Double Degree Programmes between Department of Real Estate and School of Business

Within the framework of ocDoubleDegrees/tabid/751/Default.aspx , the following four double degree programmes are available to current NUS undergraduates in BSc (RE) and BBA/BBA(Acc):

(a) BSc(RE)(Hons) + BBA(Hons) (b) BSc(RE)(Hons) + BBA (c) BSc(RE)(Hons) + BBA(Accountancy)(Hons) (d) BSc(RE)(Hons) + BBA(Accountancy)

These programmes combine and synergize the strengths of the two disciplines in Real Estate and Business. Students going through these programmes will acquire core real estate knowledge and competencies that prepare them for professional careers in the real estate industry. At the same time, they will also learn necessary business skills and insights in the areas of organizational behaviour, finance and accounting, marketing, economics, and business law, among others, which prepare them for challenges in the business world. The combination of real estate and business skills will produce a new breed of business-savvy real estate graduates, who will be well sought-after in the increasingly integrated real estate and capital markets.

An applicant must have at least an “AO-level” pass in Mathematics or equivalent.

USP Requirements

A USP Writing and Critical Thinking Module can be taken in lieu of the BSc(RE) essential module ES2007D Professional Communication or the BBA Foundation Module ES2002 Business Communication. Students who want to map other USP modules to the double degree programme should seek the approval of the double degree’s coordination committee.

Minimum Module Requirement

At least 90 MCs of the BSc(RE) and BBA/BBA(Acc.), and at least 100 MCs of the BSc(RE)(Hons) and BBA(Hons)/BBA(Acc.Hons.) must be obtained from NUS modules.

Proportion of Major Requirements Taught by Respective Programmes

At least 72 MCs of the Real Estate Programme Requirements must be taught by the Department of Real Estate; at least 65 MCs and 51 MCs of the BBA(Hons.)/BBA(Acc.Hons.) and BBA/BBA(Acc.) Programmes Requirements respectively must be taught by the School of Business.

Page 1 of 8 Details are in the Annexes. Please visit ocDoubleDegrees/tabid/751/Default.aspx for further information.

Page 2 of 8 Annex A1: Structure for Double Degree in BBA(Hons) and BSc (RE)(Hons)

Degree Requirements BBA(Hons) BSc (RE) (Hons) BBA(Hons)/ BSc (RE) (Hons) MCs MCs MCs (A) University Level Requirements 20 20 12 GEMs 8 8 8 (1 each from groups A & B) Singapore Studies 4 4 4 Breadth 8 8 Exempted under DDP structure (B) BBA (Hons) Programme 108 Total 72 MCs Requirements Foundation Modules 60 44 (+ 16 MCs Common Modules) Honours Thesis 12 0 (+ 12 MCs Common Modules) Essential Modules (Specialization 24 24 modules) Restricted (Business) Modules 12 4 (+ 8 MCs Common (At least 8 MCs at level 4000) Modules) (C) BSc (RE) (Hons) Programme 120 Total 84 MCs Requirements School Requirement 8 4 (+ 4 MCs Common Modules) Essential Modules by DRE 72 / 76 56 / 60 (+ 16 MCs Common Modules) Essential Modules by Other 16 8 (+ 8 MCs Common Departments Modules) Restricted Electives 24 / 20 16 / 12 (+ 8 MCs Common Modules) (D) Common Modules Total 36 MCs Selected Common Modules 36 (E) Unrestricted Elective 32 20 0 Requirements Unrestricted Electives Exempted under DDP structure TOTAL 160 160 204 MCs

Page 3 of 8 Annex A2: Structure for Double Degree in BSc (RE)(Hons) and BBA

Degree Requirements BBA BSc (RE) (Hons) BSc (RE) (Hons)/ BBA MCs MCs MCs (A) University Level 20 20 12 Requirements GEMs 8 8 MC 8 (1 each from groups A & B) Singapore Studies 4 4 MC 4 Breadth 8 8 MC Exempted under DDP structure (B) BBA Programme 84 Total 56 MCs Requirements Foundation Modules 60 44 (+ 16 MCs Common Modules) Essential Modules (Specialization 24 12 (+ 12 MCs modules) Common Modules) (C) BSc (RE) (Hons) Programme 120 Total 92 MCs Requirements School Requirement 8 4 (+ 4 MCs Common Modules) Essential Modules by DRE 72 / 76 60 / 64 (+ 12 MCs Common Modules) Essential Modules by Other 16 8 (+ 8 MCs Common Departments Modules) Restricted Electives 24 / 20 20 / 16 (+ 4 MCs Common Modules) (D) Common Modules Total 28 MC Selected Common Modules 28 (E) Unrestricted Elective 16 20 0 Requirements Unrestricted Electives Exempted under DDP structure TOTAL 120 160 188 MCs

Page 4 of 8 Annex A3: List of Common Modules for BBA(Hons)/BBA and BSc (RE) (Hons)

(1) Students will take BSP1005 Managerial Economics which will be double counted as fulfillment for EC1301 Principles of Economics

(2) Students may choose to take either ST1131A Introduction to Statistics or ST1131 Introduction to Statistics

(3) Students will take DSC2003 Management Science which will be double counted as an elective module in the Real Estate Programme

(4) Students may choose to take either ES2002 Business Communication or ES2007D Professional Communication

(5) BHT4001 Honors Thesis (worth 12 MCs) (a) or RE4803 Dissertation (worth 8 MCs) (b)

(6) RE3804 Research Methodology

(7) RE4802 Real Estate Development (a)

This list may be updated by the School of Business and Department of Real Estate acting in concert.

Note: (a) For students on the double honours double degree programme only. (b) For students on the single honours double degree programme only.

Annex A4: Maximum MCs of common modules that may be counted towards both Degrees and the Minimum Total MCs Required

Double Degree Combination Maximum MCs of Common Minimum Total MCs Modules that can be double Required counted BBA (Hons) / BSc (RE) (Hons) 36 MCs 204 MCs BSc (RE) (Hons) / BBA 28 MCs 188 MCs The actual total MCs may exceed the minimum required as it is dependent on the students’ specialization in the BBA/BBA(Hons) programme.

Page 5 of 8 Annex B1: Structure for Double Degree in BBA(Acc.Hons.) and BSc (RE)(Hons)

Degree Requirements BBA(Acc.Hons.) BSc (RE) BBA(Acc.Hons.)/ (Hons) BSc (RE) (Hons) MCs MCs MCs (A) University Level Requirements 20 20 12 GEMs 8 8 8 (1 each from groups A & B) Singapore Studies 4 4 4 Breadth 8 8 Exempted under DDP structure (B) BBA(Acc.Hons.) Programme 108 Total 72 MCs Requirements Foundation Modules 60 44 (+ 16 MCs Common Modules) Honours Thesis 12 0 (+ 12 MCs Common Modules) Essential Modules (Specialization 24 24 modules) Restricted (Business) Modules 12 4 (+ 8 MCs Common (At least 8 MCs at level 4000) Modules) (C) BSc (RE) (Hons) Programme 120 Total 84 MCs Requirements School Requirement 8 4 (+ 4 MCs Common Modules) Essential Modules by DRE 72 / 76 56 / 60 (+ 16 MCs Common Modules) Essential Modules by Other 16 8 (+ 8 MCs Common Departments Modules) Restricted Electives 24 / 20 16 / 12 (+ 8 MCs Common Modules) (D) Common Modules Total 36 MCs Selected Common Modules 36 (E) Unrestricted Elective 32 20 20 (for 5 compulsory Requirements Accounting modules) Unrestricted Electives 20 TOTAL 160 160 224 MCs

Page 6 of 8 Annex B2: Structure for Double Degree in BSc (RE)(Hons) and BBA(Acc.)

Degree Requirements BBA(Acc.) BSc (RE) (Hons) BSc (RE) (Hons)/ BBA(Acc.) MCs MCs MCs (A) University Level 20 20 12 Requirements GEMs 8 8 MC 8 (1 each from groups A & B) Singapore Studies 4 4 MC 4 Breadth 8 8 MC Exempted under DDP structure (B) BBA(Acc.) Programme 84 Total 68 MC Requirements Foundation Modules 60 44 (+ 16 MC Common Modules) Essential Modules (Specialization 24 24 (for 6 compulsory modules) Accounting modules) (C) BSc (RE) (Hons) Programme 120 Total 104 MCs Requirements School Requirement 8 4 (+ 4 MCs Common Modules) Essential Modules by DRE 72 / 76 72 / 76 Essential Modules by Other 16 8 (+ 8 MCs Common Departments Modules) Restricted Electives 24 / 20 20 / 16 (+ 4 MCs Common Modules) (D) Common Modules Total 16 MC Selected Common Modules 16 (E) Unrestricted Elective 16 20 20 (for 5 compulsory Requirements Accounting modules) Unrestricted Electives 20 TOTAL 120 160 220 MCs

Page 7 of 8 Annex B3: List of Common Modules for BBA(Acc.Hons.)/BBA(Acc.) and BSc (RE) (Hons)

(1) Students will take BSP1005 Managerial Economics which will be double counted as fulfillment for EC1301 Principles of Economics

(2) Students may choose to take either ST1131A Introduction to Statistics or ST1131 Introduction to Statistics

(3) Students will take DSC2003 Management Science which will be double counted as an elective module in the Real Estate Programme

(4) Students may choose to take either ES2002 Business Communication or ES2007D Professional Communication

(5) BHT4001 Honors Thesis (worth 12 MCs)

(6) RE3804 Research Methodology

(7) RE4802 Real Estate Development

This list may be updated by the School of Business and Department of Real Estate acting in concert.

Note: Items (5) to (7) applicable to students in the double honors degree programme only. Students on the single honours double degree programme must take RE4803 Dissertation (8 MCs)

Annex B4: Maximum MCs of common modules that may be counted towards both Degrees and the Minimum Total MCs Required

Double Degree Combination Maximum MCs of Common Minimum Total MCs Modules that can be double Required counted BBA(Acc.Hons.)/BSc(RE)(Hons) 36 MCs 224 MCs BSc (RE) (Hons) / BBA(Acc.) 16 MCs 220 MCs

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