The Theresian Society Met Friday, February 3Rd, 2017. Glenda Espiritu, President, Called

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The Theresian Society Met Friday, February 3Rd, 2017. Glenda Espiritu, President, Called

Minutes for February 3, 2017

The Theresian Society met Friday, February 3rd, 2017. Glenda Espiritu, President, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

Deacon Sandy addressed the Theresians. We had three Baptisms in January and two funerals. Please be sure to let him know if someone is in the hospital or needs a home visit. We are again trying to set up Neighborhood Communities to stay better in touch with parishioners. Linda Gregory met with a member from Saint Kateri parish near Poquoson, who has a program in place that is working for them. We will all be hearing more about this as the program develops. He thanked those who attended the special Rosary and funeral for Mary Beth Mayer’s father.

Please sign up on the sheets going around for meeting hostesses and readers at the Friday masses preceding our meetings.

Judy Theisen asked for any additions or deletions to the prayer line. There were fifteen additions and two deletions. There will be a notation on the list for those who are home bound. We can have colored, updated sheets for the healing prayer at Office Supply. Five copies were made for 40 cents each. Judy will see if we can get a discount for more. The group recited the healing prayer.

The January minutes were approved as sent out by email and read by Chriss Lawrence, Secretary.

Linda O’Connell, Corresponding Secretary, sent out 6 birthday cards, 2 sympathy cards and 1 get well card. Please call her if someone needs a card. A motion was made, seconded and approved to send a thinking of you card every other month to those who are home bound.

Liz Spankowski, Treasurer, is having computer problems, so we do not have a financial statement for the meeting. The January beginning balance was $5,209.69, the ending balance is $5,067.18. We have not written checks for the donations approved at the January meeting, $650.00 to update the electrical box in the ALC, $500.00 to Catholic Charities in honor of all work done by Ann Foster and $1000.00 toward the cost of flooring in Father Jim’s home. Once the church receives the bills we write a check directly to the contractor. The Baptismal Font repair is not a priority at this point, there was no vote for this item at the January meeting.

Old Business: Catherine Huckabee gave an update on the Call Tree. There are no quick calls. She called about 15 people and loves talking with them. One member told Glenda, Catherine has such a nice and calming voice that she saved her message on the machine. Way to go Catherine!

Dina Buchanan, a new member of three months thanked everyone for welcoming her. The call list is a big help. New Business: Glenda announced that the officers had met on Monday to update the By-laws. These were emailed to everyone and copies were available to those who needed one at the meeting. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the updates.

It was found that there have been two instances of misappropriation of funds in regard to the water fund sent to St. Bonaventure. We did not receive any record of donations sent and it was approved to discontinue collections to this cause. If anyone wants to donate individually you can look them up on line and make your own decision. Money you wanted to contribute can be used toward Soup with Love, the Bake sale or any other choice you make.

Mary Ann Cronin gave a report on Unbound. We sponsor Virginia in the Dominican Republic at $36/month for as long as she is in school or until we chose not to continue. We receive letters and pictures as she grows up. Mary Ann and her husband sponsor children and were able to visit with them in their home town. They were provided armed guards for protection while they were visiting and it really makes one think about the living conditions these children are growing up in.

Announcements: Mary McCarthy, the Christmas Bazaar coordinator, will hold the first meeting following the March 3rd Theresian meeting. The Knights of Columbus will hold Stations of the Cross on Fridays, during Lent and hold a fish fry three times. Please watch the bulletin for additional information.

Betty Zahn spoke on the importance of the Beatitudes in her life. They make one think about everyday things. Humility is the final frontier, be attentive, and follow your heart in what needs to be done. We need to provide the basics to those who need them.

Edwina Fitzpatrick invited anyone who would like to attend Paul’s burial in Arlington Cemetery at 1:00 p.m., meet at the Administration Building by 12:00 noon, on May 18th.

Our next meeting will be Friday, March 3rd, following 9:00 Mass. Betty Zahn will be the reader. Please park in the overflow parking lot as this is the same day as our first Soup with Love, the coordinator is Linda Conway. Donations of meatless soups and homemade breads are always appreciated. We will meet in the second grade class room. The hostesses will be Mary Ann Cronin and Chriss Lawrence. Our guest presenter will be Jeri Trudeau who will have a slide show of nature and the National Shrine in Washington D.C. Please plan on staying for Soup with Love after the meeting and enjoy lunch with your sister Theresians.

Thank you to our hostesses, Terry Greer and Trish Davis. There being no further business, the closing prayer was recited and Glenda adjourned the meeting at 11:10 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Chriss Lawrence, Secretary

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