April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL

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April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL

April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL FERRIS' OF KNOX COUNTY, ILLINOIS Also see the separate paper from They Broke the Prairie.

GREAT, GREAT, GREAT GRANDPARENTS ( SYLVANUS (SILVANUS) FERRIS (Photo) born March 5, 1773 Greenwich, Connecticut and died June 13, 1861 Galesburg, Knox, IL. He removed with his parents from Greenwich to S. Salem (Lewisboro), Westchester Co NY 1782; married 1st March 15, 1798 Sarah ‘Sally’ Maria Olmsted born 1779 (of Sharon CT) and died September 6, 1845 Galesburg IL. (her parents were Hezekiah and Sarah (Gale) [daughter of G.W.Gale] Olmstead - See Separate Paper on the Olmsteds) in Connecticut and they immediately moved to Norway, Herkimer, NY and purchased 100 acres of unimproved land and built their farm cabin there on the edge of what was then the Adirondack wilderness where for nearly 40 years they engaged successfully in dairy farming. Another source says “Sylvanus came to Dairy Hill about 2 miles west of Norway village in 1798 and bought 110 acres of land at $6.00 per acre – the avails of his potash soon paid for the land, other farms were bought and in 1824, he was the owner of about 400 acres.” “He must have been an enterprising business man, in addition to his potash industry, be bought and sold country produce, and was a partner with Robert Nesbit in the butter and cheese trade for many years.” One source says they had seven sons and 3 daughters; only six sons and 3 daughters are shown below. Silvanus was a dairy farmer and cheese maker in New York (See Separate Paper on Herkimer County). [There was a Justice of the Peace, ‘Squire’ Silvanus Ferris who performed numerous marriages in Norway between 1808-1820 - don't know if this is the same Silvanus, but am not aware of any other Silvanus in Norway, Herkimer Co at that time - Jim] [There was also a Private Silvanus Ferris in Captain Jared Smith's Company, September 14, 1811 - again, don't know if this is the same gentleman - Jim] Silvanus and his wife were Presbyterians of the staunch type and inculcated those principles in the lives of their children. To the Presbyterian Church, he was always loyal and generous with his money. In 1813 when the Norway Presbyterian Church was built he gave $150.00; later he built a chapel on the state road east of Norway. In Russia he erected the chapel for the Presbyterians that stood so near the old Russia Union Church; was always a trustee of the Russia Union Church. Silvanus was one of the founders of Knox College, Illinois. (See They Broke the Prairie.) “In 1836, he with his five sons, sold out their holding of 700 acres on Dairy Hill, the highest, bleakest, and most uncomfortable place in Norway, about six months of the year.” Silvanus and Sally came to Knox Co in the spring of 1837. He was not a large, robust man, (photograph) but was of medium height, perhaps 5'9" and very quiet, not a great talker. Silvanus's siblings that accompanied them in 1837 were Gideon, James, Hannah, Sarah, and Mary E. The Ferris’ passed the winter of 1837-38 at Log City and probably remained there during the summers of 1838-39, and possibly until some time during the year of 1840, when comfortable frame homes were being rapidly constructed in Galesburg; moved into their frame house at the corner of Tompkins and Cherry Streets, diagonally across from the site of Knox Seminary, now known as Whiting Hall - where he lived for the remainder of his life. (This is the corner where St Mary’s Hospital was for many, many years in Galesburg.) He continued the tradition of giving his sons a section of land after they had married, except he gave, G.W.G, his youngest, 720 acres; apparently his son Nathan O. paid him for his section. (See diagram, at the end of this chapter, of Galesburg Township and the land owned by the Ferris’, a total of 4,565 acres - Jim – incredible!) [According to the Illinois Archives - Land Purchases, Sylvanus bought over 10,000 acres in 1835.] According to family tradition, he was connected with the underground railroad, hiding slaves in the church belfry and his own home by day, and helping them on their way north by night by concealing them in loads of straw. Silvanus took an active interest in the affairs of Knox College and was a member of the Board of Trustees for 21 years

1 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL (1837-58) until at the age of 85 he resigned. The motion to accept his resignation was amended so as to order a committee to prepare a resolution expressing the sentiments of the Board. The resolution follows: “Mr. Silvanus Ferris having tendered to this Board the resignation of his seat as member thereof, and the same having been accepted, it is hereby declared as the sense of the Board of Trustees of Knox College, and as a matter of history proper to be spread upon the records of their proceedings, that they recognize in their late associate, one of the earliest, most substantial and most faithful friends of the enterprise which resulted in the founding of Knox College, and that to his liberality and devoted labors the Institution is largely indebted for its present financial prosperity. Entertaining these views, this Board does hereby express their high regard for Mr. Ferris, and an earnest hope that health, peace, and happiness may attend his declining years”. (2007-The Knox College President’s Circle of giving societies includes the Sylvanus Ferris Society for giving $50,000 or more.) Sally died September 6, 1845; both buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL (see tombstone photo). After Sally's death, Silvanus married October 27, 1846 Mrs. Sarah Warner (Stevens) Hitchcock, a widow who had joined the Galesburg settlement some time before with her seven children. He took the sons and daughters of Mrs. Hitchcock into his heart and home and treated them as his own and she did likewise with his. She was loved by his grandchildren as though she was their own. She died August 1, 1881 and is also buried at Hope Cemetery. [Jim - see separate papers at the end of this chapter on The Ferris Family.]; and born to Silvanus and Sally were:

( SILVANUS WESTERN FERRIS (Photographs), oldest son of Silvanus, born June 30, 1799 Norway, Herkimer, NY and died September 30,1887 Galesburg, Knox, IL; buried with his wife at Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; born in the first rude log cabin which his father had erected on his farm; S.W. grew up in Norway and in May 1821, married Aurinda Sophronia Doty [dau of Danforth Doty of Norway NY] born 1795 and died September 10, 1883 Galesburg; S.W. built a house, barns and a cider mill and engaged in dairying, then sold his farm to Peleg Wilcox, Jr. When his father, Silvanus, became interested in the Rev. Dr. George W. Gale's project for the founding of a college on the western prairies, S.W. followed his leadership and accompanied him on his first expedition to Illinois in September, 1835, when Silvanus went out as a member of the Purchasing Committee to buy the lands recommended by the original Exploration Committee, and was a member of the little group that staked out the site for Knox College at Galesburg in October, 1835. S.W. was unable, however, to accompany his parents to Illinois when they finally moved there in the early summer of 1837 (1838?), doubtless because of the necessity of his remaining behind to settle up his own and some of his father's business affairs. Exactly when S.W. migrated with his family to Illinois is uncertain, but it seems probable that he did so in the fall of 1837, and it may be that he and his brother Nathan Olmstead and the latter's family traveled together, for the latter also probably went in the fall of that year, having written on July 31, 1837, to his brother William Mead, who had accompanied the father in June, that he intended to start the first week in September. S.W. lived on the farm northwest of Galesburg given to him by his father, and was more or less active in the affairs of the community throughout his life. He made at least one trip of some duration away from home, when, in 1877, he visited Washington, apparently, in part at least, for the purpose of attempting to collect a debt, and was in the capital when President Hayes was inaugurated. He wrote a letter to his brother at Galesburg, which reflects his state of mind about several things - the inauguration, his anticipation that his stepmother was not long for this world (with respect to which, however, she deceived the family by living 20 more years, since she did not die until 1881.), the fact that for some undisclosed reason he had become peeved at his brother Timothy Harvey, back in Herkimer Co NY. (See Letters at the end of this Paper.); S.W. and Aurinda buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; and born to them were: ( CAROLINA (CAROLINE) ELIZA FERRIS born March 24, 1822 Norway NY and

2 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL died March 7, 1904; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL, with his husband. From the Monmouth Review, March 9, 1904: “For the second time within six days, death made a visitation to the Gale family circle last night and at the hour of 9 claimed for his own the spirit of Mrs. Caroline Ferris Gale. The end came at the family home, 340 North Broad Street and removed one of Galesburg's oldest and most widely known and respected residents. She was one whose every acquaintance was a friend and the announcement of her taking off created great and genuine sorrow wherever it was made. Caroline Ferris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Western Ferris born March 24, 1823 in Norway, New York. She made her home in that city until 1838 when with her parents she moved to Galesburg. Her education had been gained in a girl’s school in the East. Upon her return to Galesburg, she met W. Selden Gale and they married October 6, 1845. Since that time Galesburg has always been her home.” She married August 10, 1845 (October 1, 1845?) in Knox Co IL, William Selden Gale born February 15,1822 Adams, Jefferson, NY and died September 1, 1900 and they had eight children. Caroline attended Knox College 1841-42. William was the son of George Washington Gale, D.D., the founder of Galesburg, Illinois; his mother Harriet was the daughter of Hon. Charles Selden and Abigail (Jones). [Note: Harriet was a cousin of Mary Mead, the mother of Silvanus Ferris. Charles Selden graduated from Yale 1777 and in the presence of General Washington, from whom he received, with others of his class, a commission on graduation day, and entered the Army.] William attended school in New York prior to 14 years of age, when he came to Galesburg in 1836 with his father, and read Law in Galesburg as early as 1842, with the Honorable James Knox, and was admitted to the Bar in 1845. He continued to practice, however, only five or six years, as his attention was occupied with other business. He was one of the organizers of the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad; in fact, was the originator of the idea. Mr. Gale took an active part in political matters, was a member of the first board of supervisors, and served with that group for many years. In 1850, the News-Letter was started by Mr. Gale, Mr. Lanphere and Dr. Bunce; taking the place of the Intelligencer, the local newspaper. He was the Galesburg Postmaster 1849-53; from 1853-95 with the exception of five years, was Supervisor of Galesburg Township of Knox County; Representative State General Assembly 1870-72. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1869, and on the City Council from 1871-82, 1891-95; and a delegate to the National Republican Convention in 1880; member of the State Revenue Commission, 1885-86; Trustee of the Illinois Western Hospital for the Insane, 1895-97; and Presidential Elector, 1872. In 1853 he was nominated for County Judge during his absence from home; he did not desire the office, made no canvass and was defeated. He was a trustee of Knox College from 1861 until his death. William finished his years attending to his large farming interests in Knox and Warren Counties. In 1859, there were five hundred acres of meadow in timothy on the Gale farm. Additional information on Mr. Gale is available in the Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, 1899; both buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; and born to Caroline and William were: ( WILLIAM SELDEN GALE, JR., born June 8, 1846 Galesburg and died December 5, 1912; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; attended Knox College 1857-58, 1859-64 but did not graduate; never married; listed as city alderman and member board of supervisors; resided 312 N. Broad in the 1892-93 Galesburg City directory ( GEORGE WASHINGTON GALE III born August 16, 1848 Galesburg and died October 4, 1938 Campbell CA; attended Knox College 1857-64 but did not graduate; a trustee of Knox College 1900-1937; farmer; married 1st September 4, 1872 Frances Candee (1850-1904) born LaFayette IN [dau of Isaac Newton & Elizabeth (Greene) Candee], and married 2d November 1, 1906 Georgiana Smith (1864-1925); Frances attended Knox College 1863-64; George and both wives buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; and born to George and Frances were: ( GEORGE CANDEE GALE (Photo) born July 12, 1873 Galesburg and died September 1, 1927; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; boyhood was spent on the family farm; attended the Galesburg public schools including one year in the High School; two years in Knox

3 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Academy admitted him to Knox College 1887-93, graduating with the Class of 1893, with first honors, receiving a B.A.; M.A. from Knox 1895; honorary LL.D, 1923; on the Knox faculty 1900-01; received his LL.B, New York Law School 1896; admitted to the Bar of Wisconsin May 1895 and Illinois 1896; a lawyer and a tax expert and a member of the Illinois Constitutional Convention; practiced law and was associated with Mr. Wilfred Arnold; married September 6, 1900 Irma Reel (1873-1964)(buried at Hope Cemetery) of Milwaukee WI who is listed as being a special student at Knox 1918-24; there was an Irma Gale listed as a history teacher at Galesburg High School – not sure if same person. During WWI, George was County Chairman first YMCA Fund and United War Work campaigns; City Chairman second Red Cross Membership and second Red Cross War Fund campaigns; Vice-President War Service League; Four-Minute Man; member Executive committee second, third, and fourth Liberty Loans; and associate member Legal Advisory Fund. Born to them were: ( JEANETTE REEL GALE born June 6, 1901 and died January 28, 1921; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg ( GEORGE WASHINGTON GALE IV (Photos) born February 9, 1905 Chicago IL and died 1985; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; Phi Delta Theta as a Sophomore at Knox; George graduated from Knox College 1924, B.S.; received his J.D. from the U. of Michigan 1929; a lawyer and partner, King, Robin, Gale and Phillinger, 135 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago; married January 29, 1932 Ann M. Van Nice (1908-); 1963 they resided at 403 Jackson Ave., Glencoe IL; and born to them were: ( JANE GALE (1935-1938) buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg ( ANN GALE (1939-) ( MARY E. GALE (1940-) ( SELDEN REEL GALE (Photo) born March 17, 1909 Galesburg, Knox, IL and died 1959 presumably Maywood IL; attended Knox College 1926-28, 1929-31 and graduated with the Class of 1931, B.A; member of Knox Men’s Glee Club; served with the Air Force 1949-53 (Major); free lance journalist; contributor to the American Guide, King Features Syndicate; a staff writer, Fed Writers, Chicago; married October 3, 1931 Mildred E. Goelz, of Aurora IL, and born to them were: ( JOYCE JEANETTE GALE born May 9, 1933; married a Mr. Brown ( ROBERT S. GALE (1935-1960) ( JOHN F. GALE (1936-) ( FRANCES CANDEE GALE born March 20, 1911 Galesburg; attended Knox College 1927-28 and received a Ph.B. from the U. of Chicago 1931; 1963 Frances was a section chief, Business Methods, Western Electric Company, 195 Broadway, New York City and resided at 25 Monroe Place, Brooklyn NY; married 1st July 29, 1933 Arthur Charles Thompson born October 4, 1905 Quincy IL - apparently divorced; Arthur attended Knox College 1924-26 and was in newspaper advertising sales and resided Forest Hills NY 1963; apparently no offspring from this marriage; married 2d 1957 Glen Higgins Colby, an accountant, who brought 2 children, Glen and Leonora, from a previous marriage with him ( WILLIAM SELDEN GALE born January 30, 1878 and died September 16, 1878; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg ( ALICE CANDEE GALE born February 23, 1881 Galesburg and died July 16, 1964 Santa Clara County CA; attended Knox College 1896-1902; married August 25, 1903 Lew E. Wallace; a farmer (Jim - wonder if he was related to the Illinois Union General by the same name?); Alice was a magazine writer and involved in astrology; 1963 resided at 19749 N. Oakmont Dr., Los Gatos CA; and born to them were: ( GEORGE WASHINGTON GALE WALLACE (Photo) born September 6, 1904 Monmouth IL; graduated from Knox College 1923, B.A; M.A. from Chico State College 1962; also attended San Francisco State College and San Jose State College; George was a farmer, salesman and a

4 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL teacher; Principal of Oakdale and Salem Schools, Chico CA; married November 11, 1927 Elizabeth Hayes of New Rockford ND; 1963 they resided at 1448 Esplanade, Chico, Butte, CA. Note: 2004 – this address is the Enloe Medical Center – Foundation; and born to them were: ( JEFF (JOFF?) GALE WALLACE born October 14, 1928 (twin); deceased 1963 ( GEORGE HAYES WALLACE born October 14, 1928 (twin) ( SARAH JOSELYN WALLACE born December 6, 1938 Chico CA; attended Knox College 1956-57; received a B.A. from Chico State College; married 1958 Richard C. Williams – divorced; 1963 she resided at 1150 Broadway, Chico CA ( CAROLINE GALE WALLACE born May 10, 1908; attended Knox College in 1927; married November 23, 1926 William Grant Lewis; and born to them were: ( JOANNA GALE LEWIS born December 16, 1927 ( WILLIAM GRANT LEWIS born November 24, 1929 ( CAROL CHRISTINE LEWIS born October 14, 1933 ( LEW GREGORY WALLACE born January 27, 1910 IL and died December 7, 1982 Santa Clara Co CA; married July 17, 1933 Amy Elizabeth Collins born September 19, 1914; and born to them was: ( SHERWOOD GREGORY WALLACE born May 21, 1934 ( CAROLINE SELDEN GALE (Photos) born October 4, 1882 Galesburg; attended Knox College 1896-1900, 1901-03, graduating with the Class of 1903, B.A.; Pi Beta Phi, 1903 Gale Board and member of Senior Basketball Team; received her M.A. at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn NY 1906-08; married October 1, 1908 Worth Cleland Harder of Washington, D.C.; the Deputy Securities Commissioner for the State of Indiana; 1963 they resided at 47 W. 32d St., Indianapolis IN; and born to them was: ( MARGARET ANN HARDER born August 25, 1919 ( FRANCES GALE born March 20, 1888 and died August 30, 1888; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg ( CHARLES SELDEN GALE born November 1850 and died October 24, 1851; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg ( CAROLINE FERRIS GALE born December 27, 1851 and died January 18, 1927; attended Knox College 1867-72 graduating with the Class of 1872; attended the 75th Anniversary celebration of Knox College, 1912; married August 29, 1878 Rev. James Gibson Lowrie (1846-1927), D.D., a Presbyterian minister [was he son of John Marshall Lowrie, Presbyterian minister and author?]; both buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; and born to them were: ( ALICE CAROLINE LOWRIE (Photo) born October 8, 1882 Mt. Sterling IL and died 1954; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; graduated from Knox College in 1905, B.A.; Diploma Knox Conservatory of Music, 1916; Music B., teacher of voice, Bellevue College, Bellevue NE, 1917- 19; supervisor of Public School Music Monmouth, Kirkwood, and Avon IL, 1919-21; teacher of music in high school, Wyandotte MI, 1921-23; Knox Conservatory, 1925; Professor of Voice and Public School Music Methods at the Knox Conservatory 1928 through at least 1938; Professor of Voice and Theory, 1934; retired from Knox College 1944 ( SELDEN GALE LOWRIE (photos) born August 13, 1884 Mt. Sterling IL and died 1961; graduated from Knox College in 1907, B.A.; Honorary LL.D, 1937; M.A. U. of Illinois, 1908; Ph.D. U. of Wisconsin 1912; Captain in the Army Ordnance Department 1918-19; author and contributor to technical journals on economics and politics; professor for 49 years; professor emer. of political science at the U. of Cincinnati. Who’s Who. According to the 1905 Gale, Selden was a reserve left guard on the Knox football team; married January 21, 1932 Agnes Potter Van Ryn (1892- 1964) of Chicago, an artist/painter; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg ( JOHN MARSHALL LOWRIE (Photo) born June 7, 1887 Elkhart IN and died 1954;

5 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL graduated from Knox College in 1908, B.A; M.A. 1909, U. of Illinois; LLB, 1912, Columbia; Trustee Knox College 1935-42; a musician; married December 19, 1916 Rebecca Lawrence who attended Knox 1905-07 and was on the Faculty 1913-16. From the 1909 Gale: “I had planned to be a professional man, but during my college course the ambition to become a railroad magnate has overcome me. I hope some day to possess a little Alton property. It is “the only way”.” ( HARRIET GALE born July 28, 1854 and died August 27, 1925; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; graduated from Knox College 1872 ( JOSEPH DUDLEY GALE born 1856 and died October 19, 1857; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg ( JOSIAH GALE born September 18, 1858 Galesburg and died August 29, 1889 in a railroad accident; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; attended Knox College 1872-78, graduating in 1878 with a B.A.; Circuit Clerk of Knox County at his death ( JOHN GALE born April 4, 1859 and died September 27, 1862; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg ( ORIN CLARK FERRIS (Orrin) (O.C.) born August 29, 1825 Norway NY and died July 25, 1899; listed as attending Knox College as a Special student 1842-44; married November 11, 1858 in Knox Co, Phebe (Phoebe) Thorne Matteson (1836-1899). O.C. was one of the prominent breeders of Shorthorn cattle in Knox Co; listed in the 1888 Farmer’s & Land Owner’s Directory as owning 120 acres in Sections 5-6 of Galesburg; and born to O.C. and Phoebe were: ( CAROLINE FERRIS born February 9, 1860 and died 1861 ( CATHERINE B. FERRIS (Katherine?) born June 1, 1861 and died June 26, 1890; married July 22, 1885 in Knox Co IL, George D. Meyer; and born to them was: ( JESSIE LEAH MEYER born September 19, 1886 NE and died October 15, 1962 Los Angeles Co CA; married June 12, 1907 Frank N Loder [son of John H & Ida (Newton) Loder] born 1882 NE; 1910 census shows them in Grant Co OK – he was a hardware salesman; they must have moved from NE to OK after the birth of their son, Carroll, in 1910; 1920 census shows them in Los Angeles Co CA; and born to them were: ( CARROLL FRANKLIN LODER born February 25, 1910 NE and died October 8, 1947 Los Angeles Co CA ( ROBERT BRUCE LODER born August 21, 1916 OK ( DOROTHY JEAN LODER born June 15, 1920 ( FRANK WESTERN FERRIS born January 2, 1863 and died December 6, 1933; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL; there is a Frank Ferris listed in the 1892-93 Galesburg City Directory as a plumber for McLaughlin & Flynn residing at 106 S. Cedar – don’t know if this is the same one. Frank W. is listed as a farmer in the Farmers and Breeder’s Directory of Warren County, 1918, RFD 2, Alexis, Warren County as the owner of 240 acres since 1900; owner of a Ford automobile; not listed as owner of a tractor; married November 15, 1888 in Knox Co IL, Adda L. Cone; and born to them were: ( MAE LOUISE FERRIS born October 30, 1891 and died May 5, 1984; married in Warren Co IL, January 12, 1910 Charles Harrison Squire born November 13, 1888 and died February 17, 1972; and born to them were: ( FORREST CHARLES ‘Pete’ SQUIRE born August 5, 1911 Galesburg IL (obituary says he born in Warren Co) and died November 21, 1997 Galesburg IL; buried Oak Lawn Memorial Gardens; married May 12, 1934 Lowava Alice Ahenger born December 7, 1917; Forrest lived in Galesburg most of his life; an operating engineer for Local Union 649 from 1949-75 before retiring; also worked for Gunter Construction Company for many years; member of the Coldbrook Christian Church in Warren Co where he served as a Deacon for several years; a first chapter ‘Dad’ for the Future Homemakers of America; and born to them were:

6 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( LOWAVA JEANINE SQUIRE born June 17, 1936; married February 13, 1955 Richard Eugene Corbin born November 13, 1930; and born to them were: ( DARRELL EUGENE CORBIN born January 20, 1956; married July 16, 1977 Sandi Kay Bordner; and born to them were: ( BRENT MATTHEW CORBIN born March 29, 1979 ( BRANDI MICHELLE CORBIN born March 30, 1982 ( LOWAVA DENISE CORBIN born March 27, 1958; married 1st a Mr. Rutledge; and born to them was: ( TIFFANY MICHELLE RUTLEDGE born February 9, 1979 ( DOUGLAS CHARLES CORBIN born July 20, 1963; married November 11, 1993 Eliza Jane Blazer born August 12, 1969 ( JACQUELINE ANN SQUIRE (Jackie) born October 10, 1939; married April 29, 1958 Wayne Hoteling born May 13, 1936; resided Commache IA; and born to them were: ( DIANE MARIE HOTELING born March 13, 1959 ( KIMBERLY KAYE HOTELING born June 29, 1964; married August 2, 1992 Steve Piper born June 9, 1963 ( JOYCE ELAINE SQUIRE born June 5, 1943; married November 13, 1971 Larry French born April 11, 1938; resided Monmouth IL ( JUDITH KAY SQUIRE born December 18, 1944; married July 28, 1963 Donald Fredrickson born May 5, 1941; resided Biggsville IL; and born to them were: ( DONALD LANE FREDRICKSON born March 2, 1967; married April 25, 1987 Karen Earp born July 25, 1967 ( JUDITH LYNETTE FREDRICKSON born December 5, 1968 ( SHAWNA REANNE FREDRICKSON born January 30, 1970; married October 20, 1992 Eric Roberts ( JON CHARLES SQUIRE born August 28, 1948 and died May 20, 1992; married January 23, 1971 Betsy Sayrs born July 30, 1950; and born to them were: ( JON TROY SQUIRE born July 29, 1971 ( TRAVIS LEE SQUIRE born October 10, 1972 ( JOSHUA CHARLES SQUIRE born September 6, 1977 ( JAN FORREST SQUIRE born August 28, 1948; married 1971 1st Jaye Lynne Offringa-Mullin, a cardiac critical care nurse who resides outside Minneapolis 2006; and 2d May 21, 1977 Terri Schoonover born August 9, 1955; resided Abingdon IL; and born to Jan and his Jaye were: ( JAN PATRICK SQUIRE born September 13, 1971; resides Sarasota FL 2006 ( JAMES EMERSON HARRISON SQUIRE born December 15, 1973; college student 2006, Minneapolis Born to Jan and his 2d wife Terri were: ( JEFF THOMAS SQUIRE born November 14, 1977 ( JOEL TYSON SQUIRE born March 18, 1979 ( JARED TODD SQUIRE born April 4, 1981 ( JERRILYN SUE SQUIRE born November 25, 1955; married 1st a Mr. Kenney; and 2d November 23, 1991 Jon Hajostek born September 26, 1947; resided Cameron IL; and born to Jerrilyn and Mr. Kenney were: ( LISSA DANIELLE KENNEY born January 24, 1979 ( DUSTIN DEAN KENNEY born February 21, 1983 ( JULIE DIANE SQUIRE born October 21, 1958; married May 18, 1979 Bob McGraw born March 10, 1957; resided Oneida IL; and born to them were: ( EUGEN MCGRAW born November 20, 1979

7 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( CASEY ADAM MCGRAW born August 24, 1989 ( TAREN JON MCGRAW born December 26, 1992 ( HERBERT DONALD SQUIRE born February 23, 1919 Galesburg IL; served in the U.S. Army 1941-45 with the 1st Infantry Division, participating in campaigns in the African and European theaters. Upon his return to Galesburg, he was self-employed operating a garage; then employed by Admiral where he worked for 32 years in the Engineering Department before retiring 1982; married June 20, 1948 Helen Marie Cravens born June 2, 1927 Mercer Co IL, graduating from Monmouth High School; Herbert and Helen currently reside in Galesburg IL during the summer months and then go to Brandenton FL for the winter where they stay active; Herb plays golf, at least once a day. [Herb and Helen have furnished all of this information on the descendants of Mae Louise and Charles Squire - thanks folks!]; and born to them were: ( GARY HERBERT SQUIRE born June 11, 1950; married January 31, 1970 Lois Jean Bevenour - divorced 1973; Gary resides Sarasota FL; and born to them were: ( COREY CHRISTOPHER SQUIRE born August 10, 1970 ( TY AARON SQUIRE born September 25, 1971 and died March 29, 2000; buried Memorial Park, Galesburg IL ( LYNN MARIE SQUIRE born February 20, 1952; married, June 7, 1975 Frank Ray Burg born January 22, 1948; they reside Evergreen CO; Lynn is home schooling two of the kids (1998) and teaches outside the home 3 days a week; and born to them were: ( AMY LYNISE BURG born April 6, 1980; recently won first place in the Optimist Club public speaking contest for all of Colorado and Wyoming and later won first place in the Colorado State 4H public speaking contest ( JENNIFER RENEE BURG born June 12, 1982; sings in the Colorado Children’s Chorale and was one of 30 selected to sing on the Kathy Lee Gifford Christmas Special, which was on CBS, December 20, 1995 ( AARON CHRISTOPHER BURG born February 26, 1984 ( JORDAN MARIE BURG born July 25, 1986 ( TAYLOR FRANKLYN BURG born April 23, 1990 ( TIMOTHY JAMES SQUIRE (Rev.) born February 18, 1955; married August 6, 1983 Sally Bond Harris born October 19, 1955; they resided Vidalia GA and Ravenel SC; and born to them were: ( JAMES SAMUEL SQUIRE born December 21, 1987 ( ELIZABETH BOND SQUIRE born June 12, 1994 ( GORDON ROBERT SQUIRE born April 1, 1923 Galesburg IL; resided Mountain View MO; married May 1, 1942 Shirley Jean Crandall born June 1, 1924 and died June 3, 2000; buried Mountain View Cemetery; and born to them were: ( LINDA JEAN SQUIRE born September 1, 1944; married 1st a Mr. Richards; 2d July 11, 1992 Robert Curtis born January 22, 1946; and born to Linda and Mr. Richards were: ( CATHERINE JEAN RICHARDS born June 23, 1966 ( CHRISTINE LOUISE RICHARDS born August 8, 1971 ( SHARON LOUISE SQUIRE born October 8, 1946; married 1st a Mr. Blake; 2d Clifford Wayne Skinner born April 8, 1942; and born to Sharon and Mr. Blake were: ( KIMBERLY ANN BLAKE born October 9, 1968; married May 20, 1989 Robert Norris born August 20, 1964 ( HEATHER LORRAINE BLAKE born August 7, 1970 ( HERBERT SCOTT FERRIS born March 22, 1893 Galesburg IL and died April 24, 1987 age 94 at the Knox Co Nursing Home, Knoxville IL; buried Knoxville Cemetery (residence as per death certificate was North Market Street in Knoxville) (cause of death cardio-respiratory

8 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL failure; chronic congestive heart failure and arteriosclerotic heart disease); farmed for most of his life and worked for Consumer Grain Elevator in Galesburg for several years retiring 1969; had lived in Knoxville since 1952; a member of the Knoxville American Legion Post 749 and an Army Veteran of WWI; married August 22, 1925 Alice Josephine Nelson who died December 17, 1981; and born to them were: ( DONALD RICHARD FERRIS (Dr.) (presumably PhD) born September 20, 1927 Galesburg IL; married November 26, 1952 Ruth Ann Coulter, a speech pathologist; resided at San Jose CA and then at West Lafayette IN where he was an Associate Professor of Education; 2003 a Don & Ruth Ann Ferris, members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lafayette were the recipients of the 2003 Outstanding Unitarian Universalist Service Award; a donation was made to the Tippecanoe Community Health Clinic in Lafayette 2005 in honor of a Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Ferris – presumably same folks – have written to Dr. Ferris, no response, maybe deceased but was alive in 2005; a Dr. Donald R. Ferris & Ruth Ann Ferris were donors to the Purdue U Libraries during 2004- 2005; Don and Ann Ferris were donors to the Lafayette Urban Ministry Hunger Hike 2005; donors to the Tippecanoe Public Library; and born to them were: ( ANN MARIE FERRIS ( RICHARD ALAN FERRIS ( CAROL FERRIS married John Liston; resided Gilson IL. Note: 2003 – I stumbled upon John at McDonalds in Knoxville IL on a visit back there this year – after the initial introduction he said I am married to a Ferris and we got to talking and this is Carol, his wife. Then a couple of days later at the same McD’s I met Carol – small world!!!! Born to them was: ( TED LISTON ( ORRIN TEDDY EARL FERRIS born August 29, 1932; resided Lakewood CO ( MILDRED IRENE FERRIS born February 8, 1895 Galesburg IL and died age 85 at Steubenville OH; married 1st in Warren Co IL August 8, 1914 William T. Stone - they divorced; married 2d April 18, 1937 at Springfield IL, Alvin Andreen of Woodhull IL (-1971); and born to Mildred and William were: ( ROSE IRENE STONE born October 2, 1915 - deceased date unk; married a Mr. Varner and born to them was: ( RICK VARNER ( LILLIAN KAY STONE born May 27, 1917; married 1st a Mr. Stevens?; and 2d a Mr. Johnson. Born to her and Mr. Stevens was: ( SHERRY STEVENS married a Mr. Thompson ( CLARK WESTERN FERRIS Sr., born February (17?) 27, 1897 Galesburg IL and died there September 20, 1992; a farmer in the Wataga area; married June 7, 1922 Alice Kathryn Hendricks born June 23, 1901 Knoxville IL and died September 15, 1994; and born to them were: ( BETTY MAE FERRIS (Groom) born December 27, 1922; married a Mr. Cole & Shorty Groom; resided in Galesburg IL; and born to them were: ( DAVID ALAN COLE born March 1946; married 1st (*) and born to them were: ( DAVID COLE had 2 kids ( EARL DEAN COLE had a son ( CHERYL COLE (twin) born August 1947; married 1st Mr. Kirby; and 2d John Swanson; and born to Cheryl and Mr. Kirby were: ( DEAN KIRBY married 1999 – had a son ( KIM KIRBY had 2 kids ( CAROL COLE (twin) born August 1947 ( THOMAS COLE born December 19xx; married/divorced - born to him were: ( KEVIN COLE

9 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( JASON COLE ( BONNY JEAN FERRIS born January 25, 1924; married March 4, 1952 in Galesburg IL, Irving Clinton Anderson; resided Galva IL; and born to them were: ( NANCY JEAN ANDERSON born December 21, 1952 Galesburg IL; married April 3, 1976 Lynn Arden Sutton; and born to them were: ( JOSHUA LOUIS SUTTON born November 22, 1984 Galesburg IL ( VALERIE LYNN SUTTON (twin) born January 5, 1989 Galesburg IL ( NATALIE SUTTON (twin) born January 5, 1989 Galesburg IL ( PATRICIA KAY ANDERSON born October 15, 1954 Galesburg IL and died November 18, 1977 ( ALAN IRVING ANDERSON born January 12, 1959 Galesburg IL; married March 11, 1989 in DeKalb IL, Marie Luedtke - Alan & Marie have provided this updated information on this twig - thanks folks! Born to them were: ( BENJAMIN ROBERT ANDERSON born November 15, 1995 Downers Grove IL ( EMMA MARIE ANDERSON born November 3, 1997 Maywood IL ( DARLENE LOUISE FERRIS born November 30, 1925 and died 1995 Knox Co IL; married Norman Lester – divorced; and born to them were: ( DEBBIE LESTER born February 1950; married Ronald Erickson – divorced; and born to them were: ( LISA ERICKSON born September 1969; she had twins - a son and daughter ( DENNIS ERICKSON born November 23, 1972 ( ROCKY LESTER born October 15, 1951; married (*) and born to them were: ( STEPHEN LESTER had 4 kids ( JEFFREY LESTER had 2 kids ( BETH LESTER ( CINDY LESTER born January 1960; married a Mr. McCormick – divorced; and born to them were: ( CASSIE MCCORMICK born April 23, 1983 ( ERYN MICHELLE MCCORMICK born April 18, 1986 ( NORMA LESTER married a Mr. Morgan and born to them were: ( CHRISTY (not Mr. Morgan’s child) born May 22, 1983 ( KENT MORGAN born June 8, 1986 ( KELLI JO MORGAN born February 19, 1992 ( WALTER FRANK FERRIS born January 1, 1928 Oquawka IL and died July 30, 2004 Seminary Manor, Galesburg, Knox, IL; buried Knoxville Cemetery, Knoxville IL with military rites; resided Abingdon IL; a WWII Army Vet serving 18 months in Japan; worked for Admiral Corp for 39 years retiring 1991; involved in several bowling leagues ( CASSILEE JANET FERRIS born May 28, 1931; married 1st Kenneth Smart; and 2d John Mabey; resided Caldwell IN and Caldwell ID (2004); and born to Cassilee and Kenneth were: ( KENNETH SMART, JR., (1953-) married at least three times - born to him were: ( LUKE WADE SMART ( ALEXANDER LEE SMART born September 18, 1996 ( UNK NAME SMART ( JAMES CLARK SMART married Donna {maiden name unk} - adopted two kids

10 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( GERALD SMART (1958-) ( CLARK WESTERN FERRIS Jr., ‘Bill’ born March 1, 1933 and alive 2004; married Lucille {maiden name unk}; resided Wataga IL - no offspring ( CHARLES GILBERT FERRIS born February 26, 1865 and died April 27, 1926; a Charles G. Ferris is listed in the 1892-93 Galesburg City Directory as being a fireman for the railroad and residing at 341 Monmouth; listed in the 1917 Prairie Farmer’s Reliable Directory of Farmers and Breeders of Knox County; R5 Galesburg Township, Section 19 tenant of Dr. Corbin’s on 160 acres; married July 16, 1887 in Knox Co IL, Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ Jane Goetler born August 30, 1869 and died November 27, 1955 Riverside CA; and born to them were: ( BLANCHE THORNE FERRIS born August 17, 1888 and died July 11, 1965 San Mateo Co CA; married February 17, 1910 Arthur Joseph Terpening (photo) from Coldbrook IL [son of Edwin Ezekiel & Cynthia Elizabeth (Adcock) Terpening] born December 24, 1883 and died September 8, 1973 San Mateo Co CA. Arthur attended Knox College 1898-1904; a farmer in the Gladstone IL area; 1921 they lived in Ocotne WI, but moved west because in 1963, they resided at San Carlos CA; and born to them were: ( RICHARD EDWIN TERPENING (Photo) born January 5, 1911 in the Coldbrook IL area and died July 18, 2006 Galesburg IL; attended Barnett Grade School, then to Galesburg High School, then transferred to Monmouth High School and graduated from West Seattle High School in Seattle WA 1929; enlisted with the Cavalry in the Army, 1941 and was stationed in Italy during WWII as a building engineer, returning to Coldbrook in 1945 when the war ended; re-entered the service in 1950 for 2 years and was stationed at Camp Atterberry IN; when he returned, he farmed near Monmouth; moved to Galesburg in 1950 and began working for Simpson-Powelson Lumber Yard and retired from there 1980; member of the First United Methodist Church of Galesburg; buried Terpening Cemetery, Warren County IL with military rites conducted by the Ralph M Noble American Legion Post 295; married 1st Lois Gardner; married 2d February 11, 1963 in Galesburg A Jane Welch Gardner who died January 6, 2004; surviving Richard were 2 stepdaughters, brother Francis Terpening of Clinton WA; 5 step-grandchildren and 12 step-great-grandchildren ( BARBARA ELIZABETH TERPENING born December 24, 1912/13 and died before her brother Richard; married August 24, 1933, J. Whitney Fraser – and/or December 24, 1940 Harold D. Kachel ( FRANCIS CHARLES TERPENING born July 23, 1915; married Violet M {maiden name unk}; 2006 resided Clinton WA ( LOUISE MAY FERRIS born September 12, 1890; married November 12, 1913 Lawrence M. Waddell [son of Michael Lawyer & JoAnna (Hughes) Waddell] born June 8, 1888 near Hills Grove, McDonough, IL and died c1930 CA; and born to them were: ( LAWRENCE FERRIS WADDELL born September 26, 1924 ( JOANNE ELIZABETH WADDELL born March 18, 1916 ( RUTH EILEEN (AILEEN) FERRIS born April 20, 1895 Galesburg IL and died July 16, 1921 Ocotne WI; buried at Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL; educated in the public schools of Galesburg and graduated from that city's High School 1913; took a course at Brown’s Business College; a member of the Central Congregational Church and took a great deal of interest in the work of that religious body. [Galesburg Evening Mail, July 19, 1921.] ( RAYMOND ORRIN FERRIS born May 14, 1901 Illinois and died April 10, 1989 San Diego Co CA (resided Fallbrook); married September 14, 1922 in Oconto Co WI, Leona Lundgren/Lindgren [dau of Charles] ( AURINDA SOPHRONIA (Aunt Orie) FERRIS born June 29, 1872; married April 24, 1894 in Fulton Co IL, William Sanford Berry [son of Isaiah & Sarah D. (Burress) Berry] born December 1866 Washington IN and died December, 1948 San Bernadino CA. [Jim - there was a

11 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL William W. Berry who was a Knox trustee 1883-94 - I do not know if related.][She is identified as Orah S., in the 1880 census.] They moved to Gardiner MT c1902 and owned the Gardiner Photographic Studio; Willy and Aurie were award-winning photographers, operating Gardiner Studios just outside the north gate to Yellowstone National Park; in 1918 Willy became warden of Sully’s Hill Game Preserve at Fort Totten ND; the preserve being established by President Teddy Roosevelt to help rebuild the herds of elk, deer, and bison which had been over hunted nearly to extinction; after several Dakota winters, Willy decided there was too much pioneering at Fort Totten for a man his age and in 1920 moved his family to sunny Long Beach CA; 1926 relocated to Pomona; and born to them was: ( FERRIS MILTON BERRY (Colonel) (Photos) born February 13, 1912 Livingston MT and died December 26, 2003 Charleston SC; adventurer, outdoorsman, and world traveler; moved with his parents to Long Beach CA 1920 and then to Pomona CA 1926 where he attended high school and Pomona Jr College; married April 24, 1941 in Los Angeles, Jean L Riley; 1932 he joined the California National Guard and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Infantry in the Reserve Officer Corps in 1936; ordered to active duty 1937 with the CCC and commanded camps in Death Valley CA, Alaska, and Washington State; with the close of CCC and the beginning of WWII, he commanded a Military Police Company and was later assigned to the Army Transportation Corps; 1944 he assume command of the Army repair ship USS Connors and served in New Guinea, Biak, and the Philippine Islands. Upon his return from the South Pacific, he commanded the Army transport ship USS Patch out of the Port of New York; during the Korean War he was sent to Yokohama, Japan where he was the military commander of the Assano Shipyard, a Japanese facility supporting US Army ships and landing craft; Ferris was one of the Army’s first hard hat deep sea divers, receiving his dive training and certification from the USN; assigned to the US Army’s Charleston Transportation Depot 1954-57 as Assistant for Supply Operations and Deputy Depot Commander; 1957 he joined the Army’s guided missile air defense program at Fort Bliss TX where he retired from the Army in 1964 with over 32y of active service; 1964 Ferris and his family returned to Charleston as a civilian with DoD where he worked at the Charleston Naval Yard; transferred to Okinawa 1967, retiring at Charleston 1972; Jim – Ferris called me in 1997 and we discussed Ferris Genealogy – I told him I would come visit him one day, but never did – my loss; as his daughter Jennifer says, “he was an outstandingly kind, happy, and interesting man, and he made such an impression on all who met him”; Jean moved to Bismarck 2005; and born to them were: ( DAVID BRUCE BERRY married Susan M {maiden name unk} – 2003 of Silver City NM; he works six months of the year at McMurdo Station, Antarctica; and born to them was: ( ANDREW JAMES BERRY ( JEFFREY FERRIS BERRY (Captain) married Jennifer Tang-Chin of Guangzhou, Guangdon Province, China; resides in Singapore; she is a liaison for Proctor-Gamble and speaks 5 languages ( JENNIFER BERRY is head of Technical Processing at Bismarck Public Library; married Dr A. Wesley Jones – of Bismarck ND 2003; Wesley Jones – from his website: I am a professor of Humanities and the Director of the Program in England at the University of Mary, Bismarck ND, where I have researched and/or taught since 1976. My undergraduate and M.A. work were in English (Virginia Polytechnic University and State University) with an emphasis in medieval and Renaissance studies (undergraduate minor in history). My doctoral work was in linguistics (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) with a concentration in Germanic historical linguistics (especially Gothic inflectional morphology). I was hired at the U of Mary as staff linguist for Hidatsa in the North Dakota Indian Languages Program, and moved into the English Department in 1979/80. My chief hobby interests are evolutionary biology, cognitive science and religious studies. My teaching areas are composition, world literature, literary criticism, and linguistics. Born to them was: ( ELISE CLAIRE JONES

12 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( CHRISTOPHER SANFORD BERRY, M.D. (Optometrist) married Carol A Lien – 2003 of Olympia WA ( CHARLES J. FERRIS “Charley” (Charles Jackson Ferris) born May 3, 1831 Norway NY and died March 21, 1909; attended Knox College 1847-48, 1849-1850; married May 6, 1851 at the Mansion House in Knoxville IL, Sarah Jane Lipe born 1834 and died October 9, 1922, buried with Charley; Sarah attended Knox College 1849-51; Obituary, Western Kansas World: Charles Jackson Ferris was born May 3, 1831 in Norway Township, Herkimer County, NY and died March 22, 1909 at Kansas City MO, where he was temporarily residing. When Mr Ferris was about seven years old his family moved to Galesburg IL; that town having been founded by the Gales and Ferrises, two related families. He secured a better than average education for those days in Knox Academy, Galesburg and was married to Sarah J Lipe at Knoxville May 6, 1851. Some years later, hoping to improve his health, he moved to Portage City WI and remained there twelve years, serving as county surveyor most of the time. Still in search of health he left Galesburg a second time and filed on a homestead in Trego County KS about nine miles southwest of Wa-Kenney. This was in 1879, the family moving out in the spring of 1880. Being appointed a deputy for County Surveyor Peck, and later appointed to the office, Mr Ferris moved his family to Wa-Keeney which has been their home for the last twenty-seven years. He was nine times elected surveyor of Trego County and served Trego County about twenty years. The present Ferris House was built by him in 1855 and since Christmas day of that year it has been the family home, becoming well known for its hospitality and home like comforts. Mr and Mrs Ferris in recent years made two trips to the Pacific coast and last fall went down to Kansas City to spend the winter. Several years ago Mr Ferris selected choice lot in the WaKeeney city cemetery and in accordance with his expressed wish his remains were brought here for interment. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church. Services at the grave were conducted by the Masonic Lodge of WaKeeney to which Mr Ferris belonged since 1883. He joined the Craft at Galesburg in 1852 and for a time as a member of Galesburg Chapter No 46, R.A.M. Mr Ferris is survived by his wife and all his children, these being Mrs. Louise Biedrich (Dietrich) and E. L. Ferris of Kansas City, Mrs Luella Davis of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Bessie Huyett of Minneapolis KS, all being present at the funeral except for Mrs. Davis; and born to them were: ( LOUISE IRENE FERRIS born September 10, 1853; attended Knox College 1867- 68, 1870-71, and 1873-74; married March 18, 1879 in Knox Co, George Corwin Dietrich; George was a student at Knox College 1866-67; apparently resided Dalton City IL; and born to them were: ( NEIL BLAINE DIETRICH born April 15, 1880; married August 12, 1903 Anna M. Satterlee; and born to them were: ( NEIL BLAINE DIETRICH JR., born April 22, 1910 ( PAUL DOUGLAS DIETRICH born May 5, 1912 ( MARY IRENE DIETRICH born July 26, 1917 ( CARL FERRIS DIETRICH born November 29, 1883 and died October 27, 1908 ( FREDERIC CORWIN DIETRICH born July 26, 1889 and married December 24, 1917 Millie B. Stukey ( D. LOUELLA FERRIS (Luelle) born September 18, 1857 and died May 21, 1931; attended Knox College 1872-73, 1874-77; married February 16, 1887 Arthur J. Davis – 1909 resided Los Angeles CA ( EDWIN L. FERRIS born September 10, 1861; married April 17, 1887 Josephine Buis – 1909 resided Kansas City; and born to them was: ( EARLE PERRY FERRIS born January 1898 and died at 18m ( ELIZABETH FERRIS (Bessie) born August 29, 1878 and died January 4, 1951; married November 23, 1897 Guy L. Huyett (Photo) born 1874 and died October 24, 1949; both buried Bennington, Ottawa, KS (Photo). G. L. Huyett Inc. was incorporated in 1906 Minneapolis KS and in still in operation today (2004) – see www.huyett.com. Born to them were: ( GUY FERRIS HUYETT born November 3/4, 1899 and died March 24/25, 1908; buried Bennington, Ottawa, KS ( ELIZABETH LOUISE HUYETT born July 12, 1906 and died April 6, 1971; married September 12, 1920 Daniel Gaines Hon [son of Judge Daniel & Margaret Pamelia (Gaines)

13 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Hon] born January 21, 1898 Waldron AR and died May 14, 1950 Los Angeles Co CA; and they had a child – they lived in Los Angeles where he was an attorney; ( DELIA AURINDA FERRIS born March 7, 1843 Galesburg IL and died February 6, 1909; attended Knox College 1854-59; married August 29, 1871/72 in Knox Co IL, William H. Brainerd (1841-1908). In the 1892-93 Galesburg City Directory, a William H. Brainerd is listed as a life insurance agent, residing at 223 N. Broad; and born to them were: ( SARAH AURINDA BRAINERD born January 22, 1874 and died October 22, 1888 ( CAROLINE FRANCES BRAINERD born November 11, 1876 ( HARRIET GALE BRAINERD born January 8, 1880; married July 7, 1904 William Johnston; and born to them was: ( FAITH ELEANOR JOHNSTON born July 4, 1905 ( NATHAN OLMSTED ‘Ump’ FERRIS, second child of Silvanus, born Herkimer Co NY February 11, 1801, like his brother Silvanus Western, in the log cabin on the farm, and died November 19, 1850 as a result of a kick from a horse, after fever set in; buried Weaverville CA; married February 15, 1827 Currence (Concurrence) (commonly abbreviated to Currency - she had a rather sharp tongue and in her school days was called ‘Currants and Vinegar’) Ann Winnegar (a daughter of Samuel and Martha Winnegar) born April 14, 1805 Fort Ann, Washington, NY and died December 24, 1888; buried at Hope Cemetery; N.O. kept a large dairy on the farm in Norway and sold his farm to Elias B. Pullman, before moving to Illinois; came to Illinois 1837 and began farming probably on land given to Nathan by his father. Nathan inherited the irrepressible energy and business tact of his father and appears to have had a propensity for engaging in various agricultural speculative ventures, plus his partnership with his brother William in the sawmill. Thus, he early began the saving and shipping of timothy seed and soon had a large part of 900 acres devoted almost exclusively to this crop. The seed brought considerable better prices in New York than did eastern seed on account of its quality and supposed freedom from weeds. He also raised large quantities of mustard for the value of the seed, canary seed, and popcorn. In 1844, Nathan is reported to have sowed and raised 220 acres of mustard seed. The crop was a prolific one, yielding 2,250 bushels, and this was all cut with grain cradles. The mustard crop was gathered and threshed from the gavels, in large wagons, with boxes of which were constructed for the purpose, and then deposited in a small granary, upon wheels, 14 by 16 feet, which was covered with canvass. Here the seed was cleaned by his son, Sylvanus; then it was conveyed to a barn and spread until it was dry, when it was put into casks and hauled on wagons to Peoria, from whence it was shipped down the river, via New Orleans, to New York, and consigned to parties who failed to dispose of it satisfactorily to Mr. Ferris; and the enterprise not proving financially sound, he abandoned the production. In 1848, Olmstead was in New York City visiting and met a Mr. Ekins, newly arrived from Deal, England and persuaded him to come to Galesburg, where Mr. Ekins engaged at once in the tailoring business, later elected as City Marshall and other appointed political positions. (See They Broke the Prairies for more information on Nathan and his enterprises, including his popcorn trip to England.) Nathan, true to his adventurous instincts, was one of the ‘49ers’ who joined the rush to California in the excitement over the discovery of gold, in 1850. Although he died in California, the family erected a monument to his memory in Hope Cemetery, Galesburg with the following sentiment: Some in our native valleys rest One sleeps beneath the glowing From our cold graves together rise To meet the Lord within the skies. His wife, Concurrence, survived him 36 years and died at Galesburg, December 24, 1888, at the home of her daughter Sally. In its issue for February 1889, the Norway Tidings, published at Norway NY, printed the following account of her: Died: In Galesburg, Ill., December 24, 1888, Mrs. Nathan Olmstead Ferris. Currance Ann Winnegar, the last survivor of a family of eleven children, was the daughter of Samuel and Martha Winnegar, and born at Fort Ann, Washington County, NY, April 15,

14 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL 1805. She was married to Nathan Olmstead Ferris February 15, 1827, and the union was blessed with nine children, one of whom died in infancy. Of the remainder, Sylvanus H. is a resident of Riverside, California; Samuel W., Sally A. (Mrs. L.T. Stone), Martha E. (Mrs. Geo. Runkle), reside in Galesburg, Ill., James H. resides in California, and Chauncey G., Nathan O., and Horace F. are deceased. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Ferris lived on the farm now owned by Willis Kelly in Norway, until the fall of 1836, when they joined fortunes with the first colonists who emigrated to Galesburg, Ill. The fever of excitement, which followed the discovery of gold in California in 1849, enrolled Mr. Ferris among the many who sought to increase their fortunes in the land of the setting sun, and thither he journeyed in the spring of 1850, never to return. He died as a result of an accident November 19th of the same year, since which time his wife has lived a quiet and peaceful widowhood. Mrs. Ferris was a member of the Presbyterian Church, always a consistent and earnest, though unostentatious Christian, contributing of her means to the support of the gospel, and reputed among all who knew her for her delicate consideration of all living. Between Mrs. Ferris and Mrs. Sarah Comstock of Norway a warm and sisterly affection has existed since their early acquaintance". The widow and 2 daughters joined Silvanus Harvey Ferris on their move to California in 1880. Born to N.O. and Currence were: ( SYLVANUS HARVEY FERRIS (Photographs) born January 14, 1828 Norway (Poland?), Herkimer, NY and died January 22, 1902 Riverside CA (nephritis); funeral services held from the residence on Magnolia Avenue; “His death was deeply regretted, for his sterling character and excellent personal traits had gained for him the esteem and good will of all who knew him”. He attended Knox College 1847-49; married April 29, 1852 Sabra Boothe Cline [dau of Robert & Harriet Corintha (Stevens) Cline] born April 1829 and died May 3, 1919 (cemetery records say May 4th) (myocarditis) Riverside CA; both buried Olivewood Cemetery (Photo); F, Section D2, Lot 13; Sabra attended Knox College 1850-51; Silvanus was 9 years old when he parents moved to Illinois and he was prominent in the affairs of the Galesburg community until 1881, when he removed to Riverside, California. S.H. was involved in the founding of Riverside as is noted in the following biographical sketch from the Riverside County History: “Sylvanus H. Ferris was one of the pioneers of Riverside, and was a man of great prominence. He established his residence on Magnolia Avenue, and every bit of wood that went into the construction of the house was hauled from San Bernardino. His home was the center of much hospitality, which he offered to his Eastern friends, and he was instrumental in bringing more than one hundred people from Galesburg, Illinois, to Riverside. He came to this city in 1879, and later brought in trees from Illinois and New York, and scientifically studied and experimented with reference to the citrus fruit industry. By birth, Mr. Ferris was a New Yorker, as he born in Herkimer County, that state, January 14, 1828, and was given a public school and academic education. His parents went to Illinois at a very early day, and he grew up in that state. Before deciding definitely upon his occupation, Mr. Ferris paid a visit to his uncle, Timothy H. Ferris, of Herkimer County, New York, who told him that Eastern lands, would depreciate and Western lands would advance in price, and advised him to return to Illinois. Following this advice he lived in Galesburg from 1862 to 1881, this town having been the family home from the time it was founded. In 1879, Mr. Ferris came on a visit to California, accompanying O.T. Johnson of Galesburg, and then went on to Carson City, Nevada, where his uncle, G.W.G. Ferris, was then residing. Later the party came to Riverside and Sylvanus H. Ferris purchased a ranch on Magnolia Avenue, arranged for the purchase of an adjoining ranch for Mr. Johnson, and still another at the head of the avenue for his uncle, G. W. G. Ferris. He permanently settled at Riverside in 1881, and built his residence in 1882, which has since been one of the substantial homes and is still standing on that avenue. His home ranch comprised forty-three acres, and on it he raised high-grade oranges. In addition, Mr. Ferris owned orange properties at Tustin, Orange County, and at Etiwanda, San Bernardino County, California, a cottage at Laguna Beach, California, and a ranch in San Antonio Canyon, from which Ontario, by purchase, afterward acquired its water. A very public-spirited man, Mr. Ferris worked hard to secure

15 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL the Santa Fe Railroad from Orange to Riverside, and was a director and manager of the Newton Railroad from Riverside to San Bernardino, which is now owned by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. While he was active as a republican, he never sought political recognition. For many years he was a member of the Presbyterian Church and was instrumental in founding it on Magnolia Avenue. In 1852 Mr. Ferris married Sabra Booth Cline, who became especially prominent in church and W.C.T.U. work, and helped to build up a better sentiment in this locality. She was a philanthropist and one to whom charitable impulses were a second nature. Her death occurred in 1919, when she was over ninety years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris had four children, namely: Eva, who is the wife of W.S. Ray; Robert O., who lives on the old homestead at Woodhull, Illinois; Mrs. Julia Moulton, who is mentioned at length; and Mrs. Stella Bellows, who lives at Kansas City, Missouri. In addition to their own children, Mr. and Mrs. Ferris reared two others, whom they took from the Home of Friendless of New York City. One is Mrs. Della Shieff and the other is George F. Lozier, of Denver, Colorado, both of whom grew up a credit to their adopted parents, worthy of the love and care given them. In the 1889 Riverside City and County Director, S. H., is listed as a Horticulturist at the corner of Magnolia and Madison, Riverside. Born to S.H. and Sabra were: ( EVA CLEMENTINE FERRIS born June 17, 1853 Galesburg IL and died 1953/4 Riverside CA (Los Angeles Co CA); the oldest living Knox alum at her death; graduated with a B.A., from Knox College 1875; the founder of the Ray Loan Fund created in 1934 and had its own line item in Knox College’s annual financial report until 1980 when accounting practices were changes and all Funds were listed as a single item after that; married March 4, 1880 in Knox Co IL, Walter Selden Ray born July 3, 1851; Walter attended Knox College 1869-72 and was an orange rancher in Los Angeles CA; he died 1934; and born to them were: ( FREDERIC SILVANUS RAY, M.D., born December 18, 1882 Riverside CA; graduated from the University of California 1904 and John Hopkins 1908; served in the American Army in France during WWI; married April 21, 1928 Margaret McLean ( WALTER HAROLD RAY born July 15, 1884 Riverside CA and died July 1902; while attempting to climb Mt. Brewer, Calif., he fell 300 feet from a cliff, and was instantly killed. His companions found his body and carried it some 15 miles to the point where they had left their burro ponies; then 60 miles by burros and 40 miles by wagon to Fresno CA ( ROBERT OLMSTEAD FERRIS born January 17, 1857 Galesburg IL and died May 4, 1950 Orange Co CA; attended Knox College 1869-75; married February 5, 1880 Emma Estelle Richards born July 23, 1856; and born to them were: ( JULIA ESTELLE FERRIS (Photos) born September 16, 1880 Woodhull IL and died August 30, 1963 Orange Co CA; graduated from the Knox Conservatory of Music 1904; Delta Delta Delta, YWCA, and LMI; also member of swimming club; performed her graduating recital January 29,1903, a Pianoforte; married June 15, 1904 Albert Wells Borden [who maybe died June 11, 1963 in Orange Co CA at 82y]; 1937 they resided at Hastings NE; 1963 they resided at 885 Manzanita Dr., Laguna Beach CA; and born to them were: ( FERRIS WOODBURY BORDEN born September 13, 1908 Nebraska and died April 10, 1984 Orange Co CA; graduated from the University of Nebraska 1930; a Ferris W. Borden authored a paper, The use of surface erosion observations to determine chronological sequence in artifacts from a Mojave Desert site, Archaeological Survey Association of Southern California, 1971 – not sure same guy; married January 1, 1931 Helen Adams and born to them was: ( BARBARA JEAN BORDEN born June 5, 1932 ( ROBERT WELLS BORDEN born March 18, 1913 Nebraska and died March 7, 1977 Santa Barbara Co CA; married January 5, 1932 (Anna) Adelaide Peterson - divorced 1947; she was born January 31, 1912 Aurora and died there September 17, 1888 age 87y; buried Aurora Cemetery; she graduated from Stephens H.S., Columbus MO; later attended U of Nebraska-Lincoln

16 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL where she majored in history; and born to them were: ( SAYRE ANN BORDEN (Sari) born July 31, 1933 and preceded her mother in death ( ROBERT EINER BORDEN resided Escondido CA 1999 ( LOUISE NINATA (NINITA) FERRIS (photo) born September 30, 1882 Woodhull IL; graduated from the Knox Conservatory of Music 1904. In the 1905 Gale, she is referred to Louie several times; also presented a violin recital March 3, 1904; married January 10, 1912 Julian Raymond Blackman, M.D., a surgeon of Baltimore MD (-1934); 1963 Louise resided at 231 Cypress Dr., Laguana Beach CA - no offspring ( GERTRUDE LUCILE FERRIS born October 19, 1884 Woodhull IL and died January 27, 1952 Riverside Co CA; attended Knox College 1902-04; listed as the Vice President of The Academy at Knox College in the 1904 Gale; married October 19, 1905 Charles Edgar Waite of Riverside CA, where they resided. Is he the Charles E. Waite who born May 4, 1887 at Fort Hill IL son of Douglas & Fanny M. (Richardson) Waite? ( JULIA CAROLINE FERRIS born March 1, 1860 Woodhull IL and died June 10, 1950 Orange Co CA; attended Knox College 1869-70, 1873-81 and graduated with the Class of 1880; married November 14, 1883 at Riverside CA, Ernest Smith Moulton (Photo) born January 3, 1853 (or January 5, 1859 Galesburg IL) (one source says he born in Springfield MA) [son of Billings & Harriet Corintha (Smith) Moulton both of whom were natives of Massachusetts] and died 1916. After the wedding, they apparently returned to Galesburg, because Mr. Moulton was the ticket agent at the C.B.& Q.R.R. office in Galesburg, starting around 1880. He received his early education in the public schools of Galesburg; attended Knox College 1875-1878. After his arrival in California, he was identified with the packing industry, first handling raisins and then oranges, and at the time of his withdrawal from that line of activity, he was the oldest orange packer in the state; a member of the Citrus Protective League of Southern California. Turning his attention to financial matters, he became the President of the 1st National Bank of Riverside, a position he held for about six years. He was also president of the Chamber of Commerce and was a director of the Highland Water Company. He was identified with the Business Men’s Association and was one of the organizers of the Bankers Association of Riverside County. He was prominent in the state association, of which he was elected president, and by virtue of that position became one of the vice-presidents of the bankers’ national organization. An editorial from the Riverside Enterprise, February 4, 1916 reads: It would have been difficult to find a Riverside man who could more ill be spared from the community than Ernest S. Moulton who ended his work yesterday after a life of much usefulness, diligent effort and capable endeavor. In his position at the head of one of the leading banks of Southern California, Mr. Moulton has for many years taken a prominent part in the activities of this part of the state and has been identified with practically every enterprise which has given itself to the upbuilding of Riverside for the past quarter of a century. Calm and dispassionate in his judgements, utterly unbiased and unprejudiced in his decisions, accurate and dependable in his appraisements, Mr. Moulton has taken a position in the financial life of this city, which will not easily be filled. Kindly in his generosity, open and frank in his friendliness, genial and cordial in his daily intercourse with his fellows, he has found a place in the hearts of his circle of acquaintances, which can never be taken by another. Every man who knew Ernest Moulton feels a personal loss at his departure. Dignified though he must be at the head of a prominent financial institution, he was never the coldly, formal financier so common in the world of business. No matter what your business, Ernest Moulton always had time to listen. Piled though his desk might be with important papers requiring immediate attention, he could always slip in a minute to hear your story and no one will ever know the number of intimate secrets he kept tucked away in his head while he tried to plan out a way to offer the necessary assistance. He was a man-sided individual - this businessman whose loss is going to be so keenly felt in Riverside. His activities were many and

17 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL varied; his sphere of influence embraced every enterprise, which had to do with the public interest and the good of the community, which he always had at heart. Member of the school board, member of the library board, director of the chamber of commerce, chairman or member of a score of prominent committees, Mr. Moulton exercised a wonderful influence over a wide field of most diversified interests. When Riverside wanted a citrus experiment station from the University of California, they had to have Ernest Moulton on the committee appointed to secure it. When the city wanted to get the Santa Fe railroad to erect a new station here, the same man must be concerned in the work. There has not been a truly big event of public benefit in this city in a great many years in which Ernest Moulton has not been in some way involved. He can ill be spared. Julia took an active part in church work and was a leader in the activities of the Young Woman’s Christian Association. She served as director of the old Riverside Hospital and, later, of the Community Hospital. Subsequently for a number of years she served as president of the Charity Tree, an organization that did a vast amount of good throughout the community. She was active in the work of the Magnolia Avenue Presbyterian Church. ‘Julia was a lady of estimable attainments’. Ernest & Julia built a seaside cottage at Laguna Beach in the 1880s and it stood there until 1970s as remembered by their g-grandson, John Ferris Manning. Born to her and Ernest were: ( STELLA FLORENCE MOULTON born September 17, 1884 Galesburg IL and died May 25, 1887; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL ( ARTHUR FERRIS MOULTON born May 3, 1887 Los Angeles CA and died August 22, 1950 San Francisco Co CA; graduated from the University of California 1909; engaged in the lumber business in Ukiah, Mendocino Co CA; married August 10, 1910 in Berkeley CA, Chryssa Hemsworth Fraser [dau of Daniel Malkin & Jane Hemsworth (Mills) Fraser] born March 22, 1887 (1886) Pictou, Nova Scotia, Canada and died March 9, 1944 (Ukiah) Mendocino Co CA; and born to them were: ( FRANCES FRASER MOULTON born February 22, 1913 ( JOAN VIRGINIA MOULTON born August 14, 1915 ( DORIS ANNA MOULTON (Photo) born June 22, 1917 probably in Ukiah CA (Navarro CA) and died April 15, 2003 Missoula MT; buried Ft. Missoula Cemetery (Photos); attended Knox College 1937-39 graduating with the Class of 1939, B.A.; married May 10, 1941 in Manito IL, Robert Lee Velde [son of Henry Jacob & Laura Amanda (Himmel) Velde] born December 7, 1918 on farm in Tazewell County IL and died July 23, 2000 Missoula MT; buried Ft. Missoula Cemetery. Robert graduated from Knox College, 1940, B.A., commissioned as 2d Lieutenant, US Army July 5, 1940 Galesburg IL; and also attended the U. of Colorado; 1963 he was an Army Lieutenant Colonel serving as a personnel officer at NATO headquarters; retired with 26 years service 1966. As per Bob’s son, “Perhaps Bob Velde’s closet brush with death in WWII happened while answering the Call of Nature. He was with a forward detachment of the Signal Corps in the North African campaign of 1942, and his unit was setting up HQ in a rundown but once very elegant building, a palace of sorts. The bathrooms in the place were very especially posh, and using them was a memorable experience, especially after long weeks of bivouacking out in the Libyan Desert. The commode was one of those ancient ones with a separate tank, mounted high on the wall. As he went to flush, Bob paused in this admiration of the setting – something about pulling that chain didn’t exactly feel right. He closed the lid to the throne and stood on it to inspect that tank – and found a three-grenade booby trap, set to be triggered by the flush chain. Not all valiant deeds depicted in this ancestry are acts of Arms and Armor.” Born to them were: ( WILLIAM VELDE ( SUSAN LEE VELDE born May 22, 1949 Kelly AFB, San Antonio TX and died December 30, 1989 Keizer, Marion, OR ( JILL FERRIS VELDE born November 3, 1957 Lubbock TX and died January

18 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL 26, 1979 Condon, Missoula, MT; buried Fort Missoula Cemetery with her parents ( BARBARA MILLS MOULTON born November 19, 1919 ( ROBERT HARRISON MOULTON born September 10, 1888 Galesburg IL and died October 2, 1977 Los Angeles Co CA; graduated from the University of California 1911; head of the R.H. Moulton Bond Firm of Los Angeles CA; received distinctive recognition during the wartime sale of Liberty bonds when he was appointed Government manager for the district of southern California; married October 3, 1914 Florence Wachter born October 22, 1888 OH and died November 10, 1953 Los Angeles Co CA; there was a Robert H Moulton on the Chicago Board of Trade 1936 who wrote an article, Trading in Grain – same guy?; and born to them were: ( DONALD WACHTER MOULTON born October 5, 1915 and died July 8, 1985 Santa Clara Co CA ( ROBERT HARRISON MOULTON JR., born October 30, 1918; there was a R. H. Moulton Jr, Associate Director, Division of Administrative Services, Stanford Linear Electron Accelerator Project, 1960 – not sure if this is the same guy; also a Robert H Moulton Jr, Class of 1940 Stanford, received the Stanford Gold Spike Award in 1978 – there was a Robert H Moulton III who wrote a letter to the editor of the Rocky Mountain News March 2006 – is this a son ( FRANKLIN FERRIS MOULTON born June 6, 1923 ( FRANCIS ERNEST MOULTON born January 16, 1892 Riverside CA and died March 11, 1961 Monterey Co CA; resided King City; graduated from the University of California 1913; partner with his brother in the R.H. Moulton Bond Firm in Los Angeles CA; married March 6, 1915 Gladys Robb born June 24, 1890 and died December 22, 1977 Monterey Co CA; and born to them were: ( JOHN RUSSELL MOULTON born May 31, 1926 ( ANN MOULTON born April 26, 1928 ( FERRIS SYLVANUS MOULTON born February 16, 1895 Riverside CA and died February 13, 1983 San Mateo Co CA; graduated from the University of California 1917; volunteered for service in WWI and went into air training, but the armistice was declared pending his being sent abroad; associated with the R.H. Moulton Bond Firm of Los Angeles CA, as their New York City representative; married December 8, 1917 Olive Taylor of Riverside [dau of the Rev. William F. Taylor, pastor the Baptist Church] and born to them were: ( CAROLYN SABRA MOULTON born November 28, 1919 ( FERRIS SYLVANUS MOULTON, JR., born August 22, 1924 – there was a F.S. Moulton, secretary and manager of Western Helicopter Operations 1953- same guy? ( DORIS SABRA HARRIET MOULTON born April 10, 1897 Riverside CA; married April 9, 1921 William H. Bonnett (born July 11, 1893 OH and died October 23, 1970 Riverside Co CA), an orange grower in Riverside and city councilman of Riverside for 12 years in the 1950s; Doris graduated from the University of California and Vassar College. Born to them were: ( JULIA DORIS BONNETT born August 17, 1922 ( WILLIAM HENRY BONNETT JR., born March 5, 1924 Riverside CA; married June 29, 1946 at Riverside CA, Jacquelyn Cannon born January 20, 1926 Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii; and born to them were: ( WILLIAM HENRY BONNETT III (Photo) born July 1, 1947 Riverside; graduated U of California-Riverside, 1969, B.A., Political Science; 1993 received UCR Alumni Community Service Award; William has spent 26+ years in the Kiwanis Club of Riverside; Vice President 2000-2003 of the Kiwanis California-Nevada-Hawaii Foundation; a two-year stint as president of the Riverside City and County YMCA and is very active in the football booster club of the Riverside Polytechnic High School. He is a C.P.A. and resides in Riverside CA; married May 21, 1977 at Riverside, Judith Ann LeVoss born November 22, 1952; William has provided the updated

19 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL information for this “twig” of the Tree - thanks, William!; and born to them were: ( WILLIAM HENRY BONNETT IV born April 3, 1979 ( BRIAN HOWARD BONNETT (twin) born September 16, 1981 ( CHRISTINA MARIE BONNETT (twin) born September 16, 1981 ( GREGORY WILSON BONNETT born March 14, 1984 ( MARK CANNON BONNETT born March 20, 1950 Riverside; married 1st April 6, 1974 Cheri Lynn Maloney – divorced 1987; married 2d June 23, 1990 Karlene Brandenburg Weatherway born August 7, 1949; and born to him and Cheri were: ( JANIE LOUISE BONNETT born June 14, 1979 Placerville CA ( BRENDEN KEITH BONNETT born 1981 Porterville CA ( BRADLEY PHILLIP BONNETT born October 4, 1983 Porterville CA ( ROBERT MOULTON BONNETT born March 19, 1955 ( LUCY BATES BONNETT born March 31, 1929 ( MARY MOULTON BONNETT born July 9, 1934 ( TWIN BOYS MOULTON born and died April 12, 1901 ( STELLA ABBIE FERRIS born August 31, 1862 at Woodhull IL and died 1956 probably Kansas City MO; attended Knox College 1878-81 and also Mills College; married October 29, 1887 in Knox Co, Dr. George E. Bellows born Galesburg, October 30, 1861 and died 1941. Stella was 'of Riverside' and he was 'of Kansas City' when they married. Dr. Bellows attended Knox College 1876-81 receiving his B.A. with the Class of 1882; received his M.A. in 1885 from Amherst and his M.D. (ophthalmology) from Columbia 1885. Dr. Bellows was a Captain in the Army Medical Corps, inducted September 8, 1917; resided at 3239 Euclid Ave, Kansas City MO; and born to them were: Galesburg Republican-Register, November 5, 1887: A very pleasant company of near relatives and friends met last Saturday morning to witness the marriage of Dr. George E Bellows to Miss Stella Ferris, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Sylvanus H. Ferris, at their residence, 214 South Academy street. Besides others there were present Mrs. C. A. Ferris, the venerable mother of the bride’s father, who is now in her 83d year, four of her grandchildren, and three of her great- grandchildren. The following were present from outside the city: Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Moulton, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Moulton, Kearney Neb; A.B. Moulton, Denver; Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Moulton and son Arthur, Los Angeles, Cal; Mrs. John Aberdeen, Riverside, Cal; Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Ferris and two little girls, Woodhull; Miss Farr, Chicago; Mrs. Mattie Runkle and son; Mrs. Ed Grant, Cromwell, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. SoRelle, Waco, Texas. The Rev. Favel Bascom, D.D., of Princeton, who performed the ceremony, had thirty-five years and six months previously to a day, united in marriage the father and mother of the bride. The wedding was a quiet and modest affair. The bride wore a tailor made brown broadcloth traveling suit and appeared bright and radiant. A wedding breakfast was served to about fifty of the most intimate friends. The contracting parties took the 10 o’clock train for Kansas City, which is to be their future home, and where Dr. Bellows has already began his professional career. The groom is a brother of Mr. F.D. Bellows, of the firm of Van Shanck & Bellows. A company of friends accompanied the twain to the depot and gave them good wishes. In these kind expressions of future happiness, this paper most heartily joins. ( WARREN SYLVANUS BELLOWS born August 15, 1889 Kansas City MO; married April 14, 1914 Anne Elizabeth Williams Handbook of Texas Online: BELLOWS, WARREN SYLVANUS (1889-1967). Warren Sylvanus Bellows, civil engineer, born in Kansas City, Missouri, on August 15, 1889, to Dr. George E. and Stella (Ferris) Bellows. In 1911 he received his degree in civil engineering from the University of Kansas and by 1921 had established a general contracting firm in Houston, the W. S. Bellows Construction Corporation. This firm was responsible for many major constructions in Houston, in addition to several buildings in other Texas cities and on the campuses of the University of Texas, Texas A&M University, Southern Methodist University, and the University of Houston. The Houston buildings include the Auditorium Hotel, one of the first of Bellows's constructions, completed in the 1920s, the Humble Headquarters Building, the American General Insurance Company and Prudential Insurance Regional Headquarters buildings, the First City National Bank, and the Bank of the Southwest. One of the late Houston constructions was the Alley Theatre. Bellows's firm participated in the building of the Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi,qv built hotels in Galveston, Fort Worth, and Mobile, Alabama, and constructed the administration buildings on the campuses of the University of Texas and the University of Houston. Probably his most famous construction was the San Jacinto Monument, at 570 feet the tallest monument in the world when it was completed in 1939 (see San Jacinto monument and museum). Bellows was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers,

20 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL president of the Associated General Contractors of America (1946), chairman of the Houston Port Commission from 1950 to 1954, president of the Houston Chamber of Commerce in 1948-49, member of the board of governors of the University of Houston, and member of the Texas Board of Corrections (see prison system). He was also an industrial member of the War Labor Board during World War II, director of the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway, and director of the YMCA. He was a trustee of the M. D. Anderson Foundation, Texas Medical Center, Southwest Research Institute, Southwest Legal Foundation, and Board of Visitors of the University of Texas Cancer Foundation. Bellows was chairman of the Houston Symphony Society and belonged to the Philosophical Society of Texas, the Sons of the Republic of Texas (which in 1967 made him a knight of the Order of San Jacinto), and the Sons of the American Revolution, which awarded him the 1955 Good Citizens Award. His several awards include the Royal Order of Vasa from King Gustav VI of Sweden in 1956, the Distinguished Service Award from the University of Kansas, and the first Annual Meritorious Award of the San Jacinto Chapter of Texas Professional Engineers. On February 3, 1967, Bellows died in Houston; he was survived by his wife, Anna (Williams), and four children. Warren found the W. S. Bellows Construction Corporation in 1914 in Canada, but soon moved the company to Kansas City Mo. In 1920 the company moved to Oklahoma City and won contracts throughout OK, TX, AR and TN. Bellows moved its office to Houston in 1936 soon after it was awarded the contract for the San Jacinto Monument. Born to them were: ( ELIZABETH ANNE BELLOWS born February 6, 1915 and died before 2005 ( WARREN SYLVANUS BELLOWS, JR., born November 3, 1917. Warren Sylvanus Bellows, Jr. (BS '39) died in Houston on Sunday, May 19, 1996 at the age of 78. He joined the W. S. Bellows Construction Corp in 1946, becoming president in 1960. Mr. Bellows was chairman of the board of the W.S. Bellows Construction Corporation, a position he held since 1979. He was past president (1973) of the Houston chapter of Associated General Contractors of America, a life member of ASCE and TSPE, and an honorary member of the American Institute of Architects, Houston (1993). The College of Engineering at UT Austin honored him in 1978 as a Distinguished Graduate. He also was presented the Rice Design Alliance Award for Design Excellence in 1994. He was preceded in death by his wife, Barbara; and his daughter, Elizabeth. He is survived by his sons and daughters-in- law, Ruth and Warren Bellows III, and Laura and Thomas Bellows; four grandchildren; his brothers and sisters-in-law, Ann and George Bellows, Sonny and Frank Bellows, and Bevery Crowley James. ( ELIZABETH BELLOWS ( WARREN SYLVANUS BELLOWS III, M.D., a surgeon in Houston TX; married Ruth Carmichael [dau of William R & Marzee (Moore) Carmichael]; and born to them were: ( ELIZABETH CARMICHAEL BELLOWS graduated from Harvard, Class of 2003, Romance languages and literature – elected to Phi Beta Kappa ( WARREN SYLVANUS BELLOWS IV ( THOMAS BELLOWS joined the W. S. Bellows Construction Corp 1978; became president 1987 and CEO 1996 – Jim – wrote a letter to him in 2005 – no response (is this Thomas F. Bellows married to Laura Draper who had Jack & Steven?) ( FRANK WILLIAMS BELLOWS born July 15, 1922; married Sanny {maiden name unk}; and born to them were: ( FRANKLIN WILLIAMS BELLOWS JR born June 20, 1950 Waco TX and died April 16, 1999 Houston TX; buried Forest Park Lawndale; graduated with honors from the U of Texas, B.S. in Mathematics and thereafter earned a M.S. in Statistics from Emory U; pursed his doctorate in the study of Epidemiology at the U of Texas Health Science Center of Public Health; previously worked at the Texas Medical Center and at W. S. Bellows Construction Corp; Frank was a brilliant and gentle person who had many interests; an accomplished photographer, an excellent horticulturist, a skilled pilot and had a continuing love of learning; ( SARAH BELLOWS married Vidal Martinez; is this Vidal G. Martinez, lawyer in Texas? – emailed Dec 06 to find out; and born to them were: ( GRANT MARTINEZ ( KATE MARTINEZ ( ALICE ANN MELLOWS married Frank Dunlap; and born to them were:

21 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( MARY FRANCES DUNLAP ( SARAH DUNLAP ( ANDREW DUNLAP ( VINCE BELLOWS married Elisabeth {maiden name unk}; are these the folks involved in Keys School, Palo Alto CA?; and born to them were: ( ZACHARY BELLOWS ( SAM BELLOWS ( GEORGE FERRIS BELLOWS born January 26, 1925 Oklahoma City OK and died May 30, 2005 Houston TX; moved with his parents and family to Houston 1936; graduated from Kinkaid School and attended Rice U and the U of Texas, where he received a degree in civil engineering after serving the USN during WWII; following graduation, he joined his father and brothers at the W.S. Bellows Construction Corporation as an engineer, eventually becoming President in 1979. During those years, he was involved with various committees of the Associated General Contractors of America, also serving as president of the Houston Chapter. One of his prime interests was his devotion to the Texas Medical Center, where he was a Board member from 1976 to his death; his particular love was Texas Children’s Hospital; he joined the Board in 1967, serving as president from 1973-75, and chairman in 1983; served on numerous committees including the Building Committee from 1971 until his death; married 1st Ann Harris [dau of T Wayne & Madelaine (Blocker) Harris] born September 26, 1927 San Angelo TX and died February 10, 1998 Houston; buried Glenwood Cemetery; Ann attended Sweet Brian and the U of Texas; married 2d Lois DuBose Miller; both George and Ann are buried Section East Avenue, Lot 81, Glenwood Cemetery, Houston TX (Photos); and born to him and Ann were: ( WAYNE H BELLOWS, M.D, anesthesiologist, Mill Valley CA; married Laura Fly [dau of William Stoner & Betty (Clements) Fly] – see ‘Net ( MARILYN BELLOWS married Doug Edmondson; appears to have kept her maiden name; they appear to be benefactors to the theatre group in Austin TX; is she the quilter mentioned on the ‘Net?; same one who was a member of the City Council of Leon Valley TX 2006 and earlier? ( ELIZABETH BELLOWS born April 27, 1900 and died May 3, 1900 ( SABRA JULIA BELLOWS born November 3, 1901 Kansas City MO and died April 25, 1913 ( FERRIS born and died 1829, name unk ( CHAUNCY (Chauncey) GOODRICH FERRIS born November 11, 1830 Norway NY and died September 12, 1877 Galesburg IL; buried Hope Cemetery; attended Knox College 1849- 50, 1851-52; not only held large land acreages and farmed them with skill and efficiency, but he was even more deeply interested in flour milling. He devoted his main attention to this industry and made a name in it of high repute. He suffered from pulmonary ailments sufficient to cause him, under a physician’s advice, to spend some time at the Dangberg Ranch in Nevada where he apparently fully recovered his health. The benefits of his outdoor life proved to be more apparent than genuine for he did not long survive after his return to business. He had taken his proper places in many phases of community life and affairs; in politics being a Republican; in religion a member of the Presbyterian Church and a liberal supporter of charitable and humanitarian works. He loved to hunt and fish and was extremely fond of music and became an accomplished violinist. He married, first, in (February 1851) 1852 in Knox County IL, Dorleska A. Ward who born January 21, 1834 and died 1852 (Jim - I wonder if she died in childbirth?) [dau of Abner and Huldah (Sykes) Ward of Brockport NY] and born to them was: ( FERRIS died in infancy, name unk CHAUNCEY married 2d May 27, 1858 Henrietta Viola Jones born May 25, 1838 Richmond

22 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL VA and died 1907 Los Angeles CA. Henrietta was a very efficient Southern lady, practical in all her dealings and an omnivorous reader. She was very poetical and recited much with perfect diction. Born to them were: ( HARVEY OLMSTEAD FERRIS born March 4, 1860 and died unmarried August 17, 1932; possessed naturally a quiet, amiable disposition and a well balanced mind; was engaged in extensive production of citrus fruits in California and owned several ranches of orange groves; owing to the untimely death of his father, he was the mentor of his three sisters ( MARTHA ELLEN FERRIS “Nellie” born March 20, 1865 and died March 26 (February 20), 1925 Los Angeles CA; attended Knox College 1880-81; an artist of marked ability and studied art under Borglum and William Knight Keith of California; married June 29, 1886 Harley Erastus Hamilton born 1862 Oneida NY and died May 14, 1934 Los Angeles CA. When Harley arrived in Los Angeles, c1890, he was already a master musician. He immediately undertook to organize a symphony orchestra, and founded and was conductor at the first concert of Los Angeles’ first Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1897, he established the Woman’s Symphony Orchestra, one of the oldest orchestral organizations on the West Coast still active. He was conductor of this group and the Philharmonic Orchestra for 20 years. At the same time he laid plans for the noted Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra, which gave its first concert under his direction February 1, 1898. This first performance was a tribute to Mr. Hamilton’s ability as an arranger and improvisor. He lacked many of the essential instruments for a scheduled Beethoven work but he so arranged the players he had as to render a masterful simulation of the composer’s intent. He continued as conductor of the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra until overwork caused a breakdown in his health in 1913. After his return from a period of rest and recuperation in Europe, he continued briefly as the conductor of the Woman’s Symphony, resigning the post in 1917. He was also the first man to write music to harmonize with the early motion pictures such as “Birth of a Nation” and “Broken Blossoms”. Born to them was: ( VIOLA GRACE HAMILTON born March 1, 1892 Los Angeles CA and died October 3, 1982 Laguana Hills CA; married March 20, 1920 in Los Angeles, Edward Cray Taylor [son of Frank Wing & Minnie Eliza (Cray) Taylor] born April 5, 1866 Chicago IL and died January 27, 1946 Beverly Hills CA; don’t know if this is the same Edward C Taylor, director and writer in Hollywood; Viola possessed the violin that belonged to her grandfather, Chauncey. Born to them were: ( EDWARD CRAY TAYLOR JR., (Edward Hamilton Taylor) born February 13, 1921; married January 9, 1944 Nita Sloane and born to them were: ( EDWARD HAMILTON TAYLOR, JR, born November 12, 1947 ( BEVERLY GALE TAYLOR born March 1, 1949 ( HARLEY HAMILTON TAYLOR (Harley Cray Taylor) born April 4, 1922; married November 12, 1948 Sally Lee [dau of Austin] ( ELEANOR FERRIS TAYLOR born June 13, 1931 Los Angeles CA; married October 16, 1958 Richard Reid Clarke; resided Olympia WA - provided updated info – Thanks!! ( GRACE ELIZABETH FERRIS born August 7, 1870 and died December 4, 1946; married December 16, 1897 Seth Wilson Butler born 1860 Michigan and died February 21, 1952 Los Angeles CA. Seth was trained in the art and profession of architecture and was engaged in that endeavor in Los Angeles. He played the flute in the Uplifters Club Orchestra, which was conducted by his brother-in-law. One of his prized possessions was a letter from President Lincoln to his aunt, Miss Nettie Farnham, inviting her to dinner; on the back of the letter was the original script of the draft of her reply in which she regrets her inability to accept because the dinner fell on Wednesday Prayer Meeting night and she played the organ. He took great interest in horticulture, especially in raising dahlias with stems of strong enough fiber to have flowers stand erect and not droop. Born to them was: ( EDITH JANETTE BUTLER born October 4, 1900 (1899) ( CHANCIE JANETTE FERRIS born December 20, 1875 Galesburg IL; married

23 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL June 21, 1899 Willis Holyoake Booth; he was a New York financier and vice president of Guaranty Trust Company. Neither Chancie nor Willis attended Knox College. Chancie was always interested in music and was an accomplished violinist. She was one of the founders of the Women’s Orchestra of Los Angeles and of the ‘Lute Quartette’ specializing in chamber music and was a member of the National Society Colonial Dames in the State of New York and the Colony Club of New York. Newspaper: Galesburg IL, October 13, **: The Knox College Board of trustees today announced acceptance of a $300,000 grant from the Booth Ferris Foundation of New York. Terms of the gift call for the establishment of a permanent endowment fund in support of the newly created Chancie Ferris Booth distinguished service professorship at the college. The Booth-Ferris Foundation was established in 1957 under the wills of Willis H. Booth and his wife Chancie Ferris Booth – a search of the Internet can provide the results of the Foundation and other info; a Willis H. Booth was President of the ICC, 1923-25 – same guy? A Willis H. Booth was 1 of 12 who signed the original Los Angeles County CA Charter – same guy? Born to them was: ( FERRIS BOOTH born February 1903; graduated from Columbia University 1924; and one source says he died 1955 which conflicts with below info; married Lillian {maiden name unk} who in 2003 gave $2M to the Actor’s Fund for the Actors Fund Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facility – the Englewood NJ home was renamed for her. In 1957-59 Ferris was Chairperson of The United Way of the Greater Winona area and in 1961 Ferris was President of the same organization. There was a Ferris Booth Commons at Columbia U. There is a Katherine Ferris Booth – is she the daughter of Ferris and Lillian? The Booth Ferris Foundation began with $29 million in assets in 1957 and in the Spring of 2002, the assets were in excess of $200 million and had distributed over $200 million in over 3,400 grants. Is the Ferris Booth who was involved with the United Way after 1955, a son? The Booth Ferris Foundation was established in 1957 under the wills of Willis H. Booth and his wife Chancie Ferris Booth. Areas of funding interest include arts and culture, education, and civic and urban affairs. Generally the foundation focuses on projects in New York City. Visit the foundation's Web site to find out more about grantmaking priorities and view application procedures and a copy of the foundation's latest annual report.

Wonder who this guy is: November 25, 1999, Thursday, 7:45 a.m. Stewartsville, VA — Three elementary pupils were hospitalized yesterday after their school bus driver either fell asleep or passed out while driving the children to school, state police said. Nine other pupils sustained minor injuries in the Bedford County crash, which happened about 7:45 a.m. when the driver, Ferris Booth Sr., 55, ran off a cul-de-sac, went down an embankment and hit a tree, Trooper G.R. Snead said.

( NATHAN OLMSTEAD FERRIS JR., born January 22, 1833 Norway NY and died May 19, 1864; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL; attended Knox College, 1850-53. (Jim - one of the old letters (#10), from H.F. mentions Nathan's passing.) Nathan Jr. married March 19, 1864 in Henry Co IL, Martha Jane ‘Jennie’ Jones, who was a sister of his brother Chauncey's second wife; and born to Nathan and Martha was: ( BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FERRIS born March 19, 1861 and died March 2, 1926; married 1st 1883(?), Lavinia/Lavina Allison who died June 23, 1897 Canisto NY; married 2d January 8, 1903 Georgiana Lester. Born to B.F. and Georgiana were: ( DOROTHY JEAN FERRIS born March 6, 1904 ( NATHAN LESTER FERRIS born August 18, 1908 ( SAMUEL WINNEGAR FERRIS born October (13) 19, 1835 Norway, Herkimer, NY and died November 16, 1900 at the Galesburg Hospital of a complication of diseases which had undermined his health for some time and caused much suffering; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL. Samuel was two years old when his parents moved to Knox County, near Galesburg, settling on the C.M. Felt farm where he spent most of the years of his life. At the age of seventeen, young Samuel in company of others walked and drove an ox team to the state of Oregon, being on the road many weeks

24 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL and having many thrilling experiences. For six weeks he and his party had nothing to eat but beefsteak and they had to keep close watch of the Indians. From Oregon he went south into California where he cast his first Presidential vote in voting for John C. Fremont. To do this, he walked thirty miles in company with two other men, who are thought to have been Galesburg men. From California he went by boat south to the Isthmus of South America, across that, and then by boat to Cuba and from there, back to Galesburg. Soon after his return he made another trip west, this time by boat to Idaho in the company with his brother Nathan. They attempted to find their father's grave, but did not succeed and today it is not known where the remains of the father lie. He married, first, November 22, 1859 in Knox County, Adalaide Rozalie Jones, who died April 17, 1872/3. They lived on his farm, which had come to him, upon the death of his father. During the later years of his life on the farm he was engaged in the business of shipping stock. In the 1888 Farmers & Land Owner’s Directory, he is listed as owning 383 acres in Section 6 of Galesburg. In 1891, he purchased a residence at 534 North West Street, Galesburg and for the last 15 years of his life, he lived as a retired farmer in town and for a time he conducted a meat market in the Redfield building on Cherry Street. [Obituary, The Daily Republican Register, Galesburg IL, November 16, 1900] In the 1892-93 Galesburg City Directory, Samuel W. Ferris is listed as retired and residing at 382 N. West. Born to them were (first 2 or 3 children died in infancy names unknown): ( DORA I. FERRIS born October 3, 1860 on the family farm near Galesburg and died March 1, 1923; married March 30, 1886 Charles W. Rogers. She attended Knox College 1876-78, 1880-81 and was living in Los Angeles, CA 1900; and born to them were: ( LORING ROGERS (1887-) ( HARVEY ROGERS (1889?-) ( CHARLES A ROGERS born March 15, 1891 CA and died July 15, 1965 San Mateo Co CA – resided Hillsborough ( DORA ROGERS (Dora Dale Rogers) born May 31, 1892 CA and died May 11, 1959 Ventura Co CA; married June 21, 1916 Irving Van Aken Augur [son of Edmund F & Ella (Van Aken) Augur] born October 31, 1886 IA and died February 19, 1930; Goggle search refers to him involved with the GeoScience World (AAPG Bulletin); and born to them was: ( IRVING VAN AKEN AUGUR Samuel married, second, March 28, 1876, Sophia Lucretia Pickerel (Franklin) born September 25, 1855 and died August 8, 1913. Born to them were: ( JAMES LEROY FERRIS born June 9, 1878; a moulder in Colton's foundry in Galesburg; married 1st, September 19, 1914 in Galesburg IL, Mary Jane Hartnett (nee Billings) [dau of J. T. Hartnett], of Boston MA who died June 30, 1924; married 2d July 8, 1925 Metta Tiedemann (nee Fetzer) ( ETHEL LORAINE FERRIS born September 14, 1883 two and a half miles west of Galesburg, Knox, IL and died October 31, 1904. There was an Ethel Ferris in the Middle Class of the Galesburg High School in 1899 – don’t know if this is the same one – probably so, because this Ethel graduated Galesburg High School 1900 – she was employed in the law office of L. H. Jelliff before leaving because of ill health. Her funeral service was held at the M. E. Church, Galesburg.

( HORACE FARR FERRIS born July 5, 1838 presumably in Knox Co IL (probably the first Ferris born in Knox County IL) and died October 15, 1882; attended Knox College 1856-58; married January 15, 1868 Margaret C. Campbell born March 1842 and died May 1, 1932; buried Section J, Grave 3NE, the Campbell Plot, Angelus Cemetery, Rosedale, Los Angeles, CA (Jim - H.F. - the writer of several of the old letters; also see separate papers on his Civil War military service; no record of Horace being buried in the

25 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL same cemetery as Margaret, thus it is presumed she moved on to California after his death.); and born to H.F. and Margaret were: ( JOHN C. (CAMPBELL?) FERRIS born February 14, 1869 and died March 5, 1869 ( HORACE BAYLES FERRIS born December 14, 1871 Missouri and died January 14, 1945 Los Angeles Co CA; married January 1, 1904 Inez Merle Humphrey [mother’s maiden name was Richmond] born June 6, 1882 Illinois and died November 17, 1961 Los Angeles Co CA; and born to Horace and Inez were: ( FLORENCE MARGARET FERRIS born December 14, 1906 and died June 18, 1912 ( HORACE GARFIELD FERRIS born August 3, 1913 CA and died November 6, 1988 Los Angeles Co CA; a Google search turns up a couple of scientific papers/books that are by a Horace G. Ferris, from Calif – dates are in the ballpark – not sure this is same guy ( INA MAY FERRIS born May 21, 1876 Corning MO and died May 16, 1911; buried in Section J. Grave 2NE, the Campbell Plot, Angelus Cemetery, Rosedale, Los Angeles, CA; married as his 1st wife, July 8, 1897 Harry E. Thaxter (Harry Clinton Thaxter) [son of George Clinton & M (Davis) Thaxter] born 1871 Carson City NV (?) and died 1935 – divorced; and born to them was: ( CLINTON EWART THAXTER born May 17, 1898 Los Angeles CA and died July 1978 Fresno CA; married May 22, 1926/1925 Genevieve McGriffin (McGuffin) [dau of James Abraham & Helen Faul (Dunn) McGuffin] born April 5/6, 1908 Philippine Islands and died October 1997 Frenso; and they had 4 kids 3 of which were: ( BARBARA JEAN THAXTER born January 17, 1928 ( CLINTON EWART THAXTER JR., born October 23, 1930 ( THOMAS HOMER THAXTER, M.D., born April 21, 1935 Fresno CA and died there January 19, 1996; married Miss Leonardo and they had 3 kids ( SALLIE ANN FERRIS born October 4, 1841 on a farm, near Galesburg IL and died March 27, 1895 at her home, 249 North Academy, Galesburg; attended Knox College 1855-60; married August 10, 1865 in Knox Co, Lester T. Stone (1837-1911). (Jim - several of the old Civil War letters are from L.T. Stone.) L.T. was on the Galesburg Board of Education in 1899. Mrs. Stone was well known throughout the city, and numbered her friends by the score. She was of a genial and happy disposition; ever ready to do something that would be of benefit to others [The Galesburg Daily Mail, March 28, 1895.]; both buried in Hope Cemetery, Galesburg. Lester is listed in the 1892-93 Galesburg City Directory as (Stone & Buckley) residing at 247 N. Academy; and born to Sallie and Lester were: ( CLARA L. STONE born March 24, 1867 and died April 1, 1883; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg ( FRANCES ABBIE STONE born October 1, 1868 and died March 23, 1929; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; 1895 resided Harvey IL ( MARTHA JANE STONE (Photo) born October 17, 1871 Galesburg and died January 14, 1957 Riverside Co CA where she resided; attended Knox College 1889-90, 91-94, graduating with the Class of 1894, B.S.; 1895 a teacher in the Galesburg Public Schools; married October 11, 1899 Theodore Day Hurd of Riverside CA who died 1933; and born to them were: ( HARRIET ELIZABETH HURD (Photo) born October 11, 1901 Riverside CA and died December 8, 1958 Los Angeles Co CA; graduated from Knox College 1922, B.S., Phi Beta Kappa, Secretary. As per the 1923 Gale: YWCA 1,2,3,4; Council 1,3; General Honors 1,2; Spanish Honors 3; WSGA Board 4; Student Council 3,4; El Circulo Espanol 2; Le Cercle Francais President 4; Knox Players Club 1,2,3,4; Class President 2. She married February 12, 1924 William Cary Evans and born to them were: ( EVELYN MARTHA EVANS (Photographs) born October 20, 1925 Riverside CA; attended Knox College 1943-46, 1949-50, graduating with the Class of 1950, B.A; married March

26 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL 22, 1947 Richard G. Stebbins born November 4, 1925 St. Charles IL. Richard attended Knox College 1947-50 graduating with the Class of 1950, B.A. In 1963, Richard was an assistant Vice-President of the First National Bank, Fresno CA; reside LaQuinta CA; Evelyn has provided updated info and photos – thanks!!!; and born to Evelyn and Richard were: ( PHILIP CARY STEBBINS born September 6, 1952; married June 18, 1977 Betsey Anita Cox and born to them were: ( GEOFFREY CHARLES STEBBINS born October 23, 1980 ( KATHERINE MARY LOUISE STEBBINS born March 14, 1982 ( AMY CAROLYN STEBBINS born January 17, 1985 ( REBECCA COX STEBBINS born August 7, 1989 ( TIMOTHY DAY STEBBINS born June 18, 1955; married September 20, 1988 Leslie Ann Powers and born to them were: ( THOMAS RICHARD STEBBINS born September 20, 1991 ( EMMA KATHLEEN STEBBINS born April 1, 1994 ( SUZANNE EVANS born May 12, 1929; married April 4, 1953 Marlo E. Jarman and they adopted (for info only): ( WILLIAM EVANS JARMAN born October 4, 1961 ( NANCY LOUISE JARMAN born November 23, 1963 ( CHARLES LESTER HURD born June 14, 1902 and died November 1975; married November 13, 1926 Avis Morgan ( THEODORE EDWARD HURD born June 6, 1914/5 and died c1974 ( HARRIET ELIZABETH STONE born September 9, 1873 Galesburg and died November 15, 1906; Graduate of Knox College, M.L., 1897; married June 29, 1894 Edward R. Drake (Photo) of Galesburg. Edward was the son of Lyman E. & Lucy Anne (Hyde) Drake. Lucy Anne was a sister of Martha Edgerton (Hyde) Ferris, wife of George Washington Gale Ferris, Sr. Mr. Drake was a member of the firm Kellogg, Drake, and Co., dealers in dry goods, cloaks, and carpets. Their large establishment extended from No. 227 to 235 East Main Street. Edward established the Harriet Stone Drake scholarship in 1909, in her memory. He was one of the native sons of Galesburg, having been born there on November 10, 1856 and died September 4, 1934. From The Galesburg Evening Mail, February 14, 1927: E.R. Drake - Among the highly respected Galesburg business veterans is E.R. Drake, head of the Kellogg, Drake & Co., department stores. Drake's business experience extends back to more than 55 years ago when he was a clerk with Len Miller, in a shoe and boot store. He later was with the O.T. Johnson Company and C.C. Merrill only to end up in organizing the Kellogg, Drake concern of which is now president. For 39 years, Mr. Drake was efficient member of the board of Public Library. He was among the early members of the Galesburg club, and occupied both the position of president at the time when the campaign for raising funds for the new building was in progress. He always took a keen interest in the Y.M.C.A. and has served it in the capacity of president and director. In church work, Mr. Drake has been a leading factor, and due to his genial personality, is regarded as everyone's friend"; held membership in the Baptist Church. During WWI, Edward was Captain, 5th Liberty Loan; 3d Liberty Loan; United War Work campaign; 1st and 2d YMCA Funds; Red Cross worker; 1st and 2d Red Cross membership campaigns; County Chairman 1st Red Cross War Fund; a Four-Minute Man; member War Service League and Council National Defense. Both buried at Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL - no offspring ( JAMES HARVEY FERRIS born January 28, 1844 presumably in Knox County IL; attended Knox College 1861-62; married 1st October 26, 1870 in Knox Co IL, Mary Emma Ballon (1852-1874); buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg, and 2d Louise Fitch. Information on this gentleman and descendants, if any, are scarce. It is purported that he went, with his second wife, to Alaska during one of the 'gold rush' expeditions and probably died there

27 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( MATTIE (MARTHA) ETT FERRIS born May 3, 1848 (?46) Knox Co and died December 19, 1922; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg. Martha did go to California and lived there for a time, but returned to Illinois and on February 15, 1871 in Knox Co, she married a farmer, George Runkle*, who born February 2, 1844 and born to them were (unnamed infant also): ( WILLIAM JONES RUNKLE born 28 April 1874 and died 1944; graduated from Knox College 1896, B.S., and apparently was a rural mail carrier; married June 21, 1899 Laura Heckler of Galesburg, who attended Knox College 1894-95. Born to them were: ( EVERETT H. RUNKLE born April 5, 1900; married April 5, 1931 Esther V. Pierson born May 17, 1905 ( WILLIAM CORNELIUS RUNKLE born April 1, 1903 Chicago; attended Knox College 1923-24; received his B.S. from the U. of Illinois; a cotton buyer and financier with J.G. Boswell Company and resided 1963 Phoenix AZ; married August 2, 1928 Ethel Lucile McCollum born Saybrook IL (?). Ethel attended Knox College 1919-22 and received her B.A. from Occidental College 1923. Born to them were: ( BARBARA JEAN RUNKLE born June 10, 1931 ( VIRGINIA LEE RUNKLE born April 24, 1933 ( CONCURRENCE {Currance} ANN RUNKLE born 7 April 1879; married September 5, 1905 Iver Herschel Phipps [Jim - in the Knox County Records, Currance is listed as the 3d born of George and Martha - apparently, I am missing the first born child.] ( EMILY LOUISE RUNKLE born September/October 23, 1881; married April 24, 1915 Walter Bruce McLaughlin ( [Jim - in the Knox County Records, Emily is listed as the 4th born of George and Martha - apparently, I am missing the first born child.] *George Runkle's farm consisted of 100 acres of well-improved land, on which sat a desirable dwelling house, 24 x 20 feet. He was interested in breeding Holstein and Short-Horn cattle, and had a few sheep on his farm. During the Civil War, he enlisted in the 100-day service, joining Company D., 139th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, which was mustered into service in May and served until October of the same year; stationed at Cairo. He was a good Republican and warmly espoused the cause of the government in the Civil War. He was a highly respected member of his community, an industrious worker and a prominent member of the A.O.U.W. at Galesburg, filling the position of Guide in his Lodge ( SALLY MARIA FERRIS born 1803 Norway NY and died in infancy; listed in some references and not in others ( TIMOTHY HARVEY FERRIS (Photos) born October 20, 1805 Norway, Herkimer, NY on his father's farm and died June 20, 1891 Norway; here he grew to manhood; married February 18, 1830 Eliza Ann Salisbury (daughter of Nathaniel and Ann Salisbury of Wooster County CT) born Norway NY June 9, 1809 and died October 14, 1909 (she was living in Friendship, Allegany, NY 1892). Timothy was the only one of the children of Silvanus who, when the latter joined with the Rev. George W. Gale in organizing a group of pioneers to migrate to Illinois for the purpose of founding a college there, did not become enamored of the enterprise or tempted by the lure of western prairie land, and elected to remain behind in Herkimer County, where he passed the rest of his life, and died June 20, 1891. Perhaps it is providential that T.H. did not move to Illinois, for in the R.R. and business affairs of his Illinois brothers, there came a Black Friday and they were in danger of bankruptcy. He raised a large amount of money by mortgaging his property and tided them over the difficulty. But there is no evidence that his failure to join his father in the latter's western venture was marked by other than friendly differences of opinion, for the two maintained a correspondence, as did Timothy with some of his brothers, and he handled the settling of his father's affairs, collecting and remitting sums due him in business transactions for some years after Silvanus's migration. In 1837, he moved to his father's farm in Russia and afterwards sold his Norway farm. He made one visit to his relatives in

28 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Illinois with his wife, apparently in 1845, being present at the time of death of his mother, Silvanus's first wife, September 6, 1845. Timothy served a term as Town Supervisor, of the town of Russia in 1849, [although he is referred to as Timothy A. Ferris] and was for a long period prominent in the state militia, receiving first an appointment as adjutant of the 12th Regiment of Rifles, 4th Brigade, 1st Division of Riflemen, and being then promoted to the office of Major, Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel of the same regiment. He was commonly known for the remainder of his life as Colonel Ferris. In a sketch of him, which appeared in the History of Oneida County, it is stated "Colonel Ferris received his education in the district schools of his neighborhood and worked on his father's farm till twenty-one years of age. After marriage he settled on a farm in Norway, sold to him by his father at about its original cost. His father dealt by each of his sons in the same manner, making it a rule to settle them on a farm when they were married; not before. He remained seven years in Norway, where he was elected as a highway commissioner in 1833; then purchased a farm in Russia Township, where he remained from 1837 to 1878". In 1877/78 he moved to Prospect, Oneida County NY. A letter written to his brother Henry at Galesburg, Ill., from Prospect NY, under date of December 30, 1879, relative chiefly to some business matters pending between them, he closed with the personal comment: The 18th of the coming Feb. makes a half century of married life with us the children are anxious some of them that we should celebrate. But I think we shall not do much unless you & Elizabeth will come and help it off (or on). Suppose you try it. I should like to see your faces once more and if I do it will have to be done soon for old age is creeping on at rapid rate being in 75th year. Two years ago I made a list of names of persons that were at our wedding and marked opposite each name Living or Dead as case might be at that time and believe that none have died since and out of the 36 which was the whole number present 23 were marked dead and 13 living. Such is life. Where has it gone? Our winter is mild so far. A Happy New Year to all. T.H.Ferris Timothy's seven children were probably all born on the old home farm in Herkimer County, and all of them remained and brought up families in New York State. None of this branch of the family appear to have possessed the nomadic traits of the other descendants of Silvanus, many of whom, after tarrying a generation or so in Illinois, removed still further west, chiefly to California. Born to Timothy and Eliza were: ( SALLY (SARAH) MARIA FERRIS born November 29, 1830 Norway NY and died March 1, 1919; married February 14, 1850 William Avery Morgan born May 16, 1824 and died January 22, 1910. William kept a general store and was postmaster for many years at Trenton Falls, Oneida Co NY. Born to Sally and William were: ( WILLIAM CHARLES MORGAN born December 4, 1850 and died January 13, 1910; married October 3, 1877 Laura A. Andrews who died December 18, 1911; and born to them were: ( GRACE SOPHIA MORGAN born August 12, 1886; married November 24, 1914 Cornelius S. Daily; and born to them were: ( KATHERINE AGNES DAILY born September 28, 1915 ( RICHARD MORGAN DAILY born July 4, 1918 ( BRUCE ANDREW DAILY born October 22, 1924 ( NANCY ELLEN DAILY born June 26, 1926 ( AGNES MARIA MORGAN born December 3, 1887; married September 3, 1919 P Newell Hamlin who died September 25, 1925 ( ISRAEL FITCH MORGAN born October 30, 1852 and died October 6, 1874 ( AUSTIN AVERY MORGAN born November 1, 1854 and died May 23, 1878 ( HARVEY FERRIS MORGAN born November 30, 1856 and died May 18, 1935; Lyndon, Cattaraugus, NY; buried Mount Prospect Cemetery, Franklinville NY; married 1st September 19, 1883 Helen R. Burt who died December 21, 1896. Born to Harvey and Helen was:

29 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( HELEN MORGAN born December 23, 1892 and married a Mr. Wood Harvey married 2d October 4, 1899 Abigail Hogue and born to them was: ( WILLIAM GEORGE MORGAN born July 12, 1902; married August 17, 1929 Mary Kate Ledbetter; and born to them were: ( GEORGE GALE MORGAN born September 1930 ( MARY ELLEN MORGAN born September 3, 1931 ( ELIZABETH BREWSTER MORGAN born November 17, 1858 ( BELA BREWSTER MORGAN born November 18, 1861 ( JAMES HARVEY FERRIS born May 17, 1833 Norway NY and died January 12, 1885 Franklinville (Farmersville?) NY; educated in the public schools of Fairfield NY where he lived until 1869 when he went to Cattaraugus Co NY, settling in the town of Farmersville; a farmer and a man well esteemed; a member of the Masonic fraternity and a Republican; married November 9, 1856 Frances Matilda Terry born August 20, 1835 and died January 5, 1885; both buried Mount Prospect Cemetery, Franklinville NY; and born to them were: ( WILLIAM HENRY FERRIS (Photo) born May 11, 1858 Coldbrook, Herkimer, NY; moved with his parents to Franklinville NY 1869 and they bought the farm of 450 acres that was known as the Ferris farm, one mile north of Franklinville; worked on the farm until 1877 when at the age of 19y began clerking for Ely & Smith, then proprietors of the corner drug store. William bought our Mr. Smith’s interest in the Franklinville Drug Store known as Ely & Smith, a 2-story brick building on the southwest corner of the intersection of South Main and Elm Streets; for years this firm was known as Ely & Ferris. Their contribution to the improvement of the business was the installation of a marble soda fountain with ebony and silver trimmings. In 1896, Mr. Ely sold his interest to William’s brother, George and then the firm was known as Ferris & Ferris. By 1910, the business had become Ferris & Reimann, with Edward Reimann, owning a third interest. This ownership continued until 1913, when Reimann sold his interest to George. In the field of invention, William had three patents to his credit: the “A.B.C.” and the “Ferris” shot gun cleaners, and a celluloid compass rule for school and draughtsmen’s use – they are clever contrivances and have been a worth-while success. He was a live-wire in the hunting and fishing fields, and was never quite so happy as when indulging in these favorite sports. He knew every haunt of the wary trout and grouse, as he camped the Adirondacks, the Rockies, the Canadian wilds, Keuka lake, Colorado and Florida; member of the First Presbyterian Church, which he served as trustee and President of the Judge Spring Bible Class; had an interest in the Franklinville Canning Co, the Empire Maufacturing Co and was in the Franklinville Improvement Co while it was in existence; owns several residences about town including his fine home on Chestnut Street. He married November 22, 1883 Cora M Robley born 1861 - both killed in an automobile accident June 17, 1926; both buried Mount Prospect Cemetery, Franklinville NY ( FRANCES MAY FERRIS born May 9, 1864 and died December 24, 1896; married October 17, 1889 Edward McNall (McWall?) and born to them were: ( JAMES HAROLD MCNALL born June 12, 1890 and died March 18, 1893 ( FRANCES TERRY MCNALL born July 17, 1892 ( MARJORIE MCNALL born December 18, 1895 ( GEORGE WASHINGTON GALE FERRIS (Photo) born September 29, 1871 on the Ferris farm, Farmersville, Cattaraugus, NY and died there September 15, 1956; educated in the public school and Ten Broeck Academy; he went to NYC 1889 and took a 3y course in the College of Pharmacy of New York, receiving his degree in 1892. The succeeding 4y he practiced his profession with Hegeman & Co of New York, the returned to Franklinville, where in association with his brother, William H., he purchased the drug store and carried on business under the firm name of Ferris & Ferris (see above). In 1904 he purchased the mill property of G.C. Ames and organized the Empire Manufacturing Company, of which he was secretary and treasurer. He also organized the Franklinville

30 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Electric Light Company; Secretary-Treasurer, general manager of the Empire Electric Co; elected secretary of the Franklinville Canning Co, 1914; was vice-president and director of the Union National Bank and a trustee of the Duer Canning Company. He was a trustee of the village corporation of Franklinville and in 1907, was chosen treasurer of Cattaraugus County; reelected for a second term in 1910 for three more years. He was a member and trustee of the Presbyterian Church; a member of Lodge No. 636, Free and Accepted Masons; a Republican. He is both a hunter and a fisherman and captured some big game, including elk, deer, and antelope in the far west and mounted several fine specimens; for several years he held the championship for brook trout. George married May 27, 1896 Helen E. Robley born 1872 and died April 2, 1943, a sister to William H.'s wife; both buried Mount Prospect Cemetery, Franklinville NY ( HERMAN ROBBINS FERRIS born May 10, 1878 and died October 18, 1907; he lived in Colorado ten years prior to his death; buried Mount Prospect Cemetery, Franklinville NY – listed as Herman Robens Ferris ( HARRIET NEWELL FERRIS “Hattie” born November 10, 1835 Norway NY and died November 12, 1900; married 1st September 20, 1869 Alexander Gray [a farmer in Rome, Oneida, NY] who died March 7, 1889; married 2d May 28, 1891 Clinton Abner Moon [son of Abner & Emily (Millington) Moon] born November 8, 1827 Russia NY and died May 11, 1892; and married 3d as his 3d wife, May 11, 1892 Hiram Ralston born August 27, 1830 NY and died September 21, 1918 Martinsburg NY. It is believed that Hattie, Hiram and his other 2 wives are buried in the Martinsburg Cemetery, Lewis Co ( FRANCES MATILDA FERRIS born June 24, 1838 Norway NY and died August 18, 1930; married, February 20, 1860/65 (1880?) Lyman Howard Buck [son of William & Susan (Millington)] born January 2, 1837 Russia, Herkimer, NY and died March 31, 1894; both buried Poland Cemetery, Russia, Herkimer, NY. Lyman was educated in Fairfield Seminary; and in connection with farming taught school several terms; afterwards followed farming, exclusively on the old homestead. In the 1869-70 Herkimer County Business Directory he is listed as a dairyman and farmer leasing 270 acres from his father near Cold Brook. He also was a part owner for a number of years, the Poland cheese factory, which manufactured large quantities of cheese. He owned land in Herkimer County and also quite extensively in several of the western states. He was one of the stockholders and president of the Union Store in Poland. He was a Republican and paid a substitute in the Civil War. He always supported the Baptist Church. Born to Frances and Lyman was: ( HARRIET GUDRIDA BUCK born April 21, 1881; married 1st September 12, 1907 Eric Greenfield and 2d Walter Cook; and born to Harriet and Eric was: ( LYMAN GREENFIELD born August 19, 1911; legally changed his name to Lyman Howard Buck Olmsted (Christian(?)) ( CHARLES SILVANUS FERRIS born November 28, 1840 Russia, Herkimer, NY and died March 2, 1895; a farmer-dairyman; 1869-70 was leasing 360 acres, in conjunction with his brother Franklyn, from their father, Timothy Harvey Ferris; 1888-89 listed in city directory of Russia/Prospect; married September 5, 1864 Gertrude Terry [dau of Harry] born April 27, 1846 and died January 29, 1935; and born to them were: ( LOUISE TERRY FERRIS born March 12, 1868 Russia NY; married August 29, 1893 Nicholas Edward White [son of William Noah & Frances E (Norris) White] born August 1, 1868; and born to them were: ( WILLIAM CHARLES WHITE born December 19, 1894; married May 27, 1919 M Beatrice Pritchard and born to them were: ( EDWARD PRITCHARD WHITE born April 19, 1920 ( DONALD FERRIS WHITE born April 5, 1926 ( HARVEY FERRIS WHITE born February 9, 1896(98?); married December 20,

31 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL 1920 Marion Harkness ( TIMOTHY HARVEY FERRIS born September 4, 1871 Russia, Herkimer, NY; educated at the district school in Russia and at Prospect village school, but at the age of 14 he was compelled to give up his studies on account of ill health, and worked on his father’s farm for a time. During the winter of 1888-89 he took a course in banking and bookkeeping at the Utica Business College; taught the district school at Russia for 2 terms in 1889; January 1890 commenced the study of law in the office of Charles G. Irish, where he remained for a year and half, during a portion of which time he acted as assistant secretary of the Merchants’ & Manufacturers’ Exchange; afterward pursued his legal studies with Dunmore & Sholes, and was admitted as an attorney and counselor in February 1893. The following March, he was taken in as partner, and the firm became Dunmore, Sholes & Ferris; September 1, 1895 he organized the N.E. White Company, Utica NY wholesaler grocers, feed, grain, and produce dealers, with a capital stock of $25,000, and was made its president. After his father’s death, he managed the farm at Russia. Timothy married March 11, 1897 Elizabeth Beebe born March 12, 1876. Timothy took a keen interest in politics and was a member of the Democratic County Committee of 1894; was a member of the New York State Senate, 1911-12; delegate to Democratic National Convention from NY, 1916. In the 1939 Farm Directory of Herkimer, a T. Harvey Ferris is listed as having a farm 4 miles east of Barneveld, Oneida, NY. Utica NY 1910 census shows they had Timothy’s mother, Gertrude, an Irish maid and Elizabeth’s brother living with them. Born to them were: ( CHARLES SYLVANUS FERRIS born January 24, 1898 and died June 24, 1898 ( LEONARD WHITE FERRIS born April 30, 1899; married March 13, 1929 Christina Brennan Holworth; Christina's second marriage and she brought with her a child Marion, which Leonard adopted. Marion born July 14, 1919 ( GEORGE FRANCIS FERRIS born October 4, 1902/3 (7 years old in 1910 census); married September 1, 1925 Grace Coll; and born to them were: ( PATRICIA ANN FERRIS born April 4, 1927 ( ELIZABETH FERRIS born November 15, 1929 ( TIMOTHY HARVEY FERRIS born January 24, 1931 ( RICHARD W FERRIS –the 1910 census has him as a 10 year old son of Timothy. ( STELLA ELIZA FERRIS born August 3, 1843 Norway NY and died March 4, 1940; married September 9, 1862 Herman Harvey Rice [son of Josiah & Sophronia (Tuttle) Rice] born June 28, 1837 Salisbury, Herkimer, NY and died May 29, 1894; both buried C-179-180, Maple Grove Cemetery, Friendship NY; a merchant in Friendship, Alleghany, NY; and Supervisor of Rice 1882-83; Secretary of the Allegany Co Farmers’ Co-operative Insurance Co; on the organizing committee of the Allegany Co Historical Society and elected Treasurer; on the organizing committee for the Fire Department; one of the first directors and first vice president of the Citizens’ National Bank of Friendship; 1880 merchant listing shows Morse, Cross & Rice as having a hardware store on Main Street. In the fertile county of his birth, Herman attained his majority as a wide-awake, progressive farmer, making agriculture not only his occupation but a scientific pursuit. He loved the fields, the out- of-door life, the comfort of the large herds of cattle under his care, and when he and his young wife made their home in Cuba in 1867, it was to apply his cultivated intelligence in the demonstration of what an agriculturist might and could accomplish on Allegany soil. He purchased the John Cole farm, in a few years made his home in Friendship, and, as his increasing needs demanded, added farm after farm to his possessions, until his accession of broad acres made him the largest landowner of the town. These farms were conducted by him with unvarying annual success, and he so educated his tenants that many of them became successful farmers on their own lands. He was one of the few agriculturists who possessed the secret of successful tenant farming. He was not merely a farmer but also a keen business man. His farms were conducted on business principles, and in all departments of industry he left the

32 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL impress of a mind of more than usual perception and sagacity. During the first few years of his residence here he made weekly trips throughout this section to purchase cheese, and became thoroughly conversant with the county, its resources and its people. Perhaps no other resident of the county had so wide an acquaintance. When Cuba became an established weekly cheese market, Mr. Rice was regularly in attendance as the selling agent of several factories. From his wide acquaintance with the various sections of Allegany Co, no one was better acquainted with its resources and their possibilities of development, and he frequently stated that its natural conditions of soil, water, and climate fitted it to become the equal of the rich dairying section of Herkimer County. The truth of this he demonstrated in his own success. He was a leader in other business fields. Among the first to profit by the discovery of oil in the Allegany oil field, his sagacious power of forecasting events led him to sell his holdings when prices were at their highest. He had a natural and intuitive grasp of the principles underlying financial success and would have acquired an assured position in the front ranks of operators on Wall street had circumstances located him in their midst. He was an active, busy man, was twice Supervisor of Friendship, served on the village board of education from its organization, was one of the organizers and president of the Farmers’ Co-operative Insurance Company for many years, and was director and vice president of the Citizens’ National Bank of Friendship from its organization. He was among the founders and one of the first vice presidents of the Allegany County Historical Society, was greatly interested in preserving all things appertaining to the pioneer period, and had a large store of historical reminiscences of early Mohawk Valley. He was an extensive reader of good literature and a discerning critic of merit in authors. He possessed fine personality, courteous and winning manners and a host of friends. He was conservative, careful and of sound judgment, had a fine legal and judicial mind, weighing values and possibilities with an accurate mentality, and, as a result, was rarely the victim of a poor investment. When he died, the town and county lost one of its ablest citizens. Born to them were: ( JOSEPH FERRIS RICE, Esq., born March 17, 1865 Manheim, Herkimer, NY and died November 28, 1933 Clifton Springs, Allegany, NY; educated at Friendship and at Riverview Academy, Poughkeepsie, where he took a year’s course in engineering; read law with Judge Norton; admitted to the bar November 4, 1889 and practiced in Friendship; member of Allegany Lodge, F. & A. M.; married June 27, 1889 in Friendship, Laura Belle Bradley [dau of Alfred Brownson & Mary Elizabeth (Kellogg) Bradley] born October 1866 NY and died October 28, 1939; both buried C179- 180, Maple Grove Cemetery, Friendship, Allegany, NY; and born to them were: ( HERMAN BRADLEY RICE born April 15, 1893 and died November 14, 1903; buried C-179/180 Maple Grove Cemetery, Friendship, Allegany, NY ( CATHERINE FERRIS RICE (Catherine Schyler Rice) born September 29, 1904 and died December 29, 1995 Peterborough NH; married September 11, 1934 Thomas Herbert Johnson [son of Herbert & Myra (Burbeck) Johnson] born April 27, 1902 Bradford, Orange, VT and died January 3, 1985; he studied English at both Williams College (A.B. 1926) and Harvard U (A.M. 1929, Ph.D. 1934) before beginning his career as an educator; his first teaching position was at Rutgers U (1928-29); returned to his undergraduate alma mater the following year (1929-30); then taught at Hackley School (Tarrytown NY) (1931-37) before moving to Lawrenceville School (Lawrenceville NY) where he would teach until 1972 as well as serve as English department chair (1944-67); served as a guest lecturer at many institutions including Chautauqua, Columbia U, Harvard U, U of Copenhagen, U of Pennsylvania, and NYU; a renowned scholar of Emily Dickinson; wrote and edited numerous books – see ‘Net; and born to them were: ( LAURA BRADLEY JOHNSON ( THOMAS JOHNSON ( CHARLES JOSIAH RICE born June 7, 1870 and died June 1, 1954; director of The Citizens’ National Bank of Friendship; married October 16, 1895 Minnie Cramer born April 21, 1872

33 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL and died February 6, 1969; both buried C-179-180, Maple Grove Cemetery, Friendship, NY; and born to them was: ( STELLA RICE born May 23, 1899; married June 23, 1923 Milton Curry Drake and born to them was: ( DOROTHY ANN DRAKE born December 1, 1931 ( FRANKLIN (FRANKLYN) STANTON FERRIS born August 26, 1846 (August 22, 1847) Norway NY and died February 12, 1907 (August 12, 1907); attended Fairfield Seminary for a time then farmed several years; leased land in conjunction with his brother Charles; and about 1892, retired and moved to Prospect, Oneida, NY, listed there 1888-89 city directory, where he died; resided on the homestead in Norway; married December 2, 1874 Ida Rosalia Brayton [dau of Almon Adoran & Caroline (Schermerhorn)] born April 5, 1855 and died 1926. Born to them were: ( STELLA IRENE FERRIS born January 20, 1877; married October 12, 1914 Charles Thomas born May 3, 1869 ( HARRIET HAZEL FERRIS born April 20, 1891 and died August 24, 1895 ( WILLIAM MEAD FERRIS born November 26, 1807 Norway, Herkimer, NY on his father's farm and died October 18, 1883; buried with his wife at Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL; married March 30, 1830 Mary J. Crandall born August 3, 1810 Norway NY and died July 5, 1905 Galesburg IL (tombstone at Hope Cemetery says July 7, 1905) [dau of John and Mary (Browning), who were among the first settlers of Herkimer Co to which they migrated from Rhode Island probably in the 1790s.) He occupied the homestead farm after his father left town. He sold his farm to Charles Hemingway. William, like all his brothers except Timothy, became interested in his father's project for removing to Illinois and was Silvanus's only son to actually accompany his father when the latter set out in June 1837, with his wife and household goods. William, being accompanied by his wife and their two small children, his sister Harriet Newell and husband, Dr. James Bunce and their infant son James. They arrived at Log City, now Galesburg, probably about the middle of July, covering the distance apparently in about five or six weeks. William took with him, or probably had shipped via the lake route, a saw mill purchased at Utica for $500.00 which was doubtless at once set up at Log City and kept busy in cutting lumber for more livable, though simple enough, dwellings, which as soon as possible supplanted the first log cabins, and for the first houses erected in the town of Galesburg. [There were 3 mills in this area and doubtless all three were needed to meet the demands; another source says there were six mills within six miles of each other.] When his and Olmstead's steam saw mill was erected, in 1838, the event was evidently made the occasion of a jubilation, at which, notwithstanding the reputed aversion of the settlers to strong drink, the use of liquor was in evidence to such a degree that it was a source of scandal and of subsequent investigation by the elders of the church; indeed, one brother, Parish Richardson by name, appears to have got drunk and otherwise behaved very badly. The church records of the time contained the following entries: Dec.1, 1838: Resolved that the moderator be directed to cite Brother Richardson to meet the session on the 29th instant to answer the following charges: 1. Making use of intoxicating liquor generally, and once in particular at Mr. Ferris’ mill. Witness, Wm. Ferris. 2. Endeavoring to quarrel & threatening & making use of abusive language to different individuals. Witnesses, Mr. Hoskins, Geo. Ferris, & Wm. Ferris. Jan'y12, 1839: "Wm. M. Ferris sworn, who testified to the following facts: 1st, that he had seen Richardson quite disguised with liquor at the raising of Ferris' mill, though he, the said Ferris, did not furnish any liquor, yet through the help of someone Richardson had procured some & was quite disguised therewith & used profane language & threatened to knock him, the said Ferris, down. 2d, had seen him since raising under the influence of liquor on the evening after Alfred Brown's raising. Also he had not seen said Parish Richardson at meeting for a year past. But William was himself brought before the church two years later to answer a charge of different character. On Jan. 3, 1838, the church authorities had Resolved that this session consider the

34 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL practice of taking timber from lands belonging to Congress, non-residents, or others, highly dishonorable to religion, and they feel it to be their solemn duty to pursue the course of discipline pointed out in the gospel against offenses of this kind". And that William Ferris was a transgressor in this respect appears from the following minutes: "Feb.6, 1941: Brother Wm. M. Ferris with whom a committee had been appointed appeared before the church and Session and made a statement of his case which was not satisfactory. Brothers Marsh and Martin were appointed a committee to enquire more particularly into the case and to labor with him and to report the case to the Session if they should find cause of charging against him. March 5, 1841: Brethren Marsh and Martin, a committee to converse with Brother Wm. Ferris reported that they had done so, and that he Denied the charge in part, but admitted he had Purchased saw logs knowing they were stolen but as it was after they were in the mill yard thinks he is not encouraging the trade yet if it grieves the Brethren will Do so no more. William apparently lived on at the Log City settlement for a while as shown by correspondence, from his father, addressed to him at Henderson Grove (Log City) dated in 1845. William's home property in Galesburg consisted of what was called a '10-acre lot', extending on Academy from West Main Street, northerly to North Street. This may have been included in a tract of four so-called 10-acre lots containing in all 37 acres more or less, which he had bought of the college in 1845 for $894. (See separate paper on the deed, which is interesting as reflecting the uncompromising hostility of the early settlers to the use of intoxicating liquors.) William was a man of varied occupations and a character, which made him a well-known figure to everybody in town, so that he acquired the familiar sobriquet of Uncle Billy. He not only made wine for sale, and cheese, but it is a matter of tradition that he was the first 'milk man' in Galesburg, i.e., the first - - after the town began to outgrow the period when each family kept its own cow, - - to organize a milk route and to deliver at the customer's door milk, cream, and cheese. Also he harvested ice from a pond north of the town and was the first to deliver that commodity to the more affluent in the community who had graduated from the old time practice of keeping provisions in tin buckets suspended by a rope in the cool covered wells and cisterns. And he somewhere got hold of a recipe for making a marvelous gastronomic novelty that had a wonderful delicious appeal in the cultivation of an appetite for cooling sweets in the hot summer months, the popularity of which, once established, has never waned with the American public; and thereupon the store windows of all the restaurants and eating places in town were adorned with glass painted signs, - blue letters on a yellow background, - admonishing everybody to EAT UNCLE BILLY’S ICE CREAM. In these various manners he made apparently his chief living. It is purported he did not ever personally farm the section of land given to him by his father, nor obtained any substantial return from it, though he speculated quite actively in Military Tract land warrants, but, like, most speculators, whether in land or grain or stocks on the exchanges, he had in the end nothing to show for these activities, and when he died, his material possessions, measured in terms of money value, were negligible. (Jim - this conflicts with the information contained from another source and discussed in a separate paper on William and the Military Tract Land.) William was an ardent anti-slavery man, who, had many times secreted fugitive slaves in the hay mows of the old barn on his home place (reputed to have been the largest barn in the county), and Galesburg being a well-known 'station' on the Underground Railway between the south and Canada; and at night he would place the Negro runaways under straw in a box-wagon and send them along to the next station at Princeton, northeasterly from Galesburg, whence they would be forwarded by other sympathetic conspirators until finally they got out of the country. But ten years after the close of the Civil War he was to welcome into his family a rosy-cheeked girl of 19, Sally Estill, from the blue-grass state, whose father had been the owner of a large plantation and many slaves before the war, as the bride of his son and namesake, William Jr.: but the sectional feelings and prejudices which were then still rife throughout the North and South were quickly dissipated in the case of this particular Kentucky

35 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL belle, who speedily found a warm place in the hearts of all the Ferrises, and, for that matter, all the other Galesburg abolitionists. She was cherished by all for her innate charm and genuine goodness of character, and referred to as Aunt Goodie. Although William, was at one with all the other pioneers who settled in Galesburg in their antipathy to slavery which was, indeed a part of their religious creed, and was a nominal supporter of the old union first church, he was not, an especially pious man, and was a rather indifferent attendant at church service. As to this, indeed, there is indisputable evidence in a letter (see separate paper) written to him by the Rev. Jonathan Blanchard, pastor of the church, under the date of March 14, 1848, at three o'clock in the morning, when the worthy preacher was, it would appear, pacing the floor in his night- shirt, and between sentences endeavoring at the same time to pacify a restless infant as well as the soul of the good consort of William Mead Ferris by pouring out upon the latter vitriol’s of honest wrath for not communing with this wife of his bosom oftener in holy worship. William lived on in the old home on North Academy Street until the autumn of 1883, when on, October 19, he passed away, and was buried in Hope Cemetery, Galesburg. He was nearly 76, but his wife, born August 3, 1810, survived him nearly twenty-two years, and died at the age of nearly 95, on July 7, 1905. In the 1892-93 Galesburg City Directory Mrs. Mary C. Ferris (widow of W.M.) resided at 208 N. Academy. Born to them were: ( LAURA MARIA FERRIS born December 27, 1831 Norway NY and died June 22, 1855 probably from childbirth complications; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; attended Knox College 1846-51; married December 27, 1853 in Knox Co IL, Nathan Caswell (1833-); and born to them was: ( IDA LILLIAN CASWELL born April 7, 1855 and died July 28, 1855; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg ( JOHN CRANDALL FERRIS born January 24, 1834 Norway NY and died March 3, 1873 Memphis TN; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL; attended Knox College 1847-49(46-53) ( MARY ELLEN FERRIS born July 8, 1839 Log City [Henderson Grove] near Galesburg and died February 29, 1908 at her home, 246 North Academy Street; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL. The first years of her childhood was passed at home, at Henderson Grove, under the surveillance of her parents. There was scarcely a book at her command, and the day of daily newspapers had not dawned in Galesburg. In 1847, the family moved to Galesburg. She first attended a private school and afterwards entered the public schools; with this preparatory training she became a student in Knox Academy. She attended Knox College, 1854-57, graduating with distinction, with the Class of 1857. The first year after leaving college was spent in the study of music and French. In the spring of 1858 she taught the children of the neighborhood, and in April 1859, she went from home to teach in the schools of Henderson County. Mary was on the Knox Faculty, 1860-64. She was a teacher in Canton, Kewanee, Freeport, Galesburg, Monmouth, and Chicago and then became Principal of Galesburg High School, 1876-1895, when the schools and the school system having grown to such proportions that the responsibilities were too great to be longer carried by a woman, she resigned, and accepted the less onerous position of assistant principal, from which she retired in 1901. She was an author and contributor to the Journal of Education, 1905-06. Mary married, September 21, 1865, Robert Hood Gettemy (1825-1891) and they lived in Monmouth IL, until their removal to Chicago in May 1867, where Robert was engaged in the lumber business. In 1869 fire destroyed the accumulation of years, blackening his prospects for the future. His health becoming impaired, they returned to Monmouth in November 1873. In April 1875, Robert returned to Chicago, but his physical condition gave no promise for permanent business pursuits, and Mary Ellen again entered the schoolroom as a teacher, and took the principalship of the High School in Galesburg in 1876. To the cares of the schoolroom was added the care of an invalid husband; after many years of ill health, Robert was at last compelled to give up entirely the active labors of life. He came to Galesburg in 1886, where for five

36 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL years, he was confined to his home. In 1897, Knox College conferred the Degree of Master of Literature upon her. [Obituary, The Republican Register, Galesburg IL, March 2, 1908.] Born to them was a son: ( CHARLES FERRIS GETTEMY born March 12, 1868 Chicago IL and died 1939; graduated from Galesburg High School 1885; attended Knox College 1885-90, receiving his B.A. in 1890; M.A., 1893; A.B., Harvard, 1891. He was the political editor Boston Advertiser, Washington correspondent 1891-99; political editor Boston Herald, 1899-1905; author of The True Story of Paul Revere and author of A Memoir of Silvanus Ferris 1773-1861, from which much of this information comes from. [Thanks, Charles!] His working papers are in the Knox College Library in the Archives area. Charles also wrote numerous magazine articles, official reports and documents. He was secretary to Curtis Guild, Jr., the Governor of Massachusetts, 1906-07; Director of Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics, 1907-19; Director of Military Enrollment for Massachusetts, 1917-18, under commission of the Governor, in which capacity he directed the draft of 360,000 men sent by that State to WWI; Assistant Federal Reserve Agent, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston starting in 1919. Charles married, first, December 28, 1897, Hattie Brockway [dau of Francis F. & Catherine J. (Trickle) Brockway] born Wyoming IL, September 16, 1870 and died 1930, probably in Dorchester MA] of Cedar Rapids IA, and he married, second, in 1932, Bertha R. Cheney of Boston. Hattie attended Knox College, 1886-89 graduating with the Class of 1889. Charles is listed in Who's Who. Born to Charles and Hattie was: ( CATHERINE ELLEN GETTEMY born December 20, 1901; graduated Vassar College 1924; married October 4, 1924 Charles O. Richardson and born to them were: ( NANCY FERRIS RICHARDSON born July 10, 1927 ( CHARLES BROCKWAY RICHARDSON born August 1, 1931 ( GEORGE BENEDICT FERRIS born 1839 probably Knox Co IL [not listed by Charles Ferris Gettemy or Chaplain Ferris] ( MEAD FERRIS, JR born November 9/11, 1845 Log City near Galesburg IL and died August 20, 1924; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; attended Knox College 1862-64; married at Richmond KY, September 1, 1875 Sallie Courtney Estill (1855-1940) born Glasgow MO and buried Hope Cemetery; her DAR # is 70537; descended from a Captain Robert Rodes who served in the Revolutionary War. A typed letter in the Ferris Files, Henry M. Seymour Library, Knox College, from William’s granddaughter, Sallie Welsh VanArsdale, notes that William joined the Union Army when he was 17y and because of his youth was sent to Colorado to serve throughout the War {interesting – being 17y didn’t stop many others from being sent to the front lines of battle!} Knox College is in the possession of William’s leather bound flask that he purportedly carried during this Civil War service. The couple lived in St. Louis MO, Ann Arbor MI, and after 1904 Galesburg, where he died. Born to William and Sallie were: ( JOHN ESTILL FERRIS born September 21, 1877 St. Louis MO; graduated from the U. Of Michigan 1900; member of the Michigan Committee on State and Territorial Exhibits at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition; U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Investigation 1917-18; resident in charge Military Intelligence, General Staff, U.S. Army at Milwaukee WI, February-November 1918; commissioned Major, Military Police, US Army Reserve, 1923; served with the 306th Military Reserve Battalion, 1923-28; there was a John E. Ferris who ran for Governor of Wisconsin, 1924, Independent-Republican candidate – not sure this is same guy; married September 11, 1901 Katherine Elizabeth Wylie born October 17, 1877 at Saginaw MI and born to them were: ( JAMES WYLIE FERRIS born March 1, 1903 ( SALLIE ELIZABETH FERRIS born July 7, 1904; graduated from Milwaukee Downer College 1925; married November 24, 1928 Melvin H. Neils and born to them were: ( PATRICIA ANN NEILS born February 12, 1930

37 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( SHIRLEY JEAN NEILS born November 6, 1933 ( BARBARA JOAN NEILS born December 3, 1934 ( JOHN ESTILL FERRIS, JR., born January 6, 1910 (December 28, 1908); graduated from the U. of Wisconsin 1924 ( ROBERT RODES FERRIS born January 20, 1917 ( MARY ELLEN FERRIS “Ella” born June 23, 1879 St. Louis MO and died July 1, 1959 Grand Rapids, Kent, MI; graduated from the U. of Michigan, A.B., 1902; married June 19, 1902 Percy Seaman Peck who died September 13, 1944 Grand Rapids; both buried there Woodlawn Cemetery Block 3, Lot 17 (Photo); and they resided in Grand Rapids, Kent, MI. A Percy S. Peck belonged to the York Lodge #140, F. & A. M. in Grand Rapids MI in 1922; a Mrs. Percy Peck was a member of The Women’s University Club of Grand Rapids and listed as residing at 90 Jefferson Avenue. Thanks to the Grand Rapids City Cemetery for providing accurate information on this family! Born to them were: [Ella's DAR # is 68167.] ( CATHERINE ELIZABETH PECK “Kitty” born May 9, 1904 and died October 9, 1999 Grand Rapids MI; married January 18, 1928 George Mortimer Roberts who died April 29, 1997 Grand Rapids; both buried in the Peck Plot, Block 3, Lot 17 Woodlawn Cemetery, Grand Rapids; and born to them was (resided in Grand Rapids MI): ( ROSEMARY PECK ROBERTS born April 1, 1929 ( VIRGINIA MARY PECK born March 23, 1906 and died July 13, 2004 Grand Rapids, Kent, MI; married January 22, 1930 Durfee Bradford Apted who died October 9, 1968 Grand Rapids; both buried in the Peck Family Plot, Block 3, Lot 17, Woodlawn Cemetery, Grand Rapids; and they resided in Grand Rapids MI ( FLORENCE ESTILL PECK born April 18, 1908 and died January 5, 1977 Grand Rapids; buried Peck Family Plot, Block 3, Lot 17 Woodlawn Cemetery, Grand Rapids; married June 19, 1933 Howard Vincent Watson - divorced - resided in Grand Rapids MI ( ETOLIA MOORE FERRIS born October 21, 1881 St Louis MO and died 1956; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL; unmarried; 1927 she resided at 246 North Academy Street, Galesburg. COMPLAINT IN CHANCERY Plaintiff ETOLIA M. FERRIS, of the County of Knox and State of Illinois, respectfully represents unto the Court as follows: 1. That she is a resident of the County of Knox and State of Illinois; that on or about September 26, 1924, Percy S. Peck and Ella F. Peck, his wife, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, executed, acknowledged and delivered their certain warranty deed conveying to the Peoples Trust and Savings Bank of Galesburg, Illinois, a banking corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, as Trustee of the following described real estate: Bounded by a line beginning at a point on the West line of Academy Street, Twelve (12) rods south of the Northeast corner of Ten-acre lot Seven (7) in the City of Galesburg, County of Knox, and State of Illinois, running thence West Twelve (12) rods, thence South Six (6) rods, thence East Twelve (12) rods, to the West line of Academy Street to the point of beginning, being known as the Mary E. Gettemy homestead, situated in the County of Knox and State of Illinois. 2. That the said Deed in Trust was recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Knox County, Illinois, September 26, 1924, in Volume 241, page 431; that a full, true and correct copy of said Deed in Trust in attached hereto and made a part hereof as Plaintiff's Exhibit 'A'. 3. That the said Salle E. Ferris, named in said Exhibit  A  , was the mother of this Plaintiff and that the said Sallie E. Ferris died April 2, 1940; that the said Catharine Peck mentioned in said Deed in Trust is now married to G. Mortimer Roberts, both of whom reside in Grand Rapids, Michigan; that the said Virginia Peck mentioned in said Deed in Trust is now married to Bradford

38 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Apted, both of whom reside in Grand Rapids, Michigan; that the said Florence Peck mentioned in said Deed in Trust is now known as Florence Peck Watson and is divorced and not remarried and resides in Grand Rapids, Michigan; that the said Catharine Peck Roberts, Virginia Peck Apted and Florence Peck Watson are the daughters of the said Percy S. Peck and Ella F. Peck, grantors of said Deed in Trust. 4. That the said Percy S. Peck, one of the grantors in the said Deed in Trust, is now deceased but was the husband of Ella F. Peck, sister of the Plaintiff and daughter of the said Sallie E. Ferris; that the property involved in this proceeding consists of a residence located at 240 North Academy Street, Galesburg, Illinois, and that the purpose of the said Deed in Trust and of the conveyance thereby was to provide a home for the said Sallie E. Ferris and for this Plaintiff during their respective lifetimes, or in the event said property could not be maintained as a home, that this Plaintiff receive the income therefrom or from the proceeds thereof during her lifetime. 5. That this Plaintiff is a spinster sixty-eight years of age; that the said Sallie E. Ferris and this Plaintiff resided in the said property until the death of the said Sallie E. Ferris in April, 1940, and that this Plaintiff continued to reside in said property until June 1, 1949; that this Plaintiff is in poor health, unable to care for herself or to maintain and keep the said property in safe and habitable condition; that furthermore this Plaintiff has ******** the taxes and assessments levied against the said property; that since June 1, 1949, this Plaintiff has been a patient at the Knox County Home and Hospital at Knoxville, Illinois, and will continue as a patient in said hospital; that this Plaintiff has no issue and can and will have no issue. 6. That the said residence, while structurally sound, is not modern in design or equipment, is in need of substantial and extensive repairs which this Plaintiff is unable to make and that the said residence has been vacant since approximately June 1, 1949, and is in process of marked deterioration. 7. That the said Peoples Trust and Savings Bank of Galesburg, Illinois, grantee in the said Exhibit  A  , ceased the banking business (save for collection of accounts due and payment of liabilities) in 1929 and the assets of the said bank were transferred and set over to First Galesburg National Bank and Trust Company, a national banking association, and that the charter of said Peoples Trust and Savings Bank was surrendered in 1935; that no Successor-Trustee under the said Deed in Trust (Exhibit  A  ) has been appointed and that in order to protect and preserve the Trust property or its proceeds for the benefit of this Plaintiff and the Defendants herein, such successor should now be appointed. 8. That, in order to carry out the fundamental purpose of the Trust, the said property should be sold and the net proceeds of such sale, after payment of any necessary expense, should be deposited with and held by the Successor-Trustee, the said funds invested and the income derived therefrom from time to time paid to or for the benefit of this Plaintiff so long as she shall live; that upon her death, the said Trust shall thereupon terminate and the principal of the said Trust fund should be distributed to the said Catharine Peck Roberts, Virginia Peck Apted, and Florence Peck Watson as prescribed in the said Exhibit  A  ; that this Plaintiff is informed and believes that the Defendants named herein are willing that said property be sold, the proceeds thereof invested and the income therefrom paid to this Plaintiff during her lifetime. FORASMUCH, THEREFORE, as this Plaintiff is without relief save in a court of equity, this Plaintiff files her complaint herein and makes as parties defendant thereto the said above named Catharine Peck Roberts and G. Mortimer Roberts her husband, Virginia Peck Apted and Bradford Apted her husband, and Florence Peck Watson, and respectfully requests the Court as follows: (a) That Summons is issued by the Clerk of the Court against the said above named Defendants, requiring them to appear in this cause and answer this Complaint. (b) That the First Galesburg National Bank and Trust Company, a national banking association, by order of this Court, be appointed as Successor-Trustee to the Peoples Trust and Savings Bank and that said Successor-Trustee, when appointed, be vested with all of the power and authority of

39 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL the grantee in the said Deed in Trust from Percy S. Peck and Ella F. Peck his wife. (c.) That the Court find and determine that the purpose of the said Trust was to provide a home for the Plaintiff during her lifetime or so long as she was able to live in and maintain such home and that, in the event of her illness and inability to maintain the said property, then said property should be sold, the net proceeds thereof invested and the income arising therefrom paid to or for the benefit of this Plaintiff during her lifetime and upon, her death, the said Trust should terminate and the principal thereof be distributed as provided in the said Deed in Trust. (d) That, upon the terms and conditions to be approved by the parties hereto and by this Court, the said Successor-Trustee be authorized and empowered to sell ands by its Trustee's Deed to convey the said property to the purchaser thereof. (e) That this Plaintiff has such other and further relief as equity may require and to this Court shall seem meet. ETOLIA M. FERRIS, By Kirkland, Fleming, Green, Martin & Ellis Her Attorneys. STATE OF ILLINOIS) ) SS. COUNTY OF COOK) VERNON M. WELSH, first being duly sworn, thereby makes affidavit and says that he is the duly authorized agent of Etolia M. Ferris, Plaintiff ********** ( WILMA CORRINE LAWSON FERRIS born April 10, 1890 St Louis MO and died April 6, 1915; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL; She died at a hospital in Pittsburgh where she had been since Jan due to pneumonia. She had been on vacation with her sister in N.Y. when she became ill. She received her education in public schools in Galesburg then completed a course at Grand Rapid Michigan. During the past four years had been employed as a stenographer at the University of Pa. Department of forestry. Her mother was present at death. The remains will be sent here and accompanied by the mother. This obit was published by the Knox Co Genealogical Society. ( WILLIAM MEAD FERRIS III (photographs) born April 5/10/15, 1892 St. Louis MO (Galesburg IL) and died September 26, 1918 at Base Hospital, Blois, France of disease/pneumonia contacted from mustard gas in the service of the American Army in WWI; after a public education he entered the employ of the Ford Motor Co, Detroit, where he remained until admitted to the Second Officer’s Training Camp at Fort Sheridan IL; entered service April 7, 1917 at Fort Sheridan IL; his previous military experience consisted of a course at Plattsburg NY and Sparta WI; also served with Co C of the Illinois State Militia. Upon receiving his commission at Fort Sheridan, he was sent to France in December 1917 and spent 3 months in an artillery school, assigned to the 15th Artillery, Second Division; and became an artillery observer in France and at French Officer’s Camp, Domremy; three days before taking St. Mihiel he was wounded, being struck by a gas bomb, and gassed to unconsciousness on September 26, 1918. He was a 2d Lieutenant, 2d Division, 15th Field Artillery, performing liaison duty in the front line with the Marines at the Battles of Belleau Wood and Chateau Thierry, and was also at St. Michel. He was buried first in the American plot of the French Catholic Cemetery at Blois, his body being afterward brought back to the U.S. and interred in the National Cemetery at Arlington VA; Section S, Site 4430/WH; listed as William M Ferris Jr. General Bundy spoken of Bill’s excellent service in an article in Everybody’s Magazine. Bill attended Knox College, 1911-14 and was a member of the Knox football team. From the 1914 Gale: William Ferris, Left Guard: This was 'Bill's' first year on the Varsity and his showing was very creditable. He is strong and aggressive. His defensive work was very good. He has two more years and should improve greatly. From the 1915 Gale: William Ferris, Left Tackle: Ferris did most of the punting last season. Shifted from guard to tackle, he played his new position with credit. Bill's defensive driving was disastrous to stop. He will undoubtedly be one of the bulwarks in next year's line. He weighed 170 pounds, the 3d heaviest guy on the team. (See photograph) Bill did not complete his senior year; he entered the Army

40 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL instead. ( FANITA CRANDALL FERRIS (Photo) born May 22, 1896 St. Louis MO and died age 90y Evanston IL; attended Knox College 1916-18, graduating with the Class of 1918, B.S.; also attended Sweet Briar College and the U. of Wisconsin; married May 30, 1916 (1918?) Vernon McCullough Welsh [son of John Douglas & Ella C. (McCullough) Welsh] born August 15, 1891 Galesburg and died 1969; Vernon graduated from Knox College in 1913, B.A.; LL.B. Harvard, 1916. They moved to Winnetka IL where she lived before moving to Westminister Presbyterian Home in Evanston IL. Fanita was a member of Winnetka Congregational Church and served for many years on the boards of Gads Hill Center and Northwestern University Settlement, both in Evanston. He was a trustee of Knox College from 1939 through at least 1963 and Chairman of the Board, from 1950 to 1969; and Winnetka Village President, 1960-64; a memorial was placed in his honor in Centennial Park 1970. After his death in 1969, Fanita was designated an honorary trustee of the college. Vernon served as a Lieutenant during World War I. He was past president of the Knox Alumni Association and the speaker at the 119th Knox Founder's Day convocation. He was a lawyer and senior partner in Kirland, Ellis, Hodson, Chaffetz, and Masters, Prudential Plaza, Suite 2900, Chicago IL. In 1963, they resided at 1180 Westmoor Road, Winnetka IL (Photo). Both Fanita and Vernon had Scholarship Funds at Knox College in their names. House of the Season: "The 1928 Vernon Welsh Home" By Joan Evanich "What a great party house!" This statement was heard over and over again at the Society's annual Gala graciously hosted by Bruce and Kristin Koepfgen. The Southern Colonial style home at 1180 Westmoor (formerly Fig Street) was originally built in 1928 for the Vernon and Fanita Welsh family. Architect Russell Smith Walcott began designs for the Vernon Welsh house in 1926. Born in Chicago in 1889, Mr. Walcott was a graduate of Princeton University. He studied architecture in Europe and formed a partnership with his older brother, Chester Walcott, from 1919-1920. He designed this home under his own name and later partnered with renowned architect, Robert Work, from 1928 until his retirement. The design is reminiscent of a large plantation. It is constructed of cement over metal lath and has a great deal of interior masonry. Large, white stylized Ionic pillars support the half-circle portico which mirrors the circular drive. Third-floor fan lights and multi- paned double-hung windows complete the Southern Colonial design. Both Mr. and Mrs. Welsh personally oversaw every aspect of the design and construction of the house, including minute details such as the type of plaster and the construction of the window sills and doorplates. They installed an oil-burning furnace, an avant-garde decision for 1928. Mrs. Welsh was a bit concerned about the safety of this innovation. To protect against fire or explosion, thick cement floors were installed on the ground floor above the furnace. Vernon Welsh was born in 1891 in Galesburg, Illinois. A graduate of Knox College and Harvard Law (1916), Mr. Welsh was a lawyer with the firm now known as Kirkland & Ellis. He was a valuable citizen of Winnetka and served as Village President from 1960-64. He passed away in 1969. A memorial was placed in his honor at Centennial Park in 1970. Fanita Ferris Welsh (1896-1986) was the great granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Ferris, founders of Knox College. Mrs. Welsh was also active in the community and served on the Winnetka boards of Gads Hill Center and Northwestern University Settlement. Mr. and Mrs. Welsh had two daughters. In 1941, the Welsh's daughter Sallie (Van Arsdale) was debuted from the home. At the time, she was a sophomore at Vassar College. Sallie went on to graduate from Navy Supply Corps School and served in the United States Navy during World War II. Now residing in Florida, she was a long-time resident of Winnetka and is a good friend of the Historical Society. Sallie's younger sister Rosanna was always known as Posey. She graduated from Mills College in 1948 and lived oversees, working for the Marshall Plan in Paris. She married C. Bateman Ewart in 1951. They both worked for the United Nations in various locations around the world. She lives in Wilmington, North Carolina, and still makes frequent visits to France. The Welsh family sold their home in 1965. The second owners, Ferdinand and Eleanor Nadherny, enclosed the porch and enlarged the breakfast area. They raised five children in the home. Perhaps this was the reason that Mrs. Nadherny added a laundry on the second floor. The current owners, Bruce and Kristin Koepfgen, added a wing on the east side, balancing the house architecturally and increasing its floor space by about a third. They also completed extensive interior renovations and formalized the gardens. The care taken by the original, previous and current owners is evident in the way the home has withstood the test of time. Born to them were: ( SALLIE ELLEN WELSH born July 7, 1922; married 1st a Mr. Coolidge and 2d a Mr. VanArsdale; attended Vassar College; graduated from Navy Supply Corps School and served in the USN during WWII; long time resident of Winnetka IL; retired to FL

41 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL “Each Memorial Day the names of Winnetka servicemen who lost their lives during this nation's armed conflicts are read during a moving ceremony. But aside from Memorial Day, few people take the time to examine the lists of names and the art on Winnetka's war memorial, a cenotaph on the Village Green. It was dedicated Nov. 13, 1927, to recognize the 10 men who died during World War I, the 81 men and one woman (Millicent Yates) who did not return from service during World War II, the two who died in the Korean conflict and the six who were lost in the Vietnam conflict. Although there has been no comprehensive research tracing the lives of those listed on the cenotaph, longtime Winnetka residents recall how their own lives touched some of the names. When the name of Richards P. Washburne is intoned, it revives a poignant memory for Sallie Van Arsdale. Mrs. Van Arsdale grew up on Westmoor Road in Winnetka as Sallie Ellen Welsh, a graduate of The Skokie School and North Shore Country Day School, class of 1940. A classmate had a brother, "Dick" Washburne. At the time of the Pearl Harbor attack in December 1941, Richards P. Washburne was a junior at Williams College in Massachusetts. (Mrs. Van Arsdale says that he is no relation to the namesake of Washburne School.) He volunteered the next year and joined the U.S. Army Air Corps. By then, he and Sallie Welsh had talked of marriage after the war. Washburne was a co-pilot on a B17 bomber that was shot down on July 30, 1942, over Kassel, Germany. His death officially reached Winnetka in the fall of 1942. Mrs. Van Arsdale was wearing his Air Corps wings. But the story doesn't end here. On graduation from Vassar in 1944, Sallie Welsh, no longer waiting for a loved one to return, debated how to get involved with the war effort. She settled on the Navy auxiliary called the WAVES, "Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service." "Being a member of the WAVES was an enormous change in atmosphere and routine. We were all motivated to help, "Mrs. Van Arsdale remembers, "It was assumed, because I had been an economics major, that I could best help out in the supply corps. You felt that you were in the mainstream even if our work was not terribly significant. And we did replace men." She was separated from service in June, 1946, and returned to Winnetka while continuing to serve in the Reserves for a few years. Sallie knew other war casualties, one of whom, Claude Reebie, was killed during the Korean conflict. His brother Earl Reebie is also listed on the cenotaph. An Air Corps flyer, he was killed during World War II. One man's name appears twice on the cenotaph. On the Village Green façade a quotation etched into the marble reads, "It is an investment not a loss when a man dies for his country." Dinsmore Ely wrote these words in a letter home during World War I. His name also appears as one of the casualties of the war. The Winnetka Historical Society is in possession of the letter. In April, eighth-graders in Stephanie Welter's class at Washburne School will undertake a project to research the World War II names on the cenotaph. The Winnetka Historical Society will assist by providing names of friends or family members. If you were acquainted or related to someone who is listed on the cenotaph, please contact the Historical Society at 501-6025.” ( ROSANNA EMILIE WELSH (Posey) born August 4, 1926; graduated Mills College 1948; lived overseas, working for the Marshall Plan in Paris; married 1951 C Bateman Ewart Jr and they both worked for the UN in various locations around the world and they resided in Wilmington NC – both donated funds to the U of North Carolina-Wilmington – believe he was a graduate of Dartmouth College 1942 – donated funds to Dartmouth also ( EDWIN SPENCER FERRIS born January 9, 1851 and died July 30, 1878; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL; married January 19, 1875 in Knox Co IL, Harriet Thompson (1854- 1925) - there was a Mrs. Harriet T. Ferris who married a James T. Rowcliff in Knox County - since Edwin died so young, would assume this is his widow remarrying - particularly since her daughter named a child Rowcliff below. Born to them was: ( BERTHA MAY FERRIS born May 27, 1878 Galesburg, Knox, IL and died December 22, 1937 Peoria, Peoria, IL as per death certificate; buried there Springdale Cemetery; married September 10, 1900 Hiram Eugene Todd – the same Hiram E. Todd, born Peoria Co IL, delegate to Illinois State Constitution Convention 1920-22?; there is a Hiram E Todd who died October 1, 1946 Peoria; and born to them were: ( SARAH GERALD TODD (Sally) born July 25, 1905; married April 23, 1927 William Connell and born to them were: ( SARAH CONNELL (Sally) born February 11, 1928; married a Mr. Bradwin and born to them was: ( JANET BRADWIN married a Mr. Hogan and has provided current info on this Twig of the Tree- thanks Janet! ( NANCY CONNELL (twin) born July 28, 1930 ( WILLIAM ROBERT CONNELL (twin) born July 28, 1930

42 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( HARRIET TODD born July 25, 1908 ( JAMES ROWCLIFFE TODD born November 4, 1917 ( HENRY FERRIS (Photos) born October 18, 1809 Norway, Herkimer, NY (the sixth child in order of birth) and died April 5/15/25?, 1891 Galesburg IL; buried Hope Cemetery with his wife; born and brought up on the farm in Herkimer Co and at the district schools acquired the rudiments of an English education, with one year at Oneida Institute in New York, one year in an academy, where he studied languages, and one year at Marion College, Marion Co, Missouri. He was apparently not a sturdy youth, and so at age of 24, in the 1833, he decided to go west in search of renewed health and emigrated to Missouri. He lived in Missouri for two years, attending Marion College, which he left, it is said, because of the local feeling against him on account of his abolition principles. [Marion College was a Presbyterian work college that closed in 1844. The college suffered from the Old School/New School controversy among Presbyterians over slavery.] About this time he made a trip to Galena, Illinois, by way of Quincy, and wrote to his old home in Herkimer County, letters descriptive of the beauty and fertility of the Military Tract section of Illinois, which may have been an effective influence in shaping the decision of the first exploring party that went to Illinois in the summer of 1835 on behalf of Rev. Dr. George W. Gale's enterprise. Henry moved to Knox County IL in 1835 where he entered into farming on the land purchased by his father. Upon the grounds now occupied by the Female Department of Knox College, and south beyond the present depot grounds, Henry first broke the prairie. Henry spent his first year (winter of 1835-36) in Knox County in a dugout. On August 31, 1836, in a little log cabin, at Henderson Grove, Henry Ferris and Elizabeth Hudson (1816-1896) (Photo) were the first couple to be married in the Galesburg Colony. Miss Hudson was a native of New Hampshire and came west with Nehemiah West's family as a schoolteacher. Elizabeth was a granddaughter of General Israel Putnam, who first commanded the patriot troops in the Revolutionary War, serving at Bunker Hill until George Washington arrived on the scene. Henry and Elizabeth were members of the "Old First Church", the Congregational, although he did have his problems with the church (see separate paper.) In 1854, he had his foot ground from his leg by stepping on the joint of the tumbling shaft of the threshing machine and slipping. His foot and ankle were drawn into the joint and crushed. His foot was separated from the leg, all but the heel cord and the main artery. Dr. Bunce was called and he bound the foot in place. It was years before it was entirely healed, and hundreds of pieces of bone were taken out for months after the daily dressings. The ankle joint was always still but he thought his crippled foot was better than no foot at all. He always made his own shoes after that, as he had special lasts and a set of shoemaker's tools. He quit the vocation of agriculture in 1857, and engaged in the lumber business, which he followed for a few years only, and then returned again to his old occupation of farming. It is on record that he tried his hand awhile at mercantile business, but for a short time only, as he found it unprofitable. Farming appears to have been his favorite pursuit, and at this he was extremely successful. [Jim - April 17, 1866, a H. Ferris was issued a patent, #53,963 for a hedge-plant grab - I am assuming this is the H. Ferris.] He was one of the first men to agitate the instruction on what took form as the Military Tract Railroad, and to it subscribed the first $1,000.00 soon after increasing his subscription to $10,000.00; and his father and brother-in-law each took $10,000.00 subscriptions, making in all $30,000.00 in the family. A source stated that Henry had in his possession one of the first Certificates of Stock issued by the company and thinking it was likely the only one left in existence, described it as such: "It is a printed form, written in with pen and ink, upon a piece of common writing paper 2  x 4 3/4 inches in size: 'Central Military Tract Railroad Company, Galesburg, April 12, 1851. This is to certify that Henry Ferris is the holder of ten Shares to the Capital Stock of Central Military Tract Railroad Company and that Ten dollars of each has been paid. Signed W. A. Wood, Sec, No. 26 - This Certificate transferable on books of the Company." (Jim - see the separate paper on the Central Military Tract Railroad Company.) Mr. Ferris was possessed of wisdom and foresight enough to hold

43 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL onto all the railroad stock that came into his hands, and the large revenue derived therefrom had much to do in making him one of the wealthiest men in the community. During his life, Henry never held or sought public office. He boasted of having voted for every abolition candidate for the Presidency from Birney down to Blaine. He was an Abolitionist in the early days and a Republican when that party born, and remained identified with it until his death. Mr. Ferris was a just and exact man. He was true to what he believed was right. In his dealings between man and man, he saw that each received his due. It is related of him that although importuned to do so, he refused, at a financial loss, to rent a storeroom of his Prairie street building for saloon purposes. He was always a pronounced temperance advocate. In addition to his farming activities in Knox County, Henry at one time owned considerable land in Iowa, several business properties in Galesburg, and was a substantial stockholder in the C.B.&Q Railroad. His home for many years was on Simmons Street where the Fire Department Building, in 1934, stood. His death was due to pneumonia. The illness was of a week's duration. He was conscious to within a short time of death, giving evidence of that strong will power characteristic of him. At the time of his death, he had four living children and twenty-one grandchildren. He and his wife, who outlived him 5 years and 5 months, were buried at Hope Cemetery in Galesburg. In the 1892-93 Galesburg City Directory, Mrs. Henry Ferris (widow) is listed as residing at 106 S. Cedar. She died September 10, 1896 in Galesburg. Born to Henry and Elizabeth were: ( ALFRED GARRET FERRIS born November 17, 1837 Knox Co IL where he grew to manhood; attended Knox College 1856-57 and emigrated to Nevada c1861; was in Virginia City or Carson City, Nevada for three or four years, married, and started home with his wife and six other men about 1865. They were never heard of afterwards. It was reported that a white horse he had with him returned to Virginia City in a day or two after he left and it was supposed the whole party was killed by Indians or Mormons. There is a monument (See Photo) at the Hope Cemetery, Galesburg for Alfred Garret, with the dates 1837-1865; the family may have had him declared dead. ( HARRIET 'Hattie' MARIE (?C.)FERRIS born December 1(11?), 1839 Galesburg IL and died August 23, 1923; attended Knox College 1853-55, 1856-63, graduating with the Class of 1863; married 1st November 24, 1864 in Knox Co IL, Edwin Johnson Crandall born March 1, 1836 Newport NY and died November 7, 1869 Galesburg [son of Robert Havens & Julia Parsons (Johnson) Crandall]; both buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg. Born to them were: ( MARRION/MARION JESSIE CRANDALL (Photo) ‘Minnie’ born September 14, 1865 Galesburg and died October 9, 1955 Los Angeles Co CA; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; attended Knox College 1877-79, 1881-86, graduating with the Class of 1886, B.L; was on the Knox Faculty 1896-99, instructor in Drawing and Painting. Marion was an artist, designer and exhibitor at the Los Angeles Museum of Art. ( GEORGE ALFRED CRANDALL born December 28, 1866 and died October 9, 1964 Los Angeles Co CA; attended Knox College 1881-82, 1883-86, 1889-90; married November 1, 1905 Gerta Dean Hatch born March 10, 1874 NV and died July 15, 1955 Los Angeles Co CA. George was the Superintendent of the American Fruit Growers of Fullerton CA and Vice-President of Randolph Fruit Company; 1963 resided Los Angeles CA. Born to them was: ( MABELLE DEAN CRANDALL born October 28, 1908 ( STELLA ELIZABETH CRANDALL born October 1, 1868 and died November 27, 1873; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg Harriet married, second, after the death of her first husband, Charles A. McLaughlin (1853- 1910) on December 16, 1875 and born to them were: ( ELLA BLANCHE MCLAUGHLIN (Photo) born May 20, 1877 Galesburg and died February 12, 1924 Los Angeles CA; buried Block 21, Lot 10, Linwood Cemetery, Galesburg; graduate of the Knox Conservatory 1898; married October 23, 1901 John James Tunnicliff, Jr., [son of John James & his second wife, Margaretta Willoughby (Duffield) Tunnicliff] born in Galesburg, April 22,

44 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL 1879 and died August 1950 Galesburg; buried Linwood Cemetery, Galesburg; John attended Knox College 1894-98 and graduated from the U. of Illinois Law School. John married, second, in 1937, Alta Sharp. He was a lawyer in the Galesburg area for 50 years; and born to them were: ( JOHN JAMES TUNNICLIFF, JR., (John James Tunnicliff III) born February 22, 1904; married June 3/4, 1928 in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Silver City NM, as her 1st husband, Beatrice Evans Brewer [dau of Webster & Ada Beatrice (Akeroyd) Brewer] born March 24, 1907 Silver City NM and died May 1983 Los Angeles CA; and born to them were: ( JOHN JAMES TUNNICLIFF III (John James Tunnicliff IV) born July 26, 1930 ( ANN DUFFIELD TUNNICLIFF born September 11, 1932 ( HARRIET FERRIS TUNNICLIFF born July 19, 1908; married August 26, 1927 Lee Wutherow [may have married, second to a Mr. Covington?] and born to them were: ( BARBARA WUTHEROW born September 27, 1930 ( LILLIAN MCLAUGHLIN (Photo) born January 8, 1879 and died June 27, 1966 Los Angeles Co CA; graduate of the Knox Conservatory 1900; married June 11, 1907 Royal M. Boothe, of Los Angeles CA; born May 17, 1881 IA and died June 22, 1957, Los Angeles Co CA; resided in Los Angeles. Born to them were: ( PERRY MATTESON BOOTHE born August 27, 1909 – is this the Perry M. Boothe, CalTech Class of 1932, USN Captain who served on General Westmoreland’s staff in Vietnam? Member of American Society of Civil Engineers? ( RAYMOND HUDSON FERRIS BOOTHE (Raymond F. H. Boothe) born April 10, 1915 – designer for Parkinson & Parkinson of Los Angeles? ( WALTER BRUCE MCLAUGHLIN born December 28, 1885; married April 24, 1915 Emily Louise Runkle, a second cousin ( ( ELLA GIFFORD FERRIS (Photos) born November 29, 1842 Galesburg IL and died August 7, 1929 at her home, 1593 North Broad Street, Galesburg. [Note - her obituary in The Daily Register Mail, August 7, 1929, identifies her as Ella Hudson (Ferris) Arnold.]; attended Knox College 1856-63 graduating with the Class of 1863; baptized May 1858 at the First Church of Christ in Galesburg; attended the 75th Anniversary celebration of Knox College, 1912; married, May 26, 1864, on the family farm, Benjamin Franklin Arnold [son of Horace & Harriet (Hine) Arnold] born July 22/26, 1833 Fergusonville, Otsego (Delaware), NY and died Galesburg, February 19, 1920. (See Letter#21 from L.T. Stone, which mentions this marriage.) Mr. Arnold spent the greater part of his youthful days upon a farm in Delaware County NY, pursuing his education in one of the old-time log schoolhouses, where the curriculum was limited, yet thorough instruction was given in the fundamental studies. Later he became a clerk in a hotel, following that pursuit in the winter months, while the summer seasons were devoted to agricultural pursuits. He came to Illinois in 1854 where during the winter he took up the profession of teaching but later turned his attention to the real-estate business and while thus engaged began studying law. In May 1862, he was admitted to the bar and for about fifteen years continued in the practice of law. His business often took him to Springfield, where he made the office of Abraham Lincoln his headquarters, in 1857-58. In 1860, he attended the Democratic National Convention at Baltimore. He laid out twelve additions to the City of Galesburg and erected over two hundred homes, selling them on monthly payments. He also carried on farming on an extensive scale, cultivating not less than a section of land for over forty years. Mr. Arnold was a prominent citizen of Galesburg; he served fifteen successive years as an alderman and he served one term as Mayor (elected in 1880) and was a trustee of Knox College, 1899-1920. Ella was President of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, 1892-1906; charter member of L.M.I. (Knox's women's literary society); founder of the B.F. and Ella Ferris Arnold Scholarship Fund, 1922. They resided at 759 East Main Street in Galesburg. Both buried at Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL. [See separate paper by Ella, at the end of this chapter.] Note: It is noteworthy that all 9 of their kids graduated from Knox

45 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL College, a truly remarkable family collegiate record. Born to Ella and B. F. Arnold were: ( ELLA MAY ARNOLD born February 20, 1865 Galesburg and died there, or possibly, Grand Junction CO, June (May?) 24, 1900; attended Knox College 1877-89, 1890-91, graduating with the Class of 1887 when she received her B.A.; was on the Knox Faculty, 1888-89; married June 25, 1891 at Galesburg, Edwin Nash Williams born May 20, 1866 Galesburg and died there March 19, 1902; Edwin attended Knox College 1880-87, graduating with the Class of 1886, receiving his B.A.; M.A. from Columbia, 1888-89; a lawyer and they resided in Las Vegas, New Mexico, and Grand Junction CO. Both buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg. Born to them were: ( DOROTHY MAY WILLIAMS born November 2, 1892 Galesburg and died April 17, 1982 St. Louis MO; married May 29, 1926 (1925?) at Galesburg, William Burke born February 16, 1894 Sterling CO and died February 11, 1957 St. Louis MO. Born to them were: ( RICHARD WILLIAMS BURKE born March 22, 1928 Chicago IL; married April 9, 1951 at St. Louis MO Patricia Diane Kendall born May 27, 1924 and died January 27, 1978. After the death of Patricia, Richard married Gisela Wolff born August 31, 1930 Germany. Born to Richard and Patricia was: ( JOHN KENDALL BURKE born December 3, 1951 Chicago IL; is this the same guy? “After holding the superintendency almost 10 years with the Neodesha, Kan., public schools, John Burke has moved into the top post in Haysville, Kan. Burke also held the superintendency in Marion, Kan. He was a 2002 Kansas Superintendent of the Year finalist and served as an elementary and middle school principal in Melvern, Kan”; married in January, 1982 at Topeka KS 1st Diane Marie Metsch and born to them was: ( CAITLIN CORBIN BURKE born December 7, 1983 Topeka KS John Kendall Burke, married, second, December 19, 1987, at Marion KS, Shari Slinkman and born to them were: ( ANNE JEANETTE BURKE born September 26, 1988 Marion KS ( PATRICIA ZOE BURKE born January 19, 1990 Marion KS ( ROBERT STUART BURKE born December 1, 1953 St. Louis MO ( SUSAN WILLIAMS BURKE born January 8, 1957 St. Louis MO; married October 8, 1983 at St. Louis, Kevin Michael Ryan born January 8, 1953 St Louis. Born to them was: ( RACHEL MARIE RYAN born January 20, 1991 St. Louis MO ( ELIZABETH CORBIN BURKE born August 3, 1961 St. Louis MO; married April 18, 1981 John Michael Cunningham born October 7, 1960 ( WILLIAM CORBIN BURKE born July 17, 1932 St. Louis MO; married November 17, 1962 at St. Louis, Lynn Bland born February 3, 1938. Born to them were: ( CATHERINE LYNNE BURKE born July 23, 1963; married October 17, 1987 Gary Harbison and born to them were: ( WESLEY BURKE HARBISON born December 21, 1990 ( REBECCA EVELYN HARBISON born June 11, 1992 ( REBECCA BLAND BURKE born September 25, 1967 ( WILLIAM CORBIN BURKE, JR., born July 23, 1974 ( EDGAR SHELTON BURKE (twin) born July 23, 1974 ( EDWIN LAWRENCE WILLIAMS born December 20 (30?), 1896 Galesburg and died there July 23, 1915; buried Hope Cemetery ( LAURA BELLE ARNOLD born September 13, 1866 Galesburg and died October 11, 1922; attended Knox College 1884-88, 1891-92, graduating with the Class of 1888; married as his 2d wife June 7, 1899 at Galesburg, George A. Felt [son of Edward A. & Rebecca (Hoover) Felt] born March 1, 1857 Galesburg (Cherry Grove, Warren County (?)) and died February 20, 1940; George attended Knox College 1873-75. [Jim - George first married, March 15, 1888, in Ontario Township,

46 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Virginia E. Varies of Oneida IL and born to them were: Edward and Winifred I.; Virginia died November 16, 1892.] Both buried in Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL. Born to Laura and George were: ( ELEANOR MARY FELT (Photo) born April 30, 1900 Galesburg; graduated from Knox College 1922, B.A. From the 1923 Gale: YWCA 1,2,3,4; WSGA Board 3,4; English Club; Le Cercle Francais, Secretary 3; Knox Players Club 2,3,4; President 4. She married August 8, 1935 at Galesburg as his 2d wife John H. Bolton born October 1, 1898 Ten Mile, WVA and died July 14, 1967 Ames, IA; he was an editor and a publisher; apparently there was no offspring from this marriage; 1963 resided at 2048 Cessna Street, Ames IA ( REBECCA FRANCES FELT (Photo) born February 26, 1907 Galesburg; graduated from Knox College 1929, B.A.; married August 15, 1931 at Galesburg, Edwin N. Nash, Jr., born there December 15, 1905 and died March 24, 1982 Mt. Dora FL. Edwin was as an accountant and office manager of Beatrice Creamery Co.; 1937 they resided on North Cherry St., Galesburg; 1963 they resided at 203 E. Winter Ave., Danville IL; and born to them were: ( GEORGE EDWIN NASH born May 15, 1934 Galesburg; married June 3, 1967 Ann Bradshaw ( REBECCA L. NASH (1938-) married a Mr. Black ( HENRY FERRIS ARNOLD born June 30, 1868 Galesburg and died February 8, 1927; graduated from Galesburg High School 1885 and attended Knox College 1885-90, graduating with the Class of 1890, B.A.; attended the 75th Anniversary celebration of Knox College, 1912; the initial year of his business experience was spent in the general offices of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad at Galesburg and for five years thereafter he was connected with the Galesburg Electric Motor & Power Company as secretary-treasurer. He became involved in the insurance business in Galesburg in 1897. Henry married April 27, 1893 Anna P. Ward (Photo) [dau of Henry & Pauline (Roth) Ward] of Springfield, born October 2, 1869 Berry IN and died 1936. Anna was a Knox graduate with the class of 1891, B.S. Both Henry and Anna were members of the Central Congregational Church and were allied with many movements that contributed to the material, intellectual, social and moral welfare of the community. His political views accord with the principles of the Republican party and as city assessor for three years, he proved himself a capable official, individual interests being at all times made subservient to the general good. During WWI, Anna did Red Cross work in the Galesburg shop, 800 hours, principally in canteen; surgical dressings, knitting; and solicited in 3d and 4th Liberty Loans. Both buried at Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL. Born to them were: ( ESTHER PAULINE ARNOLD (known as Pauline or Polly) (Photo) born May 17, 1894 Galesburg and died 1980; graduate Knox Conservatory 1915; married October 2, 1927(1928/1931?) as his 2d wife, Percival White, an author, who died 1959. Esther served with the Y.M.C.A, with the Army, in France and Germany, 1918-20. She was a writer and publisher of non- fiction books, pamphlets and articles; a music teacher; founder of Arnold Research Service; Market Research Corporation of America, 1934-51; 1963 Esther resided at Shad Road, Pound Ridge NY ( HENRY FERRIS ARNOLD, JR., (Photo) born January 2, 1902 Galesburg and died December 16, 1963 Orange Co CA; attended Knox College 1919-24, graduating with the Class of 1923, B.S.; during the summers, he was involved with the U.S. boundary commission, which fixed the boundary line between Canada and USA in the Glacier Park region; served in the Army during WWII; married March 27, 1924 Margaret Ives born August 25, 1903; they divorced. He was involved in advertising and publicity; 1963 resided at Dana Point (Placentia) CA. Born to them was: ( MARJORIE ANN ARNOLD born May 17, 1925; married September 13, 1947 Tom Rosser born September 7, 1925; and born to them were: ( RANDOLPH ROSSER born July 12, 1947; married 1977 Evalani Komomua; and born to them were:

47 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( KAHEALANI ROSSER born April 19, 1978 ( TOMAS TOKI ROSSER born February 4, 1981 ( JACKSON K. ROSSER born June 22, 1982 ( REBECCA ROSSER born March 12, 1951 ( DORRILL ANN ROSSER born December 21, 1954; married January 8, 1977 Douglas Charles Eldon born September 22, 1954; and born to them were: ( ERIC ROSSER ELDON born April 28, 1981 ( JONATHAN CHARLES ELDON born April 29, 1983 ( MARYANN (ANNIE) ELDON born May 10, 1987 ( WILFRED ARNOLD (Photos) born June 24, 1871 Galesburg and died there September 30, 1943; graduate of Galesburg High School 1889; graduate of Knox College 1894, B.S.; M.S., 1897; Harvard Law School, 1895-96; admitted to the bar 1896; a member of the Illinois General Assembly 1903-05; member of the law firm, Arnold & Arnold, in Galesburg and practiced in the courts in Illinois; married October 18, 1899 at Monmouth IL, Nina May Lahann [dau of Riemer & Katherine (Fongart) Lahann] born there May 17, 1874 and died April 1953 Freeport IL. Wilfred was a member of the Central Congregational Church and Nina held membership in the Episcopal Church. He belonged to the B.P.O. of Elks and gave his political support to the Republican Party. Wilfred represented his district in the Illinois State Legislature, serving in the forty-third and forty-fourth general assemblies. During WWI, he was the Chairman of the Four Minute Men; Speaker’s Committee; Liberty Loan Campaigns; member Executive Committee War Service League; and Chairman of the Patriotic Meeting Committee Red Cross. Both buried at Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL. Born to them were: ( KATHERINE FERRIS ARNOLD (Photo) born October 29, 1900 Galesburg and died April 16, 1986 Sarasota FL; graduate Knox College, 1922, B.S. From the 1923 Gale: Student Council 3; Vice President 4; Gale Board 1922; LMI 4; YWCA 1,2,3; English Club; YWCA Council 2; PanHellenic 3,4. She married August 6, 1927 at Galesburg, Robert M. Seeley born March 3, 1895 at Freeport IL and died June 16, 1980 Sarasota FL. He was an insurance executive; 1963 they resided at 66 North Stewart, Freeport IL and they apparently moved to Sarasota FL after that; and born to them were: ( ROBERT ARNOLD SEELEY (Photo) born April 30, 1929 Freeport IL; graduated from Knox College 1951 B.A; married November 25, 1954 at Monrovia CA, Nancy Ferguson born July 26, 1928 Freeport IL. He was employed by Economy Fire and Casualty Company, Freeport; 1963 they resided at 1528 W. Logan, Freeport IL. The estate of Robert endowed the Robert A & Katherine M Seeley Distinguished Service Professorship in Theatre to Knox College, named in memory of his parents. Born to them were: ( LYNNE ANN SEELEY (adopted) born June 17, 1957 Ames IA; married September 1, 1985 at Hammond NY, Peter S. Lee born May 23, 1958; and born to them was: ( SPENCER ROBERT LEE born October 21, 1989 Portland ME ( RONALD FERGUSON SEELEY born February 3, 1962 Indianapolis IN; married May 31, 1986 Judy Hoser born March 5, 1963 ( DANA GALE SEELEY born January 8, 1963 Freeport IL; married April 15, 1989 at Portola Valley CA Thomas Marshall Hayse born May 27, 1963 ( CYNTHIA SEELEY born October 1, 1941; married December 24, 1962 Richard Hiteman born July 9, 1941; and born to them were: ( KATHLEEN LISA HITEMAN born June 23, 1963; married June 15, 1991 at Madison WI, Joseph H. Marty ( KRISTIN MICHELLE HITEMAN born June 10, 1968 ( WILFRED ARNOLD, JR., (Colonel) (Photo) born November 20, 1912 Galesburg;

48 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL graduate of Knox College 1934, B.A.; served in the Army - in 1963 was at Fort Knox as a Lieutenant Colonel and listed his home address as Mount Dora FL; married January 9, 1937 at Chicago IL, Kathryn Bennett born there November 12, 1913/4. Kathryn graduated from Knox College, 1936, B.A.; 1937 resided on North Broad St., Galesburg. Born to them was: ( KATHERINE B. ARNOLD born February 29, 1940 St. Louis MO; married 1st May 25, 1963 Eldon B. Oakley born October 22, 1932 and died May 6, 1969; married 2d August 3, 1991 at Maitland FL, Robert G. Frazer born September 4, 1930 and died in September 1984 ( BERTHA FRANCES ARNOLD (Photo) born September 16, 1873 Galesburg and died 1962; attended Knox College 1890-99, graduating with the Class of 1895, B.A.; M.A. from Wellesley, 1900; on the faculty of Galesburg High School 1899; married June 28, 1910 Frederick C. Woods of Galesburg. Bertha was the President of the Knox Alumni Association. During WWI, Frances was involved in Red Cross work in the Galesburg Shop; 800 hours in Home Service department; took course in home care of the sick. Fred was the manager of the Intra-State Telephone Co; 1937 they resided on North Cherry St., Galesburg ( LOUIS EARLE ARNOLD (Photo) born October 11, 1875 Galesburg and died September 25, 1952 Salt Lake City UT; graduate Knox College, B.S., 1897; D.D.S, Chicago College of Dental Surgery, 1900; a dentist in Salt Lake City UT and President and Manager of Waterworks Equipment Company, and President, Arnold Machinery Company, Salt Lake City; 1929 opened the doors of Stannard-Arnold Machinery, a company (Arnold Machinery) that is still in operation and much larger today (2005); married October 11, 1906 at Galesburg, Marie Helen Raymond born there April 8, 1878 and died September 12, 1969 Salt Lake City. Marie attended Knox College 1894-98. They resided at 1874 Michigan Ave., Salt Lake City UT. Louis went by automobile from Salt Lake City with a party of men to look at some land out some distance, and noticed an automobile ahead of them on the mountain side that stuck in the snow. Naturally without thought of any serious consequences the Arnold machine slowed up and it was the purpose of those aboard to make inquiry and if necessary to give assistance. As the Arnold machine came to a stop, several men about the other machine opened fire on them and did not cease their volleys until twelve shots had been fired; the chauffeur of the Arnold auto was killed but the rest of the party bent low and managed to keep out of the range of the bullets. The would-be robbers took off on foot leaving their auto behind. The Arnold party turned back and notified the authorities who later captured the robbers. Born to them were: ( RAYMOND LOUIS ARNOLD (Photos) born August 18, 1907 Salt Lake City and died there May 9, 1986; graduated from Knox College 1929, B.S.; 1930 and through 1963 he was involved with the Arnold Machinery Company - President 1945-68; became senior vice president of Waterworks Equipment Company 1950; married January 1(2?), 1933 Isabelle Loren Wilson born October 8, 1909 Galesburg. Isabelle attended Knox College 1926-30, 1931-32, graduating with the Class of 1932, B.S.; 1963 they resided at 1948 Claremont Way, Salt Lake City; and born to them were: ( SUSAN MARIE ARNOLD born January 20, 1935 Salt Lake City UT; married June 24, 1960 at Palo Alto CA George William Mitchell, Jr., born April 1, 1932 Sudbury, Ontario, Canada; and born to them were: ( MARK DAVID MITCHELL born June 28, 1962 Palo Alto CA; married July 3, 1993 in Colorado, Lisa Lynette Fransen born November 12, 1963 Grosse Pointe MI ( KATHERINE ANN MITCHELL born December 8, 1964 Palo Alto CA ( ROBERT CLARK ARNOLD born April 4, 1942 Salt Lake City UT; married 1st March 18, 1967 at Salt Lake City, Karen South and 2d April 7, 1984 at Salt Lake City, Kathleen Hughes Berger born September 12, 1936 ( JOHN RAYMOND ARNOLD born May 31, 1945 Salt Lake City ( FRANKLIN ARNOLD born November 30, 1911 Salt Lake City UT and died there November 17, 1953; attended Knox College, 1931-32; graduated from the U. of Utah, 1936. Vice

49 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL President Waterworks Equipment Company, Salt Lake City. He married November 30, 1936 Mary Louise Twelves born May 17, 1915 and died October 19, 1976 Salt Lake City. Born to them was: ( LOUIS FRANKLIN ARNOLD born May 4, 1947; married 1st Kathleen Cooper and born to them was: ( MARY ARNOLD born January 18, 1973 Louis Arnold married 2d August 28, 1981 at Salt Lake City, Helen Elizabeth Forsberg born May 2, 1951 ( ROBERT GEORGE ARNOLD born August 7, 1916 Salt Lake City UT; President Arnold Machinery 1968-84; married November 9, 1940 at Glendale CA, Margaret Ava Quigley born November 21, 1913 Ava MO. Born to them were: ( MARGARET ELLEN ARNOLD born June 21, 1942 Salt Lake City ( ROBERT LEWIS ARNOLD born October 13, 1944 Salt Lake City; married October 13, 1973 at Brighton UT, Susan Karrick Riser born October 11, 1951 Salt Lake City. Born to them were: ( BENJAMIN ROBERT ARNOLD born March 30, 1978 Denver CO ( CHRISTOPHER KARRICK ARNOLD born April 22, 1981 Denver CO ( WILLIAM ANDREWS ARNOLD born September 6, 1953 Salt Lake City UT ( RAY MORTIMER ARNOLD (Photos) born January 30, 1880 Galesburg and died there June 28, 1957; death was attributed to a severe asthma attack from which he had been a chronic sufferer. He distinguished himself at Knox College, 1895-1902, graduating with the Class of 1902, B.A., as a debater and an athlete, setting a college record for the mile-run which stood for many years; gave an oration, “Ideals of Government”, during the Invocation at the 1902 Commencement. Following graduation from Knox, he attended Harvard Law School where he completed the three year course in two years and subsequently passed the Illinois Bar examinations 1904. During a temporary emergency at Knox College, he taught economics and history from 1906-10; according to the 1908 Gale, he was the first Athletic Director of Knox College. He was a prominent lawyer and civic leader in Galesburg and also owned large tracts of land in the Galesburg area. In the early 1900s, he also became interested in Canada lands and acquired extensive holdings in Saskatchewan and spent much time developing his property there and his Galesburg farm, which was a part of the land, bought by his grandfather. He was a candidate for the state Senate in 1918. The last few years of his life, he chief interests centered about his farm, Knox College, and Hope Cemetery, serving as President of the cemetery association. He married June 5, 1915 at Blue Island, IL, Helen Massey Rudd (Photos) born April 2, 1889 Blue Island and died April 17, 1977 Galesburg. Helen was on the Knox Faculty, 1911- 14, 1918-19, 1935-42, (1938 was Assistant Professor of French) and 1946-47. The Ray M. Arnold prize fund at Knox College was endowed in his memory. During WWI, Ray was involved with the 2d and 4th Liberty Loans; Captain fifth Liberty Loan and Armenian-Syrian Relief Fund; War Camp Community Recreation and United War Work campaigns; National YMCA Fund; First Red Cross membership campaign; first and second Red Cross War Fund; War Savings Stamps; Boys Scouts; Smileage Books; Legal Advisory Board; Fatherless Children of France; Exemption Board; War Service League; and a Four-Minute Man. During WWI, Helen was Chairman of the Knox County committee Fatherless Children of France. Both buried at Hope Cemetery, Galesburg IL. Born to them were: ( DAVID RUDD ARNOLD (Photo) born June 26, 1916 Galesburg; graduated from Knox College, 1937, B.A., and trustee of that institution since 1969. The 1938 Gale lists his Knox activities as: Beta Theta Pi; French Club 1,2; General Honors 1,2; Gale Staff 1,2; Business Manager 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; K Council 2,3,4; Varsity Swimming 2,3; Varsity Track 2; Varsity Football 2, Freshman Football; Freshman Track; Theatre Group 2,4; College Marshall; Key Club; Friars; German Club 3; Board of Publications 4; Phi Beta Kappa; M.B.A., Harvard, 1939, Phi Beta Kappa; C.P.A.

50 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL (New York and Illinois); Price Waterhouse and Co.; Allis Chalmers Manufacturing Co.; A.T. Kearney and Co.; Gardner Board and Carton Co.; Vice President Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad; Continental Can Company and retired from that organization as the Vice President of Finance 1980; resides Darien CT; married May 2, 1942 at New York City, Jean Babbitt Gebhart born there May 4, 1916. Born to them were: ( STEVEN FERRIS ARNOLD (Photo) born March 8, 1944 Milwaukee WI; graduate Knox College, 1966; Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Pennsylvania State University at College Station PA; married December 21, 1966 at Chicago, Rana McMurray born there January 10, 1944. Born to them were: ( TIMOTHY GEBHART ARNOLD born October 16, 1970 Appleton WI; graduated Knox College 1994 - the 7th generation of the Arnold family to attend Knox College; married August 9, 1992 at Alton IL, Julie Howell (1970-) ( CHRISTOPHER MCDONOUGH ARNOLD born October 15, 1975 State College PA ( NANCY BABBITT ARNOLD born March 3, 1946 Chicago IL; married 1969 at Greenwich CT, Thomas French - divorced 1971; married 2d January 1996, Grady Wilson ( JUDITH MASSEY ARNOLD born October 20, 1948 Chicago IL; married 1971 at Princeton IL, Jerry Douglas Conner born there March 5, 1948; Mr. Conner is a private consultant with 29 years prior experience as an account manager for some of the world’s best-known brands in retail, service and packaged goods. He has numerous long-term relationships with senior marketing management, presidents, CEO’s and chairmen based on his career with two of the world’s leading advertising/marketing agencies. Most recently, Mr. Conner was Executive Vice President and Group Account Director at Foote, Cone & Belding, managing marketing responsibilities for nine clients ($150 million billings). Clients included Applebee’s International, Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Company and IBP, Inc. During his 25-year tenure at Leo Burnett Company, Mr. Conner’s responsibilities included serving as Executive Vice President and Worldwide Account Head of McDonald’s, responsible for the lead global agency for McDonald’s covering the U.S. and 19 other countries. Earlier he served as Vice President and Account Director for Nestle, and Account Executive and Account Supervisor of Swift & Co. and Starkist Corp. They currently reside in Winnetka IL. Born to them were: ( JENNIFER FERRIS CONNER born January 30, 1979 Chicago ( CAROLYN GEBHART CONNER born May 15, 1981 Chicago ( KATHRYN MASSEY CONNER born June 21, 1983 Chicago ( SCOTT GEBHART ARNOLD born March 5, 1952 Hamilton OH and died in 1980 Greenwich CT ( PHILIP VALENTINE ARNOLD born October 10, 1919 Galesburg and died there December 5, 1919 ( HUGH HUDSON ARNOLD (Photo) born November 17, 1924 Galesburg IL; attended Loomis Prep School in Connecticut; attended Amherst College for a year before serving with the US Army Air Corps for 3 years during WWII; attended Knox College 1945-47 and graduated from the U. of Colorado, 1948, B.A.; LL.B. Colorado U., 1951; from 1951-63, he was an attorney with the First National Bank in Greeley; served as Judge in Greeley, 1963-93; now retired in Greeley. He married at Galesburg September 7, 1947 Phyllis Short (Photo) [dau of William L] born July 29, 1925 Peoria IL. Phyllis graduated from Knox College with the Class of 1947, B.A. In 1963, they resided in Greeley CO. Born to them were: ( LAURIE ELIZABETH ARNOLD born August 14, 1951; married 1st November 28, 1974 Kellogg Speed Booth; is this the same Kellogg Speed Booth, PhD, 1975 UC-Berkley?; and 2d June 25, 1982 Steve Struthers born January 3, 1948; and born to Laurie and Steve were: ( CAMERON ARNOLD STRUTHERS born March 25, 1983 ( MACLEAN ROSS STRUTHERS born September 12, 1986 ( CLARK HUDSON ARNOLD born October 11, 1954 and died March 4, 1972 ( ALLISON ARNOLD born August 17, 1959 ( ELIZABETH HUDSON ARNOLD (photo) born January 15 (February 17?), 1882

51 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Galesburg and died August 11, 1968 Los Angeles CA; attended Knox College, 1899-1904, graduating with the Class of 1904, B.A. According to the 1905 Gale she was a member of the Senior Dramatic Club. She married December 28, 1909 at Galesburg, Dr. Charles LeRoy Lowman of Los Angeles CA, born December 25, 1879 Park Ridge IL and died April 17, 1977 Los Angeles; an orthopedic surgeon; 1963 resided at 7121 Senalda Road, Los Angeles CA; and born to them were: ( ARNOLD LOWMAN born November 23, 1912 Los Angeles CA; married 1940 at Los Angeles Dorothy Marie Shepard/Shepherd born March 30, 1909 Anoka MN and died May 13, 1985 Edina MN [dau of William Bledsoe & Clara A (Crandall) Shepherd]; and born to them was: ( BRENT LOWMAN born July 1, 1946 and died October 1976; married lady's name unk but born to them was: ( DAVID LOWMAN died before 1986 ( ELIZABETH HUDSON LOWMAN born January 15, 1917 Los Angeles CA; married there July 28, 1938 H.L. Waldthausen born January 5, 1915 Newark NJ and died March 21, 1982 Las Vegas NV. Born to them were: ( DARREL WALDTHAUSEN born June 15, 1942 Sacramento CA; married October 15, 1973 Nancy Richardson born 1944; and born to them were: ( ANA JALEH WALDTHAUSEN born April 9, 1976 Coban, Guatemala ( SONJA ELIZABETH WALDTHAUSEN born January 7, 1981 Coban, Guatemala ( CLIFFORD ALEXANDER WALDTHAUSEN born October 23, 1987 Coban, Guatemala ( RONALD WALDTHAUSEN born November 12, 1942/3 Oakland CA; married January 16, 1971 at Pueblo CO, Georgia Wasserman born May 23, 1945; and born to them were: ( CRIS WALDTHAUSEN born October 25, 1974 Pueblo CO ( MARC WALDTHAUSEN born February 2, 1976 Pueblo CO ( JANICE WALDTHAUSEN born February 8, 1951 Las Vegas NV; married 1st Dusty Mills; married 2d Ronald Gerrity; and born to her and Dusty was: ( TOM MILLS born December 11, 1970 Las Vegas NV ( HARRIETT BEATRICE ARNOLD (Photo) born August 27, 1884 Galesburg and died September 6, 1940 Burlingame CA; graduate Knox College 1906. During WWI, she was involved in Red Cross work in the Galesburg shop; supervisor of Surgical dressings; took course in surgical dressings; Council National Defense; Victory Girls; Girls’ Patriotic League; Food and Conversation. She married July 12, 1921 Alfred Stickney ( TIMOTHY HUDSON (HARVEY) FERRIS born August 27, 1845 Galesburg and died March 14, 1919 St. Mary's Hospital, Galesburg; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg. [Note: Timothy's obituary identifies his as Timothy Henry.] Mr. Ferris was a prominent farmer and stock raiser and feeder, and was well known and respected by many friends. He is listed in the 1888 Farmers & Land Owner’s Directory as owning 320 acres in Section 34 and 413 acres in Section 3-4-10 of Galesburg. He is listed in the 1917 Prairie Farmer’s Reliable Directory of Farmer’s and Breeders of Knox County; R3 Galesburg, Cedar Township, Section 2, owning 409 acres. Though not affiliated with any church, he gave his financial help to the Congregational Church, it being the home and church of his family and parents. Mr. Ferris was a moral, upright citizen, highly respected for his integrity attained by his faith in God and he was sustained by Christian hope. The sons of the founders of Galesburg are now few but the records of their lives are written in the development and character of our city. [Galesburg Evening Mail, March 15, 1919.] He attended Knox College, 1861-63 and married, May 13, 1868, at the home of Mrs. B. F. Arnold in Galesburg, Mary L. (S.?) Drew who born December 13, 1843, Howe MI and died March 14, 1916 at her home, 269 West Berrien Street, Galesburg. Mary came to Illinois when a young girl of fifteen years and lived with her uncle at Wataga

52 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL for several years before marrying Timothy. For twenty years, Mary was a member of the Christian Science Church. She found her greatest happiness in doing for loved ones in the home it is said and it was in her home that she found her greatest peace [Galesburg Evening Mail, March 14, 1916.]; 1892- 93 Galesburg City Directory, Timothy H. Ferris is listed as a farmer and residing at 237 W. Berrien. Born to them were: ( ARTHUR TIMOTHY FERRIS born September 4, 1869 Galesburg and died June 15, 1941 Los Angeles Co CA where he resided; attended Knox College 1887-93 and the University of Illinois 1894-95; farmer; married June 10, 1902 Ina McGlinsey [mother’s maiden name was Morrow] born November 15, 1882 Galesburg and died July 2, 1963 Los Angeles Co CA. Born to them were: ( LELAND ARTHUR FERRIS born January 7, 1909 Galesburg IL and died August 16, 1988 Lancaster CA; married September 18, 1938 in Orange Co CA, Maude Evangelyn Polk [a descendant of President Polk] born April 9, 1915 Orono ME and died February 22, 2000 Quartz Hill CA. Born to him and his wife were: ( MARJORIE JEAN FERRIS born February 24, 1940; married April 29, 1962 in Burbank CA, Clarence Albert Rottman and born to them were: ( BARBARA JEAN ROTTMAN born December 21, 1963; married 1992 Kirk Leavens ( CHERYL MARIE ROTTMAN born June 5, 1967; married 1994 Kyle Barry ( PATRICIA FERRIS (1944-) married Richard Lee Rottman (brother to Clarence); a USMC veteran (1960-64); in the well drilling business; reside in Quartz Hill CA; Patricia is the provided of the updated information in this twig - thanks, Patricia. Born to them were: ( RICHARD LEE ROTTMAN II (1964-) married 1st 1984 Kristi Mumaw - divorced; married 2d Sheri {maiden name unk}; Rick is an electronics engineer and resides in Maryland. Born to Richard and Krisit was: ( WHITNEY DAWN ROTTMAN (c1987-) ( TIMOTHY LELAND ROTTMAN (1967-) married 1992 Janel Marie Nimigean; Tim has his own medical courier business in Lancaster CA and Janel is a schoolteacher. Born to them was: ( HANNAH LEE ROTTMAN born June 1988 ( CHLOE LYNNE ROTTMAN born February 18, 2001 ( DONALD HARVEY FERRIS born March 16, 1915 and died February 22, 2000; buried Forest Lawn Cemetery with full military honors; WWII Veteran with service in Italy; never married and lived in Los Angeles CA ( EVERETT RAYMOND FERRIS born July 19, 1916 and died c1988; born to him and his wife were: ( LYNNE INA FERRIS in her 40's and lives in Glendale CA (2000) ( ROXANNE FERRIS in her 40's and lives in Glendale CA (2000) ( HARRIET LOUISE FERRIS ‘Hattie’ born November 25, 1871 on the family farm three and half miles south of Galesburg and died January 18, 1899 Chicago IL; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg; graduate Knox College 1893, B.L. When she was 4 years old, the family moved to Galesburg; she studied music at the conservatory and also had a skill of painter of china; member of Central Congregational Church. Harriet had been studying German and French at Lewis Institute in Chicago with the idea of securing a job as a teacher. While she was attending school her father went to Chicago and on January 5th went with his daughter to Union stockyards – she had a cold, which progressed to pneumonia and she died – her remains were returned to Galesburg via railroad and taken to the home on West Berrien. ( (HARRY) DREW FERRIS born January 21, 1876 and died 1949; attended Knox College 1894-95, 1896-97; listed in the 1917 Prairie Farmer’s Reliable Directory of Farmers and

53 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Breeders of Knox County; R4 Galesburg, Galesburg Township, Section 34, owning 320 acres; married January 18, 1906 Anne Rose Murphy [dau of Henry & Mary (Dunn) Murphy] born November 4, 1875 Galesburg and died 1937; both buried in Linwood Cemetery, Galesburg IL. Born to them was: ( HENRY STEWART FERRIS born July 6, 1908/10 Galesburg and died February 10, 1975; attended Knox College 1930-32 and also Brown's Business College in Galesburg; 1963 resided at 1193 Spruce St., Galesburg; married February 8, 1954 in Hot Springs AR Mary E Coleman [dau of Daniel E & Mary (Graff) Coleman] born October 2, 1922 Aurora IL and died March 25, 2002 Galesburg IL; buried there Memorial Park Cemetery; she worked at the Galesburg State Research Hospital for 17y retiring in 1983; and born to them was: ( DREW FERRIS (1954-) married Barbara {mnu}, of Galesburg IL 2002 ( JOANN FERRIS of Marion IL 2002 ( MARY S FERRIS of Galesburg IL 2002 ( KAREN RUTH FERRIS married a Mr Nichols, of California 2002 ( MARY FERRIS born June 11, 1880; may have been called Mamie ( HENRY BLANCHARD FERRIS born September 29, 1848 and died from jaundice following ague February 9, 1853; buried on the corner south of the house; buried at Hope Cemetery, Galesburg. ‘He was a beautiful black-eyed boy, the gem of the family’. ( CAROLINE ELIZABETH FERRIS 'Cala' born June 18, 1851 and died September 1854 by falling into a pail of hot water and being scalded; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg ( LILLY (LILLIE) CORNELIA FERRIS born April 13, 1856 and died June 22, 1942 Los Angeles Co CA; DAR ID # 36653; married April 20, 1882 in Knox County IL, George Washington Prince of Galesburg [son of Myron & Anna Barbara (Fast) Prince] born March 4, 1854 Tazewell Co IL and died September 26, 1939; buried Inglewood Cemetery, Inglewood CA. Lilly attended Knox College 1870-73, 1874-75; George attended Knox College 1872-78 graduating with the Class of 1878, receiving his B.A. He was a lawyer; admitted to the bar in 1880 and started his practice in Galesburg; Galesburg City Attorney, 1881-83; chairman of the Republican country central committee of Knox County, 1884; member of State house of representatives in 1888; reelected in 1890; unsuccessful candidate for attorney general of Illinois in 1892; elected as a republican to the Fifty-Fourth Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Philip Sidney Post; reelected to the Fifty-Fifth and the seven succeeding Congresses and served from December 2, 1895 to March 3, 1913; moved to Los Angeles in 1913 and continued the practice of law; retired from active business pursuits in 1917 and resided in Los Angeles; in Who's Who. Born to them were: ( FREDERIC ALMYRON PRINCE born July 25, 1883 Galesburg and died September 3, 1951 Los Angeles Co CA; attended Knox College 1898-1901, 1902-03 and attended West Point; Served in WWI as Lieutenant Colonel with the field artillery; in Regular Army from 1908 through 1930; retired as a Colonel; married November 2, 1908 Guyla Seaton (Gyla Fern Seaton) of Zielienople, PA born May 12, 1887 and died February 2, 1970 Los Angeles Co CA. In 1963, they resided in Los Angeles CA. Born to them were: ( FREDERICK SEATON PRINCE born December 11, 1910 CA and died November 1, 1991 Riverside Co CA ( FREDERICK S. PRINCE born 1911 [listed in the Knox Alumnus Directory, but not in C.F. Gettemy's book.] This may be a duplicate entry – probably Frederick Seaton Prince. ( ROBERT FERRIS PRINCE born July 1, 1916 ( GEORGE WASHINGTON PRINCE, JR., (Photos) “Dub” born October 9, 1887 Galesburg IL and died September 10, 1971 Los Angeles Co CA; graduated Knox College 1908, A.B.; LL.B. Harvard, 1911; George Washington U., 1905-06; Trustee of Knox College, 1958-64; lawyer, senior partner of Overton, Lyman & Plumb, Los Angeles CA. From the 1909 Gale: “Father wants me to read law, but I think I’ll teach oratory.” He married, May 13, 1913, Alice Kingsbury Lewis who

54 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL born November 29, 1884, Galesburg IL and died March 21, 1964 in Los Angeles County CA. She attended Knox College, 1899-1906; 1963 resided in L.A.; and born to them were: ( MARY PRINCE born December 7, 1914 ( CHARLES LEWIS PRINCE born November 13, 1917 ( HENRY FERRIS PRINCE (photo) born December 3, 1889 Galesburg IL and died October 23, 1970 Los Angeles Co CA; attended Knox College 1907-09, 1910-11 graduating with the Class of 1911, B.S.; LL.B. Harvard, 1914 – a lawyer and senior partner, Gibson, Dunn, and Crutcher, 634 S. Spring St., Los Angeles CA. Member of the 1909 Knox College football team: listed as 18 years of age, 6-foot and 137 pounds; played right end; also on Knox Basketball team as the center. In 1963, they resided at 753 S. Oxford Ave., Los Angeles. He married, May 1, 1915, Marie Smith born February 20, 1892 Galesburg; attended Knox College 1910-11 ( IRVING HUDSON PRINCE born December 17, 1892 Galesburg and died March 20, 1957 Los Angeles Co CA; served overseas during WWI as a Captain with the 347th F.A., or Battery E, 346th F.A.; entered the service May 14, 1917 at San Francisco CA; overseas, AEF France, from June 29, 1918 to January 15, 1919; discharged February 8, 1919; graduated Knox College 1914, B.S.; LL.B. Harvard, 1917; on the legal staff of the State Department and a lawyer with Overton, Lyman and Prince, Los Angeles CA; married August 25, 1917 is Los Angeles, Mary Potter (Photo) [dau of Joseph Emery & Anna Belle (Evans) Potter] born November 22, 1891 Toulon IL and died May 26, 1957 Los Angeles Co CA; she graduated from Knox College 1913, B.A; he was Sophomore Class President and she was Junior Class President at Knox, the same year. Born to them was: ( PHILIP HUDSON PRINCE born August 16, 1923 Los Angeles CA – is this the same guy that graduated from Los Angeles High School, Los Angeles CA 1941? ( JAMES CORBIN PRINCE (Jamie) born October 13, 1896 and died December 2, 1896; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg ( FRANK BERNARD FERRIS – From Dan Ferris: My Great Grandfather shows up as an adopted son living with Henry and his daughter on the 1870 or 1880 census. He is said to have been found on the doorstep. His name is Frank Bernard Ferris; this is in Galesburg. He later moved to Riverside CA like so many other Ferris' did. The reason I think that he was a Ferris, albeit an illegitimate child, is because I met a guy in Seattle named Dan Ferris who also claimed to be related to the inventor of the "wheel" and the guy was the spitting image of my brother. They could have been twins. Which is amazing when you think about it. So if the 30 something daughter living at home with Henry did not have the baby then I think some other Ferris in town must have. Too long ago to know what really happened. Anyway, it is not a DNA proof but it was good enough for me. This side of the family came close to dying out until me. My grandfather was the only son, my father an only child, and my brother died having never married. I have 4 sons, so it should not die out anytime soon. ( LAURA FERRIS born December 4, 1811 Norway NY and died February 25, 1831 before the move to Illinois; buried Gravesville Cemetery, Russia, Herkimer, NY; unmarried ( HARRIET NEWELL (NEVIL) FERRIS born June 23, 1816 Norway NY on her father's farm and died December 12, 1851, two months after the birth of her last child; buried with her husband at Hope Cemetery; married March 10, 1836 James Bunce (Photo) , a young physician born May 25, 1805 Newton, Lower Falls, MA and died December 3, 1862 Galesburg. James was the son of James Bunce, owner of a paper mill in Newton Lower Falls MA; a lineal descendant of William Hagar, one of the first freemen to take the oath in America. In early life, James was compelled to earn his own living in various capacities, as opportunities offered, his father having died, leaving a large family. Young James finally, however, found himself well enough advanced to matriculate at Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, from which he received his medical degree. With him and their infant son James migrated to Knox County with her father in June 1837. Dr. Bunce was the first physician in the pioneer settlement at Log City and the only one for several years in Galesburg, where he was held in the highest esteem both for his professional ability and for his high character and personal qualities. He was present at the death of Silvanus Ferris. Early in 1841, when Galesburg was organized as a town or village, Dr. Bunce was in the first election ever held in the town and made a member of the

55 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL village board and on April 22 of that year, he was appointed a member of the committee to prepare a set of by-laws, which the committee did and reported back to the board for adoption. In 1844, Dr. Bunce was elected as a member of the Board of Trust of Knox College and served in that capacity until his death in 1862. In 1849, the village board created a board of health, of which Dr. Bunce was a member, together with Dr. Babcock and Dr. White. An epidemic of cholera was sweeping through the land, and the appointment of this board meant that every precaution should be taken to prevent its spread into the town. In 1853, Dr. Bunce was re-elected a member of the village board and was made its president, as was he again, he 1854. As editor of the News-Letter, he acquired considerable reputation in journalism, while as a citizen he took an active part in the building of the CB&Q railroad line. He was for many years Attending Surgeon of that road, and a member of the Board of Directors. He was Medical Examiner for the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, and also served for some years as County Physician. Harriet was prominent in all the social and religious activities of the town and college. After Harriet's death, James remarried, in October 1854, Mary Ann Davis of LeRoy NY and born to them was a son. Born to Harriet and James were: ( JAMES FERRIS BUNCE born January 3, 1837 Norway NY and died May 12, 1849 Galesburg IL ( FRANCES MARIA BUNCE born March 31, 1839 Galesburg and died August 3, 1867; attended Knox College 1851-55 and was on the Faculty, 1859-59 ( CAROLINE ELIZABETH BUNCE born September 27, 1841 Galesburg and died February 1, 1876; attended Knox College 1853-56, 1863, 1870-71 ( SARAH OLMSTEAD BUNCE born May 17, 1844 Galesburg and died November 2, 1911; attended Knox College 1857-63 graduating with the Class of 1863; married November 13, 1867 Dr. Maximilian Gustaf Raefle born at Salem in the province of Baden, Germany. He came to this country, studied medicine at the Humboldt College, St. Louis MO. He was commissioned Surgeon in the US Navy, and served under Admirals Farragut and Porter. He was a member of the La Fayette Post, Grand Army of the Republic. They removed to New York City. Born to them were: ( MAXIMILIAN BUNCE RAEFLE born January 13, 1870 and died July 17, 1870 ( VERONA BEATRICE RAEFLE born October 18, 1878 ( GEORGE HARVEY BUNCE born January 14, 1847 and died February 26, 1848 ( HARRIET NEWELL BUNCE born October 26, 1851 Galesburg; attended Knox College, 1870-71 [In the 1837-1963 Knox Directory, a Charles Bunce is listed as a son of Dr. James and Harriet (Ferris) Bunce. The information from the Directory is listed here for further reference: He born at Westford, MA, October 13, 1835. {this info does not track with the above} He attended Knox College 1851-57 graduating with the Class of 1857 receiving his B.A.; M.A. 1860; M.D. Rush, 1861. He married, in 1871, Amanda Olsen who died in 1905. Born to them were: Caroline E., 1872; Charles O., (1874- 1876); William O., (1877-1899); Grace, 1883. Charles was a physician and a surgeon. He served on the staffs of Generals Willich and Post during the Civil War.]

GREAT-GREAT GRANDPARENTS ( GEORGE WASHINGTON GALE FERRIS, Sr. (Photos) born May 14, 1818 Norway, Herkimer, NY on his father's farm, the youngest son of Silvanus, and died April 20, 1895 Riverside CA; G.W.G was named for the Rev. G. W. Gale, the Presbyterian clergyman with whom Silvanus formed a lifelong friendship that led to the founding of Knox College. He spent his first ten years in Norway and his next six in Russia. G.W.G went out to the new country in the fall of 1836, and there he remained awaiting the final arrival of his parents and family members that came in the summer of 1837. He married, September 3, 1840 in Knox Co, Martha Edgerton Hyde born October 24, 1820/21 Plattsburg NY and died March 23, 1897 [dau of Jabez Perkins and Martha (Edgerton) Hyde]

56 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL [adopted dau of Henry Willcox]; she had come to Galesburg in the fall of 1836 with a party of Vermonters who had heard of Dr. Gale's plan for founding a college and were attracted to it by the opportunity of exchanging their lot among the Green Mountains to the broad fertile prairies of Illinois. After their marriage, they immediately began farming on the land given by his father, owning at one time, some 1,200 acres, so he added greatly to the original gift of 640 acres from his father, on which he ran a dairy with 115 cows. In the 1850 census, Martha is credited with $10,000 of real estate. In the 1860 census, he is listed as a farmer with $40,000 in real estate and $4,863 in personal property. But in 1864, he became a victim of the 'western fever', which seemed to run in the Ferris blood, and he set out by wagon for Carson City NV, [this move is discussed in Letter #3 to Frederick]{“In 1864 I went to Nevada and settled in Carson City, having sold my farm. I lost $10,000 to $12,000.00 by the change. The money that I realized from the sale of my property here (in Galesburg) was in greenbacks, but in Carson City gold was used and as that was at a market premium, I lost heavily in exchanging the greenbacks for gold”. Galesburg IL Newspaper, 1887} He made the trip with his wife and eight of his ten children, being nearly five months on the way. Here he lived until 1880, when he moved onto California, settling in Riverside, as one of the early settlers and founders. The trip to Nevada was made when G.W.G. Jr., was five years old and daughter Mary was three years old. Carson City was only six years old when G.W.G. and his family arrived. The city had been settled in 1858 as trading post and named in honor of Kit Carson, the American frontiersman. When Nevada was made a state in 1864, Carson City was named the capitol and it was G. W .G. Ferris who planted the trees around the state capitol grounds; they were still standing in 1946 and may still be there. [1996 visit - there are old trees on the capitol grounds – see photos.] During their first six years in Nevada, the Ferris family lived in a fertile valley a few miles south of Carson City. Their ranch was not far from where Billie Cradlebaugh had built a bridge across the Carson River, and near the present town of Minden. The family later moved to Carson City, where they built a home, in 1869, at 311 South Division Street. It was known as the Ardery House, named after Alexander M. Ardery, G.W.G.'s son-in-law. It was restored in 1978 and placed on the National Register of Historical Places in February 1979. It is now called the Ferris Mansion. [Jim - it was a very special experience to be able to go into this house and walk where G.W.G. had walked; 1996] [The home has been renamed the “Sears-Ferris House”, since it has been determined that the home was actually built by Gregory Sears; July 27, 2000.] “A prominent feature of the agriculture of 1871-72 was the attempt, or the beginning of planting and raising shade, ornamental and forest trees. The most prominent man in connection with this was G.W.G. Ferris, who imported a great number of eastern forest trees, such as hickory, black walnut, butter-nut, chestnut, hard and soft maple and many other varieties”. In Ormsby County were 125 walnut trees, 125 elms, 300 box-elders, 1,000 white maples, presumably the property of G.W.G. Ferris, who had manifested a commendable enterprise in the planting. In the 1875 Carson City directory, he is listed as 'farmer and horticulturist'. From the Las Vegas Review-Journal, September 20, 1999: When George Washington Gale Ferris secured the contract to plant trees around the state capitol in the 1870s, he mainly chose elms, trees that he knew. Seedlings from Illinois were sent by train to Carson City. Ferris did the landscaping for all of Carson City. The trees he planted give the Capitol its distinction.” G.W.G. made four trips across the country after settling in California, by railroad; subsequent to 1869, when the transcontinental railroad was completed. He visited his old home in Illinois twice, one in 1887, on which occasion he was in the disastrous wreck of a Niagara Falls excursion train at Chatsworth IL which occurred on August 10 of that year, when 85 persons were killed and 215 were injured; he escaped without serious injuries and assisted numerous of the victims through the car windows. His last trip east was in 1893, when, at the World's Fair in Chicago, he shared with paternal pride the great engineering triumph of his son and namesake, the inventor of the Ferris Wheel. On the occasion of this visit to Illinois, he attended, with his wife, at Galesburg on September 5, a great picnic reunion of the Ferris family at Lake George, east of the city, attended by some 60 members of the clan. (Jim - I am

57 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL not sure of the birth order of G.W.G.'s sons, so I am putting them in the following order until research proves otherwise.) In the 1889 Riverside City and County Directory, GWG is listed as a horticulturist at the corner of Magnolia and Madison, Riverside. His obituary from the Galesburg Republican Register, April 22, 1895 reads as follows: Ferris, G. W. - a telegram received yesterday afternoon told of the death of the father of Fred Ferris. G. W. was 77 years old and died at his home in Riverside California Saturday night. The deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Ferris and came to his country with his parents at an early age. He assisted the Rev. George Gale in founding Galesburg. He remained here until 1864 when he disposed of his farm he owned west of the city and in company with a number of others he started by wagon across the plains for Carson City, Nevada where he remained for sometime finally going to southern California. He was a Christian in every since of the word and since coming to Galesburg helped to establish the Brick Congregational Church. He married Martha Hyde in Galesburg, she survived him. Also surviving were children: Fred of Galesburg, Benjamin of Riverside, George W. G. of Wheel fame, in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Maggie Danburg of Carson City, Nevada, Mrs. Callie Barber of Riverside, Mrs. Mattie Shultz and Mrs. Mary Ardway of Carson City. Born to George and Martha were: (48 grandkids)


( FREDERICK HYDE FERRIS born May 13, 1843 Galesburg, Knox, IL and died September 17,1925 at the Galesburg Cottage Hospital; (residence at death as per death certificate was 145 E. Main St, Galesburg; death certificate lists him as Fred H. Ferris) (cause of death senility and arterio-sclerosis) buried at Hope Cemetery; attended Knox College 1859-61; married September 26,1865 in Knox Co IL, Elizabeth Adelaide Sherman [dau of Samuel & Azuhab (Green) Sherman] born 1843 NY and died in 1888(?85/95?) (April 9, 1881). Elizabeth, her parents, and siblings are all found in the 1850 census as being in Knox County, so her family must have moved to Knox County 1843-50. The old letters we have are this gentleman's (see other papers regards his Civil War service and pension papers.) In the 1892-93 Galesburg City Directory, F. H. Ferris is listed as a traveling salesman and residing at 517 N. Academy. He is listed in the 1880 census as a salesman. Obit: “Fred H. Ferris, 145 East Main Street, a native of Galesburg, died at Galesburg Cottage Hospital Thursday evening, September 17, 1925 after a long illness of three years. Born in Galesburg May 15, 1843 where he resided all his life. Enlisted for service in the civil war and served 1 ½ years 33d Illinois Infantry. Towards the end of the war he was a Lieutenant stationed with colored Regiment. Married September 26, 1865 Elizabeth Sherman. Mrs. Ferris died 1896. Of a family of 13 children, 8 survive him, George Ferris, Roseville, Calif; Mrs. Margaret Bakewell, Los Angeles, Calif; L. C. Ferris, Galesburg; E. R. Ferris, Fairview; Grant Ferris, J. C. Ferris of Chicago; Mrs. Mayme Schultz, Carson City, Nev.; Mrs. Margaret Dangberg, Berkley, Calif; Mrs. Callie Barber, Long Beach, Calif; Mr. Ferris of Riverside, Calif; 50 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren. Internment in family lot in Hope Cemetery.” (Civil War info is not totally correct.) In the book, Progressive Men of Montana, in an article about his son, George, it is said that Fred was “engaged in ranching and insurance”. Born to Fred and Elizabeth were (presumably all born in Knox County IL): ( GEORGE FREDERICK FERRIS born May 23, 1866 Illinois, presumably Galesburg, Knox, IL and died March 15, 1948 Placer Co CA; educated in elementary and grammar schools and may almost be said to have been raised on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, so completely has his life, since leaving school, been given to railroading, and for the most part in the service of that road; arrived in Montana in 1898, and won and sustained the reputation of being one of the brightest railroad men in the state; in every department of the business which came under his supervision, he was au fait – familiar with details, and ready at a glance to see and seize the strong

58 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL point of the situation; married June 18, 1889 in Galesburg, Carrie L. Allbaugh (Albaugh) (Albragh) [dau of William] (she is listed as 41y in 1910) who died 1932 (there is a Carrie L Ferris born August 5, 1875 and died Los Angeles Co CA, May 11, 1962 – not sure this is correct one.] (Caroline Nevada Albaugh born May 2, 1868); in the 1892-93 Galesburg City Directory, George F. Ferris is listed as a brakeman and residing at 413 Lombard; this family is listed in the 1910 Clark Co NV (Las Vegas) census, in which he is listed as a railroad conductor; Both George and Carrie possessed social qualities which made their pleasant home a popular center and greatly endeared them to their constantly expanding circle of friends; and born to them were: ( GRACE ELEANOR FERRIS (Grace Elnora) born (March 10, 1889) March 10, 1890 IL and died February 23, 1955 Placer Co CA; she was living with her parents in Las Vegas in 1910; married 1st, January 12, 1911 Frank Malone - divorced - born to them was: ( JOHN FERRIS MALONE (Jack?) born August 12, 1912 Grace married 2d Eugene Vaughn and born to them were (It appears, the order of marriages may be reversed here – if that is true, then Grace would have had 3 kids before she married for the 2d time, at age 20y (if the dates are correct), so obviously confusion abounds with this twig) (as pointed out by John Price, the same given names and last surnames is too much of a coincidence – believe this info on the following Frank, Martha, and Frederic is incorrect, but will leave until further clarification): ( FRANK ALLBAUGH VAUGHN married Alcesta Marion Goodrich ( MARTHA CATLIN VAUGHN married Ralph H. Gilliland ( FREDERIC HYDE VAUGHN married December 13, 1930 Gertrude Bailey (possible error in that another Gertrude Bailey was married in 1930 to his Uncle Frederick below) and born to them was: ( GEORGE FREDERIC VOUGH born February 15, 1932 ( FRANK ALLBAUGH FERRIS born (October 2, 1890) October 2, 1891 IL and died November 27, 1975 Los Angeles Co CA; living with his parents in Las Vegas 1910 as a caller on the railroad; married (Elsie) Alcosta Marion Goodrich ( MARTHA CATLIN FERRIS born May 3/4, 1898 IL; living with her parents in Las Vegas 1910; married 1st Ralph Gilliland and they had a son; married 2d Glen Warren ( FREDERICK HYDE FERRIS born February 20, 1910 NV; married 1930 Gertrude Bailey; the wills of Fred H & Gertrude F Ferris were filed in Las Vegas March 30, 1995, presume same folks; and born to them were: ( GEORGE FREDERICK FERRIS (Photo) Obituary: Funeral services for George Frederick Ferris, 73, who died Thursday, November 24, 2005, will be at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, December 4, at Palm Mortuary, 7400 W. Cheyenne Ave. Interment folloing at Palm Memorial Park, 6701 N. Jones Blvd. The Rev. Dr. Thomas Lobaugh, pastor of the Summerlin Presbyterian Church will conduct the services. George was a U.S. Navy veteran of the Korean War. He was born February 15, 1932, in Fallon, and retired chief of electrical services for the City of Las Vegas after 34 years. George was a 73 year resident of Las Vegas and was an elder in the First Presbyterian Church. He graduated from Las Vegas High School and attended the University of Southern California. From a pioneer Nevada family George’s great-great uncle George W. G. Ferris invented the Ferris wheel, his great-great grandfather built the Ferris mansion, now a historical site in Carson City, and in 1907, his grandfather, Claude Bailey was one of the first Union Pacific Engineers in Las Vegas. George is survived by his wife of 53 years, Pauline; son, Dr. Jeffrey Ferris of Lake Tahoe; daughter, Cynthia Diana Ferris-Bennett of Henderson; grandchildren, Connor Ferris, Kendal Ferris and Joey Byne; step grandchildren, Nathan Bennett, Carey Fizet and Kathryn Bennett, all of California; and three great-grandchildren. ( JEFFREY FERRIS, M.D ( CYNTHIA DIANA FERRIS

59 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( RICHARD FRANKLIN FERRIS ( MARGARET BLANCHE FERRIS born October 13,1867/8; married July 4, 1889 at Riverside CA, Thomas Bakewell [son of Thomas & Josephine Alden (Maitland)] born February 28, 1862 PA and died August 7, 1949 Riverside Co CA; she was living in Los Angeles CA when Fred, her father, died. Born to them were: ( ALDEN STEVENSON BAKEWELL born June 4 (26), 1890 and died November 21, 1890 ( HARDING FERRIS BAKEWELL (Photo) born August 4, 1891 CA and died February 16, 1968 San Diego Co CA; married April 25, 1926 Louise Harrison {there was a Louise Hanson Bakewell born April 6, 1901 Iowa and died March 17, 1979 Monterey Co CA – not sure this is the same person.}. Born to them were: ( KATHERINE BLAIR BAKEWELL born March 25, 1928 ( LOUISE ALDEN BAKEWELL born November 27, 1930

Bakewell v. Bakewell (1942) 21 C2d 224

[L. A. 18422 Cal Sup Ct Nov., 9, 1942] G. G. BAKEWELL, Respondent, v. HARDING F. BAKEWELL, Appellant.


C. E. Spencer, E. R. Young and E. L. Searle for Respondent. George R. Larwill, Frank S. Balthis, Jr., Michael F. Shannon and Thomas A. Wood for Appellant.


SHENK, J. This is a petition by the defendant for the writ of supersedeas to stay the effect of a judgment pending his appeal. The judgment is entitled "JUDGMENT (Interlocutory)." If it is, in truth, an interlocutory judgment, an appeal therefrom does not lie and the petitioner is not entitled to the writ. In May, 1942, after a partial hearing, the court made findings of fact and conclusions of law, and rendered a judgment {Page 21 Cal.2d 225} which, as stated, was called an interlocutory judgment. The conclusions of law and judgment include intermingled statements of fact and conclusions of law, but the following clearly appears: The plaintiff G. G. Bakewell and the defendant Harding F. Bakewell were partners engaged in the manufacture of airplane parts and machine tools under the name of "Bakewell Manufacturing Company." In July, 1941, the plaintiff commenced an action to dissolve the partnership and wind up the partnership affairs. On August 6, 1941, a receiver was appointed who has since been operating the business. The trial court determined the existence of the partnership and the plaintiff's right to a dissolution; that during the existence of the partnership the defendant had obtained title to six letters-patent covering a mechanical device known as the Bakewell Precision Tapping Machine, and that the defendant holds the same in trust for plaintiff and himself as copartners; that plaintiff is entitled to the repayment of $10,895.88, as an advancement beyond his agreed contribution, and that certain other charges and credits should be made in each partner's account. The judgment provided that a division be made of the cash, accounts receivable and securities in kind, and that the remainder of the assets and the good will of the business be sold; that the physical assets of the partnership plant were being used exclusively for the manufacture of machines necessary for the defense of the United States in the present world conflict; that the conduct of the business could not be stopped without

60 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL interfering with the war efforts of the United States, and that the partnership should be wound up as soon as it could be done without interrupting those activities. The judgment ordered the defendant to deliver to the receiver the original letters-patent and the official receipts for applications within fifteen days after entry of the judgment, and to execute and deliver to the receiver certain assignments in respect to the patents, which the receiver was directed to record. It also ordered other acts to be done and reports to be made by the receiver, and granted certain injunctive relief against wrongful assignment by the defendant or any interference with the receiver's conduct and management of the business. It decreed the plaintiff's right to money due him from the partnership, but left the amount thereof, and {Page 21 Cal.2d 226} the proper distribution of sums derived from the operation of the business and the sale of the assets for ascertainment by the court for incorporation in the final judgment. It was found, however, that in August, 1937, the plaintiff advanced $10,895.88 to and for the benefit of the partnership beyond his agreed contribution and that he is entitled to immediate repayment of that sum. The judgment ordered "that said receiver shall immediately pay said sum to plaintiff from the funds of the partnership in his possession." The judgment further provided "that final judgment herein shall provide for payment of the sums due plaintiff, and for the payment of all costs, expenses, charges and accounts of said receiver, and payment of all claims against the partnership and said receiver, and for distribution of the sums derived from the operation of said business and the sale of said assets in accordance with the findings and conclusions of law heretofore filed herein, and shall also provide that this court shall retain jurisdiction in this matter to enable it to determine the validity of all claims against the partnership and its assets, receive and settle all accounts of said receiver, fix and determine all fees and charges of said receiver and his attorneys, make all orders necessary in connection with the conduct of said receivership, make from time to time all orders necessary to complete the windup of the partnership between plaintiff and said defendant Harding F. Bakewell, on termination of the receivership to declare the partnership fully terminated and wound-up, and make all orders necessary to carry the judgment into effect." With conceivable justification the defendant became apprehensive that the judgment was not truly interlocutory as denominated, and filed his notice of appeal on May 20, 1942. On June 9, 1942, the receiver filed a report pursuant to the directions contained in the judgment, and sought instructions from the court upon the taking of the appeal and the refusal of the defendant to comply with the order for delivery of original letters- patent and assignments. The plaintiff moved for orders based on the receiver's report. Before the hearing on the motion the defendant commenced the present proceeding to stay the effect of the judgment pending the appeal. This court issued an order to show cause coupled with a limited temporary stay to the end that the conduct and management of the partnership by the receiver be not interrupted. An appeal lies only from a final judgment unless an appeal {Page 21 Cal.2d 227} from an interlocutory decree or judgment is expressly authorized by law. (Johnson v. Solomons, 124 Cal.App. 43 [12 P.2d 140]; People's Ditch Co. v. Foothill Irrigation District, 103 Cal.App. 321 [284 P. 514]; see § 963, Code Civ. Proc.) The defendant does not contend that his appeal is based on any provision of law save the provision of said section 963 which allows an appeal from a final judgment. [1] The general test for determining whether the judgment is final is "that where no issue is left for future consideration except the fact of compliance or noncompliance with the terms of the first decree, that decree is final, but where anything further in the nature of judicial action on the part of the court is essential to a final determination of the rights of the parties, the decree is interlocutory." (Lyon v. Goss, 19 Cal.2d 659 [123 P.2d 11].) [2] A consideration of the issues and of the terms of the judgment discloses that further judicial action on the part of the trial court must be had before all the rights of the parties can be finally determined. Further audit of the partnership books is required and the receiver is directed to report thereon in order that the court may ascertain the amounts due as between the partners. (Compare Gunder v. Gunder, 208 Cal. 559 [282 P. 794]; Middleton v. Finney, 214 Cal. 523 [6 P.2d 938, 78 A.L.R. 1104].) The court did not finally determine the relative rights of the partners in the partnership assets. Those rights have yet to be ascertained. The judgment did not assume to establish the proportional rights by the use of percentages. (Compare Zappettini v. Buckles, 167 Cal. 27 [138 P. 696].) Notwithstanding the declared effect of the judgment that the receiver "shall immediately pay" to the plaintiff the sum of $10,895.88 out of the assets of the estate, the subsequent provisions of the judgment make it reasonably clear that the payment is directed to be made upon the entry of the final judgment thereafter to be rendered.

61 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL On appeal from the final judgment the rulings and decision of the court on all the issues are reviewable. (Code Civ. Proc., § 956.) Only one final judgment may be entered in an action. (Middleton v. Finney, supra; Doudell v. Shoo, 159 Cal. 448 [114 P. 579].) The fact that the court in the judgment before us assumed improperly to establish certain rights of the parties and to make orders therein effective immediately is not alone sufficient to render it a final judgment. This fact may have served as justification for the {Page 21 Cal.2d 228} present application, but upon a declaration by this court that the judgment is in effect interlocutory it will not be assumed that the trial court will attempt to enforce those provisions of the judgment which are improperly declared to be immediately effective. Since the petition fails to present a case where no further questions can come before the trial court except such as are necessary to carry the judgment into effect, the petitioner is not at this time entitled to the writ of supersedeas. But since the judgment contains provisions which taken alone were improperly incorporated in an interlocutory judgment and are therefore subject to the objections noted, the denial of the application should be without prejudice. The cases of Perry v. West Coast Bond & Mortgage Co., 136 Cal.App. 557 [29 P.2d 279]; Sondergard v. Breaum, 83 Cal.App. 352 [256 P. 580], and People's Ditch Co. v. Foothill Irrigation District, supra, relied upon by the defendant, are not controlling. In those cases it appeared that the judgment determined all of the issues. The order to show cause is discharged and the petition is denied without prejudice. Gibson, C.J., Curtis, J., Edmonds, J., Carter, J., Traynor, J., and Spence, J. pro tem., concurred.

Jim – this is Harding Ferris Bakewell vs his brother?

( SHERMAN PAGE BAKEWELL born November 13, 1892 CA and died November 18, 1971 Los Angeles Co CA; served on a destroyer in the Irish Sea during WWI; married July 21, 1922 Maude Elsie Forte (Jones) ( GEORGE WASHINGTON GALE BAKEWELL born March 6, 1894; served in WWI; was a Lieutenant and reached the front lines two days before the Armistice; married September 9, 1919 Eleanor Carman and born to them was: ( ALLEN BAKEWELL born February 10, 1932 ( DALE MAITLAND BAKEWELL born August 10, 1895 CA and died February 22, 1984 San Diego Co CA; served in WWI as a Lieutenant, stationed at Mare Island, San Diego; then on the east coast and subsequently, back at San Diego; married September 14, 1929 Edna Stone born April 30, 1897 PA and died September 3, 1984 San Diego Co CA; last residence was Rancho Santa Fe, San Diego ( LORENTUS CONGER FERRIS ‘Uncle Bess’ born January 14, 1869 Galesburg, Knox, IL and died there April 4, 1958 at the Harvey Nursing Home; (residence at death was 1257 N. Broad St., Galesburg) (cause of death acute coronary occlusion and hypertensive arteriosclerotic heart disease) married July 1, 1891 in Warren County IL, Ida M. Morgan [dau of Peter & Catharine (Harris) Morgan] (1873-1948). Born buried in Linwood Cemetery, Galesburg. The first six years in L.C.s life were passed on the farm where he born, thence, he resided in Galesburg. He attended the public schools until he was old enough to make his own way in the world and engaged in lathing for two years. At the expiration of that time he gave up this trade and for three years thereafter drove a dray, continuing at home until he attained his maturity. In 1925, he was the proprietor of L. C. Ferris Furniture, Piano, and Baggage Transfer at 132 S. Prairie St., Galesburg. (see separate paper on L.C.) From The Galesburg Evening Mail, February 14, 1927: ‘The L.C. Ferris Transfer line was established in Galesburg more than 13 years ago and has done considerable to bring more families to Galesburg through its long distance hauling. The company has offices at 132 South Prairie street and is fully equipped for any kind of hauling, transportation, or moving jobs’. They resided at 198 Cedar Avenue in Galesburg. Ida and her daughters held membership in the Methodist Episcopal church and took a helpful interest in the work of its various organizations. According to Jim F VanGieson, L. C. was called “Best Boy” by his mother and this became “Bess”. Born to L.C. and Ida were:

62 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( ETHEL MORGAN FERRIS (Photos) born August 8, 1892 Galesburg, Knox, IL; attended Knox College 1916-18; married June 29, 1920 Earl Marcellus Van Gieson (1891-1969) who operated a furniture store; 1963 they resided at 1259 N. Broad St., Galesburg; both buried Memorial Park Cemetery, Galesburg IL. Born to them were: ( JAMES FERRIS VAN GIESON (Photos) (born Earl Marcellus Van Gieson Jr but name was changed) born June 23, 1921 Galesburg, Knox, IL [named after James C. Ferris (]; graduated from Knox College 1943, B.A. [from the 1944 Gale: Beta Theta Pi; Pre-Law Club 1,2,3; Vice-Pres. 2; K Council; R.O.T.C. 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3; Sec. 2; Theater Group, 1,2; Swimming 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3.]; a partner Ferris Moving and Storage Company and owner of Ferris Furniture, 465 Mulberry Street, Galesburg; 1963 they resided at 3056 Lincoln Park Drive, Galesburg; married 1950 Frances Cere Grothe born August 22, 1928 Washington, D.C – divorced. She graduated from Knox College 1950 with a degree in Music Education – resides Galesburg IL; from the 1951 The Gale: Delta Zeta; Honor Scholar, 2; Panhellenic Council, 2,3,4; secretary-treasurer, 4; Whiting Hall Council, 2,3,4,; treasurer, 3; president, 4; YWCA, 1,2; chaplain, 2; Sigma Alpha Iota, 2,3,4,; treasurer, 4; Choir, 1,2,3,4. James resides at Bainbridge Island WA and graciously provided information and photos – thanks Jim! Born to them were: ( JULIE ELIZABETH VAN GIESON born April 14, 1953 - resides St. Charles IL ( PETER GROTHE VAN GIESON born August 4, 1954; married July 6, 1986 Jeanne Shire - resides Springfield IL; and born to them were: ( SHELBY FERRIS VAN GIESON born March 22, 1987 ( KELSEY SHIRE VAN GIESON born October 21, 1989 ( JOHN FERRIS VAN GIESON born December 8, 1956 - resides Indianola WA ( KRISTOPHER JAMES VAN GIESON born June 25, 1960; married September 4, 1987 Kathryn McCarthy - resides Bainbridge Island WA; and born to them were: ( KIRA GREENLEAF MCGIESON (?) born July 26, 1990 ( ISAK J. FERRIS MCGIESON (?) born July 8, 1994 ( ELIZABETH ANN VAN GIESON born January 11, 1923 Galesburg, Knox, IL and died between 1975-80; attended Knox College 1942-43 and Iowa State College; married 1946 John Henry Scharnberg; 1963 they resided at 3049 Jasmine Street, Denver CO. Born to them was: ( MICHAEL VAN SCHARNBERG born January 14, 1948; married 1968 Enid Christensen - resides Seattle WA. Born to them were: ( EMMY VAN SCHARNBERG born March 18, 1969 ( CLAIRE VAN SCHARNBERG born February 10, 1973 ( JOHN HENRY VAN SCHARNBERG born June 21, 1976 ( ALEXANDER VAN SCHARNBERG born March 25, 1983 ( SOPHIA ELIZABETH VAN SCHARNBERG born December 15, 1991 ( BESSIE (BESS MARIE) FERRIS (Photo) born April 4, 1894; married May 12, 1914 Ralph Philip Lee ( OLMSTEAD (UMSTEAD) F. FERRIS born April 12, 1870; 1957 resided Rock Island IL. In the 1892-93 Galesburg City Directory, there is an Olmstead Ferris listed as a lather, Winn Brothers and residing at 141 W. Ferris; married December 14, 1892 in Knox Co IL, Cora Edith Taylor and born to them were: ( LESTER OTIS FERRIS born October 18, 1893; married April 15, 1913 Alice Cozad - divorced 1923. Born to them was: ( LESTER OTIS FERRIS, JR., born September 9, 1916 ( WILLARD OLMSTEAD FERRIS born August 9, 1897 and died September 2, 1933 ( MYNARD FRANKLIN FERRIS born May 11, 1901; married September 25, 1920

63 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Mabel Osborn and born to them were: ( MYNARD FRANKLIN FERRIS Jr, (Photo) born July 31, 1922 From the May 30, 2004 Skagit Valley Herald Regular Guys who did Amazing things By DICK CLEVER City Editor Bullets snapped into the sand around him. The small swale was all that was keeping him alive. The Germans were pouring it on from the cliffs above them. Welcome to Omaha Beach, Normandy, D- Day, June 6, 1944. Mynard Ferris, onetime lath and plaster man, was pressed against the swale, a small outcropping carved by wave action at high tide. It was just past sunrise and he could see some of his dead comrades crumpled in the sand nearby. His memories are like short film clips, somewhat disjointed. But he remembers this very well. There was a half-track personnel carrier stopped on the beach. The driver was draped over the side, the top of his head blown off. Looking at the dead man's dangling arm Ferris noticed that he still had a watch on his wrist. "I thought, 'here he is, dead, and time gets going on,'" said Ferris. And get going it did. Fast forward 60 years. Ferris and his wife, Lorraine, are in their Sedro-Woolley home, packing their bags. They are to attend this weekend's dedication ceremonies in Washington, D.C., of the long-awaited World War II memorial. Ferris groans at the idea of a five-hour plane ride, the hassles at the airport, having to take off his shoes at the security check points. "This is the last time I'm doing this," he said, sounding quite resolute. At 82, Ferris is a trim, handsome man still with most of his hair and a moustache snowy white. He is congenial, but must be coaxed to recall some of his wartime experiences. He doesn't consider himself any kind of hero, he says, not like those riflemen on the front line. Ferris sees himself simply as a regular guy. Dropped out of high school in the 10th grade and went to work as a lather with his dad. Got drafted in his hometown of Rock Island, Ill. Went to war. Did what was asked of him. Somehow survived without a scratch (except for the brush with the boils) and came home to work and grow a family. Nothing special. Except that Ferris and millions like him were exceptional because of their ordinariness. Regular people doing the extraordinary, like saving the world. "They were all heroes," said Lorraine, his wife of 58 years, correcting him with a smile. Mynard Ferris' war memorabilia details his journey through World War II. But Ferris sticks to his view with a stubborn modesty. He trained as a rifleman and carried one throughout the war, but never shot anybody with it. He was in an anti-tank unit that never went up against an enemy tank. Despite many close calls, he went through it all without getting shot or blown up. He was lucky that way. "I'm pretty fortunate to be here talking to you," he said. Not that he wasn't constantly in harm's way. Ferris hit the beach on D-Day at Normandy as part of the Big Red One, which is what they called the 1st Infantry Division. Big Red took the brunt of casualties that day, with thousands killed or wounded. It seemed that the naval guns and aerial bombardment had little effect on German defenses along that 3-mile stretch of beach the division was to attack. The Germans, with dozens of machine gun nests, thousands of riflemen and numerous mortars and other artillery, were raining death down on the beach. "I saw some sights there," Ferris said. "I saw guys all around me getting killed." There was a sergeant. Nice guy. He was the most outspoken Christian in camp. He was one of the first who "got it" coming out of the landing vessel. Then there was the half-track driver with the watch. And there was the full-bird colonel who plopped down beside Ferris on the beach behind the life-saving swale. He apparently didn't like the way Ferris was wielding his weapon. "'Hey, soldier,' he said, 'you got that rifle on safety?'" Ferris recalled. Ferris was 22 when Big Red One landed at Normandy. He had trained at Fort Benning, Ga, and in England during the several months' buildup for the invasion. But Normandy was his first combat experience and one of the toughest. He had been transferred to the 1st Infantry Division as a replacement. The division had seen some fierce combat against the Germans in North Africa and had many battle-hardened troops. One of those experienced soldiers saved Ferris' life. They had been moving through the Normandy hedgerows after finally taking control of the cliffs. Their squad leader signaled for a brief rest stop. "I was about to sit down on this

64 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL mound of grass and the guy next to me pushed me over," Ferris said. "'I said, 'what did you do that for?'" The other soldier peeled back the grass to reveal a box. "It was a shoe-box mine," said Ferris. "When you press on the lid it triggers a little round pin and detonates the box." Another veteran of the African theater showed Ferris the wisdom of digging a shallow trench in the ground when the squad was holed up somewhere. Ferris had one dug "about halfway" when a mortar round landed at the head of his trench, but luckily failed to detonate. It was incentive to dig much faster. His luck continued in that same vein through the war. In a town on the French-German border, some of the troops looked for empty houses where they might lay down and get some sleep. Some of Ferris' comrades found an empty basement in an apartment building and invited him to join them. But Ferris already had found another place across the street where he could get some shut-eye. Sometime in the night a bomb leveled the apartment building and Ferris' buddies were killed by the falling rubble. The troops later learned that the bomb had been dropped by an American plane. The pilot had been returning from a bombing run over Germany and had the one bomb left -- a 2,000-pounder. He dropped it on what he had thought was an enemy target. More dumb luck. Ferris' part in the war had lasted not quite a year. But he was there at the Battle of the Bulge, the largest land battle of the war. The Germans that winter launched a massive counteroffensive through the Ardennes Forest at the borders of Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium. The Allied lines were stretched thin at one point and the Germans tried to break through. But while the Allies' line "bulged," it didn't break and the German war machine never recovered. V-E Day came on May 12, 1945. Ferris came home from the war in Europe in October of 1945 and rarely looked back. Didn't join the American Legion or Veterans of Foreign Wars. Didn't look up old Army buddies. Like millions of his fellow veterans, he wanted to get started with rebuilding his life. He married Lorraine, the pretty girl whose picture he carried with him through two of his three years in the Army. He joined his dad in the lathing and plastering business in Southern California. Eventually, Ferris had his own company and at one time had as many as 40 employees. But by the mid-1960s, drywall became the cheaper and more preferred interior wall covering. Ferris quit the business and the couple moved to Bellevue, where he went into real estate. A couple more moves brought them to Sedro- Woolley and retirement. They grew a sizable family -- four children, 10 grandchildren and nine (going on 10) great-grandchildren. Some of their loved ones live nearby. Their daughter, who runs a tour business in Chicago, is the one who organized the tour for WWII vets that the Ferrises are joining this weekend. In the dining room of the Ferris home in Sedro-Woolley an old uniform jacket with its staff sergeant stripes hung on a hanger at the back of a chair. A framed display had been brought out of storage. There were pictures of Ferris taken during the war with some buddies. An old Army pay record, some dog tags, his sergeant's stripes and the shoulder patch of the Big Red One -- the 1st Infantry Division. Mynard shrugs at the title "Greatest Generation" that Tom Brokaw conferred on his age group. Not easily impressed, he continues to downplay his role in the war. But then Lorraine held up an old newspaper clipping from his hometown paper in Rock Island. "Local man awarded bronze star." That's the medal for valor. Ferris is searching his memory again. Oh, what was that all about? "Oh, yeah," he thinks he has it. He and another soldier were on patrol when they thought they spotted something down the hill by a tree. They went down to investigate and found two German soldiers, one of them not more than 15 years of age, lying face down trying not to be noticed. "HŠnde hoch!" Ferris remembers saying, using one of the few German phrases he had learned, meaning, "hands up!" The two Germans meekly and gratefully surrendered. But a capture is a capture. "I guess that's what I got the medal for," Ferris said, smiling. "You know the Department of Defense would hand those out and send news releases to your hometown papers." Ferris thinks that maybe his bronze star was among some of the mementos he gave to one of his grandchildren. That would be one of the many grandchildren and great-grandchildren who might not have been were it not for the luck of Mynard Ferris. Born to them were:

65 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( CHRISTINE FERRIS – youngest daughter ( ROBERT E. FERRIS born October 30, 1924 ( ELEANOR FERRIS born June 29, 1926 ( IRENE BLANCHE FERRIS born July 16, 1903; married 1st April 2, 1921 Edward Hay - divorced 1925. Born to Irene and Edward was: ( EUNICE HAY born September 18, 1922 Irene married, second, October 31, 1925, Einar Nystrand and born to them was: ( JOAN NYSTRAND born February 12, 1933 ( CORA ELIZABETH FERRIS born February 16, 1907; married October 8, 1933 Frank Kametz ( HELEN MAY FERRIS born May 22, 1908; married August 17, 1929 Walter H. Green and born to them were: ( WALTER GREEN born January 24, 1930 ( PATRICIA ANN GREEN born September 15, 1931 ( DOROTHY VIVIAN FERRIS born April 30, 1911 ( MYRTLE LOUISE FERRIS born August 17, 1914 ( JAMES CLEVELAND FERRIS (Photos) born December 5, 1872 and died August 5, 1927; married Anna Swanson {Anna Swenson born March 10, 1872 Rockford, Winnebago, IL}[dau of Sven & Greta (Hakansdotter) Olsson] and a story goes that she was killed in an auto accident on the return trip from Florida. In the 1892-93 Galesburg City Directory James Ferris is listed as a student residing at 434 N. Prairie From: KENOSHA EVENING NEWS KENOSHA, WISCONSIN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1927 FRONT PAGE HEADLINE, WITH PICTURE: JAMES C. FERRIS DIED IN CHICAGO Pneumonia is Fatal for Former Leader in Kenosha Industry James C. Ferris, Long a High Official of Simmons Company and Leader in Civic Life in Kenosha, Dies Friday Night in Chicago After Short Illness. James C. Ferris, 54, for many years a high official of the Simmons Company and a leader in the industrial and civic life of Kenosha and more recently president of the Homossassa Land Development Company of Florida, died Friday just before midnight at his apartment at 539 Wellington Avenue in Chicago, according to a message reaching Kenosha this morning. Death came as a result of an attack of pneumonia, with which Mr. Ferris was stricken less than ten days ago. Returning from a business trip to New York early last week, he had contracted a cold, which was not believed to be serious. Later pneumonia developed from which he was unable to rally. Friday morning word reached his friends in Kenosha that his condition was most critical. He gradually grew weaker, dying at 11:30 Friday night.

ENTIRE CITY MOURNS The news of his death cast a shadow over the entire city today and especially over Simmons Company where he was widely known among officials and employees of the company. In addition to his activities as a leader of industry in Kenosha, he had also been a leader in civic and fraternal life in this city and the word of his death brought sorrow to these other circles. James C. Ferris born in Galesburg, Illinois, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferris on December 5th, 1872. He had lived his boyhood in that city, attending the schools there and working as a youngster in stores and industries of Galesburg. When he was twenty years of age he went to Chicago, where for three years he was employed in a factory there. Rose from the Ranks

66 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL He came to Kenosha in 1895, being thrown out of employment in Chicago because of the industrial depression of that period. He first entered the employ of the Sterling Bicycle Works here, later entering Simmons company as a buffer in 1899. At the Simmons company he rose from the ranks to one of the highest positions of the company, advancing from buffer to night foreman, foreman, assistant superintendent, superintendent and then to vice-president and director of the company. By 1916 he had become superintendent of the Kenosha plant of the Simmons company and shortly after than became vice president in charge of production of all of the plants of the company. He directed the production of the Simmons company during the war period, when it established one of the best records in meeting war order demands of any industry in the entire nation. Later Took Charge of Sales On May 5, 1924, he was advanced to the position of vice-president and director in charge of sales, advertising and service of the Simmons company, which position he resigned two years ago in order to enter the Homossassa Land Development company, interested in large properties around Homossassa, Florida. He was president of that company. He had several other business interests with which he divided his time during the past few years. As one of the high executives of Simmons company, he had been prominent in the development of welfare work for employees of the company. He had been one of the leading patrons of baseball and other civic welfare activities of that company. He had perfected the Round Table organization of that company, developing it into a more active factor in the industry. In Kenosha he had been a leader in various civic and fraternal organizations. He was also widely known for his private philanthropies in aiding worthy movements and organizations. Long a Resident Here Mr. Ferris had long been a resident of Kenosha and despite the fact that for the past two years he had lived in the south, had never lost interest in Kenosha, which he still considered as his home. He had been a frequent visitor here, having been in Kenosha less than two weeks ago. He was a member of the Kenosha Lodge of Elks, the Kenosha Knights of Pythias, the Kenosha Country Club and various other organizations here. He had been a leader in these organizations and his death will come as a great loss to them. On January 2, 1897 he was united in marriage to Miss Anna Swanson of Kenosha and for many years they resided at 673 Durkee Avenue in this city. They were divorced early this year. Mr. Ferris is survived by his son, Lawrence Grant Ferris, of Kenosha, his former wife, Mrs. Anna Ferris, also of Kenosha and by several brothers and sisters, all residing near Galesburg, Ill. He was taken to the Bentley funeral home at 2701 North Clark Street, Chicago, from which he will be brought to Kenosha on Sunday. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at two o'clock at the Elk's home in Kenosha with the Kenosha Lodge of Elks in charge. The remains will then be taken to Galesburg, Illinois for burial in the family plot in the cemetery of that city. Born to them was: ( LAWRENCE GRANT FERRIS “Doc” {Lawrence Glen Ferris) (Photos) born March 1, 1899 Wisconsin and died March 23, 1975 Lakeland FL; buried Floral City FL, Hills of Rest Cemetery. In 1920, he was a clerk in the Simmons Bed Factory, Kenosha WI. Doc was the owner of the Ferris Groves, on U.S. 41, Flora City FL. In 1930 he began planting citrus in rich hammock soil on an island in Floral City. Over the years this soil produced all varieties of Florida’s finest citrus. In 1944, a packing and shipping plant was added and shortly thereafter, a retail store that started the gift fruit business that continues to this day. In 1955, Ferris Groves had stores at: Iverness FL; Miami Beach FL; Miami FL; Panama City FL; Kenosha WI; and Waukegan IL. The Publisher of the Citrus County Chronicle, David S. Arthurs, wrote March 27, 1975: “Every community has it 'Unforgettable Characters', but few have known men the likes of Doc Ferris. To some he was a name oft heard but the man unseen. Others thought he invented the Ferris Wheel, failing to remember that the popular sky

67 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ride has been around so long at best Doc would have had to have been a babe in arms when the first rider climbed aboard. Some remember him as a fellow who was an easy touch for a community project, if approached right. And some remembered him as a hefty glass of some of the best orange juice ever to slip between glass and lip. Folks in Floral City, where he made his home, will remember him best for his groves, the many handsome lakefront home sites he created, for the fire department he helped start with some notable contributions such as a fire truck, and for the endless tales, some tall, some real, told about this modern day folklore hero, who was, until this past weekend, in our midst. We'll probably remember him as a man who believed, perhaps more than anything else, that the very finest juice and eating oranges in the entire world are grown right here in Citrus County. Time and again he's told us that the only thing that made Indian River Fruit from the Vero Beach area more famous than our own home grown fruit was publicity. They even color up their oranges, he'd always add, to make them look as good as ours do naturally. One didn't have to be a fan of his to know there was an awful lot of good in Doc Ferris." {He married apparently twice: his first wife, name unk, was apparently associated with the Bok Tower family of Florida; second Harriet De Diemar who survived him – apparently fathered a daughter, which wife is the mother is unk.} {Another source says Doc married only once to Harriet – maiden name unk – and had no offspring. They apparently lived apart for many years} (April 2003 – Harriet Ferris (94y) is a resident of a nursing home in Inverness FL.) (2007 – deceased “a few years ago”) [Milton Plumb, amiable farm editor of the Tampa Tribune, wrote up L. G. “Doc” Ferris, who built his father’s dream about a golf course into a very profitable express citrus business. Ferris owned 380 acres of hammock land east and northeast of Floral City. Of this, 250 acres were in citrus: Parson Browns, Hamlin, and Valencia oranges; white, pink and Ruby Red grapefruit; Temple oranges and tangelos. Hammock land and sour orange stock –that’s the formula for whatever success I have made, Ferris told Plumb. He said 85 percent of all Florida’s citrus trees are grafted on lemon stock. An enthusiastic customer of Ferris Groves was big time radio entertainer Arthur Godfrey, who declared Doc’s oranges are the finest I ever tasted. Doc’s father was James Cleveland Ferris, president of the Simmons Bed Manufacturers in Kenosha, Wis. The elder Ferris sank around $100,000 in a boom time development at Homosassa after retiring from his Kenosha business, and later turned with undiminished optimism to the Lake Tsala Apopka chain and Floral City. The boom popped and father died in 1927, Ferris said, the corporation was dissolved and I wound up with the island (Duval Island in Floral City). There were only 20 acres in groves on the island when the elder Ferris died. Doc, who never thought the golf course project was a wise one, began increasing his plantings. He took over the island in 1928 but it wasn’t until 10 years later than Doc began spending full time at Floral City, and it was not until 1942 that he constructed his own packing plant. Ferris fruit won 27 or more blue ribbons in competition. He built his retail store alongside U.S. 41 immediately north of Floral City in 1959 and the busy outlet continues today. Doc Ferris was a real promoter of his fruit. Each year, he would send at his own expense a box of fruit to the President of the United States and the Governor of every state – except California, our main citrus rival. This always brought letter of thanks from the distinguished recipients. For instance, in March 1959, Doc received this letter from President Eisenhower: Dear Mr. Ferris: Thank you very much indeed for the box of Florida citrus that you so kindly sent to Mrs. Eisenhower and me. At the moment Mrs. Eisenhower is away from Washington, but all my grandchildren are staying with me – and all of them, needless to say, are joining in my enjoyment of the fruit. With gratitude and best wishes. Sincerely… From History of Citrus County FL.] [Obit: Mr. L. G. Doc Ferris, 76, of Duvall Island Road, Floral City, passed away Sunday, March 23. he born in Kenosha, Wisc and came to Floral City 39 years ago from Kenosha. Mr. Ferris was owner of Ferris Groves in Floral City, Inverness Golf and Country Club, Chicago Athletic Club and was of the Episcopal faith. Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Harriet DeDiemar Ferris, Floral City. Services for Mr. Ferris were Wednesday at the Inverness Chapel of Hooper Funeral Home with Fr. James Shortess, St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, officiating. Interment followed in Hills of Rest

68 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Cemetery, Floral City.] Kathy Shouse who lives in Floral City is responsible for gathering some of the above info and photos, and sending it to me. She encountered 2 of her friends one day and asked about Doc and the following is her report:

“I found two of my "older" friends downtown talking this afternoon and had noticed on the obituary I found at the library that one of them, David Arthurs, was the publisher of the newspaper at the time of Doc's death and had written an article on him. I stopped and asked the two to tell me about Doc Ferris. David quickly told me that he didn't like the guy but that Walt (the other gentleman) was a good friend of his. They preceded to tell me about all the times they had spent drinking at Sweat's Bar and that Doc often had a hard time making it home to Duval Island. He hit many a tree from what I gathered. There was also a girl that died at his house. I don't know who she was, I think they said it was a suicide. He was known to be very tight with his money unless it was something that he personally wanted, they said. He had "a few" girlfriends and they thought perhaps IF there was a daughter, that would be the answer. His wife had no children with him. I can tell that I took them back to some good times though and they enjoyed reminiscing. When Doc opened the stores in Floral City and Crystal River, he bought lots of liquor and they had quite a party. I think it was David that told me that Doc had quite the ego. These two were the right ones to ask...... they might be in their 80's but they've had some parties in their lifetime, I can tell you that.”

November 27, 2007 – email: Hi, Jim, my name is Sylvia Doty Slay. I lived on Duval Island for years and knew Doc very well. We attended his birthday parties. My husband, Bill Doty, is also buried at Hills of Rest along with my son Jeffrey Alan Hill. I just wanted to say hello. Sincerely, Sylvia Slay

November 27, 2007 Hi Jim, It was great to receive a response from you. I can tell you about Doc's birthday parties. There was always a lot of food and drinks. You never went away hungry or sober. He was a fun person who was well liked by everyone. My husband spent time with him, driving (in his new Cadillac) in the grove. Doc would stop at a tree, grab an orange and cut it open on his dash. I was a lot younger than Doc and my husband and he used to kid me about stopping in to visit with me when he would see me out by my mail box. I always told him I would close the door and hide. He would laugh and I knew he was only kidding. Doc had a lot of peacocks that ran around his property and we would often hear them yelling. There was also a precious black poodle named Chris that I inherited when he died. He had only one wife, Harriet who lived in Miami. They were separated for over forty years. I think she was a nurse in Miami. He had several young "ladies" who were his girl friends. Each one of them thought they were the one and only. I remember Harriet came to his last birthday party. She wasn't as nice as Doc. She spent a lot of time in another room. She attended his funeral but the one crying was his girlfriend at the time. Harriet quickly moved into his home and things began to change. A freeze came and froze the grove completely. Doc would have (fired it) that is put out smoke pots to keep it warm or turn sprinklers on. She didn't know what to do and I don't think she listened to Rodney the foreman. The 300 acre grove was sold to some outfit that put cows on it for awhile. Boy was that nasty. The company started growing strawberries and now they have a strawberry festival in Floral City every year. There is an old fire house with a fire truck that is very old. Doc went up North and drove it all the way back. It is still there by the Ferris Fruit Stand. I am going there in Dec. and can get a picture for you. I'm sorry but I don't have any pictures of Doc. Most of his friends have died as well as my husband. I don't live there anymore but my daughter and family still do. I live in the Panhandle of Fl. I love it here as it is so beautiful and hasn't quite caught up with the Peninsula. Oh yes, there was some prime property at the end of Duval Island that belonged to Doc. Elvis was a friend of his and talk was all over, even in the news paper that Elvis was coming to visit Doc and buy the property. It never happened and the story was that Elvis didn't want anyone to know he was coming. Doc never said it was true or false. I hope I helped you some. I do have a book on the history of Citrus County and I will go over it and find any news I can about Doc. Best regards, Sylvia

( HARRY HYDE FERRIS born November 21, 1876 and died July 22, 1925 (as per death certificate) (8th born) – single at death – resided at 267 North West, Galesburg IL – laborer; buried Hope Cemetery, Galesburg ( ALBERT LINCOLN FERRIS born June 25, 1877 (9th born) Galesburg IL and died March 25, 1945 at the Knox County Home & Hospital, Knoxville, IL where he had resided for 8 days; prior to entering the Home he had resided at 74 North Arthur Ave, Galesburg IL. His death certificate

69 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL listed his occupation as a Lather and Lathing contractor. His obit states he was a lather for 45 years and had retired in 1943. The informant on the death certificate was L. C. Ferris, his brother. He married, April 12, 1924, Martha Stephens Shaeffer (Schaffer) (both the death cert and obit show Martha’s name spelled Schaffer) born July 22, 1864 and died 1940; both buried Linwood Cemetery (Memorial Park Cemetery), Galesburg IL ( EDWARD RAY FERRIS (Uncle Ed) born April 5, 1879 (10th born) Galesburg, Knox, IL and died December 10, 1962 Canton Nursing Home, Canton, Fulton, IL where he had resided for only 4 days. He resided on Henderson Road in Knoxville 29 years prior to entering the nursing home. His death certificate lists his occupation as station owner in the gas and oil industry (a service station in Knoxville). The informant on the death certificate is Margaret L. McMahon (his dau listed below) He married March 24, 1899 Carrie Van Camp born April 21,1882 and died 1962, prior to Ed’s death; both buried at the Knoxville Cemetery, Knoxville IL (Cemetery Photo); and born to them were: ( PAULINE RAY FERRIS born October 7, 1899; married June 5, 1921 Guy S. McCord and born to them were: ( ROBERT LEE MCCORD born May 21, 1923 ( BARBARA JEAN MCCORD born February 9, 1925 ( GEORGE WASHINGTON GALE FERRIS born October 7, 1905 and died December 27, 1939; buried at Knoxville Cemetery, Knoxville IL ( MARGARET LUCILLE FERRIS born June 29, 1909; married June 29, 1927 John McMahon ( WANDA LUELLA FERRIS born July 13, 1912 ( ELIZABETH MAXINE FERRIS born May 19, 1921

GRANDPARENTS ( GRANT FERRIS born April 2, 1882 Galesburg IL (11th born) and died June 13, 1957 at his home in Knoxville IL; listed as a member of Junior Class, Galesburg High School 1899; married June 27, 1902/3 at Galesburg, MABEL DELILAH DAVIS [dau of Ezra Kinney & Emily Jane (Turner) Davis][see In-Law papers for Davis’] born May 14, 1885 Cornell (Amity), Livingston Co IL and died May 8, 1967 Maquon IL. Jim- I am not sure of all the places where Grant and Mabel lived, but Mildred born in Delong, then Marie born in Fulton Co, so I would assume they moved and farmed there for awhile. Loreta, Elsie, and Garnet were born in Warren Co, so they must have moved again and I am sure Grandpa farmed there. Grant is listed in a Prairie Farmer’s Reliable Directory of Farmers and Breeders, Warren and Henderson Counties, Illinois; undated but apparently 1918-19, because we know he was living in Orange Township, Knox Co in 1920 when their infant daughter died there. It lists Grant, Mabel, and the girls, Mildred, Marie, Loretta, Elsie and Garnet. Their address was RFD 6, Galesburg, but they lived on the Kelly farm, Section 35, 90 acres owned by Mrs. J. N. Townsend – this was in Warren County. This same directory says Grant owned a Ford automobile, but he is not listed as an owner of a tractor. They moved back to Delong (Orange Township) in 1919-20. Based on copies of farm leases I possess, I know Grant leased "the Doyle one hundred fifty four and a quarter acres, Section Twenty, Orange Township", Delong, Knox County IL from March 1, 1920 to March 1, 1925. He was listed as a farmer on his infant daughter’s death certificate January 29, 1920. He may have leased this land longer, but I do not have any records of it. [According to Grandpa’s obituary in The Galesburg Register Mail, June 13, 1957, he farmed northwest of Galesburg for 12 years and at Delong for 23 years. He later was employed by the Hutchcroft Implement Store in Galesburg and Goff Implement Store in Knoxville.] (Jim - My recollections of Grandpa and Grandma Ferris are vivid, just like it was yesterday. Grandpa had retired from farming and they lived in the house on South Broad St. in Knoxville IL. Dad and

70 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Mom would round up us kids and we would go to Knoxville for Sunday dinner (that is the noon meal for you city folks who think otherwise) and when Grandma Ferris fixed Sunday dinner, it was a feast. I have a bowl of Grandma Ferris's and I can visualize the amount of mashed potatoes or vegetables it held in its lifetime. I can see Grandpa Ferris sitting in his rocker in the living room; always smiling, though quiet. Just as though he were sitting here today, I can remember him saying he didn't care for "blacks and Catholics". I do not know where these prejudices came from because at the time I didn't think anything about it. I didn't know any blacks or Catholics then; I probably didn't even know what a Catholic was then. Prejudices included, I thought a lot of Grandpa Ferris; I wish he could have stayed around longer. I can remember Dad taking me to visit Grandpa on his deathbed, though I think we were protected from the events leading up to that. I can remember Grandpa's funeral and I think that it was probably the first funeral I attended that sticks out in my memory. Grandma Ferris was an angel on earth. I can remember her lengthy illness that took her life and her being cared for by Aunt Marie at Marie and Harry's house. Grandma was a trooper until the end. If there is a heaven, Grandma is there. Both Grant and Mabel are buried at the Haynes Cemetery, Delong IL. 2001 – I recently was given a rocking chair that sat on the front porch of the Grandfolk’s house in Knoxville. My cousin Connie (Way) Gray gave it to me – she has had it since apparently Grandma moved from the house after Grandpa’s death. The rocking chair has ‘Jim’ carved into one armrest. I do not remember doing this but it had to be done prior to 1957 when Grandpa died. Connie said she thought I should have it – thanks, Connie, I will cherish it! (see below for Grant and Mabel's "limb" - also photographs.) ( HENRIETTA FERRIS died in childhood (5th born) ( FRANK MURPHY FERRIS died in childhood (7th born) ( KATHERINE FIELD FERRIS died in childhood (12th born) ( BABY BOY/GIRL FERRIS died in infancy (13th born) Note: According to an obituary, there was a Fred H. Ferris, son of Frederick Hyde Ferris. Fred H.’s obit has him as a lather in Galesburg for several years and dying at St. Mary’s Hospital July 21, 1925; being born in Galesburg 1875. He is not listed any other sources. ( ALBERT ROLAND FERRIS (A.R.) born August 2, 1841 (1st born) Galesburg IL and died November 28, 1887; buried Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City NV (see photos); attended Knox College, 1857-61 [We have an old letter from A.R. (Letter #3) and his father, G.W.G, dated February 17, 1864 when they say they have sold most of the farm and were on their way to California ( BENJAMIN HYDE FERRIS born January 23, 1845 (3d born) Galesburg IL and died December 13, 1929 Riverside CA; attended Knox College 1861-62, 1863-64; married 1st in Knox Co, March 16, 1870/1, Martha Lucy Crandall born November 22, 1853 near Youngstown IL; received her education at the Galesburg High School, and died at age 81 years, at Riverside CA (?). They divorced and Benjamin married 2d May 28, 1901 Maria Margaret Blaney. [Martha married, second, November 22, 1900 in Warren County, S.P. Hollister. She was a member of the Walnut Grove Methodist Church until she moved to Bushnell, when she transferred her membership to the Methodist Episcopal Church of that city. She lived a Christian life daily. No one ever left her door hungry if she knew of it. She had not been in good health for a considerable period and death was due to a disease of the heart. *Newspaper] The 1880 census has a Benjamin H. Ferris as a farmer, living at Swan, Warren County IL; being born in 1847. Born to Benjamin and Martha were: ( HARRIET CLEMENTINA FERRIS 'Mentie' born March 20, 1872 (Carson City NV?) and died 1957 Warren Co IL; married February 27, 1890 John Overton Shawler [son of Jacob & Julia Ann (Ray) Shawler] born c1859 Warren Co IL and died there May 5, 1909; resided in Youngstown IL; both buried Lenox Union Cemetery, Warren Co IL (cemetery and tombstone photos); and born to them were: ( EDNA FAY SHAWLER born October 15, 1891 and died May 5, 1894; buried Lenox Union Cemetery, Warren Co IL (headstone photo)

71 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( LENA MAY SHAWLER born May 19, 1893 and died 1953; buried Lenox Union Cemetery, Warren Co IL; married 1st June 12, 1908 Albert H. Bond and born to them was: ( VIVIAN L. BOND born September 27, 1911; married June 26, 1931 Claude L. Hunt and born to them were: ( J. GARFIELD HUNT born June 17, 1933 ( ROBERT LEWIS HUNT born June 21, 1934 Lena May married, second, March 17, 1912, William A. Ogden and born to them was: ( WILLIAM GORDON OGDEN born September 15, 1914 ( LEW JACOB SHAWLER born July 27, 1895; resided at Riverside CA; married a Miss Romine and born to them were: ( WILLIAM JACOB SHAWLER born February 12, 1919 IL and died July 16, 1984 Riverside Co CA ( PHILEMON EUGENE SHAWLER born August 20, 1924 Lew married, second, July 6, 1928, Lela Pearl Spencer and born to them was: ( SHIRLEY CAROL SHAWLER born August 30, 1931 ( INFANT DAUGHTER born April 19, 1897 and died June 2, 1897; buried Lenox Union Cemetery, Warren Co IL (headstone photo) ( MARY EMMA FERRIS born August 4, 1876 and died September 27, 1897 ( EDWIN BENJAMIN FERRIS born March 20, 1880 and died February 4, 1917; married in Warren Co IL, December 1, 1901 Ida Virginia Strickland [after Edwin's death, Ida remarried, in 1921, Sylvester J. Aten] Born to Edwin and Ida were: ( GLENN EDWIN FERRIS (Eddie) (Pug) born March 5, 1903 and died 1950; heavy-weight boxing champion at Fort Sam Houston TX; married 5 times; married February 6, 1932 Joyce T. Hill; married Mary Frances Pirkey born March 18, 1920 Honey Grove TX and died October 23, 1983 Lubbock TX; and born to him and Mary were: ( MARTHA VIRGINIA FERRIS (Marty) born September 12, 1947 Lubbock TX; married Bill Gotschall – reside in Ohio and winter in Florida – Martha has provided this updated info – Thanks Marty! ( JAMES EDWARD FERRIS born August 28, 1950 Lubbock TX and died June 21, 2005; married and born to them were: ( MATTHEW FERRIS ( CHADWICK FERRIS ( MARTHA MAY FERRIS born February 6, 1905; married November 24, 1933 Harry Woodward ( GERTRUDE VIRGINIA FERRIS born September 29, 1908; married March 16, 1929 Guy T. Patrick and born to them was: ( GUY T. PATRICK, JR., born November 2, 1930 ( EDITH MAXINE FERRIS (Maxine Edith) born July 1, 1915; married (Andy) Andres Fuentes and born to them were: ( ANDRES FUENTES JR born January 19, 1943 El Paso TX; married Adelita Theme and born to them were: ( CLACIANN FUENTES born April 1, 1969 El Paso TX; married Tony Olivas – divorced; and born to them was: ( GABRIEL ADALE OLIVAS born April 17, 2003 ( GIL ANDRES FUENTES born November 14, 1971 El Paso TX ( MICHAEL CORINE FUENTES born September 24, 1977; married Chris Danchik ( TERRI ANN FUENTES born November 29, 1949 El Paso TX; retired speech

72 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL pathologist; married 1st Stan Robert Schoch – divorced; married 2d Gary Robert Ackers – has provided this updated info – thanks Terri! Born to Terri and Stan were: ( KEVIN MATTHEW SCHOCH born February 23, 1973 El Paso TX; married Meredith Morrison ( EMILY SCHOCH born May 20, 1976 El Paso TX; married David John Guillory; and born to them was: ( AIDEN JOHN GUILLORY born December 8, 2002 Austin TX ( CHARLES LEVI FERRIS born July 17, 1882; married June 15, 1920 Ada Mae Havens; resided in Indianapolis IN ( HARRIET CLEMENTINA FERRIS born March 24, 1847 Galesburg and died February 23, 1849 ( MARGARET GALE FERRIS “Maggie” (Photo) born October 9, 1848 (5th born), Galesburg IL and died March 9, 1946 Alameda Co CA; few months short of her 100th birthday; attended Knox College 1863-64; married March 15, 1866 (17y old) Henry Fred (Heinrich Fritz) Dangberg, Sr born September 16, 1830 Halle, Province of Westphalia, Germany and died in July, 1904 at home in the Carson Valley NV. When he was eighteen years of age, he came to America, landing at New Orleans and traveled up the Mississippi River to St. Louis, one of the focal points of settlement for thousands of newly arrived Germans. The covered wagon route brought him across the plains in 1855, but instead of going over the Sierras he stopped east of them, locating in Gold Canyon near Virginia City. This was before the discovery of the Comstock Lode when the scattered groups of men around Virginia City were either prospecting for gold or living scantily by trade or agriculture. Mining did not appeal to Fred; he was more attracted by the meadowlands in the Carson Valley, where the Mormon settlers had already made a beginning of agriculture. In 1856 he took up his first piece of land, a place known as Klauber Ranch. When in 1858, Fred began the cultivation of his lands he was guided by a plan and purpose that distinguished his enterprise from that of many of his neighbors. He knew something of what the Mormons had accomplished around Salt Lake City when they made the first successful experiment on a large scale in irrigating the desert. By tremendous exertion he brought water upon his fields. At times hay commanded a price of $300 a ton during the early period in winter months when the weather was bad and feed was scarce. His success as a hay grower was a remarkable achievement, and may be said to have sounded the keynote for Nevada's stable agriculture through all the subsequent years. Initiative and enterprise were in fact synonymous with the name Dangberg in Nevada. When a steamboat captain brought the roots of Chile clover to San Francisco in 1864 Mr. Dangberg was one of the first to secure a sample of the seed and sow it where he believed the mineral silt was especially favorable for its growth and culture. Thus on the Dangberg ranch was grown some of first alfalfa in the state. It was the example of his industry and his calculating foresight as an agricultural pioneer that made Fred a great figure in Nevada's citizenship. He was always interested in good government, but had no taste for politics or ambition for public honors. In 1872, he was chosen to represent Douglas County in the Assembly; in 1878 was elected Senator by a large majority. After the expiration of his one term in the Senate he was unwilling to be candidate again. His whole career in Nevada was devoted to the task of improving his property and acquiring new land. No one has disputed the claim that during his life he constructed more dams and dug more ditches and canals than any other individual in the state of Nevada. However he did not live to see completed the greatest undertaking of its kind ever attempted by a single landowner in Nevada. As a result of his endeavors, thousands of acres of desert land were made productive. When in July 1904, this noble pioneer passed away at his home ranch in Carson Valley, his property interests extended from the Twelve Mile House to Carson City. His accumulations were the more substantial because, always an affectionate and loving father, he had trained as business associates and fellow workers his sons, making them capable of carrying on the responsibilities of ownership and stewardship. Margaret resided in Berkeley CA

73 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL after Fred's death. Two years before Fred's death, the H. F. Dangberg Land and Livestock Company was incorporated and carried on the fruitful labors of the pioneer. Through the sons, the Dangberg interests continued to be a powerful factor in the prosperity of Northern Nevada. They established the City of Minden in 1905 and it became the county seat of Douglas County that same year. Minden might well have been called Dangberg, but for the modesty of the founders. From the initial homestead of 160 acres in 1858 the Dangberg property grew to 36,000 acres, constituting one of the finest cattle and stock ranches in the entire West. These holdings extended from Douglas County into Ormsby and Lyon Counties, Nevada and into Alpine County, CA. Its annual output included hay, grain, potatoes and all classes of livestock, registered Herefords and Hampshire sheep predominating, while the terminal markets every season received carloads of stock fattened and finished on the Dangberg ranches. Both buried at Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City NV, but he is listed as Harry F. Record-Courier January 19, 2005 The Dangberg Home Ranch becomes a LIVING HISTORY MUSEUM REGINA PURCELL An important part of Carson Valley’s history has been stopped in time. By 2006, the historic H.F. Dangberg Home Ranch on 33 acres west of Minden is slated to become a living history museum owned by Douglas County and operated by Nevada State Parks. Home to the Town of Minden’s founding family, the property has been center of contentious lawsuits for nearly 30 years. A 1978 decree between H.F. Dangberg’s three granddaughters and ranch buyers said the women could live out their lives at the ranch, with the home ranch then being offered as a living history museum after they died. The ranch has been sold several times. The last granddaughter, Katrina Glide, died in July 1995. Shortly after, Dangberg Holdings acquired the home ranch, and Dangberg attorneys said they weren’t bound by the 1978 decision, which prompted a lawsuit filed by Douglas County. It was finally settled in January with Steve Achard, son of Ruth Achard, one of the granddaughters. “You can’t tell now, but this was a fine place to grow up,” said Achard on a tour of the 19th-century ranch complex. The property includes a house, barn, bunkhouses, stone cellar and other historic buildings that served as headquarters for the family. Achard said his ancestors were originally from Germany. “They were extremely progressive and aggressive farmers,” Achard said. Achard likes to point out a sidewalk that winds around the main home and ends abruptly. It used to be the walk to the family’s two-seater outhouse. “My grandmothers used to have some of the best discussions out here,” he said with a sparkle in his eyes. Achard, as he looked over his old family homestead, reminiscing about the frozen river where they would cut ice for the summer, and about the old bell that used to beckon workers in for meals. The bell was stolen from the home, and the dams used to set the ice for that year’s use are falling down around the banks. A signed agreement between Douglas County and state is still forthcoming, according to Douglas County Manager Dan Holler. “We are getting stuff drafted and an agreement in terms of the language,” Holler said, adding that he expects the process to be completed this year. The county has until Dec. 31, 2006, to establish a museum on the Home Ranch through the quit-claim settlement or the real and personal property will be returned to the Dangberg estate. The county plans to create a museum on the grounds open for two days a week, nine months out of the year. Steve Weaver, chief of planning and development for state parks, said the state finalized the purchase of the final personal items owned by Achard. He said the items were recently purchased for $75,000. Once the agreement is finalized with Douglas County, the state will initiate requests for proposals from consultants to transform the property into a living museum. “They will also be taking a close look at the structural integrity and making recommendations as far as stabilization and restoration,” Weaver said. A master plan for the project will prioritize and estimate costs of restoration of individual buildings and decide where the money will be spent. A large amount of funding will come from $2 million in state bonds from the $65.5 million Question 1 Conservation and Resource Protection grant program through the Nevada Division of State Lands. Once that process is complete, Weaver said the agreement is for the living museum to be open to the public by 2006. “It doesn’t say a certain number of hours and initially I suspect it will be opened for guided tours or something like that one day a week or once a month,” he said. “Once restored, we will get facilities like a public restroom and parking facilities.” The first step will be a massive cleaning project. The main house has been neglected for many years, despite being fully furnished with period pieces. Its exterior is punished by the elements, including winds that crashed trees into its walls. The slaughterhouse and hide house are home to many critters as are the old bunkhouse and cook’s quarters. The old barn, put together by a German craftsman by wooden pegs, stands tall and is still imposing. The entry pillars are covered with crinkled vines and snowball and lilac trees, planted by Achard with his grandmother, are dying nearby. The property “has gone to hell in a handbasket,” Achard said, looking over the 30-acre estate where he holds fond memories. Born to Fred and Margaret were: ( HENRY FRED DANGBERG, Jr., born December 10, 1866 Carson City NV and died 1946; married June 1, 1898 in San Francisco, Gertrude Heironymous (1876-1968) [dau of Jesse &

74 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Caroline] who graduated from the University of Nevada, Normal School 1896, the second graduating class. Henry attended Military Academy in Placerville CA and the College of the Pacific. In 1902, he instigated the founding of the H. F. Dangberg Land and Livestock Company, a corporation, which included his parents and siblings. This company engaged in an extensive cattle and sheep operation with registered and commercial Hereford cattle. After his father’s death in 1904, Henry became manager of the company. The ranch was considered one of the largest diversified ranches in the West. With his brothers, he planned the town of Minden in 1906 and was instrumental in making Minden the county seat of Douglas County. Henry served as Douglas County State Senator from 1903-05 and was vice-chairman of the State Board of Livestock Commission for 30 years. Member and Director of the Nevada State Livestock Association; Director the Federal Land Bank; active member of the Wool Growers Association; member of the State Planning Board; and member and served as President of the Rotary Club. It is believed that Henry and his family did more to improve livestock and ranching conditions than any other group or organization in Nevada. The town of Minden will always be a monument to this outstanding family. Both buried at Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City NV, but he is listed as Harry F. Born to them were: ( DWIGHT DANGBERG born March 5, 1899 and died July 10, 1904; buried Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City NV ( MARGARET FERRIS DANGBERG (Photo) born January 13, 1901 in the main house on the Dangberg Ranch, where she resided most of her life. Both Margaret and her sister Ruth lived a charmed life as youngsters since they just played and went to school, because the ranch had Chinese cooks and Indian women that did the washing, ironing and cleaning, and a gardener. Both sisters took music lessons and attended a private school in Piedmont CA, Miss Ransom's. Both sisters attended the University of Nevada and the University of California, but didn't graduate. In 1940, Ruth went to work for the Nevada Department of Highways until 1967. She married a Mr. McDonald. There is a Michael D. McDonald (1935-1935) buried in the Dangberg plot – this may have been a son of Margaret’s. ( RUTH DANGBERG (Photo) born (September) August 13, 1906 in the main house, on the Dangberg Ranch and died October 13, 1987; buried Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City; married February 22, 1929 Stephen Achord (Achard) and they moved to San Francisco, where Stephen was a stockbroker. (Above newspaper article has the name spelled Achard and cemetery has Achard) When the depression came, Ruth and her son returned to the Carson Valley. Born to them was: ( CHARLES STEPHEN ACHARD (ACHORD), Jr., (Photos) born July 5, 1931 - - is this the same Steve who was Secretary, Fallbrook CA Village Rotary 2005-06? Yes, it is – have made contact – he is in the process of writing a book about his grandfather Dangberg and plenty of Ferris info will be included; 2007 resides San Diego CA ( FRITZ DANGBERG born November 30, 1907 and died 1946; buried Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City NV; referred to as Fritzi ( KATHERINE M. DANGBERG born October 12, 1911 and died c1995; married Mr. Glide, of Davis CA. (she is listed as Jean in the Olmsted book) ( ALBERT DANGBERG died March 20, 1870 (1y 11m 22d); buried Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City NV ( JOHN BISMARK DANGBERG born January 10, 1871 Carson City NV and died 1958; buried Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City NV; married May 27, 1895 Georgia Beeding of Mono County CA [dau of John Thomas & Melissa (Guy) Beeding] born December 14, 1874 Gualalupe, Santa Barbara, CA and died November 24, 1971 Carson City NV. John was the President, H. F. Dangberg Land Livestock Company, starting in 1904. He was Director, Farmers’ Bank of Carson Valley, Alpine Land Reservoir Company, East Fork Water Users Association, and Minden Milling Company; resided in Minden NV; the John Dangberg House, built 1911, is still standing in Minden; it

75 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL was occupied by his daughter Grace until her death; and born to John and Georgia were: ( GRACE MELISSA DANGBERG (Photo) born February 26, 1896 on the home ranch and died November 29, 1985 Santa Clara Co CA; buried Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City NV; educated at the University of California and Columbia University. Grace published some works on the Washo Tribe. [Jim - there is a Grace Dangberg Foundation, Inc., in Carson City NV which was established in 1982 by Grace. - See the Notes at the end of this chapter on the Oral History Department of the University of Nevada, Reno.] Grace, in her own quiet and determined way, made as much of an impact on the Carson Valley as did her German grandfather who pioneered the area in 1856; in her lifetime she has been many things – teacher, research specialist, rancher, author, and, always, a scholar; her love of her native Carson Valley, coupled with her acute, awareness of the vital role played by the valley in the history of Nevada, has lead her to collect and catalogue much of the area’s interesting history. She has done this by painstaking research of old documents, county records, legal papers, newspapers, and by personal interviews with the descendants of Valley pioneers and of the Washoe Indians. ( GALE H. DANGBERG born January 7, 1898 and drowned June 20, 1910 when he was 12 years of age; buried Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City NV ( DUANE FERRIS DANGBERG born May 5, 1899 and died November 6, 1899; buried Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City NV; listed as Dwain Ferris Dangberg ( DORIS DANGBERG born November 29, 1907 and died age 40; apparently married a Mr. Taber and she is buried in her father’s plot at the Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City NV ( EVA KATRINA DANGBERG born August 19, 1873 NV and died January 11, 1973 Santa Barbara Co CA; she rode the Ferris Wheel at the 1893 Worlds Fair 50 times – wonder if her Uncle GWG Jr made her pay for them?; married November 21, 1899 George H. Greenfield who died May 16, 1927; a Methodist minister and later a Presbyterian minister; they resided in Virginia City, Elko County (Little Church of the Crossroads) and Santa Barbara CA (First Congregational Church 1915-17).

Little Church of the Crossroads, Lamoille, Elko, NV – completed 1905 ( GEORGE FERRIS DANGBERG born July 20, 1875; married 1st in 1914 Alpine CA, Bernice Pamelia Merrill [dau of Willis Perry & Mary Pamelia (O’Neil) Merrill] born May 28, 1887 Woodfords CA (Douglas, Garnerville, NV) and died August 26, 1968 Carson City NV – divorced; See Who is Who for more info on Bernice; married 2d in October 1922, Grace Shaw Masters; resided in Minden NV. Born to George and Bernice was: ( GEORGE FERRIS DANGBERG, JR. born May 2, 1917 San Francisco CA and died October 22, 1988 Palm Desert CA; married December 26, 1940 in Carson City NV, Alice Indiano and born to them was: ( DENISE DANGBERG born October 5, 1941 ( CLARENCE OLIVER DANGBERG born March 30, 1879 and died 1938; buried Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City NV; married 1st March 1907 Evelyn Larson; resided in Minden NV; his house, constructed in 1910, is still standing in Minden; Clarence started the C.O.D. Garage in

76 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Minden 1912; building was used by a franchised auto dealership until 2005; and born to them were: ( LOIS DANGBERG born March 20, 1911 ( FERRIS DANGBERG born August 18, 1913 ( JANE DANGBERG born October 14, 1915 WHO ARE THESE DANGBERGs? Harvey Ferris Dangberg born August 18, 1913 and died October 6, 1989 in Los Angeles County CA; mother’s maiden name was Larsen. William Dangberg and his sister Phyllis Marie (Dangberg) Sorrick; William built a house in Minden, 1907, which still stands today – he created Minden Park. ( EMMA CALIFORNIA FERRIS born July 18, 1851(6th born) Galesburg and died December 5, 1929 Long Beach CA; married August 16 (18?), 1871 Oscar Thomas Barber born November 8, 1832 Marshall, Calhoun, MI and died November 26, 1906 Riverside CA. In 1850, Oscar went to Howard Co IA and engaged in the hardware business; 1859 he moved to Nevada where he engaged in mining near Alpha and Omega; was also in Bodie CA, which is on the Nevada-California line; 1861 he went to Gold Hill NV, a mining community, where he was in the hardware business; was Treasurer of Gold Hill for several years; 1871 he was elected to the Nevada Legislature; 1873 he settled in Carson City NV and was in the general merchandise business; 1881 he moved his family to Riverside CA, where he ranched 38 acres of land, made many improvements in the culture of the fruits and was a successful grower of oranges for over 20 years; associated with the Magnolia Fruit Company and was a director of the Riverside Water Company; active Republican. See photos of their Carson City home; and born to them were: ( OSCAR THOMAS BARBER, JR., born February 25, 1874/77 Carson City NV and died January 31, 1949 Fresno Co CA; married 1st June 3, 1904 Jakie Edwards Johnson who died in 1908; there was an Oscar T Barber as the President of the San Francisco Kiwanis Club 1932 – probably this guy; and born to them was: ( OSCAR THOMAS BARBER III born September 19, 1906 and died December 24, 1906 Oscar married, after the death of his first wife, January 8, 1909, Ava Elizabeth Earle born March 16, 1884 CA and died April 30, 1982 Alameda Co CA. Born to them were: ( ELIZABETH BARBER born August 8, 1911; married September 22, 1933 Malcolm Backus Hadden ( MARGARET BARBER born November 29, 1915 ( AVA JEAN BARBER born July 11, 1922 ( THOMAS EARLE BARBER, M.D., born October 18, 1923 CA and died June 20, 1997 Alameda Co CA; last residence in Berkeley – native of Berkeley and a graduate of UC Berkeley; founded Berkeley Orthopaedics; a Thomas E Barber, M.D., is listed as M.D. graduate of Class of 1947, U of Rochester, died June 1997 – don’t know if this is same guy but sounds feasible ( ESTHER MAY BARBER born July 9, 1876 Carson City NV and died May 22, 1887 ( HELEN B. BARBER “Nellie” born January 12, 1878 (1877) Carson City NV and died (July 6) July 7, 1963 Los Angeles CA; married June 2, 1897 Charles J. Service. They adopted a son, Arthur, born November 5, 1901 ( EDGAR HOMER BARBER born January 14, 1880 Carson City NV and died January 7, 1947 (February 3, 1947) Alameda Co CA; married 1st April 26, 1906 Amy Alice Sharp who died December 6, 1924 and born to them were: ( BARBARA JANE BARBER born November 15, 1909 ( CAROL MINTON BARBER born October 3, 1911 ( HARRIET FERRIS BARBER born November 21, 1915 ( BEATRICE IRENE BARBER born September 19, 1889 Riverside CA and died

77 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL October 20, 1973 Burbank CA; married January 20, 1911 Percy George Pennington born January 27, 1879 Sheffield, England and died May 15, 1957 Los Angeles. Born to them were: ( GEORGE FERRIS PENNINGTON born December 12, 1912 Riverside CA ( EDGAR ALLEN PENNINGTON born May 6, 1916 Long Beach CA and died June 6, 1989 Riverside Co CA ( DOUGLAS SHEFFIELD PENNINGTON born December 17, 1917 Oakland CA ( EDMOND RAY FERRIS born January 10, 1854 (7th born) Galesburg and died March 20, 1889 ( MARTHA ELIZABETH FERRIS (Mattie) born April 16, 1857 (8th born) Galesburg IL and died May 29, 1939 Carson City, Ormsby, NV; married April 16, 1873 in the Ardery House, Charles Matthew Schulz born September 12, 1837 Westerheim, Wurtenburg, Germany and died December 20, 1923 Gardnerville, Douglas, NV. Born to them were: ( GERTRUDE ELIZABETH SCHULZ born April 22, 1874 Nevada and died July 3, 1954 Sacramento CA; married 1st July 2, 1892 Harry E. Martin who died March 2, 1911 and born to them were: ( INA GERTRUDE MARTIN born July 8, 1893 and died March 8, 1920 after childbirth; married May 31, 1913 Kenneth V. Plummer and born to them were: ( KENNETH V. PLUMMER, JR., born June 6, 1914 ( EARL MARTIN PLUMMER born March 5, 1920 ( IRMA HARRIS (HARRIE) MARTIN born June 21, 1894 and died March 21, 1897 ( CHARLES EDWIN MARTIN born January 31, 1900 and died February 2, 1900 ( EARL HENRY MARTIN born April 23, 1901; married wife's name unk but born to them were: ( IRENE GERTRUDE MARTIN (twin) born August 18, 1928 ( CLAIR ELIZABETH MARTIN (twin) born August 18, 1928 ( CHARLOTTE M. SCHULZ born July 10, 1876 and died April 21, 1905; buried Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City NV ( JULIA G. SCHULZ born September 21, 1878 in the Ardery House, Carson City NV and died 1971; buried Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City; married July 16, 1902 in Carson City NV, Edward C. Peterson, an Edward C Peterson was Grand Master of Nevada 1917-18 – same guy?; and born to them was: ( EDME HILDA PETERSON born February 2, 1908; married November 29, 1928 Paul Webster Carrington – not sure same guy but a Paul W. Carrington, US Army Ret, Lieutenant Colonel, died in Nevada prior to January 2003 ( CHARLES SCHULZ born February 8, 1881 and died October 14, 1909 ( JESSIE SCHULZ born July 5, 1885; married May 18, 1907 Albert A. Chrisler and born to them were: ( HOPE CHRISLER born May 10, 1913 and died May 13, 1913 ( BETTY CHRISLER born October 15, 1915 ( WANDA CHRISLER born May 5, 1922 ( PETER JAY CHRISLER born July 4, 1925 ( GEORGE WASHINGTON GALE FERRIS Jr. (Photograph) born February 14/16, 1859 at Galesburg IL and died November 28, 1896 (9th born), inventor of the Ferris Wheel. (See separate paper on this G.W.G. Ferris) ( MARY AMANDA FERRIS 'Mame" born June 2, 1861 (10th born) Galesburg and died August 2, 1951 San Francisco Co CA; nicknamed “Eighteen-sixty-four Blue Eyes” because that was the year the family moved West; suffering from rheumatic fever, she made the trip across the plains on a pillow and was restored to health on the long trek; attended Knox College 1876-78 and

78 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL 1881 “from Carson City NV”; married September 29, 1880 Alexander Montgomery Ardery born August 16, 1850 NY. He crossed the plains in 1861 arrived in Placerville CA; he began as a telegraph messenger, rose through the ranks to become vice-president and manager of the Virginia and Truckee Railroad 1910; in her later years, Mary, recorded a child’s recollections of the life of the “emigrants” in Carson Valley; night after night while she waited in the dusk for father to finish the milking and join her for her daily lesson in astronomy, the little girl was awed by the great silence that engulfed all below the brilliant firmament. This frontier world was so silent, so vastly lonely. And born to them were: ( MARTHA ARDERY born July 28, 1881; married January 11, 1903 Fred A. Seymour and born to them were: ( SILVIA SEYMOUR born August 1, 1906 ( PATRICIA SEYMOUR born October 25, 1913 ( FREDERIC WILLIAM SEYMOUR born June 3, 1918 ( RUTH ARDERY born May 24, 1892; married August 5, 1915 Herbert Nelson Witt; not sure this is the same guy, but his papers are in the American Heritage Center, U of Wyoming (Guide to Mining and Petroleum History Resources) – Herbert Nelson Witt (1889-) was a consulting geologist and mining engineer. He worked with Goldfield Consolidated Mines Company, San Francisco CA from around 1933 to 1961 and was also a consultant for Getchell Mines, Inc. Witt did independent consulting work in partnership with E. A. Julian. Most of Witt’s work was in the western US, particularly Nevada mining properties. He was also involved in foreign mining prospects in Canada and Ethiopia; and born to them were: ( ARDERY WITT born July 28, 1918 ( CORINNE WITT born April 21, 1926 ======******************************************************************* ( GRANT AND MABEL FERRIS LIMB: ( HAZEL FERRIS (Photograph) born September 6, 1903 Delong, Knox, IL and died August 8, 1986 El Paso TX; married August 1, 1922 at Delong, Clyde Earl Peck born October 13, 1904 Knox Co IL and died 1941; Mildred married 2d Claude E. Keneaster on September 13, 1947 and they resided El Paso TX. Born to Mildred and Clyde was: ( CHARLES GRANT PECK (Photographs) born March 12, 1923 Delong IL; graduated Galesburg High School, Galesburg IL 1941; married March 10, 1943 at the Air Base Chapel, Syracuse NY, Doras Catherine Williams born May 30, 1924 Round Valley, Nebraska. They were married 10 days when was shipped to England - a WWII Army Air Force Vet having served with the 8th Air Force for 33 months; Dorcas worked at Douglas Aircraft in Chicago the entire time he was overseas; he worked for Metropolitan Life Insurance Company for 20 years and retired on a medical disability 1981; she was the bookkeeper for Hi-Lo Grocery in Abingdon; reside Abingdon IL in the same home they moved into in 1956; wintered in Alamo, Texas for numerous years. Charles served on the Abingdon School Board when their sons were in school; in the Rotary for 33y; members of gthe Abingdon Methodist Church for over 55y; An Email from Dorcas 8/3/04: 'Charles & Doras Peck, accompanied by their three sons, Ty and Janet, Tom and Becky, and Ron and Cougar have returned from a vacation spent on the Carnival Fascination Fun Ship. They spent their first night in Miami, Fl in a hotel. Had dinner at an outside cafe on a very busy street with loud bands, people, people, traffic, etc. It was a true picture of Miami night-life. They enjoyed the ocean, sandy beaches, palm trees etc. before boarding the Fascination ship. Time the next day was spent in Key West Fl where the kids rented bicycles & toured the island. We all shopped and had dinner there before cruising on to Cozumel, Mexico. The event was to celebrate Doras' 80th birthday and their 61st anniversary. The night of the Captains Cocktail Party, in formal dress, we were dancing when the announcer said "In

79 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL The Mood" had been requested for Doras & Charles Peck. The floor was cleared and we danced, solo, for the entire dance. We were then interviewed by the ships entertainer director before approximately 1500 people. The climax was our two sons, Ty and Ron, coming forward to escort us to our seats for the Las Vegas Broadway Show. In Cozumel the kids went snorklin, we shopped, ate on the beach and came back to the ship a tired bunch. Every evening at our table in the dining room there was something special for our celebration. Lighted cake, flowers, gifts, pictures and tinkling glasses for toasts. It was truly an outstanding event in our 61 years of marriage! An escorted tour of the Florida Everglades was enjoyed by all before boarding our flights for home.’ Born to them were: ( TYSON EARL PECK born December 16, 1946 Chicago IL; married August 25, 1968 at Galesburg, Jo Louise Grupe - divorced; married 2d October 18, 1975 at Galesburg, Janet Ilene Eaton; they moved to Lafayette, Colorado, now Denver; he has been a pharmacist for 30 years; was a manager of a pharmacy in downtown Denver, but gave that up and is now a floater going from Walgreens’ store to store that needs a replacement; 2006 rode his bike in the 100-mile Lance Armstrong run in Denver; and born to Tyson and Jo Louise were: ( JOANNA CHRISTINE PECK born October 11, 1970; married June 14, 1992 Drew Moisant; reside Chicago IL. Born to them were: ( MEGAN NICHOLE MOISANT born August 1, 1998 ( EMILY CHRISTINE MOISANT born July 11, 2000 ( CHRISTOPHER TYSON PECK born September 27, 1972; an actuary; married August 30, 2002 Leigh Butler Kahle who in 2006 is suffering from brain cancer Born to Tyson and his second wife, Janet Ilene were [Ty sent me a copy of Charles Gettemy Ferris' book; thanks Ty.]: ( MATTHEW TYSON PECK born July 30, 1977; resides in Denver and is an electrician ( JENNA ILENE PECK born January 2, 1980; graduate of U. of Colorado 2002 ( THOMAS CHARLES PECK born February 21, 1951 Chicago IL; married April 7, 1971 Cathryn Louise Brokaw - divorced; married 2d June 8, 1990 at Monmouth IL, Rebecca 'Becky' Ann Dahms; her second marriage. Tom started working for UPS in 1977; was honored in 1997 for completing 15 years of driving without an accident; worked out of the UPS facility in Galesburg, where he served on the Galesburg Center Safety Committee and the Service Involvement Committee; retired 2002 with 25 years service; served on the Abingdon School Board and was a member of the Galesburg Road Runners Club; resided Abingdon IL; and born to Tom and Cathryn were: ( TROY PAUL PECK born May 19, 1975; graduated from Eastern Illinois University, December 1997 with a B. S., in Education and Athletic Training; married May 17, 2003 Heather Lynn Bliss ( DREW THOMAS PECK born April 25, 1977; a student at Eastern Illinois University where he is majoring in education; during the summer of 1996 he worked as a counselor where he coached basketball at The Jordan Camp at Elmhurst College ( RONALD LEE PECK born December 19, 1956 Galesburg IL; married August 1977 Sherri Lynn Hull - divorced; married 2d September 7, 1985 at Galesburg IL, Melody C. Williams - divorced; resides Galesburg IL; Ron has been a Pepsi salesman and driver for 20 years for G&M Distributor in Galesburg and was named Driver of the Year – 1998; professional photographer; and born to Ronald and Sherri was: ( ANDREW CHARLES PECK born July 28, 1981; graduated from Northern Illinois U., 2003, with major in Human Resources; employed at the U. in orientation for 3 years and was also the Drum Major for the marching band for 3 years; will be studying in Australia to further his education and will be employed by Seimen Company

80 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Born to Ronald and Melody was: ( COUGAR LEE PECK born April 3, 1987 (Photo); graduated Galesburg High School 2005; golfing scholarship to Carl Sandburg College, Galesburg ( MARIE GLADYS FERRIS (Photographs) born September 8, 1905, Middlegrove, Farmington Township, Fulton Co IL and died January 30, 1993 Toulon, Stark, IL; married October 8, 1925 at Burlington IA, Harry Louis Way [son of Ervin and Mary E ‘Nellie’ (Eckman) Way] born March 26, 1906 Delong IL and died February 5, 2002 {a few weeks short of his 96th birthday} at the Toulon Health Care Center, Toulon IL; both buried Haynes Cemetery, DeLong IL (headstone photo); Harry attended the Delong schools and farmed in the Hermon and London Mills area for 45 years before retiring January 1, 1971; after retiring he worked part time at the Hermon grain elevator and moved to Toulon, IL 1989. He was a former member of Modern Woodmen of America. {Jim – Uncle Harry was an one-of-a-kind guy – great individual whom I had a lot of respect for – always had a smile on his face – great sense of humor – was glad to see him at the Bhear-Trout wedding in November before he died – another of the “old great ones” passes on!} Born to Marie and Harry were: ( WILLODEAN MABEL WAY (Photographs) born August 2, 1928 DeLong IL; married Bernard Lynn Bhear October 30, 1947 Knoxville IL. Bernard worked for Midland Electric Company and Peabody Coal Co, until he retired 1984; reside Toulon IL; and born to Willodean and Bernard were: ( RICHARD LEE BHEAR (Photos) born September 4, 1948 Galesburg, IL; served in the U.S. Army 1967-70, serving in Vietnam 1968-70; attended the Midwest Horseshoeing School 1972; Carl Sandburg Community College receiving an A.A. in Mechanical Drawing 1973 and an A.A. in Industrial Management Supervision 1981; employed by the Illinois Department of Transportation; married Karen Sue Cremer February 14, 1971 at London Mills, IL. Karen is a graduate of Illinois State U., 1970 and teaches 3d grade at the Spoon River Valley School; reside near London Mills IL; and born to Richard And Karen were: ( AMANDA COLLEEN BHEAR born November 1, 1973 Canton IL; resides with her parents ( DIANNA CATHLEEN BHEAR (Photos) born May 22, 1975 Canton, IL; graduated from Eastern Illinois University 1997; married November 3, 2001 at Galesburg IL, as his 2d wife, Clarence Calvin Trout. Dianna is employed by the State of Illinois EPA and Clarence by LOWEs; reside Canton IL ( SANDRA RAE BHEAR (Photo) born December 22, 1951 Galesburg, IL; married Dale Lynn Derry on October 10, 1970 at Galesburg, IL - divorced 1976 - they remarried March 3, 1979 California - divorced 1988; married August 26, 1989 Tapu Matauania; reside Lancaster CA; and born to Sandra and Dale was: ( ANTHONY EUGENE DERRY (Photo) born June 17, 1971 Galesburg, IL; joined the Army 1991; stationed at Scofield Barracks and was sent to Thailand and Laos on missions; mechanic on construction equipment in the 84th Engineer Bn; discharged 1993; US Army Reserves 1997-2000; parachute rigger in 824th Quartermaster Co; married 1st July 18, 1995 in Lancaster CA, Candace Helen Baxter – divorced 1997; married 2d March 21, 2001 Charlotte Ellen Luciano born January 2, 1978 in Fayetteville NC; reside in Fayetteville, where Tony works at the Wal-Mart Distribution Center. Tony has provided this updated info – thanks, Tony! Born to Tony and Charlotte were: ( TY ZACHARY DERRY (Photos) born November 22, 1999 Fayetteville NC ( SHELBY LYNN DERRY (Photo) born April 9, 2002 Fayetteville NC ( KAREN MARIE BHEAR born June 14, 1954 Canton, IL; married Leo Donald Seckman on June 23, 1978 at Las Vegas NV; resided Toulon IL – divorced 2003 ( MARILYN JEAN BHEAR born February 18, 1962 Canton, IL; married Jeffrey

81 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Wayne Beamer April 7, 1984 at Kewanee, IL; reside Toulon IL. Born to Marilyn and Jeffrey was: ( ADAM NATHAN BEAMER born March 5, 1989 Galesburg, IL ( NOAH JEFFREY BEAMER born December 6, 2001 ( DENISE ANN BHEAR born March 31, 1963 Canton, IL; married Louis Todd October 18, 1986 Kewanee IL; reside Temecula CA. Born to Denise and Louis were: ( BRANDON LANE TODD born July 30, 1992 Pomona CA ( DYLAN WAY TODD born May 27, 1996 Escondido CA ( CONNIE MARIE WAY born June 14, 1938 Chestnut Township, Knox Co, IL; married October 5, 1957 at Canton IL Harry Lee Gray born December 2, 1938; reside in Galesburg and the family operates a restaurant. Harry was a braider operator at Gates Rubber, Galesburg, where he was employed for 28 years - retired. Both Connie and Harry are high school graduates. Born to Connie and Harry were: ( KEITH EDWARD GRAY born November 14, 1958 Galesburg, IL; married November 11, 1978 at Abingdon IL, Valerie June Perry born April 29, 1962- divorced 1984; married 2d July 26, 1988 at Las Vegas NV, Phyllis Marie (PJ) Johnson born October 22, 1961. Both Keith and PJ are high school graduates. Keith is a machinist in the machine shop of Heat & Control, Galesburg. PJ is the head waitress at the Sirloin Stockade in Galesburg; reside in Galesburg; and born to Keith and Valerie were: ( JUSTIN DANIEL GRAY born June 15, 1979 Galesburg, IL; graduated from Galesburg High School 1997 and is an assistant manager at Arby’s in Galesburg; married July 14, 2001 in East Galesburg IL Angelia Gayle Harrison Daly [dau of Donald Ray Harrison & Mary Frances (Williams) (Harrison) Daly] born March 13, 1980 Galesburg IL. She received her GED from Galesburg High School 1998 and has attended one year at Carl Sandburg Junior College in Galesburg. Born to them was: ( XANDER DEKIN GRAY born December 27, 2001 Galesburg IL ( KIERAN BLAIR GRAY born March 5, 1982 Galesburg IL ( KEVIN EUGENE GRAY born July 21, 1960 Galesburg, IL; a high school graduate and is a machinist in the machine shop of Heat & Control, Galesburg ( KENT EVERETTE GRAY born December 30, 1961 Galesburg, IL; married September 25, 1981 at St. Augustine IL Susan Jane Thurman born March 25, 1964 - divorced 1986; married 2d November 9, 1990 at Nashville TN Judith Ann (Webber) Ralston born June 26, 1962. Kent enlisted in the Army 1983 and was medically discharged as a Sergeant 1992, after having his eye put out in Germany 1987; he was a welding instructor. Kent got his GED in 1980 and took two years of college while in the Army, in engineering and machine shop operations. Judy is a high school graduate; reside Galesburg; and born to Kent and Susan were: ( TALITHA ERIN GRAY born February 14, 1982 Galesburg IL ( JASON MICHAEL LEROY GRAY born May 28, 1984 Tacoma WA ( KYLE ERIC GRAY born December 21, 1964 Galesburg IL; married October 17, 1987 at Abingdon IL, Jacqueline Lisa Grimes born August 27, 1964. Kyle is a high school graduate; a Hollywood carpenter for NBC Studios, Burbank CA. Jacque graduated Nurses College, Methodist Hospital, Peoria IL 1987 and is a RN in the neo-natal care unit, Huntington Memorial Hospital, Glendale CA; reside Valencia CA; and born to Kyle and Jacqueline were: ( BRITTNEY LOUISE GRAY born August 16, 1991 ( ZACHARY LYNN GRAY born November 10, 1992 ( TIFFNEY M ARIE GRAY born December 26, 2002 Burbank CA ( LORETA JANE FERRIS (Photographs) born August 31, 1910 Monmouth (Tylerville), Warren, IL and died July 14, 1990 Knoxville IL; married May 11, 1927 at Knoxville, Charles William McCoy born June 16, 1908 Delong IL and died April 8, 1976 Galesburg IL. Charlie

82 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL and Loretta operated a Grocery Store and Post Office in DeLong, IL. Charlie retired Butler Manufacturing Company, Galesburg IL; both Loreta and Charlie are buried Haynes Cemetery, DeLong IL (headstone photo); and born to Loreta and Charlie were: ( MAJORIE LILLIAN MCCOY (Photograph) born January 14, 1928 DeLong, IL; married August 3, 1946 at the Knoxville United Methodist Church, Donald Dean Mathews [son of Thomas W & Bessie G (Eiker) Mathews] born August 8, 1925 Haw Creek Township, rural Maquon, Knox Co IL and died June 17, 2007 Galesburg IL; reside Knoxville IL; Dean was raised and educated in Gilson, graduating from Gilson High School in 1943; attended Knox College in Galesburg; WWII USN Vet who served as a motor machinist’s mate second class December 6, 1943 to May 25, 1946; he began farming south of Knoxville, then worked for Gale Products in Galesburg; Johnson Oil Station in Knoxville; Admirals of Galesburg; and then worked for Gates Rubber Co for 28 1/2y retiring in 1990 as a technical engineer; member of the Knoxville United Methodist Church, where he was active in its choir, and served as a trustee and on the Building Committee; he was a 50y member of the Knoxville Fire Department, Fireman of the Year and served for 6y as Knoxville Fire Protection District trustee; active in the Western Illinois Antique Car Club, Jeepster Club, King Midget Club, Boy Scout Troop 220 and the Knoxville Explorers; received the Citizenship Award from Pacific Masonic Lodge 66 AF&AM of Knoxville; Commander of the Harry Philblad American Legion Post 749 of Knoxville; volunteered for the Salvation Army and the Galesburg Rescue Mission; a lay speaker and volunteer for Sunday Services at the Knox Co Nursing Home for 20y; sang in the Barber Shop Quartet, SPEBSQUSA and did solo work for many weddings, funerals and occasions in the area; cremation was accorded; interned Haynes Cemetery, DeLong, Knox, IL (headstone photo); and born to Marjorie and Dean were: ( GERAL LYNN MATHEWS born February 13, 1947 Galesburg IL; married July 27, 1968 at the Christian Church, Abingdon IL Sharon Rae James born March 10, 1949; and born to Geral and Sharon were: ( THOMAS DEAN MATHEWS born February 4, 1969 Galesburg IL ( RENEE LYNN MATHEWS born January 2, 1971 Galesburg IL; married 2003 David Cox ( DEREK DUANE MATHEWS born June 24, 1973 Galesburg IL ( GLADE ERROL MATHEWS born February 26, 1949 Galesburg IL; married June 1, 1969 at the First Methodist Church, Galesburg IL Susan Marie Hatch born April 9, 1949; resides St. Charles MO; and born to Glade and Susan were: ( DANE ERROL MATHEWS born March 14, 1971 Galesburg IL; married Teresa Lynn Cain July 10, 1993 at the Church of The Nazarene, Alexandria IN ( DENISE LESLIE MATHEWS born April 24, 1972 Galesburg IL; married Jeffrey Joel Kubik July 23, 1994 at the Harvester Church of The Nazarene, St. Charles MO ( DUSTIN LEE MATHEWS born December 28, 1977; attending St. Charles MO Junior College ( GALE WILLIAM MATHEWS born May 6, 1953 Galesburg IL and died April 23, 1954 Knoxville, IL; buried Haynes Cemetery – headstone photo ( GREGORY DEAN MATHEWS born August 27, 1957 Galesburg IL; married July 31, 1982 at the First Methodist Church, Knoxville IL Kim Renee Leaf born July 9, 1959 - divorced 1994; married 2d October 26, 1996 at the Congregational Church, Galesburg IL Donna Marie Thompson born April 25, 1959. Donna has a degree with music major; and born to Gregory and Kim was: ( ASHLEY RENEE MATHEWS born November 27, 1985 Galesburg IL ( HELEN J. MCCOY (Photographs) born March 6, 1930 at home in DeLong IL; married Vernon (Speck) Dean Mathews on October 10, 1948 at Knoxville Methodist Church, IL -

83 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL divorced 1975 and currently resides Knoxville; and born to Helen and Speck were: ( LORETA (RITA) MARIE MATHEWS born June 30, 1953 Galesburg IL; married Rickie David Wagner at the First United Methodist Church at Galesburg, IL on December 4, 1971 - divorced 1973; currently resides Knoxville; and born to Rita and Rickie was: ( MARCUS KILEY WAGNER born December 1, 1972 Galesburg IL Born to Rita and Mike Kisler was: ( MARA HELEN WAGNER (Photo) born December 6, 1978 Galesburg IL; graduated from Knoxville High School with the Class of 1997; enrolled at Carl Sandberg Community College, Galesburg; married April 10, 1999 at Galesburg IL, Richard Allen Mullins and born to them was: ( MISSY ALLEN MULLINS ( MELVIN EUGENE MATHEWS born April 25, 1955 Galesburg IL; married Debra Leihenseder on June 16, 1973 – divorced; and born to Melvin and Debra was: ( BOBBI JO MATHEWS born July 17, 1973 Melvin married 2d Kathy Benson on May 18, 1980 at Knoxville, IL - divorced. Born to Melvin and Kathy was: ( JASON LEE MATHEWS born March 30, 1981 Galesburg IL Melvin married 3d Tracy Legrand on June 1, 1991 at Galesburg, IL. Tracy's children from a previous marriage: ( PAUL DEAN MATHEWS born November 16, 1956 Galesburg IL; married Dianna L. (?Lynn?) Unglesbee on July 24, 1976 at Knoxville Methodist Church, IL - divorced 1982; and born to Paul and Dianna were: ( PAUL BRIAN RICHARD MATHEWS born May 28, 1977 Galesburg IL ( DANIEL LYNN MATHEWS born September 7, 1978 Galesburg IL Paul married 2d Ginger M. Milroy on May 18, 1982 at Galesburg, IL.-divorced 1983 Paul married 3d Elaine R. Emken on August 18, 1984 at The First United Methodist Church, Knoxville IL - divorced 1989. Born to Paul and Elaine were: ( ANDREW SCOTT MATHEWS born March 6, 1986 Peoria IL ( LACEY ANN MATHEWS born September 9, 1987 Peoria IL Paul married 4th Ann M. Filson on December 30, 1991 at The First United Methodist Church, Knoxville - divorced 1994 ( ELSIE MAE FERRIS (Photographs) born May 3, 1913 Tylerville, Warren, IL and died February 25, 2002 Barstow CA {The last of her siblings to go.}; married March 19, 1931 Floyd Earl Thurman born March 16, 1909 Galesburg IL and died there July 13, 1989; both buried Haynes Cemetery, DeLong IL (headstone photo). Floyd farmed in the Yates City, IL area; then they moved to California where they lived for several years; and they moved to Cumberland WI c1958 where they operated a resort and lived for 24 years. After Floyd's death, Aunt Elsie returned to live in Galesburg where she resided until 1996 when she moved to California with Beverly and Arnold. Elsie resided at the Rimrock Villa Nursing Home, Barstow CA, 1999 until her death. Graveside and memorial services were held September 7, 2002 at the Haynes Cemetery, DeLong IL and the Knoxville United Methodist Church. Born to Elsie and Floyd was: ( BEVERLY MAE THURMAN (Photos) born March 1, 1933 DeLong, Knox, IL; married December 3, 1952 at San Diego CA, Arnold Gordon; resided in Galesburg until 1996 when they moved to California after Bev’s retirement from St. Mary’s Hospital; resided at the Veterans Home of California - Barstow (1999-2004) which is where Arnold died August 27, 2001; and born to Bev and Arnold were: ( DAWN DANEL GORDON born November 4, 1954 North Island (San Diego) CA; married June 1976 Clyde Pursley -divorced; married November 1980 David Lindamood -

84 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL divorced; married Sumukh; resided in the Boston MA area; Montgomery AL; Oceanside CA; employed in the computer industry ( DANA CURTIS GORDON born October 11, 1956 North Island CA and killed in a car accident December 28, 1975 on Illinois Route 34, near Burlington, Iowa; buried Hayes Cemetery, DeLong IL – headstone photo; not married ( BRIAN KENT GORDON born April 17, 1960 Johnson City NY; US Navy Vet; married 1st January 22, 1994 at Ridgecrest CA, Angelo (Angie) Maria Lemus; USN Retired - divorced; married 2d name unk; and born to him and Angie were: ( HANNAH MAE GORDON born August 5, 1996 Ridgecrest CA ( SAMUEL KENT GORDON born December 3, 1998 Ridgecrest CA ( TODD RANDALL GORDON born March 18, 1962 St. Paul MN; moved with his parents from Galesburg IL to California 1996; resided Galesburg IL, San Diego CA and in Las Vegas NV - employed in the construction industry. Born to Todd and Brandi was: ( BLAKE RANDALL GORDON born January 2, 2000 Las Vegas NV. ( GARNET ELIZABETH FERRIS (Photographs) born June 2, 1915 Tylerville, Warren, IL and died May 11, 1993 Peoria, Peoria, IL (headstone photo). Born to Garnet and Maurice Peck was: ( BONNIE JEAN PECK (Photograph) born April 10, 1931 DeLong, IL; married Charles (Bud) D. Westbay on September 30, 1950 at Knoxville IL where they reside today; Bud was the owner and operator of C. D. Westbay & Sons International Harvester Dealership, Knoxville, IL. They reside in Knoxville but spend some wintertime in the sun in Florida; and born to Bonnie and Bud were: ( CHARLES (CHUCK) GRANT WESTBAY (Photograph) born June 28, 1951 Galesburg IL; married January 21, 1972 Kristy Kay Owen born May 28, 1953 – divorced. Kristy worked as a hairdresser. Born to Chuck and Kristy were: ( ANJI KRISTINE WESTBAY (Photograph) born August 3, 1975 Galesburg IL; a graduate of Knoxville High School, Knoxville IL; she is a licensed cosmetologist pursing a degree from Northern Illinois University; employed at A Kut Above, DeKalb IL; married June 15, 1996 at the Knoxville Methodist Church, Jason Michael Gibbs [son of Donnie and JoAnn Gibbs of Gilson IL]. Jason is a graduate of Knoxville High School and attended Western Illinois University. He is employed as a CNC machinist by Greenlee Textron Corp., Genoa IL; reside Sycamore IL ( DANIEL BOND WESTBAY born August 10, 1977 Galesburg IL; a sophomore at Western Illinois University, Macomb IL ( TRACEY ANN WESTBAY born September 12, 1978 Galesburg, IL; a senior at Knoxville High School, Knoxville IL ( SHIRLEY JO WESTBAY born November 29, 1952 Monmouth IL; married Aaron Jay Reed on June 17, 1972 - divorced 1983; married 2d October 4, 1986 Carl Uhland – divorced 1990; married 3d August 6, 1995 at Knoxville IL, Rob Grub - divorced 1996; married 4th September 26, 1997 at Galena IL, Rick Placher; and born to Shirley and Aaron were: ( JAY MICHAEL REED born January 2, 1973 Galesburg IL ( RYAN JOSEPH REED born February 23, 1977 Born to Shirley and Carl was: ( CHANCE BOND UHLAND born July 6, 1988 Peoria IL ( STEVEN LARRY WESTBAY born May 2, 1954 Galesburg IL; married May 10, 1973 Jeannie Lynn Crow born November 24, 1954; and born to Steven and Jeannie were: ( LACIE LYNN WESTBAY born February 22, 1982 Galesburg IL; graduated from Western Illinois U, 2003; a finance major with Pre-Law Honors and Spanish minor; Magna Cum Laude; was named the Convocation student speaker; co-founder and President of the Legal

85 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Association of Western Illinois U. Students and co-founder and vice president of Western’s Golden Key International Honors Society; president of Beta Gamma Sigma; president of the Student Honors Association; a member of the Illinois Centennial Honor Council; secretary of Western’s chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management; and an active member of Phi Kappa Phi and Mortar Board; will enter Marquette U. Law School to study for a career in international corporate law ( MITCHELL LEE WESTBAY born May 15, 1989 Galesburg IL ( BETTE JEAN WESTBAY born February 1, 1956 Macomb IL; married October 31, 1971 George H. Cummings [son of George & Shirley] -divorced 1983; and born to Bette and George were: ( CHARLES LEROY (C.L.) CUMMINGS born May 3, 1972 Galesburg IL; worked at the Farmers & Mechanics Bank and later at Wells Fargo Bank, Galesburg IL; resides in Knoxville IL; married December 13, 2003 at Knoxville IL, Karen Sackfield; a nurse at the Graham Hospital, Canton IL; and born to them was: ( EMILY NICOLE CUMMINS born November 10, 1996 Canton IL ( CLARK WESLEY CUMMINGS born September 24, 1975 Galesburg IL; married January 3, 1998 at the Knoxville Methodist Church, Knoxville IL, Jennifer 'Jenny' Sue Harshbarger ( LOGAN CAIN CUMMINGS born October 17, 1979 Galesburg IL and died July 20, 2003 from a self-inflicted gunshot, Oneida IL, where he resided. Logan was reared and educated in Knoxville, played flag football, Little League Baseball, Junior High and High School football and track and was captain of the football team; received citizenship awards and weightlifting awards and coached flag football; graduated from Knoxville High School, 1998; graduated from Carl Sandburg College with an AA in General Education; worked at Carl Sandburg as a staff services technician; a Sergeant on the Knoxville Auxiliary Police. Bette Jean married 2d 1985 Rod Murk - divorced 1987; Bette Jean married 3d Sam Albert on November 14, 1992 - divorced Garnet Elizabeth Ferris married June 28, 1936 at Peoria, IL, Lawrence Samuel Gravitt born August 11, 1913 at Centerville IA and died April 24, 2003 Galesburg IL; buried Victoria Cemetery, Victoria IL. Lawrence was raised and educated in Centerville and Rockford IL, graduating from Rockford High School; worked for the Undeground Coal Mine in DeLong IL in the 1930s; then at the Shipyards in Seneca IL building LSTs during WWII; retired from the ASARCO Coal Mine as a Tipple Operator in Victoria IL where he and Garnet lived most of their adult lives. Lawrence was a former volunteer fireman and past chief of the Victoria Fire Department and was active on the Victoria Village Board. Born to Garnet and Lawrence were: ( FRANCES CAROL GRAVITT (Photograph) born December 22, 1936 Victoria (Etherly) IL; married James "Julian" Martinson March 27, 1954 at Peoria IL; and born to Frances and Julian were: ( JAMES EUGENE MARTINSON born October 11, 1954 Galesburg IL; married Johanna Lynn Ziegler on June 14, 1973 at Altona, IL – divorced; married 2d September 1, 1995 at Galesburg, Susan Menke; and born to James and Johanna were: ( JESSICA LEE MARTINSON born September 5, 1976 Galesburg IL ( EMILY JANE MARTINSON born November 11, 1980 Galesburg IL ( MOLLY LYNN MARTINSON born October 17, 1984 Galesburg IL ( JULIE ANN MARTINSON born June 5, 1956 Galesburg IL; married 1st Christopher Patrick Jordan on August 11, 1974 at Galesburg, IL - divorced 1985; married 4th April 10, 2001 Steven Mark Brandt; and born to Julie and Christopher was: ( KYLE AUSTIN JORDAN born July 3, 1984 Galesburg IL Born to Julie and John Donald Olson was:

86 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL ( BENJAMIN MICHAEL OLSON born July 3, 1990 Monmouth IL Julie married Edward Francis Leahy on February 14, 1992 at Galesburg, IL - divorced 1992 ( JEFFREY DALE MARTINSON born December 19, 1958 Galesburg IL; married Traci Ann McClintic on July 15, 1985 at Galva, IL - divorced 1994; and born to Jeff and Traci were: ( JEREMY DALE MARTINSON born Galesburg IL ( NOLAN DAVID MARTINSON born Galesburg IL ( KRISTINA ANN MARTINSON born December 6, 1991 Galesburg IL ( JOSEPH EDWARD MARTINSON born February 1, 1961 Galesburg IL; married Mary Catherine Lynn on June 21, 1980 at Altona, IL - divorced 1984; and born to Joseph and Mary was: ( ANNIE LAURIA MARTINSON born April 1, 1981 Galesburg IL Joseph married 2d Coleen Rae Westover Trego on April 26, 1986. Born to Joe and Coleen were: ( JOSHIA ROBERT MARTINSON born August 5, 1987 Galesburg IL ( ZACHARY JAMES MARTINSON born July 24, 1990 Galesburg IL ( GILBERT KEITH (SPEED) GRAVITT (Photograph) born January 14, 1940 Victoria, Knox, IL; married Georgia Camilla Moore on June 28, 1961; Speed retired from the US Air Force after serving ** years. Born to Speed and Georgia were: ( JOHN WILLIAM GRAVITT born April 10, 1964 Tucson AZ; 2003 – Major USAF stationed at Eglin AFB FL ( LAWRENCE (LARRY) SAMUEL GRAVITT II born October 25, 1968 Travis Air Force Base CA; 2003 – audio-visual specialist ( ELIZABETH DEANN GRAVITT born July 23, 1974 San Antonio TX; 2003- Reporter for Forbes magazines – resides Queens, NYC ( SAMMY GRANT GRAVITT (Photograph) born February 16, 1944 Lasalle IL; married Gloria Jean Nordstrom on January 10, 1964 at Bishop Hill, IL.- divorced 1995; and born to Sammy and Gloria were: ( LISA DENEEN GRAVITT born September 20, 1964 Galesburg IL; married Chuck Unger on February 5, 1988; Lisa graduated from Carl Sandburg Jr. College with an AA in Accounting and is employed by the Galesburg School District. She is a lay leader in the Methodist Church. Born to Lisa and Chuck were: ( COLTON JAMES UNGER born December 9, 1989 Galesburg IL ( CODY RYAN UNGER born April 6, 1991 Galesburg IL ( SCOTT DAVID GRAVITT born August 5, 1966 Galesburg IL; married Lisa Renae McMaster in June 5,1985 at Cloud Croft, NM - divorced 1986; and born to Scott and Lisa were: ( EMMA LUCILLE GRAVITT born March 20, 1986 Charleston IL Scott married 2d Joy Elizabeth Smit Turco on August 5, 1988 in Albuquerque NM. Born to Scott and Joy was: ( DAKOTA JAMES GRAVITT born December 31, 1991 Fort Worth TX ( MICHAEL KEITH GRAVITT born July 16, 1975 Galesburg IL

( *ROBERT (BOBBY) LEE FERRIS (Photographs) born May 4, 1924 at Cottage Hospital, Galesburg, Knox, IL and died there at St. Mary's Hospital, December 19, 1988; born Bobby Lee and later changed his name to Robert Lee; was raised near DeLong on the "Doyle Farm" that his father leased; married September 6, 1941 at Kahoka MO, Marcele “Marcie” Holloway born July 4, 1922 near Knoxville IL and died February 22, 1996 at the Cottage Hospital, Galesburg (daughter of Alla and Katherine Jennie (Shideman) Holloway); graduated from Haw Creek

87 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Township High School, Gilson IL 1941. Robert served in the US Army March 10, 1945 to August 31, 1946 in the Asiatic Pacific Theater. [Jim - Dad said he was in Okinawa and then went to Korea and built airstrips.] At various times Marcele held jobs outside of the home: Harris Appliance Store and at Shanks Clothing and Store, Abingdon; Hines and McClintock Appliance Store and at Bergners, Galesburg. She was a member of the Faith United Methodist Church, Galesburg. Both are buried at the Haynes Cemetery, DeLong IL. Bob was a farmer – he was either a hired-hand or farmed rented property most of his life, until 1971, when he sold out his farming equipment and livestock and moved to Abingdon – not by choice – the owner of the farm decided to sell it and Bob felt he couldn’t take it on my himself. So between 1971 and 1988, he worked for Consumer’s Grain Company, first by managing a new elevator near Herman IL and then later working at the Abingdon elevator and/or the Galesburg elevator; he was also a feed salesman traveling over much of Knox County and outside of it some. In 1987, Bob was elected President of the Maquoketa Dealer Advisory Council for Golden Sun Feeds, Inc. [Jim – I think it is interesting to note that my great grandfather was a Civil War Union Veteran who named his son, Grant, who in turn named his son Bobby Lee.] Born to Bob and Marcele were:

( JAMES GARY FERRIS (Photographs) born March 21, 1942 at St. Mary's Hospital, Galesburg, Knox, IL and will be buried at Haynes Cemetery, DeLong, Knox, IL; headstone is in place; graduated from Abingdon High School, Abingdon IL with the Class of 1960; married July 26, 1963 in Frankfurt, Germany, Carol Burdis born December 25, 1939 Sunderland, County Durham, England. Carol's parents were James and Evelyn (Knox) Burdis, both deceased. Carol had a brother Phillip who resided in England – deceased 2005. Jim served in the US Army 1961-83, stationed in Germany (twice), Illinois, Missouri, Viet Nam, Arizona, and Alabama; retiring as a Sergeant Major in Explosive Ordnance Disposal; Civil Service with the US Army Corps of Engineers, 1985-1995; Vice President and Director for Compliance, UXB International, Inc., an explosive ordnance disposal company that was involved in cleaning up formerly used defense sites and active military installations, in the U.S. and abroad, 1995-1997; Quality Assurance Manager for American Technologies, Inc., Ordnance and Explosive Services Division, 1997-98; 1999-2003 Senior Project Manager for SCI UXO/OE Services; 2003-08 Instructor at the Hazardous Devices School, Redstone Arsenal AL. In his spare time, he is the compiler of this document. Carol spent many years in the medical secretarial field before becoming a Civil Service employee with the US Army at Redstone Arsenal AL. Both Carol and Jim retired January 31, 2008 from civil service; she with 20+ years and he with 15 years, plus the 22 years in the Army; and born to Jim and Carol was: ( MICHELLE NADINE FERRIS born August 28, 1966 at the Fort Leonard Wood General Hospital, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri; attended public schools in Illinois, Arizona, Germany and Alabama before graduating from J.O. Johnson High School, Huntsville AL 1984; received her AA from Phillips Junior College 1991 in paralegal studies. Michelle was employed by Wolfe, Jones & Boswell as their senior real estate title examiner 1992-99; State of Alabama as a secretary with the Highway Patrol, 2001-06; 2008 to prsent-action officer with a contract company working on Redstone Arsenal AL; married October 14, 1995 at the Faith Presbyterian Church, Huntsville AL, as his second wife, Victor Ray Carter born May 28, 1960 Huntsville, AL. Vic graduated from Lee High School in Huntsville 1979 and served 5 years in the U.S. Navy. He is employed as an industrial security specialist - no offspring ( JERI LYNN FERRIS (Photographs) born April 14, 1945 at St. Mary's Hospital, Galesburg, Knox, IL; attended the public schools in and graduated from Abingdon High School, Abingdon IL 1963; attended Lincoln Christian College IL 1963-64; married November 27, 1964 at Roseville IL, Larry Wayne Alsman born June 23, 1940 of Sullivan, Indiana. Larry attended Indiana State University 1958-60 and transferred to Lincoln Christian College in 1961 from which he

88 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL graduated with a B.A. in Christian Ministry in 1965 - they divorced 1997. Jeri Lynn is employed at the * Drug Store in Sullivan IN; resided outside of Farmersburg IN; resides in Sullivan; and born to Jeri and Larry were: ( TAMMY DENISE ALSMAN (Photograph) born October 6, 1966 Galesburg, Knox, Illinois; attended the public schools in and graduated from Dugger Union High School, Dugger IN 1985; graduated with an A.A. from Indiana State U. 1988 ( KERI LYNN ALSMAN (Photographs) born January 24, 1968 Sullivan IN; attended the public schools in and graduated from Dugger Union High School, Dugger IN 1986; married August 19, 1989 at Sullivan, David Alan Harris of Memphis, Tennessee; resided in Nashville TN for several years - divorced 1994; Keri then resided in Sullivan IN until 1995 when she returned to Nashville; resides Goodlettsville TN. Keri has worked as an office-building manager; worked in a CPA's office. Born to Keri and David was: ( BRADEN ALAN HARRIS (Photographs) born August 6, 1992 Nashville TN ( JON MARK ALSMAN (Photograph) born September 22, 1969 Sullivan IN; attended the public schools in and graduated from Dugger Union High School, Dugger IN 1988; married June 10, 1989 at Sullivan, Michele Aileen Fry born July 10, 1970, of Indianapolis IN. For a while Jon Mark returned to his grandfathers' roots and worked on a hog farm near Sheridan IN (got that out of his system); worked as a member of the city street department, Carmel IN; worked as a landscaper; resided outside of Zionsville IN and Indianapolis IN; and born to Jon Mark and Michele were: ( MATTHEW ROBERT ALSMAN born June 15, 1990 Indianapolis IN ( KAITLYN AILEEN ALSMAN born March 27, 1992 Indianapolis IN ( ALEXANDER DAVID ALSMAN born October 21, 1994 Indianapolis IN ( EMILY ELIZABETH ALSMAN born May 20, 1999 Indianapolis IN ( TIMOTHY WAYNE ALSMAN (Photograph) born February 8, 1974 Linton IN; attended public schools in Dugger IN and graduated from North Center High School IN 1992; resided in Nashville TN where he was employed by Anderson, Inc.; worked as a swimming pool maintenance person in the Nashville area; resides in Evansville IN where he works for Coca-Cola; married February 16, 2008 at Evansville IN, Lisa Marie Kassenbrock [dau of John Edward & Diane Sue (Schultheis) Kassenbrock] born February 2, 1976 Norfolk VA; Lisa attended the U of Evansville 1999-2002; employed by AirGas as a Safety Specialist, 1999-present ( MARSHA (MARCIA) KAY FERRIS (Photographs) born January 11, 1949 St. Mary's Hospital, Galesburg, Knox, IL; attended the public schools in and graduated from Abingdon High School, Abingdon IL 1967; attended the Institute of Paralegal Training of Roosevelt University at Chicago 1979 from which she graduated. She is a Trust Officer with NORWEST Bank (Wells Fargo), Galesburg IL. Marsha is involved with the Altrusa Club; was a Lay Leader of the Faith United Methodist Church of Galesburg; 2007 received the Silver Award for Trust Officers from the Wells Fargo Wealth Management Group ( DANIEL ROBERT FERRIS (Photographs) born January 25, 1955 Cottage Hospital, Galesburg, Knox, IL; attended the public schools in and graduated from Abingdon High School, Abingdon IL 1973; received his B.S. (Agri-Business) from Western Illinois University 1977; (Jim - I know this was a very proud moment in Dad's life. Dad did not finish high school and he always wanted his kids to graduate high school, which everyone did. He was proud of Dan, graduating from college, especially since Dan worked his way through college.) After Dan graduated from Western, he was employed by International Harvester 1977-83 and during this time frame, he resided in Woodridge and Boling Brook, both outside of Chicago; then Downs and Champaign IL and then Davenport IA. In 1983, Dan was hired by Kubota, Inc. and moved to Costa Mesa CA; Scout Master, proud father of two Eagle Scouts. He married April 28, 1984 at Bloomington IL, Lynn Marie Cichon

89 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL born April 5, 1956 (daughter of Carl and Jeanne (Hays) Cichon), formerly of Bloomington, Illinois. Dan was the Director of Distribution for Kubota U.S.A., Torrance, Calif., 1983-1996; transferred to Fort Worth TX as Kubota's Central District Sales Manager, 1996; transferred to Suwanee GA as Kubota Southeast Division's Director of Assembly/Distribution, 1999; 2004 U.S. Vice President for Kubota, Manufacturing. Lynn received a B.A. (Art), from Illinois State University, 1978; director of a church pre-school center. They reside in Lawrenceville GA. Born to Lynn and Dan were: ( CORY DANIEL FERRIS (Photographs) born December 20, 1987 Newport Beach CA; involved in Scouting, played baseball, played trombone with the Gwinnett High School Band and also plays guitar; cross-country runner; graduate Hebron Christian Academy, Lawrenceville GA Class of 2006; Eagle Scout 2006; attended Gainesville State College, GA ( BENJAMIN JAMES FERRIS (Photographs) born March 1, 1989 Newport Beach CA; involved in Scouting and played baseball; Eagle Scout 2007; graduated Hebron Christian Academy with Class of 2008; ( DEBRA DEE FERRIS (Photographs) born May 17, 1956 Cottage Hospital, Galesburg, Knox, IL; attended the public schools in and graduated from Abingdon High School, Abingdon IL 1974; received her A.A. from Arizona Western College 1978; married January 11, 1976 at Yuma Proving Ground, Yuma AZ, Irvin Joel Banta III born April 16, 1951, of Franklin IN. Irvin received a B.S. (Business) from Columbia College, Huntsville AL 1990; a Masters of Divinity from Sanborn College, Birmingham AL, December 1995. Irvin served in the US Army 1969-1992, retiring as a Sergeant Major in Explosive Ordnance Disposal. He was the Chaplain/Training Officer for the Madison County Sheriff's Department and was the Pastor of the Galilee Baptist Church in New Hope AL, 1994-95; Pastor of the Meadow Drive Baptist Church, Huntsville AL, 1996-***; and self- employed as a Christian Counselor; Training Coordinator, Madison County Sheriff's Department, 2000-04. From The Huntsville Times, May 6, 2000, "Christian soldier When Irvin Banta learned how to listen to God, what he heard wasn't at all what he expected. In was 1991, Banta had been working as the sergeant major in charge of the Army's bomb squad training program at Redstone Arsenal since 1985. He had been in the military for 22 years, served two tours in Vietnam. He spoke several languages - Spanish, Laotian, Lebanese, Sudanese - and can read Hebrew and Greek. In addition, he had been an instructor for the FBI Bomb Squad, an international conference speaker, a published author for the Department of Justice, a researcher at the FBI Bomb Data Center, had provided ambassadorial support and classified information to two U.S. presidents. With that background, Banta thought he'd land a high-paying job when he retired from the military. There were a few lucrative job opportunities that arose and they look interesting. So he prayed about those. But God's answer was always the same. “I want you to be a chaplain”. At the time, Banta and his wife, Debbie and their children Nina and Joel had lived in Huntsville since 1985. Being a chaplain would not require a move, he found. It would involve law enforcement. He felt he was needed in the Huntsville community. So he took a copy of his credentials to Joe Patterson, sheriff of Madison County at that time. Banta told Patterson he was interested in being the department's volunteer chaplain. A few days later, Patterson called him back and agreed. Banta built the chaplain program, which involves various types of pastoral counseling, from the ground up. At the same time, he learned a lesson about faith. “We lost 50 percent of our pay”, when he took retirement, said Banta, “but still had 100 percent of the bills and two kids in middle school. I went from thinking I was going to make a lot of money, to no money, but God always provided what we needed.” While building the chaplain's program, Banta earned a masters of divinity at Samford University in Birmingham and a doctorate from Trinity Theological Seminary. His specialty is counseling and crisis intervention. But God had already prepared him to be law enforcement chaplain through his military experience. “The military is similar to law enforcement, so I understand their job,” he said. “I've seen both sides of it. I've been the shooter and I've been shot at. There's nothing they can tell me that will shock me". As a chaplain, Banta doesn't force his beliefs on

90 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL others. He doesn't even invite them to attend the small church he pastors. His role is that of counselor. He offers Biblical guidance, in situations involving death, serious illness or any type of personal conflict or crisis. “I'm here to bring God's presence into the department and the lives of the men and women who work here, to help bring them to a greater responsiveness toward God," Banta said. Late last year, Banta was selected by the Southern Baptist Convention Women's Missionary Union as the subject of some its educational material on missions. Neither Banta nor his wife Debbie is sure how he was selected. Neither had petitioned for such recognition. Banta said he was told in a letter he was selected to help teach other areas about law enforcement chaplaincy. Chaplain programs are normally not connected to a particular church congregation, are outside the scope of most church activities and don't necessarily bring people into churches, so there are many people unaware of the work chaplains do. But in February and March, when churches all over the United States and Alaska began studying about Banta and his ministry, something else unexpected happened. Mail. Lots and Lots of mail. To date, 970 letters to be exact. And each of these had multiple cards and notes tucked inside. “We were blown out the water,” Banta said. “The mail carriers started leaving these plastic containers, sometimes two at a time, at the front door. Letter after letter, it's people saying that they are praying for you and the department. It's really neat." Banta and his wife are still opening letters, all of which he plans to answer. "We can't do it all at once, but they took the time to do this for us, we'll take the time to respond," Banta said. Sheriff Joe Whisante said he doubts seriously that he could afford to hire someone with the same credentials as Banta. "He's given a lot to this department by being our Chaplain", Whisante said. Last December though, Whitsante was able to expand Banta's role by hiring him as the department's first training coordinator. "We've been needing someone in that position for years," Whitsante said. "He has the credentials, there's no question about that. But you know, he's just a good person on top of that." Although Banta, 49, is on the payroll, he remains a volunteer chaplain. But now he does have his own desk. Educational certificates and honors hang on his wall alongside a Chinese copy of a Russian RPG-7, a rifle-propelled grenade used against Americans in the Viet Nam War. It's been nearly 10 years since he left the military, but Banta still sees himself as a soldier. "As long as there is a job to do, I'll do it," Banta said. "When God says its time to go, it'll be time to go." And he knows how to listen". Debra works at The Baptist Book Store in Huntsville, 1996-2005. Irv left the Sheriff’s Department in 2004 and became a Department of Army Civilian instructor at the EOD Division on Redstone Arsenal; then in 2005 became a Project Manager for an Alaskan owned company with contracts on Redstone Arsenal. The Bantas reside in Owens Cross Road AL. Born to Deb and Irvin were: ( NINA DEE BANTA (Photograph) born March 31, 1979 Fayetteville NC. She graduated from Virgil I Grissom High School, Huntsville AL with the Class of 1997; attended Judson College; transferred to University of Mobile; competed for Miss University of Mobile 2002. March 1, 2002 – The University of Mobile Music Department presented Nina Dee Banta, Soprano, in her Senior Voice Recital, which was prepared and presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Music Education. April 2000 – played ‘Zita’ in “Gianni Schicchi” in the U. of Mobile Opera Workshop; March 2002, in “The Gondoliers” U. of Mobile Opera/Dinner; April, 2002 lead role in “Annie Get Your Gun” with the U. of Mobile Theatre Group; Summer 2002 at the Southwestern U., Georgetown TX, played Sandy in Grease and the White Queen and the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland; graduated from the U. of Mobile May 2003 with a B.A. in Music and Theatre; during the 2003-04 season, she sang and danced as a featured performer at Wild Adventures Theme Park at Valdosta GA; 2004-06 Secretary; April 2005 performed as Tzietel with the Huntsville Community Chorus in their presentation of Fiddler on the Roof ; September 2005 performed as Tansy McGinnis in The Nerd; August 2006 performed as Gertrude McFuzz in Seussical, The Musical, for which she received the 2006 Wings Award for Lead Actress in a Singing Role; November 2006 performed as Catherine in Proof; 2007 Wings Awards won Best Performance by a Female in a

91 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Leading Role without Singing as Catherine in “Proof”, and Best Performance by a Female in a Leading Role with Singing as Peggy Sawyer in “42d Street”, the first time in 15 years of the Wings Awards that the same person won both of these awards; 2008 played Cathy in The Last Five Years; ( IRVIN JOEL BANTA IV (Photograph) born December 27, 1980 Fayetteville NC; graduated from Virgil I. Grissom High School, Huntsville AL with the Class of 1999; attended University of Mobile with a major in music/youth ministry – changed to Computer Information Systems – graduated 2003

NOTE: Numbers out of sequence: There is a Ferris Monument at Stice Cemetery, Swan Township, Warren Co IL inscribed with Grant Ferris and Infant Boy and Infant Daughter. A trip to the Warren County Courthouse, Monmouth IL and the Knox County Courthouse, Galesburg in September 2007 reveals the following: ( INFANT BOY FERRIS born and died 1917 (according to the cemetery stone), presumably in Warren Co IL; buried at Hope Cemetery (Stice Cemetery), Swan Township, Warren Co IL (See Photo) – there is no record at the Warren Co or Knox Co Courthouse of the birth/death of this guy – he remains a mystery. ( INFANT DAUGHTER FERRIS born and died January 28, 1920 Orange Township, Knox County IL, apparently at home; buried Hope Cemetery (Stice Cemetery), Swan Township, Warren Co IL (See Photo); according to the Birth Certificate and Death Certificate, she was born at approximately 7 months gestation and lived for approximately 2 hours; the mother was ill with the flu.

*Jim - Dad and Mom were married September 6, 1941. Dad worked for his father and they lived in the country near DeLong IL and in the 1942-44 time frame, the folks lived on the ‘Dempsey’ place between Knoxville and Gilson, while Dad worked for Mr. Dempsey. Sometime in the spring of 1944, they moved to 201 Pennsylvania Ave., Abingdon. Dad worked at the strip mine until March 10, 1945 when he went into the Army, serving until August 31, 1946. (See Discharge Papers and Separation Qualification Record.) Soon after Dad was discharged, they moved to the house on Route 41, north of Abingdon (house was torn down 2005), across from the Cherry Grove School, when Dad went to work as a farm hand for Carl Morris. The family lived there for 1-2 years and then they moved east of Abingdon, when Dad went to work as a farm hand for Bob Olinger, which was before 1949, because Marsha was born while we lived there and I remember walking from the house to the school bus stop on the highway and I remember learning how to milk cows here; I know I wasn't very old. I don't know how long we lived east of Abingdon, before moving to the "old brick house" north of Abingdon, when Dad went to work for Roscoe Simkins, on a 50/50 basis, probably in the 1950-51 time frame, but it was definitely before 1955, because both Dan and Deb were born while we lived there. A major milestone in the Ferris Family took place in the 1956 time frame and that was the installation of indoor plumbing into the brick house. Sometime in 1958-59, Dad sold the dairy herd and converted the milk barn into a farrowing house. I don't remember the exact date, but I definitely remember the occasion; I was very happy to see those old girls go. But, as Dad use to say, those milk cows kept the wolf from the door for several years. Then the family moved to the "big White House", on the same farm, before Christmas, December 1960. Dad had his farm sale on January 23, 1971 (see copy of clipping attached), when the landowners, the Dunlap Family, decided to sell the land. The family then moved to 404 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Abingdon. Dad opened and managed the Farm Supply Hermon Grain Elevator, Hermon IL for several years. He then worked for Consumer's Grain and Supply in Galesburg and then the Stockyard Feed Store, in Galesburg, until his death. I am still moved by the large crowd that paid their respects at Dad's visitation in Abingdon. Dad had many friends in the Knox County area. (See my letter to the newspaper.) Because of health reasons Mom and Dad moved from Abingdon to

92 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Galesburg in 1980. *************************************************************************

Jim - there were other Ferris' in Knox County - I have found Ferris' from the (2) Peter and (3) Joseph lines that also resided in 'God's Country.


MARY D. FERRIS, 1842-1916.....Just speculating, but this lady's age coincides with William M. Ferris Jr...Maybe the Knox County History book was mistaken when it said Mary C. and should have been Mary D., I don't know.

MARY C. FERRIS, AUGUST 2, 1810 TO JULY 7, 1905.....Here is Mary C....her age group does not agree with William M. Jr., but rather does with William M. Sr. This could very well be the lady who donated money for the organ for the Baptist Church, but she couldn't be William M. Jr's, wife. William M. Sr.'s wife was Mary J. according to one source.


Knox County weddings involving Ferris' not plugged in (YET): John D. wed Louisa Jackson, 1851 John S.wed Louisa Pease, 1851 John W. wed Harriett M. Stevens, 1851 – they begat James E. Ferris b 1868 IL m Elnora Grace Gingery (1872-1949) – divorced – and born to them was Ardath Revere Ferris (1895-1963) who m Lucinda Moss Patton b 1877 Stafford Co VA and died 1954 Lincoln NE S. Western (Westera) wed Harriet N. Baird, 1864 Swan wed Seclia Peterson, 1868 other Ferris

The Free Methodist Church. This society was organized at Abingdon, in the fall of 1880, by Rev. J. G. Terrell, with W. B. Morse, John Wood and wife and Charles Pratt as members. Meetings were first held in private houses and in halls. In 1881 a lease was secured of the Methodist Protestant building. Rev. William Ferries was the first installed pastor, remaining one year.

From the Illinois State Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. XII, No. 3, Fall, 1980: The earliest comprehensive list of abolitionists in Illinois is the record of those who signed the call for a convention at Upper Alton on October 26, 1837. The call, dated Alton, September 27, 1837, was signed by Elijah P. Lovejoy and 'undersigned' by 235 persons from seventeen communities in ten counties of the state. It was printed with the Proceedings of the Illinois Anti-Slavery Convention Held at Upper Alton on the Twenty-Sixth, Twenty-seventh, and Twenty-eighth October as an Extra of the Alton Observer, dated on the title page, Alton, 1838". [Jim - I have included only those names from Knox County.] George Avery, James Bunce, Leonard Chappell, Hugh Conger, Lorentus Conger, Patrick Dunn, Eli Farnham, GEORGE W. FERRIS, HENRY FERRIS, SYLVANUS FERRIS, George W. Gale, W. Selden Gale, Luther Gay, C.W. Gilbert, Abel Goodell, Warren Goodell, W.P. Hamlin, Samuel Hitchcock, William Holyoke, Adoniram Kendall, John Kendall, Elisha H. King, Nehemiah Losey,

93 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL John McMullin, H.H. May, Lucius Mills, Ephraim Noel, Brainerd Orton, Enos Pomeroy, Levi Sanderson, Thomas Simmons, Miles Smith, Erastus Swift, Samuel Tompkins, Abraham Tyler, James Waters, John Waters, John G. West, Nehemiah West, and Henry Wilcox.

Note: Genealogical and Family History of Central New York, by William Richard Cutter Note: Knox Directory 1837-1963, published in 1963 by Knox College, Galesburg IL Note: History of Riverside City and County by John Raymond Gabbert 1935 Note: Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and Knox County, 1899, edited by Newton Bateman, Paul Selby, W. Selden Gale, and George Candee Gale. Note: A Ferris Genealogy, Volume 4, by James S. Ferris Note: History of Nevada, 1881, published by Howell-North, 1958. Note: Nevada Today, 1949-1950 by Clifford C. Walton Note: Galesburg Township Cemeteries by Knox County Genealogical Society Note: Descendants of Nahum and Nancy Whittlesey Davis by Terry D. Davis Note: An Interview with Ruth Achard and Margaret McDonald conducted by R. T. King, 1984, Oral History Program, University of Nevada, Reno. Note: An Interview with Grace Melissa Dangberg conducted by R.T. King, 1984, Oral History Program, University of Nevada, Reno. Note: Hyde Genealogy or the Descendants, in the female as well as in the male lines, from William Hyde, Norwich, by Reuben H. Walworth, LL.D., Volume 1, 1864. Note: Article from the Press Enterprise, Riverside CA, September 26, 1982. Note: Notes from William H. Bonnett III Note: Family information from Patricia (Ferris) Rottman. Note: Family information from Alan & Marie Anderson Note: The Knox Alumnus, Centenary Director Number 1837-1937 Note: Read Genealogies [GenealogyLibrary.com] Note: Nevada The Silver State, 1970 Note: Our Country and Its People [GenealogyLibrary.com} Note: Knox County, Illinois The Honor Roll 1917-1918-1919 Note: Genealogy of the Olmsted Family in America Note: RootsWeb’s WorldConnect Project: Velde, Sanberg, Moulton, Ferris & Fraser Note: Family info from Terri Ann (Fuentes) Ackers Note: Progressive Men of Montana Note: www.findagrave.com

94 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Note: The below document is from the Ferris Family File at the Henry M. Seymour Library, Special Collections Section, Knox College, Galesburg IL. The copy I received had been typed from the hand written document. Jim – July 2004.


I born on Nov. 29, 1842 in a small house, which stood on the lot on which the Association Home now stands. My Grandfather Ferris lived on the corner of Cherry & Tompkins Street just north. He bought my father's place - the south half of the lot I think, and gave it to his only daughter, Mrs. Harriet Bunce. Dr. Bunce, the first physician of the Galesburg colony built the large frame residence, which stood there till about the year 1915 or 16 and was then torn down and the Association Home, was erected. Dr. & Mrs. Bunce lived there the rest of their lives and all their children were born there. After my father sold that place, he moved to the farm on W. Fremont Street between Henderson and the street west, now owned by the Thompsons and lived there about four or five years. My brothers Timothy and Henry were born there, Tim in 1845 and Henry in '48. We moved from there to "the section" on south Henderson Street, which was given by my grandfather Silvanus Ferris to my father when the township was platted. This was about the spring of 1849, I think. We lived in a small frame house about 16 by 24 for about two years. My father, who never bought anything that he could make, made the brick and built the central portion of the house now owned by his grandson Harry Drew Ferris. The "brick yard” was a few rods east of the place where the large barn now stands and the clay of which the brick was made was dug on that spot. Those brick were literally 'hand made' for I watched the job and it was well done as proved by their present condition. The clay was dug, ground up fine and moulded in frames which held about twelve brick each and carried to a yard which had been leveled off very smooth and covered with sand and placed to dry in the July sun. If a rain came up and the brick were in the yard they were ruined and had to be molded over again. (Mr. Thomas Liddle and Joseph Thirlwell were the managers of the brickyard.) After they were dried, they were placed in the kiln and covered for protection from rain and when enough were completed the kiln was burned by a professional burner who had to sit up nights to keep up the fires and be furnished with a sufficient quantity of stimulant to keep happy. I think wood must have been used for the fires for I do not remember to have ever seen coal at that time. I think the house must have been built about the year 1850. Mr. Thomas Liddle and Joseph Thirlwell were the masons who laid the walls. They were Englishmen who had just "come over. We moved into the house in the fall of that year before it was finished, for Mr. Thirlwell's father and mother and Mr. John Robson had just arrived and my father had rented some of the farm to Mr. Robson and had to give him possession of the little house in which we lived. The walls of the brick house were up and the roof on, except the ridgepole and some of the windows in, but not all for when it rained mother had to hang up blankets at the windows. Father worked right along and soon had the ridgepole and windows in place and outside door hung. The partition walls are all of brick and there was no plaster on them for several years. The floors were not finished or nailed down, only boards laid over the joists, but it was a new house and had six rooms in it. Father had his carpenter's work bench on the south side of the living room and that winter he planed and laid the floor and we children watched him match the boards which were of different widths and work out the groove between planks and fit the boards in place. It was quite interesting for us but rather hard on mother. That workbench stood there till the casings were on doors and windows and floors laid upstairs and down. There was no plaster on the brick walls for several years and it was a happy day for mother and children when the plastering was finished, for father did it all himself as he had time to do it. Several years later Hattie and I papered the sidewalls ourselves and white- washed the ceiling.

95 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL Father dug a well and all the water for the house and much of the water for the horses came from that well. It was a few rods from the house. We had to draw the water for the house with the wellsweep. I remember riding on the lower end of that sweep while a man pulled the bucket end down to fill with water and when the water was low in the well it was a rather strenuous job to hang on. All the horses from the barn had their drink from the trough, which was attached to the well. The family used this well for all purposes. Later father dug another well nearer the house. That well is in use today. I went there a few years ago and had a drink from that well. The water tasted very good. I would like to have another drink out of that well. We had no barn when we first went there, but the horses and cattle were protected in winter. They built two-rail fences, always joggy, filled in between these with prairie grass on the north side and on the east and west sides, leaving the south side open. This was protected by timbers on poles at the top for a roof so as to keep the horses and cattle from rain. Straw was placed above on the timbers. We used those sheds for a good many years before we ever had a barn. We used to mow, by hand of course, large tracts of prairie grass and some of it was brought up to the barn and stacked so as to protect the sheds and we fed it to the cattle in the winter. We had no corn to feed. Sometimes the prairie grass was stacked up out in the fields where it was cut. At times the prairie grass got on fire and when it got near those stacks the whole force went to work to beat out the fire. I remember once mother and the hired man went out in the middle of the night and worked for hours to protect the stacks of hay. Father was away from home. Father planted an orchard. He planted apple seeds and raised apple trees. He got our apples from Canton. Canton was settled before Galesburg, and was a distance away of 40 miles. He went down every year and brought home a wagonload and stored them in the cellar. In the spring of the year he would cut the plants down to the ground and during the winter from places where they had apples -- at grandfather's, and uncle's - he got scions of a year's growth. He cut them off in the winter and in the spring he would bud them. This gave him the desired species or apples. The apple originally planted was just a common apple. He planted out a large orchard, but by the time it got to bearing the borers appeared and bored into the trees so half of them never bore at all. Some of the trees did bear and we had apples from them. Father took a notion to raise hedges. He got half a bushel of osage orange hedge seed. He sent away for it. It was the duty of us children to weed those hedge plants and when they were a year or two old he set out hedges on both sides of the road, Henderson St. Some of these hedges are still standing and doing duty as fences. His farm was fenced with hedges all around, and cross-fields too. We children raised the plants. These large worms that are found on tomatoes used to live on the plants and we had to look them over two or three times a summer and kill them. The road to the farm was out Cedar Street, or some street in that direction. There was not a fence from Galesburg to the Thurwell corners. The road just wandered across the prairie to a place where the stockyards are, which we called the “Mound" -- it was the highest point. There was a gradual rise from the college ground. From the Mound we went south--not a house in sight-- on to my Uncle Harvey Jerould's place. Our house was a mile and a half south of it. There was not a house or fence in between. One very popular young man, a relative of Robert Chappell, died down there. His name was Chappell also. His father was dead and his mother was quite aged. There was one daughter, Carrie, a beautiful girl. Her brother was sick and she undertook to go down to him. She had to go down the river on boat, taking 10 days or more. He died before she got there and was sent home on another boat. She had to turn around and take another boat home. The boats in those days made no time at all. Of course she got home too late. I believe when she went, she went from here to Quincy and got a boat there. Before we moved to the farm, when I was between 3 and 6 years old, we lived on the Thompson farm on West Fremont Street. The house had a kitchen, living room and bedroom. There

96 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL was a big brick oven built in the middle of the house. A fireplace opened into the living room. Mother didn't have a cook stove at first, but later did have one in the kitchen. The brick oven extended out into the bedroom. I don't know what they did with it in the summer. I think they had brick ovens outdoors for summer use. In those days a dressmaker, Mary Ann Paden, used to go around sewing. She made all the men's clothes, suits and overcoats, and the women's dresses. Father used to keep sheep. He hauled the wool to market, either to Peoria or Oquawka. He had some or it made up into cloth. We had several bolts of seal brown flannel for mothers’ and other various dresses and skirts for children’s uses and red flannel and full cloth. Mary Ann Paden made father's suits and pants out of the full cloth for men. Then there was another cloth, a little heavier than full cloth that was used for his overcoats. She used to come around once a year and "sew us up”. She was a character like no other and a great talker and story- teller. There was a traveling shoemaker, Chris Miner, who carried his set of tools and shoemaker's folding bench, which was something like a washing bench with boxes on top for tools, from house to house and made up the shoes and boots for the men, women and children. These shoes and boots would last about a year. Father bought leather by the hide. He saved the skin of any animal that died, had it cured and tanned and made into leather. They made morocco and sole leather out of cow and horse hides. Morocco was made out of calfskins. Chris Miner came and made up our shoes. This was when we were on West Fremont Street. Once I remember Chris Miner came to make the shoes and Mary Ann Paden was there making clothes. They were a pair! He would sing a song and she would sing one to match it. He would tell a story and she would tell another. They stayed nights or as long as it was necessary, and then moved on to the next house. There was fun alive at those times. Mother made her own soap. We burned wood. I never saw coal for years after that. Father saved the ashes, and dried them. He made a platform, took a barrel and bored some holes in the bottom, then filled it with ashes and set the barrel so the lye drained out. A kettle was set at that point. It was the duty of the children to keep water in the barrel on the ashes. After the lye was drained, it was put into a big kettle -- A big iron kettle which belonged to someone in the neighborhood was passed on from family to family for such usages. During the winter we saved all the fats and grease. The grease and lye was put in this big kettle and a fire was kept under the kettle. This was another job of the children, keeping the fire burning. It usually took two or three days to make the soap. If we wanted some special soap for hand use, we took out some of it and put some salt in it, stirred it up and let it dry down. Then we cut it into squares, thus making cakes of soap for hand use. This was one of the duties of the farmer's wife. We probably never bought a cake of soap. I used to make soap years after I was married. My husband set up many an ash kiln. There were no matches in the world in those days. I guess there was a way or making fire by rubbing sticks together and having paper and kindling together to make a lire. Mother went visiting one time and the fire went out. I was sent to the neighbors to get a brand of fire. I took an old copper kettle and went a half-mile and got a nice live brand, brought it home for mother to start the family fire. I don't think mother was in the habit or making fires, for a fire was never allowed to go out. It was always covered with ashes and would keep several days. Making candles was one of mother's duties, assisted by the other members of the family. Every family kept a bunch of candle rods, a hundred or more. Before the making of candles, the wicks which had been carefully measured the right length, were cut and twisted around the rod six or eight on a rod and laid carefully away till all were done. The tallow was put in the wash boiler and melted. A quantity of hot water was added to fill the boiler to the top, so as to make the candles clear to the top of the wick. Enough candles were usually made at one dipping to last six months or a year, according to the amount of tallow we had. The water in the boiler did not interfere with the making of the growth of the candle, because water and tallow do not mix.

97 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL There were a good many colored families that came up from Missouri and Kentucky and Galesburg was celebrated for its abolition of slavery. My father was one of the men who took the colored people in and helped them. They would travel nights. There were different stations along the way. I believe Princeton was the next one. The men would drive a wagon, having some hay in it, and they would go that way. My father was very much interested in helping them and he employed colored people. There was one family that came from Kentucky and who found an old cabin near us, in which they lived. The mother died, leaving six or seven children. One of the girls took consumption and was quite sick. The neighbors helped them all they could, and mother helped too. This girl was brought to our house. Mother put a bed up in our living room for her. She took care of the girl until she died. None of us contracted the consumption. In our life on the farm, I spoke of watering the horses at the well. The cattle were driven to the creek every morning. The first thing after breakfast we got the cattle, which were in a yard near the barn at night, let down the bars and turned them out into the path and drove them down to the creek to drink. A surveyor (Nehemiah Losey) came out with the party, which founded Galesburg. My father's father, Sylvanus Ferris, gave each of his children a section of land, a section being 1/36 of a township. There were seven children. The first one, the oldest son, was given the section at the northwest corner of town. The next child was given the next one, and so on. Our section was on the other end of the row. Uncle George's was along on Monmouth Road. Grandfather chose a section for himself that was just beyond the city limits. These sections did not join. He entered them at $1.25 an acre. He paid cash to the College, $6.00 an acre, for all this land. This is where the college endowment came from. He was a good farmer down east, at Utica. Grandfather never lived on this section, but broke it up, fenced it off and cultivated it. He used to come out here and look it over. That was down on the west side of the Abingdon road. There was a sawmill, which sawed up lumber, also a gristmill. One of the gristmills was very famous. It was the Olmsted mill. I think there also was a mill here in town. The Olmsted mill was northwest of town. It was the best. Father would haul a load of wheat to the mill and if the miller wasn't too busy he would grind it and bring it home, but if the miller had other work ahead he would have to leave the grain until his turn came to have it ground. He brought home bags of bran. The next grade was kernel and there was something they called "shorts". He would bring home a bag or two of shorts, and the flour. The wood we had was cut from trees. The men would go to the woods with an axe and cut down a tree. Several men would get together and help each other, saw it up into single lengths according to what use it was to be put to. They also made rails. If they wanted any lumber for flooring or beams they would cut the proper lengths and load it on a wagon and haul it to town and have it sawed off. They would bring the slabs home for firewood. It was wonderful how everything could be done without machinery. The grain used to be put into sacks after the threshing was done without any threshing machines. I think they laid a platform and drove horses around and around until they had tramped the grain out of I the wheat and then they would rake off the straw and leave the grain on the platform. They had a fanning mill run by hand. The boys ran it. The grain was pushed through a hopper and as it went the air would blow the grain out. That was the only way. My father didn’t have a granary. He built a square rail, put a timber on the bottom and then put some prairie grass on it, and in between the rails. He put the grain in this. He put straw or grass on top so the water would run off instead of settling in the grain. I think I remember the first service held in the church. I don't remember whether the walls were plastered or not, but I know there was a floor laid and the roof was on, and I think the windows were

98 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL in. The seats were two-inch planks arranged in front of the platform. There was no pulpit. The ends were on blocks about 15 inches high. There were rows of seats on one side, then an aisle, and then another row of seats. The gallery was in the back end of the church, the second story. There were 3 rows of seats along the north end of the gallery. The choir sat in the gallery. Some one played a violin and there was some kind of a melodeon. There was also a base viol. There were probably ten or more singers and when the hymns were sung the congregation arose and turned around and faced the choir, singing the hymns. We had some very good singers. The leader was Leonard Bacon. He played the violin and sang tenor. He was very nearsighted. It was an interesting show to watch him; he bent down until his nose almost touched his book and then he would raise his head and send out a roaring tenor voice that nearly drowned the rest of the choir. He also taught singing school. The members of the choir used to practice, going around to the different homes. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Olmsted and the tenor, Leonard Bacon, George Churchill and others were members. After the hymns were sung we turned around and sat down. When the church was built those who gave $100. (this $100 went into the building fund for the church) had the privilege of having a permanent seat. I think a deed was given to them; it was theirs forever without any charge or rental. Of course the people paid for the support of the pastor aside from that. My father’s pew was number 19. I can see the other members of the family as they were scattered around in their pews. Dr. Bunce had the next one in front of ours and Uncle George and Grandfather Ferris and Uncle William were seated in front of us. Uncle Western was back of us. Across the aisle was the Wilcox family and others. I can see them plainly. We had the morning service at 10:30 and afterwards the Sunday School. The grown folks didn't go to Sunday School as much as they do now. The children all staid and the teachers for an hour and had the lesson and singing. George Churchill was superintendent for a good many years. He was a remarkable man -- a man of mark in his faithfulness to duty and his genial way of conducting the service. My grandfather lived on the corner of Tompkins and Cherry Streets, where St. Mary's Hospital is. He was one of the best men that ever lived, I am sure. He was always doing some good deed. He had 5 sons and one daughter. They all lived around Galesburg on the farms, except those that lived in town. His first wife was a cousin of Dr. Gale; her name was Sallie Olmsted. She died 3 or 4 years after they came west (9 years). There was a widow who had 6 children, mostly grown, a Mrs. Hitchcock, who came here. She was an ideal christian. She lived her profession to the limit and was always looking for an opportunity to do good and help some one. After a couple of years or so grandfather decided he needed a helpmate and they were married. He was just as good to her children and grandchildren as he was to his own and she was as good to his children and grandchildren as she was to her own. My sister and I loved them both and would go to town and stay with them a week if we wanted to and didn't think anything of it. My sister lived there part of the time while she was going to school. Grandmother always had some of her needy nieces or grandchildren in her home to help with the work. She always had one or two college boys in the home who worked for their board. After the church services closed the grown folks all went to grandfather Ferris’. They sat in the kitchen - it was a kitchen and dining room all in one. Grandmother and her helpers went into the pantry and prepared a lunch, bread and butter, a little cold meat, a pickle, a piece of cheese, a doughnut or cookie. She would have a plate for all who went there. After the Sunday School services were over all the grandchildren came. There were generally 10 or 15 of them. The older people would be through with lunch by that time and grandmother would prepare a lunch for all the grandchildren. After they finished eating they all filed to the woodshed where the well was and had a drink from an old rusty dipper which hung near the bucket. By the time all were through and had an airing, it was time to go back to the afternoon service. It was held at 1:30. We had another regular preaching service of the same character as the morning service. About three o'clock we were dismissed

99 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL and went home. That was the Sunday program year in and year out. We had Sunday School picnics once in a while and other social gatherings. This was before the war, of course. The election of Lincoln and the nomination of Fremont were just as hotly contested as any election ever could be. The results of course are known. On the day that Fort Sumter fell, April 1861, my brother Alfred was starting for Californ1a. He was already to start off and we knew that the battle was on at Ft. Sumter. He had 3 yoke of oxen and a covered wagon and all his appliances loaded and was going with a party of Emmigrants from Monmouth. He started off that morning before daylight. They traveled all summer across the plains and in the fall they got to the western side of Nevada. He was tired of trave1img and became interested in mining there and staid there 4 years. He was twice elected sheriff of the county in which he lived. He was married to a daughter of a family that lived there. A year or so after they were married he decided he wanted to come back and he wrote to father and asked him to send him some money to Salt Lake City. They were going by team to Salt Lake City. Father sent the money. We didn't hear from him at all. Along in the summer there was a notice came that there was a letter in the dead letter department at Washington addressed to him with a draft in it and asked him what should be done with it. Of course father wrote to have it sent to him. Then we never heard from my brother. His wife's people lived there and they invest1gated but couldn’t find out anything. At that time the Indians were killing people and we always thought they were killed by the Indians. Later my sister-in-law’s people decided it was the Mormons that killed them. They were doing things like that. An old lady whom I met in Salt Lake City told me that she came across the plains with Brigham Young. They were Mormons. Brigham Young told at a meeting that a party of emigrants were coming through at such a place and that they had cattle and material and that the Lord needed them. He said, “I don't ask you to go and get them, but I call for volunteers.” That was the way they dealt with emigrants. She said they left the Mormons then and had had nothing more to do with them since. The excitement of the war was intense. There were about 25 or 30 boys left at college, but in the academy, which was, as attached to the college there were more. Professor Churchill was the head and "all". He had one or two assistant teachers, but he ran the academy. He was a universal favorite. We celebrated the triumvirate by purchasing the organ that is in Central Church. The official name of the organ is the Triumvirate Memorial Organ, in memory of the three teachers who lead the college in those days, Prot. Churchill, Prof. Hurd and Prof.Comstock. There was an article prepared and sent to all graduates at that time. They raised the money to pay for the organ. There were many subscriptions of $1. and several for $100. I was treasurer of the fund. Dr. Bateman has told his personal experience of going through college, and 1 think that my personal experience was so similar in a way that maybe it will not be a miss to tell how I went through college. My father brought some land (2 quarter sections of land) in the early days and at that time they gave scholarships for 25 years tuition in the college for each quarter section that people bought, my father thus having two scholarships. My sister and I paid our tuition through Knox College with the use of those scholarships. We lived on the farm, south of town, on the section which grandfather gave to my father. Sister was a little in advance in school and staid out and taught school a term or two. I went straight through, entered in 1860 and graduated in 1863. I had a room in Whiting Hall on the third floor part of the time. During the war there were 12 or 15 girls in the hall. Most of them were on the second floor. Most of the rooms on the third floor were vacant. I used to come up from the farm Sunday afternoons or Monday mornings and bring a basket of food from home. There being plenty of vacant rooms and a room was given me to use in which to keep my food and eat. I was so fortunate as to have a grandmother on the corner and several aunts in town who were typical Galesburgers of the time and I had a standing invitation to come in and take a meal any time I wanted to, which I did with many thanks for the great kindness and helpfulness with which they put me through. My father and

100 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL mother thought they couldn’t afford to put me through school and board me, so as you see, I boarded myself with their help. My sister and I kept house the last year of our school in the home, which my father and mother owned and lived in when they lived in town. We had a very efficient housekeeper and we kept some boarders. The lady who had lived there before us had the boarders and when we moved in they wanted to stay there; so my sister with the help of the efficient cook let them do so. There were two married men and their wives and a few others who came in for their meals. The last year of our school we spent in that home and supported ourselves. Among the boarders there, there was a Mr. B. F. Arnold. My sister was the great favorite and I was second best usually. This Mr. Arnold took a notion that I was the one he wanted, so he proposed to me one night on the sofa. I took the matter under consideration and decided I would accept. We were married the 26th of May after I graduated. We were married at home on the farm. This house, where we lived the last year of our schooling, was on Simmons St. at the head of Boone’s Ave., where the fire department is today. Our class ran the college while we were there we thought. There were ten girls and five men in the class, which graduated that June. The men are all passed on and all the girls except Mrs. Bell Cathren Ayres and myself. Little Caroline Elizabeth born there on June 18, 1851. Father kept two or three hundred sheep and it was the work of the children who were old enough to watch the sheep graze on the prairie and keep them from wandering away and getting mixed with the neighbors, or getting into the grain fields. There were no fences only around the outside of the farm and we drove the sheep into a yard at night and let them out onto the prairie in the morning. We always carried a stout stick to protect ourselves from mad dogs and rattle snakes, but I think our bare legs were the safest protection, as I never remember to have been attacked by either. Father sold the sheep and then our job was to herd the cattle, but by this time we were furnished with an old mare to ride and the work was more interesting. I remember following the plough day after day all the spring and dropping corn in every third furrow, which my brother made when breaking up the east field with three yoke of oxen. I rode on the back of one of them when going to and from the field. We all had chills and fever the summer of 1852 caused by the rotting of the sod after the west field was broken and my little brother Henry Blanchard died from jaundice following ague the winter of 1853. He was a beautiful black-eyed boy, the gem of the family we all thought, of four years of age. He was buried on the corner south of the house. My little sister Gala died the next September by falling into a pail of hot water and being scalded. These were sad times for the family and mother almost went distracted because of grief at losing her two youngest children so near together. It must have been in 1854 that father had his foot ground from his leg by stepping on the joint of the “tumbling shaft” of the threshing machine and slipping so that his foot and ankle were drawn into the joint and crushed so that his foot was separated from the leg all but the heel cord and the main artery. Dr. Bunce was called as soon as possible and bound the foot in place. It was years before it was entirely healed and hundreds of pieces of bone were taken out for months after at the daily dressings. The ankle joint was always stiff but father thought his foot was much better than none. He always made his own shoes after, as he had special lasts and a set of shoemakers tools and could suit himself better than in any other way. Lillie born in 1856 and I think it was in 1857 or 1858 that father rented the farm and moved into town. He traded the north farm for a brick house at the head of Boone’s Avenue and some lots near the depot and some other property. The Fire department is now located where our Family home was for several years. We only lived in town a couple of years when father and mother and Tim and Lillie moved back to the farm, as renting did not prove satisfactory. Hattie and I entered College in 1860 and we staid in the house and some married people boarded with us. We kept a competent maid and with some help from the ladies in the house got along very comfortably till we graduated in 1863. Several gentlemen boarded with us the last year or two as Hattie was a good provider and quite a

101 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL popular landlady. Among them were Scott Dewey, a R. R. Conductor and Warren Bakers, a moneylender and B. F. Arnold, a lawyer and real estate man. The two former were rather “sweet” on the landlady but the latter actually proposed to the headwaiter and they were married at the farm home on May 26, 1864. The town house was broken up and “the girls" moved back to the farm where they lived till they were both married. B. F. Arnold and Ella were married at eight o'clock on May 26, 1864 and Edwin Crandall and Hattie in Nov. the day after Thanksgiving of the same year. It was a lonesome Mother that winter who kept the home for father and Tim and Lillie. Hatti came home in the spring and always after that they were closely associated in their home life, often living together. Tim was married to Mary Drew in a year or two and was proprietor of the farm and father and mother and the Crandalls moved back to the city. My father’s and mother’s family consisted of seven children, Alfred Garret the eldest, Harriet Maria born in 1839, Ella in 1842, Timothy Harvey in 1845, Henry Blanchard who died aged/4, Caroline Elizabeth aged 3 and Lillie Cornelia born in 1856. Thus endeth something of a family record, but I have been asked to tell of some of the doings of our childhood in a frontier town located in the middle west in the thirties and forties of the last century. These records begin when we moved onto "the section" in 1849. There used to be great discussion where to build the schoolhouse. All the people lived in the north end of that school district and my rather wanted it down nearer our farm and the center or the district, but the major1ty overruled and the schoolhouse was built where it is now, the Thurwell School, the site given by Mr. Thurlwell, a mile and a half from our home. We did not go to school very much. We went through the Primary Dept. at home. When we left the farm and moved to town, I graded up with all the other girls that had gone to school all their lives. Sometimes, when there were two or three of us going to school, and when my father wasn’t too busy, we rode an old horse, but we usually walked. We only had school in the summer season. One family built a house about half way between my uncle's and our house. Finch was their name. My father and his family moved to town in 1856. We girls went into the Academy and later into the college. War broke out in l861. Nearly all the boys left for war, or went home so their fathers could go. There were only 15 or 20 boys left at college. The first death of the college boys was an event that touched our hearts almost beyond our ability to endure it. He was George Foster. He was a young man, a senior, who had been planning to be a minister. He left and went to war. He was a lieutenant. It was his duty to lead his men. He went forward and was shot. He had not been in service more than two or three months when he was killed. He was brought home and burial service was held in what is now Beecher Chapel. He was buried in Hope Cemetery. After that there were others who were taken sick and died, or who were killed and brought home. Some of the finest young men the city ever had are lying there in the cemetery on account of their war service. The women of the city organized the Soldiers Aid Society and went into it just as they did here in the Red Cross. They made garments and packed barrels of food. Mother Bickerdyke lived here and was very efficient. Mary Allen West was a local woman who did much for the soldiers. She canvassed for food for the hospitals and sent carloads of food to the soldiers in hospitals along the Mississippi River. They canvassed the farmers, who gave cattle and hogs and vegetables and fruit, in fact anything they raised, and all this was sent to these hospitals in Tennessee, Louisiana and Kentucky on the Mississippi River. Everything had to go by boat. There were no railroads.

Extract from The Old State Road, an address by George L Johnson of Ilion, delivered before the Herkimer County Historical Society, November 2, 1904. According to the record we have of him Sylvanus Ferris, must have been an enterprising business man, in addition to his potash industry, hebought and sold country produce, and was a partner with Robert Nesbit in the butter and cheese

102 April 2008 (5) JAMES - Ferris of Knox County IL trade many years. It is the enterprising that emigrate. In 1836, he with his six sons, sold out their holding of 700 acres on Dairy Hill, the highest, bleakest, and most uncomfortable place in Norway, about six months of the year, and went to Galesburg, Ill, and settled on government land, which was then plenty at $1.25 acre. He gave each of his sons a section (640 acres) of land, 3,200 acres for all. My father visited them in 1843, but I cannot now tell how much Ferris had for himself. The estate was vastly increased. One of the boys had been a captain in that rifle company (militia) before mentioned. In the census of 1900 Galesburg had a population of 18,000. Norway a little over 800 in the town. -


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