alternative to the assignment c. Make an example of her in front of the rest of the class

8. Which other theory is Gagne’s Conditions of Learning often compared to? a. Skinner’s behaviourism b. Bloom’s taxonomy c. Piaget’s stages d. Gardner’s multiple intelligences

9. After the publication of his 1965 Conditions of Learning Robert Gagne was considered to be what type of psychologist? a. behaviourist b. constructivist c. experimentalist d. stage theorist

10. In Gagne theory what are the5 main types of learning? a. Verbal information, Intellectual skills, Cognitive strategies, Motor skills and Attitudes b. Listening skills, Intellectual skills, Cognitive strategies, Motor skills and Attitudes c. Verbal information, Cognitive strategies, Motor skills and Attitudes d. Verbal information, Intellectual skills, Cognitive strategies, Motor skills, Listening Skills and Attitudes

The answers are: 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. b 9. c 10. a