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Child and Family Services
Course Name and CHC50908 Diploma of Children’s Services (Early education Number and care) CHCPR502E Organise experiences to facilitate and enhance Unit Name and Number children’s development
Teacher’s Name Fran Hughes Email Contact Details [email protected] BG1a
Semester & Year Semester 2 2012
CHCPR502D Organise experiences to facilitate and enhance children’s development
Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge and skills required to plan to define activities, environment and resources that are developmentally appropriate to enhance children’s leisure and play
Employability Skills This unit contains Employability Skills
Application This unit may apply to working with children in a range of community service contexts
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ELEMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Elements define the essential The Performance Criteria specify the level of performance required outcomes of a unit of competency. to demonstrate achievement of the Element. Terms in italics are elaborated in the Range Statement. 1. Establish an environment that 1.1 Provide opportunities for children to plan and/or can foster children’s modify their environment development 1.2 Design environment to accommodate all aspects of children’s development and curiosity 1.3 Design environment to provide children with a choice of experiences 1.4 Implement strategies to engage children in activities, especially those who have difficulty entering or exiting situations 1.5 Provide materials that capture attention, stimulate response and engage children
2. Provide creative and 2.1 Encourage the child to gain skill and competence by challenging opportunities persevering with a developmentally significant activity which stimulate learning and 2.2 Provide a range of creative experiences, play areas and development of the child materials, including natural and recycled materials to encourage children to explore and make choices 2.3 Make opportunities for active free play and independent play 2.4 Provide opportunities for children to practice developing skills 2.5 Provide experiences and activities for all principal areas of development 2.6 Arrange and implement appropriate experiences according to organisation guidelines
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ELEMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Elements define the essential The Performance Criteria specify the level of performance required outcomes of a unit of competency. to demonstrate achievement of the Element. Terms in italics are elaborated in the Range Statement. 3. Plan, implement and evaluate 3.1 Use observations of the children and their views to developmentally appropriate guide the program experiences for children 3.2 Develop program in consultation with others 3.3 Use stories, visual materials and activities that show diversity among children and adults 3.4 Plan program to reflect the range of children’s needs, abilities and interests 3.5 Assist children to participate in a wide range of leisure activities 3.6 Ensure program responds to children’s interests that arise spontaneously as they participate 3.7 Use program to introduce children to new ideas and experiences as well as to provide familiar experiences 3.8 Ensure program provides opportunity for children to follow up activities of high interest 3.9 Ensure program is inclusive and allows for full participation of all children 3.10 Implement strategies to deal with contingencies that may arise 3.11 Review program according to organisation procedures to ensure ongoing relevance and quality 4. Encourage children’s 4.1 Consult children about activities to be made available involvement in experiences 4.2 Acknowledge and value children’s work 4.3 Encourage child to choose activities to support aspects of their development 4.4 Encourage child to participate in a variety of experiences 4.5 Adapt activity to cater to a child’s response to the activity 4.6 Demonstrate respect for child’s choice not to participate
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REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE Essential knowledge: The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively perform task skills; task management skills; contingency management skills and job/role environment skills as outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit
These include knowledge of:
Children’s developmental stages applicable to the specific age group and what this means for appropriate resources/materials selection Organisation standards, policies and procedures Relevance of the work role and functions to maintaining sustainability of the workplace, including environmental, economic, workforce and social sustainability
Essential skills: It is critical that the candidate demonstrate the ability to:
Observe and interpret children’s behaviour and contribute to program planning Plan for, provide and review a range of activities and opportunities which stimulate children’s individual development Provide a range of experiences to stimulate children and aid their development Vary experience depending on child’s age, abilities, development, culture and need Take into account opportunities to address waste minimisation, environmental responsibility and sustainable practice issues
In addition, the candidate must be able to demonstrate relevant task skills; task management skills; contingency management skills and job/role environment skills
These include the ability to:
Demonstrate application of skills in: - contingency management - interpersonal - active listening
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RANGE STATEMENT Experiences will vary according to For babies and infants: the age of the child and creative and challenging experiences must Selection of toys, different textures, colours and size are selected include: Toys are large (cannot be swallowed) and have no sharp edges, and easily washed/cleaned Different types of experiences are used e.g. water play, sand play, outdoors time For toddlers:
Experiences can include indoor and outdoor experiences Experiences reflect a toddler’s interest in the world around them, and the desire to explore it, feel it, see it and touch it e.g. nature walk to look at leaves, collect them Experiences reflect a toddler’s growing mastery of their own body e.g. small slippery dips are used, outdoor area can be a little more involved For 3 to 5 year olds:
Experiences can include cooking, sewing, carpentry, washing Experiences can be more varied and complicated, which reflects a child’s developing cognitive and physical abilities Choice not to participate is respected and alternative activity is negotiated For 6 to 12 year olds:
Experience planned may include specific suggestions of children themselves Development of hobbies Self selected peer groups Individual, small group and larger group experiences Choice not to participate is respected and alternative activity is negotiated
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RANGE STATEMENT Aspects of children’s development Physical fitness and fundamental movement skills include: Cognitive development Social development Emotional development Creative and aesthetic development Language development Moral development Spiritual development
Resources required to be organised Records that need to be taken for excursions may include: First aid supplies Relevant equipment Location of toilets Keys Mobile phone Tickets Equipment required for activities Petty cash Records that may need to be taken List of children attending on excursions may include: Emergency contact details Medical needs for children Responsibilities of children on For belongings excursions may include: For payments For time keeping For travelling together
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Critical aspects for assessment and The individual being assessed must provide evidence of evidence required to demonstrate specified essential knowledge as well as skills this unit of competency: This unit must be assessed on the job under the normal workplace conditions for a range of age groups, a range of conditions, over a number of assessment situations Access and equity considerations: All workers in community services should be aware of access, equity and human rights issues in relation to their own area of work All workers should develop their ability to work in a culturally diverse environment In recognition of particular issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, workers should be aware of cultural, historical and current issues impacting on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people Assessors and trainers must take into account relevant access and equity issues, in particular relating to factors impacting on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients and communities Context of and specific resources This unit will be co assessed withCHCFC508A. for assessment: Assessment requires access to a range of opportunities defined in the Range Statement, including: - a childcare workplace - children’s services, resources and equipment - the local environment Method of assessment: In cases where the learner does not have the opportunity to cover all relevant aspects in the work environment, the remainder should be assessed through realistic simulations, projects, previous relevant experience or oral questioning on ‘What if?’ scenarios Assessment of this unit of competence will usually include observation of processes and procedures, oral and/or written questioning on Essential knowledge and skills and consideration of required attitudes Where performance is not directly observed and/or is required to be demonstrated over a ‘period of time’ and/or in a ‘number of locations’, any evidence should be authenticated by colleagues, supervisors, clients or other appropriate persons
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Evidence requirements
Learners must provide evidence of the ability to organise experience for children that enhance their development by:
Designing, implementing and evaluating developmentally appropriate experiences that reflect the interests and emerging skills of individual s and groups of children Designing, implementing and evaluating experiences that are interesting, original flexible and challenging Planning experiences that clearly link back to observation and information gathered about children Planning, organising and creating challenging learning areas / projects which enhance children’s learning across all areas of development in an integrated manner Encouraging children’s involvement in planning, choosing and engaging with experiences
Grading criteria Grade Code: 43: No marks reported.
Results are reported as
Competent with Distinction Competent with Credit Competent Not yet Competent
Not Yet Achieved Competency Achieved Competency
The learner has not: The learner has:
demonstrated the skills and demonstrated the skills and knowledge requirements knowledge requirements satisfactorily in a range of satisfactorily in a range of situations. situations. applied known information in applied known information in relevant situations. relevant situations.
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Competent with Credit Competent with Distinction
The learner has: The learner has:
demonstrated the evidence demonstrated the evidence requirements independently requirements consistently, in a wide range of independently and with situations. creativity in an extensive applied detailed knowledge range of situations to new situations. independently researched new information and adapted information to new situations.
Table of specifications for recommended assessment CHCPR502E
Assessment Task Elements, essential knowledge Dimensions of competency Must pass all events and skills critical aspects of assessment addressed (the 4 main aspects of work performance that need to be taken into account when Off the On the assessing competency) job job
1. Programming and planning tasks (workplace readiness-formative) -Relates to elements 1-4 Task skills Task which assesses learner’s -Relates to knowledge Task management knowledge of and ability to: and skills skills □ Contingency Establish environments to management skills foster children’s □ Job/role development environment skills Provide creative & challenging opportunities which stimulate learning & development Plan, implement and evaluate experiences Encourage children’s involvement in experiences Include sustainability
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practices 2. Programming and planning tasks (On the job) -Relates to elements 1-4 Task skills Task which assesses learner’s -Relates to knowledge Task management and skills knowledge of and ability to: skills □ Contingency management skills Establish environments to □ Job/role foster children’s environment skills development Provide creative & challenging opportunities which stimulate learning & development Plan, implement and evaluate experiences Encourage children’s involvement in experiences Utilise sustainability practices 3. Reflective journals -Relates to elements 1-4 Regular reflective journal -Relates to knowledge Task skills entries which describe & and skills Task management analyse your ability to establish skills □ Contingency sustainable environments to; management skills foster children’s development, □ Job/role provide creative & challenging environment skills opportunities which stimulate learning & development, plan, implement and evaluate experiences and encourage children’s involvement in experiences
4. On-the-Job Performance -Relates to elements 1-4 Overall assessment by qualified -Relates to knowledge Task skills workplace assessor using and skills Task management standardised checklist. skills □ Contingency Assessment should be based on management skills observed performance, □ Job/role associated documentation environment skills (including journals), industry supervisor feedback and strategic questioning of the learner.
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Specific Instructions to Learners:
You must complete and pass each individual assessment task for this Unit to meet the assessment requirements of the Unit. If assessments are not submitted or are incomplete you will fail to meet the assessment requirements for the Unit. Extensions and resubmissions of work may be granted at the discretion of the teacher. Resubmissions cannot receive a mark higher than a pass. Assessments must include a cover sheet. When specified in the Assessment description, the information you present should be referenced and presented according to Randwick TAFE Child & Family Services student handbook guidelines.
Unit Assessment
Task 1: Programming and planning tasks (off the job-workplace readiness: formative)
Part 1: Indoor Learning Centre
Select one learning centre within the indoor environment of Playsession. Write down the purpose of this learning centre, its location in relation to the remainder of the area (draw a map or take a photo) and list resources, which are available to the children within that space. For what age/stage of development has this space been organised. Write down your reflections about how this learning centre facilitates the children’s play and understanding. Identify what changes you can make to this learning centre which will allow children’s curiosity, imagination, creativity and problem solving to be extended. What resources and/or provocations could you add to enrich this learning centre Describe how you can organise this learning centre to increase aesthetic awareness. Identify any relevant sustainability practices that you could utilise.
This learning centre must contain documentation relating to the Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes of EYLF.
Due date: Week 6
Part 2: Ongoing Learning Centre Investigation
Observe a number of children who have engaged in the Learning Centre in Part 1 over a period of weeks – at least 3 weeks (include documentation of this and relate each observation to the Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes of EYLF. ) Record those observations using a range of formal and informal tools Document planning ideas for this learning centre based on these children’s observed emerging skills and interests. Use an anticipatory web to show this. This web will show a plan for an ongoing learning centre investigation which you think will extend this child’s/children’s emerging skills and interests Document the learning centre investigation using the format attached or create your own using the same criteria, over a consecutive 4 week period at Playsession. This must include documentation relating to the Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes of EYLF.
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Remember to include details of provocations that you have or could provide (photos can be used) Utilise sustainability practices in your investigation Document any examples of how you have included the child’s input into the planning. This must include documentation relating to the Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes of EYLF. Web 10 learning experience ideas across any development areas that could help to extend this child’s/children’s interests, skills and knowledge. These ideas will come from your learning centre investigation documentation.
Draft due: Week 9 Due date: Week 11
Setting Dates Presented:
Learning Centre area Child/Children and ages:
FOCUS / PROVOCATION What is the main focus or area of provocation? Why have you decided to plan this space? This should be based directly on your documented interests and emerging skills of the children and relate directly to your observations (include observations)
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ANTICIPATORY WEB This will document your planning ideas based on your observations (This can be documented on a separate sheet of paper.)
MATERIALS/RESOURCES/PROVOCATIONS List all the materials you will need to set up this learning space.
LOCATION / PRESENTATION Describe where this learning space will be and how it will be set up to include sustainability practices. You should use photographs to give additional information.
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WHAT WILL THE CHILDREN DO? Anticipate and describe how you think the children will use this space and how they might use the materials/resources/provocations.
ANTICIPATED DISCUSSION What do you plan to talk to the children about? Provide some brief points to lead the children’s explorations. List some simple open-ended questions you could use to extend/provoke/facilitate the children’s discussion/exploration/knowledge/understanding.
REFLECTION 1 How did the children use the learning centre/materials? Why? What discoveries did they make? Did you provide opportunities to learn through discovery, ability to create, and imagine? What skills/knowledge did they use/gain? Was the location/presentation suitable? Why/ why not? Provide some examples of what the children said relating to your anticipated discussion. How could you improve this for next time? What would you do differently next time to guide and encourage children more?
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ADAPTATION 1 Based on your reflections, describe the adaptations to be made to the learning centre – note reasons for change - must be based on children’s interests and use of the learning centre
REFLECTION 2 How did the children use the learning centre/materials? Why? What discoveries did they make? Did you provide opportunities to learn through discovery, ability to create, and imagine? What skills/knowledge did they use/gain? Was the location/presentation suitable? Why/ why not? Provide some examples of what the children said relating to your anticipated discussion. How could you improve this for next time? What would you do differently next time to guide and encourage children more?
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ADAPTATION 2 Based on your reflections, describe the adaptations to be made to the learning centre – note reasons for change - must be based on children’s interests and use of the learning centre
Task 2: Programming and planning tasks (On the job)
Part 1: Ongoing Learning Centre Investigation
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Using your observations from the Daily Journal which are to be completed during Week 1 and onwards(these must be cross referenced), plan a Learning Centre investigation which you think will extend a group of children’s emerging skills and interests. Document the learning centre investigation using the format attached.
Re visit this experience with the children with at least five adaptations over at least 1 week. This learning centre must contain documentation relating to the Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes of EYLF each day This learning centre must contain references to sustainable practices each day
Task 3: Reflective journal
A reflective journal is like a diary where you record significant things that happen each day. You should make regular reflective journal entries which describe & analyse your ability to establish sustainable environments to; foster children’s development, provide creative & challenging opportunities which stimulate learning & development, plan, implement and evaluate experiences and encourage children’s involvement in experiences
You should describe situations that inform your knowledge about individuals or groups of children or that have implications for planning or the children’s development and learning. Your reflections should focus on the significance of the event, information or situation for the child/children and for you as the educator. It may involve evaluating changes that have taken place or identifying changes that need to be made (including sustainability issues). Your reflections should involve self-analysis and an examination of your personal attitudes and feelings. You should also reflect on your strategies to support learning and development.
You should not record information that is sensitive or breeches confidentiality. If you are unsure, check with your teacher or facilitator.
All journal entries must have a reflection and follow up comment and relate to the Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes of EYLF.
You must demonstrate a range of high level reflective skills. Reflect on your own performance as well as what you have learned from the event or situation described and the values, beliefs, personal learning and attitudes associated with the event or situation described. Where relevant, the value of situations in terms of children’s learning and development should be evaluated. Follow up actions or changes should be identified and justified.
Part 2 Workplace performance (On the job) TAFE NSW 2009 Unit of Hard copy Validated Last Validated Validation ©Version Validated Competency located in for delivery validated: by: RA, due: July 2.0 Assessments CHCPR502D Section file in for F/T, P/T July 2011 FH,MH 2012 BM2 Version 3 Unit of February Validated Validation Competency yes 2012 by: MH, due CHCPR502E HM,FH February 2013 Page 18 of 31
Your overall performance in the workplace will be assessed by a TAFE teacher or qualified assessor. Your assessor will use the following performance checklist for recording judgements made about your performance on the job. When using the performance checklists the assessor must determine whether a characteristic is or is not present or whether something was or was not done to a competent level.
The assessor may need to ask you questions during or after a task or work sequence in order to:
clarify aspects of your work performance assess your ability to listen, interpret and communicate information and ideas assess essential knowledge and skills.
The assessor will also:
read through any written tasks especially your journals to further assess your competence. talk to staff members who are supervising or working with you in order to get feedback about the your performance on a day-to-day basis.
All aspects of your workplace performance including written tasks will be used to determine your final performance grade.
Practical skills checklist
Unit code and name: CHCPR502E Organise experiences to facilitate and enhance children’s development
Learner’s Name:
Assessment Dates:
Key: Demonstration Evidence of Industry Strategic of Practical Associated Supervisor Questioning Skills (DP) Feedback (SF) Documentation Of the learner (AD) (SQ)
Practical skills Evidence Comments
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Learner’s Name:
All elements DP AD Demonstrates knowledge of children’s SF development SQ Demonstrates personal beliefs and values about children’s play and learning Demonstrates effective interpersonal and active listening skills Shows contingency management skills Follows organisation’s standards, policies and procedures Implement sustainability practices NC AC 1. Establish an environment that can foster DP children’s development AD Provides opportunities for children to plan and/or SF modify their environment SQ Designs environment to accommodate all aspects of children’s development and curiosity Design environment to provide children with a choice of experiences Implement strategies to engage children in activities, especially those who have difficulty entering or exiting situations Provide materials that capture attention, stimulate response and engage children NC AC 2. Provide creative and challenging opportunities DP which stimulate learning and development of the AD child SF Encourages the child to gain skill and SQ competence by persevering with a developmentally significant activity Provide a range of creative experiences, play areas and materials, including natural and recycled materials to encourage children to explore and make choices Make opportunities for active free play and independent play Provide opportunities for children to practice developing skills Provide experiences and activities for all principal areas of development Arrange and implement appropriate experiences according to organisation guidelines NC AC 3. Plan, implement and evaluate DP NC AC TAFE NSW 2009 Unit of Hard copy Validated Last Validated Validation ©Version Validated Competency located in for delivery validated: by: RA, due: July 2.0 Assessments CHCPR502D Section file in for F/T, P/T July 2011 FH,MH 2012 BM2 Version 3 Unit of February Validated Validation Competency yes 2012 by: MH, due CHCPR502E HM,FH February 2013 Page 20 of 31
Learner’s Name:
developmentally appropriate experiences for AD children SF Use observations of the children and their views SQ to guide the program Develop program in consultation with others Use stories, visual materials and activities that show diversity among children and adults Plan program to reflect the range of children’s needs, abilities and interests Assist children to participate in a wide range of leisure activities Ensure program responds to children’s interests that arise spontaneously as they participate Use program to introduce children to new ideas and experiences as well as to provide familiar experiences Ensure program provides opportunity for children to follow up activities of high interest Ensure program is inclusive and allows for full participation of all children Implement strategies to deal with contingencies that may arise Review program according to organisation procedures to ensure ongoing relevance and quality
4. Encourage children’s involvement in DP experiences AD Consult children about activities to be made SF available SQ Acknowledge and value children’s work Encourage child to choose activities to support aspects of their development Encourage child to participate in a variety of experiences Adapt activity to cater to a child’s response to the activity Demonstrate respect for child’s choice not to participate NC AC Overall Grade
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Learner’s Name:
Assessor Name & Signature
Learners Name & Signature
4 Resources 4.1 Associated legislation and policy information
Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 No 48
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)
Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations: Early Childhood
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Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework
Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998 No 147
Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 No 157
Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Regulation 2000
Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988— Privacy Amendments (Private Sector) Act 2000
Council of Australian Governments, Protecting Children is Everyone’s Business: National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009-2020, 2009 30/docs/child_protection_framework.pdf
Early Childhood Code of Ethics hics.html
Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010
Education and Care Services National Regulations
Early Childhood Environmental Education Network
Guide to the National Quality Standards
Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 No 71 Model Codes of Practice (WHS)
Model work health and safety Act 2011
My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care
National Standards for Outside School Hours Care pre 2012
National Quality Framework Resources
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NSW Curriculum Framework
NSW Department of Education and Communities, NSW Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate
NSW Government, Premier & Cabinet, Keep Them Safe
Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998
Safe Work Australia
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
4.2 Teaching and learning resources
4.2.1 Core resources Arthur, L Beecher, B Dockett, S Farmer, S & Death, E 2008, Programming and planning in early childhood settings, 4th edn, Cengage Learning, South
4.2.2 Other resources Bedrova, E & Leong, D. 2007, Tools of the mind: the Vygotskian approach to early childhood education, 2nd edn, Pearson Merrill/Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J. Bentzen, W. R. 2000, Seeing young children: A guide to observing and recording behaviour, Delmar, Albany. Carter, M & Curtis D 2003, Designs for Living and Learning: Transforming Early Childhood Environments, Redleaf Press, USA Clarke, H 2003, The New Useful Book: Songs and Ideas from ABC Play School, updated edn, ABC Enterprises, Australia. Curtis D & Carter M 2008, Learning together with young children: a curriculum framework for reflective teachers, Pademelon Press, Castle Hill, N.S.W. Curtis, D. & Carter, M. 2002, The Art of Awareness: How Observation Can Transform Your Teaching, Redleaf Press, Canada. Dodge, D. & Colker, L., 2002, The creative curriculum for early childhood, 4th edition, Teaching Strategies Inc. Washington Faragher, J & MacNaughton, G., 1998, Working with young children guidelines for good practice, 2nd edn, RMIT Publishing, Melbourne. Gonzalez-Mena J 2008, Foundations of early childhood education: teaching children in a diverse society, McGraw Hill, Boston. TAFE NSW 2009 Unit of Hard copy Validated Last Validated Validation ©Version Validated Competency located in for delivery validated: by: RA, due: July 2.0 Assessments CHCPR502D Section file in for F/T, P/T July 2011 FH,MH 2012 BM2 Version 3 Unit of February Validated Validation Competency yes 2012 by: MH, due CHCPR502E HM,FH February 2013 Page 24 of 31
Greenman. J., Stonehouse A., 2008, Prime Times. A handbook for Excellence in Infant and Toddler Programs, 2nd edn, Addison, Wesley Longman Aust. Helm J & Beneke S 2003, The power of projects: meeting contemporary challenges in early childhood classrooms: strategies and solutions, Teachers College Press New York, NY. Helm, J. & Katz, L., 2001, Young investigators: the project approach in the early childhood years, Teachers’ College Press, NY. Hendrick, J, 2007, Total learning: developmental curriculum for the young child, Pearson Merrill/Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J. Jones E, Evans K, Stritzel Rencken, K, 2001, The Lively Kindergarten – Emergent Curriculum in Action, NAEYC, Washington Kearns, K. 2007, Birth to Big School, Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW. Kolbe U, 2004 Mia-mia: a new vision for day care, series, (videorecording), Change Focus Media, Sydney. Lubawy, J 2007, Pancakes and red buckets: creating an emergent curriculum with children aged birth to five years, Joy and Pete Consulting, Mt. Austin, NSW. Lubawy, J 2009, Visions of creativity in early childhood: connecting theory, practice and reflection, Pademelon Press, Castle Hill, N.S.W. Network of Community Activities, 2002, Trouble Free Transitions: A guideline to help centres move smoothly through the various transitions within Out of School Hours Services, Network of Community Activities, Surry Hills, NSW. Nilson, B. 2001, Week by Week: Plans for Observing and Recording Young Children, 2nd edn, Delmar Publishing, NY. Smith, W 2007, Creative planning, Network of Community Activities, Surry Hills, NSW. Stonehouse, A, 2002, NSW Curriculum Framework: the practice of relationships: essential provisions for children’s services, Office of Child Care, NSW Department of Community Services. Available from: Whitaker D 2003, After-school transition activities: the ready set go! guide to strategies that work, School-Age Notes, Nashville, Tenn.
4.2.3 Relevant journals Australian Journal of Early Childhood. The Journal of Early Childhood Australia Inc. Broadside – The Community Child Care Monthly Newsletter. Community Child Care Co-operative Ltd. (NSW) Child Care Exchange. The early childhood Leaders Magazine. (United States) Every Child. The magazine of the Australian Early Childhood Association. Gowrie RAP: Reflections. This is the quarterly magazine of the Gowrie Australia Consortium. Jigsaw. The magazine of the National Family Day Care Council of Australia Network News. A quarterly publication of the Network of Community Activities. Putting Children First. The quarterly newsletter of the National Childcare Accreditation Council Inc.
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Rattler. The children’s service magazine (quarterly). Community Child Care Co- operative Ltd. (NSW) Totline. Quarterly magazine of Playgroup NSW Inc. & Playgroup Queensland Young Children. The National Association for the Education of Young Children. Washington.
4.2.4 Websites and online resources
ABC Kids Australian Early Development Index Child Development Institute Community Child Care Cooperative Early Childhood Australia EYLF PLP Facebook wall EYLF PLP Facebook, Indoor time with toddlers, video EYLF PLP Twitter network Everything preschool Federal Government Virtual Children's Hub Growing Lifestyle Kiddles Kids spot Gowrie NSW Network of Community Activities. Resources and Information for OOSH Services Perpetual preschool Project approach Raising Children Network
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Zero to three
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5 Appendix 1
5.1 Associated employability skills (training package) Employability skills are a set of general skills and attributes indentified nationally by industry groups as being essential to employment in any occupation.
Assessors need to ensure learners are assessed against employability skills relevant to the qualification and each unit of competency.
Please refer to the training package for a full mapping and explanation of facets aligned with each employability skill.
The employability skills and facets relevant to this unit have been shaded in the following table.
Employability Skills Framework for Diploma Children’s Services (CHC50908)
Problem Initiative and Planning and Self Communication Teamwork Learning Technology solving enterprise organising management
1. Listening 1. Working 1. Developing 1. Adapting 1. Collecting, 1. Being self- 1. Being open 1. Using and as an practical and to analysing and motivated to learning technology understanding individual creative new organising new ideas and related work and a solutions to situations information and workplace instructions, team workplace techniques equipment directions and member problems feedback, including communicating with children 2. Speaking 2. Working 2. Showing 2. Being 2. Using 2. 2. Learning in 2. Using clearly/directly to with independence creative in organisation Articulating a range of basic relay information, diverse and initiative in response to systems for own ideas settings technology including to individuals identifying workplace planning and and vision including to organise children and problems challenges organising informal data groups learning 3. Reading and 3. 3. Solving 3. Identifying 3. Being 3. Balancing 3. 3. Adapting interpreting Applying problems opportunities appropriately own ideas Participating to new workplace related knowledge individually or that might resourceful and values in ongoing technology documentation, of own in teams not obvious with learning skill such as safety role as to others workplace requirements requirements and part of a values and work instructions team requirements
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4. Writing to 4. 4. Applying a 4. Generating 4. Taking 4. Monitoring 4. Learning in 4. Applying address audience Applying range of a range of initiative and and order to OHS needs, such as teamwork strategies in options in making evaluating accommodat knowledge work notes and skills to a problem response to decisions own e change when using reports range of solving workplace within performance technology situations matters workplace role 5. Interpreting the 5. 5. Using 5. 5. 5. Taking 5. Learning 5. Applying needs of internal/ Identifying numeracy Translating Participating responsibility new skills technology external clients, and skills to solve ideas into in continuous at the and as a including children utilising problems action improvement appropriate techniques management the and planning level tool strengths processes of other team members 6. Applying 6. Giving 6. Testing 6. 6. Working 6. Taking numeracy skills to feedback, assumptions Developing within or responsibility workplace coaching and taking innovative establishing for own requirements and context into solutions clear work learning involving mentoring account goals and measuring and deliverable’s counting 7. Establishing and 7. Listening to 7. 7. using networks and resolving Determining Contributing
) concerns in or applying to the d
e relation to required learning of n
r workplace resources others e
c issues n
o 8. Sharing 8. Resolving 8. Allocating 8. Applying a c information client concerns people and range of n
o relative to other learning i t
a workplace resources to approaches c i
f responsibilities tasks and i l workplace a
u requirements q
e 9. Negotiating 9. Managing h
t responsively time and
y priorities b
d 10. Persuading 10. Adapting 10. e s r l effectively resource Developing l e i
v allocations to own learning k o S
c cope with plans
y s t contingencies i n l i o i b t 11. Being a a
y appropriately p o u l assertive c p c o m /
s 12. Empathising E
b e o j h t e f h t o
o s t t e e l c b a a F c i l p
p SI Randwick College - Child Studies a
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e Validated Competency located in for delivery validated: by: RA, due: July
i ©Version f i Assessments CHCPR502D Section file in for F/T, P/T July 2011 FH,MH 2012 t 2.0 n BM2 e
d Unit of February Validated Validation i Version 3
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f o
s t e c a f ( Page 29 of 31
CHCPR502E Organise experiences to facilitate and enhance children’s development
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Monday Friday 1 6th February 10th February Introduction to Unit. Assessment Summary. Learning centres. Monday Friday 2 Element 1. Establish an environment that can foster children’s 13th February 17th February development 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 Monday Learning centres. Element 1. Establish an environment that can Friday 3 20th February foster children’s development 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 24th February Monday Learning centres. Element 1. Establish an environment that can Friday 4 27th February foster children’s development 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 2nd March Planning, implementing and evaluating appropriate learning Monday environments. Natural environments. Element 1. Establish an Friday 5 5th March environment that can foster children’s development 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 9th March 1.4, 1.5Element 2 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6. Planning, implementing and evaluating appropriate learning environments. Outdoor environments. Element 1. Establish an Monday Friday 6 environment that can foster children’s development 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 12th March 16th March 1.4, 1.5Element 2 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6. Assessment Task 1 due Monday Planning, implementing and evaluating appropriate learning Friday 7 19th March environments. All Elements 23rd March Planning implementing and evaluating appropriate learning Friday Monday 8 environments. All Elements 30th March 26th March
Monday Planning implementing and evaluating appropriate learning Thursday 9 2nd April environments. All Elements Assessment Task 2 draft due 5th April
VACATION (Friday 6th April – Sunday 22nd April)
Monday Planning implementing and evaluating appropriate learning Friday 10 23rd April environments. All Elements 27th April Monday Planning implementing and evaluating appropriate learning Friday 11 30th April environments. All Elements Assessment Task 2 due 4th May Monday Planning implementing and evaluating appropriate learning Friday 12 7th May environments. All Elements 11th May Monday WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE Friday 13 14th May 18th May Monday WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE Friday 14 21st May 25th May Monday WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE Friday 15 28th May 1st June Monday Reflection on Workplace Experience Planning implementing and Friday 16 4th June evaluating appropriate learning environments. All Elements 8th June Tuesday Planning implementing and evaluating appropriate learning Friday 17 12th June environments. All Elements 15th June TAFEMonday NSW 2009 Unit of Hard copy Validated Last Validated Validation ©Versionth Validated Competency located in for delivery validated: by: RA, Fridaydue: July 18 18 June nd 2.0 Assessments CHCPR502D Section file in for F/T, P/T July 2011 FH,MH 222012 June BM2 Version 3 Unit of February Validated Validation Competency yes 2012 by: MH, due CHCPR502E HM,FH February 2013 Page 31 of 31
TAFE NSW 2009 Unit of Hard copy Validated Last Validated Validation ©Version Validated Competency located in for delivery validated: by: RA, due: July 2.0 Assessments CHCPR502D Section file in for F/T, P/T July 2011 FH,MH 2012 BM2 Version 3 Unit of February Validated Validation Competency yes 2012 by: MH, due CHCPR502E HM,FH February 2013