RCSC Board Meeting Minutes

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RCSC Board Meeting Minutes

RCSC Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2001 At Cynde and Steve Magidson's house, Camarillo Meeting lasted about 2 hours Great barbecue and pool!


 Lana Sternberg, NCAS 67 (Pres)  Lou Trygar, RC 82 (VP)  Rich & Maureen O'Rourke, LC 85 (Treasurer)  Alan & Lenda Davis, RC 68 (Secretary)  Cynde & Steve Magidson, DC 72, RC 70 (Membership)  Ron & Bobbi Swerdlin, RC 68 (Historians)  Sydnee Breuer, RC 89 (Scholarship/College Fairs)  Sharon Cocuzza (Alumni Relations, New Brunswick)  Barbra Louis, GSEd 85 (Events)  Marty & Phyllis Lipman, NCB 56 (Events)  Dorothy Limbach, DC 39 (Founding member)  Robert McElfresh, RC 97

1. RU Update - Sharon Cocuzza

 We had a special guest at our summer meeting. Sharon has been our liaison with Rutgers for a long time and has recently been promoted. She will be taking Bob Margucci's position (Bob is retiring, sort of). She will, however, continue to be our contact in the Alumni Relations office back in New Brunswick.

2. Meritorious Service

 Cynde and Steve Magidson have been granted one of this year’s Meritorious Service Awards by Rutgers University. This is the first time, to our knowledge, that alumni from a Regional Club have been so honored. This is truly a special honor to them and to our Club, as a whole.

3. Treasurer's Report

 We have about $5,900 in the treasury.  The Endowment has about $30,982 in it. $1,100 was donated in April! When the University sends out solicitations, there is an option to apportion part of the proceeds to the RCSC Endowment. The RCSC annual scholarship will cease in its current form beginning next year and the Endowment will take over.  Sharon will get us the names of the new contributors.  There are 2 $750 scholarships for this year, which the Univ. will match. The winners for this year are: Nick Manghelli (attending NCAS) and Jeff Orgen (attending RC).  Lou to check on getting interest on our treasury monies.

4. Old Business

 Habitat - great turnout. We donated an extra $100. Lana will find out when the homes will be done so that we might attend the official “opening”  BBQ - 62 people RSVP'd (9 students). (Total attending was 60)

5. Students

 9 students, including 6 freshmen, attended the BBQ, along with 11 of their family members. Two were awarded scholarships (Jeff Orgen and Nick Manghelli). We decided to present the award after they'd had a chance to mingle and meet us after the meeting (around 1:30).

6. Leadership Conference

 Oct. 17 - 21. Done in connection with Homecoming (vs. Navy). Lana and Lou will attend. There will be meetings and workshops on Thurs/Fri. Tom O’Connor and Carey Loche are the organizers.

7. Annual Brunch 2002

 Need to find a location and speaker. This past year we had 110 people! Hard to match that. President Lawrence isn't able to come, but Dick Lloyd probably can. We also discussed asking Paris Qualles, the award-winning director and RU grad.  The Swerdlins will try to find a place in L.A. and have already checked out several in Marina del Rey and the Santa Monica areas. Possibilities: Marriott in Woodland Hills (Warner Center). O'Rourkes to check out Universal area and Davises to check out Pasadena area.  Sharon will see if the Univ. can subsidize. Keeps cost down and likelihood of people showing up high. Most places add 27 - 30% to the cost for tax and tip, and some charge extra for the room.  Since President Lawrence can't come, maybe have in March or April.  Possibly have lunch instead of brunch.  We need to have all the details firmed up by our Oct meeting.

8. Membership

 Dues renewal letters went out from the Univ. on Aug. 6, but no one had received any yet! Can we do a sign-up on-line? (Not without some talented volunteer to do the work).

9. Directories

 They'll be coming out this fiscal year (January). We need to find a printer. Discussion on whether we should keep to two people per page or try four to a page. Last printing was about 250 copies. This is the Club’s highest cost item.

10. Web Site Update

 Cynde and Steve are keeping the data up to date. It does take a lot of time. Jonathan, who could not make the meeting, continues to host the site and make the more complex additions and corrections.

11. Sports Report

 TK is doing a great job on the weekly report!  Having a hard time finding out when/if RU football will be on TV. Last year we got together for the Notre Dame game in Santa Monica. Sharon will try to find out TV schedule.  TK will track the various RU teams that come to southern California so that we can muster some spectators for our Knights.

12. Job Assistance Ideas

 We need someone who could try and keep this going. The Univ. has a Career Services Dept. We will publish short pieces in the Newsletters.

13. College Fairs

 We have 5 scheduled for this fall. Need more volunteers, plus new locations that people are willing to staff.  Book awards: we should mention this in our newsletter and on the website. We need to contact local school guidance counselors for the names of deserving students. Award is a "coffee table" style book about Rutgers to an outstanding high school student. Sydnee to look into this.

14. Community Service Ideas

 Bring canned goods to brunch? Nothing definite decided here.

15. Phone Committee

 Should we do a phone tree to call members in case of emergencies? This could augment e-mail.

16. Coming Events

 Football get-together on TV – as soon as we find one ON TV – possibly Sep 22.  Nixon Library - Nov. 3, Saturday. Flyer to go out with October newsletter (need by 9/22).  Suggestion that we have more, smaller, informal events (coordinate by e-mail).  Barbra Louis will co-ordinate an event with the San Diego club.  Lion King - Sept. 23 or Sept. 30 @ Pantages Theatre. Need to order min. 15 tickets.  Kiss Me Kate @ Shubert Theatre. Possibly a Sunday matinee in October?

17. Next Board Meeting

 Lou Trygar's house on Sat., Oct. 6th @ 11 a.m. (Sherman Oaks)

18. Newsletter

 Need articles by Sept. 22. Send/e-mail to Steve and Cynde.

19. RU Distinguished Alumni

 Dorothy suggested we nominate one of the Club's founding members (now deceased) - Henry (Harry) Volk. He was a distinguished L.A. resident, businessman, Pres. of Union Bank, etc., and RU booster. It was suggested we form a committee to make nominations to the Univ.

20. Meeting adjourned at 1:PM – Let the party begin!

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