Faculty Senate Minutes Of __________________
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Faculty Senate Minutes of October 26, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Thomas Breslin with the following Senators and visitors present: COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE & THE ARTS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Jaime Canaves Geoffrey Smith Phillip Church Ibrahim Tansel Jacek Kolasinski Sabri Tosunoglu Gray Read – Alternate Kuang-His Wu Absent: Absent: David Dolata Malek Adjouadi COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Osama Mohammed Dawn Addy Joan Baker SCHOOL OF HOSPITALITY John Berry Percival Darby Thomas Breslin David Talty Julian Edward Rebecca Friedman SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM Alan Gummerson Frederick Blevens – Alternate Steven Heine Neil Reisner Kenneth Johnson Carlos Suris Leonard Keller Mary Levitt Felice Lifshitz COLLEGE OF LAW Aurora Morcillo David Walter Joe Patrouch Absent: Yvette Piggush Howard Wasserman Joerg Reinhold LIBRARY Gene Rosenberg Lauren Christos Dev Roy Andy Grof Peter Thompson Victor Uribe Enrique Villamor WERTHEIM COLLEGE OF MEDICINE James Webb Dietrich Lorke Dean Whitman Absent: Absent: Georg Petroianu Piero Gardinali Ch Rao
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Dinesh Batra STEMPEL COLLEGE OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SOCIAL Delano Gray WORK Shahid Hamid Nasar Ahmed Clark Wheatley Fatma (Rose) Huffman Absent: Ray Thomlison Irma Becerra-Fernandez Krishnan Dandapani GUESTS: COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Elizabeth Bejar Leonard Bliss Melissa Caceres Marc Weinstein Gloria Deckard Absent: Gail Hollander Laura Dinehart Kenneth Jessell Amy Kay COLLEGE OF NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES John Makemson Tonja Moore Jennifer Doherty-Restrepo Brian Peterson Florence Keane Nagarajan Prabakar Amy Paul-Ward Patricia Price Absent: Doug Robertson Sandra Jones Damaris Rubio I. Approval of the Agenda - The Agenda was moved and approved II. Approval of the Minutes of the October 5, 2010 meeting – Not all senators received correct minutes. Therefore approval of the minutes of October 5, 2010 meeting was postponed until the next meeting. III. Chairperson’s Report – Dr. Breslin provided the following report: For those who were not at Convocation, I have posted on the Senate Website my remarks on the theme of the co-creation of the University, a responsibility and an opportunity that embraces all members of the faculty, staff, administration, student body, alumni, and supporters. In this vein, I encourage all to review the latest version of the University’s draft Strategic Plan on the Provost’s website. Please copy your reactions to me at the Senate so that I might have a more complete sense of your reactions. Also, please encourage faculty colleagues to do the same.
As you know there is a joint Faculty Senate-administration committee reviewing our Faculty Senate Constitution. When it has reported its findings and we have deliberated on them and made changes to our constitution, we will then review the constitutions and by-laws of the individual colleges and schools to make sure that they are adequate faculty governance mechanisms and measure up to our Constitution and by-laws. Incidentally, our Constitution requires that all Senate Committees have by- laws approved by the Senate. Today we will vote on the by-laws developed by the Ad Hoc Building and Environment Committee and the Curriculum Committee. Two of our committees have yet to comply with this mandate.
Our core responsibility is the curriculum. Today 4 of our 5 curriculum committees will report to the Senate.
To allow them to get to class on time, we have moved the reports of the SGA presidents up on the agenda to follow these remarks. Today we will also hear a report from the VP for Business and Finance, Dr. Ken Jessell. Vice Provost Bejar will report for Provost Wartzok. Alan Gummerson will report for Kathleen Wilson.
IV. SGA Report A. Helena Ramirez, MMC SGA President – Helena provided the following report: Florida Student Association trip 10/17/10, legislative agenda will be decided in the next month. Student Engagement Series: Campus Safety had 35 students in attendance, next Student Engagement Series: Student Services November 9th GC 243 4-5:30pm. We held an international students forum with 20 students in attendance, where resources, cultural adjustments workshops, housing, and employment were topics of discussion. Got Issues Campus will be on November 9th in the GC Pit from 3-5pm
IV. Action Items: A. Curriculum Bulletin 1 i. Graduate Council Motions – The following motions were moved and approved: Motion#10/11:08: The Faculty Senate Approves three new majors namely (Geography, Sociocultural Anthropology, and Sociology) in the Ph.D. program of the Department of Global and Sociocultural.
Motion#10/11:09: The Faculty Senate Approves the Criminal Justice major in the Ph.D. program of Public Administration. Motion#10/11:10: The Faculty Senate Approves the new degree M.S. in Health Informatics and Management Systems in Decision Sciences.
Motion#10/11:11: The Faculty Senate Approves the new track MBA: Hospitality Management in Decision Sciences.
ii. Curriculum Committee Motions – The following motion was moved and approved: Motion#10/11:12: The Faculty Senate Approves Bulletin 1 with the deferral of the Graduate Admission Standards (GRE requirement) changes to the Ph.D. program of Nursing to Bulletin 2.
iii. Ad Hoc Global Learning Curriculum Oversight Committee Motions – Gail Hollander The following motion was moved and approved: Motion#10/11:13: The Faculty Senate approves all Global Learning Designation Proposals presented in Curriculum Bulletin 1 with the following exception: “Global Media and Society”.
B. University Core Curriculum Oversight Committee Motions – John Makemson The following motion was moved and approved: MOTION: The Faculty Senate approves the inclusion of the following courses into the University Core Curriculum in the indicated categories:
Honors Seminar II: The Origin of Ideas and Idea of Origins Humanities with Writing Introduction to East Asia Societies and Identities
C. Approval of Committee By-Laws i. Ad Hoc Building and Environment Committee ii. Curriculum Committee
The following motion was moved and approved: Motion#10/11:15: The Faculty Senate approves the Ad Hoc Building and Environment Committee and Curriculum Committee By-Laws.
V. Reports: A. Provost’s Report—Vice Provost Bejar The Vice Provost was asked, “At the community meetings, did the President describe the University as “Research Driven?” The Vice Provost was asked further, “What was the cost of the Geo-political Summit?” Bringing in the big names often comes with a big price tag. (Vice Provost did not know.) FIU ranks near the bottom for National average of tuition. But BOT is worried by tuition increases. New expenditures for advising and student services are being built into the increases. State funding is only 28% of funding so we cannot rely on it for our funding future. This year faculty hires are set at: 60 to replace losses and 40 new positions (all outside of the Medical School) Vice Provost was asked: “Does FIU have a cost saving plan for utilities measuring shared services and performance?” Vice Provost responded that a plan is being developed. “Are we negotiating TV revenue for lingerie football?” Vice Provost reported that event brought in a $35,000 scholarship donation.
B. Update on Business and Finance – Ken Jessell, CFO and Senior Vice President Dr. Jessell provided the following report:
Fiscal Year 2010-11
• August 2010 General Revenue (GR) estimating conference had estimated a year-end balance of approximately $556 million for Fiscal Year 2010-11 • Most recent figures, revised GR collections for September, are showing Net GR collections that are $223 million under estimate for the fiscal year. If this downtrend continues, budget adjustments might be necessary to keep the General Revenue fund solvent this current year • FIU had maintained a contingency reserve of approximately 2% of the GR appropriations. We believe this reserve is appropriate to offset possible budget reductions in the current year
Fiscal Year 2011-12
• The State of Florida Long-Range Financial Outlook released in September 2010 is estimating an expenditure increase of over 20% or $4.9 billion for State Critical Needs and High Priority Needs in FY 2011-12 • Under current revenue estimates, if all the critical and high priority needs are funded, the state could be facing a Budget shortfall of approximately $2.5 billion (9%) in Fiscal Year 2011- 12. Given the latest numbers released for GR collections, the shortfall could be higher than the 9% initially estimated • The state could use a combination of the following fiscal strategies to keep the budget in balance: Trust Fund Transfers or Sweeps, Revenue Enhancements and Redirections, Budget Reductions, and/or Reduced funding for Critical Needs and High Priority Needs • Depending on the strategies chosen by the legislature, the budget reduction to the education sector could be different than the expected shortfall • FIU's 3-year Plan assumed a 9% reduction in FY 11-12. We believe this assumption is still adequate and no changes are expected at this time to approved university reduction plans • We will continue to monitor the state economy to determine if re-assessment of Critical Investments and unit level plans are necessary
C. UFF Report—Alan Gummerson CBA changes have been made in the area of on-line teaching. Meeting Nov. 19 3-5 will explain changes UFF is producing a frequently asked questions fact sheet Our second information session on the 3rd year review process will be held Nov. 19 11-1:00 Tobacco-Free policy must be bargained as a “term or condition of employment.” Past Quality of Life focus groups indicated the need for more study (task force inquiry) in the areas of gender and equity issues; and tenure and non-tenure earning faculty
VI. Unfinished Business - none
VII. New Business A. World’s Ahead 2010-2015 Strategic Plan . Senators questioned the implementation of the plan, the length of the plan. o Provost said implementation will be discussed in depth in the Master Plan . Concern was expressed about adequate preparation of our incoming students and the escalation of this problem as enrollments increase. o How can we upgrade students once they arrive? This is not addressed and the state doesn’t allow for remediation o In the Cubic Program students have been found to lack reading comprehension skills. o Slogans are not going to resolve this. . We need to recruit nationally. We need the money that comes from tuition revenues. . Appendix A aims to maintain the current resident/non-resident mix. If we recruit nationally are we fearful local students will be picked up by MDC? Most of our students come from the west side of the county. We need to recruit from other parts of the state and make FIU a better Florida destination. . With increasing enrollment quotas we should have corresponding increases in full-time faculty. . Parents are influential in the selection process and in these hard economic times they are demanding a more local focus. UCF has good relations with parents. . Follow-up and evaluation are always critical. Is there a work plan available to follow the progress and learn from errors? . Ken Jessel responded that the plan is a 5 year vs. 10 year model because tough economic times require shorter plans. . Administration has created several funding scenario models and is currently looking at various recruiting models (including the Arizona State model of satellite recruiting) . Admin. recognizes there needs to be improvements in advising and infrastructure similar to UCF, UF, and FSU (at UCF the growth has not decreased quality) . All faculty are encouraged to make comments at the President’s web-site and the faculty senate office with Damaris to continue this discussion.
Announcements: o United Way kickoff begins tomorrow at noon. o Next Senate meeting will be scheduled for November 16.
Motion- was passed to adjourn.
Respectfully , Dawn Addy, Secretary