Template for Statement of Pupil Premium Strategy Primary Schools s1

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Template for Statement of Pupil Premium Strategy Primary Schools s1

Pupil premium strategy statement (primary)

1. Summary information School St Johns First School Academic Year 2016/17 Total PP budget £6,600 Date of most recent PP Review Nov 2016 Total number of 70 Number of pupils 4 Date for next internal review of this March 2017 pupils eligible for PP strategy 2. Current attainment Pupils eligible for PP Pupils not eligible for PP % achieving in reading, writing and maths 25 % % % making progress in reading 100 % % % making progress in writing 100 % % % making progress in maths 75 % % 3. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP, including high ability) In-school barriers (issues to be addressed in school, such as poor oral language skills) A. Lack of personal experiences hinders their imagination and range of vocabulary B. Speech and language hinders them from getting ARE in writing as spelling is poor C. Attendance External barriers (issues which also require action outside school, such as low attendance rates) D. Family structure 4. Desired outcomes Desired outcomes and how they will be Success criteria measured A. Improve oral skills Enrich their experiences B. Children gain a wealth of experiences during their time in The children meet ARE in writing school C. Increased attendance Children’s attendance is at least 97% in line with other children D. 5. Planned expenditure Academic year 2016/17 The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the pupil premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school strategies. i. Quality of teaching for all Desired outcome Chosen action / What is the evidence and rationale for How will you ensure it is Staff lead When will you approach this choice? implemented well? review implementation? A Resources have an impact on Staff training on interventions Staff feel more confident and understand the needs of the Lesson observations, book trawls, pupil EC End of Autumn term their learning so children make CPD on planning for the needs individual children voice and assessment on a termly basis better progress in their English of the children Staff have more understanding of how to get the children reading, writing and GPS to be ARE or above by the end of the academic year B children have knowledge Use of IT Enhance pupils research skills so they are able to Teachers ensure they plan time to use IT EC March 2017 of the world conjure up an image instantly that they may not be in a range of lessons, pupils voice, lesson familiar with observations and book trawls

Total budgeted cost £2,216

ii. Targeted support Desired outcome Chosen What is the evidence and rationale for How will you ensure it is Staff lead When will you action/approach this choice? implemented well? review implementation? A children’s work is on track Small group work or 1:1 Small group work or 1:1 teaching with highly Assessment, tracking, lesson EC 11Th Jan 2016 for ARE or above intervention trained staff has been very effective in school observations, pupil voice and pupil ensuring the children get personalised learning progress meetings

B Children have more Ensure the children are aware When children gain first hand experiences we Letters and emails sent out to parents, TP and CA 23rd Nov 2016 knowledge of the world in of all the opportunities in have evidence that the children are more willing to pupils voice, tracking and moderation of which they live school and make parents write and their writing improves, with evidence of work aware school will fund these progress in their work. Total budgeted cost £4,334

iii. Other approaches Desired outcome Chosen What is the evidence and rationale for How will you ensure it is Staff lead When will you action/approach this choice? implemented well? review implementation? C All PP children’s Reward classes for highest It is proven that children’s attendance can affect Weekly checks on attendance TP End of Autumn term attendance is at least 97% attendance on a weekly basis, the children’s learning if they do not attend or more reward individual children regularly termly and inform parents on % termly Total budgeted cost £50

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