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JUNE 26, 2005: THE THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME COLLECTIONS MESSAGE FROM FATHER PORTER June 19, 2005 This weekend I will be talking to you about the mission THE CALENDAR: statement of our parishes. The parishioners who worked on this task LITURGICAL APPOINTMENTS July 2 & 3, 2005 Monday, June 27: Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time Holy Family: did a great job. They spent a great deal of time to bring forth these 5:00 p.m. Mass (D): Sunday: $ 666.50 Genesis 18:16-33; Matthew 18-22 Ushers: Group 1 Lector: Jane Pierron 8:00concepts. a.m. YouNo are Mass: asked (D) not Communion to throw thisLiturgy information sheet away, but to read it every now and then to and become familiar with its Eucharist: Leroy Cordonnier, Phyllis Guillozet, John Harman Tuesday, June 28: Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Tim meaning. It is meant to give us a direction for the parishes. It will (P) Ben Dapore, Emmy Davis, MarySt AnnDenis: Gump, Krista Harman, Genesis 19:15-29; Matthew 8:23-27 John Davis, Jennifer Francis, Chelsie Sunday:Frey, Matthew$ 3,597.68Heaton, Deacon 8:00help a.m. us as weMass move (D): forward Jim Grogean and develop the different ministries of our parishes. Jack (C) Servers: Betsy Moorman, Jena Phlipot, Alexander Pohlman, Wednesday, June 29: Sts. Peter and Paul Ryan Rose Acts 12:1-11;If you have2 Timothy a small 4:6-8, child 17-18; who wouldMatthew like 16:13-19 to receive a blessing when you come up to receive the Eucharist, have them stand directly Gifts: Joe and Lynn Schlater Family☺☺☺ 8:00 a.m. No Mass (D): Communion Liturgy 8:00 a.m. Mass (D): Thursday,in front of June you and30: Thirteenthhave them fold Week their in hands Ordinary in a Timcross on their Thank You chest. This will indicate they would like a blessing. Ushers: Group 6; Lector: Gary Huelskamp Genesis 22:1b-19; Matthew 9:1-8 Eucharist: Diane Elsas, Jerry Elsas, Carl Meyer (P) Ben Francis, 8:00 a.m. Mass (D): Betty Grilliot NEW CHANGES Joe Gigandet, Mike McClurg,YOUTH Linda MINISTRY Meyer, Steve Langston, Caitlin Exposition after Mass; Benediction at 8:30 p.m. (D) We will be having a 8:00 a.m. Mass on the first Friday of each Liette,Kentucky Michael Work Liette, Camp: Lester Thanks Monnin to all (C) who Servers have :made Amanda donations Pohlman, for Friday, July 1: Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Tim month. The sacrament of confession will be available every Marythe Kentucky Prakel, Margaret work camp. Prakel, We Michael are currently Schmitmeyer doing the Kentucky Genesis 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67 Matthew 9:9-13 Thursday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass until 9:00 a.m. workGifts: camp. Steve We haveand Lil3 wheel Borchers chair Family ramps to build, some roof leaks 8:00 a.m. Mass (D): Robert Bulcher 9:30to fix, a.m. to Massname (HF):a few of the jobs. Thanks to all the adults who Saturday, July 2:OUR Thirteenth NEW PASTORAL Week in ASSOCIATE Ordinary Tim volunteeredUshers: their Delbert time and to Adamgo down Dirksen with us. Thanks also to Classic Genesis We 27:1-5, have 15-29; a new Matthew Pastoral 9:14-17 Associate. Jean Grieshop has been CarriersLector: for donating Sharon Stammenthe use of theirEucharist truck.: Alan Stammen (P) Barb 1:30hired pm. and willShardo/Sebroff start working theWedding first week of July. She is a licensed MarshalJunior High and InitiativesLinda Pohlman and High (C) Ropes:Servers: In Mindy the past Heitkamp, we sponsored Luke a 3:45practical – 4:45 nurseSacrament and will ofbe Penance continuing many of the tasks that Cindy Kremertrip for andJunior Justin High May where they experienced initiatives and a high 5:00performed p.m. concerningMass (D): the Dan health Kissinger needs of parishioners. Her main ropesGifts: course John at Genevaand Louise Hills Grilliot in Lancaster, Family Ohio. This year Geneva Sunday,task will July be her 3: involvementFourteenth in Sunday the various in Ordinaryministries Timeof the parishes. 11:00Hills hasa.m. closed Mass its(D): doors, so we will be going to Appleseed Ridge ZechariahWe welcome 9:9-10; her Romans to our parish 8:9, 11-13; communities. Matthew 11:25-30 CampUshers: in Lima, Group Ohio. 12 Fifteen& 16; L youthector: can Bob go Goubeaux on the trip. You can pick 8:00 a.m. Mass (D) Jerome and Frances Gasson up flyersEucharist and : formsRich Schwieterman, at the youth office Ryan anytimeBorchers, beginning Melissa Heft July (P) 5. 9:30 a.m. MassARCHBISHOP’S (HF): Herman ANNUAL & Rosetta FUND Baltes DRIVE BrittanyThe date Drees, for the Peggy experience Borgerding, is Thursday, Renee Eilerman, July 21. Joshua We will Berger, stay St. Denis has reached L/D of81% Bernard ($17,108) & Marie and FrantzHoly FamilyFamily 75% Rickovernight Dues, and Doris return Goubeaux, on Friday. Maria This Goubeaux, event is Janiceopen to Berger last year’s (C) 11:00($3,115) a.m. of theirMass goals (D): forParishioners 2005. Every gift helps, and no gift is too Servers:seventh and Katie eighth Schrader, grade students. Daniel Schrader, Kristen Schulte, Kelly Monday,small. Return July 4:your Fourteenth card in the Weekcollection in Ordinarybasket or mail Time to the office. SchwietermanTraining Christian Leaders: Training Christian Leaders will be Genesis 28:10-22a; Matthew 9:18-26 ST DENIS CCD NEWS AugustGifts: 7-10 Don this and year. Zita Any Henry 2005-2006 Family high school youth leader can 9:00 a.m. Mass (D): Jim Niekamp The First Communion group pictures can be picked up after the attend. The cost is $100.00 for the four-day event. This is a great VOCATION VIEWS 11:00 a.m. Mass on June 26 and July 3 at St. Denis. The individual experience! Interested leaders can sign up by contacting Mike pictures can be pickedWEDDINGS up at the AND same MARRIAGES time. Welcome others into your heart. Be willing to give of yourself Marriage Encounter, the weekend of July 15-17, can enhance forASAP. others. Let your heart lead you to follow Jesus. your marriage. Please GROUNDS call 1-800-547-1251 COMMITTEE Code 00. Retrouvaille PARISH NURSE NEWS can helpWe you still save need your several marriage more. volunteersPlease call to1-800-470-2230. be on the Grounds and WELLNESS TIPS HomeBody: Visitors: Wear sun The block home when visitors in the team sun tocame protect together you skin this from past Facilities Committee for St. Denis. This is not a work committee but PROJECT RACHEL, AFTER ABORTION theweek sun’s to share rays. stories Mind: and Use support your eachbrain other to do in calculations. their ministry. Spirit: Most a committee to evaluate the parish plant and give input on repairs. The Archdiocese sponsors Project Rachel for healing after Makefelt that peace it is witha very a lovedrewarding one. experience. Can you give some time to Call the parish office if you are willing to serve. abortion. Call 937-492-4449 for more information. make someone feel important and a part of our parish family? Please call Cindy at the rectory CATHOLIC for more TELEGRAPHinformation. UPCOMING EVENTS BAPTISMS BooksLast and week’s Videos: Catholic We haveTelegraph a nice had library a supplement of resources on forCatholic grief June 24-26: Maria Stein Country Fest. The 18th annual Maria Parents must attend a baptismal program before they present marriagessupport and that other included health planningissues through wedding the parishmusic, nurse.explained If you the havenew Stein Country Fest will be held this weekend on the grounds of the their children for baptism. Future dates of program are: July 10, marriagea need, there guidelines may be some approved valuable for help the through Archdiocese, these resources. and had If “Shrine of the Holy Relics” in Maria Stein. Visit September 11 and November 6, 2005. Please call the rectory to engagementyou have used pictures any of of these couples resources from the and area. are finishedThere was with also them a story we register for the July 10th program. onask the that photo you returndisplay them at the to Mariathe rectory Stein for Center future that use. has pictures of St. June 26: Volley for a Cure. Today there will be a double DenisBereavement and Holy Ministry Family Meeting: included. The Please bereavement support our ministry efforts team to bring has elimination Volleyball Tournament and BBQ Chicken Dinner at WEDDINGS youbeen the actively Catholic working Telegraph in the by parishusing theplanning envelope and in assisting your boxes at the to Heritage Park to benefit the American Cancer Society. (dinner pick- Congratulations to Emily Goubeaux and Matt Pitsenbarger who payfunerals. for your They subscription. are also reaching Please outmake to yourthe bereaved check for in $22 support. payable If up at east parking lot). were married here yesterday. Jason Shardo and Donneta Sebroff toyou your or parish.someone you know could benefit from this support please July 25 – July 29: Community Vacation Bible School from plan to marry at St. Denis on Saturday, July 2. Melissa Krueger and notify Cindy at the rectory. The next bereavement ministry team 8:45 to 11:45 a.m. each day at St. Denis Church. This is open to Aloysius Rahm plan to marry here on July 9. meeting will be heldPETER’S July 6PENCE at 8:00 COLLECTION p.m. in the St. Denis rectory. children 4 years of age - going into the 6th grade. Cost is $5 per child PleaseThe let annual Cindy knowPeter’s if Penceyou are Collection unable to supportsattend. the works of the or $15 per family with 3 orTHANK more children YOU if registered before June every Holy Father and will be taken up today in parishes across the 30.The Late family registration of Dale is Weese $6 per wouldchild. likeRegistration to thank formseveryone are atin all the the country. TheAUTOMATIC proceeds fundEXTERNAL emergency DEFIBRILLATORS relief assistance to those parishentrances for their to St. prayers, Denis andhelp Holy and following Call Cheryl their at 526-4391loss. The for throughoutThe Health the world & Wellness who suffer Commission from war, is grateful oppression, for the and donation natural meals,more visits, information. prayers and support were greatly appreciated. disasters.of two automatic The theme external for defibrillatorsthis year’s collection from a generous is Goodness parishioner. Works QuietlyThe AED. isThrough in the usher’s works closetof charity, at St. we Denis can and provide in the a sacristy quiet but at ST. DENISRIGHT COLLECTION TO LIFE GARAGE ENVELOPES SALE powerfulHoly Family. witness Ifof youlove interestedand deeds into trainingempower forthose CPR who and suffer. the PleaseThank stop you in to the everyone back of who church donated and items pick forup thenew annual collection garage Thankdefibrillator you for call your the generous rectory atresponse 526-4945. to this Watch worthy for cause. notice of time envelopessale held for this your week. family. Special The new thanks boxes to begin Janice on SchwietermanSunday, July 3 and and dates in the bulletin or the Versailles Policy. This special gift to Marlene Puthoff and to everyone who helped make it a great success. our churches is truly a blessing.

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