Occupational Hazard Assessment and Control

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Occupational Hazard Assessment and Control


Note 1: Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Code (OH&S Code) provides specific compliance requirements. This document is meant as a summary or checklists to assist staff comply with the legislation or applicable school jurisdiction administrative policies and regulations.

Note 2: The employee is required to conduct a pre-job hazard assessment before commencing work.

Note 3: This is a general worksite hazard assessment. Depending on the school/instructional area/specific courses taught, some incidents/hazards may or may not be present.


A Frequency of Exposure B C Risk to Hazard Incident/Hazard Probability Potential Consequence Degree of Risk Classification

1 = Less than once a month 1 = Not likely 1 = Negligible (no injury, first aid) 1–11 L – Low 2 = At least once a month 2 = Remote: not likely by once every 5–20 yrs 2 = Marginal (medical aid, minor injury or illness) 12–31 M – Medium 3 = At least once a week 3 = Occasional: likely to happen once every 1–5 yrs 3 = Critical (lost time injury, temp. disability) 32–64 H – High 4 = One or more times daily 4 = Probable: expected to happen one or more times/year 4 = Catastrophic (serious injury or illness)


POTENTIAL HAZARD POTENTIAL HAZARD RISK ANALYSIS SUMMARY OF EXISTING CONTROLS DESCRIPTION (A x B x C = ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONAL CONTROL Degree of Risk) Alberta’s Occupational PROTECTIVE IN Health and Safety EQUIPMENT PLACE Codes (OH&S Code) (PPE) applicable school Personal Protective YES/NO jurisdiction Equipment (PPE) administrative policies appropriate for the work and regulations is both worn and CSA certified/approved where required.

Biological  body fluid exposure Biological  sink for handwashing  Use universal  protective gloves  YES Exposure from injuries 4 x 4 x 1 = 16 precautions. (latex or nitrile  NO Medium  first aid kit and disposable gloves) supplies  Ensure that personnel are trained in first aid.  safety glasses, goggles

Hazard Assessment—MDC—COS © 2013 Alberta Education | Page 1  Post emergency procedures.

 Identify and establish sanitary and safe housekeeping practices.

 Establish handwashing practices.

Chemical  exposure to metal Chemical  eyewash station  Ensure WHMIS  Welding goggles  YES Exposure cleaners, battery acid, 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 training is available.  NO solvent-based paints High  equipment in safe and  Welding helmet and thinners proper working order  Provide up-to-date MSDS.  Protective gloves and  ventilation system leather apron  Follow safe handling and storage information on labels or MSDS.

 Ensure regular cleaning and maintenance of ventilation system.

 Establish handwashing practices.

 exposure to carbon Chemical  local exhaust  Ensure WHMIS  n/a  YES monoxide and other 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 ventilation and training is available.  NO fumes/vapours from High general ventilation vehicle exhaust within the shop (i.e.,  Provide up-to-date tail pipe connected to MSDS. local ventilation)  Follow safe handling and storage information on labels or MSDS.

 Ensure regular cleaning and

Hazard Assessment—MDC—COS © 2013 Alberta Education | Page 2 maintenance of ventilation system.

 Minimize vehicle running within shop area.

 exposure to fumes Chemical  local ventilation  Ensure WHMIS  n/a  YES from welding/brazing 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 systems in welding training is available.  NO High areas  Provide up-to-date  portable local exhaust MSDS. system when welding in general shop area  Follow safe handling and storage information on labels or MSDS.

 Ensure regular cleaning and maintenance of ventilation system.

 exposure to dust from Chemical  local exhaust system  Minimize dry  safety glasses or  YES grinding and sanding 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 attached to hand sweeping and, goggles  NO High grinders whenever possible, use vacuums with  eyewash station filters to clean up dust.

 Ensure regular cleaning and maintenance of ventilation system.

 exposure to sand Chemical  eyewash station  Minimize dry  safety glasses or  YES blasting (parts 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 sweeping and, goggles  NO cleaner) and cabinet High whenever possible, use vacuums with filters to clean up dust.

 Ensure regular cleaning and maintenance of ventilation system.

Hazard Assessment—MDC—COS © 2013 Alberta Education | Page 3  exposure to vapours Chemical  local and general  Ensure regular  respirator  YES from paints and 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 ventilation cleaning and  NO thinners, fillers High  spray booth maintenance of ventilation system.

 fire risk from Chemical  spray booth  Ensure WHMIS  n/a  YES flammable solvent- 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 ventilation training is available.  NO based paints and High thinners  Provide up-to-date MSDS.

 Follow safe handling and storage information on labels or MSDS.

 Ensure regular cleaning and maintenance of ventilation system.

 Store chemicals in a separate room and in fire-rated cabinets.

 explosion hazard from Chemical  compressed gases  Check hoses for leaks  n/a  YES compressed gases 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 stored in and replace damaged  NO High trolley/secured to or leaking hoses. trolley  Test regulators on  flashback arrestor cylinders for leaks. and reverse flow check valve  The gas torch is to be used by trained staff  local exhaust only. ventilation  Extra cylinders are securely stored in the vertical position with a protective cap covering the valve.

 Store chemicals in a separate room and in fire-rated cabinets.

Hazard Assessment—MDC—COS © 2013 Alberta Education | Page 4 Ergonomic  lifting and moving Ergonomic  n/a  Provide training in  Gloves  YES Exposure awkward and/or heavy 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 proper lifting  NO parts, equipment, and High technique.  safety boots (CSA materials approved)  Get help with heavy or awkward loads if a lifting aid is not available.

 Assess the load; bend your knees; grasp the load with a firm grip; hold the load close to your body; and lift with your legs, keeping your back straight.

 Use lifting and positioning aids to accommodate work posture.

 Store heavy objects at waist height.

 Try to use better designed work tools and workstations.

 Use tools with a weight counter- balancer.

 working in awkward Ergonomic  n/a  Rotate jobs as  n/a  YES positions for long 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 frequently as  NO periods of time High possible.

 Avoid working in one position for long periods of time.

 Take frequent breaks to stretch.

 Minimize awkward postures.

Hazard Assessment—MDC—COS © 2013 Alberta Education | Page 5  injury caused by Ergonomic  n/a  Learn to recognize  n/a  YES repetitive motions 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 repetitive stress  NO High injuries.

 Ensure repetitive tasks are properly paced.

 Take regular breaks.

Physical  confined space (e.g., Physical  n/a  Be familiar with safe  n/a  YES Exposure autobody spray 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 operating and  NO booth, if cleaning High maintenance downdraft area below requirements. grade)  Follow proper procedures for working in confined spaces.

 fire hazard and Physical  reverse-flow check  Compressed gases  n/a  YES explosion hazard due 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 valves to prevent cylinders are stored  NO to compressed-gas High flashback and handled in carts cylinders (never on side).

 Regulators are tested for leaks.

 Store and protected against damage and secure against falling.

 contact with Physical  nozzle with pressure  Do not use  n/a  YES compressed air that 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 relief holes compressed air to  NO may penetrate skin High clean clothing or skin.

 burns from hot Physical  n/a  Maintain good  welding goggles (CSA  YES surfaces 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 housekeeping. approved)  NO High  metal splashes during  welding helmet welding, cutting  protective gloves and  handling hot tools clothing and equipment  leather apron

Hazard Assessment—MDC—COS © 2013 Alberta Education | Page 6  contact with portable Physical  pedestal grinder work  Dress the pedestal  face shield  YES and pedestal grinders 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 rest adjusted properly grinder wheel  NO that are improperly High (3 mm gap max) regularly. guarded or adjusted

 contact with sharp Physical  n/a  Cover sharp materials  n/a  YES edges and materials, 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 with tape or other  NO auto parts High protective material.

 entanglement in Physical  equipment guards  Secure loose clothing,  protective gloves and  YES rotating machinery, 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 tie back long hair, and clothing  NO parts, belts, and tools High remove all jewellery.  leather apron

 pinch points on Physical  equipment guards  Secure loose clothing,  n/a  YES equipment and/or 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 tie back long hair, and  NO machinery with V-belt High remove all jewellery. drives (e.g., compressors)

 electrical shock from Physical  n/a  Equipment that is  gloves  YES damaged or exposed 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 being repaired and/or  NO connections, High maintained is  glasses with side inadequate locked/tagged out shields grounding, welding (zero energy state). processes, worn or  face shield damaged  Tag and remove cables/cords, lack of defective  non-conductive proper gloves, and tools/equipment footwear (high working in wet from use. voltage) for welding conditions  Check electrical cords  hearing protection and cables for damage. Repair or replace damaged cords and cables.

 falling objects, Physical  n/a  Materials or vehicles  n/a  YES including vehicles 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 that are elevated  NO High must be secured against falling.

 Make sure the hoist is rated to handle the load.

 Communicate with others when moving

Hazard Assessment—MDC—COS © 2013 Alberta Education | Page 7 materials.

 Use safety stands whenever working underneath a vehicle.

 noise from grinding Physical  n/a  n/a  hearing protection  YES and certain types of 4 x 4 x 3 = 48  NO welding High

 fire and explosion from Physical  local ventilation  Use flammable  leather gloves  YES welding or cutting 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 liquids and gases in  safety glasses  NO close to combustible High  fire extinguishers well-ventilated areas.  leather apron materials or welding or and evacuation cutting gases from procedures  Secure and use the poorly fitting and leaky least toxic materials hoses for both students and the environment.  fire risk from flammable/combustible liquids and wastes (i.e., rags)

 slip hazard from Physical  n/a  Use good  n/a  YES vehicle fluids, spilled 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 housekeeping  NO paints, or water High practices.

 trip hazards from  Put away all tools, cables, hoses, and equipment, and debris materials in their proper storage areas.

 Clean up spills immediately.

 welding arc flash Physical  n/a  Follow electrical  gloves  YES (UV light or infrared 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 safety procedures.  NO radiation) High  glasses with side  Ensure cables are in shields good condition and are properly  face shield grounded.  non-conductive  Avoid standing in footwear (high water or on wet voltage) for welding surfaces.  hearing protection  Avoid wearing sweaty

Hazard Assessment—MDC—COS © 2013 Alberta Education | Page 8 clothes.

 Turn the disconnect switch off before plugging in or unplugging the high- voltage input cable.

 Ensure welding equipment is correctly connected before using.

 Ensure that main power terminals are located inside welding machine cover; ensure terminals are accessible only with tools.

 Protect cables form damage.

 Never touch wire spool while the wire is being fed.

 fire hazards due to Physical  n/a  Do not cut or use a  welding shields  YES welding 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 torch to cut old paint and/or welding  NO High containers/drums or glasses containers that may have contained  helmet flammable liquids.  clothing made for welding (i.e., resistant to spark, flame, and heat)

 non-conductive footwear

Hazard Assessment—MDC—COS © 2013 Alberta Education | Page 9  unsafe vehicle (e.g., Physical  n/a  Perform a circle  n/a  YES not road worthy, faulty 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 check on any vehicle  NO brakes, leaking oil or High that is under power gasoline) (brakes, leaks, or engine malfunction).

 Drive safely.

 Communicate movement of vehicles in/out of shop.

 Use safety stands.

 vibration from Physical  vibration isolation  Rotate jobs as often  n/a  YES tools/equipment 4 x 4 x 3 = 48  suspension systems as possible.  NO High  Take frequent rest periods.

 Reduce intensity and duration of exposure.

 Provide and document ongoing safety education and training, including mandatory equipment and tool orientation.

 falls from height Physical  n/a  Use proper ladders  anchor point, lanyard,  YES 4 x 4 x 3 = 48 when working at and full body harness  NO High heights (three-point contact).

Psycho-social  bullying and verbal Psychosocial  n/a  Follow visitor  n/a  YES Exposure harassment with 1 x 4 x 1 = 4 procedures.  NO adults and students Low  Follow working alone procedures for school staff (including security and door locking procedures).

 Follow safe and secure school

Hazard Assessment—MDC—COS © 2013 Alberta Education | Page 10 procedures.

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