School Strategic Plan 2015- 2018: Indicative Planner

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School Strategic Plan 2015- 2018: Indicative Planner

School Strategic Plan Harrisfield Primary 4730 2015-2018

1 Endorsements

Endorsement by Signed: School Principal Name: Meredith Iaconese

Date: February 16th, 2015

Signed………………………………………. Endorsement by School Council Name: Helen Kelly Date……………………………………………

School Council President’s endorsement represents endorsement of School Strategic Plan by School Council

Signed………………………………………. Endorsement by the delegate of the Name…………………………………………. Secretary Date……………………………………………

2 School Profile Purpose Harrisfield Primary School Vision Harrisfield Primary School strives to develop the personal and interpersonal skills of every student to enable them to become active participants in their global community. Our contribution to their learning journey will build the foundations for them to be innovative thinkers and lifelong learners, prepared to face the challenges of an ever changing society.

Values ACE Values We all agree to engender trust and respect between all members of the school community through agreement, communication and equity (ACE) as described below.

Agreement Supporting necessary change Providing the best learning environment

Communication Integrity in all situations Positive interaction

Equity Fair processes Clear expectations Flexibility (All Values listed above have associated behaviors that are embedded across the school community) Environmental Context Harrisfield Primary School is situated in Noble Park, Victoria. The closest urban centre is Dandenong, and it is located within the City of Greater Dandenong. Although Harrisfield’s catchment area is clearly defined by Princes Highway, Chandler and Corrigan roads and the railway line attracting students away from the local P-12 College is always an issue. Harrisfield is lucky enough to have spacious grounds encompassing a grassed oval, a large asphalt area, two sets of new play equipment and three street frontages of access and extensive parent parking in a nearby shopping centre.

Students at Harrisfield bring a rich array of experiences and cultural backgrounds, enhancing the learning environment. Harrisfield is located near an English language school, and this means that the cultural composition of our students closely mirrors broader immigration and refugee trends within Australia. Cultural backgrounds that are currently highly represented are Indian and Sri Lankan, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma and Greece (>50% speak a language other

3 than English at home). The majority of students from these countries have been in Australia for less than five years. Mobility is an issue for the school with many students attending for only a relatively short period before moving to other areas and schools.

A high proportion of families in the community hold Health Care Cards to compensate for their low socio-economic status (SFO 0.7358). Many parents are either unemployed or are unable to gain employment in the field in which they trained in their country of origin. This is perhaps one reason why Harrisfield Primary School finds it increasingly difficult to attract and maintain the support of parents and the wider community. It is lucky enough to have a small but vocal School Council, but support is minimal beyond this tight-knit group.

Despite this transitional effect, our overall enrolment remains generally stable, with a slight upward trend. The current enrolment is 240, with 38 Foundation students and a similar numbers across all year levels with the exception of Year One (31). In 2015, the school has two Foundation classes, four year 1-2 classes, two year 3 classes, two year 4-5 class and two year 5-6 classes.

As a result of the BER building program the school received two BER buildings which supports our model of Professional Learning Community and enables the differentiation of learning (Senior Learning House years 4-6 and Junior Learning House years 1-3). Student learning is enhanced by small groups and explicit high quality teaching which targets students individual needs. All students have the opportunity to be involved in a daily Intervention Program. Teachers identify specific skills that are in need of additional time to develop and allocate the student to the person best suited to assist the student to acquire those skills.

We have an established and rigorous coaching program which has the dual function of ensuring ongoing maintenance of high quality professional practice, and providing new staff with guidance in doing things the way we want them done. We have also worked to make our school a PLC (Professional Learning Community) to facilitate meaningful collaboration within teams as well as ensuring a systematic and accountable response when children experience difficulty grasping new concepts. We have invested significantly in professional learning to become a PLC, both in sending a cohort of staff members to a conference in the United States, as well as maintaining high staff to student ratios to provide intervention and small group focused, differentiated teaching. Although early days, the impact of our Intervention program was recently highlighted by ACARA we were recognised as, ‘demonstrating above average NAPLAN gain compared to schools with similar students. This gain is deemed to be statistically significant and worthy of highlighting and acknowledgement.‘

4 Harrisfield is staffed by a Principal, Assistant Principal (0.5 Instructional Coach), 12 full-time classroom teachers, and 5 full- time specialist teachers (Physical Education, Science, ICT, Visual Arts and EAL). The leadership team is composed of the Principal, Assistant Principal and three Level 2 teachers. Administration staff include one Business Manager and one Office Manager. The teaching staff is supported by seven part time Integration ES staff. The profile of the teaching staff is nine class 1 teachers, seven class 2 teachers, AP and Principal. To meet the social and emotional needs of students, staff and families the school employs a Health and Wellbeing Officer and a School Chaplain under the School Chaplaincy program (one third of wages paid for by locally raised funds). These two well-being staff facilitate programs such as Seasons for Growth, Girls on the Go, Friendship and Social Skills Groups. In addition they are working with a group of fathers from within our school community to establish a fathers group. They are also a wonderful support for parents by liaising with community agencies. Harrisfield has recently outsourced the Out of School Hours program to an external provider – Extend for before and after school care programs. Service Standards General  The school provides a safe and stimulating learning environment to ensure all students can achieve their full potential.  The school fosters close links with parents and the broader school community through its commitment to open and regular communications.  The school commits to the active sharing of its vision and goals to ensure school community engagement in the school’s strategic plan.  The school guarantees all students access to a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum including skills for learning and life.  All students will receive instruction that is adapted to their individual needs through the implementation of a differentiated curriculum with explicit and targeted teaching. Specific  The school will facilitate open lines of communication via weekly newsletter, phone app, phone calls and email.  The school will provide timely intervention to students who are experience difficulty grasping concepts.  The school will recognise students who are meeting the ACE Values of Agreement, Communication and Equity  The school will provide welfare support via the employment of a School Chaplain and Primary Welfare Officer  Parents will be engaged regularly when their child does not behave in a socially acceptable manner.  All teachers will provide timely and targeted feedback to students on their work.

5 Strategic Direction ACHIEVEMENT

GOAL: Increase the learning growth in literacy and numeracy of every child to be more than one year annually. (Indicators all elements of assessment schedule) Data Targets Key Improvement Strategies Build a guaranteed and viable curriculum AusVELS Data % of students A,B & C by Year Level focused on enhancing student learning. To increase the percentage of students ABC P 1 2 3 4 5 6 assessed as achieving at or above the expected Build the instructional practice of every teacher. Readi 10 87 93 94 90 74 76 achievement standard in Reading, Writing and ng 13 0% % % % % % % Number using AusVELS progression points. Readi 93 92 96 73 94 94 91 ng 14 % % % % % % % Writin 10 93 10 84 81 73 71 g 13 0% % 0% % % % % Increase in the percentage of students whose Writin 93 92 83 73 79 83 65 NAPLAN results indicate a growth of minimum g 14 % % % % % % % two bands. Numb 10 10 96 92 94 75 71 er 13 0% 0% % % % % % Numb 97 93 97 79 85 97 77 er 14 % % % % % % %

AusVELS Data % of students A,B & C Whole School Total

Readi Writi Spea Num ABC ng ng king ber 2013 90% 85% 98% 94% 2014 90% 82% 92% 89%

6 7 ENGAGEMENT GOAL: Increase student engagement and opportunities for student voice in their learning.

Data Targets Key Improvement Strategies

2014 Learning confidence 4.34 To show a continued improvement in the Year Refine and strengthen the professional learning 5 and 6 learning confidence, stimulating communities (PLC’s) across the school. Stimulating Learning 4.33 learning and student motivation elements of Ensure a whole school process for setting Student motivation 4.75 the Attitudes to School Survey and school challenging goals and effective feedback for developed survey. every teacher and student.

WELL-BEING GOAL: Build the social and emotional intelligence of every student.

Data Targets Key Improvement Strategies

To show a continued improvement in the Year Attitudes to School Survey 5 and 6 connectedness to peers, student Connectedness to peers 4.34 morale and student distress elements of the Attitudes to School Survey and school Develop a highly effective leadership culture Student Morale 6.09 developed survey. across the school community Student Distress 6.06 Build the home  school partnership. Parent Opinion Survey

8 Connectedness to peers 5.97 Student motivation 6.11 Connectedness to school 6.12

PRODUCTIVITY GOAL: Maximise the school resources to ensure the achievement of the strategic plan goals and priorities.

Data Targets Key Improvement Strategies

Staffing Teaching: To increase the percentage of students Ensure regular monitoring of the strategic plan assessed as achieving at or above the expected by the leadership team and the School Council.  Intervention program achievement standard in Reading, Writing and Number using AusVELS progression points.  Maths program

 Reading program Increase in the percentage of students whose NAPLAN results indicate a growth of minimum  Writing program two bands.

= 2.0 EFT Class 2 Teachers (teaching time only) To show a continued improvement in the Year 5 and 6 learning confidence, stimulating Staffing ES staff learning and student motivation elements of the Attitudes to School Survey and school  School Chaplain developed survey. Staffing Coach:

 Coaching program To show a continued improvement in the Year EFT 0.5 Assistant Principal 5 and 6 connectedness to peers, student morale and student distress elements of the Programs: Student Well-being Attitudes to School Survey and school

9 2015= $7,000.00

Professional Learning:

2013 Study Tour: $31,000 (School contribution)

2014 Professional Development Budget: $30,000 developed survey.

2015 Professional Development Budget: $35,000

2015 Study Tour: TBD not yet approved

10 School Strategic Plan 2015- 2018: Indicative Planner Achievement Key Improvement Strategy 1 Build a guaranteed and viable curriculum focused on enhancing student learning. Year Actions Achievement Milestones 1.1 Review literacy A more coherent approach to the delivery of the writing program Year 1 curriculum: Writing Teachers referencing the document when planning and delivering their (Audit current practices and program develop schedule for Teachers verbalising their understandings providing professional learning in the elements of the Writing program requiring alignment: spelling, grammar, writing genre) Develop written and documented curriculum 1.2 Review assessment of Discussions around Measurement assessment during PLC meetings and measurement and develop maths committee meetings assessment books Identify power standards (what is essential and what isn’t) Develop child friendly language learning intentions Identify assessment tasks to compliment books 1.3 Implement an inquiry Teachers planning Inquiry units using new templates approach to the learning and Students engaged in their unit work teaching of humanities Whole school/learning house presentations at the conclusion of unit 11 subjects work Ongoing engagement of Community involvement in presentations Inquiry Consultant to support teams to develop models

Year 2 2.1 Review Mathematics Curriculum: (Audit current practices and develop schedule for A more coherent approach to the delivery of the Mathematics program providing professional Teachers referencing the document when planning and delivering their learning in the elements of program the Mathematics program requiring further Teachers verbalising their understandings enhancement) Develop written and documented curriculum 2.2 Implement Teachers trusting the judgement of previous assessment made by measurement assessment colleagues books Assessment books forming part of day to day instruction and assessment Teachers and students will be Assessment books being used to inform intervention using booklets to personalise teaching and assessment of Students referring to measurement assessment books for goal setting measurement and attainment 2.3 Continue to develop an All teachers confident to take an active role in structuring inquiry units inquiry approach to the Students actively inquiring, asking in inquiring questions and learning and teaching of demonstrating curiosity humanities subjects Staff teaching metacognitive skills to support students to inquire Whole school/learning house presentations at the conclusion of unit work Community involvement in presentations

12 Year 3 Review literacy curriculum: A more coherent approach to the delivery of the reading program Reading: Teachers referencing the document when planning and delivering their (Audit current practices and program develop schedule for Teachers verbalising their understandings providing professional learning in the elements of Students engaged in analytical reading the Reading program Reading tasks clearly reflective of the learning intentions requiring alignment: guided reading, independent reading, reader’s theatre, reciprocal reading). Develop written and documented curriculum Embed the Inquiry approach Rich and rigorous inquiries interwoven through the curriculum to the learning and teaching All teachers confident to take an active role in structuring inquiry units of humanities subjects Students actively inquiring, asking in inquiring questions and demonstrating curiosity Teachers confidently assessing students metacognitive skills using a variety of measures ie rubrics Whole school/learning house presentations at the conclusion of unit work Community involvement in presentations Year 4 Review literacy curriculum: Students able to determine what are the elements of a good listener Speaking & listening Student actively seeking to improve their speaking and listening through (Audit current practices and feedback and other sources develop schedule for providing professional learning in the elements of the Speaking & Listening program requiring alignment: vocabulary, oral presentations, clear verbal

13 structure of thoughts, responding in full sentences, cued articulation, questioning and responding). Develop written and documented curriculum

14 Key Improvement Strategy 2 Build the instructional practice of every teacher. Year 1 1.1 Research Marzano Teachers discussing elements of the Marzano model and how it relates to instructional classroom the own practice and connects to e5 and PoLT delivery model Aspects of Marzano model being demonstrated in teaching practice 1.2 Build the data literacy of Teachers storing and extracting data from the SENTRAL program to direct every teacher and staff their practice member. PLC meetings focusing of student assessment data to inform groupings, Identify staff areas of need intervention and student learning Targeted Professional Conversations between staff about how to handle data more effectively, Learning to analyse data and and efficiently during PLC times understand implications for student learning and curriculum delivery Development of a data handling policy to guide practice 1.3 Continue Coaching as a Teachers involved in peer observation, coaching, goal setting and key strategy receiving quality feedback on their teaching practices Teachers responding to feedback my modifying their teaching practice Year 2 2.1 Implement Marzano Teachers confidently discussing the various elements of the model and instructional classroom their effectiveness delivery model across all levels 2.2 Continue to build the Increased teacher capacity in managing and analysing data data literacy of every Teachers taking collective responsibility to administer data records teacher and staff member. All staff using basic functions in programs such as MS Excel to manage/ Staff will adhere to the data analyse data handling policy Staff to receive targeted

15 Professional Learning in areas of identified need Teachers articulation and reflection of their practice becomes more 2.3 Continue Coaching as a critical and growth in individuals becomes more evident key strategy Teachers ability to set and monitor high quality goals for their practice is continuing to evolve dependent upon their level of experience Year 3 3.1 Embed and document All teachers will be planning, delivering and confidently discussing the the Harrisfield agreed Harrisfield agreed instructional classroom delivery model instructional classroom delivery model (including elements of Marzano, e5 and PoLT) All staff able to locate, evaluate, and effectively use relevant data and 3.2 Continue to build the information for assessing, grouping and teaching children data literacy of every teacher and staff member Staff cognisant of relationship between abstract data and classroom practice Teachers articulation and reflection of their practice becomes more 3.3 Continue Coaching as a critical and growth in individuals becomes more evident key strategy Teachers ability to set and monitor high quality goals for their practice is continuing to evolve dependent upon their level of experience Year 4 4.1 Review and refine the Teachers questioning the Harrisfield agreed instructional classroom Harrisfield agreed delivery model and its impact on teaching and learning with a view to instructional classroom make necessary adjustments. delivery model 4.2 Continue to build the Teachers having the ability to understand and use the practical and data literacy of every conceptual tools of current information technology relevant to education teacher and staff member and the areas of work and professional life that the individual expects to Teachers collaborating with inhabit ICT specialist to ensure that Teachers have the ability to understand the form, format, location and all areas of information access methods of information resources about students. technology are embedded Teachers have ability to seek out, understand and use the IT-based tools throughout the curriculum at relevant to their work 16 all levels.

Teachers articulation and reflection of their practice becomes more 4.3 Continue Coaching as a critical and growth in individuals becomes more evident key strategy Teachers ability to set and monitor high quality goals for their practice is continuing to evolve dependent upon their level of experience

Student Engagement Key Improvement Strategy 1 Strengthen the Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) across the school. Year 1 Teachers demonstrating common understanding of Professional Learning Develop a Professional Learning Communities guide which includes Communities at Harrisfield which is reflected in their practice, planning, protocols and processes for operating effectively at Harrisfield. collaborative interactions and meetings. All new staff will be inducted into the philosophy of Professional Learning Communities at Harrisfield Guarantee regular whole school Professional Learning Communities Teachers demonstrating common understanding of Professional Learning training in meeting schedules. Communities at Harrisfield which is reflected in their practice, planning, collaborative interactions and meetings Ongoing commitment to the Harrisfield Professional Learning community model Provide the opportunity for staff members to participate in Study tours Enthusiasm amongst study tour participants to drive and refine the to attended conferences with a focus on Professional Learning model Communities and visit high performing PLC schools. Passionate and meaningful discussions that are continually challenging teachers practice Formally document the journey that Harrisfield has travelled to Formal accreditation as a Professional Learning Communities school effectively embed the DuFour Professional Learning Communities through All Thing PLC. model. Year 2 Guarantee regular whole school Professional Learning Communities All new staff will be inducted into the philosophy of Professional Learning training in meeting schedules. Communities at Harrisfield Teachers demonstrating common understanding of Professional Learning Communities at Harrisfield which is reflected in their practice, planning, 17 collaborative interactions and meetings Ongoing commitment to the Harrisfield Professional Learning community Provide the opportunity for staff members to participate in Study tours model to attended conferences with a focus on Professional Learning Enthusiasm amongst study tour participants to drive and refine the Communities and visit high performing PLC schools. model Passionate and meaningful discussions that are continually challenging teachers practice Year 3 All new staff will be inducted into the philosophy of Professional Learning Guarantee regular whole school Professional Learning Communities Communities at Harrisfield training in meeting schedules. Teachers demonstrating common understanding of Professional Learning Communities at Harrisfield which is reflected in their practice, planning, collaborative interactions and meetings. Ongoing commitment to the Harrisfield Professional Learning community Provide the opportunity for staff members to participate in Study tours model to attended conferences with a focus on Professional Learning Enthusiasm amongst study tour participants to drive and refine the Communities and visit high performing PLC schools. model Passionate and meaningful discussions that are continually challenging teachers practice Year 4 All new staff will be inducted into the philosophy of Professional Learning Guarantee regular whole school Professional Learning Communities Communities at Harrisfield training in meeting schedules. Teachers demonstrating common understanding of Professional Learning Communities at Harrisfield which is reflected in their practice, planning, collaborative interactions and meetings. Ongoing commitment to the Harrisfield Professional Learning community Provide the opportunity for staff members to participate in Study tours model to attended conferences with a focus on Professional Learning Enthusiasm amongst study tour participants to drive and refine the Communities and visit high performing PLC schools. model Passionate and meaningful discussions that are continually challenging teachers practice Key Improvement Strategy 2 Ensure a whole school process for setting challenging goals and effective feedback for every teacher and student.

Year 1 Further refine the agreed teacher feedback model across the school Coaching: scheduled coaching sessions, informal coaching sessions and that includes both formal and informal feedback to and from all term goal setting/reflection settings stakeholders. Students to teachers: Students confidently offering feedback to teachers 18 on their practice and interactions-informally and via Identify methods for recording feedback surveys/questionnaires Develop surveys, questionnaires and rubrics Peer to peer: Formal feedback via surveys/questionnaires, following Peer Observations: Informal feedback forming part of the professional Establish schedules for formal feedback and peer observations learning community and collaborative working environment Students to students: Formally as part of reflection during lessons and Guarantee coach/coachee opportunities for feedback and reflection presentations. Informally as part of the daily interactions Teachers to students: Formally verbalising and recording on student progress and informal feedback throughout the course of the learning and teaching program. Continue to develop student voice in relation to goal setting and Written responses in feedback diaries reflection into their own learning and of their peers. Students setting and monitoring personal learning goals Students questioning and contributing to the direction of their learning Students formulating constructive feedback to their peers/teachers Transference of skills from intervention sessions to all areas of student learning Students demonstrating increased confidence, resilience and Maintain commitment to the current whole school intervention independence in their learning program ensuring that the implementation has quality, fidelity, Improved student learning outcomes intensity and consistency. Explicit teaching practice Improved teacher/student relationships Highly developed interpersonal skills Increased student engagement Year 2 Further refine the agreed teacher feedback model across the school Coaching: scheduled coaching sessions, informal coaching sessions and that includes both formal and informal feedback to and from all term goal setting/reflection settings stakeholders. Students to teachers: Students confidently offering feedback to teachers on their practice and interactions-informally and via Trial and refine methods for recording feedback surveys/questionnaires Peer to peer: Formal feedback via surveys/questionnaires, following Peer Develop surveys, questionnaires and rubrics Observations. Informal feedback forming part of the professional Establish schedules for formal feedback and peer observations learning community and collaborative working environment Students to students: Formally as part of reflection during lessons and Guarantee coach/coachee opportunities for feedback and reflection presentations. Informally as part of the daily interactions Teachers to students: Formally verbalising and recording on student progress and informal feedback throughout the course of the learning

19 and teaching program.

Continue to develop student voice in relation to goal setting and Written responses in feedback diaries reflection into their own learning and of their peers. Students setting and monitoring personal learning goals Students questioning and contributing to the direction of their learning

Transference of skills from intervention sessions to all areas of student learning Students demonstrating increased confidence, resilience and Maintain commitment to the current whole school intervention independence in their learning program ensuring that the implementation has quality, fidelity, Improved student learning outcomes intensity and consistency. Explicit teaching practice Improved teacher/student relationships Highly developed interpersonal skills Increased student engagement Further refine the agreed teacher feedback model across the school Coaching: scheduled coaching sessions, informal coaching sessions and that includes both formal and informal feedback to and from all term goal setting/reflection settings stakeholders. Students to teachers: Students confidently offering feedback to teachers on their practice and interactions-informally and via Implement whole school process for recording feedback aligned with surveys/questionnaires PDP, coaching and personal professional learning plans. Peer to peer: Formal feedback via surveys/questionnaires, following Peer Observations. Informal feedback forming part of the professional Development of a dynamic culture that uses and gives feedback as part learning community and collaborative working environment of PLC and learning and teaching cycle Year 3 Students to students: Formally as part of reflection during lessons and Develop surveys, questionnaires and rubrics for distribution to all presentations. Informally as part of the daily interactions stakeholders. Teachers to students: Formally verbalising and recording on student progress and informal feedback throughout the course of the learning Establish schedules for formal feedback and peer observations and teaching program. Staff to have demonstrated individual commitment to building their own Guarantee coach/coachee opportunities for feedback and reflection professional capacity through seeking and applying feedback.

Continue to develop student voice in relation to goal setting and Written responses in feedback diaries reflection into their own learning and of their peers. Students setting and monitoring personal learning goals Students questioning and contributing to the direction of their learning

20 Transference of skills from intervention sessions to all areas of student learning Students demonstrating increased confidence, resilience and Maintain commitment to the current whole school intervention independence in their learning program ensuring that the implementation has quality, fidelity, Improved student learning outcomes intensity and consistency. Explicit teaching practice Improved teacher/student relationships Highly developed interpersonal skills Increased student engagement Year 4 Transference of skills from intervention sessions to all areas of student learning Students demonstrating increased confidence, resilience and Maintain commitment to the current whole school intervention independence in their learning program ensuring that the implementation has quality, fidelity, Improved student learning outcomes intensity and consistency. Explicit teaching practice Improved teacher/student relationships Highly developed interpersonal skills Increased student engagement

21 Student Well-Being Key Improvement Strategy 1 Develop a highly effective leadership culture across the school community Year 1 Commence the development of a set of agreed character traits to Evidence of parent interest in the form of responses to surveys embed across the school ensuring alignment with ACE Values and Evidence of parent participation at public meeting addressing identified areas of need. Staff identifying areas of need specific to our student body Seek input from parent community, students and staff Identify behaviours that align with selected character traits Investigate researched based models for building student leadership Staff identifying what is useful and what is not capacity. Staff discussing readings and sharing ideas

Read Steven Covey- ‘The Leader in Me’

Read Sean Covey – ‘The 7 Habits of Happy Kids’

Year 2 Refine identified behaviours which align with agreed character traits Rigourous discussion between stakeholders in a variety of forums ensuring alignment with ACE Values and addressing identified areas of need. Devise the Harrisfield model for cultivating student leadership across Staff demonstrating their knowledge of various models enabling them to all levels ensuring uniformity between character traits and evidence identify what aspects of different models to include in the Harrisfield based models for developing leadership. model

Year 3 Evidence in work programs, terms planners and inquiry units of explicit teaching Introduce the agreed character strengths and associated behaviours Staff and students using common language across their day Develop design for publishing. Traits being referenced in ACE Awards, newsletters, web page Launch character traits. Students setting goals referencing behaviours, demonstrating their Refer to traits through explicit lessons and also incidentally. awareness of leadership traits Disseminate information about the traits to our community. Traits/behaviours published and displayed throughout the school and wider school community Introduce and implement the Harrisfield model for cultivating student Students identifying and striving to develop areas for improvement leadership across all levels. Students demonstrating desired leadership with increased confidence in their own abilities Formal lessons in addition to references throughout all aspects of

22 school wide practice.

Investigate program for recognizing and rewarding student leadership and character traits.

Year 4 Embed the agreed character traits and associated behaviours. Students identifying areas for improvement and striving to develop Students demonstrating desired leadership with increased confidence in Continue formal lessons and references to character traits their own abilities Students attaining leadership/personality traits awards and working Embed the Harrisfield model for cultivating student leadership across towards Captaincy Roles. all levels.

Implement program for recognizing and rewarding student leadership and character traits.

Key Improvement Strategy 2 Build the HomeSchool Partnership Year 1 Build communication links between home and school Increased communication between teachers and parents via email and

Implement use of email and student and family portal of SENTRAL SENTRAL Increased attendance at all school community activities Increased use of Skoolbag app Increased attendance at organised parent focused events Plan for one out of hours community event per term Parents demonstrating ownership for the dads’ group and organising Inquiry expo at the end of each unit community events and being financially self-supporting Provide opportunities to engage parents in programs to build their capacity.

Dad’s group

Guest speakers (academic, interest based and local agencies)

Provide support for programs by ensuring high quality personnel are employed in all welfare positions.

Year 2 Continue to build communication links between home and school

23 Continue to provide opportunities to engage parents in programs to build their capacity.

Year 3 Build communication links between home and school

Provide opportunities to engage parents in programs to build their capacity.

Year 4 Build communication links between home and school

Provide opportunities to engage parents in programs to build their capacity.

24 Productivity Key Improvement Strategy 1 Ensure regular monitoring of the strategic plan by the leadership team and the School Council. Year 1 Align and monitor workforce plan to meet the requirements and All student achievement goals are being met changing needs of the Strategic Plan All student well-being and engagement goals are being achieved Maintain small literacy and numeracy groups Maintain commitment to the current whole school intervention program Attendees embracing the concept of Professional Learning Communities by providing sufficient staff to implement the program and their philosophies based on first hand experiences of school visits Provide high quality Speech Pathology Maintain commitment to common non-face to face teaching times across and workshops learning houses to ensure high quality professional learning community Confidence to lead and drive our Professional Learning Communities meetings. Ensure Well-Being programs are implemented by highly competent staff Teams to ensure their work is rigorous, analytical, transparent whilst and reviewed regularly. discussing and actioning data for the purpose of teaching and learning. Provide sufficient funding to target and provide for professional learning opportunities to continue to support the work of high quality Improved student outcomes in line with student achievement goal Professional Learning Communities. Safe and secure learning environment where students are supported Curriculum days-guest speakers and school base workshops Study tours including conference and school visits socially, emotionally and academically High quality, relevant reading resources Highly skilled, competent practitioners who are reflective and analytical Ensure workforce plan makes provision for the continuation of the Coaching Program of their teaching and learning Maintain staffing to a level that allows for an Instructional Coach All staff providing timely and relevant feedback to other staff members Provide financial resources to provide time each term for teachers and coach to meet for reflection and goal setting Year 2 Align and monitor workforce plan to meet the requirements and changing needs of the Strategic Plan Maintain small literacy and numeracy groups Maintain commitment to the current whole school intervention program by providing sufficient staff to implement the program Provide high quality Speech Pathology Maintain commitment to common non-face to face teaching times across learning houses to ensure high quality professional learning community meetings. 25 Ensure Well-Being programs are implemented by highly competent staff and reviewed regularly. Provide sufficient funding to target and provide for professional learning opportunities to continue to support the work of high quality Professional Learning Communities. Curriculum days-guest speakers and school base workshops Study tours including conference and school visits Reading materials Ensure workforce plan makes provision for the continuation of the Coaching Program Year 3 Align and monitor workforce plan to meet the requirements and changing needs of the Strategic Plan Maintain small literacy and numeracy groups Maintain commitment to the current whole school intervention program by providing sufficient staff to implement the program Provide high quality Speech Pathology Maintain commitment to common non-face to face teaching times across learning houses to ensure high quality professional learning community meetings. Ensure Well-Being programs are implemented by highly competent staff and reviewed regularly. Provide sufficient funding to target and provide for professional learning opportunities to continue to support the work of high quality Professional Learning Communities. Curriculum days-guest speakers and school base workshops Study tours including conference and school visits Reading materials Ensure workforce plan makes provision for the continuation of the Coaching Program Year 4 Align and monitor workforce plan to meet the requirements and changing needs of the Strategic Plan Maintain small literacy and numeracy groups Maintain commitment to the current whole school intervention program by providing sufficient staff to implement the program Provide high quality Speech Pathology

26 Maintain commitment to common non-face to face teaching times across learning houses to ensure high quality professional learning community meetings. Ensure Well-Being programs are implemented by highly competent staff and reviewed regularly. Provide sufficient funding to target and provide for professional learning opportunities to continue to support the work of high quality Professional Learning Communities. Curriculum days-guest speakers and school base workshops Study tours including conference and school visits Reading materials Ensure workforce plan makes provision for the continuation of the Coaching Program


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