Wootton, M., Et Al. What Should General Paediatric Wards Be Doing to Support Young People

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Wootton, M., Et Al. What Should General Paediatric Wards Be Doing to Support Young People


Annotated Bibliography 2

Bordo, Susan. "The Globalization of Eating Disorders." Suffolk University WRI 101 and WRI 102

Common Reader. McGraw Hill. 2014. 639-642. Print.

Susan Bordo points out a problem that caused by Western media images. It affects the cultures around the world. Bordo shows the problem that media and culture influence eating disorders.

Bordo uses examples to convince readers about body image. She also shows the way that fashion magazines affect teens and young adults’ thought. Bordo states that this kind of eating problem turned to a global epidemic.

This article helps to write a paper under the topic of eating disorders. The problems Bordo pointed out lead to analyze the theme of the paper. The content of the paper will be talking about this kind of eating problem. 3

Wootton, M., et al. "What should general paediatric wards be doing to support young people with eating disorders?" Archives of Disease in Childhood 99.4 (2014).

Academic OneFile. Web. 5 Nov. 2014.

Wootton accounts for some certain impressions and words that affect and motivate the eating tendencies of people. He goes through the records and conducts the study that how people react and get motivated for the eating disorder either in positive or negative way.

The current study throws light on the verbal behavior and responses of the individuals who are suffering from eating disorder. It is an agreeable fact that people feel the provocative factors and respond accordingly. It is not their tendency only that causes the eating disorder and the research study analyzes some of the paediatric words in this context. 4

Hay, Phillipa, and Mary Katsikitis. "Emotional responses to images of food in adults with an eating disorder: A comparative study with healthy and clinical controls."

Eating Behaviors 15.3 (2014): 371+. Academic OneFile. Web. 5 Nov. 2014.

The researchers analyze the emotional side of people when they are exposed to certain food object images. Their reactions are recorded and the study concludes that reflection of certain images causes the food related stimulus to grow and make the person addicted to the habit of over eating.

The emotional viewpoint, as presented in this study, dominates significantly the habits of people as far as their food abilities and addictions are concerned. They react instantly when some images are shown to them and thus, their overall behavioral approach towards the pattern can be decided. 5

Puhl, Rebecca M., et al. "Setting policy priorities to address eating disorders and weight stigma: views from the field of eating disorders and the US general public."

BMC Public Health 14 (2014): 524. Academic OneFile. Web. 5 Nov. 2014.

Rebecca conducts an overview of the policies and concerns of the government that are undertaken to ensure that eating disorder does not spread out as it is going on in the modern context. People are concerned for their overweight. The study throws light on the proportions or relationship between the government and the policy implementation in general.

The study brings to light some of polices that contribute in the development of the effective awareness programs directed for the prevention of the eating disorder in the society. In fact, mere policy making is not enough and the government has to approach the subject more deeply than the current approaches to get through the issue from the society. 6

Crisp, Arthur. "Stigmatization Of And Discrimination Against People With Eating

Disorders Including A Report Of Two Nationwide Surveys." European Eating

Disorders Review 13.3 (2005): 147-152. Academic Search Complete. Web. 5 Nov.


Arthur goes for the survey method in order to evaluate the issue of discrimination, which the people suffering from eating disorder face usually in life. The survey justifies the concept of differences; they exist and people who suffer from this psychological issue are looked down upon. The problem of overweight contributes as a catalyst in this process of criticism.

The focus on the differences made through the psychology of the afflicted is the centre of the present study and it is crucial to note that people still suffer from such kind of differences. They are not treated well as other common people are in the society. The difference makes the issue like a stigma for the sufferers. 7


"Influence Of Mass Media On Emergence Of Eating Disorders Amongst Young

People." Polish Journal Of Public Health 123.4 (2013): 301-304. Academic Search

Complete. Web. 5 Nov. 2014.

Natalia and her fellow researchers bring to light the impact of mass media over the young ones. How far this impression becomes the motivational factor for the youth to suffer from eating disorder is the central theme of this study. The media objective shown to the youth affect greatly their minds and they feel something extra for the tempting objects reflected either in print or electronic media.

The study evaluates the media impression over the minds of youth, which is an ongoing issue on the modern context. The effect of media in the modern world cannot be ignored and sometimes, mass media provides lasting psychological effect. The ability of media lies in providing both, positive and negative effects on youth and they get attracted towards the objectives of food. 8

Andersen, A. E. and DiDomenico, L. (1992), Diet vs. Shape Content of Popular Male and Female Magazines: A Dose-Response Relationship to the Incidence of Eating

Disorders?. Int. J. Eat. Disord., 11: 283–287. Web. Nov. 5, 2014.

Andersen conducts a differentiated study of the men and women magazines that provide the advertisements claiming to reduce the bodyweight. The study observes ten most popular magazines of male and female in order to discuss the effect of dieting related advertisements on their minds. It concludes that women are more concerned than men to dieting, however, it brings out the eating disorder as the body shape becomes the desperation in some individuals.

The study is useful in understanding the tendencies of women. How far they feel the effect of the given advertisements in the magazines is the theme of the research.

Male, on the contrary, look more conscious about dominating their body shape through exercise. It is unlike the females who get addicted to the dieting method. The study uses qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the research topic. 9

Fairburn, C. G. and Beglin, S. J. (1994), Assessment of Eating Disorders: Interview or

Self-Report Questionnaire? Int. J. Eat. Disord., 16: 363–370. Web. Nov. 5, 2014.

Fairburn and his fellow authors select the method of conducting a personalized interview along with providing the questionnaire related to the eating disorder. They conclude with research questions and record the responses of the participants. The study concludes that questionnaire becomes a better source to get to the roots of the issue as the personalized interview affects the psychology of the participants.

The study is useful in the psychological context of the issue. It gives a fair account of the questions that are asked in the interview process along with the questionnaire.

The opening up of the participants suffering from eating disorders is the focus of the research study. The afflicted individuals require personal time and space in the diagonal process.

John F Morgan, Fiona Reid, J Hubert Lacey, BMJ. (1999), The SCOFF Questionnaire:

Assessment of a New Screening Tool for Eating Disorders, December 4; 319(7223): 1467–

1468. Web. Nov. 5, 2014. 10

Morgan and fellow researchers developed five specific questions that were simple but significant in the acquaintance of the eating disorder among the participants. The study concludes that the questions are helpful in raising the suspect in the process of diagnosis of the eating disorder as people respond to the questions openly without getting any medical complications.

The study is useful in giving a simple way to know the causes and symptoms of the issue. In addition, the SCOFF questions are very simple to ask and the responses gained through them are fair enough to know the real state of the problem for the individuals.

G C Patton, R Selzer, C Coffey, J B Carlin, R Wolfe BMJ. (1999), Onset of Adolescent

Eating Disorders: Population Based Cohort Study Over 3 years March 20; 318(7186): 765–

768. Web Nov. 5, 2014.

Patton observed the responses of 44 Secondary schools in the State of Victoria,

Australia to know the efficient predictors of the eating disorder. The participants of this study responded fairly and the study concluded that dieting was the most 11 motivational factor and the catalyst for the growth of the tendency of the eating disorder.

The study evaluates the problem of eating disorder in its vast variety as it goes to the large number of individuals. The quantitative method used for this study is accurate and it exactly points out the importance of dieting in proportion with the eating disorder.

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