Evening, Online, and Weekend Class Possible Options
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School Anatomy and Anatomy and Abnormal Developmental Kinesiolog Neuroanatomy Physiology I Physiology II Psycholog Psychology y Neuropsychology BMSEvening, 250 Online,BMS 251 and Weekendy ClassPSY Possible 364 OptionsMOV 300 Neuroscience PSY 303 BMS 427 or GVSU Occupational Therapy Prerequisites 2016 PSY 330 or PSY 431 GVSU BMS 251 PSY 364 MOV 300 PSY 330, PSY 431 Please note: This list(evening) of eligible courses and web(evening) links is provided(evening) as a courtesy.(evening) It remainsGrand theRapids candidates CC BI responsibility 121 (evening toBI confer 122 with thePY CHP231 StudentPY 232 Services Office www.gvsu.edu/chpss for accuracy. lecture and lab, (evening) (evening, (evening, online) weekend lab) online) Alpena CC BIO 201+203 (evening labs) PSY 242 (evening) Baker College PSY 311 PSY 221 (evening, (evening, online) online) Central Michigan HSC 214 + 215 (evening labs) PSY 250 PSY 220 PSY 587 (evening), OR University (online) (online) PSY 387 (online),OR PSY 588 (evening) C.S. Mott CC BIOL 151 BIOL 152 PSYC 291 (evening, (evening, (evening) weekend) weekend) Davenport BIOL 221 (evening BIOL 222 PSYC 201 University labs) (evening) (online) Delta College BIO 152 (evening) BIO 153 PSY 241 (evening) (online) Glen Oaks CC PSY 220 (online) Gogebic CC PSY 210 (online) Henry Ford CC BIO 233 (evening) BIO 234 PSY 251 PSY 253 (evening) (95% online) (evening, hybrid, or 95% online)
Kalamazoo Valley PSY 250 (evening, PSY 160 CC (evening) online) Kirtland CC BIO 25000 (online BIO 25100 PSY 20200 lecture) (online lecture, (evening, evening labs) online) Lansing CC PSYC 250 PSYC 205 (evening, (evening, online) online) Macomb CC PSYC 2800 PSYC 2450 PSYC 2750 (online) (evening) (evening, weekend) Michigan State HDFS 225 University (online) Evening, Online, and Weekend Class Possible Options GVSU Occupational Therapy Prerequisites 2016
Please note: This list of eligible courses and web links is provided as a courtesy. It remains the candidates responsibility to confer with the CHP Student Services Office www.gvsu.edu/chpss for accuracy.
Check the Schedules – The following links will take you to the class schedule for each school. Not every class is offered every semester.
Grand Valley State University, http :// www . gvsu . edu / schedule /
Grand Rapids Community College https://oc.grcc.edu/psp/epprod/EMPLOYEE/GRCC_CS/c/COMMUNITY_ACCESS.CLASS_SEARCH.GBL? FolderPath=PORTAL_ROOT_OBJECT.CLASS_SEARCH_GBL1&IsFolder=false&IgnoreParamTempl=FolderPath%2cIsFolder
Alpena Community College, https://www.alpenacc.edu/WebAdvisor/WebAdvisor?TYPE=M&PID=CORE- WBMAIN&TOKENIDX=2409356907
Aquinas College, https://myaq.aquinas.edu/WebAdvisor/WebAdvisor? TOKENIDX=3937726586&SS=1&APP=ST&CONSTITUENCY=WBST
Baker College, https :// carina . baker . edu /dlvopen
Central Michigan University, https://netconnect.cmich.edu/SearchRegister/CMichCourses.aspx
C.S. Mott Community College, https://wa.mcc.edu:8443/WebAdvisor/wa? TOKENIDX=1638740066&SS=6&APP=ST&CONSTITUENCY=WBST
Davenport University, http://www.davenport.edu/office-admissions/academics/course-search
Delta College, https://mydelta3c.delta.edu/WebAdvisor/WebAdvisor?TOKENIDX=199253276&SS=1&APP=ST
Glen Oaks Community College, https://webadvisor.glenoaks.edu:8443/WebAdvisor/WebAdvisor? TOKENIDX=7928076419&SS=1&APP=ST&CONSTITUENCY=WBST
Gogebic Community College, https://www.gogebic.edu/academics/course-schedules.php Evening, Online, and Weekend Class Possible Options GVSU Occupational Therapy Prerequisites 2016
Please note: This list of eligible courses and web links is provided as a courtesy. It remains the candidates responsibility to confer with the CHP Student Services Office www.gvsu.edu/chpss for accuracy.
Henry Ford Community College, https://my.hfcc.edu/WebAdvisor/WebAdvisor? TOKENIDX=7756630115&SS=2&APP=ST&CONSTITUENCY=WBST
Hope College, https :// plus . hope . edu / PROD / hxskschd . P _ hopeSchedule
Kalamazoo College, http :// www . kzoo . edu / academics /? p = coursesched
Kalamazoo Valley Community College, https://www.kvcc.edu/academics/schedcat/schedule.htm
Kirtland Community College, https://my.kirtland.edu/ICS/Academics/Academics_Homepage.jnz? portlet=Course_Schedules&screen=Advanced+Course+Search&screenType=next
Lansing Community College, http :// www . lcc . edu / schedule /
Macomb Community College, https://catalog.macomb.edu/Pages/SectionsHome.aspx
Michigan Colleges Online, https://www.micollegesonline.org/courses.html
Michigan State University, http :// schedule . msu . edu / default .asp
Mid Michigan CC, https://midweb.midmich.edu/mw/mw?TOKENIDX=2188754562&SS=1&APP=ST
Monroe County Community College, https://webpal.monroeccc.edu/WebAdvisor/WebAdvisor? TOKENIDX=4297495771&SS=1&APP=ST&CONSTITUENCY=WBST
Montcalm Community College, https://my.montcalm.edu/ICS/Student_Academics/Academics_Homepage.jnz? portlet=Course_Schedules&screen=Advanced+Course+Search&screenType=next
Muskegon Community College, https://webadv.muskegoncc.edu/WebAdvisorLIVE/WebAdvisorLIVE? TOKENIDX=5929317408&SS=7&APP=ST&CONSTITUENCY=WBST
Northwestern Michigan College, https://banweb.nmc.edu/nmcp/bwckschd.p_disp_dyn_sched Evening, Online, and Weekend Class Possible Options GVSU Occupational Therapy Prerequisites 2016
Please note: This list of eligible courses and web links is provided as a courtesy. It remains the candidates responsibility to confer with the CHP Student Services Office www.gvsu.edu/chpss for accuracy.
Oakland Community College, http://www.oaklandcc.edu/Schedule/
Oakland University, https://sail.oakland.edu/PROD/bwckschd.p_disp_dyn_sched
Schoolcraft College, https://webadvisor.schoolcraft.edu/sc/WebAdvisor? TOKENIDX=7172014022&SS=1&APP=ST&CONSTITUENCY=WBAP
Southwestern Michigan College, https://ssbprod8.swmich.edu/pls/PROD/bwckschd.p_disp_dyn_sched
St. Clair County Community College, https://wave.sc4.edu/WebLive/WebLive? TOKENIDX=3921960861&SS=1&APP=ST&CONSTITUENCY=WBST
West Shore Community College, https://my.westshore.edu/ICS/Academics/Course_Search.jnz? portlet=Course_Schedules&screen=Advanced+Course+Search&screenType=next
Western Michigan University, https :// www . wmich . edu / classlookup / wskctlg . wskctlg _ menu
Distance Learning Resources
California Virtual Campus, http://www.cvc.edu/students/courses/
Florida Distance Learning, http://www.distancelearn.org/courseSearch.cfm
Illinois Colleges & Universities, http://www.online.uillinois.edu/catalog/CourseSearch.asp
Indiana College Network, https://secure.icn.org/courses/index.php?ICNSTATS=1
Michigan Colleges Online, https://www.micollegesonline.org/courses.html
Ohio Learns, https://www.estudentservices.org/catalog/courses Evening, Online, and Weekend Class Possible Options GVSU Occupational Therapy Prerequisites 2016
Please note: This list of eligible courses and web links is provided as a courtesy. It remains the candidates responsibility to confer with the CHP Student Services Office www.gvsu.edu/chpss for accuracy.
Virtual College of Texas, https://www.vct.org/schedule/stdview_cat.php