City of Elsberry

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City of Elsberry


The Board of Aldermen of the City of Elsberry met on the evening of the above date at Elsberry City Hall, 6:30 pm. Mayor Steve Wilch presided over the meeting. Present were Alderman Harper, Aldermen Hartley, Aldermen Kinion, Alderman Rockwell, Aldermen Steele, City Clerk Sharon Kakouris, City Collector Rachel Reed, and City Treasurer Tammy Sharpe, Alderman Talbot was absent. Also present were Marshall Suddarth, City Attorney Rob Guinness, and PBP Committee Chairman Aprile Taylor and Byron Snow from MECO.

Mayor Wilch called the meeting to order and led in the pledge to the flag. Roll call deemed a quorum present.

Minutes of the previous meetings were approved as written upon motion by Aldermen Kinion and seconded by Aldermen Harper. Vote was as follows:

AYES-Hartley, Kinion, Rockwell, Harper NAYS- ABSENT-Talbot VACANCY- 1 Motion carried with 4 ayes, 1 nays, 1 absent, 1 vacancy.

Unpaid bills were presented for the Board’s consideration. Motion to approve said bills was made by Aldermen Kinion, seconded by Aldermen Harper, with the following vote:

AYES-Kinion, Rockwell, Harper, Hartley NAYS- ABSENT-Talbot VACANCY- 1 Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 1 vacancy.


A motion was made to elect Alderman Talbot, motion made by Alderman Kinion, seconded by Alderman Harper, with the following vote:

AYES-Rockwell, Harper, Hartley, Kinion NAYS- ABSENT-Talbot VACANCY-1 Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 1 vacancy. PROGRAM UPDATES Boonslick Regional Planning Commission, Mayor Wilch talked with Chad Egan and the asbestos inspections should be completed this week. Once back it will go out for bids. Bryon Shaw- MECO introduced himself and stated that he would be taking over the Wastewater and lagoon. PETITIONS OF PEOPLE WHO FILED REQUESTS FOR AGENDA Dean Sickmeier stated that there is a problem with the water meter at his place of business. His water bills have gone up; he did state that there was a leak on his side of the meter and a leak on the cities side of the meter. A motion was made to abate the February bill, motion was made by Aldermen Kinion, seconded by Aldermen Harper, vote was as follows: AYES-Harper, Hartley, Kinion, Rockwell NAYS- ABSENT-Talbot VACANCY-1 Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 1 vacancy.

The meter will be tested. Marshall Suddarth asked if we wanted to purchase a 2 inch meter.

Mr Sickmeier brought up the sewer problem when it rains; he was told we are waiting on the bidding for the contracts.

Mike Short representing the Elsberry Historic Society and Kiwanis stated that the day after Thanksgiving from 5 to 7 PM they would like to have a tree lighting and a live nativity scene for Christmas.

The Mayor thanked everyone for their hard work for the car show.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mayor Wilch would like to appoint Susan Miller to the Board of Adjustment. A motion was made to appoint Susan Miller to the Board of Adjustments, motion was made by Alderman Hartley, seconded by Alderman Kinion, and voting as follows: AYES-Harper, Hartley, Kinion, Rockwell NAYS- ABSENT-Talbot VACANCY-1 Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 1 vacancy. NEW BUSINESS City Clerk Mrs. Kakouris stated that the City of Elsberry had received $779.31 which is a dividend from the trust for MOPERM. Mrs. Kakouris stated it was renewal time for the Dental Insurance for the City. The current rates are $34.11 and the new rates are $35.74, this the employee pays. A motion was made to keep Delta Dental, motion made by Alderman Rockwell, seconded by Aldermen Harper, vote as follows: AYES-Hartley, Kinion, Rockwell, Harper NAYS- ABSENT-Talbot VACANCY-1 Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 1 vacancy.

There was discussion to raise the water deposit and disconnect fees. Mrs. Reed stated that she would like to keep the deposit at $150 if they are in good standing. Raise the deposit to $250.00 if they are not in good standing. After a year of making payments on time then refund $100.00.

There was discussion about doing credit checks, but the consensus was not to do this.

Mrs. Reed stated she would to that a progressive shut off fee starting at $50.00 and going up to $150.00. The council would like to see what other cities are doing first.

Mayor Wilch stated he received a letter about the salt bids for this year. A letter was received from O’Fallon stating that the salt would be for the same price as last year. Alderman Kinion stated that he would like to discuss this at an Infrastructure Meeting which is set for Thursday, May 12th immediately following the Cemetery Meeting or at 6:00 PM.

Mayor Wilch stated that we have received some of the SEMA money. For the streets we have received $5,114.80 and for the sewer $23,345.80. After the streets are fixed we can submit the bills for repayment and the same for the sewer.

Page Branch Park they have mitigated to raise the bridge and the Corp of Engineers would like cement blocks used for the retaining wall. This can be put out for bid and then we would receive money from SEMA once the bills are submitted.

INTRODUCTION AND READIANG OF BILLS FOR PASSAGE BILL NO. 2016-005-01-AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE HOURS OF OPERATION OF THE CITY PARK BY AMNDING SECTION 30.140 OF THE ELSBERRY CITY CODE. A motion was made to read two times by title only, motion made by Aldermen Rockwell, seconded by Aldermen Harper, vote as follows: AYES-Kinion, Rockwell, Harper, Hartley NAYS- ABSENT-Talbot VACANCY-1 Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 1 vacancy.

The Ordinance was then read two times by title only, a motion was made to adopt Bill No. 2016-005-01, motion made Aldermen Kinion, seconded by Aldermen Harper, vote as follows: AYES-Rockwell, Harper, Hartley, Kinion NAYS- ABSENT-Talbot VACANCY-1 Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 1 vacancy.

Bill No. 2016-005-02 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ELSBERRY BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 71.260, CONCERNING REIMBURSEMENT OF CITY DRUG TESTING AND TRAINING COSTS BY RESERVE POLICE OFFICERS AND PART-TIME POLICE OFFICERS WHO SERVE FOR LESS THAN ONE-YEAR, OTHER THAN TERMINATION BY THE CITY WITHOUT CAUSE. A motion as made to table Bill 2016-005-02 until next month, motion made by Aldermen Rockwell, seconded by Aldermen Kinion, vote as follows: AYES-Harper, Hartley, Kinion, Rockwell NAYS- ABSENT-Talbot VACANCY-1 Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 1 vacancy.

REPORTS OF SPECIAL BOARDS AND COMMITTEES LIBRARY: Nothing to Report. INFRASTRUCTURE: Nothing to Report. CEMETERY/PARKS: Nothing to report. EMERGENCY SERVICES: Cars should be delivered soon. PAGE BRANCH PARK: Aprile Taylor thanks the city and Alliance for mowing of the park. She stated that the electric would be turned off unless the park in rented. Mrs. Taylor asked if the disk golf project would be completed this year. The Mayor and Rob Guinness will work on this. OLD GLORY JUBILEE: Nothing to report. TREE BOARD: Noting to report. REPORTS OF ALDERMEN AND MAYOR Mayor: Again would like to thank Mike and everyone that participated in the car show. Next month we will discuss the flags. Kinion: Asked Rob Guinness about an ordinance for driveway off the streets. Rockwell: Nothing to report. Hartley: Nothing to report. Talbot: Absent Harper: Wanted Marshall to let Colton and Chris know that they really worked hard on power washing at the park. Mayor Wilch stated that if anyone knew of anybody that would like to fill Tony Steele’s seat on the council to please have them contact him. REPORTS OF CITY DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICIERS Robert Guinness: Nothing now, but in closed session. Marshall Suddarth: Stated that the lagoon monthly average did pass last month. Brian Jeffries: Graphics and installation of lights will be done by next week on both cars. New Building is working out great. All the Reserve and Part-Time Officers are trained. Paul Mueller: Absent Tammy Sharpe: Nothing to report. Rachel Reed: Taylor Terrace as requested a check in the amount of $2,556.34 which was a overpayment on one of their accounts. The normal procedure is to credit the bill, but since it can only be credited to the one bill and not the other two, they would like a refund. A motion was made to refund the $2,556.34 to Taylor Terrace, motion made by Aldermen Rockwell, seconded by Alderman Harper, vote as follows: AYES- Harper, Hartley, Kinion, Rockwell NAYS- ABSENT-Talbot VACANCY-1 Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 1 vacancy.

Sharon Kakouris: Nothing to report. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Nothing. PUBLIC COMMENT BY ANY PERSON OR GROUP DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD Nothing A motion was made to go into closed session pursuant to RSMo Section 610.021 (1) Legal Action, causes of action, litigation or confidential or privileged communications with its attorney, (3) Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees with the city, (13) Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees, and (14) records which are protected from disclosure by law, motion made by Aldermen Hartley, seconded by Aldermen Rockwell, with the votes as follows: AYES-Hartley, Kinion, Rockwell, Harper NAYS- ABSENT- Talbot VACANCY- 1 Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 1 vacancy.

Meeting opened at 8:41 PM. A motion was made to adjourn, motion made by Aldermen Rockwell, seconded by Aldermen Harper, vote as follows: AYES-Rockwell, Harper, Hartley, Kinion NAYS- ABSENT-Talbot VACANCY-1 Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 1 vacancy.

Meeting adjourned at 8:43 PM. Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Kakouris, City Clerk

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