Section 2 - Club Roles and Contact Details 11

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Section 2 - Club Roles and Contact Details 11


Updated August 15th 2016

1 Contents

2 Introduction to Club Rulebook

Club Description

St Fiacc’s Swimming Club was set up in 1995 to provide opportunities for local swimmers to develop their swimming skills and compete at local and national competitions. All our swimmers in A, B, C and D squads are registered as competitive swimmers with Swim Ireland. In 2015 we expanded the club to provide training for Master swimmers who wish to swim for both recreational and competitive purposes.

Our training sessions are based for the most part in Graiguecullen Swimming Pool, Carlow but we also hold some sessions in K Leisure, Athy.

Objectives of the Club  To foster and develop swimming and its participants.  To promote the teaching/coaching and practice of swimming in line with current best practice  To promote the development of physical, moral and social qualities associated with sport, within the participants  To accept and enforce the rules and regulations set down by Swim Ireland regarding competitive swimming in accordance with the affiliation status afforded to the club  To provide a positive and safe environment for all its members and staff  To ensure sport for young people in the club is fun and conducted in an encouraging atmosphere in line with Swim Ireland guidelines and best practice  To provide equal opportunities whenever possible for successful participation, irrespective of ability or disability, so as individuals can be involved in sports activities in an integrated and inclusive way.

St Fiacc’s Swimming Club is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of its members. Every individual in St Fiacc’s Swimming Club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for their rights, safety and welfare and those of others, and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of St Fiacc’s Swimming Club and the guidelines contained in the ‘Swim Ireland Safeguarding Children Policies and Procedures 2010’ or most up to date equivalent.

3 Section 1 - Membership

St Fiacc’s Swimming Club currently offers swimming lessons, swim skills sessions, competitive training sessions and recreational training sessions. These are covered through our Masters Squad, A squad, B squad, C squad and D squad with swimming lessons organised by the Club once a week .

Swimmers begin in D squad where they focus on technique and stroke development. Once these skills have been developed and the swimmer has built up a degree of fitness and stamina the coach will decide to promote them to the next squad level. Squad qualification standards as laid out below must also be met. *See note re promotion.

C squad focuses on further developing these swimming skills while introducing the concept of Training to Compete. Starts, turns and breakouts are developed and swimmers begin to compete in local club galas. Promotion is based on squad standards laid out below and on the recommendation of the squad coach. *See note re promotion.

B squad develops stroke technique and builds stamina continuing the Training to Compete cycle. The number of training sessions per week increases as does the intensity of swim sets. Swimmers at this level are aiming for Leinster Division 1 and Irish Division 2 times. Promotion is based on squad standards laid out below and on the recommendation of the squad coach. *See note re promotion.

A squad is the top squad with swimmers Training to Win. Six sessions per week are available supplemented with land training. Swimmers at this level are aiming for Irish Division 1 and 2 times and beyond.

*Squad promotion Note:

*Swimmers must be approached by their own squad coach to recommend moving up; ideally the coach will also speak to the swimmers parents. *The coach must forward this recommendation to the committee for approval to ensure there is space available in the next squad. *The committee will approve the move and an email offering the place to the swimmer will be sent out. Parents may then accept or decline the place on behalf of their child. *On acceptance the committee will inform parents of any additional fees and a date will be agreed for the swimmer to begin with their new squad. *Promotions will take place twice yearly at the end of the season and after the 1st term. Swimmers must attain 3 squad times to be promoted but this will not be the only basis for promotion. Coaches and committee must also determine whether there are spaces available in the squad, the swimmers ability to cope with increased level of training and their attendance at sessions and competitive galas.

Masters Masters swimmers may apply for sessions based on availability. A good standard of fitness and technique is required and will be assessed by the coach. Swimmers work on stamina, technique and overall fitness levels.

Coaching Team

4 The current coaching team is as follows: John Murray Level 2: A/A Jnr Squad Coach [email protected] Irina Dawson Level 3: A/B squad Coach Richie Walshe Level 2: B squad Coach Tony Kirwan Level 2: C/D squad Coach Erica Robinson Level 2 pending: Assistant Coach Leon Gordon Level 2 pending: Assistant Coach Kate Markey Level 1: Assistant Coach

Squad Standards The current squad standards are due for review and revision before the beginning of Term 2 in January 2017. All revisions will be notified to club members

Becoming a member Membership of St Fiacc’s Swimming Club is accepted at the discretion of club management committee. The membership year is from 1st September annually. St Fiacc’s Swimming Club is an affiliated member of Swim Ireland, registration fees are also paid annually to Swim Ireland. The following must be completed when applying for membership on an annual basis: 1. Club membership form

5 2. Relevant code of conduct Club documents sent out separately

Codes of Conduct One of the basic policies for all members is the Codes of Conduct. The codes of conduct identify a standard of behaviour that is expected for all the individuals involved in sport. Breaches of the codes of conduct will be dealt with through the complaints and disciplinary process with the emphasis on resolution through the informal route. The relevant code of conduct should be signed annually by young people, parents, committee members, leaders, coaches and teachers, returned to the Club Secretary and they will be kept on record.

Joining the club Potential members are assessed on front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke technique. There is no minimum age limit but coaches will assess whether young swimmers are ready for lane swimming. Trials for joining the club are offered at the start and middle of the season depending on numbers within each squad. If you are interested in becoming a member please contact [email protected]. Places will be offered based on availability. St Fiacc’s Swimming Club endeavours to facilitate all athletes who wish to become members of the club. If you or your child/ children have any special requirements please contact [email protected]. For information on accessibility to the facility/ facilities we use contact [email protected] with your requirements.

Membership Fees Club fees are payable at the beginning of each term, i.e. Sept 1st, Jan 1st and Apr 1st. They can be paid in full or in instalments each term. Reminders will be emailed when fees are due. Fees must be paid within one month of term starting date. Payment options available: Online, cheque, cash. Cheques must be made payable to St Fiacc’s Swimming Club Any queries regarding club fees should be directed to the club Treasurer [email protected] Unpaid fees that are outstanding for more than 3 months may be referred to the club complaints and disciplinary committee and may result in sanctions in accordance with Swim Ireland Complaints and Disciplinary procedures.

Fee Structure Each member is required to pay club fees. The annual Swim Ireland fee is also mandatory, full details of fees are listed below.

6 Swim Ireland Fees Swim Ireland Fees are as follows:

Competitive Swimmer: €39

Non-Competitive Swimmer: €25

Squad/ Term Fees St Fiacc’s Annual Club Membership fee: €20

A Squad Annual (6 sessions) € 960 Per term (6 sessions) € 320

A Jnr Squad Annual €540 Per term €180

B Squad Annual €540 Per term €180

C Squad Annual €390 Per term €130

D Squad Annual €270 Per term €90

Masters Per session €5

Reminder: Non-payment of fees may result in sanctions in accordance with SI complaints and disciplinary procedures

Transfers If a member wishes to leave one club and join another they must arrange for the Swim Ireland transfer form to be completed and returned to the Swim Ireland office along with the necessary fee. The club may withhold a transfer form if: 1. The member owes fees to Swim Ireland or the club 2. The member holds club property 3. The member has a compliant made against them which is in process or pending, or in relation to a sanction which has been issued but not yet served.

7 If you transfer to another club you will cease to be a member in St Fiacc’s Swimming Club.

Club AGM St Fiacc’s Swimming Club holds an AGM annually in November. Members are requested to attend and contribute to the successful running of the club. Committee members are elected annually; these positions are filled by members and parents of members in the club. At the AGM the officers and head coach will provide an annual report to members. Parents/ guardians of club members who are under 18 may attend and represent their child/children and may cast one vote only (regardless of number of children who are club members). Parents/ guardians who are members of the club in their own right may cast a vote for themselves and on behalf of their child/ children. Proxy voting is not permitted.

8 Session Timetable

Squad/ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Team Name

A AM 5.30am to 5.30am to 5.30am to 8.00am to Squad 7.00am 7.00am 7.00am 10.00am Carlow Carlow Carlow Athy

PM 6.00pm to 8.00pm Athy 5.30pm to 7.30pm Athy A Jnr AM 5.30am to 5.30am to Squad 7.00am 7.00am Carlow Carlow PM 6.00pm to 8.00pm Athy

B AM 5. 5.30am to 7.00am Squad 3 Carlow 0 a m to 7. 0 0 a m C a rl o w

9 PM 5.45pm to 7.45pm Carlow C Squad AM 6.45am to 8.45am Carlow PM 5.45pm to 6.45pm Carlow

D AM Squad

PM Optional extra 6.00pm to session 7.30pm Carlow 6.00pm to 7.00pm Athy

10 Drop Off and Collection Swimmers are required to be on poolside 15 minutes prior to start of their session for land based warm up. Children under 18 will remain the responsibility of their parent/ guardian until the start of the pool session. Parents/ guardians should not drop off children without ensuring there is a parent on duty and coach on duty to conduct the session. Parents/ guardians should ensure their child can change themselves or remain with child if they require assistance. Parents/ guardians should arrive promptly at the end of session to collect children as the club cannot be responsible for athletes once the session has finished.

Supervision All pool and dry land session will be supervised in accordance with Swim Ireland policy. All parents are expected to help with the supervision rota. Please see below for guidance on supervision requirements.

 The rota will be organised in advanced and communicated to all involved by email and also posted on the club noticeboard.  An individual on the rota is responsible for their own replacement in the event they cannot fulfil their obligation  Contact details for all individuals are available to coaching/teaching staff concerned at both Graiguecullen Swimming Pool and K Leisure Athy (these details will be kept confidential and available for those that need them)  The parent/supervisor should arrive 10 minutes before the session starts, make themselves known to the coach and must remain with any teaching/coaching staff until all the children are collected.  The parent/supervisor should have a full view and hearing of the pool area at all times.  The parent/supervisor should not interfere with the coaching or teaching of the session.  If the parent/supervisor has any concerns these should be brought to the Club Children’s Officer or dealt with immediately if a child is in imminent danger.

Duties of the parent on duty 1. Ensure an attendance record for the session is kept – this can be kept with the coach and should be signed by the coach and supervisor 2. Be aware of children leaving and returning to pool, e.g. a child should return to the pool after visiting the toilet 3. Allow the coach/teacher freedom to get on with the session – sometimes coaches or teachers need to feedback to individuals on one to one basis, this should be in open view 4. Take note of any problems that occur – refer child related issues to the Club Children’s Officer/all other issues to Committee, usually the secretary 5. Have temporary access to children’s contact details in cases of illness or emergency or in the event the session is cancelled 6. In cases of emergency, help the coach/teacher by being an extra adult to supervise children or to assist with a response to the emergency

Non Attendance of parent on duty If the parent on duty does not turn up or has not made themselves known to the coach/ teacher prior to the start of the session it will be assumed that the parent on duty is not present. This may lead to the session being cancelled and may result in sanctions in accordance with SI complaints and disciplinary procedures for the parent concerned.

11 Club Gear Essential kit for training includes: swimsuit, swim hat and goggles, water bottle. Other recommended equipment includes: Flip Flops or Sandals Kickboard – A and B squads Pull buoy – A, B, C squads Fins – A and B squads Hand Paddles – A and B squads Snorkel – A and B squads

Coach/ teacher will advise if any other kit is required.

A St Fiacc’s Swimming Club hat must be worn at all training sessions and at competitions. Club hats, hoodies, T-shirts and kitbags can all be ordered at

St Fiacc’s Swimming Club Lessons Swimming lessons are provided by St Fiacc’s Swimming Club on Sunday mornings from 9am-10am and 10am-11am. The club have adopted a series of 8 lesson Levels in line with Swim Ireland guidelines. There are a maximum of 50 children per hour with a 5:10 teacher/pupil ratio.

The lessons programme is delivered in 3 terms from Sept-Dec, Jan-Mar and Apr-Jun by the following team of teachers: Head Teacher: Zuzana Hruz Swim Ireland Level 2 Teacher Sarah Dowling Swim Ireland Level 2 Teacher Sarah Doogue Swim Ireland Level 2 Teacher Catherine Molloy Swim Ireland Level 2 Teacher Erica Robinson Swim Ireland Level 1 Teacher Adam Ryan Swim Ireland Level 1 Teacher Kate Markey Swim Ireland Level 1 Teacher

Swimming Lessons Programme Level 1: 9-10am 1. Understanding of basic pool rules 2. Walking in water with water at shoulder level 3. Enter and exit pool safely with assistance 4. Float on front and back with as aid and assistance 5. Get face wet without submerging 6. Blowing bubbles 7. Regain feet from a floating position with an aid and assistance 8. Kick on front and back with aid 9. Jumping in with assistance

Level 2: 9-10am 1. Understanding of basic pool rules

12 2. Pick up objects from the bottom of the pool in shallow water 3. Enter and exit pool safely without assistance 4. Using a board/aid float on back unassisted 5. Bob up and down repeatedly, submerging body and blow bubbles through nose and mouth 6. Roll 180 degrees from front to back then regain feet 7. Kick on front with aid unassisted 8. Kick on back with aid unassisted Level 3: 9-10am 1. Perform a surface dive 2. Safe pool entry from standing and sitting position 3. Demonstrate a floating position on front and back for 10 seconds 4. Push off wall and glide on front and back then regain feet 5. Demonstrate rotary breathing - show head turning to the side to breathe 6. Rotate 360 degrees without touching the pool floor 7. Demonstrate a freestyle arm action with a board for 5 meters 8. Demonstrate a backstroke arm action with a board for 5 meters

Level 4: 9-10am 1. Using an aid, tread water using cycling kicking action and a breaststroke type leg action for 20 seconds 2. Demonstrate a handstand from the bottom of the pool 3. Demonstrate a sitting dive and glide 4. From a floating position swim through submerged hoop 5. Push and glide on front and back holding glide for 2 meters 6. Swim 5 meters freestyle breathing to the side 7. Swim 5 meters backstroke tummy up 8. Swim 5 meters froggy arms 9. Kick on front and back with board for 10 meters - technique, treading water with fun, sculling, diving hoops

Level 5: 10-11am 1. Demonstrate a forward somersault from a standing position 2. Demonstrate a kneeling dive 3. Demonstrate 3 different floating positions 4. Demonstrate a good push off from the wall on front and kick in a streamlined position 5. Demonstrate understanding of bi-lateral breathing 6. Swim 10 meters freestyle breathing to the side 7. Swim 10 meters backstroke keeping head still 8. Swim 10 meters on front showing breaststroke type actions 9. Kick on front and back for 15 meters with no support

Level 6: 10-11am 1. Tread water for 30 seconds keeping the head clear of the water and the swim 15 meters 2. Surface dive and retrieve an object from the pool floor in deep water 3. Demonstrate a kneeling dive and swim out 4. Demonstrate a good push off with streamlining on front and back from good starting position 5. Using a pull buoy scull 10 meters on front in a forward direction 6. Swim 2 x 15 meters freestyle showing good technique and breathing without stopping 7. Swim 2 x 15 meters backstroke showing good technique without stopping 8. Using a kick board kick 2 x 15 meters breaststroke

Level 7: 10-11am 1. Demonstrate life jacket use / survival position i.e H.E.L.P or huddle 2. Demonstrate a front somersault from floating position

13 3. Demonstrate a crouching dive 4. Using a pull buoy scull 15 meters on front head first and feet first 5. Swim 25 meters freestyle with good technique 6. Swim 25 meters backstroke with good technique 7. Swim 15 meters breaststroke with correct timing 8. Attempt butterfly arms and legs together for 5 meters 9. Tread water attempting eggbeater kick for 45 seconds then swim 25 meters 10. Swim 50 meters using 2 different strokes holding good technique, attempting turns without stopping

Level 8: 10-11am 1. Demonstrate a standing dive into deep water 2. Demonstrate a good push, glide and streamline on front and back; hold and kick under water for 5 meters 3. Using a pull buoy scull 15 meters on front and back head first and feet first 4. Swim 50 meters freestyle demonstrating good rhythm and breathing 5. Swim 50 meters backstroke demonstrating good rhythm and breathing 6. Swim 25 meters breaststroke attempting pull out and regular breathing 7. Swim 10 meters using a butterfly action 8. Using a kickboard lick 4 x 25 meters freestyle and backstroke 9. Pull 25 meters freestyle using a pull buoy 10. Swim 100 meters using 2 different strokes holding good technique and turns without stopping

Payment Lessons are charged per term at €6.50 per lesson with a 50% reduction for 3 or more children in a family. To register and pay for lessons you can use or email the club secretary [email protected] and pay by cheque/cash at the first lesson. The term of lessons can be paid in full or in a minimum of 2 instalments on dates prescribed by the club.

14 Section 2 - Club Roles and Contact Details

The roles covered are: 1. Management Committee 2. Club Children’s Officer (CCO) 3. Coaches and Teachers 4. Team Managers 5. Officials

1. Management Committee The management committee is in place to manage all aspects of the club. It consists of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, club children’s officer and a minimum of 4 other members and these are elected at the AGM each year. A committee member may stand for election for 4 consecutive years. After this time period is up, eligibility for re-election is revoked for a period of 2 years. Meetings take place once or twice a month.

15 All committee members must be Swim Ireland members; vetted through Swim Ireland/ Swim Ulster prior to taking up their position and must complete the relevant child protection course. All committee members must abide by and annually sign the relevant code of conduct. All communication by the committee will be done by email, please ensure you have provided correct contact details to the club secretary.

Current committee

Position Name Phone Number Email address Chairperson Paul McDonald 0878528600 [email protected] Secretary Gillian Markey 0876008729 [email protected]

Treasurer [email protected] Gala Secretary Mike Ryan 0872494462 [email protected] Designated person Laura Donohoe 0863652481 [email protected] Committee member Tracy Sinnott 0851247817 [email protected] Committee member David Perry 0862537167 [email protected] Committee member Fiona Dowling 0851824346 [email protected] Committee member Denise Kehoe 0861059931 [email protected] Committee member James Kavanagh 0876472320 [email protected]

2. Club Children’s Officer (CCO) St Fiacc’s Swimming Club is committed to the creation of a child centres atmosphere within our club. The CCO ensures that young people can talk freely and have a voice in the running of the club. The CCO is also a member of the club management committee. The CCO is available through by phone and email. The CCO must be Swim Ireland member, vetted through Swim Ireland/ Swim Ulster prior to taking up their position. The CCO must complete the relevant child protection course and a Club Children’s Officer Workshop. CCO’s must abide by and annually sign the relevant code of conduct. Name Phone Number Email address CCO 1 Laura Donohue 0863652481 [email protected] CCO2 Gary O’Reilly [email protected]

3. Coaches and Teachers Coaches and teachers in St Fiacc’s Swimming Club have the responsibility for teaching the development of core swim skills and abilities; and for coaching skills and abilities in a progressive way. Coaches and teachers must have access to emergency contact details for athletes and must not hold committee positions if they are coaching/ teaching for more than 3 hours weekly. The recruitment of all St Fiacc’s Swimming Club coaches and teachers is in accordance with ‘Swim Ireland Safeguarding Children Policies and Procedures 2010, the Terms of Employment Act 1994 (ROI) and all other related recruitment legislation. The head coach is accountable to the committee and shall attend committee meetings. All coaches and teachers must be adequately qualified and licenced for their position. All coaches and teachers must abide by and annually sign the relevant code of conduct. Swim Ireland Licencing is mandatory for all coaches and teachers; the following is required for coaches and teachers to be licensed:

16  Membership of Swim Ireland through (club or associate)  Completion in the last 5 years of ISC or SNI Children in Sport Awareness Workshop (Code of Ethics)  Garda Vetting through Swim Ireland/ Swim Ulster  Hold an ASA/SI Qualification or equivalent which must be ASA/SI Level 1 or above  Evidence of practical teaching or coaching in the 12 months prior to application  Evidence of attending the required number of Swim Ireland accredited CPD courses  Passport sized photo Position Name Phone Number Email address A Squad Coach John Murray 085 1708855 [email protected] B Squad Coach Richie Walsh 085 7855088 [email protected] C & D Squad Coach Tony Kirwan 086 8316825 [email protected] Head Teacher Zuzana Hruz 0851619899 [email protected]

4. Team Managers/ Chaperones Team managers are appointed for all events and away trips. Parents are expected to help and are encouraged to get involved by attending team manager courses. The club need properly trained people/staff to take responsibility for young people at competitions and away trips. Team managers work with coaches to ensure athletes are supported and supervised when they are away from their parents. The team manager, in conjunction with management committee and head coach/ teacher will organise away trips in line with Swim Ireland’s travel policy. Team managers must be Swim Ireland members, vetted through Swim Ireland/ Swim Ulster prior to taking up their position. The team managers must complete the relevant child protection course and a team manager course. Team managers must abide by and annually sign the relevant code of conduct. The club travel policy is on the Swim Ireland website.

5. Officials Swimming - Officials include timekeepers, turn & stroke judges, referees, starters. Water polo – Officials include referees, goal judges, timekeepers and secretaries. Diving – Officials include judges. Officials are an essential part of competition for all clubs. (Club) is required to provide officials at regional and national competitions and parents will be asked to assist with these roles. Training will be provided as necessary.

If you are interested in volunteering in any of these roles please contact [email protected]

17 Section 3 - Facility Information and Emergency Action Plan

18 Section 4 - General Club Information

Competitions Details of the upcoming competitions and the closing date for entries will be displayed on the club notice board which is located in the entrance hallway of Graiguecullen swimming pool, on our website and will be emailed to all eligible swimmers. Entries and payment is online at Some competitions have qualification criteria included in the competition information and it is important to make sure that the athletes have reached the required criteria before submitting an entry form. Coaches will advise athletes on competitions they should enter and all entries must be submitted through the gala secretary using the link provided. A helpful Gala Guide is included at Appendix 1.

Photography and Filming In line with Swim Ireland policy St Fiacc’s Swimming Club would remind members that no one may video, film or take photographs of children without having received permission to do so; however it is a condition of Swim Ireland membership that all members have agreed to this permission. St Fiacc’s Swimming Club will not name children in photographs and any image will be in keeping with the ethos of the sport. For all Swim Ireland, regional and club events any person must accept that they may be photographed or filmed as part of the occasion, either as an individual or as a member of a group. When attending events please check with competition manager or facility about permission to video, film or take photographs. Children under 18 must be wearing a t-shirt and bottoms/ shorts when having photograph taken out of the pool. The Swim Ireland Photography and Filming policy is available at on the Swim Ireland website.

Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures All complaints and disciplinary matters occurring with St Fiacc’s Swimming Club will be dealt with in accordance with the Swim Ireland complaints and disciplinary procedures. The full complaints and disciplinary procedure is available on the Swim Ireland website or through the club secretary Discipline The disciplinary processes for young people and adults are in place to ensure fair and consistent measures for issues such as breaches of rules of codes of conduct. The procedures clearly state the circumstance under which these may be imposed in order to ensure a process that is fair for all young people involved. Complaints Complaints should be raised with the club secretary who will liaise with the complainant on whether a formal or informal process will be followed. Please speak to the secretary directly if you wish to make a complaint.

Complaints and Disciplinary Committee Fiona Bolton Dowling Peter Coulahan Margaret Tuite

Club Links and Policies Club website Swim Ireland

19 Swim Leinster Swim Ulster Connacht Swimming Swim Munster TBC Ireland Water polo

Swim Ireland Policies and Procedures Please note this list is not exhaustive and updates will be available on Swim Ireland website.  Complaints and disciplinary rules and procedures  Safeguarding children policies and procedures: . Codes of conduct . Photography and filming policy . Physical contact policy . Recruitment policy and procedure . Supervision policy . Travelling policy . Well-being policy . Anti-bullying policy

20 Appendix 1 – Gala Guide Arriving at a gala Always arrive on time. The swimmer should let coach/team manager know that they have arrived. Parents are not permitted on pool deck or in specific coach/ swimmer areas unless timekeeping or carrying out official duties. The Coach will have to prepare a “scratch sheet” normally about 15 – 20 minutes into the warm up session. Coaches will scratch swimmers that they have been told will not be attending. If athletes are not “scratched” from the start list a fine can be levied against the club ranging from €10 to €50 at Regional and National level. This fine will be passed on to the swimmer. Food and Drink Athletes are encouraged to eat healthily. Before a competition eat plenty of carbohydrate (rice, pasta, potatoes, bananas, porridge) the night before, and keep drinking. Eat something for breakfast, even if it seems too early. Don’t experiment with new foods on the day of a gala – athletes should choose something they know you like and know agrees with them. Bring rolls/sandwiches, pieces of fruit, breakfast/snack bars and jellies, Jaffa cakes. After racing you have used up energy and need to replace it with something. Bring water (write your name on your bottle), or diluted squash with you for sipping during the gala, as most pools are very warm and it’s easy to get dehydrated. Pasta followed by fruit makes a good lunch and try to eat as soon as lunch break begins to give your body time to start digesting your food before the afternoon session begins. Keep eating healthy snacks throughout the day and drink plenty of fluids. Foods to avoid: Greasy foods (burgers, chips, doughnuts), highly seasoned foods (pizza, curries, chillies) and fizzy drinks What to bring to a gala MAKE SURE ALL BELONGINGS HAVE YOUR NAME ON THEM  Togs x 2 (warm up and race)  Club hat (bring a spare in case one rips)  Goggles x 2 (in case one snaps wear in training to try out before gala)  Shorts and T-Shirt to wear between races  Water bottle already filled with swimmers name on it  Towels x 2 (if there for a full day)  Flip flops or runners (for around poolside) In some facilities you must have something on your feet to be allowed access certain areas which lead to pool deck. Floors and stairs become slippery during the day and can be a hazard for those in bare feet. It is important to stay warm between races so make sure to wear a sweatshirt or t-shirt when sitting around. Personal Belongings at Galas Bring as little as possible. Valuables such as I-pods, phones, tablets are best locked away or left at home. Terminology PB Personal Best Time NT No time (probably has not swam this event previously) HDW Heat declared winner (No finals will be take place for that event) FTR Freestyle Team Relay MTR Medley Team Relay OPEN A competition or event that is “open” means all ages compete against each other and only one set of medals will be awarded.

21 A programme of events can be purchased generally on the way into the venue. This will list all swimmers taking part and the order in which events will take place. The results are usually (but not always) posted in a prominent place around the pool. The results of the galas are sent to each club gala secretary who will post them on our website. NEVER leave gala before checking if you are needed for a relay team. Summary Galas can be stressful for younger swimmers and all athletes are encouraged to do their best and focus on doing PB’s. It is not realistic for EVERY child to win a medal every time and also not realistic to improve on every swim every time. The primary aspect of competitions is to gain experience in various events, distances and as athletes develop to try different race techniques. Younger swimmers will be told to focus on one or two key points so get them to do their best and most of all enjoy the day. Parents should be there to support their child in their attempt rather than “critique” the swim – that is the role of the Coach.


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