Couple of the Year

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Couple of the Year

Membership Enhancement Program Instructor Guide

Title: Couple of the Year Program

Length: 60 Minutes

Resources: One LCD projector and screen Computer General meeting room

Objectives: Provide an overview of the Couple of the Year Program at the Chapter level

Note to Trainer: To present the seminar you should be familiar with Couple of the Year Program section covering District, Region & International

Slide 1 Title

Couple of the Year Program Title is self-explanatory Slide 2 Slide is self-explanatory Overview

 History  Purpose  Top Reasons to have a Chapter Couple of the Year  Honor or Responsibility  Chapter Couple of the Year  District/Region/International

Slide 3 History

 Instituted in 1988 Bullets are self-explanatory

 Successor to selecting a Wing Ding Queen

 Began as a way to honor Couples on the local level

 Evolved into a useful tool for identifying and helping a Couple prepare for leadership positions within GWRRA

Slide 4 Purpose

 Provides an opportunity for local Chapters to Bullets are self-explanatory recognize and honor a Couple each year

 Establishes a process for identifying outstanding Couples

Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 2013 Membership Enhancement Program Instructor Guide

Slide5 Top Reasons to have a Chapter Couple of the Year

 Reason # 1: Selecting a Chapter Couple of the Every Chapter should have at least one couple that Year is a way a Chapter can “give back” to a has given extra to the Chapter. The key here is the Couple that has worked hard for the Chapter selection is for what a couple has done over the last year not what they will do in the future.

 Reason # 2: Visitation with other Chapters by If a couple chooses to visit other Chapters they can the Couple of the Year can increase inter- become a conduit to increase inter-Chapter FUN Chapter activities because they are more visible. The Couple of the Year medallions automatically bring recognition to  Reason #3: Chapter spirit can increase when a the couple. Chapter shows support for their Couple of the Bullet is self-explanatory Year

Slide6 Top Reasons to have a Chapter Couple of the Year

 Reason #4: Selection as Chapter Couple of the History has proven that a couple selected Year leads to personal growth for the Couple. personally grow because in a number of cases they They usually tend to take on more responsibility tend to move into Chapter leadership positions. in leadership positions  Reason # 5: The Chapter Couple of the Year When a Couple of the Year Where their medallions, can bring awareness within the community Chapter shirt and vest they will draw attention about our association by wearing shirts or vests because people outside the association are with Couple of the Year designation curious. If a couple is participating in recruiting or motorist awareness even or kick tire/meet & eat the public will take notice.  Reason # 6: Participation in the District If a Chapter Couple of the Year chooses to take on Selection Process brings recognition for your the responsibility of taking part in the District Chapter within the District Couple of the Year Selection process the Chapter by default receives recognition within the District. Keep in mind that selection of a Chapter Couple of the Year should not be based on whether a couple will participate in the District selection process. Slide 7 Top Reasons to have a Chapter Couple of the Year

• Reason #7: As your Chapter Couple Of the When a Chapter Couple of the Year visits other Year visits other Chapters, Couples of the Year Chapters they in turn tend to visit your Chapter if for from those Chapters will in turn visit your not other reason but obligation because they visited Chapter their Chapter.

• Reason #8: Your Chapter Couple Of the Year Bullet is self-explanatory. can promote your Chapter’s upcoming events as they visit other Chapters

• Reason #9: Chapter Couples of the Year are In most cases a Chapter Couple of the Year will often found serving as Cheerleaders for the become the cheerleaders of the Chapter Team and Chapter Team keep people motivated to promote FUN.

Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 2013 Membership Enhancement Program Instructor Guide

Slide 8 Honor or Responsibility Being selected a Chapter Couple of the Year is an honor bestowed on a deserving couple who has  Chapter Level shown dedication and commitment to their Chapter. o Honor Being selected as Chapter Couple of the Year is just like being presented an award.

The responsibility comes if and when a couple chooses to participate in the District Couple of the  District - Region - International Level Year selection process. Being selected as District, o Responsibility Region or International Couple of the Year brings o Commitment with it the expectation that the Couple will represent the association as Ambassadors and spokespersons, with particular emphasis on “spreading-the-word” outside the association. Additionally, when a couple participates in the selection process at the District level, they make a commitment, should they be selected the District Couple of the Year, to participate at the Region level, and then, if selected the Region Couple of the Year, they will represent their Region at Wing Ding for the International selection. The Couple must realize that if chosen at the District level this could lead to a four-year commitment. Slide 9 Chapter Couple of the Year Requirements

 Requirements o Couple consists of one (1) male and one Bullet is self-explanatory (1)female o Both must have an Individual or Family Couples do not have to be married, they should be Membership in GWRRA perceived as a couple. o Associate Members are eligible to participate Bullet is self-explanatory at the Chapter Level only

Slide 10 Chapter Couple of the Yea

Requirements (continued)  Membership must be valid through the term of Bullet is self-explanatory the Couple of the Year position  A Couple must have completed at least one The couple should have been a participant of their year Membership prior to being honored as home chapter for at least a year, before being Chapter Couple of the Year named Chapter Couple of the Year for their home chapter.  A Chapter Couple of the Year may not serve This is to give other deserving couples the more than two consecutive years as a Chapter opportunity to be Chapter Couple of the Year Couple of the Year

 Selection  The Chapter Couple of the Year should be enthusiastic about Bullet is self-explanatory o GWRRA o The Chapter

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o Eager to assist whenever needed Slide 11 Chapter Couple of the Year

 Selection Bullets are self-explanatory  The Chapter Couple of the Year should be enthusiastic about  GWRRA  The Chapter  Eager to assist whenever needed  No consideration should be given to whether or not a Couple might participate in the District Selection process

Slide 12 Chapter Couple of the Year

 Selection  The Selection of a Chapter Couple of the Year Bullets are self-explanatory is for the SOLE purpose of honoring a Couple for what they have already; done not for what they may do.  The Chapter Director may appoint a Couple of the Year Coordinator to oversee the Selection

Slide 13 Chapter Couple of the Year

Announcement Bullets are self-explanatory  Make a “Big Deal” when announcing the Chapter Couple of the Year

 Some Chapters announce the Couple of the Year at: o A Christmas Party o A Picnic o A Fun Day o A regular Chapter Gathering

Slide 14 Chapter Couple of the Year

Awards & Recognition Bullets are self-explanatory  Something meaningful & lasting  Affordable by the Chapter

Suggested Awards o Plaque or certificate o Flowers o Couple of the Year pins with Chapter hangar bars o Chapter Couple of the Year name tags

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Slide 15 Chapter Couple of the Year

Awards & Recognition (continued) Bullets are self-explanatory o Personalized shirts with GWRRA 10” logo on the back and “Chapter _____ Couple of the Year”

o Chapter Couple of the Year Rockers for their vests

o Registration (and lodging if affordable) at the District event if participating in the Selection Process

o Recommend the Couple of the Year be featured in the next Chapter Newsletter

Slide 16 Chapter Couple of the Year

 The Couple of the Year becomes part of the Bullets are self-explanatory Chapter Team

 The Couple of the Year should always be recognized at ALL Chapter functions

 Place an article in the local newspaper about them becoming the Couple of the Year

 Chapter Couple of the Year is an HONOR

Slide 17 Chapter Couple of the Year

 Some suggestions on involvement are: Bullets are self-explanatory o Assist Chapter Membership Enhancement or Public Relations Coordinator o Serve as Greeters o Sit with and introduce first-time guests o Conduct 50/50 sales Slide 18 Chapter Couple of the Year

 Some suggestions on involvement are: Bullets are self-explanatory o Assist at registration desk or “goodie” table at events o Assist at Mall Shows o Submit articles to Chapter Newsletter

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o Maintain a history of the Chapter and/or Chapter Couple of the Year o Visit other Chapters Slide 19 Chapter Couple of the Year

 Places for Public Relations work: Bullets are self-explanatory o Speaking at Clubs, Associations and Civic Organizations

 Suggested Programs for topics of Public Relations o Couple of the Year Program o Motorist Awareness o History of GWRRA

Slide 20 District/Region/International

Requirements Bullets are self-explanatory  Couple consists of one (1) male and one (1) female  Both must have an Individual or Family Membership in GWRRA  Associate Members are eligible to participate at the Chapter Level only  Membership must be valid through the term of the Couple of the Year position  If selected as District, Region or International Couple Of the Year, the Couple must be able to assume the responsibilities of the position

Slide 21 District/Region/International

Requirements (continued) Bullets are self-explanatory

 A Chapter Couple of the Year may participate in the District Couple of the Year Selection Process not more than two (2) consecutive years, as long as the couple was re-selected Chapter Couple of the Year for the 2nd year and not selected as District Couple during the 1st year.

 A Chapter may only have one (1) Couple of the Year participate in the District Selection Process each year

 A Couple may not participate in the Region or International Selection Process in consecutive years (Back-to-back years)

Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 2013 Membership Enhancement Program Instructor Guide

Slide 22 District/Region/International

Requirements (continued) Bullets are self-explanatory

o Participation in the District Selection Process is a commitment to GWRRA o Couple should review all Manual Instructions o If selected as District Couple of the Year, you must be willing to attend the Region Selection Process o If selected as Region Couple of the Year, you must be willing to attend the International Selection Process o The Couple must never have been an International Couple of the Year

Slide 23 District/Region/International

Selection Bullets are self-explanatory

 One (1) Chapter Couple is selected to represent their District

 One (1) District Couple is selected to represent their Region

 Couple cannot serve as a District or Region Couple in consecutive years (back to back)

 One (1) Region Couple is selected as International Couple of the Year for GWRRA

Slide 24 District/Region/International

Selection (continued) Bullets are self-explanatory

 Couples interested in pursuing the District, Region or International Couple of the Year status: o Submit a five (5) page resume using existing format o Present a five (5) minute presentation o Music, props or other special effects are not permitted during the Selection Process o Answer one or two questions at the Selection Process

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o The Event is open to all GWRRA Members

Slide 25 District/Region/International

 The selection is judged: Bullets are self-explanatory o 40% - GWRRA Commitment & Involvement o 26% - Oral Presentation o 30% - Interview & Presentation o 4% - Appearance

Slide 26 District/Region/International

 To ensure a successful Couple of the Year Bullets are self-explanatory process the following is IMPERATIVE: o A Couple of the Year Coordinator should be appointed at the District and Region level o The District and Region Coordinator oversees the entire Process o Communications with all parties  Before / During / After the Selection Process

Slide 27 District/Region/International

 Before the Selection Process Bullets are self-explanatory  Three (3) or Four (4) months prior the, Coordinator should provide the Directors and the Membership Enhancement Coordinators with: o A timeline for the Selection Process  A copy of the score sheet and resume  Either a copy of the Manual or instructions for accessing online  Any other important information related to the selection of Couple of the Year

Slide 28 District/Region/International

Before the Selection Process (continued) Bullets are self-explanatory

The Coordinator should send a congratulatory letter to all participating in the Couple Of the Year at least two months prior to the Selection Process

The letter should include:

o Name of the Event in which the Selection

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Process will take place o Time and place of the Selection Process

Slide 29 District/Region/International

Before the Selection Process (continued) Bullets are self-explanatory

The letter should include (continued) o Description of the Selection Process o An explanation of the duties of the Couple of the Year will have during the Event o A current sample score sheet o A current copy of the resume format o Instructions on returning the resume

Slide 30 District/Region/International

Before the Selection Process (continued) Bullets are self-explanatory

 A panel of impartial judges will be identified o District Level  Judges should be from another District (4 is suggested) o Region Level  Recommend that District Directors within the Region (or designee) o International Level  Region Directors (or designee)

Slide 31 District/Region/International

 Prior to the Event, the Coordinator will: Bullets are self-explanatory o Send a final notice to all participating couples o Notifying them of last minute changes o Remind them of specific dates and times o Name and affiliations of other participating couples o A list of judges and position titles

Slide 32 District/Region/International

 Once the resume is submitted to the Bullets are self-explanatory Coordinator: o It cannot altered in any way o It must be completed according to Manual Instructions to be accepted o It is forwarded to the judges in the form it was

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received, if accepted o Resumes should be in hands of the Couple of the Year Coordinator at least four weeks prior to the Selection Process o Resumes will be scored

Slide 33 District/Region/International

 The Coordinator will forward to the judges: Bullets are self-explanatory o Resumes (as soon as feasible, but not less than two weeks prior to the Event) o A current score sheet o Any specific instructions pertaining to the Event  As questions arise prior to the Selection Process they should be forwarded to all involved: o Couples of the Year o Directors o Membership Enhancement Coordinators

Slide 34 District/Region/International  Communications - Communications  During the Selection Process: Bullets are self-explanatory  It is suggested that a reception or informal Gathering be held for participating Couple Of the Year Candidates, Judges, Current Couples Of the Year, and/or District, Region and Team GWRRA

Slide 35 District/Region/International

 If possible: Bullets are self-explanatory o An opportunity for judges to meet 5 - 10 minutes with each Couple o This is done at Wing Ding (providing this setting at the District and Region would help prepare the Couples for what’s ahead) o Judges should consider the information gathered during the 5 – 10 minute meeting when scoring the Interview and Question section of the score sheet

Slide 36 District/Region/International

 Prior to the Selection Process Bullets are self-explanatory  Each couple draws a number to determine the order of the presentations  Numbers can be placed on a memento that may be kept by the Couples

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 During the Selection Process  The Selection Process is open to all Members  Should be Fun and exciting  Show your Chapter, District or Region spirit  This helps the Couples relax

Slide 37 District/Region/International

 Each Couple when it’s their turn: Bullets are self-explanatory o Is asked to do a “four-point-turn” o Makes an oral presentation - no more than five minutes o No music, props or other special effects o Not necessary to recite all activities The judges have your resume, however it is a good idea to cover your involvement and experience in o Show your sense of humor GWRRA o Comfort level (spontaneity and personality) o Knowledge and involvement in GWRRA

Slide 38 District/Region/International

o Following the oral presentation Bullets are self-explanatory o Couples will be asked one or two questions o Each person should spend about the same time answering

o Most important thing o Answer the questions! (Do not go off on a tangent) o Look at the judges o Judges will not score their own Couple of the Year

Slide 39 District/Region/International

Bullets are self-explanatory  Coordinator (or designee) will tally the results o It is suggested that two or more individuals tally so that scores can be double checked

 All scores are kept confidential

After the Selection Process

 Announcement of the Couple of the Year o As soon as feasible at an assembly of the Members at the event

 The International Couple of the Year is selected

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the day before Wing Ding begins The International Couple of the Year is announced during Opening Ceremonies at Wing Ding

Slide 40 District/Region/International

Awards and Recognition Bullets are self-explanatory

 Should be based on:  Something meaningful & lasting  What the District, Region or International entity can afford  Some suggestions  Certificate of appreciation to all participants  Corsages and boutonnieres to all participants  Silver or crystal piece, plaque or clock, appropriately engraved  Name tags with Couple Of the Year title  Vest of jacket with GWRRA 10” back patch and “Couple of the Year” imprinted

Slide 41 District/Region/International

 Some suggestions (continued) Bullets are self-explanatory  Vest of jacket with GWRRA 10” back patch and “Couple of the Year” imprinted  Couple of the Year belt buckles  District, Region, International hanger bars  Name tags with Couple of the Year title  Business Cards  Help with expenses (Note: GWRRA Home Office provides complimentary Wing Ding registrations and when possible hotel accommodations for all Region Couples participating in the Selection Process at Wing Ding) Slide 42 District/Region/International

Possible Responsibilities Bullets are self-explanatory

 Assist Membership Enhancement and/or Public Relations Coordinator with media events

 Speak at non-GWRRA Events/clubs about GWRRA

 Present Couple of the Year seminars at

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Conventions, workshops and other Events

 Serve as greeters at Conventions

 Work the information booth or GWRRA “goodie” table or other duties as assigned

 Handle 50/50 sales Slide 43 District/Region/International

Possible Responsibilities (continued) Bullets are self-explanatory

 Judge talent shows, etc

 Maintain contact with other Couples of the Year in your “class” providing encouragement and guidance

 Participate in o Conventions o Winter events o Chapter Kick-offs Slide 44 District/Region/International

Possible Responsibilities (continued) Bullets are self-explanatory

 Participate in (continued) o Other Chapter Events whenever possible o Serve as a mentor to future Couples of the Year o Write articles for newsletters or Wing World o International Couple of the Year may be asked to assist with the Couple of the Year Selection at Wing Ding Slide 45 Slide is self-explanatory Summary

 History  Purpose  Top Reasons to have a Chapter Couple of the Year  Honor or Responsibility  Chapter Couple of the Year  District | Region | International Slide 46 Questions Take questions to conclude the seminar.

If there is any conflict between this PowerPoint presentation and the Couple of the Year Program Manual, the Program Manual will be used.

Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 2013 Membership Enhancement Program Instructor Guide

Revision History Prepared by: Tammy Hollingsworth (12/31/13) Updated by: Revised by: Revised by:

Revised by: Gayle Wilson (12/27/13)

Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 2013

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