Advocare Business Training Format*

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Advocare Business Training Format*

Advocare Business Training Format

This is a guide…Always cover the basics…but, pay attention to who is in the room for deciding what parts of the DVD you might use during training/what stories you will tell/what other ideas you may need to add depending on the distributor level of involvement etc. USE STORIES THROUGHOUT TRAINING!

Packet of Documents for each person: (at minimum) Goal Sheet, How to Package Your Story, Bulletproof Shield, 5 Ways To Earn Income As An Advisor, Ruby Blueprint, The Business Opportunity of Getting to Advisor, Franchise Comparison Chart …there are other great documents you can also cover time permitting

Study Danny McDaniel’s training videos ( the topics below that you will be training on! The more you duplicate him…the more successful you will be at training others.

Training: Start on time!

Open with Charlie Ragus clip from DVD: Vision of what we do here 3 P’s (AdvoCare: Great Products, Great Pay Plan, Great People)

4 Ways to Engage in AdvoCare: Start by making sure people understand the 4 ways…then clarify that this training is designed to teach a business builder…teach people to listen with ear of new person and with ear of duplicating for others! Stress that we share these 4 ways with EVERYONE we share AdvoCare with…and respect ALL 4 ways to keep people following for life.

Discuss Purpose & Reason: Goal Sheets to be filled out and shared with mentor asap

How to Package Your Story – Whiteboard Where I was, What I saw, What I did, Where I’m going Give examples…point to “How to Package Your Story”

Bulletproof Shield: Use real examples and teach on these 4 areas at the same time. Remember, some attending your trainings don’t yet know about the science behind our products, non-paid endorsers etc...!!

5 Ways We Get Paid: Whiteboard – Teach Specifically with numbers! Draw examples of each way: Best to put people’s names in circles that are in the room and add their ideas on who the next name put in an example should be (ie. “John, who is the first person you think will want to do this business with you?”)

Draw Out #’s for a Ruby Organization, “Lookin’ for 3” - - Use the whiteboard to draw out a person who gets 3 who get 3 who get 3. I like to use colored markers for legs. TEACH amount of VOLUME it takes to hit each leadership level through Ruby as you are training here. Continually connect volumes with moving people to the Advisor level.

Reaching the Advisor Level - Whiteboard Teach BEST way to reach Advisor first ($2100) Draw different examples (whiteboard) of working/selling your way to Advisor in ONE pay period (sharing why one pay period instead of 3…and instilling confidence with stories that it CAN be done!) If questions arise, spend time showing examples of working towards Advisor over multiple pay periods (send to “How to Get to Advisor” for clarification). Refer to “Franchise Comparison” doc to emphasize the relatively low AdvoCare start up investment.

List…Who Do You Know? Whether someone buys an Advisor order or works their way there…the list is critical! Explain that they will either use that list to sell their Advisor order for PROFIT or use it to work their way to Advisor! Quickly have them write down some names and their top 3 prospects as emphasis (and action).

3 Ways to Get in Front of People: Teach how to be a master appointment setter! Teach the Triangle of Success: 3rd party credibility!! Include wording on how to contact, what to say/not say, how to use online presentations, Impact Magazine, DVD and how to sample Cover 2:1s, mixers, 3-way phone calls, and tell stories of recent successes Emphasize 2:1 meeting with their first key people TEACH how to be prepared (duplicate your mentor after first few 2:1s!!!)

Whiteboard: Funnel – Pipeline Drawing P > C > D > A (52 > 26 > 15 > 4 Aces!) Feeding the funnel over time: friends, family, colleagues, gym, church, recruiting, booths

Sprinkle, Sprinkle, FOCUS: part time but not part heart… build wealth over time

Staying Connected = Success AdvoCare Success System Team Belief Calls: Wed. at START of EACH pay period Team website Training website Success School!!!! Play Success School Clip if you have it…tell your personal Success School Story…PROMOTE!

PROMOTE THE NEXT EVENT (always end a group meeting this way!) I always write pay period close and next event on the corner of the white board so they see it the entire training. BOM / Training / Mixer / Webinar/ Success School etc. – Paint vision of a packed room with them bringing their new people!

At end or Saturday training, see who needs to get things on their calendars with you before they leave…AND see who is ready to get to Advisor! Those that are ready – get on the computer immediately and get order placed/make a plan for their first mixer and first people.

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