Bedford Borough Council Requests and Responses December 2010 s1

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Bedford Borough Council Requests and Responses December 2010 s1

Bedford Borough Council Requests and Responses Received July 2012

Req Date of Request and Response uest response ID

3325 26/7/2012 Request

1. Please tell me what the total amount spent on gypsies/traveller communities each year. This includes everything from clean-ups, legal costs, security, facilities, electricity, water, internet etc. If this is not possible, please give an estimate or your yearly budget, each year since 2008.

2. How many traveller/gypsy encampments (legal and illegal) have been reported each year since 2008. Please break down per year.

3. What was the total cost of clean-ups (this includes litter picking, removal of illegal dumping, cleaning up after sites are evacuated ETC) in relation to legal and illegal gypsy/traveller encampments each year since 2008? Please break down by year and detail what this involved.

4. What was the total cost of security (eg CCTV camera installation) and legal costs in relation to traveller communities each year since 2008? Please break this down per year and detail what this involved.

5. What was the total cost of toilets, running water, heating, electricity and any other necessities in relation to traveller communities each year since 2008 (please breakdown year by year)? Please specify what services were provided.

6. What other equipment and facilities have been provided for gypsy/traveller communities? This could include any of the following: storage facilities, appliances, furniture, laptops, wifi, kitchens, vehicles etc.

7. How much was spent on 'cultural awareness training' and/or ‘Equality and Diversity Training for council workers since 2008? (By this I mean any training specific to the dealings gypsy and traveller people). Please break this down per year and detail what this training entailed.

Response Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested below:

FOI 3325 - Gypsy and Traveller Costs.xls

1. Please tell me what the total amount spent on gypsies/traveller communities each year. This includes everything from clean- ups, legal costs, security, facilities, electricity, water, internet etc. If this is not possible, please give an estimate or your yearly budget, each year since 2008.

Please see the attached spreadsheet.

2. How many traveller/gypsy encampments (legal and illegal) have been reported each year since 2008? Please break down per year.

Please see the attached spreadsheet.

3. What was the total cost of clean-ups (this includes litter picking, removal of illegal dumping, cleaning up after sites are evacuated ETC) in relation to legal and illegal gypsy/traveller encampments each year since 2008? Please break down by year and detail what this involved.

Please see the attached spreadsheet.

4. What was the total cost of security (eg CCTV camera installation) and legal costs in relation to traveller communities each year since 2008? Please break this down per year and detail what this involved.

None - We have not provided CCTV or security. Legal costs are contained on the attached spreadsheet.

5. What was the total cost of toilets, running water, heating, electricity and any other necessities in relation to traveller communities each year since 2008 (please breakdown year by year)? Please specify what services were provided.

Please see the attached spreadsheet.

6. What other equipment and facilities have been provided for gypsy/traveller communities? This could include any of the following: storage facilities, appliances, furniture, laptops, wifi, kitchens, vehicles etc.


7. How much was spent on 'cultural awareness training' and/or ‘Equality and Diversity Training for council workers since 2008? (By this I mean any training specific to the dealings gypsy and traveller people). Please break this down per year and detail what this training entailed.

No training specific to gypsy and travellers has been provided.

3326 27/7/2012 Request:

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I would like to find out the following information relating to planning applications/appeals and costs.

It will include, but not be limited to:

 How many planning applications did the council receive in the year 2010-11 and 2011-12 (I don’t mind whether it’s the financial or calendar year – whichever is used)?  How many planning applications were refused over the two years (if possible can I have a breakdown for each year and each application if there aren’t that many?  Out of the refusals how many appeals to the decisions were submitted?  Of the appeals how many were successful and the council decision overturned?  How much has it cost the council for the appeals/cost process?

Response The information you requested relating to planning applications and appeals is available on the authority’s website and can be located at .

The costs of administering planning appeals are covered within the overall planning services budget and are not accounted for separately. This information is therefore not available.

In a small number of cases the independent Inspector dealing with a specific appeal will decide that one or other of the parties to a particular appeal has put the other party to unreasonable expense in presenting their appeal case. In such instances an award of costs may be awarded. There are separate procedures for agreeing the level of the award in such cases which is why the information provided in this response does not in all cases specify the final sum involved.

In the year 2010/11 costs against the Council amounted to £2468.75 (plus one case where the amount is not yet settled), costs to the Council amounted to £896.25. In the year 2011/12 costs against the Council amounted to £2500.

3327 24/7/2012 Request:

Can you please offer me the name and email addresses of the following:

Director/s to whom the following services report to: - Parking - Highways and Transportation - Passenger Transport (SEN, home to school, Adults etc.)

And similarly the cabinet member/s who is responsible for these services.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. The information you requested is as follows:

Stewart Briggs – Executive Director of Environment Sustainable Communities E-mail: [email protected]

Glenn Barcham – Assistant Director Highways and Direct Works E-mail: [email protected]

Councillor Charles Royden – Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport E-mail: [email protected]

3328 27/7/2012 Request

Please accept this email as a request for the following information, in relation to the property at:

Wayland Road Great Denham Bedford

Access is required to records containing the information necessary to answer the following questions of the CON29R form:

3.1 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.2 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (b) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (c) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (d) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (e) – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (f) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.9 (a)-(n) - Planning Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.11 – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.13 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council


Thank you for your request for information about Wayland Road. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. I attach the information you requested from Environmental Health & Trading Standards department. Regarding the questions relating to planning, the Planning department advise that all information relating to planning applications is available on our website

Property Address:

Wayland Road, Great Denham, Bedford

3.7 Outstanding Notices Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this schedule:- b) environment c) health & safety b) No d) housing c) No f) public health d) No f) No 3.11 Compulsory Purchase No Has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property? 3.13 Radon Gas No Do any records indicate that the property is in a ‘Radon Affected Area’ as identified by the Health Protection Agency?

3329 25/7/2012 Request

Reference: Criminal Records Bureau Checks.

Please treat this email in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act.

Could you confirm the circumstances by which Bedford Borough carries out CRB checks on its employees and the legal undertakings that the authority is obliged to consider and / or accord with in carrying these out within a legal framework.

Could you confirm the presence of correspondence from the Information Commissioners Office giving direction to Bedford Borough Council in relation to its use of personal information (in the form of a spent conviction) to forcibly attempt to change an employees job description.

Could you confirm that following legal process against its actions that Bedford Borough Council have destroyed personal information obtained and secured through the CRB check and that Bedford Borough Council has admitted that its actions towards an employee of the authority were unauthorised.


I write on behalf of Bedford Borough Council (“the Council”) in response to your email of 3rd July asking for information “in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act”.

I have responded to your questions below, in an attempt to be as helpful as possible. However, I should point out that your email is not (or very largely not) a request for information within the meaning of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“the Act”). A valid request for information within the Act is a request for pre-existing information that is “held” by the Council in some recorded form (for example, a letter, a policy document, an email and so on). The Act is not a means whereby individuals can request public authorities simply to answer questions about what acts they have or might in the future carry out.

That having been said, I deal with the three numbered requests that you make in turn below.

1 The Council carries out CRB checks in accordance with the CRB’s Eligible Positions Guidance. This lists positions which represent the professions, offices, employments, work and occupations that are known as the exceptions to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, and that are accordingly eligible for CRB checks. This guidance can be found at the link below:

2. The Council can neither confirm nor deny whether it holds any correspondence of the sort that you intimate in your second question in relation to any of its employees. Such correspondence would consist of personal data in relation to that employee. Its general disclosure to a third party would be in breach of the data protection principles in the DPA. It would therefore be covered by the absolute exemption from disclosure of personal information in s.40 of the Act, and the Council would neither be obliged to disclose it, nor to disclose that it held it. If the Council held such information, it would hold it confidentially, and would neither disclose its existence nor its contents to a third party making a freedom of information request.

3. Your third question appears largely to be a question about actions that the Council may or may not have taken, rather than a request for information held by the Council. Insofar as it seeks information, such information would be exempt from disclosure under s.40 of the Act for the same reasons given in relation to question 2 above, and the Council can neither confirm nor deny whether it holds any such information.

3330 31/7/2012 Request

I would be very grateful if you could provide me with the following information:

1. What was the annual budget for youth services for each of the past three years, and for the coming year? What percentage of your overall children and young people services budget did that equate to?

2. Can you please provide your definition of a youth centre used by the local authority?

3. How many youth centres are currently available in your area? a. How many of these are funded or partially funded by the local authority? b. What is the budget for youth centres for each of the past three years, and for the coming year? c. How many of the services available are targeted, i.e. directed at particular issues such as drug abuse or homelessness, and how many are open-access services available to all young people in general?

4. What steps are taken by the authority to involve young people in the planning and delivery of youth centres?

5. Have you conducted a needs assessment for youth services? a. If so please include this.

6. Are there any partnership involved in the planning and commissioning of youth centres in the local authority? a. Please include a list if there are.

7. Have you opened any new youth services in the last 12 months particularly in response to last summer riots?

8. What services do you currently provide to support patients to reduce their alcohol intake, or their consumption of illegal drugs? a. Which, if any, of these services utilize a ‘whole family’ approach to reducing drug or alcohol consumption? b. Which, if any, of these programmes are open to self-referral?

9. Do you provide any services designed to reduce alcohol or drug consumption in expecting parents or those who have a child under 2 years old? 10. Are you a member of any partnership or group designed to reduce consumption of alcohol/drug consumption?

11. Do you provide any parenting classes which include specific material on alcohol or substance abuse, or any alcohol or substance abuse support programmes which include parenting information?

12. Do you operate any screening services to identify children/families who may be affected by alcohol/substance abuse? a. If so, where do these services operate (e.g. in schools, children’s centres etc.)?

13. Do you produce an audit/analysis of alcohol/drug consumption in your area? a. If so, please provide this audit.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested:

1. What was the annual budget for youth services for each of the past three years, and for the coming year? What percentage of your overall children and young people services budget did that equate to?

Please see attached spreadsheet.

2. Can you please provide your definition of a youth centre used by the local authority?

A place where young people of all different backgrounds are able to attend and engage in activities designed to stimulate their growth through a range of enjoyable opportunities, experiences and effective support that will enhance young people’s personal and social development for the future.

3. How many youth centres are currently available in your area?


d. How many of these are funded or partially funded by the local authority? One e. What is the budget for youth centres for each of the past three years, and for the coming year?

Please see attached spreadsheet f. How many of the services available are targeted, i.e. directed at particular issues such as drug abuse or homelessness, and how many are open-access services available to all young people in general?

Although support with a range of issues is available for young people, the primary focus is to provide an open access service to all young people

4. What steps are taken by the authority to involve young people in the planning and delivery of youth centres?

Young people feedback forms and questionnaires are used to shape the service delivery

5. Have you conducted a needs assessment for youth services?

No b. If so please include this.

6. Are there any partnership involved in the planning and commissioning of youth centres in the local authority?

No b. Please include a list if there are.

7. Have you opened any new youth services in the last 12 months particularly in response to last summer riots?

No 8. What services do you currently provide to support patients to reduce their alcohol intake, or their consumption of illegal drugs?

Children’s Services commissions services from a provider in relation to drugs and alcohol. The contract can look at a whole family approach if appropriate for a particular young person – though it is not wholly for this; and does use other techniques through one-to-one and group interventions. b. Which, if any, of these services utilize a ‘whole family’ approach to reducing drug or alcohol consumption? c. Which, if any, of these programmes are open to self-referral?

The services are open referral for young people

9. Do you provide any services designed to reduce alcohol or drug consumption in expecting parents or those who have a child under 2 years old?

Through the work of Children’s Centres, we would be looking to identify and refer young people / adults who are either expecting or have a child under 2 years and issues with drug and alcohol consumption. In addition, there is work done in the Children’s Centres about health issues for those young people expecting or with children under 2 years, which does include alcohol and drug related issues.

10. Are you a member of any partnership or group designed to reduce consumption of alcohol/drug consumption?

CSSF is a member of the following groups which looks at reducing levels of alcohol and drug consumption for 5 -19 year olds in Bedford Borough:

 Healthy Child Programme 5- 19 Implementation Group – with colleagues from NHS Bedfordshire, Central Bedfordshire Council and other partners  Health and Wellbeing Board – chaired by the Mayor with partners from other agencies across Bedford Borough and adults services  Various sub groups of the Health and Well Being Board as appropriate to deliver project work  Bedford Borough Children’s Trust Board

11. Do you provide any parenting classes which include specific material on alcohol or substance abuse, or any alcohol or substance abuse support programmes which include parenting information? Not specifically, though again, through the Children’s Centres and the parenting classes / work done there, if there were specific issues regarding drugs and alcohol that arose these would be addressed or referred.

12. Do you operate any screening services to identify children/families who may be affected by alcohol/substance abuse?


d. If so, where do these services operate (e.g. in schools, children’s centres etc.)?

13. Do you produce an audit/analysis of alcohol/drug consumption in your area?


e. If so, please provide this audit.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3331 25/7/2012 Request

At your earliest opportunity will you please inform me of:

(i) The Council policy and its application in respect of covert observation to detect offences under the provisions referenced above.

(ii) Similarly under these provisions, how many fixed penalty notices were issued in Mowsbury Park during the weeks of 18th. - 22nd and 25th.- 29th. June 2012.

(iii) What provisions have been made for the safe disposal of smokers' materials such as cigarette and cigar ends and used pipe tobacco, particularly in respect of the various children's play areas and their immediate surrounds.

(iv) What provision has been made or intended for suitable signs to be displayed in these areas in respect of "litter" and relevant enforcement.


Thank you for your request for information about enforcement which we received on 2 July 2012. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and we give below the information you requested.

(i) The Council policy and its application in respect of covert observation to detect offences under the provisions referenced above.

Enforcement action will be initiated by suitably qualified, experienced and competent enforcement officers. The Services may, from time to time, undertake covert surveillance for the purpose of gathering evidence in connection with its operations in relation to planned inspections of premises, the initiation of investigations following a complaint or notification and in the use of surveys or enforcement initiatives. All covert surveillance will be strictly controlled in accordance with the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) and the Council’s Policy under RIPA.

No covert observation has been used in detecting offences, officers have identified offences through the natural course of their duties on designated patrols in hot spot areas carried out via foot, bicycle or in a marked Bedford Borough vehicle.

(ii) Similarly under these provisions, how many fixed penalty notices were issued in Mowsbury Park during the weeks of 18th. - 22nd and 25th.- 29th. June 2012.


(iii) What provisions have been made for the safe disposal of smokers' materials such as cigarette and cigar ends and used pipe tobacco, particularly in respect of the various children's play areas and their immediate surrounds.

The Community Rangers provide advice and education whilst undertaking enforcement patrols and will advise on bin placement where a gap is identified. There is no budget for cigarette pockets, ash trays or bins but would refer this to the appropriate department for approval of spend. Play areas are designated play areas and whilst there will be unlikely to be a specified facility in the actual area for these discarded items, there will be in the vicinity a litter bin which can be used for the disposal of the stated items.

(iv) What provision has been made or intended for suitable signs to be displayed in these areas in respect of "litter" and relevant enforcement.

Dog Fouling. About 25 – 30 signs have been placed in the following areas. The Community Rangers have placed dog fouling warning notices in Eagle Way, High Street, Harrold, St Leonards Avenue, Howbury Street, Mowsbury Park, Mill Meadows, Greenshields Road.

Littering: Bedford Borough Council’s campaign “Why Would You” posters have been provided for placement in all visible take away outlets in Tavistock Street, The Broadway, High Street, Aspects and Bromham Road, High Street Kempston. This will be done twice over a 6 month period.

The campaign posters have been incorporated onto the sides of Street Cleansing vehicles and displayed in various Retail Premises notice boards as well on Parish Notice Boards.

Notices are also displayed in major parks

3332 5/7/2012 Request

I want to submit a freedom of information request for the following information relating to ICT & Telecommunications:

Current Fixed Line Provider- Supplier’s name

Fixed Line Renewal Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract please provide me with the rolling date of the contract.

Fixed Line- Duration

Number of Lines

Minutes Provider- Supplier’s name

Minutes Renewal Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract please provide me with the rolling date of the contract.

Minutes Monthly Spend- Monthly average spend Minute’s Duration: the contract duration and not the actual minutes

Number of Extensions

Fixed Broadband Provider- Supplier’s name

Fixed Broadband Renewal Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract please provide me with the rolling date of the contract.

Fixed Broadband Annual Spend- Annual average spend

VOIP/PBX Installation Date: - please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable).

Renewal Date on any leased Telephony systems - please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract please provide me with the rolling date of the contract.

Lease Provider- Supplier’s name.

WAN Provider- please provide me with the main supplier(s)

WAN Renewal Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract please provide me with the rolling date of the contract.

WAN Annual Spend- Annual average spend

If your organisation has a managed services contract which includes all or two out of three of the services stated above please state which of these is included with the contract. It would also be for me to if there are any other service support areas that are included within these contracts.

Managed Service Contract · Contract Title

· Supplier’s Name

· Services Included

· Total Contract Value

· Duration

· Expiry Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable)

· Review Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable)

· Internal Contact: please can you send me their full contact details including contact number and email and job title.

If there is more than one supplier for each contract please can you separate the contract dates and spend for each supplier.

Also if no information can be provided for each of the key data types please explain why there is no information.


In relation to your most recent FOI request received 04 July 2012, please note that this is an identical copy of your previous request received on 28 May 2012.

As such I attach our response to your original request.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment 3333 27/7/2012 Request:

1. Do you have a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for 2012/13?

2. Does your JSNA for 2012/13 include a section on long term conditions?

3. Does your JSNA for 2012/13 include a section on neurology?

4. Does your JSNA for 2012/13 include a section on epilepsy?

5. How did you consult with patients when producing your Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for 2012/13? (Please select all that apply). We did not consult with patients Surveys Public meetings Meetings by invitation Meetings by appointment Focus groups Through existing structures, such as LINKs or local Healthwatch Commissioned research, including QOLY work Other, please state:

6. Please would you provide us with a copy of your JSNA?

7. May we contact you in the future to ask for your views about services for people with epilepsy?

8. Please provide your contact details.

9. We would like to keep you up to date with the work of Epilepsy Action and ways you can support it, including through our trading company. Please state if you prefer not to be contacted in any of these ways, No mail No telephone No text No email


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested below:

1. Do you have a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for 2012/13?


2. Does your JSNA for 2012/13 include a section on long term conditions?

No, however there are individual chapters covering some long term conditions such as diabetes, asthma, cancer and coronary heart disease

3. Does your JSNA for 2012/13 include a section on neurology?


4. Does your JSNA for 2012/13 include a section on epilepsy?


5. How did you consult with patients when producing your Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for 2012/13? (Please select all that apply).

We did not consult with patients Surveys Public meetings Meetings by invitation Meetings by appointment Focus groups Through existing structures, such as LINKs or local Healthwatch Commissioned research, including QOLY work Other, please state:

6. Please would you provide us with a copy of your JSNA?

BB JSNA Exec Summary 2012.pdf

7. May we contact you in the future to ask for your views about services for people with epilepsy?


8. Please provide your contact details.

Commissioning of epilepsy services sits within the Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group. Please contact:

Alexia Stenning Implementation Manager NHS Bedfordshire Horizon Health Commissioning DDI 01234 897571 Email: [email protected]

3334 1/8/2012 Request:

1. What were authorities spend on Consultancy Services for financial year 2011/2012? 2. Reference the above, who were the top 5 suppliers for consultancy services, please include the following: Ø Total spend with each of the top 5 suppliers?

Ø What was their role i.e. Transformation, Advisory capacity (in what area) etc?

3. Apart from OJEU, where else does the authority advertise procurement opportunities? 4. In accordance with your financial regulations, what are the thresholds below OJEU where the authority advertises procurement opportunities? 5. What current tendering opportunities is the authority advertising at this moment in time? 6. Do you have your own procurement centre?

If so,

7. Please supply the contact details for your Procurement Manager? 8. What is the size of your procurement team


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested below:

1. What was the authority’s spend on Consultancy Services for financial year 2011/2012? (April 11 – March 12 financial year). £987,589

2. Who were the top 5 suppliers for consultancy services and total spend with them? Accenture £255,560.50 Amtec £148,750.00 Clyde & Co £50,332.75 CIPFA Business Ltd £38,577.66 Halcrow Group Limited £37,500.00

3. What was their role i.e. transformation, advisory capacity (in what area) etc? Accenture Advisory Amtec Procurement Transformation Clyde & Co Legal CIPFA Business Ltd Advisory/Financial Halcrow Group Limited Advisory

4. Apart from OJEU, where else does the authority advertise procurement opportunities? BIP Solutions, local press and specialist publications.

5. In accordance with your financial regulations, what are the thresholds below OJEU where the authority advertises procurement opportunities?

Value Works Value Goods/Services Procedure Up to £500 Up to £500 Two Verbal Quotes required £501-£9,999 £501-£9,999 Two Written Quotes £10,000-£99,999 £10,000-£100,000 At Least Three Written Quotes Above £100,000 to £4,348, 350 £100,000 to £173,934 Seek at least three tenders. Place tender adverts in at least one local paper, on the council’s website, other i.e. on government

Above EU Threshold Above EU Threshold of EU Tender of £4,348,350 £173,934 Tender Process must comply with the EU Directive – contact commercial hub

6. What current tendering opportunities is the authority advertising at this moment in time? • Re-Fit • Innovation Centre Partner, Marston Vale Innovation Park, Wootton, Bedford

7. Do you have your own procurement centre? Yes.

8. Please supply the contact details for your Procurement Manager? Mark Stephens – [email protected] Tel. 01234 267422 x 42150

9. What is the size of your procurement team? 1 Interim Manager & two full-time procurement staff.

3335 27/7/2012 Request:

Please accept this email as a request for the following information, in relation to the property known as:

Little Grove Place Bedford

Access is required to records containing the information necessary to answer the following questions of the CON29R form:

3.1 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.2 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (b) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (c) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (d) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (e) – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (f) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.9 (a)-(n) - Planning Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.11 – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.13 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council


Thank you for your request for information about Little Grove Place. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

I attach the information you requested from Environmental Health & Trading Standards department. Regarding the questions relating to planning, the Planning department advise that all information relating to planning applications is available on our website

Property Address: Little Grove Place 3.7 Outstanding Notices Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this schedule:- c) environment c) health & safety b) No e) housing c) No f) public health d) No f) No 3.11 Compulsory Purchase No Has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property? 3.13 Radon Gas No Do any records indicate that the property is in a ‘Radon Affected Area’ as identified by the Health Protection Agency?

3336 27/7/2012 Request:

Please accept this email as a request for the following information, in relation to the property at:

Magpie Avenue Stewartby

Access is required to records containing the information necessary to answer the following questions of the CON29R form:

3.1 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.2 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (b) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (c) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (d) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (e) – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (f) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.9 (a)-(n) - Planning Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.11 – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.13 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council


Thank you for your request for information about Magpie Avenue, Stewartby. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

I attach the information you requested from Environmental Health & Trading Standards department. Regarding the questions relating to planning, the Planning department advise that all information relating to planning applications is available on our website

Property Address: Magpie Avenue, Stewartby,

3.7 Outstanding Notices Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this schedule:- environment c) health & safety b) No housing c) No f) public health d) No f) No 3.11 Compulsory Purchase No Has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property? 3.13 Radon Gas No Do any records indicate that the property is in a ‘Radon Affected Area’ as identified by the Health Protection Agency?

3337 27/7/2012 Request:

I am writing to you to request information about all current grant funding arrangements and contracts that your local authority has with housing associations and other housing providers.

In particular I would like to know information about the following:

A list of all current Grants and Contracts giving details of: a) the name of housing association/housing provider receiving it b) the name of the funding stream (e.g. supporting people, social services grants) c) the value of Grant/Contract d) the duration of Grant/Contract (please give dates) e) what service is being provided f) the contact address for the service g) whether the service was previously provided by another organisation h) and if yes to g), which organisation was previously delivering it


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below:

I am writing to you to request information about all current grant funding arrangements and contracts that your local authority has with housing associations and other housing providers.

In particular I would like to know information about the following:

A list of all current Grants and Contracts giving details of: a) the name of housing association/housing provider receiving it b) the name of the funding stream (e.g. supporting people, social services grants) c) the value of Grant/Contract d) the duration of Grant/Contract (please give dates) e) what service is being provided f) the contact address for the service g) whether the service was previously provided by another organisation h) and if yes to g), which organisation was previously delivering it

Contracts List.xls

3338 27/7/2012 Request:

1: Is your register of cooling towers in your area up-to-date, and how many cooling towers are currently registered?

2: How many of these are the council responsible for regulating, and how many are the responsibility of the Health and Safety Executive?

3: How many pro-active health and safety inspections have been carried out by the council each year for the past five years regarding legionella risks, or management of legionella risks, at:

a) cooling towers sites; and

b) other water systems with potential legionella risks? Response:

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of attachment

3339 26/7/2012 Request:

In relation to a workplace accident that occurred on 17th January 2011, whereby the claimant’s fingers got trapped in a spring loaded folding bed.

We understand that you investigated this matter. We would therefore be most obliged for a copy of your file of papers in connection with the same, in order to assess our client’s claim.


Under provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachments

3340 27/7/2012 Request:

For the financial years 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, could you please inform me of:-

1. The number of elected members who were/are members of your Authority’s Pension Scheme 2. The amount deducted from those member’s allowances as their contribution to the Scheme 3. The amount paid by your Authority as the ‘employers’ contribution on behalf of the elected member in the Scheme


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested attached.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of attachment

3341 18/7/2012 Request:

Could you please let me know the following?

The total amount of staff who have access to a computer broken down into all departments ie Highways, Environment etc.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested set out below.

The total amount of staff who have access to a computer broken down into all departments i.e. Highways, Environment etc - Please find attached spreadsheet detailing all the information requested

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3342 25/7/2012 Request:

I would like to request the numbers of Section 444(1) and Section 444(1a) prosecutions under the Education Act 1996 for the academic years (September-August) for 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011.

Section 444(1) and Section 444(1a) relate to offences due to non-school attendance of children of a compulsory school age.

For Example:

Between September 2008 to 2009 our local authority prosecuted 330 people under section 444(1) of the 1996 Education Act, and 23 people under Section 444(1a) of the 1996 Education Act.

Please could I also ask how many of the following sentences were awarded for each of the aforementioned periods.

Community Orders (i.e. Rehabilitation Orders) Suspended Custodial Sentences Custodial Sentences


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested;

I would like to request the numbers of Section 444(1) and Section 444(1a) prosecutions under the Education Act 1996 for the academic years (September-August) for 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011.

Section 444(1) and Section 444(1a) relate to offences due to non-school attendance of children of a compulsory school age.

For Example:

Between September 2008 to 2009 our local authority prosecuted 330 people under section 444(1) of the 1996 Education Act, and 23 people under Section 444(1a) of the 1996 Education Act.

Please could I also ask how many of the following sentences were awarded for each of the aforementioned periods.

Community Orders (i.e. Rehabilitation Orders) Suspended Custodial Sentences Custodial Sentences

Please see pdf document attached.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3343 3/8/2012 Request:

May I please have a copy of any records that would show some or all of the following information:

1. A list of ALL hedge funds and fund of hedge funds in which Bedfordshire County Council is an investor; and

2. For each hedge fund and fund of hedge funds, may I please have a copy of any records that would show some or all of the following information: a. the month by month market value of Bedfordshire County Council's holding in each fund since the Bedfordshire County Council initial investment in hedge funds to 30-June-2012, b. the month by month amount invested by Bedfordshire County Council in each fund since the Bedfordshire County Council initial investment in hedge funds to 30-June-2012, c. the month by month net returns (net of fees) earned by Bedfordshire County Council on its investment in each fund since the Bedfordshire County Council initial investment in hedge funds to 30-June-2012.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested detailed below:

Question 1: A list of ALL hedge funds and fund of hedge funds in which Bedfordshire County Council is an investor; and

Question 2: For each hedge fund and fund of hedge funds, may I please have a copy of any records that would show some or all of the following information: a. the month by month market value of Bedfordshire County Council's holding in each fund since the Bedfordshire County Council initial investment in hedge funds to 30-June-2012, b. the month by month amount invested by Bedfordshire County Council in each fund since the Bedfordshire County Council initial investment in hedge funds to 30-June-2012, c. the month by month net returns (net of fees) earned by Bedfordshire County Council on its investment in each fund since the Bedfordshire County Council initial investment in hedge funds to 30-June-2012. Answer: This response is on behalf of Bedfordshire Pension Fund that is administered by Bedford Borough Council (formerly it was administered by Bedfordshire County Council).

There are quarterly reviews of Asset Allocation available from the individual meetings of the Pension Committee website

( look for the Investment Performance -Quarterly Monitoring report.

The Pension Fund does have one hedge fund -a Blackrock Global Tactical Asset Allocation (GTAA) Fund. This is the only GTAA holding and therefore when reading the documents on the website where there are references to the GTAA holding, it relates to the Blackrock mandate.

Additionally, the Pension Fund publishes an annual report which contains references to the GTAA holding.

3344 6/8/2012 Request:

Will you please advise me,

1. How many automatic wash/dry toilets you provided via Disabled Facility Grants in 2010/11 and in 2011/12?

2. If you have your own housing stock, how many automatic wash/dry toilets you provided for them in 2010/11 and in 2011/12? If you no longer have your own housing stock, will you please provide me with the contact details of the housing association your stock was transferred to.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested below.

1. How many automatic wash/dry toilets you provided via Disabled Facility Grants in 2010/11 and in 2011/12?

There were no Disabled Facility Grants awarded for Closomats or the like in 2010/11, and three in 2011/12

2. If you have your own housing stock, how many automatic wash/dry toilets you provided for them in 2010/11 and in 2011/12?

We do not have any housing stock. They were all transferred to Bedfordshire Pilgrim Housing Association in 1990 who can be contacted via their website

3345 23/7/2012 Request:

1. Have you provided any financial support to families with no recourse to public funds pursuant to your powers under s17 in the past year;

2. If yes, how many families was support provided to;

3. How do you calculate what support should be provided? For example is there a set amount per person or is it determined by an assessment of need.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested;

1. Have you provided any financial support to families with no recourse to public funds pursuant to your powers under s17 in the past year;


2. If yes, how many families was support provided to;

This is included in the figure already given but cannot be disaggregated.

3. How do you calculate what support should be provided? For example is there a set amount per person or is it determined by an assessment of need.

In document previously provided (further copy attached for your information)

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3346 6/7/2012 Request:

1. How much money has been secured through developer contributions in Great Barford for the provision of Education since 1992? 2. How much money has been received by either Bedfordshire County Council or Bedford Borough Council for the provision of Education from developments in Great Barford since 1992? 3. How much money has been spent on Capital projects at Great Barford Lower School since 1992? Please provide details of the projects and costs. 4. What is the projected increase in population in Great Barford from 2002 to 2020 (or thereabouts). 5. What programme of works has been agreed or is being considered by Bedford Borough Council to increase the capacity of Great Barford Lower School to accommodate the increase in population? 6. If works have been agreed, what is the projected timescale for the works? 7. How much money is currently being spent per year on transport costs associated with children being taken to schools outside their catchment area? 8. How much capital funding has been allocated to Lower Schools within the Bedford and Kempston wards and how much to the rural areas since 1992 and how much is been agreed for this year and future years?

Response sent 6/7:

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

1. How much money has been secured through developer contributions in Great Barford for the provision of Education since 1992? £65,141 has been secured through developer Section 106 contributions for education in Great Barford since 1992, this increased due to indexation over time.

2. How much money has been received by either Bedfordshire County Council or Bedford Borough Council for the provision of Education from developments in Great Barford since 1992? £70,329 was finally received in 2008 for the provision of education in Great Barford. (£65,141 plus indexation).

According to our records there are additional funds of £5,436 of Section 106 interest funds available. These funds can be allocated to the school on receipt of capital project details.

3. How much money has been spent on Capital projects at Great Barford Lower School since 1992? Please provide details of the projects and costs. 2005/6 SEED Grant - £51,000 plus formula capital of £51,000 contributed towards a classroom extension.

2008/9 Section 106 - £70,329 – Funded the Food Technology block extension and a playground project at the request of the school.

4. What is the projected increase in population in Great Barford from 2002 to 2020 (or thereabouts) In the Academic Year 2011/12 there were 24 children in the catchment area, however only 17 applied for Great Barford Lower School, the other parents exercising their right to apply for a place elsewhere.

The year group was filled to 30 pupils from applications made by parents in other catchment areas or families arriving in to the area.

The 2001 Census population of Great Barford Parish was 1,860. The current population is estimated to be 2,170 based on 124 dwelling completions in the intervening period. Since there are only 8 further units approved for development we would not expect the 2020 population to be higher, since any additional population from these units would be offset by ongoing reduction in average household size. Of course, this forecast would change if further housing were to be approved. There is a designation for 50 dwellings in the Allocations and Designations Plan for Submission, Section 106 funds would be negotiated if this development were to go ahead.

The 2011 Census estimate will give a much clearer picture of the current population and of the Parish's age structure. However, this will not be available until January or February 2013.

The forecasts attached show the total number of pupils and does not account for likely parental choice eg. pupils attending another school such as the private sector.

*The school census figures include non-catchment pupils, for example, in spring 2011, there were only 24 catchment pupils as mentioned earlier in this letter.

5. What programme of works has been agreed or is being considered by Bedford Borough Council to increase the capacity of Great Barford Lower School to accommodate the increase in population? There are no works scheduled to increase the capacity of Great Barford Lower School at this time.

The information above coupled with the application trends do not currently suggest that extra accommodation is required at the school at this time. However this will be kept under review. Great Barford has never before been unable to accommodate catchment area pupils in the past.

6. If works have been agreed, what is the projected timescale for the works? N/A

7. How much money is currently being spent per year on transport costs associated with children being taken to schools outside their catchment area? £101,863

8. How much capital funding has been allocated to Lower Schools within the Bedford and Kempston wards and how much to the rural areas since 1992 and how much is been agreed for this year and future years? Unfortunately information on capital projects before unitary status is not available. Below are the details of capital expenditure since Bedford Borough Council became a unitary authority. Year Bedford / Kempston Rural 2009/10 £ 249,000 £ 1, 823,000 2010/11 £2,761,000 £ 138,000 2011/12 £4,644,000 £12,870,000 Total £7,654,000 £14,831,000

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3347 25/7/2012 Request:

In the interest of fair Competition for the future tendering of contracts, could you confirm there is a contract and disclose the terms.

Including if possible

The period of the contract with Bedford Borough Council, including start and end dates.

The annual amount awarded for the contracts each year, for the duration of the contract.

The targets agreed with the provider and methods of monitoring their performance against such targets.

The nature of the services they provide and a breakdown of payments associated with each service.

Methods / volumes / practices that will trigger an increase in the funding levels and which (if any) of these triggers have been achieved.

And finally please also detail any increase in the funding paid or agreed since the last tendering process and reasons for this.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested below: The period of the contract with Bedford Borough Council, including start and end dates.

April 2009-March 2013 (rolling over annually).

The annual amount awarded for the contracts each year, for the duration of the contract.

2009-2010-£48,262 2010/2011 - £41,742 2011/2012 – £37,568 2012/2013 – £37,568

The targets agreed with the provider and methods of monitoring their performance against such targets.

3 main outcomes:

 More People will have good mental health – improved mental health and wellbeing

 More people with mental health problems will have better physical health

 Fewer people will experience stigma and discrimination

Monitoring: Methodology of reporting should consider a shift from initial problem/enquiry which brings a person to WBC, through offered intervention to what immediate effect this intervention makes. Ultimate outcome is what difference visit to WBC made in person’s life after 3 and 6 months, if at all.

Following information is mandatory to report on:  Out of total attendance for measured period, how many people report (immediately, 3 and 6 months follow up): Intervention improved their mental health Intervention improved their physical health Intervention empowered them to tackle stigma and discrimination about mental health

 Number of all activities which took place for measured period  Number of sessions provided during measured period

 Number of people engaged for measured period

 Number of young people and adolescence signposted

The nature of the services they provide and a breakdown of payments associated with each service.

“A bulk” payment is made to achieve three outcomes described above. It is not fragmented according to the individual service/activity. It is up to MIND to create portfolio of services to achieve the outcomes, however suggested areas, based on local needs and profile, are:

Population characteristics:

 Total Population 18+ (Primary Care)  Males 18+  BME Communities 18+  18+ Population in the 11 LSOAs falling within the 20% most deprived nationally on the 2010 Index of Multiple Deprivation  People with Disabilities 18+

Suggested Activities:

1. Activities providing support with social networks and relationships 2. Activities supporting emotional wellbeing  Confidence  Self worth  Self esteem  Hopefulness  Optimism  Life satisfaction  Enjoyment

3. Self help facilitation via  Information  Advice  Groups  Advocacy 4. Activities providing support with:  Alcohol use reduction  Smoking cessation  Healthy weight and eating  Exercise

5. Information provision on and direct engagement with “Time to Change” campaign

6. Support and information aimed at transgender community  Bullying  Discrimination  Verbal abuse

Methods / volumes / practices that will trigger an increase in the funding levels and which (if any) of these triggers have been achieved.

No such mechanisms are in place.

And finally please also detail any increase in the funding paid or agreed since the last tendering process and reasons for this.

BBC came into existence in 2009. No tendering exercise for MIND services have been undertaken since then.

3348 6/6/2012 Request:

1. The addresses and a brief description (eg, shop, office, etc) and rateable value of all vacant commercial premises with a current rateable value over £5,000 within the Authority area.


2.The names and addresses of the organisations or companies who are liable to pay rates at the premises referred to in 1. Where this is an individual, I understand that this information may not be released due to security sensitivities. Response:

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested which you will find in the attached excel spreadsheet

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3349 25/7/2012 Request:

Please could you send me a list of :

 All providers on any Framework Agreements or Approved and Preferred Provider lists which cover services for adults with a learning disability (including generic frameworks and lists which include learning disability services)?  Details of the start/finish dates for these frameworks/lists  Details of any values

Can this be for this current financial year.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested below:

 All providers on any Framework Agreements or Approved and Preferred Provider lists which cover services for adults with a learning disability (including generic frameworks and lists which include learning disability services)?  Details of the start/finish dates for these frameworks/lists  Details of any values

Our approved providers are re-approved on an annual basis (we are just going through the first cycle of that process now).

There is no contract made for any level of business arising from the approved provider process.

Please see link below for further information.

3350 3/8/2012 Request:

Please accept this email as a request for the following information, in relation to the property at:


Access is required to records containing the information necessary to answer the following questions of the CON29R form:

3.1 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.2 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (b) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (c) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (d) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (e) – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (f) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.9 (a)-(n) - Planning Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.11 – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.13 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council

Response: Thank you for your request for information about property on Felmersham Road, Radwell. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

I attach the information you requested from Environmental Health & Trading Standards department. Regarding the questions relating to planning, the Planning department advise that all information relating to planning applications is available on our website

Property Address:

Felmersham Road, Radwell, 3.7 Outstanding Notices Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this schedule:- d) environment c) health & safety b) No f) housing c) No f) public health d) No f) No 3.11 Compulsory Purchase No Has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property?

3.13 Radon Gas Yes Do any records indicate that the property is in a This property falls within a Radon Affected ‘Radon Affected Area’ as identified by the Health Area as it is underlain, completely or Protection Agency? partly by geology which has potential to cause radon levels to exceed the action levels for either basic or full radon protection. The level of protection needed, if any, is site specific. Radon Affected Areas are designated by the Health Protection Agency They estimate that between 1-3% of properties in the area could be affected and recommend that the level of radon gas should be measured. The present owner or (for a new property), the builder should be asked if the radon levels have been measured in the property; whether the results were at, or above the Action Level (prescribed by the HPA) and if so, whether remedial measures were installed and if the radon levels were re-tested and confirmed, the effectiveness of the measures.

The HPA should be contacted for any further advice. (Tel: 01235-831600 or through their internet address:

A guide containing further information about Radon Affected Areas is available free from DEFRA Warehouse Publications, Admail 6000, London SW1A 2XX (Tel: 08459-556000 and Fax: 020- 8957-5012) or from DEFRA Radioactive Substances Division, Zone 4/E7, Ashdown House, 123 Victoria Street, London SW1E.

3351 30/7/2012 Request:

Please can you let me know the names and locations of all the dog kennels currently used by Bedfordshire Council regarding stray dogs. Response:

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested as follows:

Please can you let me know the names and locations of all the dog kennels currently used by Bedford Borough Council regarding stray dogs. Lodge Kennels, Great North Road (A1), Baldock, Herfordshire, SG7 5EX

3352 7/8/2012 Request:

We are interested in theatres in your area and whether they receive any rate relief under section 47 Local Government Finance Act 1988. Will you please accept this email as an application under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for particulars of all theatres in your area which receive rate relief. Please specify the address of the theatre, the name of the occupier and whether they receive mandatory rate relief and/or discretionary rate relief and if the latter the amount of that relief.


I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council.

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested and you will find the information attached.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3353 19/7/2012 Request:

 How many children and young people in your local authority area have ADHD?

 What special arrangements do schools in your local authority have for children and young people with ADHD?  What percentage of fixed term and permanent exclusions relate to children and young people with a diagnosis of ADHD?


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested;

 How many children and young people in your local authority area have ADHD?

This information would be held by Health and not the Local Educational Authority

 What special arrangements do schools in your local authority have for children and young people with ADHD?

Depending on the assessed needs, presentation in class and at school and acting on the advice of professional’s appropriate support will be in place according to the SEN code of practice

 What percentage of fixed term and permanent exclusions relate to children and young people with a diagnosis of ADHD?

We only have info by SEN stage; we do not record or get informed of disability, such as ADHD

3354 14/8/2012 Request:

Grants issued to the voluntary and community sector in 2011-12

a. The total amount in £ of expenditure issued to voluntary and community sector organisations through all local authority grants programmes for the year 2011-12 b. The total number of grants issued to voluntary and community sector organisations during the year 2011-12 c. Your total grant budget for the year 2011-12, including all local authority grant fund programmes

Contracts issued to the voluntary and community sector in 2011-12

d. The total amount in £ of expenditure through direct contracts (defined as an agreement made directly with a voluntary sector organisation or group of organisations to deliver services on behalf of the council) to voluntary and community sector organisations for the year 2011-12 e. The total amount in £ of expenditure through indirect contracts (defined as an agreement with a provider which is not a voluntary sector organisation, group or consortia but makes explicit reference to sub-contracting with the voluntary and community sector) involving voluntary and community sector organisations during 2011-12 f. The total number of direct contracts issued to voluntary and community sector organisations during the year 2011-12 g. The total number of indirect contracts issued involving the voluntary and community sector organisations during 2011-12 h. Your total contract budget for the year 2011-12, including all local authority contract programmes

Budget allocation

i. Your total budget allocation in £ for the year 2011-12, including local revenue, business rates and grant allocation provided by central government


I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. I apologise for the delay in forwarding this response to you.

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested detailed below:

Grants issued to the voluntary and community sector in 2011-12

Question a: The total amount in £ of expenditure issued to voluntary and community sector organisations through all local authority grants programmes for the year 2011-12

Answer: £1.23 million Question b: The total number of grants issued to voluntary and community sector organisations during the year 2011-12

Answer: 41

Question c: Your total grant budget for the year 2011-12, including all local authority grant fund programmes

Answer: £1.56 million

Contracts issued to the voluntary and community sector in 2011-12

Question d: The total amount in £ of expenditure through direct contracts (defined as an agreement made directly with a voluntary sector organisation or group of organisations to deliver services on behalf of the council) to voluntary and community sector organisations for the year 2011-12

Answer: £13.2 million

Question e: The total amount in £ of expenditure through indirect contracts (defined as an agreement with a provider which is not a voluntary sector organisation, group or consortia but makes explicit reference to sub-contracting with the voluntary and community sector) involving voluntary and community sector organisations during 2011-12

Answer: 0

Question f: The total number of direct contracts issued to voluntary and community sector organisations during the year 2011-12

Answer: 130

Question g: The total number of indirect contracts issued involving the voluntary and community sector organisations during 2011- 12

Answer: 0

Question h: Your total contract budget for the year 2011-12, including all local authority contract programmes

Answer: The Council does not identify the total contract figure in this context. The total expenditure for 2011/2012 was £23 million.

Budget allocation

Question i: Your total budget allocation in £ for the year 2011-12, including local revenue, business rates and grant allocation provided by central government

Answer: Budget for 2011/2012 is £129.012 million

3355 14/8/2012 Request:

Grants issued to the voluntary and community sector in 2012-13

a. The total amount in £ of your budget allocation anticipated to be issued to voluntary and community sector organisations through all local authority grants programmes for the year 2012-13 b. The total anticipated number of grants issued to voluntary and community sector organisations during the year 2012-13 c. Your total grant budget for the year 2012-13, including all local authority grant fund programmes

Contracts issued to the voluntary and community sector in 2012-13

d. The total amount in £ of your budget currently allocated to direct contracts (defined as an agreement made directly with a voluntary sector organisation or group of organisations to deliver services on behalf of the council) to voluntary and community sector organisations for the year 2012-13 e. The total amount in £ of your budget currently allocated to indirect contracts (defined as an agreement with a provider which is not a voluntary sector organisation, group or consortia which makes explicit reference to sub-contracting with the voluntary and community sector) involving voluntary and community sector organisations during 2012-13 f. The total anticipated number of direct contracts issued to voluntary and community sector organisations during the year 2012-13 g. The total anticipated number of indirect contracts issued involving the voluntary and community sector organisations during 2012- 13 h. Your total contract budget for the year 2012-13, including all local authority contract programmes

Budget allocation

i. Your total anticipated budget allocation in £ for the year 2012-13, including local revenue, business rates and grant allocation provided by central government


I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. I apologise for the delay in forwarding this response to you.

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested detailed below:

Grants issued to the voluntary and community sector in 2012-13

Question a: The total amount in £ of your budget allocation anticipated to be issued to voluntary and community sector organisations through all local authority grants programmes for the year 2012-13

Answer: £1.94 million

Question b: The total anticipated number of grants issued to voluntary and community sector organisations during the year 2012-13

Answer: The Council does not budget for the number of potential grants awarded each year.

Question c: Your total grant budget for the year 2012-13, including all local authority grant fund programmes

Answer: £1.94 million

Contracts issued to the voluntary and community sector in 2012-13

Question d: The total amount in £ of your budget currently allocated to direct contracts (defined as an agreement made directly with a voluntary sector organisation or group of organisations to deliver services on behalf of the council) to voluntary and community sector organisations for the year 2012-13

Answer: £13.3 million Question e: The total amount in £ of your budget currently allocated to indirect contracts (defined as an agreement with a provider which is not a voluntary sector organisation, group or consortia which makes explicit reference to sub-contracting with the voluntary and community sector) involving voluntary and community sector organisations during 2012-13

Answer: None

Question f: The total anticipated number of direct contracts issued to voluntary and community sector organisations during the year 2012-13

Answer: 108

Question g: The total anticipated number of indirect contracts issued involving the voluntary and community sector organisations during 2012-13

Answer: 0

Question h: Your total contract budget for the year 2012-13, including all local authority contract programmes

Answer: The Council does not identify the total contract figure in this context. The total expenditure for 2011/2012 was £23 million.

Budget allocation

Question i: Your total anticipated budget allocation in £ for the year 2012-13, including local revenue, business rates and grant allocation provided by central government

Answer: Budget for 2012/2013 is £126.028 million

3356 8/8/2012 Request:

a. The number of consultations (including average length of consultation period) issued concerning changes to local policies in 2011- 12 b. The number of consultations (including average length of consultation period) issued about changes to funding arrangements with the voluntary and community sector (through grants and contracts) from the financial year 2011-12 to 2012-13 c. The number of changes to funding arrangements with the voluntary and community sector (through grants and contracts) from the financial years 2011-12 to 2012-13 issued with less than three months’ notice given directly to the affected organisation about the specific changes affecting them d. The number of changes to funding arrangements from the financial years 2011-12 to 2012-13 issued with three months or more notice given directly to the affected organisation about the specific changes affecting them e. The total number of changes to funding arrangements with the voluntary and community sector (through grants and contracts) from the financial years 2011-12 to 2012-13 f. The number of impact assessments issued prior to policy or funding decisions being made and/or implemented g. Whether the local authority is currently signatory to a local scheme, and if so, which one


I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council.

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested detailed below:

Engagement with the VCS

Question a: The number of consultations (including average length of consultation period) issued concerning changes to local policies in 2011-12

Answer: The information is available on our website. Our consultation database lists our consultations and shows the period for which they were running.

Question b: The number of consultations (including average length of consultation period) issued about changes to funding arrangements with the voluntary and community sector (through grants and contracts) from the financial year 2011-12 to 2012-13

Answer: The information is available on our website. Our consultation database lists our consultations and shows the period for which they were running.

Question c: The number of changes to funding arrangements with the voluntary and community sector (through grants and contracts) from the financial years 2011-12 to 2012-13 issued with less than three months’ notice given directly to the affected organisation about the specific changes affecting them.

Answer: Bedford Borough Council awards grants to the voluntary and community sector on a year by year basis through the Community Welfare grants project. All voluntary and community sector organisations must apply annually and applications are considered by the Grants Committee. All organisations awarded funded over £10,000 must enter into an annual Service Level Agreement with the Council. This funding arrangement has not changed. Bedford Borough Council did not reduce the amount available from its mainstream grant stream for 2012-13.

Question d: The number of changes to funding arrangements from the financial years 2011-12 to 2012-13 issued with three months or more notice given directly to the affected organisation about the specific changes affecting them

Answer: Bedford Borough Council awards grants to the voluntary and community sector on a year by year basis. Please refer to answer c above.

In allocating grants for 2012-2013, the Grants Committee agreed that organisations awarded funding of over £5,000 be guaranteed an allocation of at least 60% of this grant in respect of the 2013/2014 financial year.

Question e: The total number of changes to funding arrangements with the voluntary and community sector (through grants and contracts) from the financial years 2011-12 to 2012-13

Answer: Bedford Borough Council awards grants to the voluntary and community sector on a year by year basis. Please refer to answer c above.

Question f: The number of impact assessments issued prior to policy or funding decisions being made and/or implemented Answer: Three equality analyses (impact assessments) were completed in total for policy or funding decisions relating to grants for 2011-2012 and 2012-13. These are all published on the Council website at

Question g: Whether the local authority is currently signatory to a local Compact, and if so, which one

Answer: Bedford Borough Council is signed up to the Bedfordshire and Luton Compact. 3357 11/7/2012 Request:

1. Who is the manufacture of the contact centre system that you operate? 2. How many contact centre agents do you have: is it (a) <100; (b) 100-500; (c) 500 – 1000 or (d) >1000 3. Who is the manufacturer of your IVR system? 4. How many ports do you have on your IVR system: is it (a) <100; (b) 100-500; (c) 500 – 1000 or (d) >1000 5. Do you use Microsoft Exchange 2003 as your email server? If not, then which product do you use? 6. How many email users do you have? 7. Who is/are the manufacturer/s of your Malware services? This would include, but mot limited to: anti- virus, anti-spam, image and content control for web and email. 8. How many centres do you use to host or co-locate servers to run your business systems?


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested set out below.

(1) Who is the manufacturer of the contact centre system that you operate? CISCO

(2) How many contact centre agents do you have? <100

(3) Who is the manufacturer of your IVR system? We have no IVR system but are investigating TELEPHONETICS

(4) How many ports do you have on your IVR system? Estimated to be <100

(5) Do you use Microsoft Exchange 2003 as your e-mail server? Yes

(6) How many e-mail users do you have? Approx 2,000

(7) Who is the manufacturer of your Malware services? McAfee

(8) How many centres do you use to host or co-locate servers to run your business systems? One

3358 Request:

Research survey in respect of Strategic alignment in Local Government.

Request withdrawn by applicant.

3359 25/7/2012 Request:

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information:

1. A list of all Children Centres in the Local Area, including the name of the Director of each and their respective email addresses.

2. A list all private child care facilities registered in the Local Area, including the name of the Manager of each and their respective email addresses

Response: Further to your request for information dated 11 July 2012, I can confirm that the information you requested is held under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. However, the Council, for the reasons that follow, declines to disclose the information requested.

You requested;

1. A list of all Children Centres in the Local Area, including the name of the Director of each and their respective email addresses.

2. A list all private child care facilities registered in the Local Area, including the name of the Manager of each and their respective email addresses.

Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council

1. States that this is exempt information. 2. Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 21 (Information accessible to applicant by other means) of the FOI Act (FOIA).

This information is available on our website:

We do not hold information as to the names of managers and their email address for the private child care facilities. You would need to contact them direct for this information.

Request: 3360 3/8/2012 Please accept this email as a request for the following information, in relation to the property known as:

Greenshields Road Bedford

Access is required to records containing the information necessary to answer the following questions of the CON29R form: 3.1 - Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.2 - Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (b) - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (c) - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (d) - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (e) - Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (f) - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.9 (a)-(n) - Planning Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.11 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.13 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council


Thank you for your request for information about Greenshields Road and. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

I attach the information you requested from Environmental Health & Trading Standards department. Regarding the questions relating to planning, the Planning department advise that all information relating to planning applications is available on our website

Property Address:

Greenshields Road, Bedford 3.7 Outstanding Notices Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this schedule:- e) environment c) health & safety g) housing b) No f) public health c) No d) No f) No 3.11 Compulsory Purchase No Has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property?

3.13 Radon Gas No Do any records indicate that the property is in a ‘Radon Affected Area’ as identified by the Health Protection Agency?

3361 8/8/2012 Request:

1) Please could you tell me the budget for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for each of the following years a) 2010-2011, b) 2011-2012 and c) 2012-2013?

2) Please could you also tell me whether, between April 2010 and the date of this request

a) the criteria for being accepted for assessment and/ or treatment within the CAMH service has changed b) there are now groups of clients/ types of problems for which you do not accept referrals c) the criteria for which agencies/ people are allowed to refer into CAMH services has changed d) there have been any local limits (formal or informal) placed on the number of sessions that can be offered to clients for assessment and/ or treatment


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested;

3) Please could you tell me the budget for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for each of the following years a) 2010-2011, b) 2011-2012 and c) 2012-2013?

4) Please could you also tell me whether, between April 2010 and the date of this request

e) the criteria for being accepted for assessment and/ or treatment within the CAMH service has changed f) there are now groups of clients/ types of problems for which you do not accept referrals g) the criteria for which agencies/ people are allowed to refer into CAMH services has changed h) there have been any local limits (formal or informal) placed on the number of sessions that can be offered to clients for assessment and/ or treatment

I would be grateful if you could provide me with a copy of any existing referral criteria or guidance on offering assessment and any previous criteria/ guidance issued after April 2010.

For 2010/11 we part fund the CAMHS service with NHS Bedfordshire and Central Bedfordshire Council a total of £260,000 – we could not comment on the referral or assessment process at this point as we were not the lead agency. This funding included training and provision of a range of different services under the heading of CAMHS, including Primary Mental Health Workers

For 11/12 this funding was reduced to £105,000 but was specifically for service for Looked After Children. Therefore, by the vary nature of the fact we are only funding services for a particular group then yes, the four points in Question 2 a – d) have all changed. However, NHS Bedfordshire continues to offer a core CAMHS service and therefore those groups of clients who do not meet the requirements for the service we fund will be able to access the services through the NHS. You will need to contact NHS Bedfordshire direct with regards to this. Their contact details are:

For 12/13, the funding and focus of the service has remained the same. There is no criteria that we can share at this stage – though we are working on something for Social Workers and foster carers etc so they know what and how to refer.

3362 16/7/2012 Request and response:

Does your Council have an electronic land charges register? Yes

If Yes: How long does it take someone familiar with your electronic system to conduct an electronic land charge register search of a property in an average numbered residential street? 10 – 15 min Are the general public and the private sector allowed access to it? Yes Do the general public and private sector have the same rights of unrestricted access and document production as Council employees? Yes – except where information has to be refined in order to enable a meaningful reply to be given.

If No: What are all the differences in the manner of accessing and copying land charge register information enjoyed by the general public and private sector in comparison with Council employees? As stated above

Are the same photocopying and printing facilities available to the general public for the production of copy environmental information as to the Council? Photocopies will be provided on request Have the Markinson charging provisions for copying environmental information been accepted and followed by the Council? The council’s policy is to charge for copies at cost excluding those additional factors such as staff time that were ruled irrecoverable by Markinson Is the Markinson 10p photocopying charge cost effective for the Council to collect This depends on the approach of the individual department, for example a single copy might be regarded as uneconomic to invoice and recover the cost of. Is the Markinson charge waived? See reply to question above.

3363 25/7/2012 Request and response:

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested below:

I would like information on people dying with no next of kin being known at the time of death from 1/1/12 to the day of your response to this request. If someone died before 1/1/12 but the case has only come to your attention since, could you please also include details, as follows:

1. Surnames and forenames or initials 2. Dates of death 3. Age at death or date of birth 4. Place of birth 5. Marital status 6. Maiden surnames of married or widowed women 7. Usual address at time of death 8. Approx. value of their estate if known 9. The date you sent information to the Treasury Solicitor (or, if in Lancashire, the Duchy of Lancaster, or, if in Cornwall, the Duchy of Cornwall), or confirmation that this action was not applicable. 10. If you have yet to send the information on, as per 9 above, or a decision has not yet been made whether or not to do so, please also advise of this.

This is a nil return. 3364 3/8/2012 Request:

I am seeking information from you on the value of the tobacco holdings of your pension fund.

I have attached a spreadsheet and request that you enter the requested information into the spreadsheet on sheet 2 only.

Guidance on completion

Column I onwards lists the 19 tobacco companies that have been barred by the Norwegian state pension fund. Please enter the current or most recent information available to you on the value of holdings (shares and bonds) in each of these companies.

Please also provide the valuation date in column H and the value of the pension fund in column E.

In column Z please state the income the pension fund received in dividends etc, excluding any disposals and capital growth, in the most recent year for which the figures are available.

Please leave all red columns blank.

Column AA is for you to use if you wish to add any explanatory notes.


I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council relating the value of the tobacco holdings of Bedfordshire Pension Fund (BPF).

The information was to be provided on a spreadsheet and it was requested that the requested information was entered into the spreadsheet on sheet 2 only.

The current or most recent information was specifically requested on the 19 tobacco companies, that have been barred by the Norwegian state pension fund, and on the value of holdings (shares and bonds) in each of these companies.

The valuation date, the value of the pension fund and the income the pension fund received in dividends etc, excluding any disposals and capital growth, in the most recent year for which the figures are available was also requested.

BPF was valued at £1,291,000,000 on the 30 June 2012. The fund has just one segregated manager whose fund was worth £125,000,000 and that contained 1 tobacco stock worth £1,614,000. That stock generated £63,000 in dividends receipts in the last year. Detailed information on the BPF other funds is not available.

The spreadsheet has been completed as requested and is attached.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment.

3365 25/7/2012 Request:

1. What support does your local authority offer to grandparents providing informal childcare for their grandchildren?

2. What other support does your local authority offer grandparents, including:

• those who are full time carers for their grandchildren and • those who have lost contact with their grandchildren

1. INFORMAL CHILDCARING • Please give details of the sessions specially designed for informal childcaring grandparents in Children’s Centres

• Please give details of any outreach or specially designed material for informal childcaring grandparents

• Please give information on the number of queries you have from informal childcaring grandparents seeking support or information

2. FULL TIME CARERS / KINSHIP CARERS • Please give details of the sessions specially designed for full time carers/kinship carers grandparents. these should include any developed by your Drug and Alcohol Action Team

• Please give details of any outreach or specially designed material for full time carers/kinship carers grandparents

• Please give information on the number of queries you have from full time carers/kinship carers grandparents seeking support or information

3. LOST CONTACT Please give information on any support given to grandparents who have lost contact with their grandchildren, primarily because of family breakdown and family conflict.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested;

1. What support does your local authority offer to grandparents providing informal childcare for their grandchildren?

A child who is in the care of their Grandparents on a full time basis. Via an Assessment of Need (Child in Need and Core Assessment) if it was identified that a service was required from a Social Worker this would come to Bedford Allocation Panel like it would any other family. A grandparent would be offered the same support that we would offer a parent, guardian etc.

Bedford Borough Family Information Service are able to offer advice and information to carers via a freephone helpline or an online Family Services Directory. This includes information on activities, early education, support services and financial support.

2. What other support does your local authority offer grandparents, including:

 those who are full time carers for their grandchildren and  those who have lost contact with their grandchildren

Also following the relevant assessments and if need was evidenced via several routes eg Special Guardianship Order, Informal Family Care or Regulation 24 this could be a one off payment regular allowance, signposting or other

Family Information Service - the support offered to grandparents who are full time carers would be the same as for all parents and carers. However, for more specific enquiries or an enquiry around lost contact we would signpost to an appropriate organisation. Locally there is ‘Grandparents Support Group for Bedfordshire & Buckinghamshire’ which meets weekly or national organisations such as Grandparents Plus, The Grandparents Association and The Family Rights Group

There is no one specific service for those grandparents who have lost contact with their grandchildren; and any service received would depend on the circumstances around the loss of contract and the local authority’s statutory duty to be involved in the same.


 Please give details of the sessions specially designed for informal childcaring grandparents in Children’s Centres

Family Information Service - There are no specific sessions at the centres, grandparents do attend general sessions.

 Please give details of any outreach or specially designed material for informal childcaring grandparents

Family Information Service - Whilst currently we do not provide specific outreach or literature we are aware of recent research from the Daycare Trust ‘Listening to Grandparents’ and will be taking this into account when we review our service plan. We are also aware that informal childcare and specifically that provided by grandparents should be taken considered in our childcare sufficiency assessment.

 Please give information on the number of queries you have from informal childcaring grandparents seeking support or information

Family Information Service - This is less than one a month.


 Please give details of the sessions specially designed for full time carers/kinship carers grandparents. these should include any developed by your Drug and Alcohol Action Team

Family Information Service – we do not have information on this, but would signpost to the appropriate team.

 Please give details of any outreach or specially designed material for full time carers/kinship carers grandparents Family Information Service - This would be the same as for those providing informal care.

 Please give information on the number of queries you have from full time carers/kinship carers grandparents seeking support or information

These are included in the figure above, less than one a month to the Family Information Service


Please give information on any support given to grandparents who have lost contact with their grandchildren, primarily because of family breakdown and family conflict.

Family Information Service - this would be by signposting to an appropriate organisation as we do not have the expertise to give specific advice

Again, there is no one specific service for those grandparents who have lost contact with their grandchildren; and any service received would depend on the circumstances around the loss of contract and the local authority’s statutory duty to be involved in the same.

3366 19/7/2012 Request:

Could you please supply me with the following:

The name and contact details of the Head of Revenues (Council Tax), Head of Parking Whether you use internal or external bailiff services The names of any bailiff companies that you use The contract start dates for bailiff services (all types) The contract expiry dates for bailiff services (all types) Procurement start dates for all bailiff service contracts

Response Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested and you will find the information below.

The name and contact details of the Head of Mrs S. Audin – 01234 718351. Revenues (Council Tax)

The name and contact details of the Head of Mr C. Pettifer – 01234 228881. Parking

Whether you use internal or external bailiff External services The names of any bailiff companies that you i) Bristow & Sutor (Council Tax, NNDR and use Parking) ii) Jacobs (Council Tax and NNDR) iii) Equita Ltd (Parking)

The contract start dates for bailiff services (all i) Council Tax and NNDR - 12 November 2010 types) (date of agreements) ii) Parking Services - do not have contracts but use Service Level Agreements and the dates are October and November 2011 The contract expiry dates for bailiff services i)Council Tax and NNDR - The contract is for (all types) three years, with the agreement dated 12 November 2010 ii) N/A for parking services Procurement start dates for all bailiff services i) Council Tax and NNDR - The procurement process started on 27 November 2009 (pre qualifying questionnaire) ii) Parking Services did not go through a tender process

3367 7/8/2012 Request: 1. The contents of the HMO landlords register for all properties in your area specifically the full address and postcode of the HMO 2. Where available please also supply such of the following as might be provided

a. The licence holder’s name and address (alternatively address only) b. The name and address of any alternative manager of the HMO (alternatively address only) c. Details of the HMO description and premises usage, specifically, if available; i. the number of storeys ii. the number of self-contained flats iii. the number of non self-contained flats iv. the maximum number of households in the HMO v. the maximum number of persons vi. any other details of the property 2. Similar contents of any other register of landlords/properties that you hold or administer

Please consider this request to mean any (the largest) subset of the above that might be provided.

If it is relevant to this application the primary purpose for which I wish the data is the building of small area socio-demographic and geo- demographic mathematical models. Response

I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested:

Please can you supply me with the following in electronic machine-readable format: 1) The contents of the HMO landlords register for all properties in your area specifically the full address and postcode of the HMO

2) Where available please also supply such of the following as might be provided a) The licence holder’s name and address (alternatively address only) b)The name and address of any alternative manager of the HMO (alternatively address only) c)Details of the HMO description and premises usage, specifically, if available; the number of storeys the number of self-contained flats the number of non self-contained flats the maximum number of households in the HMO the maximum number of persons any other details of the property

3) Similar contents of any other register of landlords/properties that you hold or administer. Please consider this request to mean any ( the largest) subset of the above that might be provided. If it is relevant to this application the primary purpose for which I wish the data is the building of small area socio-demographic and geo-demographic mathematical models.

Please find the information you requested attached:  Copy of the Public HMO register

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3368 8/8/2012 Request:

I hereby request a list of Business Rate accounts that meet the following criteria:

1. Current overpayment/credit shown for any financial year if credit balance hasn't been carried forward 2. Accounts where a 'write on' has been used since 1st April 2000 to cancel an overpayment which has not since been reversed

I would request that the list contains the following information:

 Ratepayer name *  Address of property concerned  Amount of overpayment/write on  If possible, the period/financial year relating to overpayment/credit/write on

*Information is only requested where the ratepayer is a company and not an individual as I appreciate this is limited by the Data Protection Acts.

Response: Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested and you will find the information in the attached spreadsheet.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the spreadsheet

3369 2/8/2012 Request:

Regarding alternative asset investments managed by Bedfordshire Pension Fund: 1. The fund, fund manager and vintage year of each alternative investment alternative asset investment partnerships in your portfolio. 2. Amount committed by the partnerships and amount drawn by the partnerships 3. Distributions made to date by each individual partnership 4. Net asset value of each partnership and estimated remaining value of each partnership 5. IRRs for each partnership 6. Date as of which all the above data was calculated.


I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council.

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested detailed below:

Question 1: The fund, fund manager and vintage year of each alternative investment alternative asset investment partnerships in your portfolio. (This should include private equity, venture capital, distressed debt, mezzanine, infrastructure, fund of funds, real estate and hedge fund partnerships.)

Question 2: Amount committed to the partnerships and amount drawn by the partnerships.

Question 3: Distributions made to date by each individual partnership.

Question 4: Net asset value of each partnership, and estimated remaining value of each partnership.

Question 5: IRRs for each partnership.

Question 6: Date as of which all the above data was calculated.

Answer: Since 1998 Bedfordshire Pension Fund has not entered into any investments that were part of formal partnership arrangements with other investors or with an investment manager to own a business in which the profit and losses are shared proportionally.

3370 13/8/2012 Request:

1. To the best of your knowledge, how many beds in supported housing for people with autism are there in your Local Authority? 2. In the last financial year (e.g. 1st April 2011 - 31st March 2012), which 4 providers of supported housing for people with autism (excluding those provided by the local authority) were (a) in receipt of most funding from your Local Authority and (b) how much funding did they receive from your Local Authority?


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

We are conducting research into services for people with autism. In order to help us with this research, please provide information on the following:

To the best of your knowledge, how many beds in supported housing for people with autism are there in your Local Authority?

67 places within supported living.

Please note:  Not all of the places are specifically for people with Autism, however providers have demonstrated skills to support people with Autism if needed.  This is “a rough estimate” based on our market knowledge. As part of our delivery of the Autism strategy we will be reviewing our local autism provision in detail in autumn and winter if 2012/2013.

In the last financial year (e.g. 1st April 2011 - 31st March 2012), which 4 providers of supported housing for people with autism (excluding those provided by the local authority) were (a) in receipt of most funding from your Local Authority and (b) how much funding did they receive from your Local Authority?

Fremantle £1,106,829

Social care solutions £ 921,674 Turning point £ 839,342 Papworth £ 365,602

Please note: provided figures are from the current financial year, which is more representative due to achieved budget reduction via several commissioning activities in last year.

3371 10/8/2012 Request:

Please A. Could I have a copy of all the Council policies on personal searchers accessing the Land Charges Register post September 2005 B. Could you advise me of the date when the policies above were first applied to Council staff and NLIS?


Further to our email of 10 August 2012 responding to your request for information dated 14 July 2012, I have been requested to provide you with a more comprehensive response.

I can confirm that the information you requested is held under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. However, the Council, for the reasons that follow, declines to disclose the information requested. Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council

1. States that the information you have requested is exempt information in that it is reasonably available on the Borough Council’s website (and can be found on the following link:

2. Specifies, that the exemption in question is the subject of an absolute exemption contained within Section 21 of the FOI Act (FOIA).

As previously stated in our email to you:

“The Council has, for over twenty years at least, adopted a practice rather than a policy in regard to personal searches, who are asked to pre book appointments by telephone at least 24 hours prior to visiting the offices of the Council. Much information is also now available online.”

3372 9/8/2012 Request:

Personal Property Search Data - request under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004

Please accept this email as a request for the following information, in relation to the property at:

High Street Riseley

Access is required to records containing the information necessary to answer the following questions of the CON29R form:

3.1 - Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.2 - Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (b) - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (c) - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (d) - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (e) - Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (f) - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.9 (a)-(n) - Planning Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.11 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.13 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council


Thank you for your request for information about property at High Street, Riseley. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

I attach the information you requested from Environmental Health & Trading Standards department. Regarding the questions relating to planning, the Planning department advise that all information relating to planning applications is available on our website

Property Address:

High Street, Riseley, Bedford, 3.7 Outstanding Notices Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this schedule:- f) environment c) health & safety b) No h) housing c) No f) public health d) No f) No 3.11 Compulsory Purchase No Has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property?

3.13 Radon Gas No Do any records indicate that the property is in a ‘Radon Affected Area’ as identified by the Health Protection Agency? 3373 13/8 Request:

1. How much money has Bedford Borough Council allocated to carrying out its statutory duties (maintenance, signposting & waymarking, keeping paths free from obstruction, and keeping the definitive map and statement up to date) in respect of public rights of way every year since 2009? 2. The number of staff and officers employed for undertaking the statutory duties of, and any other budget allocated, for maintenance, signposting & waymarking, for keeping paths free from obstruction, and keeping the definitive map and statement up to date for each year since 2009?


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested below.

1. How much money has Bedford Borough Council allocated to carrying out its statutory duties (maintenance, signposting & waymarking, keeping paths free from obstruction, and keeping the definitive map and statement up to date) in respect of public rights of way every year since 2009?

09/10 - £383,885 Note: Costs include all rights of way salary costs 10/11 – £403,475 11/12 - £311,480 12/13 - £316,700

2. The number of staff and officers employed for undertaking the statutory duties of, and any other budget allocated, for maintenance, signposting & waymarking, for keeping paths free from obstruction, and keeping the definitive map and statement up to date for each year since 2009? 09/10 and 10/11 – 5.4FTE 11/12 and 12/13 – 3.8 FTE

3374 19/7/2012 Request:

All information including consultations, minutes of meetings and correspondence with schools relating to the commissioning / provision of places for middle/secondary/upper school students with Autism in ASD provisions.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested:

All information including consultations, minutes of meetings and correspondence with schools relating to the commissioning / provision of places for middle/secondary/upper school students with Autism in ASD provisions.

Please see documents attached

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3375 23/7/2012 Request:

Under the Freedom of Information Act could you please provide me with a Corporate Management Structure Chart and/or the names of your 1st, 2nd and 3rd tier Senior Managers in Children and Adult Social Care.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested attached.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3376 13/8/2012 Request:

I wish to make the following request under the Freedom of Information Act. I require the following details: Name, Last known address, Date of birth, Date of death and estimated size of estate for any persons who have died since March 2012 in your local authority area and whose details you have passed or will be passing onto either the Treasury Solicitor, Duchy of Lancaster/Cornwall or local Procurator Fiscal office in Scotland. The information I am requesting is normally kept by social services or departments such as environmental protection and bereavement services.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

I require the following details: Name, Last known address, Date of birth, Date of death and estimated size of estate for any persons who have died since March 2012 in your local authority area and whose details you have passed or will be passing onto either the Treasury Solicitor, Duchy of Lancaster/Cornwall or local Procurator Fiscal office in Scotland.

This is a nil return.

3377 31/8/2012 Request:

I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information in the following format:

1. The number of staff hired on short term contracts (12 months or less or rolling contracts for periods longer than 12 months) in each of the past four financial years and the current financial year to date. 2. The total cost of agency staff and separately the total cost of fees paid to recruitment agents firms or similar for the past four financial years and the current year to date. Please also provide a list of the names of the recruitment firms used by the council during each of the years and a breakdown of the total fees paid to each firm.

3. A breakdown of the cost of the ten highest paid agency staff including the date they were first hired, job title, total pay, monthly pay and agency fees associated with each worker. Please also include the names of any companies which were paid in lieu of services provided by any of these agency workers. Again please provide this information for the past four financial years and the current year to date.

Response following clarification:

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold some of the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested below. Please note Bedford Borough Council obtained Unitary status on 1 April 2009 and data relate to this date onwards. Schools are excluded from this reply.

Question 1:

Employees appointed on short term contracts (12 months or less or rolling contracts for periods longer than 12 months):

2009/2010 20.3 FTE

2010/2011 10.7 FTE

2011/2012 11.3 FTE

2012/2013 till present 7.7 FTE

Question 2: Total cost of agency staff:

2009/2010 £5,671,270

2010/2011 £5,443,029

2011/2012 £8,945,175

2012/2013 till July £910,992


Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council states that the information requested is exempt information. Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 43(2) of the FOI Act (FOIA) as its disclosure would, or would be likely to, prejudice commercial interests.

Section 43 is a qualified, prejudice based exemption and there is a requirement to carry out a public interest test.

There is a public interest in the transparency of how public authorities spend public funds. Disclosure of this information would provide the public with details of the fees that the Council negotiated and they would be able to evaluate whether funds were being managed appropriately.

The provision of the fees paid by Bedford Borough Council would however hinder the ability CMS to negotiate fees with other clients, which would damage their commercial interests.

The Council has to protect the CMS’s commercial interests by not publishing their commercially sensitive fees, and thereby allowing their market competitors to have access to information that they could use to their own advantage, and to the detriment of CMS.

In view of the considerations shown above, at this time, the Council believes that the public interest is better served by maintaining the exemption at Section 43(2). Recruitment firms:

The Council uses Carlisle Managed Solutions and they use supplier agencies therefore we do not hold the names of recruitment firms used.

Question 3:

The Council does not hold this information. However, based on timesheets we have access to since April 2012 we can provide the information attached.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3378 8/8/2012 Request:

I am researching charges set by Cemeteries and Crematoria services. To help make it easy please fill in the attached spreadsheet and then email it back to me.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3379 10/8/2012 Request:

I should like to make an enquiry under EIR/Freedom of Information Act. Minute 3.7 of the CIPFA Value Added Tax Committee 3.11.11. states: “Andy Stapley reported that the LGA has been looking at whether local authorities can or cannot charge for property search products. The outcome of this review will determine if local authorities are legally able to raise these charges and if so, will contribute to the consideration of the correct treatment of VAT. David Ogilvie had agreed to delay making a decision pending the result of the LGA review”.

Could you please:

 · Tell me the outcome of this review.

 ·Tell me if it is or has been determined that local authorities are not entitled to raise a charge for CON 29 data and the steps the Council will be taking to reimburse all organisations, including NLIS, the utilities and firms of solicitors in respect of the payments they have made to you for a charge you had no power to levy.

 · Provide copies of all communications and recorded information where the issue of your Council’s legal liability to raise any charge has arisen.


I can confirm that the information you requested is held under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. However, the Council, for the reasons that follow, declines to disclose the information requested.

As our Head of Service has stated, he is not aware of the outcome of specific reviews, but correspondence with the LGA has been subject to legal professional privilege and is regarded as exempt information for the present because litigation is ongoing or threatened.

Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council

1. States that the information requested is exempt information.

2. Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 42.—(1) of the FOI Act (FOIA).

3380 10/8/2012 Request:

Please forward to me, copies of: All exchanges between your Land Charges Department and IDEA (both pre, post and including February 2007)

 All internal exchanges and reports showing, inter alia, how Council policy (and any replies thereto) was formulated in relation to IDEA’s correspondence.


Further to our email of 10 August 2012 responding to your request for information dated 17 July 2012, I have been requested to provide you with a more comprehensive response.

Under the Freedom of Information Act the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do not hold this information.

3381 31/7/2012 Request:

Under the Freedom of information Act we would like copies of the current School Improvement Plan and Self Evaluation Form for Newnham Middle School.


Further to your request for information dated 18 July 2012, I can confirm that the information you requested is held under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. However, the Council, for the reasons that follow, declines to disclose the information requested.

You requested:

Under the Freedom of Information Act we believe we have a right to see all information you hold on your daughter. We therefore request a completed copy of the form sent to her school. An explanation of why this information was requested would also be helpful.

This information is personal information and would need to be requested under the Data Protection Act 1998. Freedom of Information Act covers public information that can be shared publicly therefore your request for this data is Subject Access and not FOI. Please see our website for further information,__foi__eir/data_protection_act_1998.aspx Under the Freedom of Information Act we would like copies of the current School Improvement Plan and Self Evaluation Form for Newnham Middle School.

We do not hold this information. You would need to contact the school direct to obtain this. There contact details are Polhill Avenue Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 9DT Head teacher: Mrs M Burrows Tel: 01234 303403 Fax: 01234 303404.

Details of the appeals process.

Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council

1. States that this is exempt information. 2. Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 21 (Information accessible to applicant by other means) of the FOI Act (FOIA).

An explanation follows below.

This information is available on our website

3382 14/8/2012 Request:

Please could you let me know the number of drivers who have been charged with illegally parking in a disabled parking bay in: 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Could you also let me know – by year for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 – the amount of money raised through fines for illegally parking in disabled parking bays?

Response: Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find below the information requested which applies for vehicles parked in disabled bays:

Bedford Borough Council issued Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) at £70 reduced to £35 if paid within 14 days. The figures are for ‘on street’ and ‘off street’ disabled bays.

The issue of a PCN in respect of a disabled bay contravention does not necessarily mean that the driver was not entitled to use the bay, but that the manner of Blue Badge display, or lack f it, suggests to the enforcement officer that a contravention has taken place. The challenge and subsequent production of a valid Blue Badge will in many cases (not all) result in the cancellation of the PCN.

Financial year Total PCNs Total Revenue

2006/07 No retained data No retained data 2007/08 No retained data No retained data 2008/09 856 £35,669 2009/10 600 £25,721 2010/11 855 £35,278

3383 19/7/2012 Request:

Under FOI can you let me know exactly how many “similar requests” regarding Travel Passes there have been in 2011 & so far in 2012?


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested and you will find the information below regarding English National Concessionary Bus Passes.

2011-2012 5 applicants provided a lost property number instead of a crime number

2012 to date 5 applicants provided a lost property number instead of a crime number 3384 24/7/2012 Request:

Please could you tell me how many how many anti-social behaviour orders were applied for in each quarter in (a) 2009 (b) 2010 (c) 2011 and (d) the latest quarterly figures in 2012.

Response: I am writing in respect of your recent enquiry for information held by the Council under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Under the Freedom of Information Act the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do not hold this information.

The Borough Council has not issued or applied for any ASBOs over the period. All ASBOs in respect of offenders in Bedford Borough over the period have been applied for and issued by the Police or through the criminal justice system. The email address for Bedfordshire Police FOIs is [email protected]

3385 24/7/2012 Request:

Please could you tell me how many how many anti-social behaviour orders were issued in each quarter in (a) 2009 (b) 2010 (c) 2011 and (d) the latest quarterly figures in 2012.

Response: I am writing in respect of your recent enquiry for information held by the Council under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Under the Freedom of Information Act the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do not hold this information.

The Borough Council has not issued or applied for any ASBOs over the period. All ASBOs in respect of offenders in Bedford Borough over the period have been applied for and issued by the Police or through the criminal justice system. The e:mail address for Bedfordshire Police FOIs is [email protected]

3386 6/8/2012 Request:

I am requesting:

1. The total amount of money paid to all trade unions for financial years a) 2010-11 and b) 2011-12. Where possible please provide a list of total payments made to each different trade union. However if this disaggregated information is not available please continue to provide a total figure for trade union payments. In response to this question, please only include direct payments to the unions from your organisation, not membership dues deducted from staff salaries.

2. Please state: a. Which trade unions your organisation provide staff time to work on trade union duties and / or activities (sometimes called ‘Trade Union facility time’) in i) 2010-11 and ii) 2011-12. b. The number of full time equivalent staff that were provided for each trade union in i) 2010-11 and ii) 2011-12.

3. Does your organisation automatically deduct trade union subscriptions from staff salaries in the payroll process in order to pass them on to the union? If so, how much did your organisation charge each union for this service in a) 2010-11 and b) 2011-12?

Please note that the guidelines issued by ACAS state that: “An employee who is a member of an independent trade union recognised by the employer in respect of that description of employee is to be permitted reasonable time off during working hours to take part in any trade union activity. An employee who is a member of an independent and recognised trade union is also permitted to take reasonable time off during working hours for the purposes of accessing the services of a Union Learning Representative (provided those services are services for which the Union Learning Representative is entitled to time off).”

If the information is not recorded, there is no way of ascertaining whether the time off provided is reasonable. I therefore do not expect the response that the organisation does not hold this information. If a formal record is not kept then I will accept a reasonable estimate.

Please also note that all of the questions are separate requests for information; question one refers to any direct payments to trade unions whereas question two relates to any staff time spent on trade union duties / activities and finally question three relates to the deduction of member dues by the organisation on the trade unions’ behalf. If the response to any of the questions is ‘nil’ then please continue to respond to the other questions.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested below.

Question 1:

The only payments made directly to trade unions were as stated below: a) NASUWT £13,285.44 & ATL £11,387.52 b) NASUWT £13,661.76 & ATL £11,710.08

In terms of the other teaching unions, schools are reimbursed for covering the cost of engaging a supply teacher to cover the absence and are calculated at point M6 of the teachers' pay scale (current FTE £31,552 pa). Where a union is unable to identify a serving teacher to take on the representation role and instead elects, for example, a retired teacher, such colleagues are engaged on the supply rate for point M6.

For non-teaching unions there is no actual budget set aside for facilities time. Unison branch officers and stewards are undertaking trade union duties up to the maximum agreed facility time of 111 hours per week. As, except for the branch secretary, employees only work on trade union duties as and when required up to the maximum facility agreement time of 111 hours per week. The Unison Branch Secretary is seconded into the trade union post and as their substantive post is back filled at no cost to the Council there is no actual expenditure on this trade union post. Most of the other branch officers and stewards also make up their working time spent on trade union duties and therefore the above cost is only an indication of the cost of the hours allocated in the facilities agreement, but not an indication of the actual cost to the Council. Although we recognise GMB, we do not directly employ the branch secretary and we have an arrangement with Central Bedfordshire Council for facility time. There is an arrangement in place where GMB acts on behalf of UNITE.

Question 2:

a) (i & ii) Unison, Unite, GMB, NUT, NASUWT, ATL, Voice, NAHT & ASCL b) (i & ii)

Teaching Staff: Bedford Borough Council provides for up to 34 days a month across the six professional associations based on local membership as detailed below:

Union Number of days per month NUT 9 days NASUWT 8 days ATL 6 days VOICE 3 days NAHT 3 days ASCL 3 days Joint Secretary of Teachers Panel 2 days

Non-Teaching Staff: One Unison branch secretary.

Question 3:

Yes where payments are not made via an alternative method.

a) Unison £159.02 & Unite £31.21

b) Unison £163.07 & Unite £13.96

3387 3/8/2012 Request:

Background The Directive on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD) is the Directive 2002/91/EC (EPBD, 2003)[1] of the European Parliament and Council on energy efficiency of buildings. The Directive came into force on 4 January 2003 and had to be implemented by the EU Member States at the latest on 4 January 2006. levels. The directive came into force on 4 January 2006 and requires member states to comply with Article 7 (Energy Performance Certificates), Article 8 (Inspection of boilers) and Article 9 (Inspection of air conditioning systems) within three years of the inception date, the deadline being 4 January 2009. Article 9 deals with the inspection of Air Conditioning Systems were as of the 14th January 2011 all buildings with an installed cooling capacity of 12kW or over should have had this inspection carried out. If this inspection has not been completed then that building and its operator are none compliant and operating outside the legal requirements of this act.

Specific Request 1. Can you confirm whether or not that this requisite has been fulfilled by your organisation and if not what steps are being implemented to ensure that this legal requirement is adhered to? 2. Additionally, can you supply me with the name and position of the person or persons with whom this responsibility rests?


Thank you for your request for information about the Council’s compliance with adhering to directives on energy performance of buildings which we received on 18 July 2012. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

Below are our responses to your requests:

1. Can you confirm whether or not that this requisite has been fulfilled by your organisation and if not what steps are being implemented to ensure that this legal requirement is adhered to?

We confirm that the requisites of EPBD Articles 7, 8, 9 are adhered to.

2. Additionally, can you supply me with the name and position of the person or persons with whom this responsibility rests?

Article 7: Amar Donsanjh, Senior Estates Surveyor Articles 8 & 9: Ken Huck, Senior Mechanical & Electrical Engineer

3388 9/8/2012 Request: I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act in regards for a list of public health funerals that have taken place in the last 6 months within the council.

If possible, please could you include some or all of the following in your response: Name of the Deceased (including maiden name) Date of Death Last known residence for the deceased Whether next of kin have been traced Value of the Estate if known Date on which referred/due to be referred to the Treasury Solicitor, Duchy, QLTR or Crown Solicitor.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

I can confirm we currently have a contract with a local funeral director who carry all assisted funeral services for the Council.

Please find the information you requested enclosed.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3389 13/8/2012 Request:

I would like to know the values attached for the delivery of accommodation based, 24 hour respite service in your local authority.

If possible I would like to know the values for services for people with a learning (adults and children separately). However if this service is provided in your local authority not solely for people with a learning disability I would still like to know the value.

Response: Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

I would like to know the values attached for the delivery of accommodation based, 24 hour respite service in your local authority.

If possible I would like to know the values for services for people with a learning (adults and children separately). However if this service is provided in your local authority not solely for people with a learning disability I would still like to know the value.

The unit cost of the Adult Learning Disability Local Authority Short Breaks Service is £ 335.00 per night.

Bedford Borough Council operates two residential homes for children with disabilities. The cost of providing the 24 hour respite facilities within these services for the 2012/2013 financial year is:

Budget 12/13

Sunflower Budget £428,416 Foxgloves Budget £455,274


3390 14/8/2012 Request:

How many homes for social rent (not affordable rent), which have received all necessary approvals, and with financing in place, will be started in each of the next three years in the geographical area under your remit? This includes those being built directly or by housing associations.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

How many homes for social rent (not affordable rent), which have received all necessary approvals, and with financing in place, will be started in each of the next three years in the geographical area under your remit? This includes those being built directly or by housing associations.

Bedford Borough Council ceased being a social housing landlord when it transferred its housing stock to a Housing Association in 1990.

3391 16/8/2012 Request:

I would like to know specific details and dates of when Councillor Royden and Councillor Rider spoke, wrote or emailed and copies of any written emails, letters or correspondence which has taken place with the Highway Department and its Head regarding the parking & traffic at the Brickhill Shopping Parade, Brickhill Drive.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested attached which is a series of e-mails between Councillors and Highways officers.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachments

3392 10/8/2012 Request:

Please provide a copy of this year's electoral register canvass material including leaflets and brochures etc. (i.e the full pack that would be sent to an elector) including any correspondence relating to Section 11 notifications. If you have not completed the design of your canvass forms yet please send me a draft.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested attached. Please contact [email protected] for a copy of attachments

3393 17/8/2012 Request:

I am trying to determine the current level of expenditure on various programmes now funded by the Early Intervention Grant, and how it compares to previous years. I have several questions and would be very grateful with your help in answering as many as possible:

1. How was the Early Intervention Grant distributed in your area for 2011/12? Please provide the annual expenditure at individual programme level. 2. How much was spent on each programme now funded through the EIG in the previous year, 2010/11? Please confirm which programmes were delivered through Children’s Centres. 3. What were the individual grants to each Children’s Centre in 2010/11 and 2011/12? 4. Can you provide the breakdown of individual Children’s Centres expenditure? 5. Have any programmes ceased operation since the implementation of the new funding system, or have any Children’s Centres closed, merged or been taken over by another provider? If so please give details. 6. Have you funded any new programmes since the introduction of the EIG? If so please provide details. 7. If available, could you provide the impact assessments or analysis of the evidence base for deciding to cease or begin funding for any programme?


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested: 1. How was the Early Intervention Grant distributed in your area for 2011/12? Please provide the annual expenditure at individual program me level. From 2011/2012 the Government removed the ring fence for Early Intervention Grant (EIG) to enable local authorities to determine the funding required to meet local needs. As a result the Council no longer allocates EIG funding to specific services, and the grant funds the Council’s overall net expenditure. Budgets are established based on local priorities and services needs within the overall funding envelope. The services that were previously funded by EIG are outlined below: Early Years Workforce Early Years Sustainability Children's Centres School support Services 2 Year Old funding Aiming High Disabled Children . DAT Young People Management of Commissioning Psychology & Advisory Support Teenage Pregnancy Intensive Family Support Services Sensory Impairment & Music Therapy Team Child Development Centre 2. How much was spent on each programme now funded through the EIG in the previous year, 2010/11? See reply to Question 1 Please confirm which programmes were delivered through Children’s Centres From the above, the elements that relate to Children’s Centres are: Early Years Workforce Early Years Sustainability Children's Centre Funding 3. What were the individual grants to each Children’s Centre in 2010/11 and 2011/12? The grants were the same and varied from 287k to 61.5k depending on the offer 4. Can you provide the breakdown of individual Children’s Centres expenditure? The budget profile for each Children Centre would vary depending on the needs of each community. For example, Children Centres that serve more disadvantaged areas may have more purpose built facilities and additional specialist staff. In addition, Children Centres that serve larger rural areas tend to spend more on the hire of community facilities and travel costs. It would therefore be impossible to give a definitive figure in each case. 5. Have any programmes ceased operation since the implementation of the new funding system, or have any Children’s Centres closed, m erge or been taken over by another provider? If so please give details. We are currently holding a statutory consultation and it is proposed a number of sites will merge in April 2013. None will close. Over the past 2 years, we have lost funding for 3 Children Centre Teachers and a healthy eating award programme 6. Have you funded any new programmes since the introduction of the EIG? If so please provide details. No, not specifically 7.If available, could you provide the impact assessments or analysis of the evidence base for deciding to cease or begin funding for any programme? Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council 1. States that this is exempt information. 2. Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 21 (Information accessible to applicant by other means) of the FOI Act (FOIA). An explanation follows below. Details of all consultation and equality analysis is available through our website

3394 8/8/2012 Request:

I would therefore be obliged if you could supply me with the following information in respect of your own Authority:

1. Number of individuals with autism/Asperger Syndrome aged 18 - 25 placed out of county in registered accommodation 2. Number of young people with autism/Asperger Syndrome under 19 placed out of county in residential/special school 3. Average cost of a placement for an adult with autism/Asperger Syndrome in registered accommodation 4. Average cost of a placement for a young person with autism/Asperger Syndrome in a residential/special school 5. Number of young people under 19 with autism/Asperger Syndrome currently on a waiting list 6. Number of individuals 18 - 25 with autism/Asperger Syndrome currently on a waiting list


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested;

1. Number of individuals with autism/Asperger Syndrome aged 18 - 25 placed out of county in registered accommodation


2. Number of young people with autism/Asperger Syndrome under 19 placed out of county in residential/special school

7 3. Average cost of a placement for an adult with autism/Asperger Syndrome in registered accommodation

£1600 per week

4. Average cost of a placement for a young person with autism/Asperger Syndrome in a residential/special school

7 pupils cost a total of £1,208,861 so average is £172,694.43 per young person

5. Number of young people under 19with autism/Asperger Syndrome currently on a waiting list

Adult Learning Disability Team 18 - 19 year olds are allocated/ no waiting list Children’s Services - 0

6. Number of individuals 18 - 25 with autism/Asperger Syndrome currently on a waiting list

Adult Learning Disability Team no waiting list/allocated Children’s Services - 0

3395 2/8/2012 Request:

How many teachers had a salary in excess of (1) £75,000 (2) £100,000 in your area for each of the financial years 2010/11 and 2011/12 and what was the salary of the highest paid individual each year?


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested detailed below:

Question: How many teachers had a salary in excess of (1) £75,000 (2) £100,000 in your area for each of the financial years 2010/11 and 2011/12 and what was the salary of the highest paid individual each year? Answer: The information you requested is contained in our unaudited Statement of Accounts that can be found on the Council website:

I have reproduced an extract for your information.

2010/11 Teaching Staff Remuneration band 2011/12 Teaching Staff From To £'000 £'000 1 75 - 80 2 - 80 - 85 1 - 85 - 90 - 1 90 - 95 - - 95 100 - - 100 - 105 -


Please note that this only includes Community schools and Voluntary Controlled schools for which the Council is the employer. Teachers at other forms of schools are not employed by the Council directly and therefore we are unable to include these in the above figures.

3396 16/8/2012 Request:

Please disclose under the FOI Act:

Does your local authority operate any residential children’s homes? If so, how many? Please provide figures for each of the last 3 financial years (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12).

How many children’s homes are run by the private or voluntary sector within your LEA area? Please provide figures for each of the last 3 financial years (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12). How much did the LEA spend on housing children in residential children’s homes run by the private or voluntary sector (i.e. not by the LA or local health trust) in each of the last 3 financial years (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12)? Please provide a breakdown by company/organisation.

What was your LEA net cost of housing children in residential homes in each of the last 3 financial years (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12)?

Do you have any projected figures for this net cost/budget (housing children in residential homes) for either of the next 2 financial years (2012/13 and 2013/14)? If so, please provide them.

Of the total children’s residential placements made within each of the last 3 financial years (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12), how many were placed within the local authority boundary and how many were placed outside the local authority boundary? Please provide a breakdown as to whether the homes were operated by the LEA/health trust, private company or voluntary sector? Please provide figures for each year separately. I’ve set out a table below to try to clearly illustrate the information I am looking for.

Year Within boundary Outside boundary LEA operated Privately operated Voluntary sector LEA operated Privately operated Voluntary sector 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12

For each placement outside the local authority boundary, please give the name of the local authority where the placement was made. If you cannot do this please give the region (i.e. London/South East/North West etc.) Please do this for each of the last 3 financial years.

How many placements of children from other local authorities have ended up in residential homes within your local authority boundary? Please provide figures for each of the last three financial years (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12). If possible, please detail which LEA they were sent from, and whether the homes in your local authority boundary are/were operated by the LEA/health trust, private company or voluntary sector.

N.B. If you do not have figures for 2011/12 please provide figures for the most recent 3 years where data is available.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested;

Does your local authority operate any residential children’s homes? If so, how many? Please provide figures for each of the last 3 financial years (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12).

Yes, 2 residential homes. 2009/2010 2 2010/2011 2 2011/2012 2

How many children’s homes are run by the private or voluntary sector within your LEA area? Please provide figures for each of the last 3 financial years (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12).

We do not hold this information

How much did the LEA spend on housing children in residential children’s homes run by the private or voluntary sector (i.e. not by the LA or local health trust) in each of the last 3 financial years (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12)? Please provide a breakdown by company/organisation.

Please see excel spread sheet attached

What was your LEA net cost of housing children in residential homes in each of the last 3 financial years (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12)?

Please see excel spread sheet attached

Do you have any projected figures for this net cost/budget (housing children in residential homes ) for either of the next 2 financial years (2012/13 and 2013/14)? If so, please provide them.

Please see excel spread sheet attached

Of the total children’s residential placements made within each of the last 3 financial years (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12), how many were placed within the local authority boundary and how many were placed outside the local authority boundary? Please provide a breakdown as to whether the homes were operated by the LEA/health trust, private company or voluntary sector? Please provide figures for each year separately. I’ve set out a table below to try to clearly illustrate the information I am looking for.

Year Within LA Boundary Outside boundary LEA Privately Voluntary LEA Operated Privately Voluntary operated operated Sector operated sector 2009/10 0 0 4 0 29 16 2010/11 0 0 2 0 27 20 2011/12 4 12 4 0 16 3

For each placement outside the local authority boundary, please give the name of the local authority where the placement was made. If you cannot do this please give the region (i.e. London/South East/North West etc). Please do this for each of the last 3 financial years.

We do not hold this information

How many placements of children from other local authorities have ended up in residential homes within your local authority boundary? Please provide figures for each of the last three financial years (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12). If possible, please detail which LEA they were sent from, and whether the homes in your local authority boundary are/were operated by the LEA/health trust, private company or voluntary sector.

We only hold information on our Children's Case Management system for children which are the responsibility of Bedford Borough, for children that are the responsibility of other local authorities placed inside Bedford Borough you will need to contact those authorities directly for this information.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the spreadsheet

3397 26/7/2012 Request:

Could you kindly supply :

a) the numbers of pupils in Bedford Pupil Referral units over the last five years b) a break down by ethnicity over the last five years c) a breakdown by ethnicity over the last five years d) the numbers of permanent exclusions on a school by school basis over the last five years Response:

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested; a) the numbers of pupils in Bedford Pupil Referral units over the last five years b) a break down by ethnicity over the last five years c) a breakdown by ethnicity over the last five years Please see excel spreadsheet attached. (We have only provided information for the last 3 years as anything before that is reported as Bedfordshire. Bedfordshire County Council ceased to exist on 1 April 2009 when unitary councils were introduced across the whole of Bedfordshire. All services previously hosted by the County Council are now provided by either Bedford Borough Council or Central Bedfordshire Council depending on the area concerned.) d) the numbers of permanent exclusions on a school by school basis over the last five years

Total Permanent Exclusions for Bedford Borough Schools

Academic Year Upper Middle Lower Special 2011/12 26 9 6 0 2010/11 23 10 1 0 2009/10 5 3 1 0 2008/09 13 15 0 1 2007/08 22 13 1 1

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment 3398 2/8/2012 Request:

Please could you provide the names and monthly net performance of any funds in which the Bedfordshire Pension Fund currently invests or has done so previously which have an activist or corporate governance strategy? I would be grateful if you could provide the data from the time you first invested in the fund up to the most recent information you have available.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested detailed below:

Question: Please could you provide the names and monthly net performance of any funds in which the Bedfordshire Pension Fund currently invests or has done so previously which have an activist or corporate governance strategy. I would be grateful if you could provide the data from the time you first invested in the fund up to the most recent information you have available.

Answer: Bedfordshire Pension Fund does not, and has not done so previously, invested in funds which have an activist or corporate governance strategy.

3399 17/8/2012 Request and response:

I am looking for information concerning the effectiveness of local authorities’ enforcement activities in the private rented sector during the financial year 2011/12 and the current condition of private rented stock in your area. I am keen to understand what happens to complaints about private landlords once received by the local authority and if there are any issues taking action against landlords who do not comply with enforcement action.

The responses will be added to the information we requested and received in June 2011. If your data from the financial years 2006/7 to 2010/11 has altered in any way please indicate in your responses and provide the new figures alongside the responses for 2011/12. We have therefore broken down complaints by type in questions 1 – 5, and if different departments in your authority follow through each of these types of complaint and hold other relevant information you may wish to send questions 7 – 14 to each of those departments to get their response. I would be grateful if you could tell me:

Question 2011/12 figures 1) How many complaints against private landlords concerning 7 Households illegal eviction have you received in the financial year 2011/12?

2) How many complaints against private landlords concerning 1 Household harassment have you received in the financial year 2011/12?

3) How many complaints against private landlords concerning 757 category I or II hazards under the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) have you received in the financial year 2011/12?

4) How many complaints against private landlords concerning 141 unlicensed Houses in Multiple Occupation have you received in the financial year 2011/12?

5) How many complaints concerning financial scams (such as None unfair charges, withheld deposits), against private landlords have you received in the financial year 2011/12?

6) Roughly, how many private landlords have you repeatedly dealt with that give you continued cause for concern? None

7) How many cases against private landlords in total have you taken pre-enforcement action (such as a letter or verbal warning to the landlord) and in how many cases were you able to resolve the issue in the financial year 2011/12?

2011/12 Number of cases where pre-enforcement action taken 531 Number of cases where pre-enforcement action resolved the issue 170

8) On how many cases have you taken formal enforcement action (such as injunctions or court orders) against private landlords in the financial year 2011/12? and how many have been complied with?

2011/12 Number of enforcement actions initiated against private landlords 64 Number of enforcement actions complied with 30 Enforcement action includes: - Housing Act 2004 Improvement Notices, Prohibition and Emergency Prohibition Orders, Hazard Awareness Notices and Notice of Emergency Remedial Action. 9) How many prosecutions have you brought against private landlords in the financial year 2011/12? and how many were successful?

2011/12 Number of prosecutions brought against private landlords 0 Number of successful prosecutions against private landlords n/a

10)i) What proportion and ii) how many of your local authority’s private rented properties meet the Decent Homes Standard?

Figure Year data collected (if known) Proportion of private rented homes which meet the Decent 75.8% 2011 Homes Standard Total number of private rented homes which meet the Decent 6,840 2011 Homes Standard 11)When dealing with private landlords in the financial year 2011/12 have you seen cases where their behaviour or neglect has required the involvement other public services?

Yes/No If yes please can you estimate the number of cases Fire (e.g. due to hazards yes 13 in the property) Health (e.g. Yes 1 hospitalisation of a tenant) Police (e.g. prosecuting a No 0 landlord) Other (please specify) Yes 36

12)i) How many private landlords operating in your local authority are currently accredited (if you have an accreditation scheme); ii) what proportion is this of all private landlords and iii) what year did your accreditation scheme come into force?

Total number of accredited private landlords n/a Proportion of total private landlords n/a Year the accreditation scheme came into force n/a Our local authority does not run an accreditation scheme n/a

14) Is there anything else you would like to tell us about how you deal with problem landlords in your area?


3400 16/8/2012 Request:

Under the Freedom of Information Act, please tell me:

 The number of council officers employed to deal with issues concerning the environment or climate change in a) 2010 b) 2011 and c) 2012

 The amount allocated in the council’s budget for spending on the environment or climate change in the financial years a) 2009/10 b) 2010/11 and c) 2011/12 Response:

Thank you for your request for information about climate change which we received on 23 July 2012. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and we give below the information you requested.

 The number of council officers employed to deal with issues concerning the environment or climate change in a) 2010 b) 2011 and c) 2012 The Council employs one Climate Change Officer and has done over the period 2010 – 2012.

 The amount allocated in the council’s budget for spending on the environment or climate change in the financial years a)2009/10 b) 2010/11 and c) 2011/12 The amount of funding in budget has been £40k per annum across these years.

3401 3/8/2012 Request:

I am enquiring in relation to the Aldi stores at 147 Church Lane, Bedford, Beds, MK41 0PW to find out if there have been any complaints made to you relating to noise and nuisance.

I would be extremely grateful if you could inform me of any concerns relating to either of these premises.


Thank you for your request for information about noise complaints against Aldi, Church Lane, Bedford which we received on 19th July 2012 . Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. A copy of the information you requested is enclosed with this letter:

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3402 13/8/2012 Request:

1….Since January 1 2012 - How many schools within the council’s area have applied for a determination so they no longer have to provide an act of worship which is broadly Christian in nature. Can you provide a list of those schools who have applied for a determination? In the case of each school can the council state why the school was applying for a determination. In each case can the council provide copies of any written communications and correspondence (Including emails) with the school and or with its local SACRE which specifically relate to the application for a determination?

2….Could the council please state how many of these determinations have been approved and or how many are pending? In the case of each determination can you state what alternative forms of worship have been introduced and or are pending? Could the council please provide copies of any relevant written material (including emails) which relates to these alternatives?

3….Could the council please state how many schools have applied for determinations in each of the previous four years (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011). Can you please state how many of these were successful?

4…Can the council state how many schools in its area have either successfully applied for a determination or are not providing an assembly which is broadly Christian in nature.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested:

1….Since January 1 2012 - How many schools within the council’s area have applied for a determination so they no longer have to provide an act of worship which is broadly Christian in nature. Can you provide a list of those schools who have applied for a determination. In the case of each school can the council state why the school was applying for a determination. In each case can the council provide copies of any written communications and correspondence (Including emails) with the school and or with its local SACRE which specifically relate to the application for a determination? No schools in Bedford Borough Council have applied for a determination since January 2012. Since January 2012 we have no correspondence relating to determinations between the Bedford Borough SACRE and schools.

2….Could the council please state how many of these determinations have been approved and or how many are pending? In the case of each determination can you state what alternative forms of worship have been introduced and or are pending? Could the council please provide copies of any relevant written material (including emails) which relates to these alternatives.

Again, no schools since January 2012 have applied therefore there are no pending applications for determinations in Bedford Borough. There has been no correspondence between the Bedford Borough SACRE and schools in regards to determinations.

3….Could the council please state how many schools have applied for determinations in each of the previous four years (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011). Can you please state how many of these were successful?

Bedford Borough SACRE was established in 2009 as part of Bedford Borough becoming a unitary authority that same year. The first meeting of the new SACRE was held on the 11 February 2010. Since the establishment of the Bedford Borough SACRE, no applications for determinations have been made. We no longer have copies of SACRE minutes prior to the authority split so we are unable to provide information on determinations prior to this date.

4…Can the council state how many schools in its area have either successfully applied for a determination or are not providing an assembly which is broadly Christian in nature.

Bedford Borough SACRE have not received any applications for determinations since it began in 2009. We do not collect data on school assemblies.

3403 13/8/2012 Request:

Would you please answer my enquiries below?

Was/Is the Council a registered user of IDOX software? YES/NO If Yes: Was/Is any member of the Council’s Local Land Charge Department a participant in IDOX TLC and/or its successor? YES/NO Please forward to me copies of the following:  All correspondence in the 78 IDOX TLC forums and any successor forums  All correspondence in the IDOX TLC blog and any successor blogs?  Minutes and agendas of all external User Group meetings on land charge issues attended by your land charges staff in the last 3 years


Further to our email of 10 August 2012 responding to your request for information dated 25 July 2012, I have been requested to provide you with a more comprehensive response.

Under the Freedom of Information Act the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do not hold this information.

3404 21/8/2012 Request:

Please tell me: 1. How many places on holiday childcare schemes were available in the local authority area in the summers of 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 2. How many breakfast clubs were operating across the local authority area in each of the following academic years: 08/09, 09/10, 10/11, 11/12. 3. How many homework or other after school clubs were operating across the local authority area in each of the following academic years: 08/09, 09/10, 10/11, 11/12. 4. How many providers of free nursery education were reported to the local authority for charging or attempting to charge additional 'top- up' fees, or stipulating that parents had to commit to additional paid hours, in order to access said free provision in each year since 2008. 5. What the average per-hour, per-child rate paid to childcare providers in relation to free nursery education entitlement for a) 2 year olds (if applicable), b) 3 year olds and c) 4 year olds was in each of the last 3 financial years? 6. Whether the local authority has currently secured sufficient early years and out of school childcare places for children with special educational needs and disabilities (yes or no). 7. How much the local authority spent on training for the early years workforce and supporting childcare providers to employ well- qualified staff in each of the last three financial years. 8. How many full-time equivalent Early Years Area SENCOs were employed by the local authority in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. 9. How much the local authority spent on its Family Information Service in each of the last three financial years. 10. How many full-time equivalent staff were employed within the local authority’s Family Information Service in each of the last three financial years.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested:

1. How many places on holiday childcare schemes were available in the local authority area in the summers of 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012

Sports Development Team

Maximum number of places on summer play scheme programmes

2009 17,600 places (20 days) 2010 17,600 places (20 days) 2011 17,600 places (20 days) 2012 14,080 places (16 days)

Children’s Services

Places on Holiday Scheme.

We are only able to provide number of schemes for the first three summers as we do not hold/record the number of places historically. For 2012 we can only give the number of places for Ofsted registered schemes.

2009 38 schemes 2010 49 schemes 2011 47 schemes 2012 45 schemes Of these 26 were Ofsted registered providing 1160 places. 2. How many breakfast clubs were operating across the local authority area in each of the following academic years: 08/09, 09/10, 10/11, 11/12.

2008/09 41 2009/10 44 2010/11 42 2011/12 40

3. How many homework or other after school clubs were operating across the local authority area in each of the following academic years: 08/09, 09/10, 10/11, 11/12.

2008/09 49 2009/10 51 2010/11 49 2011/12 49

4. How many providers of free nursery education were reported to the local authority for charging or attempting to charge additional 'top- up' fees, or stipulating that parents had to commit to additional paid hours, in order to access said free provision in each year since 2008.

We do not hold/record this information. When it comes to light that a provider is trying to charge top ups or stipulating parents have to commit to additional paid hours, it is dealt with on a case by case basis to assist both parent and provider. No formal log is kept.

5. What the average per-hour, per-child rate paid to childcare providers in relation to free nursery education entitlement for a) 2 year olds (if applicable), b) 3 year olds and c) 4 year olds was in each of the last 3 financial years?

2 Year Olds have been paid at a rate of £4.85 for all financial years. 3 & 4 Year Olds have been paid at a rate of £3.60 (2009-10), £3.70 (2010-11) and then a base rate of £3.70 from 2011-12 onwards when the Single Funding Formula was introduced.

6. Whether the local authority has currently secured sufficient early years and out of school childcare places for children with special educational needs and disabilities (yes or no).

As far as we are aware, there are sufficient early years and out of school childcare places in the authority for children with an additional need. No individual unmet need has been brought to our attention. 7. How much the local authority spent on training for the early years workforce and supporting childcare providers to employ well- qualified staff in each of the last three financial years.

Workforce Development Costs 2009/2010, 2010/2011 & 2011/2012

Workfor ce Develop Graduat ment e Leader Year Fund Fund Total

2009/2010 178,153 215,877 394,030

2010/2011 412,196 206,341 618,537

2011/2012 160,267 0 160,267

8. How many full-time equivalent Early Years Area SENCOs were employed by the local authority in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.

We do not hold this information

9. How much the local authority spent on its Family Information Service in each of the last three financial years.

2009/10 £128,577 2010/11 £141,570 2011/12 £139,480

10. How many full-time equivalent staff were employed within the local authority’s Family Information Service in each of the last three financial years.

2009/10 4 (plus one vacant post) 2010/11 5 2011/12 4 2012/13 3

3405 16/8/12 Request:

Please accept this email as a request for the following information, in relation to the property known at:

Greenkeepers Rd Bedford

Access is required to records containing the information necessary to answer the following questions of the CON29R form:

3.1 - Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.2 - Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (b) - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (c) - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (d) - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (e) - Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (f) - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.9 (a)-(n) - Planning Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.11 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.13 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council


Thank you for your request for information about Greenkeepers Rd. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

I attach the information you requested from Environmental Health & Trading Standards department. Regarding the questions relating to planning, the Planning department advise that all information relating to planning applications is available on our website

Property Address: Greenkeepers Road

3.7 Outstanding Notices Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this schedule:- environment c) health & safety b) No housing c) No f) public health d) No f) No 3.11 Compulsory Purchase No Has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property? 3.13 Radon Gas No Do any records indicate that the property is in a ‘Radon Affected Area’ as identified by the Health Protection Agency?

3406 27/7/2012 Request:

Our aim is to contact as many taxi drivers as possible to advise them of this new way of arranging insurance. In the past many of the local taxi licensing officers have supplied us with the name, postal address and email address of all their Public Hire (Hackney Carriage) drivers under the Freedom Of Information Act.

We would therefore like to formally request the individual drivers’ details under the Freedom Of information Act for your licensing authority.

In addition could you please advise how many taxis are currently licensed in your authority and where possible the split between Public (Hackney) & Private Hire. Response

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

You requested:

We would therefore like to formally request the individual drivers details under the Freedom Of information Act for your licensing authority.

Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council

1. States that above is exempt information.

2. Specifies, that the exemption in question is the subject of an absolute exemption contained within Section 21 (Information Accessible to applicant by other means) of the FOI Act (FOIA). Please see link below:

In addition could you please advise how many taxis are currently licensed in your authority and where possible the split between Public (Hackney) & Private Hire.

Number of vehicles Hackney Carriages is 70 and Private Hire Vehicles is 629 as date of request.

3407 30/7/2012 Request:

How many pet shops do you license in the area for which you have responsibility?

How many of those pet shops are licensed to sell ornamental fish?

Response: Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

You requested:

How many pet shops do you license in the area for which you have responsibility?


How many of those pet shops are licensed to sell ornamental fish?

Jollyes Pet Shop keeps 200 cold water fish and 350 tropical Pets At Home keep 5000 cold water fish and 6000 tropical Seasons Garden Centre keeps 20 cold water fish and 40 tropical Milton Ernest Garden Centre keep 500 cold water fish and 2000 tropical Avenue Fisheries keep 3000 cold water fish

3408 22/8/2012 Request:

I would like to know the amount spent by your authority, the ‘accountable body’, on the recent bid(s) by Bedford Town Team to take part in the Government’s ‘Portas Pilot’ scheme including all staffing costs and man hours.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

The information that you have requested is as follows:

The amount spent by your authority, the ‘accountable body’, on the recent bid(s) by Bedford Town Team to take part in the Government’s ‘Portas Pilot’ scheme including all staffing costs and man hours.

One member of staff was appointed as the authority lead and attended four 1 hour meetings to brainstorm and develop the Portas Pilot application as part of the Town Team and then spent 6 hours helping to shape and write the application. This is, therefore, a total of 10 hours and the hourly rate of the employee is £21.65ph, totalling £216.50.

3409 8/8/2012 Request:

The information I am requesting relates to troubled families programme currently being run by the Department for Communities & Local Government in conjunction with local authorities. In particular, could you please supply me with: 1. The number of families identified that meet one or both of the crime and anti-social behaviour and education – school attendance criteria as set out in the document ‘The Troubled Families programme: Financial framework for the Troubled Families programme’s payment-by-results scheme for local authorities’ – 2. The number of these families that also meet the work/benefits criteria as set out in the above document 3. From these figures, the number of families that meet all three of the government’s criteria for identifying a troubled family 4. For those families that meet two out of the government’s three criteria as set out in the above document, could you please also supply the number that have also been deemed to meet a locally defined criteria, again as set out in the above document 5. Could you also please supply me with details of what those ‘local discretion’ factors are I realise that the council may not yet have received data from local jobcentre of those families that meet the work/benefits criteria. If this is the case, please supply me the information requested in points 1, 4 and 5 as soon as possible and the rest when it is available. 6. Lastly, could you supply me with the total number of families the authority expects to work with in the first year of the scheme (2012-13) and, if available, the numbers the authority expects to work with in the second and third years of the scheme (2013-14 and 2014-15). Response:

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested;

1. The number of families identified that meet one or both of the crime and anti-social behaviour and education – school attendance criteria as set out in the document ‘The Troubled Families programme: Financial framework for the Troubled Families programme’s payment-by-results scheme for local authorities’ – This is a new initiative and we are still in the process of verifying this information 2. The number of these families that also meet the work/benefits criteria as set out in the above document N/A – see above 3. From these figures, the number of families that meet all three of the government’s criteria for identifying a troubled family N/A – see above 4. For those families that meet two out of the government’s three criteria as set out in the above document, could you please also supply the number that have also been deemed to meet a locally defined criteria, again as set out in the above document N/A – see above 5. Could you also please supply me with details of what those ‘local discretion’ factors are This is still to be confirmed but we are looking at ‘child in need’ I realise that the council may not yet have received data from local jobcentre of those families that meet the work/benefits criteria. If this is the case, please supply me the information requested in points 1, 4 and 5 as soon as possible and the rest when it is available. 6. Lastly, could you supply me with the total number of families the authority expects to work with in the first year of the scheme (2012-13) and, if available, the numbers the authority expects to work with in the second and third years of the scheme (2013- 14 and 2014-15). We have confirmed with CLG that we will be aiming to work with 68 families in 2012/13, figures for future years have yet to be confirmed

3410 8/8/2012 Request

Can I make a subsequent FOI request for a breakdown of school population by gender and ethnicity in Bedford schools over the last three years?

Secondly are you in a position to give a breakdown pupils from maintained schools have transferred to independent schools in the last five years and vice versa.

Follow up request from 3397


Further to your request for information dated 26th July 2012, I can confirm that the information you requested is held under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. However, the Council, for the reasons that follow, declines to disclose the information requested.

You requested:

Can I make a subsequent FOI request for a breakdown of school population by gender and ethnicity in Bedford schools over the last three years.

Secondly are you in a position to give a breakdown pupils from maintained schools have transferred to independent schools in the last five years and vice versa.

Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council

1. States that the information is exempt information.

2. Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 21 (Information accessible to applicant by other means) of the FOI Act (FOIA).

An explanation follows below.

We can only answer the first part of this regarding the population of Bedford Schools, this information is available online via the DfE website - for January 2012 - for January 2011 - for January 2010

We don't have any record of pupils who have transferred to independent schools or vice versa

3411 23/8/2012 Request

Please provide the following information in respect of properties that have had an empty rate charge levied at any time since 1st April 2008.

 The property addresses and property reference number  The ratepayer name(s), if the ratepayer was/is a Limited Company  Start and end date of the empty period for which empty rates have been levied


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested and you will find the information in the attached spreadsheet.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3412 23/8/2012 Request:

I have enclosed a request for client rating information that I would be grateful if you would complete and return.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested and you will find the information in the attached spreadsheet.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the attachment

3413 10/8/2012 Request:

LGA letter to Local Authorities 15.1.10 regarding Property Search and EIRs.

I should be most grateful if you would supply: All recorded information (including meeting minutes and reports and all internal and external correspondence) on the action your Council considered necessary to take in respect of the LGA's letter of 15 January 2010. (I attach a copy of the same for ease of reference). The dates of all such decisions and deliberations plus details of the bodies or Officers within the Council who have considered what action needed be taken. All recorded information on any enquiries, clarifications sought or responses the Council made to the letter


Further to our email of 10 August 2012 responding to your request for information dated 27 July 2012, I have been requested to provide you with a more comprehensive response.

We write in respect of your recent enquiry for information held by the Council under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Under the Freedom of Information Act the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do not hold this information as we have no record of having received the LGA’s letter referred to and no specific action was therefore taken arising from this in regard to the matters you raise.

3414 2/8/2012 Request:

I would like to apply for some information from your authority under the Freedom of Information Act legislation.

1. The name of the Performance Management Software/system used by your Authority. A list of all the performance indicators used by your Authority and whether they are reportable or not. Please include local/operation level indicators as well as any key/corporate indicators. Please note, I do not require any information regarding the performance of these indicators


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. You requested:

1.The name of the Performance Management Software/system used by your Authority.

We do not have a Performance Management System

A list of all the performance indicators used by your Authority and whether they are reportable or not. Please include local/operation level indicators as well as any key/corporate indicators. Please note, I do not require any information regarding the performance of these indicators.

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 does not oblige the Council to comply with a request for information if it estimates that the cost of complying with the request would exceed the “appropriate limit.”

This appropriate limit has been set in the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004 which provides that for a local authority the appropriate limit is £450. This is calculated by reference to a maximum of 18 hours being taken and the cost of staff time being set in the Regulations as £25 per hour. The Regulations also say that In calculating the amount the Council may, “for the purpose of its estimate, take account only of the costs it reasonably expects to incur in relation to the request in: (a) determining whether it holds the information, (b) locating the information, or a document which may contain the information, (c) retrieving the information, or a document which may contain the information, and (d) extracting the information from a document containing it.”

The Council has therefore decided to refuse this part of your request. All indicators would individually need to be considered and if they are metrics/local/operational etc across all of the Council’s 5 directorates and this is estimated to take at least 1 day per directorate. However, if you are happy for us to provide a list of all the indicators without establishing the specific requirements as stated above, we can do this. Please let us know.

3415 8/8/2012 Request:

I am interested in the amounts paid by each school in Bedford Borough Council in relation to temporary teacher staffing cover. My hope is to receive an electronic breakdown of amounts paid by each school from the Consistent Financial Reporting System for each school. The specific CFR codes I would like to examine are CFR02 - Supply Teachers and CFR26 - Agency Supply Staff. I would like the information in an electronic format. The information I require for each school is: School name, CFR02 annual total and CFR26 annual total. If possible,please could the spend be broken down by primary, secondary and Special Needs schools. I would like the information to cover the year 2010/11.


I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council, as detailed below.

“I am interested in the amounts paid by each school in Bedford Borough Council in relation to temporary teacher staffing cover. My hope is to receive an electronic breakdown of amounts paid by each school from the consistent Financial Reporting System for each school. The specific CFR codes I would like to examine are CFR02, Supply Teachers and CFR26 – Agency Supply Staff. I would like the information in an electronic format. The information I require for each school is : School Name, CFR02 Annual Total and CFR26 Annual Total. If possible, please could the spend be broken down by Primary, Secondary and Special Needs Schools. I would like the information to cover the year 2010/11”.

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists. I confirm that we do hold the information you requested and this is attached as Appendix A.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of Appendix A

3416 22/8/2012 Request:

I am writing under the Freedom of Information Act to ask for the following information:

1.) The number of items which have been stolen, or believed to have been stolen, from museums and galleries during:

a) 2008 to 2009 b) 2009 to 2010 c) 2010 to 2011 d) 2011 to 2012 e) 2012 to 2013 (to date)

2.) For each sub-section above, please list the exact item(s), the museum where they were held and how (for example: in locked glass case, hanging on wall, placed on open pedestal), the estimated value of each item, its historical and/or cultural significance and the date it went “missing”. 3.) Please detail whether each item was recovered. 4.) Were there any attempted thefts during the same periods? Please give details for each, as laid out in question 2. 5.) With reference to each financial year in question 1, please give figures for the budget of the museum service. 6.) What was spent in each year on security, including staff employed in security and any security devices.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

1.) The number of items which have been stolen, or believed to have been stolen, from museums and galleries during: a) 2008 to 2009 b) 2009 to 2010 c) 2010 to 2011 d) 2011 to 2012 e) 2012 to 2013 (to date)

To our knowledge, nothing has been stolen/or is believed to have been stolen from the Museum or Gallery to anyone’s knowledge during this time.

2.) For each sub-section above, please list the exact item(s), the museum where they were held and how (for example: in locked glass case, hanging on wall, placed on open pedestal), the estimated value of each item, its historical and/or cultural significance and the date it went “missing”.

N/A – please see above.

3.) Please detail whether each item was recovered.

N/A – please see above. 4.) Were there any attempted thefts during the same periods? Please give details for each, as laid out in question 2.

There have been no attempted thefts relating to the Museum or Gallery during these periods to our knowledge.

5) With reference to each financial year in question 1, please give figures for the budget of the museum service.

a) 2008 to 2009 : £1,039,670 b) 2009 to 2010 : £1,087,560 c) 2010 to 2011 : £998,160 d) 2011 to 2012 : £638,630 e) 2012 to 2013 : £673,340

6) What was spent in each year on security, including staff employed in security and any security devices.

a) 2008 to 2009 : £191,365 b) 2009 to 2010 : £192,868 c) 2010 to 2011 : £189,422 d) 2011 to 2012 : £154,918 e) 2012 to 2013 (to date) : £50,556

NB The museum and gallery have been closed for refurbishment during 2011/12 and 2012/13 and so the cost of security, as requested, has been at a lower level since all of the collections were removed from display to secure storage for the duration of the redevelopment project .

3417 28/8/2012 Request:

Please could I obtain the full addresses of all registered HMO Properties in Bedford town? Furthermore, please could I obtain the HMO owners' addresses?

Response: Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.

Please find the information you requested attached.

Please contact [email protected] for a copy of attachment

3418 16/8/2012 Request:

Please accept this email as a request for the following information, in relation to the property known as: The Sidings, Bedford

Access is required to records containing the information necessary to answer the following questions of the CON29R form:

3.1 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.2 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (b) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (c) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (d) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (e) – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (f) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.9 (a)-(n) - Planning Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.11 – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.13 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council


Thank you for your request for information about The Sidings, Bedford. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

I attach the information you requested from Environmental Health & Trading Standards department. Regarding the questions relating to planning, the Planning department advise that all information relating to planning applications is available on our website Property Address:

The Sidings, Bedford 3.7 Outstanding Notices Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this schedule:- environment c) health & safety b) No housing c) No f) public health d) No f) No 3.11 Compulsory Purchase No Has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property? 3.13 Radon Gas No Do any records indicate that the property is in a ‘Radon Affected Area’ as identified by the Health Protection Agency?

3419 Request:

Would it be possible to obtain a list of properties and owners of HMO in Bedford?

Request withdrawn

3420 23/8/2012 Request:

Freedom of Information request regarding the Department for Work and Pensions' Customer Information System in the past three years

To be clear I am requesting; 1. The number of staff that have access to the Department for Work and Pensions' Customer Information System (CIS) in your organisation

2. The number of recorded incidents of this access being mis-used or abused, and details of the number of records involved in each incident

3. The number of employees that have been disciplined internally or sanctioned in connection with the CIS.

For clarity, our definition of the "past three years" is the period up from 25th July 2009 to 25th July 2012.


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested and you will find the information below:

Question 1. The number of staff that have access to the Department for Work and Pensions' Customer Information System (CIS) in your organisation.

Answer: We currently have 32 members of staff registered to use CIS.

Question 2. The number of recorded incidents of this access being mis-used or abused, and details of the number of records involved in each incident.

None, but please see the information below.

Access to CIS records is closely monitored by the Department for Works and Pensions and on two occasions in the last three years the Department has reported to the Council a pattern of access requests by persons employed by the Council that gave cause for concern. Internal investigations were undertaken by the Council on each occasion.

In one instance the Council was satisfied that there had been no misuse of access. In the other instance the investigation was inconclusive and the person subsequently left the Council’s employ.

Question 3. The number of employees that have been disciplined internally or sanctioned in connection with the CIS. Answer: None

(Your definition of the "past three years" is the period up from 25th July 2009 to 25th July 2012)

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