Feather River Habitat Conservation Plan
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Feather River Habitat Conservation Plan Covered Species List Development
Below, Table 1 is a draft list of species proposed for coverage under the Feather River Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). Table 2 presents the rationale for identifying species to be covered.
Table 1. Draft Covered Species List for the Feather River Habitat Conservation Plan Species Federal Status* State Status* Fish California Central Valley steelhead T T Oncorhynchus mykiss Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon T T Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Central Valley fall/late fall-run Chinook salmon - SSC Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon E E Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Green sturgeon southern DPS T SSC Acipenser medirostris White sturgeon - - Acipenser transmontanus Invertebrates Valley elderberry longhorn beetle T - Desmocerus californicus dimorphus Birds Burrowing owl - SSC Athene cunicularia Bank swallow - T Riparia riparia Greater sandhill crane - T, FP Grus canadensis tabida Swainson’s hawk - T Buteo swainsoni Western yellow-billed cuckoo PT E Coccyzus americanus occidentalis Willow flycatcher - E Empidonax traillii brewsteri White-tailed kite - FP Elanus leucurus Tricolored blackbird - SSC Agelaius tricolor Least Bell’s vireo E E Vireo belli pusillus Reptiles Giant garter snake T T Thamnophis gigas Western pond turtle - SSC Emys marmorata *E= Endangered; T= Threatened; C= Candidate; SSC = Species of Special Concern; FP=Fully Protected
Feather River HCP, Covered Species Draft April 4, 2014 Table 2. Species considered for coverage under the Feather River HCP CNP Federa S l State Statu Potential Species Statusa Statusa sa Rangeb Occurrencec Habitatd for Impactse Coverage Habitat Recommendation Fish California Central Riverine, Include. Occurs in plan area, Valley steelhead T T - Y Y Y Y Y estuarine, and potential for take. Oncorhynchus mykiss oceanic waters Central Valley spring- Riverine, run Chinook salmon Include. Occurs in plan area, T T - Y Y Y Y Y estuarine, and Oncorhynchus potential for take. oceanic waters tshawytscha Central Valley Include. Occurs in plan area, fall/late fall-run Riverine, potential for take if listed and Chinook salmon - SSC - Y Y Y Y Y estuarine, and fair likelihood of listing due Oncorhynchus oceanic waters to existing status. tshawytscha Sacramento River Riverine, Include. Occurs in plan area winter-run Chinook estuarine, and in Sutter Bypass, potential salmon E E - Y Y Y Y Y oceanic waters for take. Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Green sturgeon Riverine, Include. Occurs in plan area, southern DPS T SSC - Y Y Y Y Y estuarine, and potential for take. Acipenser medirostris oceanic waters Include. Could be listed, White sturgeon Riverine, estuarine potential for take. Similar Acipenser - - - Y Y Y Y Y and oceanic waters conservation requirements as transmontanus green sturgeon. Sacramento splittail Exclude. Was delisted and is Pogonichthys - SSC - Y Y Y Y N Riverine waters unlikely to be relisted. macrolepidotus Riverine, River lamprey Exclude. Not likely to be - SSC - Y Y Y Y N estuarine, and Lampetra ayresi listed. oceanic waters Pacific lamprey Riverine, Exclude. Not likely to be Entosphenus - - - Y Y Y Y N estuarine, and listed. tridentatus oceanic waters Exclude. Only known to occur downstream of the Delta smelt Riverine and HCP Plan Area (although in Hypomesus T E - N N Y N N estuarine waters the Sacramento River transpacificus upstream of Feather River). Take can be avoided. Invertebrates
Feather River HCP, Covered Species Draft April 4, 2014 CNP Federa S l State Statu Potential Species Statusa Statusa sa Rangeb Occurrencec Habitatd for Impactse Coverage Habitat Recommendation Valley elderberry longhorn beetle Elderberries in Include. Occurs in plan area, Desmocerus T - - Y Y Y Y Y riparian potential for take. californicus dimorphus Vernal pool fairy Exclude. Take can be shrimp T - - Y Y Y N N Vernal pools avoided. Branchinecta lynchi Vernal pool tadpole Exclude. Take can be shrimp E - - Y Y Y N N Vernal pools avoided. Lepidurus packardi Birds Include. Occurs in plan area, Burrowing owl Grasslands, potential for take if listed and - SSC - Y Y Y Y Y Athene cunicularia agricultural lands fair likelihood of listing due to current status. Bald eagle Forested Exclude. Take can be Haliaeetus D E, FP - Y Y Y Y N landscapes near avoided. leucocephalus water Banks and cliffs near aquatic habitat (nesting), Bank swallow Include. Occurs in plan area, - T - Y Y Y Y Y riparian, grassland, Riparia riparia potential for take. wetland, open water, and cropland Aleutian Canada Wintering in Exclude. Habitat not goose agricultural fields, D - - Y N Y N N affected. Branta hutchinsii pastures; does not leucopareia breed in plan area California black rail Laterallus Exclude. Unlikely to occur in - T, FP - Y Y Y N N Emergent wetlands jamaicensis plan area. coturniculus Open grasslands, Greater sandhill crane grain fields, and Include. Occurs in plan area Grus canadensis - T, FP - Y Y Y Y Y open wetlands; in winter/foraging, potential tabida does not breed in for take. plan area
Feather River HCP, Covered Species Draft April 4, 2014 CNP Federa S l State Statu Potential Species Statusa Statusa sa Rangeb Occurrencec Habitatd for Impactse Coverage Habitat Recommendation Riparian (nesting), Swainson’s hawk grassland or Include. Occurs in plan area, - T - Y Y Y Y Y Buteo swainsoni cropland potential for take.
Western yellow-billed cuckoo Include. Occurs in plan area, PT E - Y Y Y Y Y Riparian Coccyzus americanus potential for take. occidentalis Include. Outside of species’ current range, but range Willow flycatcher could expand with Empidonax traillii - E - Y N Y Y Y Riparian conservation measures in brewsteri which case there is potential for take. Exclude. Species unlikely to Yellow-breasted chat - SSC - Y N Y N N Riparian be listed, and can avoid Icteria virens disturbance of nesting birds. Riparian; Yellow warbler sometimes Exclude. Species unlikely to Dendroica petechia - SSC - Y Y Y N N montane shrubbery be listed, and can avoid brewsteri in open conifer disturbance of nesting birds. forests Open grasslands, meadows, Include. Occurs in plan area, White-tailed kite - FP - Y Y Y N Y emergent wetlands, potential for listing in the Elanus leucurus and agricultural future and for take. lands near trees Marshes with cattails or tules, Include. Common in plan Tricolored blackbird bushes - SSC - Y Y Y N Y area, potential for listing in Agelaius tricolor (blackberry, wild the future and for take. rose), tall herbs, near freshwater Northern harrier Marshes and Exclude. Can avoid take and SSC - Y Y Y N N Circus cyaneus grasslands not likely to be listed. Mature and old- Northern goshawk Exclude. Habitat not - SSC - Y Y Y N N growth forest Accipiter gentilis affected. stands
Feather River HCP, Covered Species Draft April 4, 2014 CNP Federa S l State Statu Potential Species Statusa Statusa sa Rangeb Occurrencec Habitatd for Impactse Coverage Habitat Recommendation Include. Outside of species’ current range, but range Least Bell’s vireo could expand with E E - Y N Y Y Y Riparian Vireo belli pusillus conservation measures in which case there would be potential for take. Amphibians Grasslands, oak California tiger savanna, edges of salamander mixed woodlands, Exclude. Species not in plan T T - N N N N N Ambystoma small animal area. californiense burrows, ephemeral ponds Moist meadows, Cascades frog small ponds and Exclude. Species not in plan - SSC - N N N N N Rana cascadae lakes, wetlands, area. streams Reptiles Shallow streams with riffles; Western spadefoot seasonal wetlands Exclude. Not likely to be Scaphiopus - SSC - Y Y Y N N such as vernal listed. hammondii pools in annual grasslands and oak woodlands Freshwater emergent wetlands, Giant garter snake drainage canals, Include. Occurs in plan area, T T - Y Y Y Y Y Thamnophis gigas irrigation ditches, potential for take. rice fields, and adjacent vegetation Include. Occurs in plan area, potential for take if listed and Ponds, lakes, fair likelihood of listing due Western pond turtle rivers, streams, to existing status. - SSC - Y Y Y Y Y Emys marmorata creeks, marshes, irrigation ditches
Feather River HCP, Covered Species Draft April 4, 2014 CNP Federa S l State Statu Potential Species Statusa Statusa sa Rangeb Occurrencec Habitatd for Impactse Coverage Habitat Recommendation Exclude. Habitat not Pacific fisher Lower-elevation, affected. Martes pennanti C - - Y Y N N N closed-canopy (pacifica) DPS forests Exclude. Habitat not Sierra Nevada red fox High elevations in affected. - T - N N N N N Vulpes vulpes necator the Sierra Nevada
Western mastiff bat Mainly roost in Exclude. Habitat not affected Eumops perotis - SSC - Y Y N N N crevices and and not likely to be listed. californicus shallow caves Pallid bat Mainly roost in Exclude. Not likely to be - SSC - Y Y Y Y N Antrozous pallidus rock crevices listed. Townsend’s western Mainly roost in big-eared bat Exclude. Not likely to be - SSC - Y Y Y Y N caves, cliffs and Corynorhinus listed. rock ledges townsendii Mainly roost in Western red bat Exclude. Not likely to be - SSC - Y Y Y Y N orchards and Lasiurus blossevillii listed. riparian areas Rocky habitats Ringtail associated with Exclude. Not likely to be - FP - Y Y Y Y N Bassariscus astutus water, including listed. riparian habitats. Plants Shallow freshwater Sanford’s arrowhead aquatic habitats Exclude. Not likely to be - - 1B.2 Y N Y N N Sagittaria sanfordii and freshwater listed. emergent marsh Wooly rose-mallow Freshwater Exclude. Not likely to be Hibiscus lasiocarpos - - 1B.2 Y Y Y N N emergent marsh listed. var. occidentalis Hairy Orcutt grass Exclude. Species not in plan E E 1B.1 N N N N N Vernal pools Orcuttia pilosa area. Exclude. If present in Plan Slender Orcutt grass T E 1B.1 Y Y Y N N Vernal pools Area then take can be Orcuttia tenuis avoided. Exclude. If present in Plan Greene's tuctoria E - 1B.1 Y Y Y N N Vernal pools Area then take can be Tuctoria greenei avoided.
Feather River HCP, Covered Species Draft April 4, 2014 CNP Federa S l State Statu Potential Species Statusa Statusa sa Rangeb Occurrencec Habitatd for Impactse Coverage Habitat Recommendation Bogg’s Lake hedge- Exclude. If present in Plan hyssop - E 1B.2 Y Y Y N N Vernal pools Area then take can be Gratiola heterosepala avoided. Exclude. If present in Plan Dwarf downingia - - 2.2 Y Y Y N N Vernal pools Area then take can be Downingia pusilla avoided. Ahart’s dwarf rush Exclude. If present in Plan Vernal pool Juncus leiospermus - - 1B.2 Y Y Y N N Area then take can be margins var. ahartii avoided. Exclude. If present in Plan Legenere - - 1B.1 Y Y Y N N Vernal pools Area then take can be Legenere limosa avoided. Exclude. Habitat not Hartweg’s golden affected. Species not in plan sunburst Valley grassland, E E 1B.1 N N N N N area. Pseudobahia foothill woodlands bahiifolia Butte County Exclude. If present in Plan meadowfoam Margins of vernal E E 1B.1 Y Y Y N N Area then take can be Limnanthes floccosa pools avoided. ssp. californica Pine hill flannelbush Exclude. Habitat not Live oak Fremontodendron E - 1B.2 N N N N N affected. Species not in plan woodlands decumbens area. Dry pine or oak Exclude. Habitat not Layne’s ragwort T - 1B.2 N N N N N woodlands, affected. Species not in plan Packera layneae serpentine soils area. Key: a E= Endangered; T= Threatened; C= Candidate; D= Delisted; SSC = Species of Special Concern; PT = Proposed Threatened; FP = State Fully Protected; CNPS List #, 1A = Presumed Extinct in California, 1B = Rare, Threatened, or Endangered in California and Elsewhere,. 2 = Rare, Threatened or Endangered in California, but More Common Elsewhere, 3 = Plants About Which We Need More Information, 4 = Plants of Limited Distribution, .1 = Seriously Threatened in California, .2 = Fairly Threatened in California, .3 = Not Very Threatened in California. b Y = the covered lands are within the known range of the species; N= the covered lands are outside the known range of the species, FP = Fully Protected c Y = there are known occurrences of the species within the covered lands; N = there are no known occurrences of the species within the covered lands d Y = there is potential habitat for the species within the covered lands; N = there is no known potential habitat for the species within the covered lands e Y = there is potential for impacts to the species; N = there is no potential for impacts to the species
Feather River HCP, Covered Species Draft April 4, 2014