TEST V10-1 so I phoned the police immediately. Word building 2. (harm) Smoking and drinking alcohol is Using the words in brackets, make nouns to fit each very... for your health. gap 3. (care) I hope you'll be as ... as possible to 1. (art) Which modern... is the most popular avoid unpleasant situations. now? 4. (friend) Russians are normally... except 2. (warm) Most English houses use fireplaces when they are in a bad mood. to give... in winter. 5. (enjoy) This was the most... experience I've 3. (imagine) If you want to be a writer you ever had. have to posses lively.... 6. (wood) She's got everything... in the house, 4. (argue) Yesterday we had a big... with our even the bathroom and the toilet. son — he wanted to dye his hair red. 7. (noise) After living in a... city for most of 5. (inquire) There are a lot of...to be made my life I couldn't get used to the quiet. before we start our journey. 8. (rely) If you want a ... car you'd better 6. (happy) When Santa Claus opened his sack choose a famous producer. the children's faces lit with.... 9. (use) Here I keep lots of... things that you 7. (possible) Do you think there is any-... that sometimes can't do without. they return our money? 10. (home) There are a lot of hungry and ... 8. (know) The school is supposed to be a place people in our large cities. where you get ... and become a citizen. 9. (stupid) We had to turn him down because TESTV10-4 Word building his... was obvious. Using the words in brackets, make adjectives to fit 10. (decide) I remind you it was your..., you each gap can't blame it all on me now. 1. (taste) Andrew went to a shop and bought a lot of... things for his little brother. TESTV10-2 Word building 2. (shame) I'm absolutely sure it was a... thing Using the words in brackets, make nouns to fit each to say in front of your teachers. gap 3. (nerve) In spite of all my careful 1. (admit) You must pay for... to this explanations she still looked ... and pale. exhibition though the rest of the gallery is 4. (satisfy) You can' say the work is finished free. until you get...results. 2. (confident) I think you just don't have 5. (reason) Parent usually trust their children if enough ... and the employers can easily see they see their...behaviour. it. 6. (fright) Mary said it was the most... sight 3. (frequent) The... of earthquakes and other she has ever seen in her life. natural disasters alarms scientists. 7. (energy) I just can't understand how she can 4. (analyze) I'd like you to give me a be so healthy and ...in her age. detailed ... of what had happened to the 8. (anger) If you see an... bull, don't try to run engine. away, as it will make things worse. 5. (violent) Teenagers show more and more ... 9. (emotion) All his films are so ... that most in their every day behaviour. ladies can't help crying at the end. 6. (music) He has made up his mind to become 10. (ice) You must be twice as careful when a... though his parents don't agree. driving along ...roads in winter. 7. (beautiful) People from the village try to preserve the natural ... of these places. TEST V10-5 Word building 8. (convenient) People cannot imagine their Using the words in brackets, make adjectives to fit life without modern ...they are used to. each gap 9, (explain) I'm sorry but your... is absolutely 1. (horror) This sandwich tastes ...! Have you unbelievable. Find a better excuse. got something else? 9. (appoint) They couldn't finish at once so 2. (muscle) I'm afraid you can't become a they made an... for next Friday. model unless your body is very.... 3. (vision) Cars with their lights off are TESTV10-3 Word building practically ... in the dark. Using the words in brackets, make adjectives to fit 4. (power) The engine is so ... that you can each gap drive in any weather and on any road. 1. (suspect) I thought those people were the... 5. (laugh) Who does this ... belong to? I think I have heard it before. d)beat 6. (marry) Their ... wouldn't be a success if 9. Do you know how many people were ... after the they didn't love each other. bank robbery? 7. (hand) You'll find these gloves quite ... a) charged when working in the garden or garage. b) accused 8. (science) They carry out lots of... c) arested experiments and produce widely used d) convicted medicines. 10. The customers... about bad service and bad 9. (burgle) Have you heard there was a ... next manners of the door? They've even taken the doormat! a) disapproved 10. (terror) A lot of people are concerned about b) complained growing ... in the world. c) criticized d) objected TESTV10-6 Choose the word that should go in each space in TEST VI0-7 the sentences below Choose he word that should go in each space in the 1. She said she liked all the stories ... the last one. sentences a) beside 1. She didn't even know who... America! Can b)except you imagine? c) besides a)opened d) without b) discovered 2. I hope you'll pass your exams .... c) recovered a) good d) covered b) successful 2. The guests arrived quite... so I wasn't prepared at c) bad all. d) successfully a) unbelievable 3. Do you like... sports competitions? b) disappointed a) seeing c) impatiently b) watching d) unexpectedly c)looking 3. She is very tolerant quite... her mother. d) observing a) unlike 4. I can't buy it now, I've only 50 pounds.... b) disagree a) stayed c) like b) remained d) dislike c) left 4. You won't get anything for Christmas unless d) stood you ... your parents. 5. Would you like... piece of cake? Help yourself! a) disorder a) another b) obey b) more c) display c) else d) disobey d) other 5. J can't sleep on this bed, it's very.... Do you 6. How many mistakes did she ... in her last test? think I could get another one? a) do a) convenient b) make b) unimportant c) perform c) unpleasant d)execute d) inconvenient 7. She changed so much I couldn't... her at first. 6. You look terrible! Those red gloves don't... a) look your blue dress at all. b) see a) fit c) watch b) match d) recognize c) suit 8. When someone... me on the shoulder I turned d) agree with round at оncе 7. The government will not... these people to get a) rapped what they want. b)hit a) allow c) tapped b)let c) permit 7. He was working hard and finally... his goal. d)give a) did 8. If you want to be a student you must... every b) accomplished lecture. c) made a) take care d) performed b)deal 8. At the end of two hours they got tired and... to c) attend have a drink of coffee. d) follow a) stopped 9. Did you know he was ... in bird-watching? b) finished a) keen c) was over b) enthusiastic d) ended c)eager 9. They haven't... the prices yet but everyone d) interested expects it these I days. 10. You've got a cough, you'd better go to see your a) picked up doctor. b) lifted a) difficult c) risen b) hard d) raised c) unsure 10. They... living standards have dramatically d)bad changed, a)speak TESTV10-8 b) tell Choose the word that should go in each space in c)say the sentences below d)talk 1. You're free to act... you feel is right, a) like TESTV10-9 b)for Choose the word that should go in each space in c) as the sentences below d) near 1. The resolution of the committee must be... as 2. This celebration takes... every September in the soon as possible. 1 Town Centre. a) done a) place b) performed c) made b) notice d) carried out c) care 2. Heavy snowfalls are... in this part of the country, d) part a) shortly 3.This hat will give you an ... look. Try it on! b)scarce a)unusual c)hard up b) usual d) low c)uncomfortable 3. If you don't want to offend a friend you just say d) comfortable he of she is a bit.... 4.... his appointment the Prime minister the war a) fat broke out. b) overweight a)coming c) too heavy b)going d) too large c)approaching 4.The amount of cars produced this year is... by 20 d)following per cent. 5. When she was crossing the road she was ... a)smaller run over by a van. b)fewer a)already c)less b)always d) lower c)almost 5. He doesn't make decisions easily, he's rather... of d)only himself. 6. What marks did you... at the end of the term? a) difficult a) take b)hard b)get c) unsure c) leave d)bad d)pass 6. This country... the USA in the north. reliable, a) borders a) except b) outskirts b)but c) suburbs c) apart d) nears d) with the exception of 7. I don't want to run any... so I'd better check that 6. Looking after children takes up... of a everything is ready. housewife's time. a)danger a) most b) risk b) all c) trouble c) mostly d) row d) entire 8. The... of this book is to clear up the 7. We saw a lot of interesting things ... our misunderstanding of the public. holidays in Spain. a) intention a) while b) purpose b) before c) plan c) until d) meaning d) during 9.I see you enjoy parties ... my boy-friend. 8. He just wouldn't... their children go out with a) as their friends. b) common a) let c) like b) allow d) unlike c) make 10. Their estimate of the recent changes was ... d) give positive. 9. He tried to improve his English in every a) greatly possible way and... become an interpreter. b) highly a)Simply c) largely b) easy d) fully c) simple d) finely TESTV10-10 10. Scientists claim that the water you drink must Choose the word that should go in each space in be ...before the sentences below a) changed 1. The captain of the ship had his... well in hand, b) purified a) team c) modified b) gang d) adopted c) crew d) staff 2. Parents usually make a lot of... about late comings, a) quarrels b) scenes c) arguments d) fuss 3. When the teacher came in the children took no... of him. a) attention b) notice c) control d)regard 4. I think you should take your umbrella just... it rains, a)in case b) despite c) even though d) because 5. She is very polite and respectful... from being Ответы: Test V10-1 1-artist 2-warmth 3-imagmation 4-argument 5- mquires 6-happiness 7-posibility 8-knowledge 9- stupidity 10-dccision Test V10-2 1-admission 2-confidence 3-frequency 4-analysis 5- violencc 6-musician 7-beauty 8-convenience 9-cxplanation 10- appointment Test V10-3 1-suspects 2-harmful 3-careful 4-friendly 5- enjoyable 6-wooden 7-noisy 8-reliable 9-useful 10- homeless Test V10-4 l-tasty 2-shameful 3-nervous 4-satisfactory 5- reasonable 6-frightful 7-energetic 8-angry 9- emotional 10-icy TestV10-5 1-horrible 2-muscular 3-invisible 4-powerful 5- laughter 6-marria 8-scicntific 9-burglary 10- terrorism Test V10-6 1-b; 2-d; 3-b; 4-c; 5-a; 6-b; 7-d; 8-c; 9-c; 10-b. Test V10-7 1-b; 2-d; 3-a; 4-b; 5-d; 6-b; 7-c; 8-c; 9-d; 10-d. TestV10-8 1-е; 2-a;.3-a; 4-d; 5-c; 6-b; 7-b; 8-a; 9-d; 10-c. TestV10-9 t-d; 2-b; 3-b; 4-a; 5-c; 6-a; 7-b; 8-b; 9-c; 10-b. Test V10-10 1-е; 2-d; 3-b; 4-a; 5-c; 6-a; 7-d; 8-a; 9-d; 10-b.