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Title Learning Aid - Toy

Design Technology ISD

Title “Learning Aid - Toy” Grade 9 Design Technology (MYP year 4) project 2

Context: Using a choice of Compliant/Resistant material. Designing and making a toy to act as a learning age for elementary children. A Community ISD students elementary Service project. learning aid 2003 Duration: 4 cycles (16 lessons) Areas of Interaction Human Achievement Design, Make and Evaluate a product. Health and Social Education Health and Safety in workplace – investigate safety considerations ~ child’s toys Community and Service Providing a learning aid to target audience Approaches to Learning Organisation – binding folio – time/equipment Working collaboratively – working as a team Communication – graphics/design process Subjects Mathematics Measurement – scale drawing Art Sketching/use of colour Computer Technology MS Word/Excel - graphs

Aims: The aim of this unit is to allow students to:  demonstrate the design cycle from their own design brief (investigate, plan, create, evaluate)  undertake various research tasks  gain experience with the workshop equipment, tools and techniques as suitable to their task.  work safely within a D&T workshop environment  gain an understanding of the various media suitable to their task  work collaboratively in a group  develop desk top publishing and graphic presentation skills Objectives: Completion of this design task should allow each student to: *as a group  present evidence of research tasks: o mood board o questionnaire/survey o shop report o user profile  provide a design brief and specification for their learning aid*  use a range of workshop equipment and processes in a safe manner  gain experience of working with equipment, tools and techniques associated with the media of choice  provide evidence of a final product (child’s toy)*  provide evidence of the design process, ICT and graphic techniques, via associated design folio  submit well presented and balanced documents with integrated graphics, digital and other

Assessment Strategies: INVESTIGATE ~ Written or graphic task assessed against a specific rubric PLAN ~ Written and graphic task contained within a design folio assessed against a rubric based on MYP grade level criteria CREATE ~ Observation/analysis; of end product compared to planning stages ~ Observation; of use of workshop equipment EVALUATE ~ A written evaluation detailing: students experience with processes, success of product, Students reflection of environmental impacts of plastics (based on leading qn). PERSONAL ENGAGEMENT ~ Observation by teacher and summatively recorded twice a semester, Student self assessment against a specific rubric at end of semester *APPROACHES to LEARNING ~ Students self assessment of ATL’s identified at end of semester

Summative Assessment (specific rubric p.4, study guide p.5) Personal Engagement, Product and Design Folio assessed against modified MYP Technology criteria Formative Assessment Ongoing review of progress of design folios

MYP Technology ~ Design Technology Unit Plans MYP yr4 ~ Learning Aid 1 if03/04 Design Technology ISD

Preliminary assessment of design folio sections *Students self assessment of ATL’s identified + own predicted assessment of design process Title: “Learning Aid Toy” Grade 9 Design Technology MYP yr 4 ~ project 2


The second brief, with a Community Service focus (what are the learning aid needs of K-3 students), is a group work project (2-4 students) where they have to design and make a learning aid for K-3 school children. Any workshop material they have had prior experience in can be utilized. A questionnaire or survey which investigates end user requirements is a focus – results must be displayed and graphed using MS Excel. Another investigative task ‘shop report’ (where they analyze similar products) is also a requirement of their design folio. This should allow the students to gain an awareness of higher level designing skills associated with product design. ATL’s, organization, communication and working collaboratively are assessed via a student self assessment sheet and general observation.


# see design brief p.4 Our second task in Yr. 9 Design and Technology is the ‘Learning Aid’. You are to form a group and design and produce a learning aid in the form of a toy. This toy will be evaluated by a group of elementary students of an age specified by your criteria.



Biggs, Fasciato, Shepard, 2000, Design & Make It ~ product design for key stage 3, Nelson Thornes Ltd, ISBN 0 7487 4429 0

Davies, Rick, 2001, Revise GCSE - Design & Technology, Letts Educational, ISBN 1 85805 9399 Tools Machine Tools: scroll saw, strip heater, pillar drill, CAM - vinyl cutter(through pc) using Techsoft 2D Design, sewing machine, vacuum former (all resistant and compliant material equipment) Hand tools: all resistant and compliant material tools

Materials Plastic, timber, manufactured board, textiles, shop bought components and any material suitable to be processed by the Technology rooms tools & equipment.

MYP Technology ~ Design Technology Unit Plans MYP yr4 ~ Learning Aid 2 if03/04 Design Technology ISD

Year 4 (Grade 9) Design Technology MYP project 2 - “Learning Aid Toy”

Follow these Steps #detailed on design brief ~ follow the design brief closely

Brainstorm task – toy ideas and areas to consider. e t

a Produce an A/4 mood board of existing products/inspirations. g i

t Do a ‘shop report’ of a product that suits your design theme s e v n I

Write a design brief (short statement of intent) which indicates: end user, purpose/function, theme and material.

n Form a design specification – 4-6 points that will guide your design (your mood board, a l

P design brief and research will guide you in this). Use your specification to sketch 3 possible design solutions – analyze these ideas Draw final design, either to scale or full size

Use the workshop equipment and tools in a safe manner to produce your ‘learning aid’ – observe all safety and user requirements.

e Work as a team – spread the tasks around to make efficient use of time t

a Complete an ongoing process journal of your progress e r C

One; how you coped with the design and production process. Any troubles using the machines, hard to get materials?, had trouble with processes etc e

t Two; how effective your finished product was – take it back to the elementary class a

u target group and get their/their teachers opinion. List any faults and suggest ways of l a

v improving it.

E Three; What are the learning aid needs of K-3? Four; How well did you work as a team? Five; The leading qn and links to AoI’s including ATL’s

Assessment ~ Based on MYP Technology Criteria – Specific Rubric page 8 INVESTIGATE Investigation is an essential step in the design cycle. In order for this step to be assessed, students must produce documented evidence of topic research and analysis PLAN Planning is of primary importance in the demonstration of the ability to organize both time and resources. In order for this stage to be assessed, students must document their work plan and justify their choice of alternatives. CREATE Creating products/solutions is the aim of all technology programs. In order for this stage of the design cycle to be assessed, students must submit a process journal with all amendments to the planning stage as well as the product itself. EVALUATE Evaluation is necessary in all technology projects. In order for this stage in the design cycle to be assessed, the student must provide documentation of the assessment of both the product/solution and process, and a form of self-assessment PERSONAL ENGAGEMENT: Motivation, general attitude, confidence, etc. PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE: Independent working abilities

This criterion focuses on an overall assessment of these two aspects: the assessment should bear in mind the amount of encouragement that the student needed, the interaction between student and teacher, the student’s attention to deadlines and procedures, etc.

MYP Technology ~ Design Technology Unit Plans MYP yr4 ~ Learning Aid 3 if03/04 Design Technology ISD

Task: You have been asked by “Summer Bay Elementary School” to design and produce a simple small toy to promote/aid literacy and numeracy for young children. This task incorporates Community Service as an Area of Interaction (AoI) Procedure:

INVESTIGATE:  Brainstorm task for toy ideas and considerations 1/A/4  Make up an A4 mood board of toy ideas  Find out what your end user might require, conduct a survey or interview a primary/elementary teacher/class for information – present as an A/4  Do a ‘shop report’ and analysis of products that suit your design theme *Do this AFTER writing your design brief

PLAN:  Write a design brief (a short statement of intent) which indicates: end user, purpose/function, theme and possibly material  Write a design specification – 6 or so justified points that will guide your design (your mood board, end user statement, shop report and brief will help with this).  Use your mood board, specification and shop report to sketch 3 possible design ideas that would solve your brief – analyse these ideas  Draw a full size (or scaled) view of your final design with instruments* (make a pattern from this).  Complete an ongoing process journal of your steps in production

CREATE:  Use the workshop equipment and tools in a safe manner to produce your learning aid.

EVALUATE:  Evaluate four things: One; how you coped with the design and production process: two; how effective your finished product is – critically analyze it – list any faults and suggest ways of improving it, how the finished product fulfills its need in the community – take it to the primary site for the kids to evaluate: three; how well your group worked together and four, link to the essential qn < what are the learning aid needs of K-3 students?>

 Have Fun!

ASSESSMENT: Your work is assessed using the Technology Criteria. The *Area of Interaction area of ‘Community Service’ will also be assessed along with the Approaches to Learning of .

MYP Technology ~ Design Technology Unit Plans MYP yr4 ~ Learning Aid 4 if03/04 Design Technology ISD

MYP Technology Assessment: Year 4 MYP ~ Learning Aid Toy

Design and Technology

In Design and Technology our assessment is based on the application of the ‘Design Cycle’ > Design ~ Make ~ Appraise > and the MYP Technology criteria < Investigate ~ Plan ~ Create ~ Evaluate >. ‘Personal Engagement’ will be assessed on each design brief.

‘Approaches to Learning’ and the MYP ‘Areas of Interaction’ form an integrated and continual assessment process.

Year 9 DT ~ Learning Aid Toy ~ Folio and Practical Assessment

Name: ……………………………………………………… HG …….. Date ………. Skill Area Content Award student teacher Investigate completed mind map/brainstorm completed mood board and analysed evidence of interview/survey and conclusion completed shop report Plan written a design brief formed a ‘design specification’ shown a variety of design ideas with associated analysis communicated and presented your design effectively completed a process journal used your time wisely Create Used equipment and techniques to produce your product Evaluate Assessed suitability of product to original design specification Assessed ability to use workshop techniques/processes Related any design problems/improvements How effective is your product – do the kids like it? FOLIO OVERALL FOLIO AWARD*

*3EE+1ME = EE, 3ME+AE = ME, 3AE+1BE = AE (min)

Personal Motivation & Attitude Engagement Independent work habits

Approaches to Learning assessed during this brief included:

 Communication, Organisation and Collaboration

Did you bring your planner, equipment and folder to every class? Was your design folio fully complete, neat and clear? Did your design folio convey the design cycle well? Did your graphics communicate your design to others? Did your group use their time well? Did you work as a group well, delegate tasks etc?

 Please refer to your MYP Technology guide for a full description of each Technology criteria and descriptor.

MYP Technology ~ Design Technology Unit Plans MYP yr4 ~ Learning Aid 5 if03/04 Design Technology ISD

***************************** Yr. 9 ‘Learning Aid Toy” ~ Study Guide – Investigative tasks Mood Board: Mood boards (also known as research or theme boards) are often used by designers to provide inspiration for ideas. Making a mood board involves collecting images, fabric samples or other components that generally relate to your theme and compiling them into a collage. The mood board is then analysed – you will discuss possible inspirations gained from the mood board and note them down. Compiling the mood board: – some tips

 work outwards from the center ~ put largest or most important image slightly off centre  avoid leaving large areas of white or blank space ~ consider a coloured backing  provide a good balance and variety of images ~ group pictures of a similar theme/colour/purpose  overlap images so they link visually ~ use a variety of sources and reference (basically) on back

Interview/survey: is used to gain information about a target audience/market or gather statistical information.:

 start with an intro stating what you are doing and where (school/company) you are from  only ask relevant questions – ask for age/gender only if you need to  try to limit it to one page and set it out clearly  structure your questions so that there is a way of collating the results  collate your results and provide a summary and conclusion/recommendations

Writing a design brief and specification:

Design Brief: This is generally a brief statement of intent which might include some or all of the following points:

 the theme you are following or what you intend making (brief can be ‘open’ or ‘closed’)  who it is for – the end user or target audience  what is the function or purpose of what is being made  where it is to be used  price group  manufacturing technique eg: I am going to make a soft toy on an Australian theme. This could be for tourists to buy when leaving Australia as a souvenir of their holiday. It will be made from fur/felt or similar and be suitable for indoor use/ornamentation. It will be relatively inexpensive and suitable for batch production.

Specifications: A list of points/statements that are required in/of the product. Design Specifications guide the design process, manufacturing specifications guide the manufacturing process. Eg:  shelf to be made from pine  must be able to support 4 kilograms  to have a varnished finish  must have a width of 220mm Shop report:

A ‘shop report’ is where you look at existing products to gain design or manufacturing ideas and gain an insight into sales trends, prices etc.

 Visit a local toy shop - find a product that suits your design specification - name and describe it  function –materials used – colours – cost – packaging - target market/s  Analyse it - what makes it suitable - what are the good pts of its design/bad pts – is it value for money? Well constructed?  Collect an image of it and any other relevant information

MYP Technology ~ Design Technology Unit Plans MYP yr4 ~ Learning Aid 6 if03/04 Design Technology ISD

Year 9 MYP 4 ATL Self Assessment and Reflection ~ Design and Technology

The Approaches to Learning self assessed in the Design and Technology are: Organisation, Communication, Collaboration

ORGANISATION ~ tick statement appropriate Equipment I came fully prepared with my: planner, design folio, colour pencils, pencil & biro, ruler and EE eraser to almost every lesson I came prepared for my lessons but often forgot one of the above ME I managed to bring five of the above to almost every lesson AE I often forgot or I have lost some my equipment BE Time management I arrived to class on time and always handed work in on time EE I achieved one of the above all the time but was late/or handed in work or home work late ME once or twice. I have been late to class or handed in work - h/w late three or 4 times AE I have trouble getting to class on time and my work always seems to be late/incomplete BE

COMMUNICATION Folio My two folios are fully complete with the work in order and this work is presented to an EE excellent standard – my marks were good My folios are both complete and are reasonably neat but some isn’t in order ME My folios are complete although some of the work is messy and out of order AE One of my folios is good but the other one isn’t quite finished I have lost or haven’t completed one folio and the other is untidy BE Graphics My graphics (both in my folder and the exercises) are of an excellent quality and are well EE presented. I fully completed the exercises My graphics are quite good but I didn’t quite finish the exercises ME The graphics in my folder are messy and even though I completed most of the exercises they AE didn’t turn out too well either The graphics in my folder are not well presented and I didn’t have much success with the BE exercises

COLLABORATION ~ tick statement appropriate Our group worked extremely well together – we all participated fully in the brief – we EE achieved an excellent result. Our group worked well – we were all involved, shared tasks equally and achieved a good ME result Our group got on well together but we were off task and could have achieved more AE Our group were not very productive, we demonstrated little teamwork and we didn’t finish BE

Reflection: I hope you have enjoyed Design and Technology ~ How did you find it?

I really enjoyed Technology  It’s ok  I didn’t like it much 

How much did you learn about; Materials and techniques? A lot some not much How to present work A lot some not much How to be more organized A lot some not much Other subjects A lot some not much

MYP Technology ~ Design Technology Unit Plans MYP yr4 ~ Learning Aid 7 if03/04 Design Technology ISD

MYP Technology ~ Design Technology Unit Plans MYP yr4 ~ Learning Aid 8 if03/04 Design Technology ISD MYP 4 Assessment Rubric ~ ‘Learning Aid Toy’ Year Nine Name: ……………………..... Home Room:….. Parent: ……………………….Date: ………

Level Investigation Planning Creation Evaluation Level Personal Engagement EE *Presentation all tasks excellent – *Presentation all tasks excellent – *Product fully complete & A thorough and well set out The student always 8 title, border, name, date title, border, name, date clearly set presented to an excellent standard evaluation that comprehensively: displays: 7 out *evaluates ability to work with *safe working habits *comprehensive brainstorm *design brief clear, concise & *product is clear example of what workshop equipment *a high level of *well balanced mood board detailed was planned *evaluates quality finished product involvement in the excellent range of relevant images *design specification contains at *evaluates product as compared to learning process analysis - sources referenced least 6 relevant pts * a high level of skill has been design specification/end user *a collaborative approach *at least 3 design ideas showing demonstrated working with *evaluates any modifications or to tasks carried out in the *interview/survey has introduction, colour way and detailed analysis workshop equipment improvements that could be made work shop relevant qn’s, well presented with *process journal clearly chronicles to product *an independent and excellent analysis/conclusions *Final design conveys all making stages *has evaluated its function as a resourceful approach to information to make product *excellent time management skills learning aid in a meaningful way their work *shop report is highly detailed, *process journal details progress in are apparent * a high level of image of item, name of shop/site a clear manner organisation ME *presentation of tasks is good *Presentation all tasks good – title, *Product fully complete & A thorough and well set out The student displayed: 6 *comprehensive brainstorm border, name, date presented to a good standard evaluation that: *safe working habits 5 *balanced mood board good range *design brief clear *product is clear example of what *evaluates ability to work with *a good level of of relevant images - source *design specification contains at was planned workshop equipment involvement in the least 4 relevant pts * a satisfactory level of skill has *evaluates quality finished product learning process *interview/survey has introduction, *at least 3 design ideas showing been demonstrated working with *evaluates product as compared to *a collaborative approach relevant qn’s, well presented with colour way and analysis workshop equipment design specification/end user to tasks carried out in the good analysis and conclusions *Final design conveys most *process journal chronicles *evaluates any modifications or work shop information to make product making stages improvements that could be made *an independent approach *shop report is detailed, image of *process journal details progress in *good time management skills are to product to their work item, name of shop/site indicated a satisfactory manner apparent *has evaluated its function as a * a good level of learning aid in a meaningful way organisation AE *Brainstorm relevant, * mood *Presentation all tasks ok *Product basically complete & A reasonably complete evaluation: The student displayed an 4 board with relevant images *design brief unclear presented to a reasonable standard *evaluated ability to work with inconsistent level of: 3 *design specification contains at *product resembles what was workshop equipment *safe working habits *interview/survey has a basic least 3 relevant pts planned *evaluates quality of product *involvement in class introduction, qn’s mainly relevant, *at least 3 design ideas shown with * a satisfactory level of skill has *evaluates product regarding end *collaboration with peers presentation ok with some analysis some analysis been demonstrated user *working independently *Final design conveys information *process journal shows most stages *evaluates any modifications or *organisation *shop report shows some detail, in basic way *reasonable time management improvements that could be made image of item, name of shop/site *process journal basic skills are apparent to product BE *Evidence of brainstorm, work is untidy *Product incomplete incomplete evaluation The student displayed a 2 mood board with images some evidence of design brief and *product doesn’t reflect design * evaluated ability to work with low level of: 1 specification *some skill has been demonstrated workshop equipment *safe working habits *some evidence an interview/survey some attempt at design – are *involvement in class has been conducted attempting work from a plan *process journal incomplete *mentioned end product in regard *collaboration with peers *time management skills need to quality/end user *working independently *Some evidence of shop report some evidence of process journal developing *organisation 0 No evidence of achievement No evidence of achievement No evidence of achievement

MYP Technology ~ Design Technology Unit Plans MYP yr4 ~ Learning Aid 9 if03/04 Design Technology ISD

MYP Technology ~ Design Technology Unit Plans MYP yr4 ~ Learning Aid 10 if03/04

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