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Module 1 Test - Answers

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the BEST answer.

__b__1. In order to obtain a learner’s permit in Virginia, you must be at least

a. 15 years old b. 15 years & 6 months old c. 16 years old d. 18 years old

__c__2. The minimum age for a licensed driver accompanying a driver with a learner’s permit is

a. 21 b. 18 (if immediate family member) c. a & b d. does not matter as long as the driver has a license

__d__3. An applicant for a learner’s permit must score ___ on the signs test.

a. 75% b. 80% c. 90% d. 100%

__b__4. Persons less than 19 must hold a learner’s permit for a minimum of ___ before a temporary license can be issued.

a. 6 months b. 9 months c. 12 months d. there is no holding period

__c__5. Persons with a learner’s permit cannot drive

a. after 9 pm b. after 10 pm c. between midnight and 4 am d. there is no curfew __b__6. The type of license which will allow a person to drive a large truck or a van designed for 16 or more passengers is a

a. CDT b. CDL c. PDL d. Va. operator’s license

__a__7. A driver with a learner’s permit is limited to ___ passenger(s) under the age of 18.

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. there is no restriction

__a__8. The penalty for anyone less than 20 who is convicted of his/ her 1st demerit violation is

a. mandatory driver improvement class b. 90-day suspension of license c. loss of license for one year d. loss of license until 21 years of age

__b__9. A driver’s license expires

a. five years from the date of issue b. on the licensee’s birthday in ages divisible by 5 c. on the last day of the birth month when the age is divisible by 5

__d_10. If you are less than 18, you will receive your permanent license from

a. the school providing in-car instruction b. DMV c. Department of Education d. Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court

__c_11. If you drive on the public roads of Virginia, you must submit to an alcohol or drug test when requested. This is known as the ____ law

a. Use and Lose b. Zero Tolerance c. Implied Consent d. there is no such law __b_12. Under the ___ law, drivers less than 21 may lose driving their privilege if they have a BAC of .02 or above.

a. Use and Lose b. Zero Tolerance c. Implied Consent d. there is no such law

__c__13. Vehicles registered in Virginia must be inspected

a. every 6 months b. every 9 months c. once a year d. there is no inspection requirement in Virginia

__c_14. The minimum amount of liability insurance required to satisfy the financial responsibility law in Virginia is

a. 10,000/15,000/20,000 A. 20,000/25,000/20,000 b. 25,000/50,000/20,000 c. 35,000/40,000/15,000

__c__15. Your decision to become an organ donor should be

a. recorded on your driver’s license b. discussed with your family c. a & b d. neither a nor b

__a__16. There is a national network to coordinate organ distribution.

a. true b. false __a__17. In Virginia, you must have a special license to drive a motorcycle.

a. true b. false

__b__18. The uninsured motorist fee

a. provides you with minimal insurance coverage in the event of a crash b. allows you to drive an uninsured vehicle c. pays if you are the victim of a hit and run crash d. none of the above

__a__19. You are covered by your parents’ insurance policy when you have a learner’s permit.

a. true b. false

__c__20. In this situation, indicate who has the right of way. B

a. car A b. car B c. no one A Uncontrolled Intersection


__b__21. In this situation, indicate who must yield.

B. car A C. car B D. no one B Car B is turning left __b__22. In this situation, indicate who must yield.

E. car A F. car B G. there is no rule


__c__23. When you approach a school bus with flashing red lights from either direction, you

a. must always stop b. may proceed if the bus is going in the opposite direction c. may proceed only if there is a median between you and the bus

__a__24. When an emergency vehicle approaches you using its siren, you should

H. pull over to allow a clear path for the emergency vehicle a. slow down until the emergency vehicle passes b. continue at the posted speed

__c__25. It takes a train going 50 mph approximately ____ to stop safely.

a. 3 football fields b. ½ mile c. 1 ½ miles

__c__26. The crossbuck is considered the same as a

I. stop sign J. warning sign K. yield sign __b__27. A train’s speed

L. is easy to judge M. will appear slower than it is N. will appear faster than it is

__a_28. Most railroad crossing crashes are the result of

O. driver error P. malfunctioning lights Q. bad weather

__b__29. A red light indicates

a. stop – go if the way is clear b. stop – remain stopped c. clear the intersection d. proceed with caution

__d__30. A flashing amber light indicates

a. stop – go if the way is clear b. a protected turn lane c. you should clear the intersection d. you should proceed with caution

__c__31. A green arrow indicates

a. you should clear the intersection b. you should stop – go in the direction of the arrow c. a protected turn lane – go in the direction of the arrow

__b__32. Orange signs indicate

R. prohibitive S. construction T. parks and recreation U. regulatory __b__33. School crossing signs are

V. blue W. fluorescent optic yellow X. green Y. white

___c__34. The shape of this sign indicates

Z. school crossing AA. pedestrian crossing BB. warning CC. yield

__c__35. The shape of this sign indicates

a. stop b. no passing c. rail road crossing d. yield

__b__36. The shape of this sign indicates

DD. warning EE. regulatory FF.yield GG. directions

__d__37. This sign indicates

a. road curves ahead b. merge c. winding road d. added lane __d__38. This sign indicates

a. merge b. keep right c. lane reduction d. curvy road ahead

__b__39. A yellow line (solid or broken) indicates

HH. no passing II. two way traffic JJ. one way traffic KK. pass with caution

__a__40. A solid line indicates

LL. no passing a. two way traffic b. one way traffic c. pass with caution

__c__41. A broken white line indicates

a. pass with caution b. one way traffic c. a & b d. neither

__c_42. This road marking indicates

a. HOV lane b. restricted lane (bus or bicycles) c. both a & b d. neither a nor b

__b_43. This lane is reserved for

MM. vehicles from both directions turning right a. vehicles from both directions turning left b. passing other vehicles on the left c. vehicles turning left from one direction only __b_44. The basic color for construction signs is

NN. white a. orange b. green c. brown

_b__45. You should signal at least _____ before you turn or change position.

OO. 2 seconds a. 4 seconds b. 300 ft. c. 500 ft.

__a_46. This hand signal indicates

PP.right turn a. left turn b. stop or slow

__b_47. The correct method of steering through a turn is

QQ. hand over hand a. push/pull/slide b. either method is acceptable

__a_48. When parking downhill with a curb,

a. turn the wheels toward the curb b. turn the wheels away from the curb c. leave the wheels straight __d_49. You must park at least ___ feet from a fire truck answering a call.

RR. 10 a. 15 b. 250 c. 500

_a__50. The speed limit in school, business and residential areas is

SS. 25 a. 35 b. 45 c. 55

__d_51. You are required to dim your headlights when you are within ___ feet of an approaching vehicle.

TT. 100 a. 200 b. 400 c. 500

_d__52. An important point to remember in skid control is

UU. do not brake a. look where you want the vehicle to go b. steer in the direction you want to go c. all of the above

_d__53. If your tire loses pressure while you are driving, you should

VV. keep a firm grip on the steering wheel with both hands a. release the accelerator pedal slowly b. brake hard and pull over c. both a & b

__b__54. It is illegal to pass on the right in Virginia under any circumstances.

a. true b. false __c__55. If the foot brake fails,

a. the parking brake may be used to stop the vehicle b. pumping the brake may help restore some brake pressure c. both a & b d. neither a nor b

__a__56. The use of a lower gear may be helpful when going up or down steep grades.

a. true b. false

__b__57. The use of cruise control is helpful on slippery roadways.

a. true b. false

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