IF383 IOG - AP Direct Pay Invoices Inbound Interface

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IF383 IOG - AP Direct Pay Invoices Inbound Interface

IF388 - Imaging Spec for AP Interfaces

South Carolina Enterprise Information System

Interface Operations Guide (IOG) IF388 - Imaging Spec for AP Interfaces

1 | P a g e IF388 - Imaging Spec for AP Interfaces


Document Purpose and Organization

Interface Operations Guides (IOG) contain the interface specific information required for State of South Carolina Agencies to integrate with the SCEIS system. Each interface will contain a separate IOG with specific information. The IOG information will include the ADS number, description, file name(s), examples of load reports, frequency, run schedule, error conditions, etc. Additionally, the IOG will contain the file layout for the interface.

General system updates can be found on the SCEIS website, http://www.sceis.sc.gov

2 | P a g e IF388 - Imaging Spec for AP Interfaces

Imaging Spec for AP Legacy Interfaces

Interface ADS Number IF388 Inbound/Outbound Inbound Interface Title Imaging Spec for AP Legacy Interfaces Interface Description This interface is used to send images to SCEIS that exist as electronic files in an agency’s legacy system; therefore, do not need to be scanned (e.g. Voc Rehab’s Versa system). The interface will process images into SCEIS and attach them to the appropriate SAP payable document. This imaging spec and processing works in conjunction with IOG IF382 and IF383, PO and direct pay invoice interfaces. (Note: For images that require scanning there is a manual scanning and indexing process used in conjunction with IOG IF382 and IF383 that will attach images to the appropriate SAP payable document. The manual scanning and indexing process is not part of this specification.)  Agencies will produce a standard “image load file” format. The data in the load file must correspond to certain data that is in IF382 and IF383 files (see file layout below). Agencies will produce one image load file for each IF382/383 file.  Agencies will place the image load file and image files into a specified FTP directory.  After SCEIS processes each IF382/383 file and the corresponding image load file SCEIS will attach the image(s) to the appropriate SAP payable document(s). Images will then be available for viewing in the attachment list of the SAP document.  An error file will be produced by SCEIS and placed into a specified FTP directory. The agency will be responsible for correcting errors and resubmitting through the interface, or using the manual process to attach images to SAP payable documents.

Version Version 1.0

3 | P a g e IF388 - Imaging Spec for AP Interfaces

SCEIS Point of Contact Mike Sayles ([email protected]) Source System State Agency Subsystems Destination System SCEIS Interface Type Load File: Formatted text file (.txt) Image Files: TIF files (.tif) Mode Asynchronous Frequency Agencies will transmit image load files and image files in conjunction with IF382/383 files. There will be a corresponding image load file with images for each IF382/383 file. File Name(s) Inbound interface file: .if388.imaging.inbound.

The must be the of the corresponding IF382 or IF383 file.

Error file: .if388.imaging.errors. FTP Path Determined by security requirements of the sending agency.

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Image Load File Layout New Doc 1BusinessArea: 2CostCenter: 3DocType: 4VendorDocDate: 5VendorInvoiceNumber: 6VendorNumber: 7LegacyKey: 8HipaaPrivate: FileName: 00000001.TIF FileName: 00000002.TIF

New Doc 1BusinessArea: 2CostCenter: 3DocType: 4VendorDocDate: 5VendorInvoiceNumber: 6VendorNumber: 7LegacyKey: 8HipaaPrivate: FileName: 00000003.TIF FileName: 00000004.TIF FileName: 00000005.TIF FileName: 00000006.TIF FileName: 00000007.TIF

Repeat for each Header Sequence Number / SAP document to which images must be attached.

5 | P a g e IF388 - Imaging Spec for AP Interfaces

Image Load File Requirements

1. The imaging interface is used in conjunction with IOG specs #IF382 and #IF383 (Invoices with PO and Direct Pay Invoices). The image load file specifies which SAP document each image will be attached to. A different SAP document is produced for each different “Header Sequence Number” in the IF382/383 interface files.

2. Each field value in the image load file must exactly match the specified field in the IF382/383 interface file.

Field Name IF382/383 Value Clarifications 1BusinessArea Business Area Same format as IF382/383 2CostCenter Cost Center Same format as IF382/383 3DocType Transaction Key Same format as IF382/383 4VendorDocDate Document Date Same format as IF382/383 5VendorInvoiceNumber Reference Same format as IF382/383 6VendorNumber Vendor Number Same format as IF382/383 7LegacyKey Business Area~Source Tildle separated (~) System~File Date~File concatenation of values Time~Header Sequence with same format for each Number~Transaction Key value as IF382/383. 8HippaPrivate Yes/No ‘Yes’ in this field will restrict Note: This field is not part of the viewing of these images to IF382/383 interface. users that have the HIPPA Image Viewing role.

3. There must be at least one image load file for each IF382 and IF383 interface file. The File Date and File Time in 7LegacyKey are the date and time from the IF382/383 file.

4. There may be more than one 7LegacyKey line in a New Doc segment . Explanation: (a) If there is one 7LegacyKey line in a New Doc segment the .tif files in that New Doc segment will be attached to just one SAP document – the SAP document that corresponds to the Header Sequence Number. (b) If there is more than one 7LegacyKey line in the New Doc segment the .tif files in that New Doc segment will be attached to multiple SAP documents – the SAP documents that that correspond to each Header Sequence Number.

5. FileName fields identify the image files that will be attached to the SAP document that is produced for the Header Sequence Number. Image files may be single-page or multi-page TIF files. Each file will be a separate attachment in the SAP document attachment list.

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Process Flowchart

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Agency system transmits image load file and image files to SCEIS via secure FTP

Files are received on SCEIS FTP server and initial error checks performed

Error notification Yes File has emailed to Agency / errors ? Error File created


Files are loaded to interface holding table and deleted from FTP server

Valid / Error report is created and emailed to Agency user(s) Images are loaded into SCEIS/ Errors records are OnBase imaging sent back to FTP system server for Agency to correct

SCEIS internal processes attach images to SAP documents using the LegacyKey in the image load file

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