Name: RU Using Protection?

Date of Event: Monday March 9th (pending approval)

Time of Event: 11:00 am – 1:30 pm

Location of event: Student Center Pit

Objective: Educate students on how to properly put on a condom as well as provide various sexual education pamphlets (STD, HIV, safe sex, birth control, green dot) to inform students of risks, other forms of contraceptives, and resources available on and off campus.


 2 standing easel boards

 2 poster boards

 Construction paper(to make the steps)

 Markers(to make the steps)

 Scissors(to make the steps)

 Velcro strips(stickable)

 Table

 Table cloth

 Two chairs

 Two display/model penis’s

 Condoms(for display and prize bags)

 30 pamphlets on STDS

 30 pamphlets on HIV/Aids

 30 pamphlets on safe sex/contraceptives

 20 pamphlets on birth control

 30 pamphlets on Green Dot  30 gift bags

 2 large bags of candy

 10 $5 dollar Dunkin Donut gift cards(for prizes)

 Sign that says RU Using protection


Make two sets (different color) of the same steps on how to put on a condom. Each step will be on its own strip of construction paper. Place the steps out of order on the table. Students will be encouraged to compete against an opponent to see who can put the steps in order the quickest and then properly put a condom on the model penis. The person who completes everything first will get a goodie bag or gift card. The easel boards will be on opposite sides of the table with a poster board on them. The poster board will have Velcro on it so that students can place the steps that will also have Velcro on the board in the order they think is correct. The students who compete will also be provided with pamphlets. Pamphlets and free condoms will also be provided to those who do not want to play the game.

The steps:

1. Consent to having sex.

2. Go to the store, wellness center, or Free Condom Friday at Rowan to get condoms. Check the expiration date on the box or condoms. (Latex is most common but if you or your partner are allergic you can get condoms made out of polyurethane or polyisoprene)

3. When you are ready to have sex, check the expiration date on the condom.

4. Make sure the penis is erect.

5. Open the condom package with your fingers.

6. Squeeze the tip of the condom with your fingers and place the rolled condom on the head of the penis. Leave a half-inch space at the tip of the condom to collect semen.

7. Hold the tip of the condom and unroll until penis is completely covered. (If the condom doesn’t unroll easily it is probably upside down. Throw it away and get a new condom if it was upside down.)

8. After ejaculation, while the penis is still erect, hold the condom at the base of the penis and carefully remove the condom.

9. Wrap the condom in a tissue or tie it in a knot and throw it away. 10. Use a new condom for every act of vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse.

Wrong steps that will be put in with the incorrect ones:

1. Put the condom on when the penis is not erect.

2. Use your teeth or scissors to open the condom.

3. To dispose of the condom, flush it down the toilet.

4. Save the condom to use next time.


When each of the two students is finished putting their steps in order and placing the condom on the model penis, we will let them know if they are correct. If they are incorrect we will explain the steps in the proper order. They will also be asked to take a brief questionnaire that will give feedback.

RU Using Protection Questionnaire

Please circle your responses.

*Not required

Did you know how to put on a condom correctly before playing the game?


What did you learn from the game?

Are you using protection?*