Substitute Teacher Instructions
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Substitute Teacher Instructions 2011 年 9 月 17 日
Dear Guest Teacher,
Thank you for taking my class in my absence. If you would, please also leave me a note telling me how things went, who was most helpful, and what the class accomplished. The following information will help you navigate the day, which I hope goes well!
Sincerely, Ms. K (Keisa Williams)
Resource Locations
Inside the Lesson Plan Binder Inside Lesson Plan Binder Copy on top of the TV cart. Class roster Lesson plans Teacher’s handbook/guidelines
Bookshelf near the storytime area. TV cart left out for you. Office will direct you. School supplies (crayons, Audio/visual equipment Teachers’ lounge worksheets, pencils, storytime books.
Administrative Contacts
Jill Tabachnick Front Office 510-568-3101 (or dial 11501 from school phone) Principal Room number Phone
Angelica Alejandre & Mina Vega Front Office 510-568-3101 (or dial 11500 or 11502 from school phone) Secretary Room number Phone Classroom Policies
Water fountain Only 2 students may leave at one time and they MUST have the classroom bathroom pass The library restroom is located to the rear of the library. Only 1 toilet. Ask students if they Restroom washed their hands and flushed the toilet when they return. Pencil sharpener No pencils will be sharpened. NO erasers. Tell students to draw 1 line through mistakes. Illness Send sick students to the office.
Managing the Classroom
Quiet signal Ring the bell. All students must freeze & listen to instructions.
Classroom rules Students may not remove books from inside the bookshelves. Kindergarten students may read only the board books that are on display in the storytime area of the library. While the teacher is talking, students listen (no talking). Students must raise a silent hand in order to ask a question (no shouting out). Consequences POSTER in the storytime area.
Grade 4 & Grade 5 Lesson
Materials Whiteboard & Dry Erase Pens/Dry Eraser Pencil Baskets KWL Charts TV Cart Video: Barack Obama (14 mins) Attention Bell
Set Up Place Pencil Baskets on all 5 tables Place 1 KWL chart on the table in front of each chair (30-31 students) Cue up the Video in the TV Cart Push library benches to the sides of the storytime area to allow for sitting on the carpet. Set up your white board with the following information:
Biography: Barack Obama K W L
Draw the chart in black. Use blue for the title and letters KWL.
Greeting Meet students outside. Students will be lined up on the 3rd square from the wall. Introduce yourself.
Say: Today we will be learning about Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States and completing a KWL chart. We will begin at the tables. Please sit in integrated groups (lace your fingers). This means boy-girl-boy-girl. Please enter the library, have a seat at the tables and wait for instructions. Remember: boy-girl-boy-girl. Objective Ring the bell to get student’s attention if needed. Say: Last week Ms. K read Harry Houdini’s Biography. She explained that you always need to set a purpose for reading. The purpose for reading a biography is “to learn”. Today we will be watching a Video Biography about Barack Obama and filling out a KWL chart to track our learning. Mini-Lesson Ask students to turn the paper over to the blank side and write their FIRST & LAST name AND their University name.
Say: All papers without a First & Last Name and University will receive a zero for the day.
Write in the word “Know” on the white board Ask students to write what they already know about Barack Obama. Write a couple of examples of your own: Example:
Biography: Barack Obama Know W L -President -Two daughters
Give students a few minutes to write at least 3 things they know about Barack Obama that they already know. Remind students NO TALKING while writing. Ask them to put their pencils down when they are done writing.
Explain that the “W” column is for “What they want to learn” about Barack Obama. Write “What” in the “W” column and think aloud as you write your examples:
Say: I’ve always wondered how he got into politics. Did he have any other jobs? Does he have siblings (brothers or sisters)?
Biography: Barack Obama Know What you want to L know. -President -How did he get into -Two daughters politics? -Other jobs? -Siblings?
Now ask the students to write their own questions. At least 3 questions. Give students a couple minutes to write their own questions. Remind students NO TALKING while writing. Ask them to put their pencils down when they are done writing.
Tell students the “L” Column is for what they have LEARNED after watching the video biography.
Say: We will move to the carpet to view a 14-minute biography about Barack Obama. There will be integrated seating. When I say go, stand up, push in your chairs and walk to the carpet. GO.
Remind students that they must remain silent during the video. Tell them you will take names of disruptive students to report to Ms. K. If students are continuously disruptive, send them to the office with a green form.
Stop the video so that you have at least 10 minutes to move back to the tables to complete the KWL chart.
Say: Now that you have learned a little about Barack Obama, when I say GO, you will return to your seats to fill out what you have learned. You will silently return to your original seat. No talking during the transition from the rug to the tables. GO.
Students return to their seats and write for 5 minutes. Ring the bell. Ask for volunteers to share out to the class what they learned. Write that information on your chart.
Wrap Up Tell students you have viewed a video biography about Barack Obama and filled out a KWL chart to keep track of the new information they learned.
Say: Using a KWL chart is a great way to keep track of what you already know, what you want to know, and what you learned about a subject. Ms. K will be using this chart you created today to assess your learning. Please place all of the pencils in the pencil basket and make 1 neat pile of papers on top of the basket.
When the room is quiet (use the bell), ask students to push in their chairs and line up. Grade 1-3 Lesson
Materials Attention Bell TV Cart Video: Stellaluna (40 mins) Set Up Cue up the Stellaluna video on the TV Cart Push all benches to the side in the storytime area. (Students will be seated on the rug…not laying down, but seated on their bottoms…crisscross). Greeting Meet students outside. Students will be lined up on the 3rd square from the wall. Introduce yourself.
Say: Last week Ms. K talked to you about fruit bats by showing you a short video and reading information from the Encyclopedia. Today we will watch a video of the book Stellaluna by Janell Cannon. We will sit on the rug. Please choose integrated seating on the rug. groups (lace your fingers) This means boy-girl-boy-girl. Please enter the library and silently have a seat on the rug. Remember: boy- girl-boy-girl and crisscross. Lesson Tell students to watch the video carefully.
Say: When Ms. K returns, she will ask you to compare and contrast the book versus the movie. You should be able to discuss how the movie is different and how it is the same as the Stellaluna book.
Remind students to remain silent during the movie.
Play the movie. Wrap Up 2 minutes before the end of class, stop the video.
Assure students they will see the end of the movie with Ms. K when she returns (if they didn’t get to see the end).
Remind student they should be able to tell how the movie was the same and how it was different from the book when Ms. K returns. Ask students to silently line up. Grade K Lesson
Materials Readaloud Book- Coloring Sheets Library Sink, Liquid Soap, & Paper Towels Display Board Books in the Story Area of the Library Library Benches in two rows facing the bookshelf Setup -2 crayon baskets on each of the 4 circle tables -Activity Sheets. Place on circle tables in front of each chair. (22-23 students per class) -Tear off 23 paper towels (makes hand washing go faster) Greeting Meet students outside. Students will be lined up on the 3rd square from the wall. Introduce yourself.
Say: Ms. K will return on Monday. I need to see that you are ready to enter the library.
First- You are standing in the third square from the wall and your feet are in your own square. (walk down the line to check)
Second- Your mouth is silent. (repeat this sentence until you have 100% silence)
Third- Your eyes are on me. (wait for all eyes to be on you)
Follow me inside and we will wash our hands.
When you walk inside, make sure you take the path that goes up the stairs and straight ahead towards the promethean board, right turn inside the storytime area, right turn at the circulation desk, and have students line up on the SPOT (a piece of tape on the floor near the sink). Washing When 1 student is washing hands, the next student stands on the spot. You stand Hands next to the sink to direct the activity at the sink.
This part is tricky. You need to stay at the sink. When students are done washing their hands, they know to walk around the bookshelves, take a board book from the storytime area and sit down to read. Every now and then, pause and go to the storytime area and give a few hand stamps to the students who are sharing a book.
Before you turn on the water, remind students that you want to see them “sharing” a book. Remind them that sharing is 2-3 students with 1 book.
(Note: Kindergarten students may only read the board books that are on display in the storytime area of the library (NOT INSIDE THE BOOKSHELVES!!) At the sink: You Say (for each student): Wet your hands. 1 pump of soap (you pump the soap in their hands) Bubbles! (really encourage them to rub their hands so they see the bubbles) Rinse Shake Next!
You give 1 napkin (that you have already pre-torn)
As the student is drying their hands, they walk to the trash can near the stairs, and continue to walk to the storytime area to read.
It should take less than 10 minutes to wash hands.
Lesson Ring the bell. All students should freeze and look at you. (If they don’t freeze, Say: When I ring the bell, I want you to freeze and put your eyes on me. Then ring the bell again)
Tell the students to return the books where they belong. Remind students that The book should be right side up with the front cover visible. (Make a big deal when a student corrects a backwards or sideways book, Ex: “Great job turning the book so I can see the front cover”, or “I see you are being responsible with library materials”.
Say: Today we will continue with our Author Study of Jan Thomas. Jan Thomas is the author of our book. What do author’s do?
The class will begin to sing: The author writes the words The author writes the words Hi-Ho Librario The author writes the words
Say: That’s right! The author writes the words of the story, and today we will re-read a book by our author, Jan Thomas, called “What Will Fat Cat Sit On”. You should always read your library books more than once to help you really understand the story.
Before we read, we need to get our hands ready. (hold your two fists up and wait for students to do the same)
Sing: Open, Shut Them Open, Shut Them Give your hands a CLAP, CLAP, CLAP (Clap as you say the word clap) Open, Shut Them Open, Shut Them Put Them in Your LAP LAP LAP (pat your hands on your lap as you say the word lap) If students do not look ready for the story, pull the poster from the wall behind them and point to what you want students to do as you narrate the behavior you want to see: Ex- I need your feet on the floor. I need to see your hands in your lap, etc.
Read the story. Read slowly and with expression.
Show students the activity sheet. Ask if they can count to 8. Then practice counting to 8. Tell students they will draw 8 polka dots on the mouse. Turn the paper over and ask if they can count to 2. Practice counting to 2. Ask them to draw 2 things for pig to eat on the plate.
Ask students to move to the tables to color and complete the activity sheets drawn by Jan Thomas.
Activity Since papers are already on the tables, students may begin coloring as soon as they sit down.
Tell students you will be giving stamps (on their hands) to students who are polite and who share the crayons. Tell them you want to hear: Will you PLEASE pass the crayons? And Thank you.
Stamp their paper if they have 8 polka dots. Stamp the other side of the paper if they have 2 things to eat on pigs plate. Closure When you have 2 minutes before the teacher arrives, ring the bell. Wait for 100% attention.
Ask students to return the crayons to the crayon basket, push in their chairs, and take their activity page to their line spot.
Students line up inside the library BEHIND the brown mat. Ask students to hug their paper to protect it while they walk.
If the teacher does not arrive on time, try singing the alphabet song with the class until the teacher returns. You may also try singing Itsy Bitsy Spider. Thursday Whitman Double Lesson
Activity – Sequencing of Events Subject Area - English Language Arts Who it is For - Kindergarten and Grade One Purpose - To test the students’ ability to arrange situations sequentially. Objectives
- To test comprehension and retention of information about a story.
- To be able to identify the important situations and arrange events accordingly as they happened in the book.
What Materials are Needed
- The book Stellaluna by Janell Cannon
- Pencils and paper Introduction/What needs to be Done
- Before the class, the Teacher would prepare a list of important events in the book Stellaluna in random order.
- The Teacher would read Stellaluna to the class while encouraging the students to listen well.
- After the story is read, the Teacher would write her prepared list of events on the board.
- The students would be instructed to arrange the situations sequentially based on how they remember from the book.
- The Teacher would let the students read their answers to check if they are able to remember correctly.
Closure – The Teacher can read the story again so that the students can personally check their answers.
If time left at the end, pass out Stellaluna coloring sheet and crayons at the tables. You may also play the Stellaluna video or one of the other video stories from the video basket if you have time.
Weekly Class Schedule e e e e e m m m m m i i Monday i Tuesday i Wednesday Thursday i Friday T T T T T
8:10 8:10 Grade 5-Macalester Grade 5-SFSU - Grade 1-Whitman - Teacher: Ms. Boylan 8:10 Teacher: Ms. Chala 8:50 Teacher: Ms. Moore 8:50 - 9:00 (Whitman Double 9:00 Grade 4-Oberlin 9:40 Grade 4-CAL - Session Lesson) - Teacher: Ms. Gonzalez Teacher: Ms. Ramsey 9:40 9:40 10:10 10:10 10:10 Grade 3-Penn Grade 3-Columbia Buddy Reading - - - Teacher: Ms. Sinclair Teacher: Mr. Meyer Go to the yard. 10:50 10:50 10:50 10:50 10:50 10:50 Grade 2-Hawaii Grade 2-UCSC Grade2-Brown - - - Teacher: Ms. Gallina Teacher: Ms. Cori Teacher: Mr. Byrd 11:30 11:30 11:30 11:30 11:30 End of the day for you. - Lunch & Prep Time - Lunch & Prep Time 11:30 Have a great weekend! 12:50 12:50 12:50 12:50 Grade 1-Whitman Grade K-Cal Tech - - Teacher: Ms. Moore Teacher: Ms. Saleski 1:30 1:30 1:45 1:45 Cancelled due to Field Grade K-Boston - - Trip Enjoy a break! Teacher: Mr. Cline 2:25 2:25 Grade 1-OSU 2:35 Grade 1-Stanford 2:35 Teacher: Ms. Erin - Teacher: Ms. Emi - GRADE K Lesson for 3:15 3:15 this class!!!
Please put crayons and pencils away (in the librarian’s bookshelf by the Promethean Board) at the end of the day. The After School program uses the library and my supplies will disappear.