Curriculum Vitae s479

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Curriculum Vitae s479




Date of birth: 28 Oct 1959 Place of birth: Tabriz - Iran Language: English, Persian, Turkish Married – Two children


1- Fellowship in BioMedical Ethics. Medical Ethica & Law Research Center. Sahid Beheshti Uni. of Med. Sci. Tehran. Iran (2008-2009). 2- Ph.D in Molecular Biology. School of Biological Sciences. The Uni. Of Manchester. Manchester. UK (1999-2002). 3- M.Sc in Molecular Biology. School of Biological Sciences. The Uni. Of Manchester. Manchester. UK (1998-1999). 4- M.S.P.H. in Medical Mycology. Tarbiat Modarres Uni. Faculty of Medical Sciences. Tehran. Iran. (1986-1991). 5- B.Sc. in biology. Tabriz uni. Tabriz. Iran (1977- 1984).


1- Academic staff of Immunology & Parasitology Dept. Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci. Tabriz. Iran. (Since 1991). 2- Chief of Medical Mycology Diagnostic Laboratory of Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci. Tabriz, Iran. (1991-1998, 2002-2004) 3- Member of Iranian Society of Parasitology 4- Member of Iranian Society of Biotechnology 5- Member of Iranian Society of Genetic 6- Member of Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci. Tropical & Infectious Disease Research Center Committee 7- Member of Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci. Biotechnology Research Center Committee 8- Member of Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci. Nutritional sciences Research Center Committee 9- Member of Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci. Oncology & Research Center Committee

1 10- Member of Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci. Endocrine & Metabolites Diseases Research Center Committee 11- Member of Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci. Islamic Studies & Research Center Committee 12- Dean of Medical Ethics & History Research Team - Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci.. - Iran 13- Boardman in Medical Ethics Board. Ministry of Health and Medical Education - Iran. 14- Boardman in Medical Mycoloy Board. Ministry of Health and Medical Education - Iran. 15- Member of Editorial Board of Medical Ethics Journal. Shahid Beheshti Uni. of Med. Sci. - Iran. 16- Member of Medical Ethics Research Center. Shahid Beheshti Uni. of Med. Sci. - Iran. 17- Member of Iranian Scientific Society for Medical Ethics. Shahid Beheshti Uni. of Med. Sci. - Iran. 18- Member of Faculty of Medicine Research Committee (Basic Sciences). Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci. 19- Member of Iranian Society of Biosafety. National Center of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering. Iran


1. Kazemi A. Jamali R. Noruzi M. Study of Dermatopytosis in Shabstar District (East Azarbaidjan – Iran) (1991- 1993). 2. Kazemi A. Emami M. Nasir Zade M. Mycotic Infection in AIDS Patients in Iran. (Iran ) (1992-1994). 3. Kazemi A. Jamali R. Study of Tinea Ungium in East Azarbaidjan (iran) (1993-1995). 4. Kazemi A. Jamali R. A Prevalence Study of Tinea Versicolor in North-west Area of Iran. (1994-1996). 5. Kazemi A. Jamali R. Non Dermatophyte and Non Candidal Onycomycosis (East Azarbaidjan-Iran) (1994-1996). 6. Kazemi A. Ghiasi S. A Prevalence Study of Otomycosis in Tabriz. Iran. (1995) 7. Kazemi A. Niknam J. Contamination of Agricultural Products to Trichotecens Producer Fusarium Sp. Tabriz. Iran. (1995). 8. Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Cloning and Sequencing of Phospholipase B1 gene in Aspergillus fumigatus. Manchester. UK. (2003). 9. Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Cloning and Sequencing of Phospholipase B2 gene in Aspergillus fumigatus. Manchester. UK. (2003). 10. Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Cloning and Sequencing of Phospholipase B3 gene in Aspergillus fumigatus. Manchester. UK. (2003). 11. Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Cloning and Sequencing of Phospholipase D1 gene in Aspergillus fumigatus. Manchester. UK. (2003). 12. Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Cloning and Sequencing of Acid phosphatase gene in Aspergillus fumigatus. Manchester. UK. (2003).

2 13. Kazemi A. Denning DW. Hejazi MS. Asghar Zade M.Robson G. Cloning and Sequencing of Aspergillus niger tannase like mRNA. Tabriz. Iran. (2004). 14. Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Cloning and Sequencing of unknown gene in Aspergillus fumigatus. Tabriz. Iran. (2004). 15. Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Cloning and Sequencing of Penicillium chrysogenum annexin1 gene. Tabriz. Iran. (2004). 16. Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Cloning and Sequencing of Penicillium chrysogenum annexin2 gene. Tabriz. Iran. (2004). 17. Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Cloning and Sequencing of Penicillium chrysogenum annexin3 gene. Tabriz. Iran. (2004). 18. Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Cloning and Sequencing of Aureobasidium pullulans annexin 1 gene. Tabriz. Iran. (2004). 19. Hejazi MS. Azarbaijani R. Zereshki Nobar L. and Kazemi A. Cloning and sequencing of Streptomyces minoensis putative amino acid permease gene. Tabriz. Iran. (2004). 20. Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Cloning and sequencing of drug resistance gene to Imidazoles (Fluconazole) in Aspergillus fumigatus. Tabriz. Iran. (2005). 21. Kazemi. A. Mohtadi Nia j. Akbari N. AdibPour M. SalehPour AS. Survey of storage wheat contamination to zearalenone mycotoxin in East Azarbaidgjan. Tabriz. Iran. (2004). 22. Kazemi A. Naghili B. Rajaei M. Comparison of Serological Tests (ELISA, IFA) and PCR Technique for Detection of Listeria Infection in Women with Multiple Abortions. Tabriz. Iran. (2003). 23. Poursoleimani A, Kazemi A. Truth Telling in Medical Field. A thesis submitted for M.D Degree. Faculty of Medicine. Tabriz Uni. of med. Sci., (2009). 24. Ghotbi F, Kazemi A. A Survey on: High Risk Fetus Prone to Have Heredity Major Infant Disability & Opinion About The Birth of Subject. A thesis submitted for M.D Degree. Faculty of Medicine. Tabriz Uni. of med. Sci., (2009). 25. Kamali F. Kazemi A. A Survey on: Opinions About Euthanasia Among Academic Staff of Tabriz Uni. of med. Sci., A thesis submitted for M.D Degree. Faculty of Medicine. Tabriz Uni. of med. Sci., (2009). 26. JahanGhiri Z. Kazemi A. Medical Student Attitude Toward Euthanasia in Tabriz university of Medical Sciences. A thesis submitted for M.D Degree. Faculty of Medicine. Tabriz Uni. of med. Sci., (2009). 27. Shahabi R. Kazemi A. Ethical Aspects of Permanent Contraceptive Methods. A thesis submitted for M.D Degree. Faculty of Medicine. Tabriz Uni. of med. Sci., (In Processing).



1- Protozoal Infections in Patients with AIDS. Tabriz Uni. Press. (1993). 2- Introduction to Different Type of PCR. (In press) 3- Medical Mycology. (In press)

3 2- Papers & Articles:

1- Kazemi A. Sadeghi Shoja H. Cryptococcosis in AIDS patients. Tabriz Medical Journal. (1993). Vol.17, 18. P: 70-87. (Abstract in English). 2- Kazemi A. Effect of Physical factors to inactivation of HIV. The second Iranian Congress of Medical Physics and 6rd Biomedical Engineering Seminar. Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci. July 31- 2 Aug. (1993). P: 124. 3- Kazemi A. Women and AIDS. Iranian Congress of OBS and GYN. 30 Oct – 3 Nov 1994. Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci. P: 101. 4- Kazemi A. Nasir Zade N. Moharrez M. Rhodotorula rubra Dermatitidis. The first report. Medicine and Purification. (1993). Vol. 9. P: 3 4-39. (Abstract in English). 5- Kazemi A. Ahmadian A. Perions and Perionic Disease. 3rd Iranian Congress of Biochemistry and Laboratory Science. 30 Sept 3 Oct. (1995). Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci. Iran. 6- Jamal R. Kazemi A. Some epidemiological aspects of Erythrasma in 508 patients in Tabriz. Tabriz Medical Journal. (1996). Vol. 30. P: 30-40. (Abstract in English). 7- Kazemi A. A case report of Cutaneous Mucormycosis. Mash-had Medical Journal. 1998. Vol. 3. P: 21-24. (abstract in English). 8- Kazemi A. Jamali R. Zoophilic Dermatophytes in East Azarbaidjan. The 3rd National Congress of Zoonoses in Iran. 23-25 April 1995. Khorasan Province. Mash-had. P: 269. 9- Jamali R. Kazemi A. Survey of Cutaneous Lishmaniasis in Tabriz. 3rd Iranian Congress of Biochemistry and Laboratory Science. 30 Sept 3 Oct. (1995). Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci. Iran. 10- Kazemi A. Shariati M. Fusarium Sp. Mycotoxins. 1st National Scientific and Cultural Seminar of Nutrition Students. May 20-22 1996. Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci. Iran. P: 90. 11- Kazemi A. Jambor S. Aspergillus Sp. Mycotoxins. 1st National Scientific and Cultural Seminar of Nutrition Students. May 20-22 1996. Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci. Iran. P: 92. 12- Kazemi A. Movahhed A. Penicillium Sp. Mycotoxins. 1st National Scientific and Cultural Seminar of Nutrition Students. May 20-22 1996. Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci. Iran. P: 94. 13- Kazemi A. Ghand Forosh M. Mycetismus in Iran. First International Congress of Asia – Pasific Association of Medical Toxicology (APAMT–1) and Fifth Iranian Congress of Toxicology and Poisonings (ICTP – 5). 27 – 30 Sept., 1997. Tehran. Iran. P: 9. 14- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Role of phospholipases in pathogenesis of Aspergillus fumigats. 6th Iranian Student Seminar in Europe (ISS). (1999) Manchester. UK. 15- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Phospholipases of Aspergillus fumigatus. Millennium Postgraduate Symposium of BRITISH MYCOLOGYL SOCIETY (BMS) (2000). School of Biological Sciences. Uni. of Nottingham. Nottingham. UK. 16- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Role of phospholipases in pathogenesis of fungi. 1th Iranian Medical Sciences Postgraduate Conference. (2000) Tehran. Iran.

4 17- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Detection and sequencing of Phospholipases B gene in Aspergillus fumigatus. 8th Iranian Student seminar in Europe (ISS). (2001) Manchester. UK. 18- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Detection and sequencing of Phospholipases B1 gene in Aspergillus fumigatus. 6th Europian Conference on fungal Genetics. (2002) Pisa. Italy. 19- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Isolation, Cloning and sequencing of Phospholipases B gene in Aspergillus niger. 10th International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology. (2002) Paris. France. 20- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Cloning and sequencing of Phospholipases D1 gene in Aspergillus niger. 8th Iranian Congress of Genetics. (2003) Tehran. Iran. 21- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Hejazi MS. Asghar Zade M. Cloning and sequencing of Partial Tannase gene in Aspergillus niger. 2th Iranian Congress of Biotechnology. (2003) Mash-had. Iran. P: 352. 22- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Cloning and sequencing of Partial Phospholipases D2 gene in Aspergillus niger. 4th National Iranian Congress of Parasitology and parasites disease. (2003) Mash-had. Iran. P: 112. 23- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Molecular Detection of Phospholipase B as A Pathogenic factor. The First National Congress of Early Detection of Disease. May 13-15 (2003). Hamadan Uni. of Med, Sci. Hamadan. Iran. P: 219. 24- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Molecular Detection of Phospholipase B as A Pathogenic Factor. Scientific Journal of Hamadan Uni. Of Med, Sci. Vol.10, Suppl. 4, Winter 2004. P: 56-63. 25- Kazemi A. Carcinogenic mycotoxins. The 1st Student’s Congress of Cancer. April 24-25 (2003). Tehran. Shahed Uni. Tehran. Iran. P: 90. 26- Kazemi A. T2- Toxin: a Biological Warfare. Fist national Congress of Health, Medication and crisis Management in Disaster Incidents. 27-29 May (2003). Tehran, Razi Conference Center. P: 124. 27- Kazemi A. Important Sequences For Gene Expression in Eukaryotic Genes. 1st Iranian Conferences For Cell and Developmental Biology. 13-14 Sep (2003) Tehran, Uni. Of Tehran. P: 62. 28- Asadi S. Solaimi rad J. Kazemi A. SURVEY OF NEPHROTOXICITY EFFECT OF OCHRATOXIN A. Seventh Congress of Iranian Urology Association. June 15-18 2004. Tehran. Iran. P: 54. 29- Kazemi A. Solaimani Rad J, Afshar F. Sohrabi M. The role of Telomer and telomerase on skin cancer. 7th international congress of dermatology. Feb. 3-4 2004. Tehran. Iran. P: 35. 30- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Hejazi MS. Asghar Zade M. CLONING AND SEQUENCING OF PARTIAL FLUCONAZOLE RESISTANCE GENE OF ASPERGILLUS FUMIGATUS. 9th Iranian Seminar of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Aug. 23-26 2004. Tabriz. Iran. P: 76. 31- Kazemi A. Robson G. Denning DW. Analysis of a Eukariotic Gene. Medical Journal of Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci. Spring 2005. 27(1): 53-60. 32- Kazemi A. Cloning & sequencing of partial sequences of phospholipase 1 (plb1) gene from Aspergillus fumigatus. Medical journal of Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci. Summer 2004. 62: 47-54. 33- Kazemi A. Isolation and Cloning of Partial Tannase Gene From Aspergillus niger. Medical journal of Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci. 2005. 27:67-70.

5 34- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Cloning & sequencing of partial sequences of phospholipase 2 (plb2) gene from Aspergillus fumigatus. Komash Medical journal 2004; Vol. 6, No.1: 83-93. 35- Shan Dk. Dehghan A. Kazemi A. Robson G. Characterisation and expression of phospholipases B from the opportunistic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2004 Oct 1; 239(1): 87-93. 36- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Registration of partial sequences of Aspergillus fumigatus phospholipase B1 (plb1) gene in NCBI gene bank. 37- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Registration of partial sequences of Aspergillus fumigatus phospholipase B1 (plb1) mRNA in NCBI gene bank. 38- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Registration of partial sequences of Aspergillus fumigatus phospholipase B2 (plb2) gene in NCBI gene bank. 39- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Registration of complete sequences of Aspergillus fumigatus phospholipase B3 gene (plb3) mRNA in NCBI gene bank. 40- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Registration of partial sequences of Aspergillus fumigatus phospholipase D1 gene (pld1) gene in NCBI gene bank. 41- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Registration of partial sequences of Aspergillus niger phospholipase D1 gene (pld1) gene in NCBI gene bank. 42- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Registration of partial sequences of Aspergillus niger tannase like mRNA in NCBI gene bank. 43- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Registration of partial sequences of Aspergillus fumigatus acid phosphatase gene in NCBI gene bank. 44- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Registration of partial sequences of fluconazole resistance gene of Aspergillus fumigatus in NCBI gene bank. 45- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Registration of partial sequences of Aspergillus fumigatus putative gene in NCBI gene bank. 46- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Registration of partial sequences of Penicillium chrysogenum annexin1 gene in NCBI gene bank. 47- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Registration of partial sequences of Penicillium chrysogenum annexin 2 gene in NCBI gene bank. 48- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Registration of partial sequences of Aureobasidium pullulans annexin 1 gene in NCBI gene bank. 49- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Registration of partial sequences of Aureobasidium pullulans annexin 2 gene in NCBI gene bank. 50- Hejazi M.S. Azarbaijani R. Zereshki Nobar L. Kazemi A. Registration of partial sequences of Streptomyces minoensis putative amino acid permease gene in NCBI gene bank. 51- Kazemi A. Mycotoxins and food contamination. 8th Iranian Nutrition congress. 6-9 Sep. 2004. Tehran – Iran. No. 4 round table discussion. 52- Razavi M. Pirze L. Hosaini M. Ghaem Maghami J. Kazemi A. Survey of Wheat Fungal Contamination in Tabriz Bakery. National Congress on Food Hygien and Safety. 21–23 Dec. 2004. Yazd. Iran. P: 155. 53- Kazemi A. Nahaei MR. Akhi M. Sorosh MH. Sadegi J. Drawing of Phylogenetic Tree for Bacteria Using Bioinformatic Software. The 7th Iranian Congress of Microbiology. Feb. 1–3 2005. Semnan Uni. Of Med. Sci. Semnan Iran. P: 260. 54- Kazemi A. New molecular biological methods for diagnosis of dermatophytes. Iranian Congress on Diagnostic & Therapeutic Updates in Dermatology. 3-4 Feb. 2005. Tehran. Iran. P: 87.

6 55- Kazemi A. Naghili B. New Antifungal Drugs. Iranian Congress on Diagnostic & Therapeutic Updates in Dermatology. 3-4 Feb. 2005. Tehran. Iran. P: 86. 56- Kazemi A. The role of telomere and telomerase on skin disease. Iranian Congress on Diagnostic & Therapeutic Updates in Dermatology. 3-4 Feb. 2005. Tehran. Iran. P: 85. 57- Kazemi A. Immune response in cutaneous mycosis. The 1th Iranian Seminar on Immunity and Infection. 9-10 March 2005. Sari. Iran. P: 2. 58- Kazemi A. GM FOOD; TRANSFERRING OF GENE FROM LAB TO YOUR MORSEL. The First National Biosafety Congress of Iran. 16-17 Feb. 2005. Karaj. Iran. P: 184-6. 59- Kazemi A. Fumonisin and Oesophagal Cancer. The 3rd Regional Conference of Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (APOCP). 25-27 April 2005. Rasht. Iran. P: 35. 60- Kazemi A. Bioinformatically processing of molecular data. The First Congress of Molecular Microbiology. 25 May 2005. Shahryar. Iran. P: 22. 61- Kazemi A. Robson G. Denning DW. Aivazi J. Somi MH. Mohammad Zade M. Ayatollahi AM. Identification, Isolation, Cloning and sequencing A Partial Annexin Gene From Aureobasidium pullulans. 4th National Congress of Biotechnology. Kerman. 15-17 August 2005. Iran. P: 44. 62- Hejazi MS. Nobar LZ. Azarbaidjani R. Kazemi A. Cloning and Sequencing of Gene Encoding Permease Amino Acid From Steretomyces minoensis. 4th National Congress of Biotechnology. 15-17 August 2005. Kerman. Iran. P: 230. 63- Jamali R. Zareikar B. Kazemi A. Asgharzade M. Yousefee S. Estakhri R. Montazer S. Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of Trichomonas vaginalis isolated in Tabriz-Iran. 4th National Congress of Biotechnology. 15- 17 August 2005. Kerman. Iran. P: 354. 64- Kazemi A. Mazlumi A. PHYLOGENETIC TREE OF VIROLENT LPG GENE(S) IN LEISHMANIA GENUS. The 2nd national congress of updates in Dermatology Diseases & Leishmaniasis. 28-29 Sep. 2005. Isfahan. Iran. P: 35. 65- Kazemi A. Khamene S. Ahmadi Asl N. Muosavi AA. Salehi A. Phylogenetic tree of human annexin gene(s). 17th Iranian congress of physiology & Pharmacology. 1-4 Oct. 2005. Kerman. Iran. P: 91. 66- Kazemi A. Aghazade M. LAMP: An Easy, Fast, Sensitive and Economic Novel Method for DAN and RNA Amplification. 5th National Iranian Congress of Parasitology. 15-17 Nov. 2005. Tehran. Iran. P: 436. 67- Kazemi A. Robson G. Denning DW. Hejazi MS. Asghar Zade M. Molecular Survey of Fluconazole resistance Gene in Aspergillus fumigatus. 5th National Iranian Congress of Parasitology. 15-17 Nov. 2005. Tehran. Iran. P: 140. 68- Jamali R. Zareikar B. Kazemi A. Asgharzade M. Yousefee S. Estakhri R. Asghar Zade M. Survey of Trichomonas vaginalis Polymorphism Isolated from Tabris District Using PCR-RFLP. 5th National Iranian Congress of Parasitology. 15-17 Nov. 2005. Tehran. Iran. P: 80. 69- Jamali R. Zareikar B. Kazemi A. Asgharzade M. Yousefee S. Ghzan Chaei R. Estakhri R. Asghar Zade M. Detection of Trichomonas vaginalis Using PCR Technique and Comparing of Results with Results of Direct Microscopy and Culture. 5th National Iranian Congress of Parasitology. 15-17 Nov. 2005. Tehran. Iran. P: 286. 70- .Mohamadi B. Fallah E. Asgharzade M. Kazemi A. Amani F. Arab R. Survey of Cryptosporidium Prevalence Between 6 Months to 6 Years Patients with

7 Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Ardabil Hospitals. 5th National Iranian Congress of Parasitology. 15-17 Nov. 2005. Tehran. Iran. P: 317. 71- Kazemi A. Robson G. Denning DW. Hejazi MS. Asghar Zade M. Cloning and Sequencing of Fluconazole resistance Gene in Aspergillus fumigatus. 2nd International Congress on Pulmonary Diseases, Intensive Care and Tuberculosis. 15-18 Nov. 2005. Tehran. Iran. P: 127. 72- Kazemi A. Sadrkarimi E. Study of Tinea Ungium in North-West of Iran (1997-2004). Journal of Mashhad Uni. of Med.Sci., 2005. 87: 23-32. 73- Kazemi A. Ghiasi S. Survey of Otomycosis in North-West Area of iran (1997-2004). Journal of Mazandaran Uni. of Med.Sci., 2005. Vol. 15, No.48: 112-119. 74- Kazemi A. M. Ayatollahi AM. Fayaz Bakhsh A. Mycotoxins, Milk Quality and Public Health. North Regional Milk Festival. 22-24 Nov. 2005. Sari. Iran P: 56. 75- Kazemi A. Robson G. Denning DW. Identification, Isolation, Cloning and Sequencing a Partial Annexin Gene From Aureobasidium pullulans. Med J IRI 2005. Vol. 19; 255-65. 76- Kazemi A. Robson G. Denning DW. Hejazi MS. Asghar Zade M. Jafari A. Fayaz Bakhsh A. Immunologic Methods for Diagnosis of Subcutaneous Mycoses. The 8th Iranian Congress of Immunology & Allergy. 16-18 May. 2006. Tehran. Iran. 77- Kazemi A. Musavi Ayatollahi A. Fayaz Bakhsh A. Molecular characters of fluconazole resistance gene in pathogenic fungi. 10th Iranian Pharmacentical Sciences Conferences (ISPC 2006). 21-24 August 2006. Tehran. Iran. P: 27. 78- Hejazi MS. Zereshki Nobar L. Babaeian N. Valizadeh M. Kazemi A. Cloning and Patial Sequencing of Cholestrol Oxidase Encoding Gene From Streptomyces Narbonensis. 10th Iranian Pharmacentical Sciences Conferences (ISPC 2006). 21-24 August 2006. Tehran. Iran. P: 27. 79- Kazemi A. J Mohtadi Nia. M Jabbari. A. Bromand. G Sarkarati. Fungal contamination of tea leaves in East Azardaidjan. 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 4-7 September 2006. Tabriz. Iran. P: 220. 80- Razavie S. Pirzeh L. Hossaini M. Reza Zade A. Jabbari M. Kazemi A. Ghaem Maghami SJ. Humadity and Fungal Contamination of Flours in Tabriz Bakeries. 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 4-7 September 2006. Tabriz. Iran. P: 245. 81- Zamene Milani F. Kazemi A. J Mohtadi Nia. M Jabbari. Rezaeian F. Fungal contamination of consumed rice in East Azarbaidjan. 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 4-7 September 2006. Tabriz. Iran. P: 246. 82- Rezaeian F. Zamene Milani F. Kazemi A. J Mohtadi Nia. Ghaem Maghami SJ. M Jabbari. Contamination of tea and traditional vegetable distilled to mycotoxin producer fungi. 9th Iranian Nutrition Congress. 4-7 September 2006. Tabriz. Iran. P: 247. 83- Kazemi A. Robson G. Denning DW. Hejazi MS. Asghar Zade M. Jafari A. Molecular characters of fluconazole resistance gene in Aspergillus fumigatus. 9th Iranian Genetics congress. 20-22 May 2006. Tehran. Iran. P: 466. 84- Kazemi A. Sarfaraz S. Jafar Zade F. Gholfuroshan F. Survey of Tinea Cruris in North West of Iran. 2th National Congess of Dermatology and Hair diseases. 25-27 November 2006. Isfahan. Iran. P: 81.

8 85- Kazemi A. Medical Environment, Patient and Bad News. Strides in Development of Medical Education Journal of Medical Education Development Center.2006;4(2): 133-139. 86- Kazemi A. Jafari A. Musavi Ayatollahi A. Genetic Basis of Alopecia. 2th National Congess of Dermatology and Hair diseases. 25-27 November 2006. Isfahan. Iran. P: 82. 87- Kazemi A. Contamination od Food Stuff to Fumonisin Producer Moulds. The 6th Iranian Congress of Gastroentrology and Hepatology (ICGH6). 21-24 November 2006. Mashhad. Iran. P: 34. 88- Kazemi A. Carcinogenic Mycotoxins. The 3rd National Congress on Prevention and Control of NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE. 25-27 November 2006. Tehran. Iran. P: 136. 89- Kazemi A. Somi Mh. Miri Najad M. Fumonisins as Important Risk Factor for Oesophagal Cancer. The 3rd National Congress on Prevention and Control of NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE. 25-27 November 2006. Tehran. Iran. P: 137. 90- Kazemi A. Dastmalchi S, Hejazi MS, Azimi H, Bahrami A. Role of Human Endogenous Retroviruses in Rheumatologic and Skin Diseases. Iranian Congress on Dermatology, Endocrine, Rheumatology & Laser. 14-16 Feb. 2007, Tehran. Iran. P: 45. 91- Kazemi A. Pezeshkian M, Jodati AR, Afrasiabi A, Akbar-Zade F, Nouri M, Dastmalchi S, Jafari A. Molecular Screening of Mutation in TNNT2 Gene Exons on HC patients. First Iranian Heart failure Summit. 28 Feb.-2 Mar. 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 30-31. 92- Arbabi Kalati F. Kazemi A., A Case report of Congenital Insensivity to Pain with Anhydroses (CIPA). The 7th Scientific Annual Meeting of the Iranian Pain Society. May 3-4, 2007. Tabriz. Iran. P: 118. 93- Kazemi A. Jafari A. Mosavi A. Genetic Markers of of Alopecia. 4th Iranian Congress of Epidemiology. 16-18 May, 2007. Urmia. Iran. P: 66. 94- Kazemi A. Aghazade M LAMP: An Easy, Fast, Sensitive and Economic Novel Method for DNA & RNA Amplification. 2nd National Iranian Congress of Brucellosis. 19-21 May, 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 137-9. 95- Kazemi A. Bahrami A. Asghar-zade A., Naghili B. Mohammad Zade M. Haghighi L. Bazemani A. New Molecular Method for Direct Detection of Brucella Sp. 2nd National Iranian Congress of Brucellosis. 19-21 May, 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 135-6. 96- Arbabi Kalati F. Kazemi A. Congenital Insensivity to Pain with Anhydroses (CIPA). A Case report. 3rd Iranian Congress of Nuropsycology. May 23-24, 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 94. 95-Kazemi A. Haghighi L. Mami Zade M. Pasha Pour P. Davar Nia GH. Role of Human Endogenous Retroviruse in Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorders. 3rd Iranian Congress of Nuropsycology. May 23-24, 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 96. 96-Akbari NR. Kazemi A. Saleh Pour A. Noe Khahi I. Aspf2, Aspf4, Aspf6: Main Allergens of Aspergillus fumigatus for Diagnosis of Broncopulmonary Aspergillosis in Cystic Fibrosis Patients. 6th Beennial Congress on immunology, Asthma & Allergy. May 22-24, 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 6. 97-Kazemi A. Hasan Zade GHF. Gm Food and Food Allergy. 6th Beennial Congress on Immunology, Asthma & Allergy. May 22-24, 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 46.

9 98-Kazemi A. Naghili B. Mohammad Zade M. Haghighi D. Impact of Human Endogenous Retroviruses in Human Proteome and Health. The 1st National Iranian Conference of Applied Microbiology. Alzahra university. Tehran. Iran. P: 31. 99-Kazemi A. Dr. Amir Bahrami. Dr. Akbar Asghar-zade. Dr. Behroz Naghili. Mohammad Mohammad Zade. Laleh Haghighi. Ahad Bazemani. A New Molecular Method for Direct Detection of Mycobacterium tuberclosis Complex. 18th National Congress on Tuberclosis. 16-18 Oct. 2007. Kordestan Uni. of Med. Sci., Sanandaj. Iran. P: 2. 100-Kazemi A. Farzaneh Namadiyh. Amir Bahrami. Laleh Haghighi. Problematic Concept of Uterus Transplantation. Interdisciplinary Seminar on Surrogacy. 24-25 Oct 2007. Avesina Research Center. Shahid Beheshti Uni. of Med. Sci., Tehran. Iran. P: 30. 101-Kazemi A. J Mohtadi Nia. M Vahed Jabbari. Ghayour E. Survey of Food Stuff to Carcinogenic Mycotoxins. The 3rd Congress of Medical Plants. Shahed University. 24-25 Oct. 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 386. 102-Kazemi A. Haghighi L. Behroz Naghili. Identification, Isolation, Cloning and Sequencing A Second Partial Annexin Gene From Aureobasidium pullulans. 9th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry & 2nd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Shiraz Uni. of Med. Sci., Oct. 29 - Nov. 1. Shiraz. Iran. P: 191. 103-Kazemi A. Samadi-Khah, Akbar-Zade F, Baghdadchi ME, Hakim SH, Salehi R, Aslan Abadi N, Pezeshkian M, Relationship Between Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Mutation in the Exons of TNNT2 Gene. 9th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry & 2nd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Shiraz Uni. of Med. Sci., Oct. 29 - Nov. 1 2007. Shiraz. Iran. P: 12. 104-Mazloumi GA. Asghar Zade M. Faraj Nia S. Ghazancgei A. Kazemi A. Bazemani A. et al. Molecular Detection of Leishmania Using B4 and T2 Primers on Endemic Area at Kalaibar District. The 16th Iranian Congress on Infectious Disease And Tropical Medicine. 15-19 Dec. 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 233. 105-Kazemi A. Haji Pour A. Falahati M. Adib Pour M. Detection of Candida albicans From Urogenital System Using Germ Tube, Chlamydooconidia and PCR Methods. 7th International Congress on Obstrics and Gynocology. 9-13 Nov. 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 142. 106-Kazemi A. Ethical Issue of Huntington Disease. Quarterly Journal of Medical Ethics. 2007. Vol 1,No. 1, Oct. P:81-89. 107-Kazemi A. Khamaneh S. Ethical Issue of Human Life Span Using Molecular Modification. Abstract Book of The First International Congress of Medical Law. 14-15 Nov. 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 85. 108-Kazemi A. Sheiari R. Ethical Subjects Around Huntington Disease. Abstract Book of The First International Congress of Medical Law. 14-15 Nov. 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 87. 109-Kazemi A. Tavackol R. Ethical Dilemma of Genetically Defense Issue. Abstract Book of The First International Congress of Medical Law. 14-15 Nov. 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 86. 110- Kazemi A. Bioethics, Genetic Engineering and Sex Selection. Abstract Book of The First International Congress of Medical Law. 14-15 Nov. 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 66.

10 111-Kazemi A. Namadie F. Haghighi L. Sexual Relationship in Ancient Literature. Abstract Book of The 3rth Congress on Family and Sexual Health. 27-29 Nov. 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 257. 112-Kazemi A. Namadie F. Perfect Love As Base of Sexual Relationship. Abstract Book of The 3rth Congress on Family and Sexual Health. 27-29 Nov. 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 255. 113-Kazemi A. Namadie F. Cross Relations Between Ethics and Perfect Sexual Relationship. Abstract Book of The 3rth Congress on Family and Sexual Health. 27-29 Nov. 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 252. 114-Kazemi A. Namadie F. The Role of Request and Ethic among Both Side of Sexual Relationship. Abstract Book of The 3rth Congress on Family and Sexual Health. 27-29 Nov. 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 253. 115-Kazemi A. Ethical Aspects of Sex Selection Using Genetic Engineering Methods. The 1st International Congress on Health Humanities. 17-28 Nov. 2007. Isfahan. Iran P: 281. 116-Kazemi A. Ethical Concerns Regarding Genetically Engineering Human Longevity. The 1st International Congress on Health Humanities. 17-28 Nov. 2007. Isfahan. Iran P: 293. 117-Kazemi A. The Role of Human Endogenous Retroviruses For Human Health and Proteome. The 1st International Congress on Health Genomics & Biotechnology. 24-27 N0v. 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 279. 118-Kazemi A. The Means and Structure of Family on Human Cloning (Key Presentation). The 5th National Biotechnology Congress of Iran. 24-26 Nov. 2007. Tehran. Iran. P: 29. 119-Kazemi A. Ethical Concerns About Huntington Disease. National Congress of Religion and Medical Sciences. 23-24 Jun 2008. Mazandaran Uni. of Med. Sci. Sari. Iran. P: 82-83. 120-Kazemi A. Ethical Aspects of Genetically Justification. National Congress of Religion and Medical Sciences. 23-24 Jun 2008. Mazandaran Uni. of Med. Sci. Sari. Iran. P: 28. 121-Kazemi A. Jafari A. Mosavi AA. Introducing of National Center For Biotechnology Information. Iranian Journal of Medical Education. 2007. Vol. 7, 1(17), 175-178. 122- Asl Rahnemai AN. Kazemi A. Asvadi I. Ayvazi J. Nikanfar A. Maljaii H. Koushafar A. Noukhahi I. Zamanian L. Rajaii M. Pityrosporosis in Patients With Leukemia Underlying Chemothrapy. The 16th Iranian Congress on Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine. 15-19 Dec. 2007. P: 113. 123- Kazemi A. J Mohtadi Nia. M Mahdavi R. Ghaem Maghami SJ. Ostad Rahimi A. Vahed Jabbari M. Ghayour E. Carcinogenic Food Stuff. The 9th Annual Congress of Iranian Pathology & The 3nd Congress of Iranian Cancer Association. Tehran-Nov.2-9 2007. P: 45. 124-Kazemi A. Education for Prevention From Undocumented Caesarian. National Seminar for Normal Birth. 26-27 Feb. 2008. Tabriz. Iran. P: 26. 125-Kazemi A. Social and Ethical Issue of life span using Molecular Modification of Human Longevity. The 3rd Congress of Aging Issue In Iran and Other Countries. 25-27 Feb 2008. Tehran. Iran. P: 71. 126- Kazemi A. Scientometric Problems in Scientific Environments of Country. The 1st National Congress of Scientometrics in Medical Sciences. 5-6 March 2008. Isfahan Uni. of Med. Sci., Isfahan. Iran. P: 34.

11 127- Kazemi A. Robson G. Denning DW. Exception in Genes Start Codon. Medical Journal of Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci. Vol. 29. No. 4. Winter 2008: 53- 61. 128- Kazemi A. Robson G. Denning DW. Identification of Phospholipase D Gene as a Contributing Factor in Growth and Virulence of Microorganisms. J. Zanjan Uni. of Med. Sci., Vol. 15. No. 60. 2008. 35-44. 129- Mohammadi B. Fallah E. Asgharzadeh M. Kazemi A. Arzanlou M. Detection and Identification of Cryptosporidium Sp. In Water Samples From a River in Ardabil City, North western Iran. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 2 (4):2007. 498- 502. 130- Mohammadi B. Arzanlou M. Fallah E. Kazemi A. Asgharzadeh M. Molecular Identification of Cryptosporidium Sp. In the Cattle Stool Samples in Ardabil City, North western Iran. J Anim. Vet. Adv., 7 (3): 2008. 246-50. 131- Jafari-Nodoushan AA. Kazemi A. Mirzaii F. Dehghani M. Fluconazole Susceptibility Profile of Candida isolates Recovered From Patients Specimens Admitted to Yazd Central Laboratory. Iranian J. Pharmaceu. Res., 7 (1): 2008. 69-75. 132- Kazemi A. Razavie S. Reza Zade A. Pirzeh L. Hossaini M. Vahed Jabbari M. Ghaem Maghami SJ. Fungal Contamination of Flours in Bakeries of Tabriz City. J. Mashhad Uni. Med. Sci., No. 98, Winter 2008. 411-18. 133- Kazemi A. Human Cloning and Genetic Characters Selection for Clone. The 2nd International Congress of Medical Ethics in IRAN. Tehran- 16-18 April, 2008. P: 518. 134- Kazemi A. Medical Environment, Patient, Bad News and Ethical Aspects of Bad News. The 2nd International Congress of Medical Ethics in IRAN. Tehran- 16-18 April, 2008. P: 71. 135- Kazemi A. Right to Know About Genetically Modified Food. The 2nd International Congress of Medical Ethics in IRAN. Tehran- 16-18 April, 2008. P: 510. 136- Kazemi A. Means, Frame and Structure of Family in Human Cloning. The 2nd International Congress of Medical Ethics in IRAN. Tehran- 16-18 April, 2008. P: 434. 137- Kazemi A. Pourhassan M. BacMap: An Interactive Bioinformatics Tool of Annotated Bacterial genome. First Seminar on Enteric Pathogens. Sanndaj-Iran. 12-13 Jun. 2008. P:27. 138- Darabi M. Nouri M. Ostad Rahimi AR. Aboulfathi A. Kazemi A. Rahimipour A. Survey of Interventional Diet Effect on Phosphilipid Particle Competent, HDL, Lipid Profile and Apolipoprotein of Sera. The first Iranian Congress of Metabolic Syndrome. Tabriz-Iran. 13-1 June 2008. P: 93. 139- Fallah E. Mohammadi B. Asgharzadeh M. Kazemi A. Mahdipoorzareh N. Study on Cryptosporidium Polymorphism Among Isolated Parasites From Man, Animal Reservoirs And Water Resources By Using PCR-RFLP in Ardabil Province of Iran. Iranian J Parasitol Supplementary Issue. Vol. 3, No. 1, 2008. P: 32. 140- Fallah E. Mohammadi B. Asgharzadeh M. Kazemi A. Nokhahi I. Mahdipoorzareh N. Prevalance of Cryptosporidium Sp. In Children Suffering From Gastroentritis In Ardabil Hospitals. Iranian J Parasitol Supplementary Issue. Vol. 3, No. 1, 2008. P: 33.

12 141- Kazemi A. Pourhassan M. An Interactive Bioinformatics Tool of Annotated Bacterial genome. 11th Iranian Pharmaceutical Sciences Conferences. Kerman Uni. of Med. Sci. Kerman-Iran. 18-21 Aug. 2008. P:58. 142- Kazemi A. Nature of Human Endogenous Retroviruseses and Their Role in Organ Transplantation. The 11th Congress of the middle East Society of Organ Transplantation. Shiraz. Iran. 17-20 November 2008. P:123. 143- Kazemi A. Effect of Comprehensive Medical Ethics Education for Health Promotion. The 3rd National Congress of Health Education and Promotion. Hamadan. Iran. 28-30 October 2008. P:54. 144- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. AIDS Patient Rights From View of Deontology. The Second International Congress of Medical Law, AIDS and Human Rights. Shahr-e-Kord. 27-30 October 2008. P:105. 145- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Similarity between Unstable Life, Semi Death and Brain Death. National Congress of Medicine and Judgments. Tehran. Iran. 19- 20 October 2008. P:27. 146- Ghazan Chaei A, Naghili B, Mazlomi Ghavghani A, Kazemi A, Nourazarian M, Pourasghari B, et al,. Detection of Microsporidia in Kidny Transplant Patients, Tabriz. Iran. 1St International and 6th National Congress on Quality Improvement In Clinical Laboratories. Tehran. 13-16 Feb. 2008. P:284. 147- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Hidden Roots of Medical Errors in Iran. 1st National Congress on Malpractice & Medical Error. Bandar Abbas-Iran. 24-26 Dec. 2008. P:143. 148- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Autonomy and Forbidden Consumption. 1st Congress of Family Health From Islamic View. 18-23 Feb 2009. Zahedan-Iran. P:3. 149- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Ethical Aspects of Sex Selection Using Molecular Techniques. 1st Congress of Family Health From Islamic View. 18-23 Feb 2009. Zahedan-Iran. P:23. 150- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Role of Telomer-Telomerase System in Life Span. The Congress of Quran and Medicine. Shahid Beheshti Uni. of Med. Sci. Tehran-Iran. 18 Feb. 2009. P:84. 151- Kazemi A. Medical Ethics and Genetic Privacy. The 1st Congress on Biology & Biotechnology. Islamic Azad Uni. – Sanandaj Branch. Sanandaj- Iran. 2-3 March 2009. P:55. 152- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Biotechnology and Ethical Issues of Sex selection Before Birth . The 1st Congress on Biology & Biotechnology. Islamic Azad Uni. – Sanandaj Branch. Sanandaj- Iran. 2-3 March 2009. P:83. 153- Darabi M, Abolfathi AA, Noori M, Kazemi A, Ostadrahimi A, Rahimipour A, et al. Cholesterol Ester Transfer Protein I405V Polymorphism Influences Apolipoprotein A-I Response to a Change in Dietary Fatty Acid Composition. Horm Metab Res: 2009 Jul; 41(7):554-8. DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1192034. 154- Akbari NR, Kazemi A, Mami Zade M, Zoulfaghari Khavi H, Birami R, Moghbel A, Rikhteghar R, Nokhahh I, Vaez J, Asvadi I, Aivazi J, Maljaei H, Nikanfar A, Koshafar H, Sourosh M. Survey of Change On Oral Cavity Fungi Flora in Patients With Cancer Under Chemotherapy. 2nd International & 7th National Congress on Quality Improvement in Clinical Laboratories. Tehran- Iran. 20-24 April 2009. P:22. 155- Salehpour A, Akbari NR, Adibpour, Kazemi A, Study of Oropharyngeal Candidiasis in Patients with HIV+/AIDS. 2nd International & 7th National

13 Congress on Quality Improvement in Clinical Laboratories. Tehran-Iran. 20- 24 April 2009. P:124. 156- Akbari NR, Kazemi A, Salehpour A, Nokhahi I, Rajaei M, Leimoii H. Evolution of Corneal Scraping Smear with KOH Examination in The Diagnosis of Fungal Keratitis. 2nd International & 7th National Congress on Quality Improvement in Clinical Laboratories. Tehran-Iran. 20-24 April 2009. P:21. 157- Kazemi A. Rezaeian F. Zamene Milani F. Mohtadi Nia J. Ghaem Maghami SJ.Jabbari M. Ostad Rahimi A. Fungal Contamination of Consumed Tea In East Azarbaidjan Province. Journal Of Medicinal Plants.2009; Vol. 8. No. 29, P: 156-163. 158- Kazemi A. Pour Solaimani A. Madain SK. Fakhari A. Educational Conflicts in Medical Environments. 10th National congress of Medical Education. Shiraz Uni. of Med. Sci., Shiraz-Iran. 5-7 May 2009. P: 112. 159- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Kiani M. Limitation Aspects of Reproduction Right. 10th Asian Bioethics Conference & 4th UNESCO Asia – Pacifica School of Ethics Roundtable. Tehran Uni. of Med. Sci., Tehran-Iran. 26 – 29 April 2009. P: 2. 160- Kazemi A. Djahanghiri Z. Azari A. Aboulhasani M. Gherami S. Survey of Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci.'s Academic Staffs To Euthanasia. 10th Asian Bioethics Conference & 4th UNESCO Asia – Pacifica School of Ethics Roundtable. Tehran Uni. of Med. Sci., Tehran-Iran. 26 – 29 April 2009. P:148. 161- Kazemi A. Problems in Scientific Environments of Country Scientometrics. Health Information Management. Vol. 5, No. 2, Aug 2008; P:175-178. 162- Kazemi A. Mohtadi Nia J. Mahdavi R. Ghaem Maghami SJ. Akbari N. Salehpour A. Jabbari M. Rezaeian F. Zamene Milani F. Naeimi F. Seideh FMY Ata. Mycotoxicogenic Fungal Contamination of Consumed Rice in East Azarbaidjan. Medical Journal of Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci. Vol. 30 No. 3, Autumn 2008; P: 112-118. rd 163- Kazemi A. Medical Ethics and Children Nursing. 3 National Congress for New Methods in Children Nursing. Isfahan Uni. Of Med. Sci., Isfahan-Iran. ! 8-19 February 2009. P: 54. 164- Kazemi A. Concept of Medical Ethics in Different Professional Ethics Issues. The 3rd Seminar on Medical Error Prevention. Lorestan Uni. Of Med. Sci., Khorram Abad. 20-21 May 2009. P: 60-61. 165- Kazemi A. Crime Scene for Ecological Crime.1st Congress of Nature Protection. Tehran-Iran. 20 May 2009. P: 41. 166- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Deffinition of Medical Errors In Different Medical Ethics Issues. The 3rd Seminar on Medical Error Prevention. Lorestan Uni. Of Med. Sci., Khorram Abad. 20-21 May 2009. P: 57. 167- Kazemi A. Legal Application of Archeogenetic. First Iranian International Congress on Crime Scene Investigation. Tehran-Iran. 22-24 June 2009. P: 59. 168- Kazemi A. Cell Membrane Proteome of Fluconazole Resistance Gene in Aspergillus fumigatus. The Specialized Congress of Nanomedicine, Nanotechnology, Nanobiosensors and Nonomaterials. Mashhad Uni. Of Med. Sci., Mashhad -Iran. 14-15 June 2009. P: 49-50. 169- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Frame and Concept of Consent in Medical Environments. Iranian Society of Surgery Congress-Azarbaidjan Branch. Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci., Tabriz-Iran. 22-24 July 2009. P: 14.

14 170- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Provisional Medical Errors and Their Legal Effect. Iranian Society of Surgery Congress-Azarbaidjan Branch. Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci., Tabriz-Iran. 22-24 July 2009. P: 38. 171- Kazemi A. Virtual Autopsy. National Congress for New Methods in Education of Anatomy. Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci., Tabriz-Iran. 23-24 July 2009. P: 66-67 172- Kazemi A. Real Fields for Anatomy Education in Virtual Space of Web. National Congress for New Methods in Education of Anatomy. Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci., Tabriz-Iran. 23-24 July 2009. P: 94-95. 173- Kazemi A. Will for Autopsy. National Congress for New Methods In Education of Anatomy. Tabriz Uni. Of Med. Sci., Tabriz-Iran. 23-24 July 2009. P: 7-8. 174- Kazemi A. Animal Right in research Field. 6th Conventional of Iranian Veterinary Clinicians. Tabriz Islamic Azad University. Tabriz-Iran. 28-30 July 2009. P: 12. 175- Kazemi A. Processing of Scientific Data Using Bioinformatic Softwares. 6th Conventional of Iranian Veterinary Clinicians. Tabriz Islamic Azad University. Tabriz-Iran. 28-30 July 2009. P: 49. 176- Kazemi A. Bioethical Aspect of Using Biotechnology Techniques for Sex Selection. The 6th National Biotechnology Congress of Iran. Tehran-Iran13- 15 Aug. 2009. P: 105. 177- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Kiani M. Crimegenic Genome. The 6th National Biotechnology Congress of Iran.. Tehran-Iran13-15 Aug. 2009. P: 126. 178- Kazemi A. Genetic Privacy. The 6th National Biotechnology Congress of Iran. Tehran-Iran13-15 Aug. 2009. P: 114. 179- Darabi M, Noori M, Abolfathi A, Ostadrahimi A, Kazemi A. Effect of changes in dietary fatty acid composition on HDL composition and serum lipid profile. The first Iranian Congress of Metabolic Syndrome. . Tabriz- Iran.13-1 Jun 2008. P: 93. 180- Akbari AR, Salehpour R, Adibpour M, Kazemi A. Role of Aspergillus allergens in asthmatic patients. The 18th Iranian Congress on Infectous disease and Tropical Medicine. Tehran-Iran. 12-16 Dec 2009. P: 2. 181- Darabi M, Noori M, Abolfathi AA, Rahimipour A, Ostadrahimi A, Kazemi A. Effect of changes in dietary fatty acid composition on HDL composition and serum lipid profile. 10th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry & 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Tehran- Iran.16-9 Nov. 2009. P: 522. 182- Darabi M, Noori M, Abolfathi A, Kazemi A, Ostadrahimi A. Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein 1405V Polymorphisim Influences Aploprotein A-1 Response To a Changes In Dietary Fatty Acid Composition. Heart Foundation Conference. Heart in focus-celebration, collaboration and challenges. 1-16 May 2009. South Brisbane-Australia. P: 118. 183- Kazemi A. Laleh Haghighi. Ethical Issue of Uterus Transplantation. National Congress of Ethic on Developed Methods of Reproduction Treatment. 16-17 Dec. 2009. Djahrum Uni. Of Med. Sci. Djahrum-Iran. P: 85-86. 184- Kazemi A. Mohtadi Nia J. R Mahdavi R, Vahed Jabbari M, Ghaem Maghami, Ostad Rahimi AR, Rezaeian F, Zamene Milani F, FMY Ata S. Jafari A. Survey of Storage Wheat Contamination to Zearalenone Producer Fusarium SP. in East Azarbaidgjan. J. Zanjan Uni. Of Med. Sci., Vol. 17. No. 68. 2009. P: 45-54.

15 185-Kazemi A. Robson GD. Denning DW. Asghar Zade M. Identification Isolation,Cloning and Sequencing of Fluconazole Resistance Gene in Aspergillus fumigatus. J Pharmaceutical Sciences. Summer 2008. 27-35. 186- Kazemi A. Feizollahi N. Atalou S. Masoudi Nia M. Abbasi M. Kiani M. Survey of Effective Risk Factors in Earth Biosafety. 2nd International Congress On Reproductive Health and Family Planning. 27-29 Oct 2010. Urmia Uni. of Med. Sci., Urumia-Iran. P: 141. 187- Kazemi A. Feizollahi N. Atalou S. Masoudi Nia M. Abbasi M. Kiani M. Relation Between Developed Reproductive Methods With Ethics and Law. 2nd International Congress On Reproductive Health and Family Planning. 27- 29 Oct 2010. Urmia Uni. of Med. Sci., Urumia-Iran. P: 138. 188- Kazemi A. Feizollahi N. Atalou S. Willing For Dissection. First Medical Ethics Annual Congress. 20-21 Oct 2010. Tehran Uni. of Med. Sci., Tehran-Iran. P:45. 189- Shahabi Najad R. Kazemi A. Pezeshki Z. Ghojazade M. Kosha A. Conflict Between Autonomy and pregnancy Prevention Using Vasectomy and Tubectomy. First Medical Ethics Annual Congress. 20-21 Oct 2010. Tehran Uni. of Med. Sci., Tehran-Iran. P:98. 190- Kazemi A. Feizollahi N. Atalou S. Patient rights: Exact Mean of Informed Consent. First Medical Ethics Annual Congress. 20-21 Oct 2010. Tehran Uni. of Med. Sci., Tehran-Iran. P:37. 191- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Feizollahi N. Atalou S. Medical Malpractice and Law. First Medical Ethics Annual Congress. 20-21 Oct 2010. Tehran Uni. of Med. Sci., Tehran-Iran. P:140. 192- Kazemi A. Feizollahi N. Atalou S. Masoudi Nia M. Abbasi M. Kiani M. Survey of Crime Field and Crimegenic Genome. Professional Applied Ethics Congress. 11 Nov 2010. Colestan Uni. of Med. Sci. Ghorghan-Iran. P: 20. 193- Kazemi A. Matloubi Sis B. Survey of Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci. Physicians Opinions About Breaking Bad News. Professional Applied Ethics Congress. 11 Nov 2010. Colestan Uni. of Med. Sci. Ghorghan-Iran. P: 45. 194- Kazemi A. Pour Solaimani A. Madain SK. Fakhari A. Educational Conflicts in Medical Environments About Trust Telling to Patients. 10th National congress of Medical Education. Professional Applied Ethics Congress. 11 Nov 2010. Colestan Uni. of Med. Sci. Ghorghan-Iran. P: 92. 195- Kazemi A. Kamali F. Madaeni SK. Vaez J. A survey on High Risk Fetus Prone to Have Heredity Major Infant Disability and Opinions About the Birth Subject Among Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci. Physicians. 11th Iranian Genetics Congress. 22-2 May 2010. Shahid Beheshti Uni. of Med. Sci. Tehran. Iran. P: 6. 196- Kazemi A. Akbari NR. Asvadi I. Aivazi J. Vaez J. Nikanfar A. Maljaei H. Koshafar H. Nokhah, I. Nozamani L. Survey of Pityrosporum ovale Colonisation in Head Skin of Patients With Leukemia Underlying Chemotherapy. J Ardabil Uni. of Med. Sci., 2010 Vol. 10(2): 137-144. 197- Kazemi A. Abbasi. M. Genetically Modified Foods and Consumers Rights. Iranian Journal of Ethics in Science and Technology. 2008 Vol. 3(3-4); 47- 55. 198- Kazemi A. Pour Solaimani A. Madain SK. Fakhari A. Educational Conflicts in Medical Environments About Trust Telling to Patients. 10th National

16 congress of Medical Education. Journal of Medical Ethics and History. 2010 Vol. 3 (2); 54-61. 199- Darabi M. Abolfathi A. Ostadrahimi A Kazemi A. Shaker M. Nouri M. Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein 1405V Polymorphisim Influences Aploprotein A-1 Response To a Changes In Dietary Fatty Acid Composition. J Zanjan Uni. of Med. Sci., 2009 Vol. 17 (69); 54-61. 200- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Feizollahi N. Atalou S. Masoudi Nia M. Informed Consent During Anesthesia and operation. 11th International Congress of Anesthesiology. 12 -14 Jan 2011. Ahvaz Djondishapour Uni. of Med. Sci., Ahvaz. Iran. P: 3. 201- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Feizollahi N. Atalou S. Masoudi Nia M. Medical Ethics and Law During Anesthesia. 11th International Congress of Anesthesiology. 12 -14 Jan 2011. Ahvaz Djondishapour Uni. of Med. Sci., Ahvaz. Iran. P: 79. 202- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Feizollahi N. Atalou S. Masoudi Nia M. Legal Issue of Medical Malpractice. 11th International Congress of Anesthesiology. 12 -14 Jan 2011. Ahvaz Djondishapour Uni. of Med. Sci., Ahvaz. Iran. P: 80. 203- Kazemi A. Babaei Najad SH. Zare Mahmoudabadi A. Djafari A. Role of Disattention to Health Rules in Treatment Failure of Superficial & Coetaneous Mycoses. Depiction of Health. 2010. Vol. 1. (2); 29-33. 203- Kazemi A. Denning DW. Robson G. Zare Mahmoudabadi A. Djafari A. Molecular Detection of Phospholipases B3 as Effective Factor in Pathogens of Aspergillus Fumigatus. Journal of Mashhad Uni. of Med.Sci., 2011. Vol. 53. (4); 199-205. 204- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Kiani M. Kahnamouei Z. Law and Bio Safety, Epidemiologic Survey of Bio Safety Risk Factors. The National Congress on Law and Ethic in Biotechnology. 18-19 May 2010. Shahid Beheshti Uni., Tehran. Iran. P: 83-85. 205- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Kiani M. Ethical Issue of Genetic Data Banks. The National Congress on Law and Ethic in Biotechnology. 18-19 May 2010. Shahid Beheshti Uni., Tehran. Iran. P: 57-59. 206- Kazemi A. Mahasti M. Pourabbas A. Fayzollahi N. Atalou S. Masoudi M. Medical Ethics and Professionalisim. Peghuake Amozesh. 2011. Vol. 7 & 8: 11-6. 207- Kazemi A. Asghar Zade M. Jafari A. Identification, Isolation, Cloning and Sequencing of Tannase Gene from Aspergillus niger. Jundishapur J Microbiol 2011;4(1):27-3. 208- Kazemi M. Kazemi A. Meshghini A. Fayzollahi N. Atalou S. Masoudi M. Psycateria in Traditional Medicine. The 3th Seminar on Islamic and Persian Medicine. 10-11 March 2011. Shiraz Uni. of Med. Sci. Shirz- Iran. P:28. 209- Asghari M. Kazemi A. Dolatkhah H. Moaddab SR. Survey of Urine Examination in Traditional and Modern Medicine. The 3th Seminar on Islamic and Persian Medicine. 10-11 March 2011. Shiraz Uni. of Med. Sci., Shirz- Iran. P:29. 210- Kazemi A. Kazemia M. Feizollahi N. Atalou S. Masoudi Nia M. Abbasi M. Comprehensive Medical Ethics Education for Health System Improvement. 12th National Medical Education Congress. Mashhad Uni. of Med. Sci., Mashhad-Iran. 30 April - 2 May 2011. P: 525. 211- Kazemi A. Kazemia M. Feizollahi N. Atalou S. Masoudi Nia M. Abbasi M. Kiani M. Using Emam Sadjad Law Book for Improvement of Medical

17 Education Curriculum. 12th National Medical Education Congress. Mashhad Uni. of Med. Sci., Mashhad-Iran. 30 April - 2 May 2011. P: 525. 212- Kazemi A. Kazemi M. Madaeni SK. Vaez J. Fakhari A. Pour Solaimai AR. Kamali F. Ghotbi F. Matlubi B. Shahabi R. Survey of Enough Education for Consideration of Medical Professionalism. 12th National Medical Education Congress. Mashhad Uni. of Med. Sci., Mashhad-Iran. 30 April - 2 May 2011. P: 98. 213- Kazemi A. Pour Solaimai AR. Fakhari A. Madaeni SK. Kazemi M. Malakoti J. Balance for Trust Telling. 12th National Medical Education Congress. Mashhad Uni. of Med. Sci., Mashhad-Iran. 30 April - 2 May 2011. P: 577. 214- Kazemi A. Kazemi M. Madaeni SK. Vaez J. Fakhari A. Pour Solaimai AR. Kamali F. Ghotbi F. Matlubi B. Shahabi R. Effect of Medical and Profissional Ethics in Improvement of National Medical Environment. 12th National Medical Education Congress. Mashhad Uni. of Med. Sci., Mashhad-Iran. 30 April - 2 May 2011. P: 164. 215- Kazemi A. Sadeghi H. Ghojazade M. Sadeghi Ghiasi F. Erfani S. Kazemi M. Successful Skill Base Education of Medical Data Bases. 12th National Medical Education Congress. Mashhad Uni. of Med. Sci., Mashhad-Iran. 30 April - 2 May 2011. P: 467. 216- Kazemi A. Kazemi M. Sadeghi H. Ghojazade M. Sadeghi Ghiasi F. Erfani S. Scientific Treating Beside Medical Education. 12th National Medical Education Congress. Mashhad Uni. of Med. Sci., Mashhad-Iran. 30 April - 2 May 2011. P: 233. 217- Kazemi A. Kazemi M. Samadi Rad B. Dastmalchi S. Exact Necessity of New Developed Medical Sciences and Fields in Medical Education Curriculum. 12th National Medical Education Congress. Mashhad Uni. of Med. Sci., Mashhad-Iran. 30 April - 2 May 2011. P: 652. 218- Kazemi A. Kazemi M. Samadi Rad B. Compulsory Consideration of Professionalism in Medical Education. 12th National Medical Education Congress. Mashhad Uni. of Med. Sci., Mashhad-Iran. 30 April - 2 May 2011. P: 453. 219- Kazemi A. Kazemi M. Samadi Rad B. Informal Education in Formal Medical Education Fields. 12th National Medical Education Congress. Mashhad Uni. of Med. Sci., Mashhad-Iran. 30 April - 2 May 2011. P: 264. 220- Kazemi A. Analyzing of Fungal Genomic Projects Using Bioinformatics Software. 1st Iranian Congress on Medical Mycology. Mazandaran Uni. of Med. Sci., Sari-Iran. 2-3 May 2011. P: 33. 221- Kazemi A. Jafari A. Molecular Survey of Annexin Gene from Penicellium chrysogenome. 1st Iranian Congress on Medical Mycology. Mazandaran Uni. of Med. Sci., Sari-Iran. 2-3 May 2011. P: 105. 222- Kazemi A. Kazemia M. Abbasi M. Kiani M. Feizollahi N. Atalou S. Masoudi Nia M. Adaptation with Religious or with Ethics. National Congress for Adaptation of Medical Services with Islamic Guides. Lorestan Uni. of Med. Sci., Khorram Abad-Iran. 11-12 May 2011. P: 8-9. 223- Kazemi A. Kazemia M. Abbasi M. Kiani M. Feizollahi N. Atalou S. Masoudi Nia M. Consideration of Ethical and Religious Guides in Medical Education and Research. National Congress for Adaptation of Medical Services with Islamic Guides. Lorestan Uni. of Med. Sci., Khorram Abad- Iran. 11-12 May 2011. P: 10-11.

18 224- Kazemi A. Kazemia M. Professional Ethics and Health System. The First International & 4th National Congress on Health Education & Promotion. Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci., Tabriz-Iran. 16-19 May 2011. P; 56. 225- Kazemi A. Kazemia M. Profissional Relationship in Health System and Medical Enviroment. The First International & 4th National Congress on Health Education & Promotion. Tabriz Uni. of Med. Sci., Tabriz-Iran. 16-19 May 2011. P: 126. 226- Ahmadpour E. Mazloumi GAS, Bazemani A, Kazemi A, Babaloo Z. Prevalance of IL18-607A/C Polymorphisim in Patients with Visceral leishmaniasis. J Gorgan Uni. of Med. Sci. Spring 2010;13(1):66-72. 227- Kazemi A. Shekari Khaniani M, Mansouri Derakhshan S. Social Privacy and Genetic Privacy in Genetic Lab and counseling. 2th Iranian Genetic Congress. Tehran. 20-21 Jun 2011. P: 26-7. 228- Kazemi A. Shekari Khaniani M, Mansouri Derakhshan S. Etical Consept of Biometric Banks. 2th Iranian Genetic Congress. Tehran. 20-21 Jun 2011. P: 81. 229- Kazemi A. Shekari Khaniani M, Mansouri Derakhshan S. Metagenomic Aspects of Related Genomic Projects to Human Genome. 2th Iranian Genetic Congress. Tehran. 20-21 Jun 2011. P: 83. 230- Kazemi A. Shekari Khaniani M, Mansouri Derakhshan S. Doping of scenes Using Genetically Modification. 2th Iranian Genetic Congress. Tehran. 20-21 Jun 2011. P: 84. 231- Kazemi A. Kazemi M. Recreating of Nature. 3rd Biosafety & Genetic Engineering Congress. Tehran. 13-15 June 2011. P: 5. 231- Kazemi A. Abbasi M. Ethical, Legal and Religious aspects of Genetic Engineering. 3rd Biosafety & Genetic Engineering Congress. Tehran. 13-15 June 2011. P: 205.


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