Item 11.3 for 30 Sep 2013 Spiritual Care 3 May

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Item 11.3 for 30 Sep 2013 Spiritual Care 3 May


NHS GRAMPIAN Minute of the Spiritual Care Committee held on Friday, 3rd May 2013 at 10.00 am in the Seminar Room, Summerfield House


Jenny Greener, Non-Executive Director, NHS Grampian (Chair) Pamela Adam, Assistant Chaplain, NHS Grampian Sharon Duncan, Employee Director, NHS Grampian Bill Cowling, Service Manager, Mental Health, NHS Grampian James Currie, Clinical Lecturer (Psychiatry), NHS Grampian Rev Samantha Ferguson, Episcopal Chaplain, NHS Grampian Nigel Firth, Equality and Diversity Manager, NHS Grampian Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications and Board Secretary, NHS Grampian Rev Ian Groves, Community Chaplain, NHS Grampian Sue Kinsey, Lay Member Stuart Hannabuss, Humanist Society of Scotland Father George Hutcheon, Chaplain, RC Church Morag Mitchell, Deputy Area Manager (Aberdeenshire), NHS Grampian Linda Oldroyd, Nurse Consultant, NHS Grampian Sandy Reid, Aberdeen CHP/Aberdeen City Council Programme Manager Mark Rodgers, Co-ordinating Chaplain, NHS Grampian Jim Simpson, Chaplain, Mental Health, NHS Grampian Liz Tait, Clinical Governance Co-ordinator (Moray) by VC Yvonne Wright, Divisional Nurse, ARI

In Attendance: Diane Murray (Committee Secretary)

Item Subject Action 1. Apologies Apologies were received from Councillor Bill Howatson, Ali Hassan, Ruth Richardson, Dorothy Tervit, Colin Dempster, Dr Abdul Rasid Siddique, Rev Graeme Longmuir

2. Minute of Meeting held on 1st February 2013

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st February 2013 were accepted as a true record.

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table.

It was noted that Dr Alex Cadogan will no longer be a member of this group due to moving down South. Matthew Bennett will now be the representative from the Salvation Army.


Item Subject Action

3. Matters Arising

3.1 Chaplaincy Listening Project Laura Gray reported the pilot has been completed in Grampian, with three GP practices undertaking successful work. A meeting was held with Laura, Rev James Falconer, Rev Mark Rodgers and the GP representatives where more discussion took place around the experience of undertaking the pilot and looking to continue and sustain the service.

An application has been submitted to NHS Education Scotland (NES) for £7,000 of funding for 2 years, to enable Rev James Falconer or colleagues to continue with the service and create additional capacity. NES has responded with feedback indicating that NHS Grampian will be required to:

- Be in a position to fund the project beyond the 2 year funding period. This has been agreed. - Over the 2 year funding period, consideration should be given to potentially involving volunteers in the project. Training would be required for both staff and volunteers.

Confirmation from NES about the outcome of the application should be announced by the end of May 2013.

Sharon Duncan said consideration should be given to using the GAPF endowment funds to pilot the project to staff, as this project would tie in and support staff. This could give the staff an opportunity to have someone to listen to them should they have issues or concerns to express. At present there are only two confidential listeners within NHSG.

3.2 Prayer Room (ARI Mosque)

At the end of the meeting in November 2012, the Committee visited the Mosque on the Foresterhill site. Various issues were identified, especially around the lack of space. The new Committee which has been established has met with Laura Gray to discuss the specific requirements for a mosque. Laura has a copy of the minute if anyone would like a copy to be sent to them.


Item Subject Action Categorical commitment has been sought from NHS Grampian around the resource and work is underway to assess the feasibility of meeting al the requirements. Estates and professional support has been made available to map out the footprint of resources required. A useful meeting has also been held with Aberdeen University. The next meeting of the group is scheduled for 27th May 2013.

It was noted that people are having difficulty hearing in the Mosque. A new portable sound system has been purchased for £3,000 and will be installed next month.

3.3 The National Scene – Values Based Reflective Practice (VBRP) Structure

Following on from the visit of Dr Ewan Kelly, Programme Manager for Healthcare Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care, NHS Education for Scotland, Jim Simpson updated the group on the three streams of work being developed across Boards.

These are:

- The Listening Project – this is ongoing. - Patient Related Outcome Measures – Mark Rodgers attended a meeting on 10th April. This project will be rolled out across Scotland next year and clarification is awaited on how this will impact on NHSG. - Value Based Reflective Practice – NES are up-scaling the work at local level and are ready to roll out to multi- disciplinary teams. There are currently planned to be three supervisors working in regions across Scotland, working under the guidance of the National Officer, Michael Paterson. with seven people to work within different areas of Scotland. A pilot will be undertaken within Mental Health Old Age Psychiatry.

4. Revision of NHS Grampian’s Spiritual Care Policy

Rev Mark Rodgers provided the Spiritual Care Policy for discussion. This policy had been updated by Rev Rodgers, along with Sharon Duncan and Sue Kinsey.

Rev Rodgers summarised the amendments made to the policy. These were:


Item Subject Action - Introduction and Principles pages had virtually no changes apart from inserting the phrase around “emotional responsiveness” - The most significant change to the policy was around the Roles and Responsibility section which provided the roles and responsibilities for NHS Grampian, NHS Grampian Spiritual Care Committee, NHS Grampian Spiritual Care Services and the Head of Service/Co-ordinating Chaplain. It was agreed that this section is now clearer and is more explicit.

The policy still requires to be impact assessed.

Discussion took place on how to ensure this policy was subject to consultation. The use of the website, questionnaires, using groups, internal and external networks, the Chaplaincy team, Facebook and Twitter were all mentioned as possible consultation routes

It was also agreed Rev Rodgers would produce a cover sheet Rev for the Policy and Procedures Group detailing the changes Rodgers which have been made.

Liz Tait also stated that the policy would also require to be Liz Tait submitted through the Clinical Governance process. Liz will arrange for a copy of the process to be sent to Rev Rodgers.

Yvonne Wright requested that Rev Rodgers should attend one of the Health Shows which is broadcast by the Station House Media Unit (SHMU) radio station to promote the policy.

Sharon Duncan wished to convey the group’s thanks to Rev Rodgers for all his work in producing the policy.


Item Subject Action

5. Learning Disabilities (Sarah’s Story)

Pamela Adam from the Chaplaincy Department was invited to share a patient story with the Committee. Pamela currently attends the Elmwood Unit at Cornhill Hospital and spends time in the coffee shop meeting patients.

Pamela read out Sarah’s story detailing Sarah’s experience of her emergency admission to the acute sector. Sarah has Downs Syndrome and was recently admitted to ARI. One of the main issues was the fact that Sarah’s mother was not allowed to stay with her during her admission, even though her mother was Sarah’s legal guardian and had the right to represent Sarah. This caused a great deal of distress for Sarah and she also requested to see a Chaplain during her admission, however, this request was never followed up and no visit from a Chaplain was undertaken. Pamela was currently away when the request for the Chaplain was raised and therefore the requested had not been communicated to the wider Chaplaincy team. This caused concern in the group due to the fact that this lady never received the same rights as other patients in the hospital. It was agreed to try and find out why this happened to this patient.

Linda Oldroyd confirmed that the mother should have never been asked to leave, as other patients with learning disabilities families are never asked to leave. At present there is a Learning Disabilities nurse who works with elective admissions, whose service is to be extended further. There could be an opportunity to use volunteers to help support the Learning Disabilities Nurse, especially around emergency admissions.

It was agreed Pamela should thank the family for sharing their Pamela experience and give verbal reassurance that the group was very Adam interested in hearing the story and would be following up the issues raised.

Jim Simpson read a story from an Occupational Therapist from Deeside who had received a letter from one of their patients, highlighting the importance and the difference a visit from a Chaplain can make to patients.


Item Subject Action

Sharon Duncan raised the point that the Care Plan on admission should be revised which would give the patients the opportunity to update/revisit the plan during their stay, as events do change when the patients are in hospital i.e. they may have to stay longer than anticipated and may wish a visit from a Chaplain.

Linda Oldroyd agreed to send out a copy of the Alzheimer Linda Society ‘This Is Me’ booklet to the group, which may give more Oldroyd guidance.

Nigel Firth confirmed the Learning Disabilities group has recently undertaken structured visits to the Emergency Care Centre and the A&E Department to try and help overcome fear and apprehension for this group of patients.

6. Survey Results

At a previous development day undertaken within the Chaplaincy Team it had been agreed to undertake a survey to gain more insight around the knowledge, visibility and understanding of Chaplains amongst patients, staff, carers and others. Laura Gray summarised the results

- 233 respondents would like to easily identify a Chaplain in the hospital setting. - 225 respondents said it would be helpful if Chaplains wore the same uniform, colour or style of clothing. - 353 respondents were members of NHSG staff - this response rate shows a significant interest in Chaplaincy from NHSG staff.

Discussion took place on how to raise awareness of Chaplaincy for both patients and staff. Some of the suggestions were as follows:

- The information that is available bedside might need to be addressed. There is a Chaplaincy page on the Hospedia screen but not all patients take up this facility. It was suggested that a laminated card could be produced, detailing the same information as the Hospedia screen and left at the bedside. A suggestion was put forward to produce a laminated credit card style document detailing information on the Chaplaincy team as well as the Hospital Visiting service. - Posters and leaflets could be displayed around the ARI site. - Maximum use should be made of the hospital radio. A recorded programme is broadcast on a Sunday only, but this


Item Subject Action could be rolled out to the rest of the week. A set of Rev programmes could be recorded and rotated, using a jingle. Rodgers Rev Rodgers will seek advice from John Graham. - Stuart Hannabuss recently attended an NHSG event at Pittodrie which gave him the opportunity to do a presentation around the work of the Hospital Visiting Scheme. Stuart suggested that when a patient is asked the question about requiring a Chaplaincy visit, they could then be made aware of the Hospital Visiting Scheme. - Sharon Duncan suggested that chaplaincy awareness could be part of an e-learning package for staff which could be linked to eksf development plans. Laura agreed to take this forward.

Stuart raised a query around the missed opportunity between the Chaplains and Consultants who are drawing on qualitative and ethnic research. Chaplains should be made more aware on what studies are being undertaken.

Yvonne Wright highlighted the fact that the domestic staff and portering staff play a very important role in communicating with patients on a day to day basis and are a resource that should be included in awareness raising. The WRVS are in a similar position.

7. Reports from Sectors

7.1 Aberdeenshire CHP – Morag Mitchell The following was noted:

● No new items to report.

● The CHP will look at Spiritual Care in GPs’ anticipatory care plans and feedback to GPs information from the Spiritual Care Committee

7.2 Mental Health – Bill Cowling

● Jim Simpson completed the training on Values Based Reflective Practice with the intention to pilot this in the Older Adults Mental Health Directorate.

● There will be a poster display on the campaign board, main corridor, Clerkseat, at Royal Cornhill Hospital to profile Spiritual Care. This will be undertaken by 30th June 2013 for one month.


Item Subject Action 7.3 Moray – Liz Tait The following was noted:

● NHS Grampian is working on producing a procedure and policy document around the disposal of ashes from babies to ensure parents are aware of the process and what they can expect in the future. Laura Gray confirmed there has been some confusion around this topic, with some attempts to involve NHSG. NHSG has been working with the Aberdeen City Council and supporting the families involved when necessary.

7.4 Acute – Yvonne Wright The following was noted:

● Chaplains had not been informed when a very unwell patient had requested that they be visited – this request was noted in the kardex but not shared with Chaplaincy staff. There are concerns that this situation is not a “one off”. The Divisional Lead Nurse emailed all managers/staff to remind them of the importance of sharing spiritual care needs of the patients. The new nursing documentation /kardex being implemented in June 2013 should help address the issue regarding information Rev sharing with the Chaplains. It was agreed Rev Rodgers Rodgers should attend a Senior Charge Nurse Forum meeting to get the importance of communications issue across and sharing the spiritual care needs of the patients. Yvonne Yvonne will provide Rev Rodgers with the dates for the meetings. Wright It was also suggested that Rev Rodgers could visit all wards during the roll out of the new nursing Rev documentation/kardex over the summer months to again Rodgers raise the awareness of sharing the spiritual care needs of the patient.

Sharon Duncan queried whether the Chaplaincy service should be part of the Isolation Group which has been established following the impact of single rooms within the Emergency Care Centre. It was noted that volunteers do visit single rooms within the Emergency Care Centre one afternoon per week.

7.5 City CHP – Sandy Reid

● Rev James Falconer was invited to present Reflections to the Scottish Government, which gave the opportunity to portray the national profile of Chaplaincy


Item Subject Action services.

● Rev Rodgers attended the Aberdeen City CHP monthly sector meeting to encourage wider engagement across Aberdeen CHP Management around Spiritual Care issues and opportunities.

● Sandy reminded everyone about the Queens Cross Church coffee mornings every Monday for people with learning disabilities. The Elmwood Unit attend every Monday.

● There is a lot of interest in Chaplaincy services being located within the new Health Village. It was agreed the Chaplaincy service will require to be involved in the establishment of the Health Village from the outset. Rev Rodgers highlighted the fact that the Chaplaincy Listening Service would focus on GP referrals, using an appointment service and would not be a walk in service.

● Every two years an Older People’s survey is undertaken in Aberdeen on what requirements and needs are sought. A question could be asked around “what other services could be provided to support you”

● Linda Oldroyd confirmed an event around the Person Centred National Learning set has been scheduled for 30th & 31st May 2013. If anyone would like to attend, please contact Linda directly.


Nothing to report.

8. Date of Next Meeting

Friday 13th September 2013 10am-12noon, Royal Cornhill Hospital. - special focus on Mental Health.

A copy of the shuttle bus timetable will be issued beforehand to give people the opportunity to park their car at Summerfield House and get the shuttle bus down to Cornhill Hospital.


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