BORN ON THE FENCE Short Screenplay By Gods power Oboido

Gods power Oboido +2347055795720 [email protected] Pages: 31 Format: Short screenplay Genre: Drama/family faith based BRISBANE


Kim, a pretty young woman in her mid thirties is hurriedly getting dressed for work, Martin, her son, who is set for school is eating his breakfast

KIM [Fixing her ear rings] Be fast Martin

MARTIN (O/S) I’m almost done mum.

KIM Mommy is almost late for work

MARTIN That's because you are the one who gets me dressed for school [Smiles. Kim smiles] Am done mom, cant' eat more

KIM Are you okay?

MARTIN Am strong [Walks to his mum]

Kim clears the dining table where Martin had eaten on. She returns to fix Martin's collar

MARTIN Where's dad mum?

KIM Daddy has gone to work

MARTIN He always does before I wake up every morning, and he returns when am asleep at night

KIM That's because daddy cares for us. Come on sweetie lets go

MARTIN Okay mom [Grabs his school bag]

[Kim grabs her hand bag and drags Martin outside; she locks the door from outside and drops the key in her hand bag. Kim and Martin walk away from the neighborhood. SCENE CHANGE: To Martin's school. Kim drops him]

KIM Have a nice day son

MARTIN You too mum

Kim walks away, going to her office. Martin enters his classroom. Once seated, his friends begin to taunt him

FRIEND#1 Look who's in school today

MARTIN Is this my first time in school?

FRIEND#2 Well we found out something about you

FRIEND#1 Interesting anyway

MARTIN What about what you found?

FRIEND#3 You're not Australian after all

MARTIN What do you guys mean?

FRIEND#3 Your mum is a half-caste from Pakistan and your dad, a half- caste too from Israel. Ha-ha!

MARTIN Where's all this stuff coming from?

FRIEND#1 Dru lives in your neighborhood, his dad told him

[Dru shrugs]

FRIEND#2 You're not going to lie about it or worse if you don’t even know

MARTIN You all don’t know what you're saying


MARTIN Alright then



Martin is asleep in his bedroom. His mum, Kim is awake, watching TV in the living room. The light in the living room is turned off; the TV radiation gives light to the living room. Martin's father, Youssi, returns late from work, tired. He sinks into a chair adjacent to Kim

KIM Welcome Hon.

YOUSSI Thanks. How did your day go?

KIM It was blessed. How was work today?

YOUSSI Hectic, but thank God am home now. Where's my boy?

KIM Martin is asleep. He wished you had returned earlier. Martin doesn't see you anymore. You routinely go to work before he wakes up, and you return late when he's already asleep. Youssi, our son is angry with that

YOUSSI I understand that, but a man's got to be a man. I mean come on I have to work so I can take care of my family.

KIM I know, I know that sweetie, but our son deserves more loving and care

YOUSSI [Raising his pitch] Now how do I care when I don’t attend to busy activities in my office? Tell me, how? I refused to hold down two jobs so I can have some time with my family

KIM But Martin does not see it so, and I don’t either.

YOUSSI All right, all right... [Dies off into sleep]

KIM Youssi? Youssi? Oh my God! [Gives up. She turns off the TV]


INT-SAME APARTMENT-LATE EVENING The following day, Kim prepares dinner for Martin. When Martin finishes eating, Kim prepares his bed and Martin goes to sleep. Kim gets herself busied with chores in the apartment. She does some cleaning and arranges objects in the house. Youssi returns, he drops his things and sits on a chair

YOUSSI [Sighs] Whew!

KIM [With a piece of cloth in her hand] Good evening honey

YOUSSI Good evening. Martin's asleep?

KIM He just went to bed

YOUSSI A bit early today.

KIM Yes [Drops clothe and walk to Youssi] There was a problem at my work place today

YOUSSI What happened?

KIM Somebody in the management lied against me, and I may lose my job.

YOUSSI Are they investigating it?

KIM Yes, but I am telling the pastor and the local church elders tomorrow. I need their prayers

YOUSSI What's the point? If you're not guilty, you don’t lose your job, but if you are, nobody's prayers going change things

KIM Why are you sounding this way? Do not mock God

YOUSSI Am I? All am saying is that if you're not guilty, you're not losing your job

KIM You must understand that it's the enemy at work. Let's not allow him succeed. Let's put our trust in God and I bet He'll not fail us.

YOUSSI Alright, alright

KIM You're not saying that with faith

YOUSSI I believe in God Kim, I believe He meets our needs and does not fail us when we call upon Him. Yeah I do.

[Youssi turns on the TV to listen to the evening news. A female newscaster is reporting international news: The war between Pakistan and Israel has heightened in recent days. Pakistan Militants were flying rockets into Israel and Israel has revolted. Israeli troops are pouring into Pakistan and Pakistani civilians and little children are the main victims of Israel’s attack. International political analysts are calling for both nations to accept a truce but they agree however that it will be hard. Pakistani victims are in very critical conditions as little aid is currently allowed into Pakistan...]

KIM I hate that this is happening. I support a truce so more lives shouldn't be lost in the battle for nothing

YOUSSI I don't think so

KIM What?

YOUSSI Pakistan needs a little lesson. Whatever they are getting is what they started. Let them face Israel's wrath

KIM What do you mean? Come on your country started this

YOUSSI No, yours did

KIM No you did

YOUSSI Me? No not me, not my country but you did.

KIM [Confused] No point to trade hurting words now, let's pray that both countries can settle for a truce

YOUSSI A truce? No way, I want Israel to wipe all of Pakistan

KIM Oh my God! What do you mean Youssi?

YOUSSI I want Israel to wipe all of Pakistan

KIM How can you say that man? My mother's relations are in Pakistan

YOUSSI [Stands up] Israel's wrath be on them if they remain there

KIM Come on respect my family. Oh, I thought we were husband and wife. You are a Christian Youssi and should not support Killing and war

YOUSSI [Chuckles] I'm a Christian and I know it, but am patriotic to my father's country as well. Get that in your head lady

Kim would speak further, but she sees Martin awake and standing by the door. He has been listening to them quarreling. Kim stops to quarrel. Martin returns to his room. Both Kim and Youssi watch him walk away

KIM Think about him [Walks out on Youssi]



Kim is getting Martin dressed for school. Youssi walks pass them, going to work, without a word

MARTIN What’s wrong with dad mum?

KIM [Smiles] Nothing, just having a busy time at work these days

MARTIN I saw you both quarrelling last night

KIM Nothing happened last night Martin

MARTIN Did he offend you? I know it's about the war

KIM Will you keep quite Martin and speak no further?

Martin gives up and makes a grim face. When Kim is done, they leave for school and work

SCENE CHANGE: Martin is in class. His teacher, Jeremy Flo is teaching. Before Jeremy finishes teaching, he observes Martin is not following; instead he is fiddling with scribbling words down in his book

JEREMY Martin?


JEREMY What are you doing?

MARTIN Am just-am just writing...

JEREMEY Trash in your book. Come with me to my office now

[Jeremy leaves the class. Martin follows him to his office. Jeremy sits down; Martin stands in front of his desk]

MARTIN So can you tell me Martin why you were not following my teaching?

MARTIN Nothing Mr. Jeremy JEREMY How many times will I tell you I don’t like anything for an answer? You were doing something, weren't you? You were writing in your book

MARTIN It's just that I'm sad

JEREMY Any reason for that?

MARTIN My parents

JEREMY Oh boy, what happened?

MARTIN They were quarrelling last night, because of the war


MARTIN Yes, Pakistan and Israel

JEREMY Now why would your parents quarrel over a war in the Middle East? You can sit down.

MARTIN [Sits down with his face bent downwards] My mum's mum is from Pakistan and her dad is Australian. My dad's dad is from Israel and his mum is Australian. They were blaming the other's country for the war. They don’t even talk to each other now. [Looks up] Uncle Jeremy, why do people go to war? Why do they fight and kill? JEREMY Now that's a good question Martin. So many people don’t know why there's war here and there, but now you will know. Do you have a Bible Martin?

MARTIN My mum bought one for me on my ninth birthday

JEREMY Good. You know, the Bible is God's book of prophecies; it confirms the happenings of today. And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars...these things must come to pass, for Nation will rise up against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in diverse places. This Jesus said many years ago, and today Martin it is happening. While some of us in our country try to cut down our weight, there are some in other regions who can’t eat an ordinary meal a day. You look at your side Martin; it is the sound of war you hear, and rumors of war. The governments of the world sign treaties-agreements that they end up breaking, because of their love for war. Our governments study war, my little friend. You can think they are mad Martin, but they are not, it's just that we're in the end time, so that's why Israel is at war with Pakistan

MARTIN Can't anything be done?

JEREMY What can you do my friend? Pray, that's all you can do MARTIN I shall pray Mr. Jeremy, I shall pray

JEREMY And God answer your prayers little man

MARTIN [Smiles] Amen

JEREMY [Returns his smile] So cheer up man and you can go to class now

MARTIN [Jumps out from the chair] All right, I feel great now. Have a nice day Mr. Jeremy [Walks to the door of the office]

JEREMY You too. And hey! Uh Martin, so you know, that a time comes when God will wipe away all tears from our eyes, and there shall be no more deaths, neither sorrow, nor crying or pain, and there shall be no more wars and no more quarreling...This also, is the prophecy of God

MARTIN [Hand on the knob] I feel even better at this

JEREMY [Pointing at Martin] Ha-ha, smart chap!

[Martin opens the door and walks out of Jeremy's office. Jeremy sits back in his chair and sighs]


Youssi is sitting in the living room and watching footages of the war. He has the TV remote control in his hand. Kim walks in gently and stands close by him

KIM Could you turn off the TV- the news these days doesn't help us

YOUSSI I can handle it

Kim sits by the arm of the chair

KIM I lost my job today. They finally had their way

YOUSSI I lost a cousin in the war. So you see I got larger problems than you

KIM Is that all you have to say Youssi?

YOUSSI What do you want me to say? You said you lost your job today and I told you I lost a relation of mine. And I thought you wanted the pastor to pray for you. Did he? But I doubt

KIM There's a serious problem in our family and relationship Youssi, and its worse that you don't even see it [Walks away]

YOUSSI Yeah, I don’t see it, you're right

Kim walks into Martin's room. She surprised to see Martin awake by the side of his bed and praying. Kim stands by the door and watches him pray. When Martin's done, Kim walks into his room; she sits close to him on his bed

KIM You are up son

MARTIN Yes mum. I was praying

KIM Yes I know. Want to tell mummy what you were praying for?

MARTIN [Looks at her in the face] I was praying for the war to end so you and daddy can stop quarreling. I also prayed for peace in the world and an end to all the people's sufferings

KIM Oh sweetie. Come here [Cuddles Martin in her arms. She starts to sob, yet smiling] you know you're so intelligent Martin and God will answer your prayers. I am proud of you sweetie. You can go to bed now

Kim arranges Martin's bed and lays him on it. She kisses him on his forehead

KIM Good night sweetie

MARTIN You too mum

[Kim switches the light off and goes out of the room]



Kim, dressed in a casual outfit, is taking Martin to school. She is holding Martin's hand MARTIN You're not dressed like you're going to work mum

KIM [Laughs] You're right Martin; I'm not going to work today

MARTIN [Strongly making his point] If you don’t go to work today, you could get fired

KIM [Laughs the more] Well Martin, mummy is fired already, and that's why am not going to work

MARTIN How come they fired you?

KIM Some bad people in mummy's office lied against me; they had their way and fired me. So no work for mummy no more, but it's going to be all right son

MARTIN I don’t like that. I wish all bad people don’t exist so they don’t lie against anybody

KIM Don't worry Martin, there are also good people, you find them everywhere.

MARTIN My teacher, Mr. Jeremy is a good man.

KIM Oh, that's good Kim and Martin arrive at Martin's school. Kim leaves Martin at the gate

KIM Have a nice quarter in school sweetie

MARTIN Have a nice day mum

Martin walks into the school premises. Jeremy sees him; he makes for him and leads him into his office

JEREMY Sit down Martin

MARTIN [Sits down] Thank you Mr. Jeremy

JEREMY I forget to inform you yesterday, that submission for the annual national young scholars essay competition closes on Monday next week. Wouldn’t be good to have submissions from our school without yours. So I thought you may want to enter.

MARTIN I'd want to

JEREMY Oh that's good [Flips a paper of instructions onto Martin] And here are the rules for entering. I'm trusting you can win something

MARTIN Thanks Mr. Jeremy JEREMY You're always welcome Martin

MARTIN You're a good man

JEREMY Good ones are hard to find these days; I may be far from that

MARTIN But I insist you are.

JEREMY [Smiles] Go to class now boy



The boys in his class are holding discussions, throwing papers at one another or jumping from one place to the other. Martin is engrossed, writing in his book. He does this with total concentration until the SCENE CHANGE again to outside Martin's class after close of school. Some pupils are waiting to be picked up from school. Martin and his friend are sitting on a piece of rock in the school open field]

FRIEND I've been hearing about the war on TV too.

MARTIN It will continue if Israel does not bring its soldiers out of Pakistan

FRIEND Can't our government do something to help?

MARTIN Our government can, but will they? I doubt, because we have our own problems. FRIEND Why is there war everywhere Martin?

MARTIN Because the Bible foretold it, but when God will come to take good people, there will be no more war and fighting and killing again.

FRIEND Really?

MARTIN Yes. All our sufferings will be over

FRIEND Wow! That is good.

Martin sees Kim coming

MARTIN [To his friend] I have to go now; my mum has come to pick me.

FRIEND Ok. Hope my mum comes too

Martin walks to his mum


KIM Hi dearie

They both walk out of the school premises. They do not follow the usual route home

MARTIN Where are we going mum?

KIM We're going to your aunt's place. She said I could be assisting her at the grocery since I have lost my job

MARTIN Alright then...

They continue walking and talking to the grocery store. SCENE CHANGE:


Martin continues writing at a corner in the grocery store. His aunt, Moanne attends to a customer while Kim watches footages of the war. Moanne goes to sit by her when the customer leaves the store

MOANNE More and more people are being killed

KIM It's gruesome. Youssi said he lost a cousin in the war

MOANNE He's in the army?

KIM Don’t know, just said he lost a cousin when I told him I had lost my job, he said he had larger problems than mine.

MOANNE Youssi is acting up really strangely

KIM I think he's being devastated by the war

MOANNE And that's the reason for your differences? The war has international concerns; people are concerned and calling for a truce. It seems it matters to every nation and every religion for international peace. Nobody, outside the militia groups should be blamed. Youssi should know

KIM I hope he does. Our family is having a real test right, especially now that I've lost my job. I hope things can change for us, I do hope so Moanne

MOANNE Are you applying for other jobs now?

KIM Don’t know who's hiring, but I need a job. I must get back working

MOANNE At least... [Looks at Martin] for him

KIM [Manages a rile smile] Yes, he needs care and support.

MOANNE Hey Martin, what would you take?

MARTIN The entire grocery store [smiles]

MOANNE What man? You want to take it home?

MARTIN Sure I can

Kim smiles. Moanne laughs. SCHENE CHANGE:

EXT-THE NEIGHBOURHOOD-EVENING Kim is carrying Martin on her shoulders and holding an umbrella over her head as she is returning from Moanne's grocery store, while it rains lightly. She enters into the apartment to see Youssi standing behind the chair, leaning against it with his elbows and watching the war or TV in disgust. Kim drops Martin on his feet

YOUSSI [On setting eyes on Kim] Now if you have people still staying in Pakistan, it will be to their best interest to flee, because it seems that stubborn Pakistan is inflating Israel’s anger. If they don't submit to Israel's influence, they'll perish, all of them,

MARTIN Maybe America and Australia will not let Israel do that.

Martin walks to pick up the TV remote control. Youssi watches in surprise, than in anger. Martin changes the TV station of the war into another station beaming live report of an earthquake in Asia. He frowns and changes it to the third station which is presenting news of severe flooding in South America and the people that had lost their homes from the flooding: A homeless local farmer with his family is speaking to the camera

MARTIN Can't they show something else? I fear for our world

Martin turns off the TV with the remote and walks into his room. Youssi watches him more in surprise as he walks into his room, and then he turns to Kim

YOUSSI Where is he getting all that orientation?

[Kim shrugs]

YOUSSI But he spends most of his time with you

KIM Because you don't care to spend yours with him [She walks away]



Kim had come to take Martin from school to Moanne's grocery store. Martin is playing and running around the grocery store with a Canadian white puppy

MOANNE Did you get an update from Stacy's place?

KIM It would be Friday before I'll hear anything from them, or so they said. Plus I also applied to several other places. So I’m just hoping

Martin runs with the puppy to Kim

MARTIN Mum, I entered the young scholars’ national competition today

KIM Oh yeah?

MARTIN Yeah-yeah KIM So when will the results be announced?

The puppy runs off. Martin runs after it

MARTIN Hey man, come back here buddy

MOANNE [To Kim] I don’t think there's a better way to be happy.

Martin runs pass Kim and Moanne

MARTIN (CONT'D) [Running after the puppy] ...After two weeks mum [Runs off]

KIM Oh great

Martin runs around again

MARTIN And Mr. Jeremy thinks I can win something

KIM Pretty

They spend the rest of their time till FADE OUT



Kim comes to drop Martin in school. They are a bit late, Jeremy had been waiting for Martin, and he is pacing to and fro on the verandah. When he sees Martin and Kim at the school gate, his face lights up with delight and makes for them

JEREMY [Opening his arms out for a hug] Martin, Martin, come on boy. Oh boy, come on now

Martin runs into his arms. He hugs Martin and rubs his back. Kim is smiling

KIM Good morning Mr. Jeremy

JEREMY Ah good day Mrs. Kim. Your boy is so wonderful, I always knew that. Now see [Opens an envelope] Martin has won the honorable young scholars essay competition

MARTIN [Throws a triumphant fist in the air] Yes!

KIM Oh my God. I can't believe it

JEREMY Martin has done his family proud and he's also done our school proud. He's won for himself a lifetime scholarship and he'd be giving a speech next week before dignitaries about his winning essay. I've got a call from two national dailies this morning, confirming if Martin is in school. The dude is a champ. Come on Mrs. Kim, you two come into my office

KIM Oh I guess this is where I leave you two. I'm rushing somewhere, am sorry 'bout that.

JEREMY It's okay. We'll have no troubles

Kim bends and kisses Martin on his forehead KIM You're too sweet sweetie

Martin smiles. Kim walks out of the school. Jeremy leads Martin into his office



At the award giving ceremony, Martin and other winners of the national young scholars essay competition are 'reserved' at a corner in the hall, while their families and friends, the press, school representatives and the public are all in the audience. Kim sits next to Moanne who are all smiles. When the event starts, we see Youssi stealthily sneak into the hall and sits behind

MODERATOR Ladies and gentlemen, help me welcome Gary Owen, who came out third in the young scholars annual essay writing competition as he come on the platform to collect his award...

Amidst applause, Gary climbs on the podium to receive his award, first a handshake, and then his award. He presents it to the audience and smiles back to his position

MODERATOR Sean Cahill came out second in the competition, ladies and gentlemen help me welcome Sean to collect his prize

Amidst applause, Sean rises, waves to the audience as he collects his prize. He returns to his position

MODERATOR If any of you enjoy reading, I bet you would want to read the winning essay. The judges of this competition especially enjoyed reading it. Ladies and gentlemen, now is the climax of our gathering. Help me welcome, Martin... [Applause already louder than his microphone volume]...Zo...

JEREMY That's him

MODERATOR (CONT'D) Martin Zo is this year's winner of the annual young scholars essay writing competition.

Martin mounts the podium. He receives his award

MODERATOR As with every winner of the competition, Martin has a speech to give about what inspired him to write such a beautiful, very beautiful essay

Martin hands over the award back to the moderator. The microphone boom is reduced to his height and he begins with his speech

MARTIN Good morning everybody. I am indeed very excited to stand before you all today, you won't be wrong if you think I am feeling like one of those politicians in the white house [The hall burst into laughter] But I want to thank my teacher, Mr. Jeremy Flo, who made sure I entered the competition and my family whose story influenced my essay to winning the competition. My mum's parents are from Pakistan and Australia, my dad's are from Israel and Australia. When the war broke out between Pakistan and Israel, my parents had problems because they love where they are partly from. Nothing is wrong, but I had no one to support because I was born on the fence. I can neither support Pakistan or Israel. While the war continues, my family is greatly affected. Once the love that was ever in our home is gone, as long as the war last [Kim has a wall of tears gathered around her eyes in nostalgia] I do not blame both countries for fighting, because I understand we are near the last days. Jesus said that we shall hear of wars and rumors of wars...He confirmed that these things must come to pass, that Nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom shall rise against kingdom. And there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in many places. We see these on TVs everyday. Now I am using this opportunity to call both nations at war to accept a truce. Yes, a truce for Pakistan and Israel, a truce, so that my family can be one again and not devastated and separated by the war. A truce so that all people of the world can learn to admire peace. This is the cry of a ten-year old American boy that is greatly affected by the war in the Middle East. If I wrote the winning essay titled There shall be no more war, It is because My family is indirectly, yet greatly a victim of this war and because I know that a time shall come when God will wipe away all tears from our eyes, and there shall be no more deaths, neither sorrow, nor crying or pain, A time when there shall be no more war, according to the Bible's prophecies in the book of revelation. Thank you once again

Martin bows as he closes his speech. The applause is even louder. Now Kim is smiling. We see Jeremy with a proud laughter. Youssi is humbled in his position. Martin re- collects his award and leaves the podium with cameras flashes beaming at him. SCENE CHANGE to outside the hall. Martin is granting several interviews with Jeremy. Kim and Moanne are waiting for them. Youssi makes towards Kim from behind

YOUSSI Hi. Uh, honestly Kim, I don't really know what to say, but I believe Martin has said it all. On my part I have realized I did not care as a father as much as I should for Martin, and I neglected you my dear partner. You see I realized things were not moving fine in the family. I couldn't control myself as a man and I lost my responsibilities, but if you will help me, you'll forgive me... [Youssi is waiting for a response from Kim, but Kim is silent] I got a call today, from your boss. He said they are really sorry for all that has happened that they had found out that you were lied against and found out whoever lied against you. He said I should tell you to give him a call, they are compensating you and you've been promoted.

When Youssi wants to turn to leave. Kim moves forward to hug him in tears

KIM I'm glad God is working things out in our family. It's okay.

Martin and Jeremy join them

JEREMY [Stretches his hand out for an handshake] Good day Mr. Zo

YOUSSI [Shake hands with Jeremy] You too. Thanks for being there for our son JEREMY Martin is a smart kid

A reporter with his camera runs into them

REPORTER [To Youssi] You're the father of the boy, aren't you?

YOUSSI Talk to Martin, I didn't win the competition

REPORTER It's not about the competition; it’s about the war

YOUSSI And he knows better about it, I bet you saw his speech

[The reporter does not proceed]



The following day, Youssi is sitting in the living room with his family. Martin is in his left arm and Kim is resting on him. They are watching the evening news. A middle-aged newscaster reports about Martin's speech of the previous day. A short video of the speech is played, and then back to the studio with Martin and his parents all glued to the TV screen

NEWSCASTER A fine speech for a fine essay and an unbelieving response to that speech. Israel's spoke person; Osgood Karim said Israel has responded to Martin's speech

OSGOOD The Little Australian boy's story is very touching and we have abruptly responded to that. We understand that the war has international concerns and that many people who you least expect are being hurt by the war. That little boy is an example and Israel has agreed for a truce. We will remove our men from Pakistan if their main Militia group retreats from our line.


NEWS CASTER With hopes that the war between Pakistan and Israel is becoming something of the past, this is how we end our tonight's news. Thanks for watching.

YOUSSI So what do you want to become later in life Martin?

MARTIN I want to become an international peacekeeper

YOUSSI Ah...That's a digression from computer science. But don't worry, that's good

MARTIN Thanks dad

THE FOLLOWING DAYS WOULD SEE NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPERS HAVING SEVERAL BANNDER HEADLINES ABOUT MARTIN’S SPEECH: Australian Boy re-unites family and the Middle East, Australia’s next international peacekeeper, Martin: The bridge builder, Australian boy No longer On the Fence, A better way to a truce, Ten year old Boy gives wonder speech, There shall be no more war: Among The most popular speeches, Martin: Australian hero in the making…etc