LONG CRENDON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held in Sports Pavilion, Chearsley Road on Monday 16th March 2015 at 19.30. PRESENT. Cllrs. R Thurbon (Chairman), S Butler, J Asher, B Smith, T Soar and R Willis. M Rumble (Preservation Society) G Stevens (Parish Clerk), J Goddard (Press) 18 members of the public.


Application 14/03675/APP 22 Friars Furlong refers. Mr. Lay and Mr. Ingham both gave their comments and reasons for objecting to the application. The applicant then spoke regarding the finer details o0f the cattery and addressed most of the issues raised by the objectors. The Committee noted the comments to take into account when deciding the application. Application 15/00719/ACL Land at Notley farm Chearsley Road refers. Mr. N West spoke regarding the objections to the application. The main concern being that with approval of the application for a certificate of lawfulness the 28 day current rule allowing shooting would be more likely to allow forgetting an increase above the 28 days presently permitted under general permitted development order 2008.The applicant responded to the various issues and referred to a letter he that had been sent by his building design consultant on his instigation to AVDC and the Parish Council dated 16th March stating that the Clay shooting will continue to operate for the foreseeable future within the 28 day rule and that the application is simply to establish the lawful use of the buildings and structures within the woodland area only. The Committee noted the comments to take into account when deciding the application.


Cllr C Cozens.


It was RESOLVED that the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 19th January 2015 as a true record. It was noted that the February meeting had been cancelled due to no applications being received for consideration.




The following responses to AVDC were agreed for the applications considered.

22 Friars Furlong-Change of use from residential to mixed use comprising residential and boarding cattery, and erection of building accommodating six boarding pens. Council objects to the application as it does not consider this type of operation suitable for a residential area. The reasons are mainly smell, attraction of other 14/03675/APP cats, loss of amenity for neighbours, noise, removal of waste and increased traffic. Cop Hill 18 Chearsley Road. -Outline application with access to be considered and all other matters reserved for the erection of one detached dwelling with associated parking and amenity space. Council has no 15/00553/AOP objection. 9 Chearsley road. Insertion of obscure window at first floor side elevation. Enlargement of first floor bedroom 15/00480/APP window at the rear elevation. Council has no objection. Old Crown.-Single storey side extension and alterations to front elevation comprising replacement of one new window, replacement of door with window, reinstatement of original door opening and entrance porch roof. 14/03741/ALB Council has no objection. Land at Notley Farm Chearsley Road.- Application for lawful development Certificate for existing use of land in association with clay pigeon shooting and siting of associated buildings and structures. Council has no objection, however the approval must be clarified that it is only for the buildings and structures and in no way 15/00719/ACL agrees to any increase in the 28 day pa rule to take place. 1 15/00733/APP 65 High Street.-Erection of single storey orangery and removal of small store. Council has no objection.


The decisions were all in agreement with Council’s replies to the applications. 16/15 CORRESPONDENCE.

The schedule was noted. 17/15 REPORTS The two yearly contracts. The Clerk reported on the quotes received and made recommendation for awarding the new contracts. Agreed that contract 1 Grass cutting of fields be awarded to Stonethorpe, Contract 2 various works i.e. cleaning, clearing, litter picking and mowing be awarded to Mr D Coney, Contract 3 cutting the paths in the allotments be awarded to Spruced-up whilst contract 4 was not awarded but contractors will be appointed when the need arises.


The Chairman advised that a couple sites in the village have been angling for developments and the council should be cautious due to the state of schools, sewerage and medical facilities. The Chairman also noted happenings at Notley Farm and suggested a separate meeting with Mr Reynolds to see and discuss the planning needs on the site. This was agreed and the Chairman will make the necessary arrangements.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.55 hrs.

------Chairman Date