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Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, Assessment, Resources differentiation learning outcome 1 Recognise some different Story book page 202 books. Enjoy favourite Children know & 2. Reflect on different books understand a they use in their Nursery or variety of books. classroom. 3. Respect: appreciate there Prayer time are many different kinds of books 4. Relate: we have special Church page 204 story Special books for Church1 Look at the two missal the adult and child’s Sunday Missal & books for Mass Sunday talk about the key questions one, how are they different, how do they Children’s Sunday Mass book help you at Mass? How do we treat these Children know & Missal. Church’s books? understand Story One 5 Relate learn about books Missal(R) Look at the children’s Mass books (ask Together make a big book of the Mass different books for Children bring in people use for Sunday Mass book (n) children to bring anything they might use church on Sunday. own Mass books Mass. at home) . What pictures do they have, Clip art what do they tell us? 6 Relate: we listen to stories church Page 204-5 Special books for Church 2 Look at the picture in Church’s Story One, Church’s Story about Jesus at Mass Church’s Story One. We stand up as a what is happening One mark of respect when we hear the stories about Jesus 7 Relate: know where the if possible visit the church (or look at a Where is it? What does it look like? Why is God’s Story 1 28- gospel is read from in picture of the inside) & look at the stand it near the altar? 29 church where the gospel is read from (lectern)

8 Relate know the story of the Temple p. 205 A visit to the Temple God’s Story Sequence and re-enact the story God’s Story One visit to the Temple One 28-29, talk about the picture, and the key questions p. 205 9. Relate: we treat the Bible Bible Page 205 Adult Bible (if with love possible with an attractive cover), candle, cloth, stand 10 Remember: many different Use the questions Class remembering book / Pupils’ self kinds of books; different books evaluation people use in church on Sunday. 11 Rejoice: celebrate: ‘So Prayer time many books’. 12 Renew: application: ‘When I next enjoy my favourite book, I will say thank you for it’.


Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, differentiation Assessment, Resources, learning outcome 1 Recognise they have a memory page 208 please remember memory. remember Children know & 2. Reflect on what they need understand to remember. remembering is important. 3. Respect: appreciate there Prayer time is a lot to remember & that remembering is important. 4. Relate: we remember at Mass page 210 Remember talk about the Retell the story with the pupils Church’s Story One Mass Sunday key questions, remind pupils About remembering what happened the last topic on books Children know & understand that at 5 Relate: we remember Fr Joe remembered to pray for the We remember people we what to pray for Mass people each other at Mass sick at Mass remember Jesus.

6 Relate at Mass we Jesus A story we might hear at Mass page Pupils share the favourite part of the story, God’s Story One remember Jesus. 211 Jesus welcomes the children what does this mean to me? God’s Story One ps 30-31. Talk about the key questions page 211 7 Relate: at Mass we Jesus Jesus welcomes the children God’s Remember the story, enact it , OR make a God’s Story 1 pages remember Jesus Story One ps 30-31 talk about the collage with pictures of the class around 30-31 picture Jesus 8 Relate: we gather to gather Visit the church or ask the priest to Enact the gathering at Mass, a hymn and a Rejoice One 37 remember Jesus’ love come in. welcome, remember prayer

9. Relate: we remember our prayers Who do we want to remember? Page Prayers for Mums and Dads and carers parents 211

10 Remember remembering Use the questions Class remembering book / Pupils’ self is important; people evaluation remember Jesus at Mass. 11 Rejoice: ‘I can Prayer time remember; remembering is important’ 12 Renew: Application: ‘What important thing do I need to remember today?


Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, Assessment, Resources, differentiation learning outcome 1 Recognise a sign of new new life Spring page 214 Signs of new life life. beginning Children know & under- 2. Reflect on the signs of stand the whole of new life around them. nature prepares for the new life of 3. Respect: appreciate that Prayer time Spring. Spring is a time for new life. 4. Relate: Lent as a time Lent page 216 story: Better people. Talk set up Lent prayer focus Purple material, plain for remembering Jesus about the key questions cross, candle. Bulbs in bud 5 Relate: Lent brings How can we be better people? Make a Lenten tree Church’s Story One new life being new people. Children know & 6 Relate: we remember Good Friday Page 216 Hot cross buns the cross Learn a song Rejoice One 69 understand; Lent: a Hot cross buns Jesus died on Good cross reminds us…. time to prepare to Rejoice One CD Friday celebrate Jesus’ 7 Relate. Jesus died on Page 217 Jesus dies on the cross God’s Simple prayer service new life at Easter. God’s story One Good Friday story 1(big book) page 34 look at the Rejoice One 66/68 picture, who is there what are they doing? 8 Relate: Jesus is alive Easter Sunday Page 217 story Easter Sunday Sing an Easter hymn God’s story 1(big book) page 35 Talk about the key questions

9. Relate; Easter as a time Easter Sunday We are full of joy because Jesus is alive Make Easter cards about Jesus being Tray or lid, tin foil, for celebrating new life and with us alive or make an Easter garden stones. Small plants piece of white cloth 10 Remember signs of new Use the questions Class remembering book / Pupils’ self life all around; Lent: a time evaluation to get ready to celebrate the new life of Jesus at Easter. 11 Rejoice: Celebrate: ‘A Prayer time time for new life.’ 12 Renew: Application: ‘How can I be a new and better person today?’


Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, differentiation Assessment, Resources, learning outcome 1 Recognise there are many book different page 202 different kinds of books. favourite Children know & 2. Reflect on the many under- different books they use in stand different books class & what they use them for. for different reasons. 3. Respect: appreciate many Prayer time different kinds of books different uses, ways, & reasons. 4. Relate: the Bible is a very Bible page 204 A special book Enthrone the Bible on a special table An attractive looking holy book, used in Church at holy , church Bible, candles, cloth. Mass on Sunday Sunday Church’s Story Two 5 Relate: the Bible is God’s special Pages 204-205 Why the Bible is so Children know & special book, special, a story of love under- stand about a special 6 Relate: we treat the Bible respect Thinking about how we treat the Design a front cover for the Bible (ICT) book read in church on Page 72 with respect Bible Sunday to tell of God’s love. 7 Relate: : listen to a story Presentation Page 205. God’s Story 2 p62, The Anna’s or Simeon’s story from the Bible Presentation

8 Relate: listen to another Temple God’s Story 2 p63, Jesus gets lost Enact the story ( in groups :perhaps paper story about Jesus How did each of the people in the bags puppets) story feel 9. Relate: We greet the Remember lesson 4 Learn a song about the Bible: Share the Candles, Bible Rejoice Bible with joy Page 205 Light (B. Farrell) or Rejoice One 16 One or Share the Light 10 Remember: books used in Use the questions Pupils’ self evaluation 0ifferent ways, reasons; the Bible used in church on Sunday. 11 Rejoice: Celebrate: Prayer time ‘different books for different reasons’. 12 Renew: application: What new book can I find out more about?


Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, differentiation Assessment, Resources, learning outcome 1 Recognise that people have remember page 208 A special memory special memories. forget 2. Reflect: on their own & Children know & their families’ special under- stand that memories people remember special times, special 3. Respect: appreciate that Prayer time places and special people remember special people. places, times & people in their lives. 4. Relate: remembering Mass Communion page 210 Remembering Jesus at Church’s Story Two what happens at Mass blessing Mass

5 Relate: the parish family Jesus, blessed Page 210-211 God’s story 2 Re-enact the story God’s story 2 remember Jesus at Mass. bread & wine page 77 Children know & under- 6 Relate: at Mass we procession The preparation of gifts at the A procession carrying candles and bread stand the parish process with bread and Offertory, bread and wine and wine family remembers wine brought to the altar. Preparing to Jesus at Mass. remember Jesus 7 Relate: we remember Rejoice One 37 Jesus is with us Make a litany of thank you remembering people in our prayers (page 211)

8 Relate: we remember Page 211 story page 145 Jesus How would I feel as one of the children Jesus loves us welcomes children

9. Relate: remembering Page 211. Visit the church, for Stand for the welcome and song, sit for Jesus at Mass simple liturgy of welcome song, reading (not gospel) and kneel for the reading prayer prayer 10 Remember: people Use the questions Pupils’ self evaluation remember special places, times, people; the parish family remembers Jesus at Mass. 11 Rejoice: Celebrate: Prayer time ‘Memories of special times, places, people’. 12 Renew: Application: ‘Who is special for me? How can I EASTER C 5 remember them?’


Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, differentiation Assessment, Resources, learning outcome 1 Recognise a sign of new life new life page 214 look at a bulb and see a bulbs from what seemed to be beginning flower dead. Spring Children know & 2. Reflect on all that seems understand new life dead which now has new life. from what seems to 3. Respect: appreciate that Prayer time be dead. the whole of nature seems to have new life in Spring. 4. Relate: Lent as a time for Ash Wednesday page 216 what happens on Ash set up the prayer focus for Lent Prayer focus, purple beginning a new life. Lent Wednesday, material, plain cross, candle. Bulbs in bud 5 Relate: Lent a new start Lent Page 216 Lent is a time to make a new . Make a promise card (ICT), a Lenten tree: Church’s Story Two start & prepare for Easter class project for Lent Children know & 6 Relate; Jesus died on Good Good Friday Page 216-217 Good Friday God’s God’s story 2, understand Lent, a Friday cross story 2, pages 78 time to think of new life and get ready to 7 Relate Jesus show his love0 Page 217 John’s story celebrate Jesus’ new his Mother God’s story 2, pages 79 life at Easter. 8 Relate: we remember Jesus Page 217 Simple Good Friday Make up prayers for those in need (page Hymns, Rejoice One died for us prayer service Rejoice One 68 or 217) 68 other hymn Prayer focus 9. Relate Jesus rose to new life Easter Sunday The story of Jesus’ Resurrection Make an Easter Garden, alleluia banners Tray or lid, tin foil, at Easter alleluia stones. Small plants piece of white cloth 10 Remember: new life Use the questions Pupils’ self evaluation appears in Spring; Lent, a time for beginning a new life; Easter, celebrating the new life of Jesus. 11 Rejoice: Celebrate: Prayer time ‘Everything comes back to life’.

EASTER C 6 12 Renew: Application: ‘How can I begin a new life today?’


Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, Assessment, Resources, differentiation learning outcome 1 Recognise the different register, log book, page 202 books used in school. prospectus, text book, exercise book 2. Reflect on the different Children know & books used at home & in the understand books neighbourhood. used at home, in 3. Respect: appreciate many different Prayer time school & in the books are used in different places, by neighbourhood. different people, for different reasons. 4. Relate: we show respect for thurible, incense page 204 The Gospel of the Lord Light the candles and enthrone the Prayer focus: the Gospel lectern Book of the consider the signs of reverence respect for Bible. Learn to make the sign of the Copy of adult Gospels God’s Holy Word cross on forehead, lips and heart when Bible, candles, we hear the gospel. cloth Children know & 5 Relate. God speak to us Bible Pages 204-205 Learn more about the Write a letter to God thank his for his under- Church’s Story through his holy contents of the Bible, Holy Book, say what you have about stand about the Two word him Gospels used in 6 Relate the Gospels tell feast, Holy Family, (page 314)The feast of the Holy family tell church on Sunday by about God’s gift of love in Gospel us about Jesus when he was growing up. the parish family. Jesus Presentation God’s Story 2 page 62 A visit to the Temple 7 Relate: the gospel tells us (page315) God’s Story 2 page 63 the boy about Jesus Jesus in the Temple

8 Relate Prepare for the ceremony hearing the Learning an alleluia hymn to greet the gospel gospel

9. Relate: we greet the gospel thurible, incense Page 205 Visit the Church (or use the thurible, incense with love and respect lectern Book of the school hall) and with the priest celebrate lectern Book of the Gospels greeting & hearing the gospel (use one of Gospels, candles the stories for from lessons 6 or 7) 10 Remember: books used at Use the questions Pupils’ self evaluation home, in school & in the neighbourhood; the Book of the Gospels read in church by the parish family. EASTER C 7 11 Rejoice: celebrate: ‘Books Prayer time at home, school & in the neighbourhood’. 12 Renew: application: ‘How can I use & share my special book?’


Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, Assessment, Resources, differentiation learning outcome 1 Recognise a special way of memory page 208 no ordinary bear remembering. remembering reminds Children know & 2. Reflect on what helps understand that them remember. there are many different ways of 3. Respect: appreciate that Prayer time remembering. there are many different ways of remembering. 4. Relate: Remembering Rememberin Recall previous lessons remembering, if Church’s Story Two Jesus g you were a disciple how would you Jesus remember Jesus 5 Relate: Jesus asked his Last Supper page 210 Remember me (God’s story 2 Imagine you were at the Last Supper friends to page 77) what do you remember? remember him. 6 Relate recall the story of the Look at the way artist have represented Empty picture frame, the picture of Children know & Books, internet sites Last Supper the Last Supper Last supper has been lost, can you understand that the replace it? Eucharist is 7 Relate: : at the Eucharist Eucharist Page 210-211 Listen to the first half Make up your own response to the remembering Jesus Words on an OHP or we remember Jesus’ words Bread host about the bread show the children some Eucharistic prayer in the way he power point, picture of and action hosts explain they are not yet Jesus’ body asked. priest holding up the chalice or host at Mass 8 Relate: at the Eucharist we Chalice wine Page 211 Listen to the second half about Draw the priest saying Mass with remember Jesus’ words and the wine show the children a chalice chalice and host on the altar action 9. Relate: find out about First Holy Talk about people remembering their Interview some older children or adults someone’s First Holy Communion First Holy Communion who have made their First Holy Communion Communion 10 Remember all the Use the questions Pupils’ self evaluation different ways there are of remembering; Eucharist is remembering Jesus in the way he asked. 11 Rejoice: Celebrate: ‘So Prayer time EASTER C 8 many ways of remembering’. 12 Renew: Application: ‘Who are the people most important for me and how can I remember them?


Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, Assessment, learning Resources, differentiation outcome 1 Recognise the end of one way of life New ending page 214 a new house/ a new dad Children know & and the beginning of a new way. Beginning life understand endings and beginnings for themselves 2. Reflect on all the endings and & their families. beginnings in their lives.

3. Respect: appreciate all their feelings Prayer time about endings & beginnings.

4. Relate: Learn about Lent as a time Lent page 216 A cross for Lent Poems & /or prayers about a new Children know & Prayer focus, purple for beginning a new life; Discussion of how to make an start in Lent. A class resolution understand Lent: forty material, plain cross, ending and a new beginning during (CAFOD project see internet) days for endings and candle. Bulbs in bud the 40 days Lent. Why the sign of beginnings in order to Church’s Story Two the Cross in ashes celebrate Jesus’ new 5 Relate: celebrate the start of Lent Page 216 Simple act of worship, life at Easter. Prayer focus, Rejoice use the work of lesson 4 Rejoice One One 65 6 Relate: remembering the death of Holy Week Page 216 Holy Week hear Mark’s Learn a suitable hymn and make Jesus. Crucify story up a prayer to remember the death crucifix of Jesus 7 Relate Jesus bring new life to the Hear Luke’s story of the Imagine you are the good thief tell God’s Story 2 good thief crucifixion God’s Story 2 page 78 your story (ICT) (page 316 in HIA) 8 Relate : Jesus rose to new life raised to new Page 217 New life God’s Story 2 Light a candle, learn or make up God’s Story 2 life page 80, the Easter candle is a sign an alleluia song Simple instruments of Jesus’ new life 9. Relate: preparing to celebrate his Easter Recall the Easter story Make an Easter garden to take Tray or lid, tin foil, new life at Easter home stones. Small plants piece of white cloth 10 Remember: their endings & Use the questions Pupils’ self evaluation beginnings; Lent, a time to make an ending or a beginning; Good Friday is an end; Easter Sunday is a beginning. 11 Rejoice: Celebrate: ‘Endings and Prayer time beginnings’. EASTER C 9 12 Renew: application. ‘What do I need to end today? What new beginning can I make?


Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, Assessment, Resources, differentiation learning outcome 1 Recognise that the school log book, page 286 Our special books community has special register, prospectus, year book, books. Children know & magazine understand special 2. Reflect on the special books used books communities at special times at home & in the use at special times. neighbourhood. 3. Respect: appreciate that different Prayer time communities have & need different books at different times. 4. Relate: The Bible is a library of Bible, Pentateuch page 288 Discover the Bible, what is the Bible, Copymaster A, research information about Bibles, some books Old Testament when is it used? the composition of the Bible, the Bibles, record the research. different New Testament Children know & versions copy History Wisdom, understand that the Prophets Gospel master A Bible is the special Page 288 the Bibles is God’s message of love to Using ICT clip art design a cover, write a 5 Relate: why the Bible is special book for the Christian Church’s Story his people when is it used, how do we treat it letter to God thanking Him for the gifts of for Christians family. Three the Bible and why it is important to you

6 Relate : God speaks to us Word What do we know about God the creator or Choose the story, psalm or reading you like Bibles at a through His Word Jesus from the Bible? How does he speak to best , say why, how does it help you? variety of levels, you? God’s story 3 7 Relate how the Bible reading are Page 288 The Readings at Mass Look up the references,, put them in the Bibles at a used at Mass right order, when are these reading used? variety of levels, God’s story 3 8 Relate understand the order of copymaster page 292 Put into order the books of the Bibles AA link Bibles reading with the sacraments

9. Relate: certain Biblical copymaster page 292 In groups find the best reading for the passages are suitable for special occasion occasions 10 Remember: different Use the questions Pupils’ self evaluation communities have their own books for special times; the Bible, the special book used by the Christian family. 11 Rejoice: celebrate: ‘Special Prayer time

EASTER C 10 books for special times’.

12 Renew: Application: ‘Next time I use a special book, I’ll think about why it is special’.

CLASS THREE/FOUR TOPIC: MEMORIES THEME RELATING ~ EUCHARIST date Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, Assessment, Resources, differentiation learning outcome 1 Recognise: why a outstanding page 294 Mum’s surprise or Wilfrid Gordon memory is very memories McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox (puffin) special. Children know & 2. Reflect on why some understand memories are v. special for outstanding them & their families. memories and why 3. Respect: appreciate why Prayer time they are some memories are special for remembered. themselves & their families. 4. Relate: understand the Last Supper page 296 The Last Supper (God’s story3 page Imagine you one of the 12 write God’s story3 actions of Jesus at the Last ‘Do this in 114) your own account Church’s Story Three Supper memory of AA. Research about Passover in Children know & me’ Jesus’ time (ICT) understand 5 Relate: understand the Page296- 297 recall the Book topic, gather round Choose a hymn to link with the Eucharist, Bible cloth candles, importance of the the Bible display, read the Lk22: 7-23 again Last Supper (Rejoice2; 44), remembering the bread & grape juice Last Supper Find/make up a prayer life, death & Rejoice 2 or hymn resurrection of books 6 Relate: the Eucharist Eucharist Explain context of Eucharistic prayer Page 297 Work in group with highlighters Jesus. Copymaster A remembers Jesus’ life, death Eucharistic identify, discuss and note how the Eucharistic & resurrection Prayer prayer recalls the death life and resurrection of Jesus 7 Relate: become familiar Page297 put 1-13 into random order, Reorder list into correct order, A Copymaster B with the Mass for Last Supper, B for Mass

8 Relate: learn about the Look at Preface, Holy Holy, Eucharistic prayer Learn responses to preface, holy Missal liturgy of the Eucharist holy and Eucharistic acclamation

9. Relate: complete Choose A or B activities pages 298 -299 according to choice

10 Remember: why some Use the questions Pupils’ self evaluation memories are outstanding; the Eucharist remembers the life, death & resurrection of Jesus.

EASTER C 11 11 Rejoice: Celebrate: Prayer time ‘Outstanding memories’

12 Renew: application: ‘What are my outstanding memories? How can I ensure I will always remember them?’


Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, differentiation Assessment, Resources, learning outcome 1 Recognise that loss and Sadness, loss page 304 Gran’s House sadness are part of living. Change, died, love Children know & 2. Reflect on loss and sadness in understand their their lives. experience of loss and change & the 3. Respect: appreciate how life Prayer time difference this changes & is different when makes to their lives. people they love go away. 4. Relate: Learn about Lent as a page 306 Lent, why? Consider the prayer What creates happiness or unhappiness Purple cloth candle time for: making changes in for the blessing of the Ashes in your life? Make a Lent calendar plain cross. Church’s order to live a new life’ Story Three 5 Relate: learn about Palm Page 306 Holy Week & Easter Describe the event as one of the Children know & God’s Story 3 Sunday, the start of Holy Week (recall the Holy holy in the Memories characters in the story, or use the understand Lent, the topic) God’s Story 3: p. 113 discuss the computer to write a newspaper article Church’s season for key questions about it making changes; 6 Relate learning about the Suffering Choose A or B activities pages 311-312 . Holy Week and God’s Story 3 suffering &death Passion God’s Story 3: page 116 -124 Easter: celebrating Gethsemane Jesus’ suffering & crucified death that leads to 7 Relate learning about the Choose A or B activities pages 311-312. new life. suffering & death God’s Story 3: page 116 –124

8 Relate understand how the Page 307 look at the services in the Make a Holy Week book Parish newsletter church celebrates Holy Week parish for Holy Week missal

9. Relate: learn about how the Resurrection Page 307 Easter Life God’s Story 3: Make an Easter Garden Tray or lid, tin foil, resurrection of Jesus leads to page 125 stones. Small plants new life piece of white cloth 10 Remember loss changes life Use the questions Pupils’ self evaluation and makes it different; the death of Jesus led to new life. EASTER C 12 11 Rejoice: Celebrate: ‘Sadness Prayer time changes to joy’

12 Renew: Application: ‘joy to others.’ What changes can I make to my life so that I can be more joyful and bring CLASS FIVE/SIX TOPIC: BOOKS THEME COMMUNITY ~ LOCAL CHURCH date Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, differentiation Assessment, Resources, learning outcome 1 Recognise that different books Textbooks novels page 286 My books have different purposes. dictionaries exercise books Children know & 2. Reflect on the many books understand a wide variety of books & they use. the purposes for 3. Respect: appreciate the Prayer time which they were variety of books they use for a written. variety of reasons. 4. Relate: Learn about the Old Testament page 288 When was the Bible written? Research the origins the books of the Bibles of various Bible New Testament God’s story Three p. 6 look at the Bibles, AA research the languages used in versions, samples of Author versions & languages of the Bibles. the writing e.g. ICT (torah tots) Greek & Hebrew Discuss the key questions God’s story Three, 5 Relate: understand why the Holy Spirit Gospel page 288 -289 Why was the Bible Choose a reading in which you Children know & Church’s Story Bible was written, its purpose. Pentateuch history written? The Holy Spirit guided those experience God speaking to you, put it in understand the Three, Bibles Wisdom , who wrote it, how the Church your own words and explain why you Bible as the story Patriarchs community uses the Bible, reverence have chosen it how does it help you? of God’s love told shown to it by the People of 6 Relate: learn about Page 289 Finding your way practice Look up the given references, in groups God. Bibles references finding references, talk about the different or pairs give each other references to look kinds of books up, question each other about the parts of the Bible 7 Relate: complete according Choose A or B activities pages Bibles to choice

8 Relate: complete according Choose A or B activities pages Bibles to choice

9. Relate: complete according Choose A or B activities pages Bibles to choice

10 Remember: there are many Use the questions Pupils’ self evaluation different kinds of books; each with a purpose; the Bible is a EASTER C 13 ‘library’ of books; telling of God’s love for God’s People. 11 Rejoice: celebrate: ‘The Prayer time value of books’. 12 Renew: Application: ‘Is there a particular book that I’d like to read or own?’ CLASS FIVE/SIX TOPIC: MEMORIES THEME RELATING ~ EUCHARIST date Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, differentiation Assessment, Resources, learning outcome 1 Recognise how a memory is kept keep alive page 296 Alfred Nobel and his peace alive memorial prize or Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox (puffin) Children know & 2. Reflect on different ways different understand ways memories are kept alive at home, in which school, neighbourhood, country. memories are 3. Respect: appreciate how Prayer time kept alive at memories are kept alive. home, school & neighbourhood. 4. Relate: Learn about how the page 298 Do this in remembrance of BA God’s Story 3 page 143, put into own God’s Story 3 Eucharist keeps the memory of Eucharist me 1Cor 11:24-27, God’s Story 3 p. words. AA use skills from Books in Bibles Church’s Jesus alive. remembrance 143. Discuss the key questions finding reference in Bible, how this a Story Three memorial? 5 Relate: understand the Last Supper Page 298 The Last Supper Lk 22 :7- Describe this event as one of the people at copymaster A page significance of the Last Supper 23 copymaster A. Discuss the key the supper, what happened? Why was it Children know & 303, Bibles questions, how is this account important? understand the different from Paul’s account? Eucharist as the 6 Relate: the Eucharistic prayer Eucharistic The Eucharistic prayer page 298- Identify your favourite phrase, write it out living memorial copymaster B page makes Jesus present in a special way Prayer 299 copymaster B. Receiving & in your own words, why have you chosen of Jesus 304 responding to Communion it, what does it meant to you in your life? 7 Relate make connections between Make connections between the Last Church’s Story the Last Supper & the Eucharistic Supper and The Eucharistic prayer, Three prayer 8 Relate: complete according to Choose A or B activities pages 300- choice 301

9. Relate: complete according to Choose A or B activities pages 300- choice 301

10 Remember: ways in which Use the questions Pupils’ self evaluation memories are kept alive at home, school & neighbourhood; how the memory of Jesus is kept alive at the EASTER C 14 Eucharist. 11 Rejoice: Celebrate: ‘Keeping Prayer time memories alive.’

12 Renew: Application: ‘How can I keep my special memories alive?


Learning intentions Key words Teaching Pupils’ activities, group, differentiation Assessment, Resources, learning outcome 1 Recognise loss and death Loss, change page 306 Miss Cullen get married bring about change for Death, new Children know & people. understand 2. Reflect on their experience experiences of of loss bringing about change loss & death that in their lives. lead to a new & 3. Respect: appreciate that even Prayer time different quality after people have gone they are of life. ‘with us’ in a new way. 4. Relate: Learn about Lent dying to live page 308 Lent, our commitment to Quiet moment of reflection on what we might do Church’s Story as a time of ‘dying in order to live well the love of Jesus. We are to make our lives better during Lent. Make a Lent Three, Quiet music, live’ invited to turn away from sin calendar individual and a class one purple clothe for prayer focus 5 Relate understand the Holy Week Page 308 Holy Week Passion Sunday Write about one of these texts, explaining what Children know & Bibles. Missals events & meaning of Holy suffering, read Mt 21 then J. 12, God’s Story Jesus was trying to tell his disciples. understand Lent, Week Passion Three p. 112, discuss the key Holy Week, and Gethsemane questions Easter: the 6 Relate how the suffering, crucified Choose A or B activities pages310- Church’s seasons Copymaster pages death & resurrection of Jesus led myrrh 311 for dying in 313-314. Bibles, to new life for Jesus & his God’s story 3 friends. order to live, for 7 Relate : complete according Choose A or B activities pages310- celebrating the Copymaster pages to choice 311 death & 313-314 Bibles, resurrection of God’s story 3 Jesus. 8 Relate: understand the Page 309 The Easter vigil Rejoice Design your own Easter candle, remembering the Missal Parish Easter vigil; Two 71 Explain the symbolism of the basic cross A/O, 5 wounds. AA using missals newsletter for Holy Easter candle, explain the main events of the Easter vigil. Week, 9. Relate: the resurrection of witnesses Page 309 Easter Sunday Church’s Listen to the entrance antiphon for Easter Sunday, Jesus led to new life for Jesus Story Three p. 125 make up your own. and his friends. 10 Remember loss & death Use the questions Pupils’ self evaluation

EASTER C 15 lead to a different way of life; the death of Jesus led to a new way of living. 11 Rejoice: Celebrate: ‘Dying Prayer time in order to live’. 12 Renew: application: ‘What do I need to ‘die to’ in order to live a new, fuller life?


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