Application for State Aid (ASSA) Procedures

The following procedures have been established as guidelines to follow during the October 15th count process in preparation to complete the ASSA summary forms.

Students on Roll - Full Time, Shared Time

1. On or about October 15th, the building principals will generate work papers for each school net classified children.

2. The final count will be established and each workpaper will be signed and dated by the building principal. The worksheet should include the appropriate enrollment category. The enrollment categories are: 2 for kindergarten, 3 for grades 1 thru 5, 4 for grades 6 thru 8 and 5 for 9 thru 12. A work paper must be broken down by grade level.

3. The Child Study Team will generate a worksheet for each tier category. The tier categories are: Elementary Tier II, Elementary Tier III, Elementary Tier IV, Middle School Tier II, Middle School Tier III, Middle School Tier IV.

4. The Superintendent’s Office will complete an enrollment summary on or about October 15th.

5. The Board Secretary will verify and type the counts on the ASSA.

Students Sent to New Jersey Public Schools

1. The High School Principal will complete the work paper for Students Sent to New Jersey Public Schools for non-classified students.

2. The Child Study Team will complete the work paper for Students Sent to New Jersey Public Schools.

3. The Board Secretary will cross check the names on this list with tuition contracts in place to verify the actual count.

4. The Board Secretary will verify and type the counts on the ASSA. ASSA Procedures

Students Received from New Jersey Public Schools

1. The Child Study Team will complete the work paper for Students Received from New Jersey Public Schools.

2. The Board Secretary will cross check the names on this list with tuition contracts in place to verify the actual count.

3. The Board Secretary will verify and type the counts on the ASSA.

Students Attending Regional Day Schools

2. The Child Study Team will complete the work paper for Students Attending Regional Day Schools.

2. The Board Secretary will cross check the names on this list with tuition contracts in place to verify the actual count.

3. The Board Secretary will verify and type the counts on the ASSA.

Students Attending Private Schools for the Handicapped

1. The Child Study Team will complete the workpaper for students Attending Private Schools for the Handicapped.

2. The Board Secretary will crosscheck the names on this list with tuition contracts in place to verify the actual count.

3. The Board Secretary will type the count on the ASSA form in the appropriate place.

Related Services Students

1. The Child Study Team will generate the workpaper for each related service category (Counseling, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Language Therapy) on or about October 15th.

2. A listing of the resident classified students who are classified for other than speech correction services must support the number of related services students. Students must be listed in the appropriate related service category based upon the student’s IEP. Classified students are eligible to receive aid for up to four related services categories. A student cannot be counted more than once in any single related service category.

Low Income Students

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1. The Board Secretary will complete the workpaper for Low Income Students on or about October 15th.

2. The Board Secretary will verify the list against copies of approved Free and Reduced Price and type the count on the ASSA form.

Students Attending County Special Services Schools Districts

1. The Child Study Team will complete the work paper for Students Attending County Special Services School Districts.

2. The Board Secretary will crosscheck the names on this list with tuition contracts in place to verify the actual count.

3. The Board Secretary will type the count on the ASSA form in the appropriate place.

LEP Students – Approved Bilingual, ESL or ESL Program

1. The building principals will complete the worksheet for LEP Students – Approved bilingual, ESL or ESL Program.

2. The Board Secretary will review the worksheet and type the count on the ASSA form.

Learning Disabled/PI Students

1. The Child Study Team will complete the worksheet for the Specific Learning Disabled/PI Students.

2. The Board Secretary will review the worksheet and type the count on the ASSA form.

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